[HN Gopher] Crush: A command line shell that is also a powerful ...
       Crush: A command line shell that is also a powerful modern
       programming language
       Author : robin_reala
       Score  : 364 points
       Date   : 2020-08-07 06:35 UTC (16 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | niek_pas wrote:
       | Has anyone got this to compile on macOS?
         | sylr wrote:
         | Nope, error: aborting due to 3 previous errors; 31 warnings
         | emitted
         | pritambarhate wrote:
         | Yes, not working for me too. Ran the
         | curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
         | command also which upgraded by Rustc to rustc 1.45.2 (d3fb005a3
         | 2020-07-31).
         | This is one problem I have faced with Rust quite frequently.
         | Try to clone and run a random (not famous) project from Github
         | and it doesn't compile.
         | Love Java when it comes to this. It's easy to see which version
         | of the JDK is needed from the Maven file. If you have that
         | version of JDK, the projects almost always run.
       | snarfy wrote:
       | The main innovation I see is tokenization into columns instead of
       | character streams. If I want to do that in a traditional shell, I
       | use awk.
       | PaulHoule wrote:
       | Looks like a unix-ish take on PowerShell.
       | I love the idea behind PowerShell, but the verbosity turns me
       | off.
       | PowerShell, of course, has the pipelines but also COM
       | integration, which is a big deal for Windows (you can script "the
       | desktop" via COM; for instance you could create a new instance of
       | Microsoft Word and call objects inside Word to do something to a
       | document.)
       | Unix has dbus and some similar things, but nothing quite so
       | critical as COM is to Windows.
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | The verbosity is one of PowerShell's best features. There is so
         | much less guess work about what a command or argument does, or
         | whether it is '-a' or '-A', or any of that garbage. You can
         | usually guess how to do things because there's a reasonable
         | consistency to the Verb-Noun structure. The extra typing is
         | mitigated by everything being tab-complete including commands,
         | arguments, and even variables. Not to mention you can just
         | alias commonly used commands into shorter versions anyway!
         | Did I mention it also makes readings scripts at least 100 times
         | easier?
       | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
       | I really want something like this as a replacement for sh in tiny
       | busybox-backed use-cases, so I find it really annoying that
       | developers insist I install rust and compile it instead of
       | offering a statically compiled binary I can use.
       | And if it can't do that because of a reliance on shared libs,
       | then that's even worse!
       | geophile wrote:
       | The improved-shell-piping-objects space is getting crowded. My
       | entry is marcel: https://marceltheshell.org.
       | Trying to create a combined shell/programming language is a
       | mistake, in my opinion. Marcel exposes bits of python on the
       | command line, e.g. for writing predicates. For more serious
       | programming, marcel offers a Python API that allows the use of
       | shell commands inside Python, neatly integrated into the
       | language. For example you can write a series of commands,
       | connected by pipes, and the result defines a Python iterator so
       | that you can use the pipeline results in a for loop.
       | See the website for more details and discussions.
       | black3r wrote:
       | if the only problem with PowerShell is that it feels clunky and
       | annoying, why not try to extend/improve it (like Kotlin over
       | Java)? Why start a new project that will maybe catch up in X
       | years?
         | mehrdadn wrote:
         | I can imagine lots of reasons. To build on PowerShell means
         | either integrating your changes upstream (not likely, given
         | fixing some of the clunkiness would require breaking changes)
         | or maintaining a separate fork and incorporating patches from
         | upstream constantly (a lot of work, and constant conflicts
         | aren't fun).
         | Plus the fact that PowerShell is .NET-based and not the most
         | snappy shell out there either.
         | Plus the fact that extending something requires investing a lot
         | of work just understanding how things tie together, and then
         | avoiding messing up all the hacks and idiosyncrasies added
         | along the way instead of having a clean slate to build on.
         | kanobo wrote:
         | I'm not the author but it's probably for the simple reason that
         | writing something from scratch without dependencies can be
         | extremely rewarding and fun.
         | kevin_thibedeau wrote:
         | PowerShell is tied to the CLR APIs. You shouldn't have to run a
         | Mono instance just to get basic shell behavior.
       | pcr910303 wrote:
       | While I do like the new wave of the structured shells(elvish,
       | uxy, nushell, crush, etc...), I don't think anything will
       | actually succeed unless there's a big change in the operating
       | system.
       | (I'm not suggesting these aren't valuable - these are valuable
       | experiments, but I'm saying for them to succeed, a new OS is
       | needed.)
       | The native OS doesn't really embrace structured communication,
       | and so commands will still have to treat the structured shell as
       | a second-level citizen.
       | In an ideal world, for the structured shell to work, 'npm list'
       | should return a table (or whatever the native data structure is)
       | and you should be able to do 'npm list | where {deduped==false}'.
       | In the real world, 'npm list' won't support the structured shell,
       | so you would be writing 'npm list --json | jq '<obscure
       | commands>' | json:from | where {deduped==false}'. And then 'npm
       | list | grep -v 'deduped' is more simpler, so you don't really
       | feel the advantages of the structured shell.
       | I think for this to be solved, the OS's primary communication
       | system should be structured, so you can guarantee that every
       | command will be a table. Then the programmers for the tools of
       | that OS will output a table, and the users will be able to take
       | advantage of this. Until then... it's basically a fun experiment.
         | gbear0 wrote:
         | I keep having the same thoughts, but I'm not sure it needs to
         | be a full OS solution. Also a related problem that always
         | frustrates me with input is what do I use for the help command?
         | Is it '-h', '-help', '--help', or just 'help', or even man
         | pages only. Each script/bin has its own way of doing things and
         | this seems like something that should be standardized, but I
         | realize there's no great way to do that currently when its just
         | input to the program.
         | I wonder if instead of an OS solution we can just add more
         | metadata to the actual binary files we compile. For example, if
         | we have a new ELF format that has an optional list of commands,
         | options, full input/output types, etc, any one of the shells
         | can start to provide better tooling. Output format types can
         | then be passed along with the stream, and potentially checked
         | that they work as the proper inputs for another command. Let
         | the shell auto generate the simple cli help docs, or generate
         | the bash completions, or figure out how to better convert data
         | to desired types.
         | gregmac wrote:
         | Something relatively simple would be borrowing the idea of the
         | HTTP "accepts" header, and standardizing on an environment
         | variable. For example:
         | STDOUT_ACCEPT=application/json,application/csv,text/plain
         | I'm not sure how the application could easily communicate back
         | the understanding of this, though -- basically the equivalent
         | of HTTP Content-Type header. It would need to be done in a way
         | that doesn't break other applications that aren't expecting it,
         | perhaps such as being sent back on STDERR with an escape
         | sequence of sorts?
         | The other trick is knowing what an application will accept via
         | STDIN - ideally at runtime, but before actually writing
         | anything.
         | If the shell understands all this, it could automatically
         | format JSON/csv output for display, integrate jq for
         | formatting, or even convert between formats (eg: when one app
         | writes in yaml, the other understands JSON input).
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | I don't think you need an OS to pass structured objects, but
         | rather simply a runtime that supports it, a la dotnet.
         | Basically anything that can allow different programs to run and
         | share memory as well as information about the shape of the
         | objects in that shared memory. This can run on existing OSes
         | and in the case of powershell, it already does. I think Go
         | could probably do this as well via its plugin interface and
         | runtime type system except that you aren't allowed to unload
         | plugins (so every program you ever run hangs out in memory).
         | hhas01 wrote:
         | What you want is tagged and/or typed pipes. Once a pipe
         | declares how its data is encoded, you can build all kinds of
         | modern tooling and high-level automation on top of that.
         | The whole "But everything's a text file!" is an outrageous lie,
         | and always has been: just an excuse to cover up a massive
         | omission in the design of the Unix file system (untyped,
         | untagged "file" resources). Such egregious corner-cutting might
         | have been understandable--even forgivable--back in K&R's day,
         | when they were bootstrapping C and Unix on hardware with less
         | processing power than a modern microwave oven controller. But
         | we're decades on from that now and there's no excuse for
         | perpetuating it: we _know_ how to build safe powerful modern
         | static and dynamic type systems, and we're spoiled rotten for
         | the hardware resources to support it.
         | Fifty years ago, K&R built C and Unix, in a cave, with scraps.
         | Nowadays you can bootstrap a complete hardware stack for less
         | than the cost of a 360, and there are modern kernels (L4) and
         | systems language (Rust) already available for free off the
         | shelf. So pick a target market and build the userland for that.
         | All that's missing is a modern-day Kernighan and Ritchie to
         | step up and get on with it, so it'd be a sorry indictment of
         | this generation if they do not exist.
           | gen220 wrote:
           | > untyped, untagged "file" resources
           | I think the problem then, and the problem today, is that
           | these "types" are a very very mobile target. How many
           | implementations of JSON are there? XML? HTML? CSV?
           | It doesn't make sense to put these types in the operating
           | system, or else you'll start TypeError's every time you
           | download anything. Not to mention the Computational costs of
           | parsing the entire structure of a document every time you
           | edit it to verify that it's "still of type X".
