[HN Gopher] Illustrated Self-Guided Course On How To Use The Sli...
       Illustrated Self-Guided Course On How To Use The Slide Rule
       Author : ngram
       Score  : 286 points
       Date   : 2020-08-02 12:44 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (sliderulemuseum.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (sliderulemuseum.com)
       | wykyee wrote:
       | ssadada
       | [deleted]
       | ogogmad wrote:
       | Also check out the quarter-square method and prosthaphaeresis.
       | ghaff wrote:
       | Slide rules to calculators was an incredibly fast technology
       | transition for the sort of people who would have been using slide
       | rules in the first place.
       | A 5-function calculator was about $100 in 1974 (so about $350 in
       | current dollars) and an HP scientific calculator was 3 or 4x as
       | much. By about the next year, a TI scientific calculator was
       | about the same and by a year or two later you could get an HP--
       | which was the gold standard for about the same amount.
       | And that was around the price point where making them not just OK
       | to use but mandatory was reasonable at least in higher ed. I was
       | one of the first classes in college where calculators were the
       | norm and slide rules were maybe something you brought for backup
       | at exams. (Calculators were still LEDs so you had to keep them
       | charged.)
       | code4tee wrote:
       | The "E6B Flight Computer" is a slide rule designed to perform
       | various navigation calculations and is still a part of flight
       | training for many pilots today. Once mastering it the old way
       | student pilots are then allowed to use electronic versions or
       | iPad apps that do all the calculations instantly.
       | Bloggerzune wrote:
       | A well-written and illustrated explanation like this one? I can't
       | imagine preferring a video unless someone just wants some
       | background noise and they don't really care about understanding
       | the subject. https://www.bloggerzune.com/2019/10/a-bloggers-big-
       | mistakes-...
       | surajs wrote:
       | how eccentric! would much rather prefer a yt vid / tutorial pls.
         | toolslive wrote:
         | I think the preference is age related: Personally I prefer text
         | over video, as I can process it at my speed, while with video
         | I'm limited to the speed with which it's explained.
         | My children all seem to prefer video.
           | JadeNB wrote:
           | > I think the preference is age related: Personally I prefer
           | text over video, as I can process it at my speed, while with
           | video I'm limited to the speed with which it's explained.
           | > My children all seem to prefer video.
           | When I ask for text transcripts of our training videos, in
           | place of having to sit through 20 minutes of poorly acted out
           | skits (that, re-certification being a periodic thing, I have
           | sat through some 5 or 6 times already in my 10 years on the
           | job), I am always told "but people enjoy the videos"--as if
           | providing transcripts were somehow exclusive of providing
           | videos.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | You're almost certainly right. I _hate_ searching for info on
           | something that could be easily explained in a paragraph and
           | maybe a screenshot and instead I have to watch through some
           | video--usually with an ad. I confess that I really resist
           | making videos of things unless I have no choice but I know a
           | lot of people prefer them.
           | A well-written and illustrated explanation like this one? I
           | can't imagine preferring a video unless someone just wants
           | some background noise and they don't really care about
           | understanding the subject.
         | TallGuyShort wrote:
         | Such tutorials are readily findable by searching for "slide
         | rule tutorial" on YouTube.
       | watersb wrote:
       | I love playing with slide rules because it wraps my brain into
       | using logarithms everywhere.
       | The game of Go also redecorates my thinking, in a way I cannot
       | put into words.
       | Slide rules!
       | dylan604 wrote:
       | One of my favorite scenes in "Apollo 13" has a CO2 hazy Jim
       | Lovell asking Houston to double check his math, and it cuts to a
       | room full of engineers as they all grab their slide rules to
       | calculate the answers Jim had just done in his head/scratch pad.
       | [deleted]
       | bregma wrote:
       | When I was in university, if you forgot your slide rule at an
       | exam they kindly had a supply of log tables you could pick up
       | from the proctor.
