[HN Gopher] Chrome, Firefox extension that blocks NSFW images us...
       Chrome, Firefox extension that blocks NSFW images using TensorFlow
       Author : bishalb
       Score  : 123 points
       Date   : 2020-08-23 11:21 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | solarkraft wrote:
       | Why would I care about not seeing NSFW images?
       | What I really _do_ care about is not seeing worthless clickbait.
       | That makes me endlessly angry. Could you build a filter like that
       | on top of this?
         | cheeze wrote:
         | Uh, because I'm at work and wouldn't mind an additional layer
         | of protection.
         | Because I live stream and people try to trick me into viewing
         | NSFW content on stream.
         | Is this really a question?
         | yetanothermonk wrote:
         | Hey, Long here, I meant to keep this private for a while, but
         | I'm building this thing. getpuritan dot com for now. My
         | prototype is a chrome extension that blocks clickbait using a
         | ML model that placed top 3 in a clickbait prediction
         | competition, but it's really rough. My email is longintuition
         | at protonmail if you'd like to help me test--can also send a
         | video so you can see how it works
         | goto11 wrote:
         | > Why would I care about not seeing NSFW images?
         | The issue with NSFW images is not _you_ seeing it on your own
         | computer, it is other people seeing it on your computer (e.g.
         | while walking by or for some other reason).
       | bullman wrote:
       | disappointed this is not called "hotdog / not hotdog"
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | From experience 99.9% of the time unless I visit a porn site
       | purposely or some warez site by accident, or questionable reddit
       | channels, I see no NSFW. However I do see some benefits if this
       | was for kids.
         | yonixw wrote:
         | Sound like you have ad-block or avoid sketchy (pirate)
         | websites.
           | esperent wrote:
           | Adblock is a far simpler and probably more effective solution
           | than this, with a host of other benefits such as speeding up
           | websites, whereass presumably this extension will slow down
           | the browsing experience quite a bit. Given that, the only
           | reason I can see for using this is if adblock was not doing a
           | good enough job alone.
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | Preventing the last 0.1% could be meaningful though, depending
         | on your environment.
       | amelius wrote:
       | I want this but for ads.
       | ndm000 wrote:
       | Shameless plug - I've been working on something similiar, but
       | with a different aim.
       | https://github.com/nmurray1984/porn-blocker-chrome-extension
       | I found that the hardest problem to solve was the prevanlence of
       | false positives. Even if you have a low false positive rate, it's
       | still very likely to have an image blocked regularly just due to
       | volume.
       | For that reason, the focus of my plugin is - for users that are
       | OK with it - contributing URLs that are not NSFW but have been
       | blocked. The extension includes a right-click menu option to do
       | so.
         | antpls wrote:
         | Assuming you meant some SFW images are mistakenly blocked, it
         | is an easier situation than with true negative.
         | Once an image tested positive with your first model, you could
         | run a second more CPU intensive model (but also more accurate)
         | on it.
           | ndm000 wrote:
           | Great idea. MobileNetv2 is the model used currently due to
           | it's small footprint (I used transfer learning on a dataset
           | of NSFW and SFW images). A more robust model ran on all
           | positives could improve performance overal.
           | wongarsu wrote:
           | Assuming you have a notably more accurate algorithm. It's a
           | difficult problem even with infinite computing power.
       | umvi wrote:
       | Now just make a version that whites-out NSFW text in e-books and
       | market it to Utahns as a way to read PG-13 versions of Game of
       | Thrones books and you'll be rich.
       | However, you'll probably also be sued into oblivion by angry
       | authors/publishers who don't like people modifying what they read
       | in any way.
         | KMnO4 wrote:
         | I know that's tongue in cheek, but I'd really appreciate having
         | a NSFW text filter.
         | Some of my CX team is getting harassed by trolls who send
         | profane messages and racial slurs through the Zendesk Chat
         | interface. Zendesk does not have a way to filter out profanity
         | (for Chat at least; there are options for emails or tickets).
         | I've found simple client side extensions that can censor words,
         | but a better approach would use NLP to grasp the context.
         | "I hope you die" contains the same words as "My <product> got
         | wet, I hope it didn't die", but with vastly different
         | intention.