           | I'm not at all sold on the idea that categorizing files and
           | streams in this way is a step forward (in the shell, at
           | least). This is what applications are for: to define their
           | own formats, parsers, and generators. The point of the
           | operating system is not to be one of these applications, but
           | to facilitate their development and use. IMO, typed files and
           | streams would actually impede more than enable this work.
             | hhas01 wrote:
             | "It doesn't make sense to put these types in the operating
             | system"
             | The OS doesn't need to hardcode individual types, and to do
             | so would defeat growth. It only has to provide a standard
             | mechanism by which files can declare the type of data they
             | contain, and executables can declare the type(s) of data
             | they consume and/or produce. BeOS, for instance, tagged
             | files with MIME types. The original Mac OS used "four-char
             | codes". Even DOS had file name extensions, as awful as that
             | particular design choice was.
             | Storing arbitrary data with no way to indicate how that
             | data is encoded is rank insanity. Saying "it's the app's
             | job to deal with encodings" is not wrong, but if apps have
             | no way to know what encoding a given file was written in,
             | how can they know how to decode it?
             | Please do not rationalize away the longstanding and well-
             | known deficiencies of Unix. These deficiencies do not aid
             | progress; they hinder it. As do apologetics.
               | gen220 wrote:
               | > files can declare the type of data they contain [...]
               | executables can declare the type(s) of data they consume
               | and/or produce.
               | I think you're conceding that the OS would not be
               | responsible for __enforcing __data 's compliance with
               | it's declared type.
               | I'd be OK with this world, but I am not convinced that
               | this hypothetical OS is _substantially_ better than the
               | UNIX descendants we have today.
               | > Storing arbitrary data with no way to indicate how that
               | data is encoded is rank insanity.
               | I think we all can agree on this... it's just a matter of
               | how we encode the data type. UNIX descendants follow the
               | pattern of encoding data types with filename endings.
               | While I agree that this approach _feels_ primitive, it 's
               | hard to argue that it doesn't work, because it does. This
               | is fundamentally identical to MIME-types, imo, because I
               | believe extensions (and mime-types!) are fundamentally
               | "names", and don't have much semantic above that, given
               | the diversity of "name"-implementations, as stated
               | earlier.
               | I don't believe that we gain a lot of practical value
               | from compelling executables to register their accepted
               | "names" with the Operating System: I'm trying to imagine
               | what big value this gives you, beyond transforming
               | `some_program --out_type=json | jq` to `some_program |
               | jq`.
               | I hope you understand I'm not trying to apologize for
               | UNIX. I agree that many things about it should be better.
               | But I _do_ think they got  "everything is plaintext, from
               | the OS's point of view" right.
               | (I think it's good discussion and I want to learn from
               | it)
         | rootlocus wrote:
         | > I think for this to be solved, the OS's primary communication
         | system should be structured
         | You mean the STDOUT format of all processes? I disagree. `npm
         | list --json` already does what you want. Your only argument is
         | that ` | jq '<obscure commands>' | json:from | where
         | {deduped==false}` is too obscure. The solution is (probably) a
         | simplified `jq` that has the query format you want. Problem
         | solved. Keep it simple.
           | smitty1e wrote:
           | I kinda like the mystical feeling of jq.
           | As with haskell, it'll feel as though I've arrived somehow,
           | should I achieve real understanding.
             | frou_dh wrote:
             | To me it's a good example of Opportunity Cost. We could
             | spend the time and effort memorising jq's special snowflake
             | language, but that time and effort would almost certainly
             | be better spent on something else. I deleted it a while
             | back. Can't be bothered with it.
               | klibertp wrote:
               | > would almost certainly be better spent on something
               | else.
               | I'd would suggest to spend that time on learning how to
               | effectively learn new languages. There's more than one
               | way, and I guarantee that afterwards you'll conquer any
               | given "snowflake" in no time at all.
               | frou_dh wrote:
               | I deliberately wrote "memorise" rather than learn in the
               | usual sense, because there's a higher than normal degree
               | of familiarity needed to get working code flowing from
               | the fingers, when the venue is between a pair of single
               | quotes in a shell.
               | [deleted]
               | gen220 wrote:
               | I usually use jq just to format the blob, and then some
               | unholy combination of grep -A/-B, tr, and sed to get the
               | output I want. It's usually faster (for me) than
               | relearning jq's query language.
               | knome wrote:
               | >jq's special snowflake language
               | If you'll bother condescending to such, you'll find one
               | of the most interesting languages I've encountered in
               | years. jq's syntax and execution model is beautiful. It
               | has some rough edges, leave no doubt. Some function
               | names, date handling, and the obtuseness of some of the
               | errors it returns can be frustrating. But its data
               | streaming layers of nested closures are an extremely
               | terse, readable, and powerful way of expressing
               | operations over structured data.
             | dkarl wrote:
             | This is a very tempting feeling, but when I see someone
             | else who feels this way about something that I _do_
             | understand, I can see that it doesn 't serve them. In a
             | tool that you use every day, you should be able to quickly
             | and confidently demystify anything, or you're not really in
             | command of the tool. Your temporary uncertainty should
             | "bottom out" on something you don't have to think about
             | further.
             | There are plenty of mysteries "out there" in the problem
             | domain; you don't need them in your tools.
         | schemy wrote:
         | The problem, as always, is that a table isn't the natural
         | output for a computer. It's either serialized text, or a graph.
         | Unix tools work ok-ish for serialized text and you need general
         | recursive functions to deal with graphs. Something that all
         | shell like languages are extremely bad at.
         | hughw wrote:
         | Microsoft went far down this road in the early 2000s with WinFS
         | [1] but abandoned it. [Edit: WinFS and Longhorn together]
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WinFS
         | cnity wrote:
         | It doesn't have to be this black and white, in my opinion. The
         | most common data structures I've interacted with on the command
         | line are _newline separated_ or _JSON_. What if your shell
         | allowed parsing of JSON natively?
         | npm list --json | ({ json }) => json.somePackage.author.name
         | What if it allowed parsing of XML natively, allowing instant
         | scrapers to be written in a single command?
         | curl www.example.com | ({ xml }) =>
         | xml.find('.importantInformation') > scraped_info.txt
           | mywittyname wrote:
           | jq makes handling json in existing bash scripts simple. It
           | can even do some simple data wrangling via built-in functions
           | like map. It's not a universally standard command yet, but
           | it's available for most modern systems.
           | I'm not sure about similar xml cli tools, but they probably
           | exist.
           | Point is, both of these should be cli tools, not shell built-
           | ins.
             | mdaniel wrote:
             | > I'm not sure about similar xml cli tools, but they
             | probably exist.
             | I :heart: xmlstarlet (sometimes installed as that name,
             | sometimes as just "xml"):
             | https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/xmlstarlet#default =>
             | https://xmlstar.sourceforge.io/
             | The xsltproc that ships with libxslt1 is also pretty handy,
             | although more verbose
             | While not quite xml, pup is super handy for doing quick
             | html selections:
             | https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/pup#default =>
             | https://github.com/EricChiang/pup#readme
           | jodrellblank wrote:
           | Newline separated _what_? Basically all Linux config files
           | are newline separated lines, but that won't get you the
           | equals separated data pairs, indented blocks, pretend-xml
           | sections, ad-hoc boolean representations, INI-style sections,
           | ad-hoc list-of-values style data out of them.
           | > What if it allowed parsing of XML natively, allowing
           | instant scrapers to be written in a single command?
           | Powershell's Invoke-RestMethod parses xml natively to a
           | structured output; it's useful but not enough to make XML fun
           | or trivial to work with beyond root.node.foo.title simple
           | scraping.
             | cnity wrote:
             | > Newline separated what?
             | What I meant by this is that the newline character is the
             | primary delimiter of the data, but I take your point. IMO,
             | the best way to tackle the myriad ways of structuring data
             | is to write parsers for them, not to rewrite the programs
             | themselves to work with your shell's idea of structured
             | data. That's a losing battle.
               | jodrellblank wrote:
               | This is how I felt powershell ought to go on Linux -
               | parsers from every config format to a common intermediate
               | and back, argument completers for every common shell
               | command to a standard intermediate representation.
               | I think that's a losing battle as well due to the brittle
               | nature, any tweak to any command output could break
               | something, meaning endless maintenance work on a large
               | scale.
               | Rewriting concepts into new commands at least bring
               | consistency and a chance of shrinking maintenance work as
               | it settles on a nice design - and if not the maintenance
               | won't be endless rebuilds of the same parsers.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | Interesting note: newlines are perfectly valid characters
               | in file names. In fact, the only byte that cannot be in a
               | file name is '/'[0], which means that you're asking for
               | trouble trying to parse the in-band signaling you have to
               | do with a stream that's pretending to be structured.
               | [0] with a hex editor it is possible to create a file
               | system entry using '/' in its name. Linux does not handle
               | this situation with grace.
           | trenchgun wrote:
           | Ooh that would be pretty damn sweet tbh.
           | guerrilla wrote:
           | Yeah this is probably it right here. Just being able to parse
           | various common formats would give a lot of the structure
           | people are looking for. The builtins can just operate on
           | that. Maybe it could optionally detect the formats too. If
           | such a shell became popular, it would also incentivize
           | developers adding common formats as outputs to more programs
           | too.