       | stblack wrote:
       | One of the nicest things about a slide rule is, you can easily
       | see the sensitivity of the result to variations of your last
       | input.
       | With a calculator, you get precision. With a slide rule, you get
       | a value and its sensitivity.
       | reaperducer wrote:
       | I'm old enough that I had a slide rule when I was in school.
       | Everyone did. They were built in to our pencil boxes.
       | Most of us didn't use them, except the fancy-pantses who also
       | insisted on using mechanical pencils. But we all knew how to use
       | them.
       | I'm graybeard enough that even through college, electric
       | calculators were prohibited in class because they would give you
       | answers without helping you understand the problem.
         | qrbLPHiKpiux wrote:
         | > answers without helping you understand the problem
         | This is my problem with common core math. It shows how to get
         | to an answer, but I feel it bypasses fundamental understanding
         | on why the answer is what it is.
           | analog31 wrote:
           | "Common core" can mean different things to different people.
           | When my kids were in grade school, I found that a few states
           | have put their common core standards in fairly readable form.
           | My impression is that common core is remarkably similar to
           | what my siblings and I learned in K-12 math class. It
           | actually led me to wonder what all of the fuss is about.
           | The main thing that seems to be lacking in K-12 math today,
           | is proofs. Those were my favorite part of math.
           | With that said, K-12 math teaching in my generation wasn't
           | all that successful.
           | metiscus wrote:
           | I feel that common core focuses more on teaching the various
           | methods than embracing the idea that correct answers and
           | understanding are largely what matter rather than any
           | specific method.
             | JadeNB wrote:
             | > correct answers and understanding
             | It's natural to lump these together as if they are a unit,
             | but I think it's important to be explicit about the fact
             | (which of course you know) that they are all too easily
             | separable: it is incredibly easy, given sufficiently
             | powerful tools, to get correct answers with little to no
             | understanding. True understanding (not just "oh, I think I
             | get it") that doesn't help to get answers is not nearly as
             | common, but of course it exists, too.
               | metiscus wrote:
               | Yes I totally agree with your sentiment that it is
               | vitally important to separate the correct answer from the
               | method by which it is achieved. Honestly understanding
               | mathematics is more important at some level than getting
               | the right answer to a particular problem. That's the
               | whole point, once you understand the grammar and
               | vocabulary of mathematical thinking you can attempt to
               | solve problems that are totally unrelated to things you
               | know and still sometimes get useful results. The
               | overwhelming question of the ages is how do you teach
               | with that goal in mind and take account of all of the
               | different learning pathologies while doing it in a
               | universally accessible and measurable way. I think the
               | problem is intractable as it is currently being
               | approached.
             | ghaff wrote:
             | That's hardly a new thing with common core. See Tom
             | Lehrer's "The New Math."
             | "...But in the new approach, As you know, the important
             | thing is to understand what you're doing, Rather than to
             | get the right answer."
               | metiscus wrote:
               | Interestingly that song is apparently about the first
               | time they tried to massively redesign the mathematics
               | curriculum based on on fuzzy math that we were falling
               | behind the Soviets or whatever. My parents tell me they
               | rebased around set theory early etc but it foundered on
               | nearly the same rocks that common core mathematics is now
               | - teacher must be well educated in the pedagogical
               | paradigm and fully understand it. E.g. you can't just
               | take the same set of teachers from math v1.2.1 and slam
               | them into math v2.1.0 or whatever without significant
               | issues the two approaches are not abi compatible. That's
               | why in my with opinion common core we are seeing teachers
               | test finding answers via method 1 specifically or method
               | 2 specifically rather than encouraging the use of either
               | to get a correct answer by an understood method. /rant
               | ghaff wrote:
               | That all sounds about right. The song was from around the
               | time I was in elementary school.