           | dexen wrote:
           | Google Jigsaw might have what you are looking for, under the
           | "Harassment" headline [1]. Note however both Google
           | (Alphabet, really) and the tool specifically, were accused of
           | various forms of bias [2] by various sides of discourse.
           | --
           | [1] https://jigsaw.google.com/issues/
           | [2] for example https://boingboing.net/2019/08/14/white-
           | aligned-english.html
       | aasasd wrote:
       | I happen to not be afraid of boobs, so ever since my days on
       | Reddit I wish for blocking of random gore instead. This is
       | weirdly pertinent sometimes on DDG's image search.
       | Edit: to clarify, I'm not afraid of some killing either, thanks
       | to the pop culture of the past seventy years or so. Now, why eye-
       | hurting images of bodily damage pop up on rather innocent
       | searches--that's a haunting mystery. On Reddit, the 'NSFW' label
       | is used equally for a vaguely sexually suggestive shape or a
       | close-up more suitable for a surgical journal. As if I didn't get
       | plenty of suggestiveness just from music videos anyway! So my
       | long-standing wish was for an 'NSFL' filter instead.
         | azalemeth wrote:
         | I have never understood how acts of love (at best) or
         | reproduction (at the least) are considered in some societies to
         | be dangerous, shocking, and in need of the strictest censorship
         | -- or at the very least, not on prime-time TV. Yet acts of war,
         | killing, maiming, and violence in general are often the
         | mainstay of entertainment.
         | Sex is part of human nature - and, I would argue, a much bigger
         | and better part of it than violence and aggression. Why do we
         | hide from it?
           | jpxw wrote:
           | People want to avoid the porn industry because it's sleazy,
           | predatory, and reduces sex to a commodity.
             | rimliu wrote:
             | And murder is ok?
               | mensetmanusman wrote:
               | Porn is to murder as romance is to self-defence.
               | bishalb wrote:
               | You deduced that from his comment?
           | Flimm wrote:
           | If porn needs to be filtered then it needs to be filtered
           | regardless of attitudes towards of depictions of violence,
           | and if it doesn't, it doesn't. We shouldn't choose as a
           | baseline depictions of violence.
           | Many people say they are negatively affected by porn
           | addiction (whether consumers, or partners of consumers, or
           | parents, or people who feel objectified, even some people in
           | the industry), and they feel strongly about it. Just because
           | sex is a good part of human nature doesn't invalidate that in
           | their eyes. In fact, it is precisely because some consider
           | sex to be good and precious that they want to be much more
           | careful about viewing it or depicting it, and I agree with
           | that.
           | The number of societies that don't want censored sexuality is
           | near zero. It is not just "some societies". And there are
           | plenty of societies that desire that more than western ones.
           | umvi wrote:
           | Sex is complicated. Sex is not always a beautiful expression
           | of love between committed partners. Sometimes it's a casual
           | pursuit of pleasure. Sometimes it's a whimsical act of
           | exploration.
           | In many cases sex is the direct cause of much sorrow, misery,
           | and emotional damage. Maybe your partner cheated on you.
           | Maybe you got pregnant and your partner left. Maybe alcohol
           | was involved. Maybe you are lonely and got addicted to
           | pornography. Maybe you didn't use contraceptives and are now
           | seeking (or went and got) an abortion. If you look around in
           | poor communities, you'll find a big source of poverty is...
           | unprotected sex. It turns out, you can pretty much ruin your
           | life as a teenager and guarantee you'll stay in poverty your
           | whole life if you get pregnant and have a baby while you are
           | in middle school/high school.
           | Unlike war and murder, sex is something most people will
           | participate in (in some form or another). So I would argue
           | that it's more important than ever to consider the types of
           | sexual messages we send in media. Do we want to promote
           | sexual relationships between committed partners or do we want
           | to promote wanton promiscuity? I would argue that whichever
           | you choose will have an impact on some non-negligible % of
           | the future choices of the viewers. To be clear, I think we
           | also need to be careful of depictions of extreme
           | gore/violence as well, but for slightly different reasons.
           | In general, I'm of the opinion that implicit > explicit for
           | both sex and violence in media, but perhaps there is a
           | time/place for being explicit (i.e. so people understand what
           | really happened during the Holocaust, etc).