         | dvh wrote:
         | https://github.com/hikikomori82/StructurOS
         | david_draco wrote:
         | > The native OS doesn't really embrace structured communication
         | OS system calls are highly structured, down to the argument
         | position and data type.
           | smitty1e wrote:
           | Right, but the unix philosophy is that everything consumes
           | and emits text.
           | Having something more than a blob is great.
           | Of course, there will be a performance tax.
       | intelleak wrote:
       | Somebody just give me a rust REPL already (that is not the slow
       | as snails evcxr)
       | cbreezyyall wrote:
       | Doesn't AWK already do all of this?
       | varbhat wrote:
       | Your shell is not for me. Here's why.
       | 1) I don't want shell to be full-blown high level programming
       | language. POSIX, Bash scripts/languages are enough for my shell
       | uses.
       | 2) For anything high level or for tasks shell would become
       | complex, We do have dozens of fully matured languages. I would
       | rather use those instead of this/any shell script.
       | 3) Features desirable for shell include syntax highlighting,
       | autosuggestions,command-not-found helper,tab autocomplete, flag
       | complete. My shell already has it.
       | 4) I like bash and zsh as shell. Bash is simple,i like it,but it
       | doesn't have few features that i mentioned. So,I don't use bash
       | as my main shell. zsh also is compatible with most bash/POSIX and
       | it has all tte features that i mentioned in (3).fish also has
       | these features but it's syntax is different which i don't tend to
       | use. So,i don't use fish. zsh has all features that i like in
       | fish too(mentioned in (3)) .
         | rsa25519 wrote:
         | > Your shell is not for me.
         | And that's okay. Personally, I'm thrilled by the idea of a new
         | shell. I don't plan to use Crush in production (yet?!) but I
         | definitely plan on installing it on my laptop.
         | I'm excited to see how things go. I understand, for a while, it
         | won't have all the bells and whistles of zsh. But that's okay.
         | Everything has to start somewhere. I remember back when
         | alacritty didn't even have easy scrollback!
         | Best of luck to Crosh and its author, liljencrantz!
           | mywittyname wrote:
           | I'm curious if you've taken the time to learn Powershell?
           | It's a supercharged version of bash that works with Windows,
           | but instead of piping character-only data, it can pipe
           | structured data between commands in the form of objects. The
           | reason I ask is because, while it adds a ton of flexibility
           | to shell scripting (to the point where I consider it to be a
           | language), it is also quite complex.
           | The benefit of shell scripting is that it is simple enough to
           | have as a tertiary language that you can pickup and use after
           | a six month hiatus. Once you get into more powerful language
           | territory, there are a lot more components to memorize and it
           | becomes difficult (for me at least) to keep those idioms in
           | my head if they go unused for months.
             | BeetleB wrote:
             | > The benefit of shell scripting is that it is simple
             | enough to have as a tertiary language that you can pickup
             | and use after a six month hiatus.
             | I definitely did not find that to be the case. I've learned
             | and relearned shell scripting a bunch of times. I always
             | forget it and need to relearn it. Worse than perl.
             | ravi-delia wrote:
             | Every time I learn more about Powershell I get more jealous
             | of Windows users. Not so jealous I'd switch back, but _man_
             | would I like some of those features on Linux. I know it 's
             | ported, but it just doesn't have the tooling on Linux and
             | I'll be damned if my standard scripting language doesn't
             | run natively.
             | asimilator wrote:
             | > The benefit of shell scripting is that it is simple
             | enough to have as a tertiary language that you can pickup
             | and use after a six month hiatus.
             | I've been using/abusing traditional shell scripting
             | languages for over a decade now and I still struggle with
             | the rough edges (especially quoting/escaping/argument
             | passing).
           | Nursie wrote:
           | > Best of luck to Crosh and its author, liljencrantz!
           | Crosh is the ChromeOS shell!
             | rsa25519 wrote:
             | Oh no! Too late to edit :-(
       | kanobo wrote:
       | A better PowerShell? I'll take it! What's the story behind the
       | name 'Crush'?
         | cies wrote:
         | cRUSh shares a few letters with Rust (the prog lang of the
         | project). The author made Fish before, a new shell+lang in C++.
       | sitkack wrote:
       | crush> ls | where {type == "directory"}
       | Thank you!
         | [deleted]
         | betimsl wrote:
         | What is wrong with:                 ls -l | grep '^d'
           | quesera wrote:
           | Outputs are not equivalent. But this will work:
           | find . -type d
           | smichel17 wrote:
           | I've read most of the comments in this thread and will read
           | TFA, but haven't yet.
           | What's always bothered me about piping to grep is losing the
           | original syntax highlighting. Particularly annoying when the
           | first command, whose highlighting I want to preserve, is
           | itself grep; this leads to awkward contortions like
           | git grep "a" | grep -v "b" | grep "a"
           | geodel wrote:
           | It is minimal, so does not meet the modern aesthetics of
           | computer world.
             | Riverheart wrote:
             | Until you want something more specific like listing
             | absolute paths of those directories without the metadata
             | ls -l | grep '^d' | awk '{print $9}' | xargs realpath
             | Or
             | ls -ld "$PWD"/* | grep '^d' | awk '{print $9}'
             | Guessing Crush could just add another property called
             | Fullpath you can echo in the next pipe after filtering.
             | ls | where {type == "directory"} | select %Fullpath
             | Maybe he adds a --dir flag
             | ls --dir | select %Fullpath
       | blame_lewis wrote:
       | This looks absolutely brilliant.
       | tomerbd wrote:
       | for the people who use powershell on mac, and as someone who used
       | neither, which one would you recommend to integrate into my
       | workflow powershell or crush?
         | viraptor wrote:
         | Crush seems very alpha stage right now (no terminal support),
         | or for actual usage PowerShell may be your only current option.
       | qchris wrote:
       | This looks to be in a similar vein to the Ion shell, which was
       | developed for Redox [1]. Both written in Rust, both not
       | (seemingly) perfectly POSIX-compatible, etc. I'm not sure I'd
       | personally choose to go with either one over shell if I knew
       | anyone else was going to need to use it, but it's cool to see
       | iteration and experimentation on things that I usually consider
       | to be the fundamentals of the computing environment.
       | [1] https://github.com/redox-os/ion
       | HelloNurse wrote:
       | Publishing a project at this level of immaturity doesn't do it
       | any good. While it definitely "works", it works as an experiment
       | about techniques to write an interactive command interpreter in
       | Rust, not as a shell for people to use.
       | Currently there is no documentation beyond the introductory
       | GitHub page. But this isn't a fork of sh that only needs
       | documentation of the minor ways in which it departs from POSIX
       | compliance: there is an unknown set of internal commands, each
       | with a complex table format for its output (it is necessary to
       | know all relevant column names to do anything), which depends on
       | a large set of non-text types, which have complex object-oriented
       | behaviour, with "serialization" to a variety of file formats,
       | with an unspecified script and command line syntax.
       | Such complex features, on par with serious frameworks in full-
       | fledged programming languages, need to be defined and documented
       | very thoroughly, or nobody will understand, trust and use them.
       | Unfortunately, there are many hints that not only documentation
       | is vastly behind schedule, but that important aspects and
       | practical considerations haven't been addressed.
       | For example: how can I quote file names containing nasty
       | characters? How can I use environment variables? What is my home
       | directory? Why is executing an executable program difficult, with
       | complex and unclear mechanisms that mess with the command line?
       | Given a very simple and very portable traditional shell script
       | (e.g. ps -eaf | grep foo | sort) how can I do the same in Crush
       | with minimal effort? If I load a very large file, does the shell
       | choke attempting to load it all to memory, or does it process it
       | in a proper streaming fashion?
       | Other issues are more fundamental. How can I perform relational
       | queries between multiple tables, e.g. a join between ls output
       | and a file listing users? If I can't, what can I do with tables
       | that cannot be done more easily and flexibly with awk, jq, and
       | other established tools?
         | appleflaxen wrote:
         | I have zero interest in this project, but disagree that it
         | "doesn't do any good" to share. People with similar
         | inclinations and interests can collaborate on software that
         | isn't ready, but that scratches their itch.
         | Theres nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't create
         | unrealistic expectations.
           | HelloNurse wrote:
           | The problem with novel shells, compared with other kinds of
           | itch to scratch, is that existing shells have had about 50
           | years of evolution: doing better in a few months of work is
           | quite unlikely.
           | A new shell must be similar to existing ones for
           | compatibility with an enormous ecosystem of command line
           | tools that work well in a typical shell; it must do almost
           | everything that traditional shells do equally well (this
           | includes documentation; documentation is non-negotiable) but
           | it must also have some compelling advantage.
           | The right way to collaborate on designing a shell is to
           | discuss possible designs of command syntax and behaviour,
           | then if some promising idea comes out of the brainstorming
           | refine it to a full specification, then if the idea survives
           | (without mutating into a less ambitious scripting language,
           | or a library for an existing language or shell, or a small
           | change to an existing shell) begin an implementation.