               | I suspect that part of the problem is that teaching math
               | concepts is at least somewhat orthogonal to drilling kids
               | on being able to perform basic arithmetic operations
               | fluently. Of course, these days I assume at least some of
               | the debate probably gets into the fact that being able to
               | do, say, long division quickly has about the same utility
               | as learning Palmer script.
         | metiscus wrote:
         | I graduated in 2009 and in my engineering courses calculators
         | were disallowed for similar reasons. I have found that courses
         | that disallow calculators generally have the problems set up in
         | a more elegant manner. E.g done properly the results end up in
         | whole numbers or radicalize well rather than just an incoherent
         | string of decimals. Courses that were focused on physical
         | phenomenon like device electronics allowed calculator use
         | because multiplying with Planck's constant by hand gets old
         | quickly.
       | KineticLensman wrote:
       | Alas! No specific mention of the circular slide rule [0]. I have
       | one in my desk drawer that I inherited from my dad - who used it
       | in the 1970s to confirm his hip hacker credentials to his
       | colleagues (they were building the control circuits for early
       | radio-therapy machines in a cancer research institute).
       | [0] https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/object-
       | groups/sli...
         | psim1 wrote:
         | Still very much in use: the E6B!
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E6B
         | analog31 wrote:
         | I was curious about circular slide rules, and found one on eBay
         | for a few bucks, so what the heck. It turned out that it was a
         | give-away from a company that used to be in my town, so I ended
         | up having a nice conversation with the seller about his history
         | with the company and so forth. He was a long retired engineer.
         | Anyway, I started playing with ratios, and noticed that the
         | thing is inaccurate! Further inspection and hypothesizing led
         | me to discover that the scales were not printed concentrically
         | with the mechanism. It's very slight, and not critical to my
         | work in any way, so I treat it as part of the learning
         | experience.
         | dctoedt wrote:
         | My dad was a USAF fighter pilot; he kept his in-flight circular
         | slide rule around for years. Unfortunately I didn't see it
         | around when clearing out the house out after he and my mother
         | died; I know I'd have kept it (because I've still got my yellow
         | Pickett aluminum Model N-500-ES, (c) 1962).
         | dan-robertson wrote:
         | Circular slide rules tend to have smaller scales which may be
         | harder to read but being circular has a great advantage. Look
         | at how much effort in the OP is devoted to cases where the
         | answer would ordinarily be off the end of the scale.
       | xenocyon wrote:
       | As someone who grew up in India in the 20th century: slide rules
       | are unfamiliar, but we used log tables (calculators of any kind
       | were prohibited through high school and standardized tests). For
       | those unfamiliar, log tables serve to replace
       | multiplication/division of floating-point numbers with
       | addition/subtraction instead, making scientific computation a lot
       | easier.
       | The main benefit of introducing this friction, rather than
       | allowing calculators, is that it (a) encourages one to do simple
       | calculations by hand, and (b) gets one in the habit of quickly
       | double checking that log-table-based results fall in the correct
       | ballpark. Calculators induce a sort of mindlessness where glaring
       | orders-of-magnitude errors pass us by since we expect the machine
       | to get it right.
       | With all that said, I don't know that I would recommend the use
       | of log tables to high schoolers in the 21st century. That effort
       | might be better utilized on more pressing needs e.g. statistical
       | literacy. Many folks (including me) got entirely through STEM-
       | focused high school knowing not even the slightest basics of
       | statistical inference or causality.
         | metiscus wrote:
         | I think that learning how to use a log table might cement
         | certain relationships for more advanced students. But I do
         | agree that in general there are probably better uses of one's
         | time than to teach them as a first class citizen.
       | derekp7 wrote:
       | One under-appreciated aspect of a slide rule, is for instantly
       | seeing fraction reductions at a glance. For example, lets say I
       | want to find out what aspect ratio a given screen resolution is
       | at. I can set that resolution as a ratio on the slide rule's C/D
       | scales (i.e., 1680x1050 becomes 1.68 one C, lined up with 1.05 on
       | D. Then I glance over, and see immediately that is 16 x 10
       | resolution.) If the value goes off the scales, look up to the
       | CF/DF scales.