         | iso947 wrote:
         | For some reason in America half a butt cheek is worthy of a 15+
         | rating in films, but "general release" films are fine with
         | burnt bodies hanging from trees
           | liability wrote:
           | America doesn't have a '15+' rating, lots of 'PG' movies have
           | butts in them, and what 'G' rated movie has burnt corpses
           | hanging from trees??
       | zxcvbn4038 wrote:
       | Missed opportunity - where is the browser extension that makes
       | all of the images NSFW?
       | You leave your laptop unlocked and suddenly it looks like the
       | nude bomb went off (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0081249/).
       | nextaccountic wrote:
       | Does the Tensorflow model run in JS? How fast is that?
       | Would it be feasible to run the model in wasm or in the GPU?
         | rtz12 wrote:
         | I just installed this, and my whole browser grinds to a halt
         | when I load a page...
         | langitbiru wrote:
         | Yes, tensorflow model can run on JS. I did that when developing
         | a Deep Learning product, PredictSalary
         | (https://predictsalary.com). The problem is not the model, but
         | the TensorflowJS library (using Node) is big (8MB) after
         | webpack-ing it (even after using compressing flag).
         | So I decided to move the inference to the server.
         | It's fast but I didn't toy with GPU setting when running
         | Tensorflow model on JS.
         | rlayton2 wrote:
         | I can't speak for this specific model/extension, but "most"
         | neural networks aren't that big at the end of the day, and you
         | are just a few matrix dot products away from getting your
         | classification (of course, I'm drastically simplifying).
         | Its the training that takes forever, due to the fact all those
         | numbers need tweaking. However one you have the model,
         | classifying is pretty fast.
           | imvetri wrote:
           | Are there tools to visualise trained model,?
             | rlayton2 wrote:
             | Something like this: https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard
               | imvetri wrote:
               | Something to visualise the models, the one in this link
               | https://github.com/nsfw-filter/nsfw-
               | filter/tree/master/dist/...
               | dc_count wrote:
               | Use netron to visualize model:
               | https://lutzroeder.github.io/netron/?url=https://raw.gith
               | ubu...
               | halflings wrote:
               | This is amazing. Thanks for sharing! Didn't know about
               | netron.
               | tantalor wrote:
               | > Wait, it's all a DAG?
               | >> Always has been.
               | dc_count wrote:
               | The brain is a heavily cyclic graph. We're not there yet
               | ;)
       | refresher wrote:
       | I've jokingly / seriously been waiting for things like this. I'm
       | the type to go overboard with filtering and mute lists on
       | twitter, but images are harder to deal with. I did have a 60,000
       | line pastebin that was used in conjunction with a Chrome
       | extension to block Wojack and Pepe memes on 4chan using md5
       | hashes, but something not rely on specific hashes is obviously
       | superior.
       | One day someone will release the 'detect and block anything
       | resembling kpop' extension for Twitter and I'll be happy.
         | solarkraft wrote:
         | > block Wojack and Pepe memes on 4chan
         | What are you there for, then?
           | nabaraz wrote:
           | to collect dataset?
         | [deleted]
         | justanotherhn wrote:
         | I expressed some interest at some point of hiding profiles
         | which contained a certain phrase in their bio and got
         | downvoted. Does anyone know of any extentions that can do this?
           | justnotworthit wrote:
           | I'd love a youtube comment filter that instantly removes
           | anyone with a meme avatar or famous world leader avatar. I
           | can skip the opinions of Hitler, pepe and JC Denton.
           | sergiotapia wrote:
           | I would use this for sure. Certain phrases are great flags
           | for me to know "I won't be interested in anything this person
           | has to say."
       | raister wrote:
       | My kid would just turn off the extension and keep his business
       | going... :'(
         | jankiehodgpodge wrote:
         | You can easily enforce installations of extensions via Chrome's
         | admin templates.
         | Darmody wrote:
         | This is not a parental control software. It's made for you to
         | be able to browse the web without worrying about NSFW images.
           | speedgoose wrote:
           | You can also simply not worry about NSFW images. If you don't
           | like them, scroll more or close the webpage.
             | dec0dedab0de wrote:
             | In the USA having something like that on your monitor could
             | be considered sexual harassment if someone else could see
             | it.