           | Starting with a proof of concept without a well developed and
           | well documented design is the wrong way to offer a "product"
           | but also the wrong way to learn.
             | da39a3ee wrote:
             | You either have no idea about open source software, or you
             | have no idea what it feels like to love programming, or
             | both.
         | da39a3ee wrote:
         | Please define what you mean by "publishing". Where has the
         | author said anything more than "this is a project on my Github
         | and here's what it does"?
         | Assuming the answer is nowhere:
         | Please retract. You appear to be one of those people with no
         | understanding of modern open source culture, and only the
         | ability to criticize. Do you expect everyone to keep their
         | projects private until they meet your personal standards? (a)
         | why the fuck should they? (b) what about a Github user who
         | simply lacks the skills to ever meet your standards? (Evidently
         | not the case here.) It's a shame I'm being overtly aggressive,
         | but I think it's commensurate with the less overt
         | unpleasantness of your comment.
         | I bet you're one of those people who thinks it's
         | "irresponsible" to publish software on Github that could have
         | bad consequences if someone were to rely on it in an important
         | context. Repositories such as Github are free. They are a place
         | for anyone to store whatever creations they come up with. It's
         | a huge and uncuratable mixture of essential backbones of modern
         | computing, art, utter incompetence, and technical genius, and a
         | lot of stuff in the middle. How that is hard for people like
         | you to understand I do not know. I guess you have a very boring
         | job at a very boring company.
       | chriswarbo wrote:
       | Since there are lots of alternative shells being mentioned, I
       | thought I'd give my tuppence. I want two things from a shell:
       | - Easy process execution, including branching on exit codes,
       | overriding env vars, providing a working directory, etc. This
       | must support concurrent processes (e.g. pipelines).
       | - Easy file and stdio management (i.e. piping). This must support
       | streaming (passing along chunks of data as they arrive, rather
       | than gathering them into big intermediate values).
       | Scripting language REPLs provide everything else I care about
       | (string handling, looping, variables, etc.). Their built-in
       | support for these two things is usually really bad, but libraries
       | can plug that gap. I've tried a few for Python, Haskell, Scala,
       | etc. but the best experience I had was Racket's shell-pipeline
       | library ( https://docs.racket-lang.org/shell-pipeline it's also
       | used by the Rash shell that I've not used https://docs.racket-
       | lang.org/rash ). This makes really good use of Racket features,
       | e.g.
       | - Quasiquoting for mixing commands with normal functions in a
       | simple, sane way
       | - S-expression syntax works well for shell-like code, e.g. no
       | comma-separation, distinguishing between (unquoted) symbols for
       | names, flags, etc. and quoted strings for data, allowing special
       | characters in names (e.g. to allow things like > in our
       | pipeline), etc. Of course, Racket can be written with
       | I-expressions, sweet-expressions, etc. too, but I've never
       | bothered.
       | - Stdio redirection works with Racket's existing "ports"
       | mechanism
       | - Env vars can be managed using Racket "parameters" (dynamically-
       | scoped variables)
       | (Note that the API seems to have changed a bit since the version
       | I used, so I'm not sure how the new stuff like laziness fits in)
       | mongol wrote:
       | We need SQshell, a shell that uses SQL for operations such as
       | listing files, processes, all that stuff where a structured query
       | language is useful. SQL join syntax is not that different from
       | piping. In my opinion, SQL knowledge is timeless, most other IT
       | knowledge seems to have a "best before" date, but SQL never
       | expires.
         | sumtechguy wrote:
         | The thing is with SQL is many devs seem to be in one of 3
         | states with it. Allergic to it, will not touch it. Enough to be
         | dangerous, and make very bad decisions with it. Amazing at it
         | and fixing poor decisions. I am not sure what it is about SQL
         | but it really seems to rub people the wrong way. I think it is
         | the order of the statements. I think if they had switched the
         | from and select statement around people would 'get' it more.
         | SQL is a neat tool for what it is. But command line bashing
         | does not seem like a good fit to me. I get what you are saying
         | though. I just would be kind of miffed to have to do something
         | like 'select * from folders(/foldera/folderb/folderc) where
         | lastcreatedate > getutcdate('1970') order by lastcreatedate
         | desc' when I can currently do something like 'ls -ltar'. It is
         | not that I can't do that. But it takes a cognitive load to do
         | it for a command I use a lot. Of course I could make a program
         | to do it. But then I am kind of back where I started? I could
         | get behind SQL in addition to what I have. But in replacement I
         | think that would be a tough sell.
           | smichel17 wrote:
           | I am definitely in the "enough to be dangerous" category, but
           | isn't it technically possible to write SQL queries the way
           | you describe? IE, the only reasons to write them in SELECT ..
           | FROM order are (1) tradition / what others expect, and (2)
           | optimizations made by the dbs that assume the traditional
           | order? But in terms of returning correct results, FROM ..
           | SELECT should work fine, I think.
             | sumtechguy wrote:
             | Having not written a SQL parser. But I would assume there
             | is a grammar parser in there that puts the items into some
             | IR like language or structure that runs it. The big ones
             | call it a query plan. So you in theory could flip them
             | around as long as the query plan was the same. You would
             | just need to basically convince MS and Oracle and all the
             | other DB projects to do/try it. Not sure they would see the
             | benefit though. In my head they are backwards but in their
             | design it may be fine. Ideally the keywords could be in any
             | order. But that would probably break some implicit ideas
             | that those keywords convey (looking at you having and group
             | by).
         | vthriller wrote:
         | You can do that kind of things already, albeit not from within
         | a single universal shell:
         | - https://github.com/jhspetersson/fselect
         | - https://github.com/osquery/osquery
       | frou_dh wrote:
       | Speaking of fancy alternative shells, I tried http://xon.sh/ for
       | a while, whose selling point is that its language is a superset
       | of Python.
       | While it was neat for interactive use to have stuff like proper
       | string manipulation and list comprehensions, writing scripts with
       | it (.xsh files) was horrible, because the sorta-but-not-really-
       | Python-ness meant that no tooling worked. Syntax highlighting was
       | messed up, code autoformatters barfed, linters barfed,
       | autocompletion didn't work.
       | I actually find writing scripts in Bash, aided by the amazing
       | linter https://www.shellcheck.net/ to feel almost like it's now a
       | compiled language. It goes from being a fraught endeavor, to
       | being kinda fun and educational. It's like pair programming with
       | someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the language quirks.
       | Hook it up to automatically run on-save in your editor!
         | Skunkleton wrote:
         | I check in on Xonsh every once in a while. The first test I do
         | is try and suspend a sleep into the background. This has never
         | worked on xonsh afaict. I am excited to give Xonsh a spin, but
         | I can't until it gets its job control story sorted out.
         | geophile wrote:
         | Take a look at marcel: https://marceltheshell.org. It is also a
         | shell that pipes objects, and is based on Python, but it sounds
         | like scripting will be more to your taste. There is a
         | marcel.api module that allows you to do shell-like commands
         | neatly integrated into python code, e.g.                   from
         | marcel.api import *              for file, size in
         | (ls('marcel', 'test',                               file=True,
         | recursive=True) |                            map(lambda f:
         | (f.path, f.size))):             print(f'{file}: {size}')
       | nathell wrote:
       | For Clojure aficionados, there's a flavour of Clojure made for
       | scripting and the command line: Babashka
       | https://github.com/borkdude/babashka
       | And a proper shell, Closh: https://github.com/dundalek/closh
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | Curious how this compares to Xonsh (IIUC, pretty similar idea,
       | tho I Xonsh is actual Python, vs Crush using its own new lang).
       | onli wrote:
       | Oil shell should be mentioned here, an alternative approach at a
       | modern shell. It tries to be a (more sane?) upgrade path to bash:
       | https://www.oilshell.org/
         | chubot wrote:
         | Thanks for the mention! That's an accurate way of describing
         | it. I updated the home page with the one page description: _Oil
         | is our upgrade path from bash to a better language and
         | runtime._
         | The ability to run existing POSIX and bash scripts is the
         | biggest difference between Oil and other new shells (something
         | I'm often asked). Unfortunately that's also why it's such a
         | long implementation effort. But in reading the comments here, I
         | still think that was the right choice.
         | ----
         | FWIW Oil's approach to structured data is to use interchange
         | formats over pipes. You can already pipe JSON, HTML, and
         | CSV/TSV over pipes, and people do. There are many command line
         | toolkits that do this.
         | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Structured-Data-in-Oil
         | However the shell is also missing few things which would help
         | that approach, so I'd like to build some native understanding
         | of those formats into it, without requiring any special "plugin
         | interface". Plugins are simply _processes_ in Oil.
         | For example, Oil already has a QSN "Quoted String Notation" to
         | properly escape byte strings like filenames (this happens to be
         | the format of Rust string literals, which are similar to C and
         | JSON string literals). So you don't have to do parsing and
         | splitting.
         | The approach to tables will likely be built on QSN in TSV or
         | QSV. And then you can enhance "npm list" and "dpkg" just to
         | print that to stdout, without having to integrate into any
         | special "plugin system". It just works with normal Unix
         | processes and the kernel.
         | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/TSV2-Proposal (not
         | implemented)
           | chubot wrote:
           | Update: I just wrote a draft of "Why Use Oil?"
           | http://www.oilshell.org/why.html
           | Let me know what you think! (feedback link in the article)
       | pjmlp wrote:
       | > I also feel that tying a shell to COM objects is a poor fit.
       | This is not correct. Powershell allows calling into COM, .NET or
       | straight DLLs for that matter.
       | It is also what I see as missing opportunity in most UNIX shells
       | that failed to build up on Xerox PARC, Lisp Machines and ETHZ
       | experiments.
       | The ability to directly plug into shared libraries, UNIX IPC, and
       | modern mechanisms like DBUS and gRPC, alongside live debugging
       | capabilities, thus exposing the whole OS stack to the CLI, making
       | it a proper REPL experience.
       | Other than that, it looks quite cool.
       | iflp wrote:
       | Reminds me of elvish (elv.sh), which has a similar focus.
       | gonzus wrote:
       | I believe a good fit for Unix commands is using a pipeline where
       | the output of your command (say, ls) is converted to JSON, so
       | that later in the pipeline you can use jq to filter / count / etc
       | in a structured, non-whitespace-dependent way. A combination of
       | jc (https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc) and jq fits the bill
       | for me:                   ls -l /usr/bin | jc --ls | jq '.[] |
       | select(.size > 50000000)'
         | lordgroff wrote:
         | I think this should honestly be higher. I'm not sure if jc is
         | THE tool -- the Python dependency irks me slightly -- but I
         | like the simplicity of the idea, wrapping around what is
         | already available and functional, while improving my
         | experience. I plan to play around with this idea.
         | pedro84 wrote:
         | $ ls -l /usr/bin | awk '$5 > 50000000'
         | -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 51859776 Jan 26 2018 pandoc
         | Skunkleton wrote:
         | Most commands that you would want to put into a pipeline
         | already have some sort of machine parsable output flag
         | (tabular, json, format specifier, etc). Still, there is not
         | much reason to call ls from a script at all. In python you
         | would be better off with the native libraries. In bash, you
         | would probably be best off with `find /usr/bin -maxdepth 1
         | -size +50M` in your usecase.
         | IMO people have been trying to do the same thing with these
         | tools since they were invented. Better to learn how to use them
         | the way they were intended before reinventing them.
         | Edit: re-read my comment. Seems a little negative. Sorry. To be
         | clear, I think the jc/jq approach is much better than the roll-
         | your-own parser in shell approach.
       | dimator wrote:
       | If you like the sql-like filesystem interaction, check out:
       | https://github.com/jhspetersson/fselect
       | I've integrated this into my workflow, it's a polished tool.
         | codethief wrote:
         | This is really cool! I've been waiting for something like this
         | for a long time since I don't use `find` often enough to
         | remember its command line arguments. Finally
       | moonchild wrote:
       | I think that these 'improved shell' projects (incl. crush and
       | nushell) that try to copy powershell somewhat miss the point of
       | the shell in the first place. If I want a high-level language
       | that's tightly integrated with the unix environment, I already
       | have perl and tcl. Little more power (maybe less integration, but
       | greater capacity to build new integration) and I can use raku or
       | lisp. The point of shell is that it interoperates freely with
       | _all_ programs and _all_ programs share a language. If now,
       | suddenly, I can only use commands that have been explicitly
       | rewritten to support your environment; or regular commands are
       | second-class citizens and need support code to interact with your
       | environment 's higher-level functionality----
       | Then your environment is useless to me. Because I have better
       | programming languages which, despite being able to interact with
       | the system and its commands, don't pretend to be one with the
       | system. As a result, the core high-level language constructs mesh
       | better, because they're not trying to serve two goals at once.
       | It's not possible for something that's not a 'real' shell
       | (including fish, zsh, even csh) to integrate with the system the
       | way a real shell does, because the _system itself_ was designed
       | around the shell.
         | moonchild wrote:
         | To clarify, I am not saying that everything except for bare
         | /bin/sh without line-editing is Wrong. I wasn't clear enough
         | here. I think that bourne shell, bash, fish, zsh, and csh are
         | all able to interact with the unix system in a way that crush,
         | nushell, and other powershell-alikes cannot.
           | throwaway894345 wrote:
           | Can you elaborate on that more of interaction? What can bash,
           | etc do that crush, etc can't. Is this limitation inherent or
           | easily amended?
         | liveoneggs wrote:
         | yeah perl with qx/cmd/ calls and similar is just really really
         | good for "shell scripting".
         | nixpulvis wrote:
         | Exactly!
         | This is why I started my shell. Eventually it will have the
         | ability to run both POSIX and other shell languages in the same
         | program.
         | Assuming everything is a table is overly restrictive. Assuming
         | everything is text is the UNIX way. It's then the job of the
         | terminal to render it.
         | chubot wrote:
         | Right, I'm often asked this about Oil [1]: Why do you want to
         | write programs in shell?
         | That's not the idea of shell. The idea is that I write programs
         | in Python, JavaScript, R, and C++ regularly, and about 10
         | different DSLs (SQL, HTML, etc.) And I work on systems written
         | by others, consisting of even more languages.
         | I need a language to glue them together. A language to express
         | build automation and describe deployed systems. Most big
         | systems consist of more than one language.
         | Shell is the best language for that, but it's also old and
         | crufty, with poor implementations.
         | When you program in shell, gcc, git, pip, npm, markdown, rsync,
         | diff, perf, strace, etc. are part of your "standard library".
         | [1] http://www.oilshell.org/
           | chubot wrote:
           | Update: also see the philosophy for structured data in Oil
           | below: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24083931
         | pritambarhate wrote:
         | Not many young people know Perl or Tcl (or even lisp for that
         | matter).
         | >> The point of shell is that it interoperates freely with all
         | programs and all programs share a language.
         | Also doesn't mean people should stop trying to come up with
         | these new shells. May be some "new" shell will catch up and
         | tomorrow's "all" programs will be compatible with that shell.
         | For example, now on Mac OS X, now ZSH is the default shell.
           | drbojingle wrote:
           | when he says Perl or Tcl I think he means general purpose
           | languages. It doesn't have to be Perl, or Lisp or Tcl, those
           | are examples.
           | mywittyname wrote:
           | > Not many young people know Perl or Tcl (or even lisp for
           | that matter).
           | I don't know perl and I'm not young, but I do understand and
           | appreciate the role perl -e plays as an extension of bash.
           | When I run into an issue where I need more than bash, but
           | less than python, I'll search around SO for a perl -e command
           | for what I need.
           | This is often how people decide to learn a tool: they have a
           | problem for which it is the best solution. They get some
           | exposure to the capability and slowly expand on their
           | knowledge.
             | esoterae wrote:
             | I think that means you're using SO as a tool..?
               | Shared404 wrote:
               | Don't most of us? That doesn't mean he's not using Perl
               | as well.
           | _jal wrote:
           | > Not many young people know Perl or Tcl
           | There are more young people who know Perl or Tcl or Lisp than
           | know Crush. I've never understood this reasoning - "Hardly
           | anyone knows X. Let's replace it with something nobody
           | knows." At most, you're making an argument about a lack of
           | sunk cost.
           | > May be some "new" shell will catch up and tomorrow's "all"
           | programs will be compatible with that shell
           | Think of it like transitioning to life in a wheelchair. You
           | can't "catch up" with your house - it just wasn't designed
           | for wheelchair use. Renovating all the narrow corridors,
           | random steps, tight angles and vertical reaches probably
           | costs more than rebuilding.
           | In this comparison, the mobility mode is your shell.
             | jwilber wrote:
             | Crush has been around < 1 year. Perl has been around for
             | 32. Of course more people know Perl.
             | If I'm being honest, you're not adding anything
             | constructive at all here - it seems you're in a competition
             | with yourself as to how much you can degrade Crush for
             | whatever reason.
             | You act like it's a choice between Crush and Perl. People
             | don't have to learn Crush. People don't have to learn Perl.
             | Will picking between the two have any substantial effect on
             | one's career outcomes these days? Probably not, as
             | candidates will have already learned the important
             | languages for getting a job anyway.
               | _jal wrote:
               | If I'm being honest, I have no idea where you got the
               | belief that either I'm some big Perl partisan or that I
               | have something against Crush, or why you're getting so
               | personal.
               | But it is cute to couch it in a complaint about not being
               | constructive; points for shamelessness.
             | Riverheart wrote:
             | "Hardly anyone knows X. Let's replace it with something
             | nobody knows."
             | Because there's a value proposition. Just like TCL, Perl,
             | and Lisp had value propositions over other available
             | languages. It's fine if you don't see the value proposition
             | in Crush but progress sometimes forces us to learn new
             | things instead of sticking with what we have.
               | TheDesolate0 wrote:
               | Yes, but this is the role of other languages. Not the
               | shell. I use Bash. I love bash. I code in bash for work
               | daily. But I would never use it beyond simple stuff!
               | That's not it's job. It's job is to play nicely with all
               | my tiny little tools, allowing me to string them all
               | together into compound tool statements, allowing me to
               | use the OS and small apps to make the powerful tools
               | WITHOUT needing to reinvent the wheel (use a real
               | programming language).