       | This is also great when you have a bunch of resistors and
       | capacitors, and you need to build a circuit where the two are at
       | a particular ratio. Set the ratio you want, then you can take
       | whatever resistor you have, and see if you have a cap that is
       | "close enough" to what you need.
         | aasasd wrote:
         | Figuring out that 1680/1050 [?] 16/10 might not be the best
         | example ;)
           | derekp7 wrote:
           | Yes, I was trying to think of something real quick, so I
           | picked the resolution of my (older) monitor at work because
           | it was simple. You caught me!
         | myself248 wrote:
         | Seems to me that you could place tickmarks or colored dots or
         | something, at the E12 values along one scale (where resistors
         | are usually binned) and the E6 values along the other scale
         | (caps are usually sold in E6), and then it'd be an even quicker
         | glance to see where two line up.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_series_of_preferred_numbers
         | KineticLensman wrote:
         | > This is also great when you have a bunch of resistors and
         | capacitors
         | Yes! This is the sort of thing my Dad used them for (see my
         | other comment here for the context)
         | kqr wrote:
         | Also ratio multiplications, e.g. when increasing the amounts of
         | ingredients in recipes to match a particular amount of
         | something.
         | So if the primary ingredient is chevre cheese, the recipe calls
         | for 180 grams, but you can only buy it in 250 gram packages,
         | you can set the slide rule to "180 over 250" and then just
         | mechanically read off the proportionally correct amounts of all
         | other ingredients.
         | Slide rules are indispensable in the kitchen to me and I'm
         | surprised they're not part of standard kitchen equipment like
         | e.g. scales.
         | Edit: Similarly, if the recipe is expressing ingredients in US
         | units and you would want to know the international amounts, you
         | can set the slide rule to the conversion ratio and again,
         | mechanically read off the correct amounts as you go.
           | gumby wrote:
           | This is one advantage of the customary (English language non-
           | metric) units: the common ones are full of rational factors
           | (1/2, 2/3 etc) -- it's pretty easy to adjust a recipe to the
           | number of people.
       | supernova87a wrote:
       | I think practice with a slide rule also gets you to sanity check
       | your method and think whether the answer can be correct.
       | Given how you could forget and inadvertently reverse the scales,
       | etc, you have to think whether the answer you're getting makes
       | sense by looking at the trend of the numbers. Plug and chug into
       | a calculator takes some of that away.
       | vilesolid wrote:
       | See the 18 proven ways on how to make 10 dollars a day online
       | (2020)? https://vilesolid.com/how-to-make-10-dollars-a-day/
       | [deleted]
       | ColinWright wrote:
       | A few years ago I met Fred Haise Jr and got him to sign one of my
       | Slide Rules. He was so excited to see it, took it from me, and
       | started to show the event host how to use it!
       | He asked me what I use to lubricate it, and when I said "Pencil
       | graphite" he got even more excited. Apparently a lot of the other
       | astronauts had used fancy light lubrication oils, but he always
       | used a pencil and never had any problems.
       | He was a lovely man, and it was fabulous to enthuse with him over
       | this wonderful piece of technology.
       | lokedhs wrote:
       | I'm of the generation that missed out on slide rules by a decade
       | or so. My parents had one thta i played with as a kid, and I
       | learned to do multiplicication and division with it.
       | I'd like to get one now, mainly for fun, but if you want to buy
       | one on Ebay in good condition, you have to pay quite a bit of
       | money.
         | ghaff wrote:
         | Plastic "student" slide rules are cheap on eBay. But, yes,
         | quality K&E's etc. are expensive.
           | dwheeler wrote:
           | Quality K&E's were _never_ cheap :-).
           | lokedhs wrote:
           | Since this is something I want to keep on my desk, not only
           | for decoration but for actually copute things if I'm bored, I
           | really want tone of the nicer ones.