               | Darmody wrote:
               | I've heard a lot of times about the "American puritanism"
               | but this blows my mind.
               | Is it true that male teachers can't put their hand in
               | their pockets because they could touch their penis or
               | something like that?
               | [deleted]
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | Luckily in Europe, that is hardly an issue as most countries
           | are quite alright with their bodies and sexualities.
             | detaro wrote:
             | I'm fairly sure quite a few European women would be happy
             | about an optional NSFW filter for their social media DMs.
             | [deleted]
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | I'm curious: how would you boss react to such an image
             | appearing on your monitor? Is this considered "OK" in a
             | European workplace?
               | [deleted]
               | Darmody wrote:
               | That depends.
               | If you're doing your work and something NSFW pops on your
               | screen I doubt your boss will give a fuck.
               | If you're spending your time watching NSFW stuff in your
               | work time he'll probably be mad, not because of the NSFW
               | stuff but because you're not doing your work.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Probably it would have been forwarded by the boss to
               | start with.
               | We don't have issues with nudity on prime time, although
               | explicit stuff tends to be shown after 11pm.
               | In some countries sex shop contents are visible from the
               | street, and you can buy some kinds of toys on the local
               | supermarket.
               | And to be honest there is hardly anything left to hide
               | when being at the beach or some parks.
             | numpad0 wrote:
             | You guys are pretty harsh on manga style arts though
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | Depends I never had any issue on manga comics stores.
             | Darmody wrote:
             | I don't mind about NSFW stuff while I work and my co-
             | workers don't care either. I don't know if it's because
             | we're from Europe or what.
             | Most of the annoying stuff is blocked with uBlock anyway.
         | fastball wrote:
         | When I was a kid I probably would have trained this but in
         | reverse so that I _only_ see NSFW images.
           | EForEndeavour wrote:
           | Sigh... _forks repo_
       | kmfrk wrote:
       | This is great, except it'd be really, really great with some sort
       | of placeholder image for the blocked images if possible.
       | zmix wrote:
       | I'd rather have every news about the Trumpeteer blocked.
       | gftsantana wrote:
       | I've been wanting for something like this ever since we by
       | accident looked at our 9 year old daughter's screen. She likes to
       | draw characters from her favorite cartoon and searches for images
       | on the web. Apparently there's a porn actress with the same name
       | as one of the characters... DDG was set to "strict", so no full
       | nudity or any explicit act, but still _very_ NSFW.
         | moooo99 wrote:
         | DDG is kind of fascinating. Ever since I switched to DDG as my
         | main search engine, I feel like the internet is 90% porn.
         | Although that's probably not far off, I'd prefer seeing
         | relevant search results instead.
           | detaro wrote:
           | Far from that bad IMHO, but it has a weird tendency to
           | surface NSFW results, yes.
       | Santosh83 wrote:
       | Anyone know of a tool which can process videos (movies) and
       | black/blur out nude scenes and make the film "family friendly"?
       | The processing doesn't have to be realtime...
       | Just to expand: there are many excellent films which are not
       | "family friendly" only because of 1 or 2 nude scenes which aren't
       | even germane to the overall plot in many cases. I often wished
       | there was a tool or SaaS that could detect such scenes and cut or
       | blur them out. Would save a lot of manual processing.
         | [deleted]
         | jasonlfunk wrote:
         | There is a company that was trying to work in this space called
         | VidAngel. https://www.vidangel.com/ I used to use them quite a
         | lot and then they got sued by everyone and now I'm not sure
         | what they are up too. It's unclear if a company has the right
         | to offer others content in a modified form - ie filtering out
         | unacceptable content.
         | My favorite thing is that they had a JarJar filter for the Star
         | Wars prequels.
           | sircastor wrote:
           | They do on the fly skipping in streaming services. Rather
           | than reselling modified content, they're skipping time codes.
           | umvi wrote:
           | Yeah, VidAngel is pretty much non-usable now because of the
           | lawsuit(s)
         | ThinkBeat wrote:
         | There is or used to be a start that addressed this market.
         | They had an ever expanding catalog of films they had processed
         | to avoid any nudity or bad language. I think they cut those
         | parts out entirety.
         | Here I found it.
