[HN Gopher] An Introduction to Godel's Theorems (Second Edition)...
       An Introduction to Godel's Theorems (Second Edition) [pdf]
       Author : furcyd
       Score  : 86 points
       Date   : 2020-08-07 13:59 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.logicmatters.net)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.logicmatters.net)
       | hwc wrote:
       | Why does the author use "sound" instead of "consistent"?
       | Smaug123 wrote:
       | I can recommend Peter Smith as an author; I was part of a small
       | reading group with him while we were all getting to grips with
       | Cambridge's Part III Introduction to Category Theory, and he's
       | definitely good at identifying the difficult bits and breaking
       | them down.
       | bmitc wrote:
       | I need to learn more about Godel and read the books about him.
       | From the outside, he almost seems like an intellectual rebel,
       | showing how systems are broken when people assume they aren't.
       | With his completeness theorems and his Godel metric, he seemed to
       | be excited by logical exotica. I find the Godel metric and its
       | closed timelike curves to be an interesting case study of general
       | relativity. This is just me spitballing here, as I have not yet
       | dove into the many books I have on him.
       | antman wrote:
       | This is a book, if someone wants to introduce himself to the
       | field and its actors I suggest Logicomix.
       | braindongle wrote:
       | If you're uninitiated and simply want to grok where true-but-
       | unprovable comes from, I recommend:
       | https://www.quantamagazine.org/how-godels-incompleteness-the...
       | Wolchover is masterful here. The layers of abstraction keep
       | piling up, and I had to read the last part more than a couple of
       | times to really get it, but then you have it.
         | dvt wrote:
         | Just going to echo @dwohnitmok here in saying that this is a
         | pretty 'meh' article. Understanding Godel's First
         | Incompleteness Theorem is actually very accessible, I wrote
         | about it a few years ago[1]. His second is _much_ more involved
         | and laymen won 't have the required tools to grasp it. In my
         | opinion, the easiest way to understand it is probably using
         | Lob's Theorem, but that's neither here nor there. Either way,
         | I'm of the opinion that arithmetic coding is very confusing and
         | shouldn't be used to introduce people to Godel.
         | [1] https://dvt.name/2018/03/12/godels-first-incompleteness-
         | theo...
           | krick wrote:
           | I'm not sure this is equivalent to Godel's theorem. Actually,
           | I'm not sure this is a correct proof of anything at all,
           | merely a sort-of demonstration of Richard's paradox.
           | First, for reference, let me quote First Incompleteness
           | Theorem: "Any consistent formal system F within which a
           | certain amount of elementary arithmetic can be carried out is
           | incomplete; i.e., there are statements of the language of F
           | which can neither be proved nor disproved in F." (from
           | Wikipedia)
           | Now back to your post.
           | Obviously, f' is not in T and it is not computable. But
           | neither is T. It is incomputable merely by being the list of
           | computable functions, which we cannot construct because of
           | halting problem and stuff like that.
           | And your definition of f' relies on having T. So we don't in
           | fact have seen "statement f'". So, the direct connection
           | between Godel's theorem and your construct is not obvious to
           | me, because first is about constructable, but unprovable
           | statements, and second seems to be a faulty (i.e.
           | mathematically uninterpretable) construct itself.
             | dvt wrote:
             | > I'm not sure this is equivalent to Godel's theorem.
             | It is. In fact, I've seen it proven this way several times
             | (mostly in CS-y papers), but it's definitely not common. My
             | post is in fact based (almost beat-by-beat) on this UC
             | Davis lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JeIG_CsgvI
               | krick wrote:
               | Your plain and confident statement "it is" doesn't really
               | address any of my concerns, and I just explained why, as
               | it seems, it actually isn't.
               | P.S.
               | I did some random googling, and while I'm not sure, all
               | this story seems to be based off of Paul Finsler's work,
               | which he himself thought to be the priority for an
               | incompleteness theorem (Collected Works Vol. IV., p. 9),
               | but didn't seem so to Godel (and, seemingly, the majority
               | of those who had to say something about it).
               | If this indeed is the same thing, it would explain to me
               | why this "proof", which doesn't seem to me like a proof
               | at all is so widespread. But, again, I'm not sure I'm
               | reading into it correctly, and operating under assumption
               | that if somebody could provide something more weighty
               | than "it is" statement, I could be persuaded otherwise.