           | It seems around 35 EUR is a normal price.
             | ghaff wrote:
             | Quality slide rules probably cost a lot more than that when
             | they were still being manufactured :-)
         | myself248 wrote:
         | Seems to me that this is also a lovely use for a desktop laser
         | cutter. Dig out a copy of Pynomo or something and make your own
         | scales that suit whatever specialty application you have in
         | mind.
       | drfuchs wrote:
       | Another great thing about slide rule days is that results are
       | naturally constrained to 2 or 3 significant digits, so you'd
       | never see nonsense like "The mountain is 10km high, or 32808.4ft"
       | as if the 10km figure was accurate to 6 significant digits.
         | INGELRII wrote:
         | Unnecessary accuracy is technical incompetence.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | I think you mean precision in this case. If you're going to
           | be all high and mighty you should probably get your facts
           | correct.
         | sirsar wrote:
         | I still remember the day I found out the "98.6 degrees" human
         | body temperature was just an oversignificant conversion from
         | "about 37 C, or maybe lower."
           | JadeNB wrote:
           | > I still remember the day I found out the "98.6 degrees"
           | human body temperature was just an oversignificant conversion
           | from "about 37 C, or maybe lower."
           | Really? According to Wikipedia, the Fahrenheit scale
           | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit#History) is about
           | 18 years older than the Celsius scale
           | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsius#History), and I'm
           | surprised that human body temperature wasn't included as a
           | calibration. (But of course the fact that I'm surprised by it
           | doesn't mean it isn't true!)
             | _underfl0w_ wrote:
             | Could've sworn I remember hearing in grade school that one
             | of then was actually calibrated with cow body temperatures.
             | Don't remember which scale, though.
             | cyphar wrote:
             | Fahrenheit was initially intended to have 96degF be equal
             | to body temperature (in fact it was one of the three fixed
             | points in the temperature scale, designed to have 64 steps
             | between the freezing point of water at 32degF and human
             | body temperature).
             | However after the introduction of Celcius, Fahrenheit was
             | redefined slightly (with the freezing and boiling point of
             | water being the fixed "nice" values for the scale -- to
             | match the model used by Celcius) which resulted in human
             | body temperature no longer having such a nice value. This
             | also moved the 0degF value. So while technically Fahrenheit
             | does predate Celcius and it did have a "nice" value for
             | body temperature when invented, it was soon afterwards
             | redefined such that arguably the value is just a conversion
             | from Celcius.
             | In short, you're both correct. :D
               | folli wrote:
               | Why did they come up with 96 instead of 100, a nice round
               | number?
               | JadeNB wrote:
               | Sounds like the motivation was powers of 2, not 10.
       | leetrout wrote:
       | Circular slide rules are still used today in aviation in the form
       | of the E6B flight computer.
       | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/E6B
         | ghaff wrote:
         | Back when slide rules were still widely used and even after
         | calculators had recently come in, you also saw a lot of
         | industry-specific cardboard sliding scales that were basically
         | slide rules with different types of units.
       | veddox wrote:
       | Our math teacher, a former engineer, once brought his slide rule
       | to class when we were in grade 9. He posed a problem and raced us
       | to the solution, slide rule vs. calculators. He beat us all...
       | dave_aiello wrote:
       | In an era marked by renewed interest in vinyl records, shouldn't
       | there also be a corresponding interest in slide rules?
         | coldpie wrote:
         | I dunno, man. I'm pretty well-versed in math and I find this
         | page kind of baffling. I'm sure it's one of those things that
         | is very easy to use once you learn it, but at least this
         | introduction is very daunting. To do a basic multiplication
         | (step 1 in the linked page) I need to use the C and D scales,
         | each for two different purposes. Why not A and B? How do I
         | remember it's C and D? Which part goes on C and which part goes
         | on D? Then step 2 describes what to do if it goes off the edge
         | of the scale, and it involves making an approximation. How do I
         | know how accurate my approximation must be? Why is it to the
         | tens digit? If I get larger numbers do I continue to use the
         | tens digit, or some higher factor? We're only on step 2 and I'm
         | already lost.