         | They got sued out of existence apparently by the movies studios
         | but was recreated and they now somehow do it with streaming
         | content from Netflix or HBO.
         | I dont know how they do that but I figure they will be sued
         | again.
         | I am not endorsing the company. I have never used it and never
         | will but it is out there.
         | https://www.vidangel.com/
         | sneak wrote:
         | Chopping out scenes with swearing and sex and violence won't
         | make an adult story suitable for children.
         | There's a whole genre of family friendly films, those will
         | serve you better than trying to hack up stories for full
         | adults.
         | umvi wrote:
         | You could use ffmpeg to delete the scenes containing
         | violence/sex, but you'll have to manually find the timestamps
         | yourself.
         | louisgeo wrote:
         | SaaS tool that does that: https://sightengine.com
         | Will flag sections of the video with explicit / suggestive /
         | partial nudity
         | BagPiper5000 wrote:
         | I'm going to be a little hypocritical here since I hate when I
         | ask for help on the internet and people tell me instead to not
         | want to do that thing... but:
         | Surely a much easier thing to do would be to simply stop being
         | offended by the human body? Just watch the movies anyway. Your
         | kids won't explode if they see a boob.
         | This reminds me of when I went thru all different low calorie
         | sweeteners to put in coffee until I realized this is a problem
         | I created myself and coffee is actually better if I just get
         | used to having it plain.
         | monadic2 wrote:
         | Or even better, ads! Just show a nice landscape instead.
         | speedgoose wrote:
         | Is there a need? I feel like if you are old enough to watch a
         | movie for adults, you are more than old enough to know about
         | sex. But anyway, when was the last time you saw an erect penis
         | in a movie you wanted to watch in a family setting?
           | mkoubaa wrote:
           | If people want to use it then there is a need. You can't just
           | tell people to stop having sensibilities
             | [deleted]
         | petespeed wrote:
         | For non-stream media (iso,dvds), skip files can work. These
         | files allow you to define frames or seconds to skip or mute.
         | For example mplayer has edl (edit decision list).
         | http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/edl.html
         | Crowdsourcing such metadata would be a good start, although it
         | can be subjective.
         | If you find out a better way for streaming media, please share.
         | simion314 wrote:
         | Wouldn't make sense to remove the entire scene? Doing the
         | Japanese style pixalation/censorship won't help IMO when you
         | watch some movie with your kid and people start moaning. If the
         | movie includes sex and nudity it probably includes some similar
         | adult language so a tool that works in real time that only is
         | trained on porn will be probably terrible and a waste of time
         | though some "entrepreneur" would probably try to sell you such
         | a tool (I mean it is just gluing shit togheter like most tools
         | this days)
         | tyingq wrote:
         | CleanFlix[1] did something like that, but was shut down by
         | movie studios.
         | [1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CleanFlicks
         | Vid Angel took a different approach, allowing you to fast
         | forward over parts, and appears to still be operating:
         | https://www.vidangel.com/
         | [deleted]
       | capableweb wrote:
       | If you want to make videos family friendly, it's probably better
       | to aim for removing violence than nudity, as one is clearly worse
       | for the psych than the other.
       | Expansion: how are nude scenes not family friendly? Not trying to
       | start any flame wars here, just trying to understand how one or
       | two scenes with nudity suddenly means the video is not family
       | friendly? We all go through life seeing nudity, so should be
       | fine. Violence however is something we both strive and should
       | avoid as much as possible.
         | pmachinery wrote:
         | Surely it's not that hard to understand that for religious,
         | cultural or other reasons some people and/or members of their
         | family may feel uncomfortable seeing nudity.
           | izacus wrote:
           | It doesn't make that viewpoint any less bizarre when our
           | media is filled with people murdering each other on pretty
           | much hourly basis. And it doesn't make a viewpoint that
           | allows killing over depicting our bodies any less worth
           | challenging.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | Yeah, as far as I know, no religions or cultures forbid
           | people to be naked or see other naked people. What other
           | reasons are you referring to here?
           | It is indeed hard for me to understand how someone can feel
           | uncomfortable seeing nudity, as it's everywhere in life and
           | always has been.
             | [deleted]
             | pmachinery wrote:
             | Nudity isn't "everywhere in life", so what is the point of
             | this, since it's not to start a flame war?
