[HN Gopher] Linux from Scratch
       Linux from Scratch
       Author : letientai299
       Score  : 117 points
       Date   : 2020-08-21 19:22 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.linuxfromscratch.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.linuxfromscratch.org)
       | [deleted]
       | Daegalus wrote:
       | I think this is something every computer/tech/future programmer
       | should have done at least once, even if you give up half way.
       | I did this when I was in early high school. I just got into
       | Linux, and this was super fun to do, it really showed me how an
       | operating system worked and all the moving pieces and how they
       | all fit. I did it all on a 1ghz machine with 256mb of ram, and
       | some slow DSL. It took me a 4-5 days back then, but it was a
       | blast for me.
       | I haven't done it since. But today I am a senior devops engineer,
       | and that knowledge was so valuable to me today. It is so much
       | easier for me to reason about systems and linux in general.
       | Honestly, I am really tempted to go through this again as a
       | weekend project in a VM or something
         | pram wrote:
         | Maybe. I did it and while it's certainly educational, most of
         | it feels like a waste of time. The bulk of the entire process
         | is running 'make' on random things and waiting. It's fine as a
         | teenager (when I did it lol) but as an adult with a job? There
         | are better/more productive ways to spend your time if you want
         | to learn more about Linux probably.
       | sprior wrote:
       | The first time I did this in 2001 it took me a week. It's still
       | up there as one of the most educational things I've ever done. A
       | perfect graduate level class would be "here's a box full of
       | computer parts, at the end of the semester I'll give you the
       | grade you display on a web page served by the computer you build
       | and compile from scratch".
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | I wonder if it would be less work to write an OS with the sole
         | purpose of pushing out packets for the hardcoded webpage...
         | kevinherron wrote:
         | So... basically pass/fail? Who's gonna get that far but type
         | 'F' instead of 'A' into the HTML they author?
           | sprior wrote:
           | Puts skin in the game. No kidding in 1987 I actually did
           | convince a professor to agree to an independent study course
           | for me and a friend to build a voice synthesizer on an IBM PC
           | proto board using the TI chipset available at the time and
           | the only terms of the class would be that he gave us the
           | grade my computer verbally asked him for at the end of the
           | semester. We actually built two of them, one for each of us.
           | It was wire-wrapped. We had no backup plan whatsoever and it
           | was a brave/stupid thing to do, but we both got A's and the
           | prof told us his only regret was that he didn't have us make
           | one for him too. Even more skin was that it went into my own
           | IBM PC, so if I blew that up not only wouldn't I have had
           | enough credits to graduate but PCs were very expensive at the
           | time. These days you can blow up a Raspberry Pi and who
           | cares.
       | vasilakisfil wrote:
       | Is this something that will allow you to create a new distro?
         | Foxboron wrote:
         | Sure, Arch Linux was bootstrapped with LFS by Judd around
         | 2001/2002. Back then pacman was written bash I think?
         | kenniskrag wrote:
         | yes, because a distro is a collection of software on top of the
         | kernel.
         | smcphile wrote:
         | It can be a first step to creating a new distribution, but most
         | people just do it as a learning experience.
         | Here's one example though of someone who went on to create a
         | new distribution: http://www.nutyx.org/en/
         | To create a distribution, you need a package manager of some
         | sort to manage software updates, and while LFS discusses some
         | possible package managers that's not really its focus.
         | nix23 wrote:
         | No you build your own gnu/linux...from scratch.
       | cbsks wrote:
       | Be careful with this! It's a slippery slope from LFS to Gentoo. I
       | made the mistake of trying LFS once in college, and then I spent
       | the next 10 years compiling everything from source! Beware!!
         | timw4mail wrote:
         | Funny, I use Gentoo, and thought LFS was too far...
         | amelius wrote:
         | Better use a purely functional build system, like in NixOS,
         | where you can download binaries and have the guarantee that
         | they are the same as when you had built them yourself.