               | This is the roll of the shell.
             | pritambarhate wrote:
             | >> Hardly anyone knows X. Let's replace it with something
             | nobody knows
             | By that logic no one should make anything new to replace
             | the incumbent.
             | In case of Perl, PHP came and it replaced Perl as
             | mainstream web development language.
             | In sysadmin stuff where Perl used to be mainstream, now
             | significant chunk is taken away by Python.
             | These days JavaScript appeals to younger people more. Times
             | change and with it the tools people use also change.
             | There is no guarantee that any new project will succeed but
             | you won't know unless you try.
             | moopling wrote:
             | The original point was "why would I learn a new thing, when
             | I already know something which works". The response "some
             | people don't have something they already know" is valid.
             | You're really bringing up a separate point which is "should
             | we be reinventing the wheel?", I think that's a fair point,
             | but it's not a response to the original commentator.
           | oblio wrote:
           | It only took Zsh 29 years (initial release year: 1990,
           | adoption in Mac OS: 2019) to become the default shell on one
           | of the major _nixes, while being POSIX compatible and having
           | just an extension layer on top.
           | I wouldn't hold my breath for something else to replace
           | sh/bash as the default shell on the major _nixes within this
           | century. Pessimist? More like realist :-)
             | robin_reala wrote:
             | That wasn't even driven by zsh's actual benefits, but by
             | the fact that bash changed to GPL3. If it had continued on
             | GPL2 we'd 100% still have bash as a default.
               | Fnoord wrote:
               | And the fact Apple doesn't like GPLv3.
               | TheDesolate0 wrote:
               | Well, they hate open source in general. Apple is the,
               | well, Apple of the 90's.
               | God. I remember the 80's. Apple was the Hackers'
               | computer! (well, if you didn't have access to a major
               | corp or uni machine room). They were all into DIY! and
               | getting kids to code!
               | Bill Gates back then was all "neh! mine!" He was a
               | SERIOUS tool! God he used to just fucking scream at
               | people. awful. OMG. Young Bill Gates sucked donkey balls.
               | Paul was paul. I kinda felt bad for him, actually.
               | I dunno. then something happened. maybe it was the whole
               | 6502 thing. memories are fuzzy, but Apple changed in what
               | seemed like overnight.
           | moonchild wrote:
           | I explicitly included zsh. The point is not the language of
           | the shell itself; that has never been the point. The point is
           | that zsh interoperates with the other programs on your system
           | in a way that crush doesn't and can't.
             | viraptor wrote:
             | > a way that crush doesn't and can't
             | What do you mean by can't? If it misses some mode of
             | interaction, that can be always added.
               | ori_b wrote:
               | Consistent behavior when piping through all commands. A
               | lack of modes of operation to consider. Simplicity.
               | viraptor wrote:
               | Simplicity exists on more than a single dimension.
               | Choosing one column from "ls" output for example is not
               | simple, bordering on impossible using the consistent
               | behaviour of standard pipes.
               | Sometimes the inconsistent solution will be simpler by
               | moving the complexity to the choice of the mode of
               | interaction. Sometimes not.
               | moonchild wrote:
               | > Choosing one column from "ls" output for example is not
               | simple, bordering on impossible using the consistent
               | behaviour of standard pipes.                 ls -l | awk
               | '{print $3}'       ls -l | cut -f 3 -d ' '
               | ori_b wrote:
               | Maybe a shell is the wrong tool for that job, and hiding
               | the modes that the language is operating in complicates
               | things.
               | ratboy666 wrote:
               | You are correct. It is all about how you think about
               | things.
               | "ls" lists files. Sure. Simple interactive command. But,
               | thinking about this, "echo _" also lists files.  "ls"
               | provides information about files. Sure. Simple
               | interactive command. But, "stat" specifically provides
               | information.
               | So, I would reach for
               | stat --format "%n %a" _
               | To get name and octal permissions. You are correct, and
               | wrong at the same time. Easy enough to accomplish -- but
               | using * instead of ls. Note that the "space in filename"
               | becomes the big issue (use %N in stat format).
               | So your conclusion is 100% correct. Thank you for your
               | post and insight
           | heresie-dabord wrote:
           | Many young people don't know history, science, other
           | languages, or even the grammar of their native language. That
           | is why we teach.
           | The "ecosystem" of programming languages is healthy. There
           | are many options, some to master, some to consider. But not
           | knowing how to use a tool -- especially a widely-used and
           | powerful tool -- is no badge of honour or discernment.
             | cat199 wrote:
             | > That is why we teach.
             | but what if people don't know how to learn?
             | instead of getting wrapped up in all of this 'knowledge
             | preservation' nonsense, shouldn't we just mimic what they
             | are already doing and assume it to be better, because the
             | activity occurs in a year number that is higher than the
             | previous behavior pattern?
             | now _that_ would be real progress.
             | or, not.
               | heresie-dabord wrote:
               | Sarcasm duly noted. (o;
               | Societal results sadly noted.
         | shawxe wrote:
         | You really aren't kidding about Tcl. I recently discovered that
         | with tclreadline, Tcl can be used completely in place of Bash
         | in interactive mode, in a way that something like Python
         | absolutely cannot.
         | A lot of people seem to have negative opinions about Tcl (maybe
         | because it's more of a LISP than its syntax seems to imply),
         | but as someone who is just discovering it, I'm shocked at how
         | powerful it is for how unpopular it seems to have become. It's
         | like some kind of unexpected cross between Bash, LISP, and
         | (with Tk) Visual Basic. There's something about it that's just
         | kind of fun.
           | hodgesrm wrote:
           | Tcl is awesome. I used it constantly in the 1990s. It's
           | outstanding for things like testing and build scripts.
           | I think some of the pushback might be because people tried to
           | use it to build large applications and failed. Languages like
           | Java and (dare I say it) Visual Basic were more comprehensive
           | and had good IDE support.
         | cnity wrote:
         | Your ideas are something I wrestled with while I was writing (a
         | very similarly named) crsh[0]. I chose to avoid trying to
         | reimplementing commands and instead stuck with an unstructured
         | environment, but with the ability to parse output using an
         | expandable set of parsers and use inline JavaScript to operate
         | on it. I agree with what you say about perl, but the number of
         | users with experience in perl is -- at least in my bubble --
         | very small compared with more modern languages.
         | [0] https://crwi.uk/2020/07/12/crsh.html
           | dividedbyzero wrote:
           | While I have some relatively extensive experience with Perl,
           | I'd rather write assembler using morse than touch that ever
           | again. The language is one guy's not-too-well-thought-through
           | hack that gained enormous traction by filling a void, and
           | from there grew far too organically. There are lots and lots
           | of cryptic ways to do the most mundane things, lots of
           | inconsistencies, the language really makes it hard to write
           | software that isn't terrible to maintain.
             | cnity wrote:
             | Exactly. This is common with shell scripting languages.
             | They feel like some awful duct tape, when in fact the
             | perfect primitive for joining separate concerns already
             | exists (the pipe). Using a nicer language (like modern JS)
             | to perform procedural logic makes perfect sense to me.
             | gridlockd wrote:
             | Aren't we talking about "a better shell scripting
             | language"? At the point where a Perl program becomes "hard
             | to maintain", what would the bash alternative even look
             | like?
             | Perl code is often written once and then runs _for years_
             | without issue. I have on occasion fixed broken Perl scripts
             | despite having practically no experience with the language.
             | It wasn 't a problem at all, because your average
             | maintenance job is "something was moved" or "we're
             | switching out X for Y", but not "we need to rewrite this
             | complex system that is a Perl script for some reason".
               | licebmi__at__ wrote:
               | >It wasn't a problem at all, because your average
               | maintenance job is "something was moved" or "we're
               | switching out X for Y", but not "we need to rewrite this
               | complex system that is a Perl script for some reason".
               | I would intuitively agree with you as there are hundreds
               | of unnoticeable perl scripts doing their job, but as
               | someone with moderate experience with the language, I can
               | say that when I did maintenance tasks, they were mostly
               | the second kind.
             | zeveb wrote:
             | You are right, but none of those criticisms apply to Tcl,
             | which is both beautiful and integrates really well with the
             | Unix environment. I won't say that it is _perfect_ , but it
             | is really, really good. A better choice than Perl where
             | Perl is used, a better choice than Lua almost everywhere
             | Lua is used, often a better choice than Python.
             | Tcl is horribly, terribly under-appreciated. It is one of
             | the great might-have-beens of modern computing, almost as
             | much as is Lisp.
               | yumaikas wrote:
               | Eh, having used both Tcl and Lua, I definitely think Lua
               | is the better of the two when it comes to a scripting
               | engine for games.
               | And I think Lua is more elegant than TCL overall. TCL's
               | stringiness really gets clumsy in certain types of
               | programs, and it's a much larger target than Lua overall.
               | Not to say that TCL is bad, but I'm glad that dict-based
               | languages prevailed over TCL's string-based-ness
           | mhotchen wrote:
           | This is a very interesting project. I really like the
           | combination of languages and the way you've implemented it. I
           | already see some opportunities to use it.