               | monadic2 wrote:
               | Reading the thread, it seems to be trying to explain the
               | double standard with violence.
               | capableweb wrote:
               | I take a shower in the morning, nude. I go to the beach,
               | there is nude people. I go to the gym and after taking a
               | shower, nude people. I look at Instagram/Facebook/Any
               | social media, there will be almost nude people, same with
               | ads all over the place. Sometimes I sleep naked too. If
               | you have a family, there is plenty of nudity and can
               | happen at any point. Anyone who raised a child will give
               | you an idea of how much nudity there really is in life.
               | bishalb wrote:
               | That's like saying you are always nude under your clothes
               | so nudity isn't a problem. Nudity in movies is like
               | softcore porn and they often come with bed scenes. Of
               | course if your family is just you and your wife it's fine
               | but I don't think any sane person would consider that ok
               | for kids.
               | ivalm wrote:
               | Why not? I'd definitely be more ok with a soft core scene
               | than some brutal violence. Sex is normal/good part of
               | life. One should educate kids about sex (and when it is
               | appropriate) rather than pretend it literally doesn't
               | exist.
               | bishalb wrote:
               | I would say keep kids away from both. Sex isn't something
               | that needs to be taught, your kids will figure it out
               | when they are ready and old enough.
               | pmachinery wrote:
               | That's not everywhere, it's two examples. Beaches and
               | communal showers.
               | "Almost nude" simply means not nude, and personal,
               | private nudity is obviously different from seeing other
               | people nude.
               | Even if someone doesn't mind seeing naked people in the
               | situations you describe, it still doesn't follow they
               | should therefore be okay with nudity on screen in front
               | of their family.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | Religions or cultures don't forbid this in general, but
             | some do for purposes outside of procreation. It's really
             | not "everywhere in life" for most people.
             | names_are_hard wrote:
             | You're not very familiar with other religions, then. I was
             | raised in a religious environment that absolutely forbade
             | people to see members of the opposite sex naked except in
             | very specific scenarios (ie married couples, doctors
             | treating patients, and that's about it).
             | This was one of the stated reasons why we couldn't watch TV
             | or movies that weren't strictly vetted first.
           | terhechte wrote:
           | What Kind of Religion would find the depiction of violence
           | and death fine, and the creation of life / nudity
           | "uncomfortable"?
             | danielheath wrote:
             | I mean... not to be banal, but... most of them?
             | Certainly all the abrahamic ones are fine with detailed
             | descriptions of violence (have you _read_ the Old
             | Testament).
               | capableweb wrote:
               | Most of religions forbid people to be naked / see other
               | people naked? Please, list some of them, as I'm having a
               | hard time finding which ones do this.
               | yepguy wrote:
               | The Catholic Church insists on modesty, for example. You
               | won't find an outright ban on nudity, because what is
               | considered modest can change depending on culture.
               | However, if you are trying to remain chaste by avoiding
               | pre-marital sex & masturbation, it is not difficult to
               | see how sexually explicit images make that difficult. In
               | fact, pornography is specifically singled out as a crime
               | against chastity.
               | > 2523 There is a modesty of the feelings as well as of
               | the body. It protests, for example, against the
               | voyeuristic explorations of the human body in certain
               | advertisements, or against the solicitations of certain
               | media that go too far in the exhibition of intimate
               | things. Modesty inspires a way of life which makes it
               | possible to resist the allurements of fashion and the
               | pressures of prevailing ideologies.
               | > 2524 The forms taken by modesty vary from one culture
               | to another. Everywhere, however, modesty exists as an
               | intuition of the spiritual dignity proper to man. It is
               | born with the awakening consciousness of being a subject.
               | Teaching modesty to children and adolescents means
               | awakening in them respect for the human person. [1]
               | > 2354 Pornography consists in removing real or simulated
               | sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order
               | to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends
               | against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act,
               | the intimate giving of spouses to each other. It does
               | grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors,
               | vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of
               | base pleasure and illicit profit for others. It immerses
               | all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world.
               | It is a grave offense. Civil authorities should prevent
               | the production and distribution of pornographic
               | materials. [2]
               | [1]: http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/archive/catech
               | ism/p3s2... [2]: http://www.vatican.va/archive/ccc_css/ar
               | chive/catechism/p3s2...