           | hvdijk wrote:
           | It's much closer to that than any alternative I am aware of,
           | but that's one guarantee you don't have. It's important to
           | limit your substituters (binary caches) to trusted servers,
           | because Nix does not and cannot verify that the binary it
           | receives corresponds to the source, only that the remote
           | server claims it does. Even if the binary does correspond to
           | the source, the build process may have picked up small
           | details about the build system, meaning a local build would
           | produce a different binary. Even if the build process does
           | not pick up any such details, many packages do not have
           | deterministic builds, meaning they might produce different
           | binaries even if you build them multiple times in succession
           | on your own computer.
       | reichardt wrote:
       | Something I've been wondering: what's the difference between this
       | and buildroot?
         | diegocg wrote:
         | buildroot is used to cross-compile Linux systems. It's a tool.
         | Linux from scratch is a guide that users are supposed to follow
         | to learn more about Linux. It's mostly an educational tool.
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | That doesn't sound like a very big blocker; don't you "just"
           | need someone to "package" a compiler chain?
         | Thoreandan wrote:
         | "...the goal of LFS is to build a complete and usable
         | foundation-level system. This includes all packages needed to
         | replicate itself."
         | http://linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/prologue/package...
         | Buildroot's target systems don't include a compiler - it's more
         | for real-world embedded linux system generation.
         | https://buildroot.org/downloads/manual/manual.html#faq-no-co...
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | I never got into LFS, when I finished my build I was probably
       | exhausted by all the sed'in and patchin' and didn't have a single
       | clue about where the piece fit.
       | I did end up with a flawed system with funny bugs. I couldn't
       | access the network with the usual tools but elinks managed to
       | bypass something and get a TCP stack somewhere. But it failed to
       | render properly on tty. No surprise I had no clue what I did
       | wrong but it made me realize how much plumbing there was.
       | dang wrote:
       | Related from a month ago:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23787526
       | If curious see also
       | 2019 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20149111
       | 2016 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11829373
       | 2012 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4488162
       | 2012 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3677350
       | 2011 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3171448
       | 2010 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1779665
         | spudlyo wrote:
         | Thanks Dang!
         | It's interesting that in 2016 the top comment was about how
         | out-of-date the documentation was, which made it very
         | challenging for the novice to approach. When I did it in 2019,
         | my experience was very different -- I marveled at the quality
         | of the instructions and documentation, as well as how up-to-
         | date it was.
         | In fact, just this week I was googling for some information
         | about building GPG without having to deal with generating PDF
         | documents, and I stumbled upon an LFS GPG page[0] that had been
         | updated that day. There seems to be a fairly active community
         | who is maintaining the guides.
         | [0]:
         | http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/postlfs/gnupg....
       | [deleted]
       | sieste wrote:
       | I tried to go through this a few years ago. The time commitment
       | is huge, especially if you really want to understand all steps in
       | detail. In the end I lost interest because it turned into a
       | mindless command-copying exercise for me. My only real take away
       | was a much greater appreciation of the complexity of an operating
       | system.
       | Has anyone followed this from start to finish and can now
       | comfortably compile their own linux kernel from scratch?
         | swiley wrote:
         | Wait, compiling the kernel and coreutils is the easy part. It's
         | when you get to X11/gtk/Firefox that it starts to get bad.
         | maxrmk wrote:
         | I followed through the whole process as an assignment for my
         | operating systems class in college. Overall I had the same
         | experience as you -- it was an exercise in copy and paste.
           | netsharc wrote:
           | I was wondering if it's automatable, and the site already
           | does that...
           | I also did the whole book (manually!) as a slacker student. I
           | guess if you do it/let it run automatically as you read the
           | book, you'll know your installed OS inside and out...
             | hoistbypetard wrote:
             | Automating LFS is where Gentoo came from.
               | djxfade wrote:
               | What came first, ~~the chicken~~ Gentoo or ~~the egg~~
               | LFS?
