[HN Gopher] Show HN: Tiny CLI to save AWS costs in dev environme...
       Show HN: Tiny CLI to save AWS costs in dev environments when you're
       Author : aramalipoor
       Score  : 72 points
       Date   : 2020-08-22 16:25 UTC (6 hours ago)
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       | stekern wrote:
       | If you're using IaC and have it set up in a CI/CD pipeline, you
       | could also achieve the same by having a cronjob set a flag
       | outside of work hours, and use conditionals in your IaC based on
       | the value of that flag (e.g., for Terraform `count =
       | var.scale_down ? 0 : 1`)
       | barkingcat wrote:
       | I find it price gouging that AWS doesn't already implement this
       | on their own within their pricing structure and that you need a
       | 3rd party tooling to do this.
         | aynsof wrote:
         | AWS Instance Scheduler is an official AWS Solution:
         | https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/implementations/instance-sc...
         | It allows you to create automatic start and stop schedules for
         | your Amazon EC2 and Amazon RDS instances. It uses a combination
         | of CloudWatch/Lambda/DynamoDB to check against tagged
         | instances.
         | bufferoverflow wrote:
         | If you don't like their prices, why don't you just switch to
         | another provider? Plenty of good clouds. And even more
         | dedicated / VPS servers, if you want truly crazy savings.
         | aliswe wrote:
         | Are you seriously alleging that NOT implementing a "stop
         | resources when I sleep/am not around" feature amounts to price
         | gouging?
         | cybrix wrote:
         | They earn more money by not doing this.
           | spockz wrote:
           | The downside of shutting down the resources is that there may
           | be none available anymore in that sizing or pricing when you
           | want to start them up again. I suppose they also don't want
           | to risk being liable for that.
         | pc86 wrote:
         | That's not what price gouging is.
       | weeefun wrote:
       | It looks like a nice tool doing it's job well :-) I'd also
       | consider services like provisioned DynamoDB tables or Kinesis
       | streams in this context because there you can also waste lots of
       | money depending on your setup. For example, you could decrease
       | the provisioned read/write capacity for a DynamoDB table or
       | decrease the shards of a Kinesis stream over night. I've
       | discussed these topics in a blog post, in the context of a
       | CloudFormation stack, if anyone's interested:
       | https://www.sebastianhesse.de/2018/04/22/shut-down-cloudform...
         | aramalipoor wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing your experience. Both of them sounds like
         | great ideas, will add them to ToDo right away :)
       | aramalipoor wrote:
       | Just published a tiny CLI utility to save some bucks on AWS
       | development environment while I'm not really working.
       | https://github.com/aramalipoor/aws-cost-saver
       | The idea is to stop/shutdown any resources (such as EC2
       | instances, RDS databases, ECS tasks, etc.) when you're done for
       | the day and restore them back up next time you continue.
       | Currently it's in a very early stage, a hobby side-project :)
       | Ideally I'm thinking to provide a CloudFormation template or
       | terraform config for example, to provision a scheduled Lambda
       | with predefined "start of work" and "end of work" times and have
       | it automatically do that for you.
       | I'd like to know if something like this would be useful for you
       | too and what do you think about it?
         | adamlklein wrote:
         | This sounds like a good idea!
         | I had been looking at creating a lamba to check for the
         | existence of pods, services, alternate namespaces etc., as I
         | learn K8s on AWS, to shut down the cluster when I'm not working
         | on it.
           | aramalipoor wrote:
           | Thanks. Shutting down K8S cluster when not using is a really
           | good idea. Maybe one day I play around with AWS's k8s cluster
           | and add the trick to aws-cost-saver.
           | Pull requests are also welcome if you have time :) the logic
           | must be similar to EC2 or RDS tricks:
           | https://github.com/aramalipoor/aws-cost-
           | saver/blob/master/sr...
         | swyx wrote:
         | interesting work! i feel like this can't be a new problem. what
         | comparable tools exist for doing this today? its basically just
         | spinning up a staging env while you work and spinning down when
         | you knock off work right? almost like a heroku dyno spinning up
         | for you.
           | aliswe wrote:
           | I would regard it as a fairly new problem actually, the same
           | age as the "developer resources on a per-minute basis"
           | phenomenon.
         | z3t4 wrote:
         | Im very interested in learning about your work flows, like how
         | does a typical day look like? I do all my work on a local pc
         | and only use servers for production. So im interesting in
         | how/why you use the cloud stack
           | jen20 wrote:
           | How do you test or develop against cloud resources like ECS
           | using a local PC?
             | krono wrote:
             | Ok, I don't know how else to ask and I'm seriously not
             | trying to be an arse but how do you? I'm genuinely
             | interested as it's something I've been struggling with
             | myself lately.
             | ununoctium87 wrote:
             | https://github.com/localstack/localstack
             | Though I find a stronger argument in using containerisation
             | to ensure an identical application run-time environment no
             | matter the infra it's running on.
             | If we are talking about infra engineering, then sure.
             | That's where I find localstack helps
         | WrtCdEvrydy wrote:
         | This is amazing....
         | Edit: I wonder if you could put this inside of a lambda with
         | just a role.
           | redacted3212 wrote:
           | CloudCustodian has offered this for quite some time. We use
           | it at our company in all our accounts.
           | aramalipoor wrote:
           | Thanks. Agree with you, having it in a Lambda with a
           | scheduled trigger or even manual trigger will be really
           | useful.
             | banana_giraffe wrote:
             | Or an API gateway. I have something similar (though very
             | bespoke for me) that has a simple API Gateway web page as
             | it's front-end. It also opens up a firewall entry for my IP
             | so I can connect to the machine.
             | Depending on my mood I either use the web page or some
             | simple curl aliases to start and stop an instance.
       | fareesh wrote:
       | Is it common to have a dev environment on AWS? I just use it for
       | production and maybe staging. Staging is scheduled to run during
       | office hours.
         | vitalysh wrote:
         | I guess depends on the size of the company. How else would you
         | constantly test integrations between different services?
         | Especially if some services can't be easily ran on the laptop.
         | Also if you add terraform/ansible and all that jazz to the
         | table. Where else? Infra team needs dev/stage as well.
           | wuunderbar wrote:
           | Localstack can get you pretty far.
         | carnitas wrote:
         | My company tasked me to mad dash their dev environment to AWS.
         | Why? Because "cloud", and perceived less risky than moving QA
         | and Prod first.
       | dabeeeenster wrote:
       | This is awesome - Does it work cross-region?
       | +1 to add in:
       | - Elasticache instances - Load balancers associated with ECS
       | clusters
       | gvenkat wrote:
       | aws has a instance scheduler as a solution that achieves some of
       | this objectives
       | https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/implementations/instance-sc...
       | 60secz wrote:
       | Because my favorite place for AWS credentials is some random NPM
       | module?
         | debaserab2 wrote:
         | This works like every other AWS CLI tool - it uses your shells
         | AWS credentials dir or ENV vars
       | chromedev wrote:
       | That is what Kind is for.
       (page generated 2020-08-22 23:01 UTC)