         | This definitely looks like a great tool, and I'm kind of sad I
         | don't have one or understand how it works, but this kind of
         | complex learning and memorization up against dropping a needle
         | on a record you like isn't really a great comparison.
           | dwheeler wrote:
           | Don't be fooled, slide rules are _really_ easy to use. It
           | took me less than a minute to learn how to do multiplication,
           | and I wasn 't an adult yet.
           | The A/B/C/D names are from Amedee Mannheim, who in 1851
           | designed the "modern" slide rule & give those scales those
           | names. In practice, you normally just use the C & D scales
           | when you want to multiply. Here's a history of the "cursor"
           | on a slide rule, that also provides a clear history of the
           | slide rule itself: https://www.nzeldes.com/HOC/Cursors.htm
           | I've never had a _practical_ reason to use a slide rule over
           | a calculator. But I 've had _fun_ with them,  & that means
           | something.
           | ghaff wrote:
           | A lot of slide rules have a bunch of scales but there are
           | only a few you routinely use. Using a slide rule is very easy
           | to pick up. That said, you do need to handle the order of
           | magnitudes mentally and precision is necessarily limited.
           | And slide rules don't do addition or subtraction.
           | So they were useful in the absence of calculators as a way to
           | avoid using log and trig tables but you wouldn't
           | realistically use them in place of calculators today. (But
           | then I think vinyl records are pretty silly too; and I say
           | that as someone who grew up with them and actually owns a
           | turntable.)
           | yuubi wrote:
           | It works better if you know how the scales are constructed
           | and get familiar with properties of logarithms (mainly
           | variations on log ab = log a + log b)
           | C and D are plain log scales, where one decade is the length
           | of the rule. They're sort of the default scales to use.
           | Multiplication is commutative, so you put either number on
           | either scale. The important thing is that the distance from
           | the left index of the scale is proportional to the log of the
           | number (reading the scale as 1 to 10), so you want to arrange
           | the scales to add the lengths corresponding to your numbers
           | such that the lengths add up. (Or so that you subtract the
           | length of the divisor from the dividend, if you're dividing).
           | You can get by without the approximation if you're willing to
           | set up the multiplication, see that the product is out there
           | in thin air, then move the slide to put the right index where
           | you originally put the left index. (3 times 5: on the d scale
           | find 3 and put the left index of the C scale there; opposite
           | 5 on the C scale read nothing because there's no D scale
           | there; try again using the right index of the C scale, which
           | is the same thing as having another copy of the D scale out
           | there to the right where the air was).
           | A and B are each 2 copies of a log scale. You can absolutely
           | use the left side of A and B for your numbers to multiply,
           | and the product will always be on the scale.
           | People normally use(d?) C and D because the precision is
           | better and because the rest of the scales (like the trig and
           | log-log) are constructed to work with them.
             | kqr wrote:
             | Nit: while multiplication is commutative, the property you
             | meant to use was symmetry. I'm sure it was a mistake and
             | you know this, I'm just pointing it out to prevent
             | confusion for others.
             | Edit: s/competitive/commutative/
               | yuubi wrote:
               | Huh. I heard (US high school algebra in a recent
               | unspecified century) the fact that ab=ba called "the
               | commutative property of multiplication", and the
               | "symmetric property of equality" meant a=b <=> b=a, and
               | didn't run across anything later on (comp sci from a
               | department of the engineering college rather than the
               | math department) inconsistent with that. Symmetry sounds
               | like a reasonable term for both, but it sounds like
               | there's a distinction I don't get?
         | aitchnyu wrote:
         | 12 years back, I saw a site peddling a story about slide rules
         | forgotten in a warehouse for 40 years, even apologizing for dog
         | eared boxes. They said they promote skills athropied by
         | calculators.