         | troutwine wrote:
         | I did as a teenager, probably close to 16 years ago. The
         | process was glacial because I lived in a rural area with
         | rudimentary internet access. Figure from start to finish it
         | took me a year? Gave me a lot of time to consider the different
         | pieces of software being compiled, which I probably would not
         | have done with a fast internet connection. Really helped jump
         | start my interest in systems programming and is surely one of
         | the experiences that pushed me toward the career I have now.
         | I still feel pretty comfortable in compiling a linux from
         | source. Userland specialization is also a neat topic.
         | cel1ne wrote:
         | I did this 15 years ago, before I gave gentoo a spin. I
         | compiled my kernel for many years (make menuconfig).
         | Bottom line: It's not worth it.
         | I use debian now.
           | Bnshsysjab wrote:
           | I moved to Ubuntu for political reasons outside the fault of
           | gentoo. I really miss the ability to easily patch core libs
           | with custom patches, and portage (when it worked) was a lot
           | easier to deal with than apt.
             | fuzzer37 wrote:
             | Care to elaborate on the "political reasons"? I've never
             | heard of someone moving _to_ Ubuntu for political reasons.
               | Bnshsysjab wrote:
               | If I get breached as a result of using gentoo, it looks
               | bad. If I get breached using Ubuntu it's at least along
               | the lines of 'well everyone else is using it anyway'.
               | Semi safety in numbers, semi 'nobody got fired for buying
               | an IBM'.
               | It wasn't my call, and it's a defense move rather than an
               | opinion on the state of Gentoos security. I know they
               | take things very seriously, but my assertions aren't
               | enough to make my employer feel comfortable.
         | barrkel wrote:
         | The point of doing it is to understand how Linux hangs
         | together, to remove the mystery in the wiring.
         | I don't think it's worth pursuing to a GUI, unless you have a
         | burning desire to customize or fix brokenness in that
         | experience you've had on other Linuxes.
         | The point is definitely not to continuously manage your own
         | distro you built from scratch, unless that's your job or hobby.
         | I use the knowledge I gained from the experience to debug many
         | random instances of brokenness on Linux, both personally and
         | professionally. It also made compiling from source a fairly
         | comfy option when necessary (e.g. you need to fork, or backport
         | a piece of software).
         | blablabla123 wrote:
         | Yes I also did this years ago. During that time I was actually
         | also fascinated by the idea of building my own OS - which I
         | never did though. But if you do this, you really understand how
         | "GNU Linux" works end-to-end and stumble over a lot of
         | interesting things with the upside of having a system tailored
         | to your setup.
         | I started using Linux when it was still necessary to compile
         | your own Kernel to support literally anything going beyond the
         | absolute base setup.
         | The most difficult parts were bootstrapping the system and
         | getting the glibc stuff right. The rest is indeed rather
         | robotic, although I think there is some kind of package manager
         | now included.
         | jamiedamien wrote:
         | I followed this during winter break my first year of college
         | and loved it! Helped me learned Linux and co. pretty quickly
         | and I used the machine as my main computer for the next 3.5
         | years of college.
         | Once you get X and google chrome it becomes pretty self
         | sustainable. Updating the kernel is easy but upgrading the
         | compiler / C library is a nightmare.
         | A lot of programs you might want to use provide binaries that
         | makes things a bit easier, but there were some annoying days of
         | dependency chasing if you have to install from source. I ended
         | up writing some custom scripts to ./configure, make, and make
         | install into a deb from .tar.gz.
         | About the initial LFS process, I had messed up a few steps
         | pretty bad, and had to restart / go back one or two times. The
         | worst mistake was embarking on the journey first by installing
         | everything into a USB flash drive. Eventually data corruption /
         | loss ruined the yacc binary (or similar? hard to remember) and
         | I spent days trying to figure out what went wrong. After moving
         | to an SSD it worked better :)
         | Definitely one of my favorite and most rewarding projects I've
         | done.
         | Skunkleton wrote:
         | I haven't done LFS, but I have built minimal Linux systems from
         | scratch as part of my day job. FWIW, building a _basic_ usable
         | system is fairly trivial, and requires no where near the amount
         | of work described in LFS.