             | cnity wrote:
             | Thank you! It's pretty buggy at the moment, and maybe
             | frustrating to use since it's missing some important shell
             | features, but any feedback is always welcome.
               | mhotchen wrote:
               | I'm very impressed with what works so far by the way.
               | mhotchen wrote:
               | Yeah I've just installed it and seen eg. the
               | autocompletion on ls isn't how I'm used to. I will keep
               | playing around and watch for progress because I really
               | like the idea.
               | I especially see this being useful in my CI environment
               | which has a handful of functions, some json and yaml
               | parsing (using jq and python respectively), etc. It's a
               | little cumbersome at the minute but not so much to switch
               | from bash and the rest of the project is JS anyway so it
               | would be good to be consistent.
               | cnity wrote:
               | Excellent. If there are things you notice, please feel
               | free to raise as an issue, and pull requests are always
               | welcome!
               | > useful in my CI environment
               | For sure. I've been meaning to play around with getting a
               | docker image with the shell set as the default. It's
               | definitely a use-case I had in mind.
         | r-w wrote:
         | It's my understanding that commands don't have to be specially
         | written for Crush. As long as they speak an understandable
         | format, they can be used.
         | https://github.com/liljencrantz/crush#reading-and-writing-fi...
         | kevincox wrote:
         | This seems to strike a good compromise as "third party"
         | commands are "lines" type which is basically what we are used
         | to send and receive in unix tools. Of course a lot of tools
         | already support emitting JSON so it seems the Crush is already
         | more useful than the typical unix shell as you can still use
         | "lines" for every program (and convert to a table by parsing if
         | you want to use the more advanced features) and there are
         | already a number of third-party programs that you take directly
         | take advantage of these feature with even though they didn't
         | know anything about this shell.
         | I think the fact that you can already use this with most
         | programs and it is never less powerful than bash seems like
         | good indication that the system doesn't need to be reworked
         | around this shell. It fits in cleanly to existing paradigms.
         | hhas01 wrote:
         | "somewhat miss the point of the shell in the first place"
         | This presupposes that the Unix shell is the way it is because
         | of careful, considered, forward-thinking design, rather than
         | being a haphazard heap of mouldering hacks upon lazy corner-
         | cutting upon quick-n-dirty bodges that should've been thrown
         | out and replaced decades ago.
         | I agree that trying to improve the *nix shell is a bad idea...
         | because the _Unix shell itself_ is a bad idea. Fifty years is
         | long enough. Instead of bending over backwards for that
         | obsolescent garbage heap (for which no-one will thank you, as
         | we see), study it, learn its lessons, and draw a line under it.
         | Then go build a clean, modern shell architecture from scratch,
         | using modern tooling and techniques, unhobbled by the myriad
         | defects and deficiencies of the old. It'll take a tenth of the
         | time and be ten times better (if not, you're still doing it
         | wrong).
         | See also:
         | https://www.google.com/search?q=sunk+cost+fallacy
         | https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~weise/uhh-download.html
         | --
         | p.s. As for driving early adoption, don't even think of trying
         | to win over the Unix old guard (who will only bring regressive
         | practices and complaints with them), but sell it hard to the
         | new generations of users who are accustomed to modern UI/UX
         | standards and much less impressed by what the "Old Unix"
         | dogpile has to offer.
         | joe_the_user wrote:
         | _Because I have better programming languages which, despite
         | being able to interact with the system and its commands, don 't
         | pretend to be one with the system. As a result, the core high-
         | level language constructs mesh better, because they're not
         | trying to serve two goals at once._
         | The power and usefulness of a given language is often the
         | ability to serve multiple goals at once. Python as tool is cool
         | specifically because of a large-ish but accessible-ish library
         | covering a everything from regex-ex to a web-server.
         | This project might not serve the goal of writing high level
         | programs and interacting effortless with the command
         | line/system. But I don't one should automatically dismiss the
         | goal of making stuff-glued-together look like a coherent whole.
         | jodrellblank wrote:
         | > " _because the system itself was designed around the shell._
         | "
         | Windows wasn't designed around the command prompt, it wasn't
         | designed around shell utilities. When I call "cat", it's not
         | important that I'm writing those three letters, they are a
         | library way of calling a set of file open/read OS functions.
         | When I write "ping", it's not the ping tool I care about, it's
         | the network api calls it does behind the scenes. The Unix/Linux
         | shell is then seen like a "Python standard library" of ways the
         | user can control the OS, and it's a hugely inconsistent,
         | undesigned, ad-hoc agglomeration of names and parameters and
         | bodges, which cheats out on dealing with the complexity and
         | instead offloads that straight on to the user in a user hostile
         | way.
         | What powershell tries to do for Windows is make a somewhat
         | designed, consistent, and more user-approachable set of
         | wrappers around the Windows OS system calls, along with
         | guidelines and support for vendors to build in that style, a
         | human interface that is introspectable, built to be
         | programmable, but still composable and modular.
         | The objection that trying to do such a user-focused thing on
         | Unix makes a "useless" system is weird because that - a user
         | interface to tools/library of OS call patterns - is what the
         | shell is. In what way is "resolve-dnsname" pretending to be one
         | with the system that dig and nslookup aren't? They're names
         | which trigger a pattern of network traffic and show a result.
         | In what way is piping text from dig to sed "real" and piping
         | resolve-dnsname to format-list "pretend"?
         | In what way is running "docker compose" from sh real, but
         | running it from zsh is pretend?
         | In what way is it a better design to have (a pile of shell
         | tools and Python library wrappers and Python wrapping shell
         | tool calls), instead of (a Python based shell with transparent
         | shell tool calls)?
         | Like, "I want what I'm familiar with, too many things to
         | relearn", or "too many things are awkward in this approach
         | (cough PowerShell)" are reasonable objections, but "trying for
         | a more consistent, more human friendly, interface with more
         | high level language constructs at one's fingertips makes a
         | thing _useless_ to me" feels heel dragging or Stockholm
         | syndromeish. Presumably you don't object to there being a
         | choice of multiple command line tools to do a task? Why object
         | on principle to a choice of other OS "front end experiences"?
         | Is there any version of things which you can imagine as being
         | both "better" (less arbitrary and inconsistent than shell) and
         | "not pretend"?
         | > " _The point of shell is that it interoperates freely with
         | all programs and all programs share a language._ "
         | What language? Some treat piped bytes as bytes (e.g. piping a
         | binary file), others as ASCII, others as UTF-8. All support
         | different parameter options, names and values and ways of
         | specifying them. Many handle output formatting in different
         | ways, many trigger internal states from environment variables.
         | If the point is a common shared language, the point doesn't
         | seem to have been achieved from a user perspective. And if the
         | point is that "I have to suffer a system that's tied to a
         | shared language with an AIX box in a bank basement last touched
         | by a human in 1997" the point is a bad one. I use my computer a
         | lot more than I use AIX and I have more computing power to
         | spare on human comforts and conveniences.
           | jerf wrote:
           | "What language?"
           | The UNIX philosophy was to write a solid system by taking
           | most of the hard problems in kernel space and kicking them
           | into user space. This is not a slur, this is a description.
           | Especially at the time, it wasn't at terrible solution. I
           | kind of think of it the same way as many programming
           | languages have observed that "the standard library is where
           | things go to die"; the code in a system that is hardest to
           | change, well, it doesn't change! So any bad decision that
           | ever gets in there is almost permanent. Part of the reason
           | UNIX won is that it enshrined fewer bad decisions in the
           | kernel than its competition did. I think you could even argue
           | it had more bad decisions overall than its competition, at
           | least towards the beginning; it's just that far fewer of them
           | were enshrined in the kernel.
           | This is also the philosophy of the pipe. It disclaims all
           | layout and moves that responsibility on to the consumers.
           | There is no "shell language", at all. This is,
           | simultaneously, a big strength and a big weakness.
           | One aspect of that is precisely that the strength of this
           | approach tends to inhibit anyone who tries to beat it with
           | something like Powershell. All Powershell had to be was
           | better than any shell on Windows. This was not hard. For
           | something like Crush, to take off it has to be better than
           | any existing shell on UNIX, and as annoying as unstructured
           | pipes may be, the ecosystem as a whole still has a lot of
           | positives about it, because it's been tuned for 50+ years.
           | It's going to take a lot of work to match that, and so far,
           | it doesn't seem like any of these projects are achieving
           | take-off velocity.
           | Arguably, the best thing to do would be for all these
           | projects to get together and try to define a standard UNIX-
           | level non-textual rich serialization of some sort, using
           | lessons from Powershell and arguably things like D-Bus to do
           | it, because none of these projects individually seem to be on
           | a success trajectory.
             | BeetleB wrote:
             | > For something like Crush, to take off it has to be better
             | than any existing shell on UNIX, and as annoying as
             | unstructured pipes may be, the ecosystem as a whole still
             | has a lot of positives about it, because it's been tuned
             | for 50+ years. It's going to take a lot of work to match
             | that, and so far, it doesn't seem like any of these
             | projects are achieving take-off velocity.