               | hvdijk wrote:
               | You are conflating nudity and porn when they are two
               | different things, and as far as nudity is concerned,
               | focusing only on whether it is okay according to
               | Christianity to be naked, rather than the other question
               | more relevant to this story, which is whether it is okay
               | according to Christianity to see someone else (who may or
               | may not be Christian themself) be naked.
               | yepguy wrote:
               | No, I didn't conflate anything. My post specifically
               | covered that pornography is banned, while nudity may be
               | permissible if it does not offend modesty.
               | hvdijk wrote:
               | The question you responded to was:
               | > Most of religions forbid people to be naked / see other
               | people naked? Please, list some of them, as I'm having a
               | hard time finding which ones do this.
               | You decided to respond with a point about pornography.
               | Either you conflated nudity and pornography, or you
               | responded with something unrelated to the question. I
               | assumed the former as that seemed to me to be the more
               | charitable explanation, but if the latter was the case
               | instead, I apologise for the incorrect assumption.
               | Instead, let me ask you: why did you feel it relevant to
               | bring up pornography in response to that question?
               | yepguy wrote:
               | For all practical purposes, Catholicism is an example of
               | a religion that forbids nudity. Depictions of nudity that
               | the church would find acceptable, online or in popular
               | media, are rare enough that a concerned Catholic would be
               | justified in avoiding all nudity out of caution.
               | pmachinery wrote:
               | The bulk of his reply was not about pornography. He
               | specifically stated the Catholic Church has no outright
               | ban on nudity, but quoted two paragraphs from the Vatican
               | about "resist[ing] the allurements" of "voyeuristic
               | explorations of the human body" in advertising or other
               | media that "go too far in the exhibition of intimate
               | things".
               | If advertising material qualifies, nudity in films
               | qualifies.
             | cole-k wrote:
             | From my (limited) understanding of Genesis, I assumed
             | nudity was thought to be fine, at least in the beginning.
             | It was only after eating the forbidden fruit did Adam and
             | Eve clothe themselves, presumably out of some sort of shame
             | or "decency."
             | I wouldn't be surprised if there are later passages
             | condemning it, but I personally prefer the interpretation
             | that it's not religion which makes nudity uncomfortable,
             | but mankind and their flaws.
           | EugeneOZ wrote:
           | These people need to follow rest of civilization and educate
           | themselves.
         | null_deref wrote:
         | Why not both? You could also argue that repeatedly seeing the
         | most beautiful actors in the business nude, can hurt a teenager
         | self image pretty badly, or that learning about sex from movies
         | is probably not the best idea.
           | sjwright wrote:
           | IMHO it's not sex that's the real problem for teenagers, but
           | rather extreme sexualisation. And that doesn't require
           | nudity.
         | goda90 wrote:
         | Lots of nudity in film is of a sexual nature. Uncontrolled
         | exposure to fictional depictions of sex could create unhealthy
         | understanding of sex in children that parents want to avoid.
         | Hence not family friendly. I'm not saying most in film violence
         | is either, but that's the reason.
         | One film I think of in this regard is Schindler's List. I've
         | seen both the original and the TV edit that Spielberg made to
         | broadcast for teenagers to see. The primary edits I noticed
         | were sex scenes and post-sex nudity. Those scenes weren't
         | gratuitous(they showed something about the characters) or
         | anything, but were edited(either cut or blacked out part of the
         | frame). BUT there was still lots of nudity in the edited film.
         | This was nudity of a different nature. People forced to strip
         | down and paraded in the open for inspection.
         | Sometimes parents just want to take the easy path and consider
         | all nudity as out of bounds for their kids. I think that's
         | fine.
           | heavenlyblue wrote:
           | > Sometimes parents just want to take the easy path and
           | consider all nudity as out of bounds for their kids.
           | Sometimes parents consider vaccinations to be out of bounds
           | for their kids, too.
           | dirtnugget wrote:
           | I would generally put Schindlers List onto the "not-so-
           | family-friendly"-list. It's educational I guess but I
           | wouldn't want to show it to anyone below 16. And after that
           | the nudity should be fine.