         | I could see value in building a basic Linux from scratch.
         | Beyond that you are just copy pasting commands from READMEs for
         | hundreds of projects.
       | spudlyo wrote:
       | I had a lot of fun doing this. You really get a feel for the
       | evolution of build systems -- from older software that uses
       | automake/make to newer programs that use meson/ninja/cmake etc.
       | It was also cool to learn how to bootstrap a bespoke set of
       | development tools tuned for your hardware.
       | It took me a solid weekend to get everything built. I was able to
       | get a basic LFS system built on a Saturday, and on Sunday I did
       | the "Beyond Linux From Scratch" edition. At one point I got stuck
       | trying to debug a weird interaction between systemd and PAM that
       | took me a while to unravel. That was humbling, I thought I knew
       | just about everything about Linux, but turns out there are large
       | areas where I just don't have a clue.
       | The docs are well written and maintained, so there wasn't a lot
       | of frustration there. Even if you're not an old hand at Linux you
       | can likely get pretty far by just diligently following the
       | instructions.
       | I struggled a lot more trying to make a decent desktop
       | environment than I did getting the OS setup. I spent so much time
       | trying to get a nice-looking toolbar (polybar) and basic stuff
       | (like how patched fonts work) took me an embarrasingly long time
       | to sort out. I also didn't know what a compositor was, or why you
       | might want one. I enjoyed figuring out the basics of compton,
       | which allowed me to get cool transparent backgrounds on
       | windows[0], although I never did quite figure out how to get
       | rounded corners.
       | [0]: https://muppetlabs.com/~mikeh/spudlyo.png
         | anbux wrote:
         | How do i get started too? Where should i begin with?
           | input_sh wrote:
           | I don't know if you're referring to the Linux From Scratch
           | part or the desktop customization part of the comment you're
           | replying to, but if latter:
           | Visit here for inspiration:
           | https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn/ (safe for work, despite
           | the name).
           | Pick a window manager, learn how to use it, and go from
           | there. Popular options are i3 (i3-gaps if you want some space
           | between windows), sway (i3, but for Wayland), bspwm, awesome
           | wm. Usually they're used in combination with polybar (highly
           | customizable status bar) and rofi as an application launcher.
             | spudlyo wrote:
             | That's right, /r/unixporn influenced me quite a lot. I read
             | a lot of folks' dotfiles that were posted there and was
             | inspired by the screenshots. Because I had built a lot of
             | software with LFS, I wasn't at all afraid of tackling
             | building custom versions of i3 (i3-gaps) and compton
             | (compton-tyrone) to get visual bling.
       | johnnythunder wrote:
       | Nice! I know the project maintainer and he is really methodical
       | about everything he does. Nice work Gerard.
       | johnisgood wrote:
       | On
       | http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter06/pk...:
       | > Symlink Style Package Management
       | For this I highly recommend https://zolk3ri.name/cgit/zpkg/ which
       | I have been using for years now. It works wonderfully.
       | Environment variables and their defaults:
       | ZPKG_SRC = ~/.local/pkg         ZPKG_DST = ~/.local
       | ZPKG_DB = ~/.db
       | It means that if you install anything from scratch, you have to
       | `make install` (or the like, depending on the build system) it
       | to, say, `~/.local/pkg/foo-1.0` and then run `zpkg link foo:1.0`
       | to install (i.e. link) the "package". After that you just have to
       | make sure you have added `~/.local/bin` to your `PATH`
       | environment variable, and `~/.local/man` to your `MANPATH`
       | environment variable (in your `~/.bash_profile` file). Seems to
       | do the job. It does lack a README file for which I may contact
       | the author. In any case, `zpkg --help` should be of tremendous
       | help.
       | By the way, I have noticed that someone created a package manager
       | with the same name, but its initial commit was in 2019, while
       | this one's was in 2017.
       (page generated 2020-08-21 23:00 UTC)