           | irontinkerer wrote:
           | Per the end of your article, have you started writing about
           | the 2nd theorem yet?
             | dvt wrote:
             | I did (https://dvt.name/2018/04/11/godels-second-
             | incompleteness-the...) -- but like I mentioned, it's not
             | very accessible and I don't think it's a particularly good
             | explanation, either (although I've yet to find one I really
             | like, to be honest).
         | dwohnitmok wrote:
         | The article plays a little fast and loose with language
         | > For example, Godel himself helped establish that the
         | continuum hypothesis, which concerns the sizes of infinity, is
         | undecidable, as is the halting problem
         | The continuum hypothesis is definitely not "undecidable" in the
         | same way that the halting problem is undecidable. Though there
         | are deep connections behind the two, the two notions of
         | "undecidability" (logical independence in the former and Turing
         | machine computability in the latter) are very different.
         | Also,
         | > He also showed that no candidate set of axioms can ever prove
         | its own consistency.
         | This is powerful as a limiting result, but it has little direct
         | impact for philosophy, because you wouldn't trust the
         | consistency result of a system you suspect might be
         | inconsistent to begin with because inconsistent systems can
         | prove anything. So saying "my axioms prove themselves
         | consistent" shouldn't have increased your trust in those axioms
         | to begin with in the absence of the incompleteness theorems.
         | I'm not really a fan of "true-but-unprovable" as short-hand the
         | incompleteness theorems, because that hinges a lot on what kind
         | of logic system you're in and how that logic system defines
         | "truth" (taken at face value, how do we know that Godel's
         | incompleteness theorem is "true?").
         | I prefer rather to pose two questions to reflect on that I
         | think illuminate Godel's incompleteness theorems some more.
         | Most modern logical systems (e.g. first-order logic and its
         | various extensions and variants) equate unproveability with
         | logical independence. So with that in mind, here's two
         | questions.
         | First, Conway's Game of Life:
         | Conway's Game of Life seem like they should be subject to
         | Godel's incompleteness theorems. It is after all powerful
         | enough to be Turing-complete.
         | Yet its rules seem clearly complete (they unambiguously specify
         | how to implement the Game of Life enough that different
         | implementation of the Game of Life agree with each other).
         | So what part of Game of Life is incomplete? What new rule (i.e.
         | axiom) can you add to Conway's Game of Life that is independent
         | of its current rules? Given that, what does it mean when I say
         | that "its rules seem clearly complete?" Is there a way of
         | capturing that notion? And if there isn't, why haven't
         | different implementations of the game diverged? If you don't
         | think that the Game of Life should be subject to Godel's
         | Incompleteness Theorems why? Given that it's Turing complete it
         | seems obviously as powerful as any other system.
         | Second, again, in most logical systems, another way of stating
         | that consistency is unproveable is that consistency of a system
         | S is independent of the axioms of that system. However, that
         | means that the addition of a new axiom asserting that S is
         | either consistent or inconsistent are both consistent with S.
         | In particular, the new system S' that consists of the axioms of
         | S with the new axiom "S is inconsistent" is consistent if S is
         | consistent.
         | What gives? Do we have some weird "superposition" of
         | consistency and inconsistency?
         | Hints (don't read them until you've given these questions some
         | thought!):
         | 1. Consider questions of the form "eventually" or "never." Can
         | those be turned into axioms? If you decide instead to tackle
         | the question of applicability of the incompleteness theorems,
         | what is the domain of discourse when I say "clearly complete?"
         | What exactly is under consideration?
         | 2. Consider carefully what Godel's arithmetization of proofs
         | gives you. What does Godel's scheme actually give you when it
         | says it's "found" a contradiction? Does this comport with what
         | you would normally agree with? An equivalent way of phrasing
         | this hint, is what is the actual statement in Godel's
         | arithmetization scheme created when we informally say "S is
         | inconsistent?"
         | At the end of the day, the philosophical implications of
         | Godel's incompleteness theorems hinge on whether you believe
         | that it is possible to unambiguously specify what the entirety
         | of the natural numbers are and whether they exist as a separate
         | entity (i.e. does "infinity" exist in a real sense? Is there a
         | truly absolute standard model of the natural numbers?).