             | Who cares about "taking off"? If it's useful for 10s of
             | users, it has taken off.
             | Consider xonsh (https://xon.sh/). I don't think it will
             | ever be "mainstream" the way bash or zsh are. I doubt it
             | will ever come preinstalled in any major Linux
             | distribution. But it's used by enough and has enough
             | momentum that I don't worry it will die. That alone is
             | enough for me to use it as my primary shell. I don't care
             | that xonsh will never "take off".
               | jerf wrote:
               | Failure to take off means that instead of getting a long
               | tail of things that work, you get a smaller island of
               | reduced functionality, even if that is enough to keep you
               | using it.
               | It doesn't have to be the goal of the project or the
               | author, but there are real advantages to achieving a
               | takeoff, even to the users of a product.
         | hodgesrm wrote:
         | New shells seem unlikely to catch fire unless they:
         | * Preserve compatibility with popular shells like bash.
         | * Address some of the broken parts in a way that makes the
         | world better. Quote handling is the original sin of *nix
         | shells. If somebody fixed that you would have my full
         | attention.
         | Otherwise I can just stick with Bash + Python3.
           | haecceity wrote:
           | fish is pretty popular?
           | hannasanarion wrote:
           | Which is impossible, which is why no new shells have caught
           | fire.
           | In order to preserve compatibility, you _must_ handle quotes,
           | namespaces, etc in the same way as Bourne-derived shells,
           | because they will be expected to run scripts that use nested
           | interpolation, or string declarations without quotes, or
           | whatever. Shells that use a more robust syntax, like Fish or
           | Powershell, can 't ever be compatible.
             | majkinetor wrote:
             | Not exactly true since PowerShell is doing quite good
             | regarding popularity nowdays...
               | mdaniel wrote:
               | From my perspective, that's partially because CMD is so
               | _stunningly_ incapable as what a reasonable person might
               | think of as a shell. I 'd guess the other half is the
               | amount of pressure Microsoft has placed upon management
               | tooling using PS
               | If Apple shipped some Swift-powered shell and all of
               | their management documentation started using it, I'd bet
               | a non-trivial portion of administrators would start to
               | use AppleSwiftShell (although I do deeply appreciate
               | that's a severely flawed comparison since macOS already
               | has a sane functioning shell, but it's the best I could
               | think of as a huge company that owns the platform pushing
               | such a concept down)
             | chubot wrote:
             | It's possible, and http://www.oilshell.org/ has done it:
             | http://www.oilshell.org/release/latest/doc/simple-word-
             | eval....
             | You can try it right now. Turn on 'shopt -s
             | simple_word_eval' to get the better behavior.
             | Or turn on the group 'shopt -s oil:basic' and get even more
             | better behavior.
             | When those options are off, Oil runs some of the biggest
             | shell scripts in the world. It's the shell that's most
             | compatible with bash by a mile.
             | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Shell-Programs-That-
             | Run...
             | hodgesrm wrote:
             | I can't speak to the implementation details but there must
             | be a middle ground where you can set compatibility using
             | 'set -N' or some similar approach to enable new behavior.
             | Scripting languages like Python, Ruby, Perl, etc., have
             | dealt with upgrade many times. It has not always been
             | pretty, but the alternative is stagnation.
               | chubot wrote:
               | Yup, it's already been done with 'shopt -s
               | simple_word_eval' in Oil, see right above:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24086213
               | And yes I drafted a blog post called "Unix Shell Should
               | Evolve Like Perl 5" which says exactly what you are
               | saying:
               | http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2020/07/blog-
               | roadmap.html#the-u...
               | And Oil has already done it. It needs to be faster, but
               | that's an inevitability based on progress so far.
               |  _Why Use Oil?_ http://www.oilshell.org/why.html
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | You are forgetting about how shell scripts start. "I don't want
         | to keep writing these 5 shell commands, I'll put them in a
         | file. Ok that is useful, I'll add some parameters. This shell
         | script works great, I'll add more functionality."
         | And before you know it you have a buggy monster written in a
         | batshit insane language that nobody is going to want to touch.
         | If your shell is at least vaguely sane, the situation is a lot
         | better. I don't really get why you would argue against
         | something that fixes the many many many mistakes of Bash.
           | lolc wrote:
           | To a first approximation, people who are ok with Bash as a
           | scripting language do not know enough Bash to safely use it
           | as a scripting language.
           | I see many insane constructs that accidentally work. I also
           | know how much time it would take to explain expansion rules.
           | And people don't even want to hear it because it shakes their
           | simplistic (and inconsistent) understanding.
           | So yes, I hope we'll see something like crush replacing Bash.
           | But I don't see how it will happen.
       | j88439h84 wrote:
       | A similar idea is Mario, for Python code in shell pipelines. Its
       | most novel feature is (optional) async commands, so you can pipe
       | in a list of urls, make many concurrent requests, and then
       | process them in a single line.                   cat urls.txt |
       | mario async-map 'await asks.get ! x.json()' apply len
       | https://github.com/python-mario/mario
       | Nushell also seems cool, it's somewhat similar to Powershell.
       | https://github.com/nushell/nushell
       | danielbigham wrote:
       | I love this. Yes, there are higher level languages that can be
       | used for accomplishing these things, but people find themselves
       | at the command line a lot, and having the ability to efficiently
       | express your intent using a familiar language, without getting
       | hand-cuffed by a poor underlying representation seems very
       | useful.
       | aniou wrote:
       | Nice idea that corresponds with my idee fixe - a sane, usable
       | output format for Unix utilities. There are differences, of
       | course - I prefer a text-table format as universal panacea, but
       | I'm glad that more and more people notice a mess in Unix
       | environment ("simple" doesn't mean "consistent" and even Plan9
       | suffers from that).
       | See also https://github.com/aniou/cof/wiki/Draft
       | Wandfarbe wrote:
       | I'm struggling today as well with this shit:
       | I just wanna write a few small lines of a shell script which
       | downloads stuff;
       | It is very very stupid through what loops you hvae to jump to do
       | this with curl and bash script in a good way including
       | readability and error handling.
       | Is a perl script really better?
       | Perl 5,6 and 7 did not make it very sane to me, managing and
       | installing and working with perl is also less trivial then having
       | a shell like bash, sh or dash available to you.
       | Something inbetween bash and go is missing, i like the approach
       | of crush. I think thats the biggest misstake happening in bash:
       | playing around with strings and auto expansion and substition
       | etc. Its weird, its error prone, it doesn't have a proper clean
       | well defined ecosysem.
         | adamnew123456 wrote:
         | If you're open to learning it, Tcl is actually a good middle
         | ground here. The best way I can describe it is "structured
         | shell script" - still very string oriented, but the syntax and
         | command set is much more well thought out, and its better for
         | building libraries in (having namespacing, among other things).
         | You even have a choice among object systems if you need one.
         | You don't lose much in terms of shell interop though - the
         | native exec command understands a lot of the basics (file
         | redirection, pipelining, background execution). In the simplest
         | case, it's just one more word:                 exec wget $URL
         | You do have simple exceptions too, which terminate by default
         | unless you catch them (unfortunately, the stack traces aren't
         | really useful). AFAIK exec throws on a non-zero exit, and you
         | can use it in your own code too:                 # Dead
         | error "IO error"            # Not dead       if {catch [error
         | "IO error"] error_or_result} {         # The error         puts
         | "Caught: $error_or_result"       } else {         # The result
         | puts "OK: $error_or_result"       }
       | robin_reala wrote:
       | The author, Axel Liljencrantz, was also the initial developer of
       | fish, so has form in shell development.
         | cies wrote:
         | Had a quick look: Fish is in C++, Crush is in Rust.
         | I also feel Crush addresses some issues I had with Fish. Still
         | on Zsh though (I like pastable scripts).
           | gwd wrote:
           | I was curious how crush compared to fish (having glanced
           | cursorily once or twice at the latter). Want to expand on the
           | "issues you had with fish"?
       | frabert wrote:
       | This sounds similar to the ideas found in PowerShell, which I
       | really quite like in principle
       | dimator wrote:
       | Upon further thinking, I think the fact that running and
       | integrating non-built-ins is so clunky makes this less a shell
       | and more just a shell-like programming language, and at that
       | point why not python?
       | Like it or not, the Unix pipe model of command integration is
       | what enables programs to "know" about each other without ever
       | really knowing about each other. Crush looks like its foregoing
       | that.
         | mst wrote:
         | The author was very clear that they're focusing on the
         | programming language part first and the running non-built-ins
         | part is just a proof of concept to be fleshed out later.
       | caymanjim wrote:
       | This is a shell for people who either don't know Unix or don't
       | like Unix. The normal Unix tools do all these things, often with
       | less typing, and they're a lot more flexible and transferrable to
       | other environments.
       | I get that many Unix commands are obscure, and the syntax is
       | often inconsistent, but once you're familiar with them, you can
       | do everything this shell does and a whole lot more. And for
       | anything more complex you've got a million other languages to
       | choose from.
       | ashishmax31 wrote:
       | Neat! Definitely going to try this out.
       (page generated 2020-08-07 23:01 UTC)