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | Fascinating near invisible yet very high abstraction.
       | markbnj wrote:
       | My Dad, an engineer for GM/Cadillac, gave my brother and I each a
       | slide rule back in the 60's. I remember marveling at the
       | precision of it, and I did learn to use it for some calculations,
       | but not to a level that impressed him :).
       | tzs wrote:
       | One unexpected advantage in some circumstances of a slide rule
       | over current portable computing devices is that it does not have
       | memory.
       | You are allowed to bring a calculator to ham radio license exams
       | in the US, but you have to clear its memory (both data and
       | program memory for programmable calculators) first. If the
       | examiners aren't sure you have done so, they are supposed to
       | disallow the calculator.
       | Unlike many other standardized tests, there is no specific list
       | of what calculators are allowed. I brought my HP-15C, but wasn't
       | sure that the examiners would be familiar with it and so wasn't
       | sure I'd be able to convince them that I had cleared it.
       | I also brought a slide rule. That way if the examiners disallowed
       | my HP-15C I'd still be covered.
       | They did allow the HP-15C, and it turned out that even though I
       | took all three exams (Technician, General, and Extra) that day, I
       | only actually used the calculator once. The questions are all
       | multiple choice, and there was only one where a quick mental
       | approximation wasn't enough to identify the right answer.
       | ssimpson wrote:
       | I've been trying to figure out how to use my grandfathers
       | Dietzgen Maniphase Multiplex Decimal Trigtype Log Log rule. I
       | found the manual on this site! Very cool!
       | wdb wrote:
       | Cool, now I finally know how to use this rule that I got when me
       | and my siblings were clearing up the family house after my
       | parents passed away.
       | It's really fascinating, I will show my nephews when I am back in
       | the home country :)
       | Thanks for posting!
       | [deleted]
       | philiplu wrote:
       | What a blast from the past. I can draw a direct line from my
       | encountering a slide rule to ending up as a programmer. I owe my
       | career to that device.
       | I was a nerdy 10 year old kid who liked doing arithmetic in 1970,
       | but didn't know anything particularly advanced. I convinced my
       | parents to get me a slide rule as a Christmas present that year;
       | a basic white Post model 1447 - I know that because I'm looking
       | at it right now. It's been in my desk drawer forever as I could
       | never convince myself to throw it away, even though I've long
       | since lost the sliding cursor.
       | Anyway, I got the slide rule, had fun with basic
       | multiplication/division, but didn't understand what the S, T, and
       | L scales on the back were for. Sine/Tangent/Logarithm? What are
       | those?
       | Off to the library, where I picked up a Tutor-Text book [0] on
       | trigonometry, discovered I'd better first learn some algebra,
       | picked up another Tutor-Text book on that, and began a two-year
       | tear teaching myself algebra to integral calculus. Which meant I
       | tested out of a couple years of math in high school, ran out of
       | courses to take, and in my junior year was allowed to walk to the
       | local college to take 2nd year Calc classes.
       | At that college, they started letting me play with the computers,
       | both an IBM 5100 APL machine over one summer, and hands-on access
       | to the IBM 11/30 clone minicomputer that was the main machine.
       | The math prof pointed me at Knuth's "The Art of Computer
       | Programming", and that began my transition from pure mathematics
       | to computer programming/science instead. I even wrote a MIXAL
       | assembler/MIX simulator for the minicomputer that the college
       | ended up using to teach an assembly language course.
       | So thank you, Post, Pickett, K&E! And Tutor-Text as well.
       | [0]: https://gamebooks.org/Series/457/Show
         | chongli wrote:
         | I love your story. Thanks for sharing! I think we could have
         | way more stories like this if we were able to provide more
         | enriching environments for kids and properly nourish their
         | curiosity. I think so many young kids love asking questions and
         | the adults around them get fed up with the questions instead of
         | engaging with them in the process of discovery.