           | braindongle wrote:
           | Who cares about the philosophical implications of the
           | theorems? Philosophers! The linked article is about how the
           | theorems destroyed Whitehead et al's aspirations to find One
           | Algebra To Rule Them All.
           | The literature on Godel and philosophy is gargantuan, for
           | some reason. Wasn't it summed up well by Wittgenstein?
           | Paraphrasing: "Who cares about your contradictions?" Well
           | said. Also not the topic Wolchover's article.
           | Math people can make the same move: "Who cares about your
           | philosophizing?"
             | dwohnitmok wrote:
             | > The linked article is about how the theorems destroyed
             | Whitehead et al's aspirations to find One Algebra To Rule
             | Them All.
             | Sort of. Whitehead's contributions to universal algebra are
             | still relevant and universal algebra is still a thriving
             | field of study for mathematical logic. Although perhaps you
             | mean "algebra" in a more informal sense?
             | Again, the conclusion of the article is a bit strong.
             | > Godel's proof killed the search for a consistent,
             | complete mathematical system.
             | The consistency half doesn't make sense. (EDIT: I get it
             | now, see the last sentence of this paragraph) There was
             | never a search for a consistent mathematical system in the
             | sense that Godel destroyed because again a system that can
             | prove its own consistency has no positive value in
             | evaluating the consistency of that system (Godel's big
             | contribution here is contributing a strong negative result,
             | if it could prove its own consistency you're pretty
             | screwed). EDIT: On reflection I see that the sentence
             | probably means to tie consistency to completeness rather
             | than as a stand-alone quality. That makes more sense.
             | As for mathematicians, their reactions to Godel's
             | incompleteness theorems overall are probably similar to
             | "Who cares about your incompleteness theorems?" (there's a
             | reason Russell and Whitehead are known primarily for being
             | philosophers first and mathematicians second and why often
             | times there is distinction between logicians like Godel and
             | other mathematicians). Most mathematicians don't think
             | about the foundations of mathematics because it is (perhaps
             | surprisingly) largely irrelevant to the day-to-day work of
             | mathematicians. Indeed the vast majority of mathematics is
             | very resilient to changes in its underlying foundations.
             | To interpret Godel's incompleteness theorems requires a
             | healthy dose of at least mathematical logic that can start
             | veering quite close to mathematical philosophy.
             | An example from the article:
             | > However, although G is undecidable, it's clearly true. G
             | says, "The formula with Godel number sub(n, n, 17) cannot
             | be proved," and that's exactly what we've found to be the
             | case!
             | Well no, that's not true in certain senses. Indeed in a
             | larger axiomatic system subsuming the current system that
             | corresponds to G, it is completely consistent to state that
             | G is provable and that its statement is provable (see my
             | example of S'), i.e. there are Godel numbers that
             | correspond to both a proof of G and to a proof of its
             | content. To interpret that statement that way requires
             | certain philosophical commitments to the correspondence
             | between a Godel number and truth, which not everyone would
             | accept (do you accept the truth of the new axiom introduced
             | by S'? Why then do you accept the truth of the statement "S
             | is consistent?" and vice versa).
             | "In striving for a complete mathematical system, you can
             | never catch your own tail." This on the other hand I think
             | is a very good informal description of what's on with
             | Godel's incompleteness theorems. Focus on the
             | incompleteness not on truth.
             | That's why I'm not a fan of using the word "truth" when
             | talking about Godel's incompleteness theorems. I am in fact
             | deeply sympathetic to your desire to separate philosophy
             | from Godel's incompleteness theorems.
             | I prefer to clearly delineate between its logical
             | properties in mathematical logic and its philosophical
             | implications and using the word "truth" by necessity
             | muddles the two.
             | FINAL EDIT: I am being perhaps a bit too harsh on the
             | article. I think it does a fine job of describing the
             | arithmetization of the incompleteness theorems. But if
             | someone else reading this also decides to create an
             | informal guide to Godel's incompleteness theorems, please
             | please please don't use the word "truth" and "true" or at
             | least separate it out into its own section on philosophy.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> that 's not true in certain senses_
               | I think it's not true in a very clear sense: you can
               | construct semantic models of the axioms of arithmetic in
               | which it is false. In other words, you can construct
               | semantic models of the axioms of arithmetic (more
               | precisely, of the axioms of arithmetic using first-order
               | logic, which is what the article is about) in which there
               | _is_ a  "number" that is the Godel number of a proof of
               | the Godel sentence G! Godel's Theorem just ensures that
               | in any such model, the "number" that is the Godel number
               | of such a proof will _not_ be a  "standard" natural
               | number, i.e., one that you can obtain from zero via the
               | application of the successor operation.
