[HN Gopher] Git: Deletion of merged branches taken beyond shell ...
       Git: Deletion of merged branches taken beyond shell hacks
       Author : spyc
       Score  : 35 points
       Date   : 2020-08-12 19:34 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | chmaynard wrote:
       | Instead of re-packaging various git commands, I'd like to
       | encourage people to contribute their ideas and skills to the
       | actual git project. Send an email to git@vger.kernel.org,
       | volunteer to help, and ask for advice and direction. Git needs
       | you!
         | RyJones wrote:
         | Maybe? We've had mentorships over the last couple of years
         | trying to introduce some crypto features to Git, and they've
         | been rebuffed.
           | justincormack wrote:
           | What sort of features?
       | nhumrich wrote:
       | why not just set `git config fetch.prune true`?
         | brown9-2 wrote:
         | I don't think this detects a branch that can be deleted after a
         | squash merge to master
       | chrisweekly wrote:
       | Amazing timing! I was just auditing a colleague's (admittedly
       | fairly well-written) shell script for this purpose. Nice to have
       | this alternative.
       | maximilianroos wrote:
       | Does this have any advantage over git trim?
       | That's worked really well for me
       | https://github.com/foriequal0/git-trim
       | exabrial wrote:
       | requires a python installation which brings a lot of stuff and
       | new vulnerabilities... instead, see the other post about
       | contributing straight to the git project
         | CognitiveLens wrote:
         | yeah it's been awhile since I've set up a python-ready
         | environment, and trying to install this reminded me of the
         | challenge of just getting to the expected starting point.
         | $ pip install git-delete-merged-branches       zsh: command not
         | found: pip       $ brew install pip       Error: No available
         | formula with the name "pip"       pip is part of the python
         | formula:         brew install python       $ brew install
         | python       ...       OK       $ pip install git-delete-
         | merged-branches       zsh: command not found: pip
         | (look up how to install pip)       $ curl
         | https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py       $
         | python get-pip.py       WARNING: The scripts pip, pip2 and
         | pip2.7 are installed in
         | '/Users/{me}/Library/Python/2.7/bin' which is not on PATH.
         | Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to
         | suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location.
         | Successfully installed pip-20.2.2       $ pip install git-
         | delete-merged-branches       zsh: command not found: pip
         | (walk away)
         | I know there are solutions to all this, and it's mainly that I
         | don't already have my $PATH set up the way that pip expects,
         | etc, but really??
           | fuhrysteve wrote:
           | To be fair, python isn't the only language whose package
           | management system is all but incoherent to folks who don't
           | use python every day (and sometimes even to them!). npm is
           | pretty rough to get setup too, and you run into a lot of
           | issues similar to this.
             | wonderlg wrote:
             | I don't think Node has trouble from the very first
             | installation. A brew install will set you up with the
             | latest version of both node and npm and they will work.
             | At most you'll have trouble running the right version (rare
             | nowadays, unlike in pre-v1 days)
           | viraptor wrote:
           | This looks like brew issue more than python. `brew unlink
           | python ; brew link python` may help you.
         | [deleted]
       | vikin9 wrote:
       | Not so fancy, but a one-liner                 # Remove all local
       | branches for which there is no remote       git branch -r | awk
       | '{print $1}' | egrep -v -f /dev/fd/0 <(git branch -vv | grep
       | origin) | awk '{print $1}' | xargs git branch -D
       (page generated 2020-08-12 23:00 UTC)