           | kqr wrote:
           | Not to mention schools using grades, signed slips, and other
           | extrinsic motivators to encourage conformity and obedience,
           | all the while extinguishing any intrinsic motivation, like
           | curiosity.
           | I'm sure the way schools look made a lot of sense in the time
           | of industrialisation and the manual labour of the factory
           | worker, but it's crazy we still shape students by that mould
           | when it's so far removed from the creative pursuits we expect
           | them to go on later in life.
             | gonzo wrote:
             | "Signed slips"... our son turned 18 half-way through his
             | senior year of high school. So I explained that he could
             | now sign his own excuses for being tardy, and no actually
             | explanation was required.
             | "Please excuse <name>, I am tardy." <signature of name>"
         | ezequiel-garzon wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. Something tells me
         | your career path wouldn't have changed significantly if you had
         | never touched a slide rule, though :)
         | geophile wrote:
         | I went through a very similar evolution, starting with slide
         | rules, at about the same time. You don't mention middle school
         | and high school -- I was very fortunate in having access to
         | Wang and Monroe programmable calculators, and then a PDP-8M.
         | Still have a few slide rules, includingn Pickett and K&E.
         | neilpanchal wrote:
         | > So thank you, Post, Pickett, K&E! And Tutor-Text as well.
         | I didn't even grow up in this era and I keep buying stuff from
         | eBay purely out of fascination for old ways of doing things.
         | These names on all kinds of things I have horded -
         | architectural templates, drafting machine, cutting mat, compass
         | set, lettering templates, etc.
         | Thanks for sharing your story!
         | gonzo wrote:
         | Similar background story, I was 8 in 1970, and my father knew
         | what a slide rule was, and how to use it, so I learned a bit of
         | trig from him before repeatedly checking out a textbook on trig
         | from the public library.
         | True story: my son took an AP physics class in high school,
         | (LASA) taught by sokeone with a PhD in physics. They had an
         | oversized teaching sliderule hanging from the ceiling, where
         | nobody could use it. It had become decoration, as nobody was
         | left to teach with it.
         | When I was at the school for a "meet your student's teachers"
         | night, one of the other parents asked about the side rule.
         | Instructor didn't know how it worked.
         | So I explained it.
         | My wife still has her grandfather's slide rules from when he
         | was the state engineer in the 50s and 60s.
           | philiplu wrote:
           | I remember those large teaching slide-rules, but haven't seen
           | one in decades. Great to know they still exist, if only as
           | mysterious artifacts from the dark ages.
           | Neither of my parents were mathematically inclined, but they
           | were content to let me forage for information on my own, with
           | lots of trips to the library. Amazing how clear are my
           | 50-year-old memories of 10-year-old me sitting on the floor
           | with a trig book, drawing random triangles on paper,
           | measuring them as carefully as I could with ruler and
           | protractor, and verifying the law of sines and cosines with
           | paper and slide-rule. God, I was such a nerd. Paid off well
           | in the end, though :-)
           | Now I'm retired, and for fun, I work my way through the
           | problems at Project Euler. Four years in, and only two more
           | problems to go to hit 90% complete! It'll probably take me
           | another year+ to finish them all (hopefully).
             | thechao wrote:
             | We end up doing a lot of back-of-the-envelope calculations
             | for various odds-and-ends. I keep a 4' long teaching slide-
             | rule next to my desk for this purpose. New employees are
             | befuddled. Everyone else just accepts it as a fact-of-life
             | when asking for my help.
         | TallGuyShort wrote:
         | Not in quite the same way, but I was inspired by watching
         | Apollo 13 as a kid. I felt like the heroes were the engineers
         | who could do the math and calculate the trajectories and work
         | out the procedure for starting up the LM with low power. I was
         | drawn to the engineering side of software by that. I keep an
         | antique slide rule and some other old engineering instruments
         | on my desk as a reminder of that inspiration.
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