               | So another way of viewing this whole issue of "truth" is
               | that it is always relative to some semantic model. If
               | your chosen semantic model of the axioms of arithmetic is
               | the "standard" natural numbers, and _only_ those numbers,
               | then the Godel sentence G for that system will be true--
               | there will indeed be no number in your model that is the
               | Godel number of a proof of G. But if you pick instead a
               | non-standard model that includes  "numbers" other than
               | the standard natural numbers, but still satisfies the
               | axioms, then the Godel sentence G can be false in that
               | model, since there _can_ exist a  "number" (just not a
               | standard one) in that model that is the Godel number of a
               | proof of G.
           | unknown_apostle wrote:
           | Very interesting remarks... never looked at it in this way.
           | Thx!
           | Care to write a short but more explicit wrap up of how you
           | see your two questions yourself?
         | jjcc wrote:
         | May I suggest that "true" in "true-but-unprovable" means from
         | God's eye or in a higher level system but not in current system
         | because "unprovable"(in current system only) means it's not
         | really true in current system? Correct me if I'm wrong in this
         | context.
           | hilbertseries wrote:
           | You are wrong. Godel in fact showed precisely that there are
           | unprovable statements in any consistent set of axioms. In
           | fact it's equivalent. The only systems in which every
           | statement is provable are inconsistent. Consistent here
           | meaning that statements cannot be proven to be both true and
           | false from axioms.
             | dpierce9 wrote:
             | This isn't quite right, though perhaps a nit, plenty of
             | formal systems are provably sound (only true things are
             | provable) and complete (all true things are provable). For
             | example, the predicate calculus you learn in Logic 101.
             | Formal systems become provably incomplete when they are
             | able to express arithmetic (e.g., Peano axioms).
       | dtornabene wrote:
       | A Couple of comments here on "this isn't an introduction, its a
       | book!!", for anyone who checked here first, that is the _title_
       | of the book, and while I can 't speak to Smith's coverage, if
       | you're going to "introduce" someone to the incompleteness
       | theorems, a book is how you're going to do it. They're two of the
       | most significant theorems in modern mathematics, maybe all of
       | mathematics. Logicomix is fine, but I'm not pushing anyone to
       | actually _learn_ these theorems through a graphic novel or a
       | blogpost. As far as book alternatives, an interesting and useful
       | way to get your head around what Godel was doing is to try to
       | read Gottlob Frege, his notation isn 't that hard to parse, and
       | it marks the origin point of modern mathematical logic and the
       | attempt to do that which Godel proved impossible.
       | Foundations of Arithmetic is easily readable with only a slight
       | amount of contextualization for someone with a high school level
       | mathematical education.
       | ntabris wrote:
       | For a shorter (but still fairly thorough) introduction by the
       | same author, I recommend:
       | https://www.logicmatters.net/igt/godel-without-tears/
       | I found this super helpful when I was studying Godel's theorems
       | in grad school. (Fwiw, the 3rd edition of Boolos & Jeffrey's
       | _Computability and Logic_ is also great and takes a somewhat
       | atypical approach to the proofs.)
       | irontinkerer wrote:
       | 402 pages is one incredible introduction!!
       | Godel's theorems are fun to study though. What other theorems
       | have equally blown your mind?
         | throwgeorge wrote:
         | coincidentally enough cantor's diagonalization was formative
         | for me as a budding mathematician.
       | boyobo wrote:
       | Here is a nice, short proof, utilizing the conceptual framework
       | of "Computation".
       | https://www.scottaaronson.com/incompleteness.pdf
       | See chapter 3.
       | Kednicma wrote:
       | It's a book! I was expecting a short paper along the lines of [0]
       | or [1] but this is going to take a while to evaluate. Nonetheless
       | I like the surface-level presentation and it seems like the
       | author takes the time to carefully explain each concept in
       | detail.
       | [0] http://tac.mta.ca/tac/reprints/articles/15/tr15.pdf
       | [1] http://r6.ca/Goedel/goedel1.html
       (page generated 2020-08-07 23:01 UTC)