[HN Gopher] Show HN: GA Insights - Never Log into Google Analyti...
       Show HN: GA Insights - Never Log into Google Analytics Again
       Hey HN!  We are Patrick & Chris, bootstrapped co-founders of GA
       Insights (https://www.ga-insights.com) - a simple way of getting
       reports and alerts for your tools inside Slack and Teams. We
       started as a technical tool to monitor client accounts in Slack,
       interfacing with Microsoft Azure insights, and then pivoted to
       supporting business intelligence tools like Google Analytics and
       Google Search Console.  The idea was born out of the angst that we
       had experienced using disparate tools to monitor our metrics,
       client & to share information. Google Analytics has an ever-
       evolving interface that most developers would rather not spend a
       day getting lost in. We decided to take the primary use cases we
       had for Google Analytics and provide an engine to process,
       visualize, and ship to Slack or Teams. This gets us daily or weekly
       reports on metrics such as page speed, bounce rates, page
       engagement, and when the cart checkout breaks.  Once we started to
       gain some traction with clients, we extended the capacity to
       include other data sources like Google Search Console and Google
       Ads, making it simple for indie businesses and large corporations
       to extract the value from these reporting surfaces and send them to
       a channel that we use every day, like Slack or Teams. We use ML to
       analyze 100s of metric streams to detect anomalies in your data,
       and are soon expanding into providing root-cause analysis when
       anomalies occur.  Currently, we send 2.6k alerts per week and 3.2K
       scheduled reports into Slack, Teams & Email. Slack has seen the
       biggest uptake followed by Teams. We run on Azure, combines NoSQL,
       Serverless, Redis, Warehousing, and scalable architecture to deal
       with bursty loads (common in report scheduling).  We're launching
       new data sources and integrations rapidly, with Facebook, Stripe,
       and Zapier next on our docket.  Happy to answer any questions you
       might have.
       Author : patrickmccurley
       Score  : 33 points
       Date   : 2020-08-18 15:25 UTC (7 hours ago)
       | thrownaway954 wrote:
       | i just got to say... i love reading the view source code of
       | websites and finding SO references :) What would we do without
       | SO?
       | //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1634748/how-can-i-delete...
         | NTroy wrote:
         | You're absolutely right! But hey, I appreciate that at least
         | they cite their sources!
       | aaln wrote:
       | This looks really useful, especially for small companies who need
       | simplified metrics monitoring out of google analytics.
       | Have you considered adding a hobbyist plan or 1 month trial for
       | startups or small projects to try before buying?
         | patrickmccurley wrote:
         | Thanks! Yes we do - feel free to drop me a message on the
         | website chat and I can sort you out
         | jacobwg wrote:
         | Not affiliated with the OP, but at the bottom of the homepage
         | it says:
         |  _Free Tier Available. Free plan for under 2.5K visitors, or
         | trial us with no credit card needed_
       | shostack wrote:
       | Awesome. How are you solving for annotations and human-provided
       | context to augment this data? This is a problem space I've
       | thought a lot about, feel free to reach out if you want to chat.
         | patrickmccurley wrote:
         | Sure - drop me a mail at patrick@ga-insights.com. Happy to
         | chat.
       | eli wrote:
       | I get why it is this way, but it'd be cool if I could hook it up
       | to a >500k website for cheap or free and you limit the account
       | some other way unless I upgrade it -- maybe only a couple of
       | alerts or reports per month.
         | patrickmccurley wrote:
         | Not sure what we could do here, but feel free to drop me a mail
         | at patrick@ga-insights.com
       | perlpimp wrote:
       | Would you be creating on premise service - ie analytics data
       | directly from the site? Seems many browsers now block GA and
       | other trackers.
         | ocdtrekkie wrote:
         | Indeed, if this product is dependent on Google Analytics it is
         | probably a little late: It's a matter of time before browsers
         | are all blocking GA by default.
           | AznHisoka wrote:
           | I agree. This was probably a much needed product 8-10 years
           | ago, and you'd had a huge market. Unfortunately, I feel your
           | time is ticking and you're way too late.
           | ahstilde wrote:
           | I've heard this blocked-from-analytics traffic be called
           | "shadow traffic".
           | https://blog.parse.ly/post/9616/shadow-traffic-why-your-
           | traf...
           | ldthorne wrote:
           | I don't see Chrome going anywhere for a long time, and I
           | don't see Google blocking its own analytics service within
           | its own browser on its own volition.
             | ocdtrekkie wrote:
             | Google may have a hard time continuing to explain away it's
             | refusal to respect user privacy as the sole browser that
             | doesn't block GA. And if the Chrome team continues to fight
             | privacy initiatives, Chrome will be replaced by something
             | like Edge, which is compatible but also actually cares
             | about privacy and security (these two things are the same,
             | if you aren't prioritizing privacy you are not a secure
             | browser).
             | Regulators will also be paying attention to this over the
             | next few years.
             | I think a startup should be very aware of these risks if
             | building off of GA.
         | patrickmccurley wrote:
         | Our next steps as a company are to deploy our reporting and AI-
         | backed alertings into any data-source. Google was/is the
         | biggest in the space, so that made sense as a V1. Our vNext
         | will connect to much more.
       | t0mmyb0y wrote:
       | Have fun with this until google makes it impossible to use.
         | pavelmark wrote:
         | I don't follow. What do you expect would happen? Change to the
         | GA API? Or they try to shut it down b/c "GA" in the name.
       | wizzwizz4 wrote:
       | Does this work for anything other than Google Analytics?
         | patrickmccurley wrote:
         | Right now we also support Google Search console and Google Ads.
         | Our vNext will include much more, such as Facebook, Segment,
         | Zapier and other data sources.
       (page generated 2020-08-18 23:02 UTC)