             | kube-system wrote:
             | FWIW, my local secondary school here in the US has no
             | issues showing Schindlers List to students in class. But
             | this attitude isn't something that would extend to a movie
             | with nudity of a sexual or casual nature.
               | dirtnugget wrote:
               | They have no issues about showing that because the
               | primary actor of violence was not their own state. Do
               | they show footage of Guantanamo Bay or Abu-Ghuraib in
               | secondary school?
               | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9e/AbuGh
               | rai...
               | https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/Abu-
               | ghra...
         | umvi wrote:
         | Because it's awkward getting sexually aroused in front of
         | family members?
         | shubb wrote:
         | That's starting from the assumption you are doing this to
         | engineer your children ands psychology.
         | Actually I think a lot of people find it awkward to watch
         | graphic sex scenes and extended nudity with their family. As a
         | grown up, the I feel awkward watching parts of game of thrones
         | with my parents.
         | That's a shame because I would like to watch this show with
         | them. Lately a lot of major TV shows seem to aim to include one
         | nude scene per episode - I guess the money people think that's
         | what sells...
         | I can understand why some people might find violence equally
         | difficult, but where it features it tends to be much more tied
         | to the plot.
           | schrijver wrote:
           | Right, but doesn't this awkwardness come from you growing up
           | in a culture (I assume U.S.) where depictions of nudity are
           | taboo?
           | If this taboo wouldn't have existed for you as a kid I'm not
           | so sure the awkwardness would exist for you as an adult. As a
           | sample size of 1, coming from a country where there is much
           | less of a taboo I feel very differently on this topic.
         | dang wrote:
         | We detached this subthread from
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24251297.
         | skrause wrote:
         | > _Expansion: how are nude scenes not family friendly?_
         | The answer is "American Prudery".
           | chance_state wrote:
           | No, not really. Most people don't want to watch graphic sex
           | scenes with their parents. It's not a "muh America" issue.
             | konart wrote:
             | > Most people don't want to watch graphic sex scenes with
             | their parents.
             | Teenagers don't, obviously. But when you are 30+ and you
             | are watching a movie with your father or mother - none of
             | you is embarrassed by it typically. Exactly because for
             | grown-ups it's just sex.
             | And anyway - how many movies you can name with graphic sex
             | scenes that are now porno? I can think of barely 2 or 3
             | maybe
           | pledg wrote:
           | See also American TV where you can show pretty extreme
           | violence but not swear.
             | zodiakzz wrote:
             | Gore-filled cartoons censoring/hiding the female nipple
             | always gets me.
               | wlesieutre wrote:
               | On that note, did you see this?
               | https://www.indy100.com/article/instagram-is-flummoxed-
               | by-me...
       | andrekorol wrote:
       | This extension reminded me of that Black Mirror episode where a
       | mother filtered what her daughter could see and hear.
       | Great work with TensorFlow by the way, can't wait to see this
       | technology maturing over the years.
       | pledg wrote:
       | This would be too late in my workplace, as they'd be logged that
       | I downloaded the images. That I didn't see them in my browser
       | would be irrelevant.
         | gvjddbnvdrbv wrote:
         | I'm curious how workplaces do this. Does they have a root cert
         | installed so they can MITM SSL traffic?
           | pledg wrote:
           | Basically yes.
           | amelius wrote:
           | You could still run your own layer of encryption through that
           | pipe though.
             | gvjddbnvdrbv wrote:
             | Presumably that is against policy and would get you fired?
           | jwalton wrote:
           | Yes exactly. And, ironically, many of these solutions can
           | make you less safe; at one of my former employers we had
           | something like this, but the problem is that since you're
           | getting a cert from the MITM server, you're not able to
           | inspect the cert from the real server, and at least in the
           | case of the Cisco product we were using, the MITM server
           | wouldn't bother to inspect it either; expired certs, certs
           | with the wrong CN, self signed cert, didn't matter - the MITM
           | server would ignore the problem and happily replace the cert
           | with a valid one signed by the company CA.
             | unethical_ban wrote:
             | That is more often a configuration issue than a technology
             | issue. MITM proxies can be configured to reset connections
             | to sites with invalid/expired certificates.
           | dec0dedab0de wrote:
           | Every place I ever worked did exactly this. They use a
           | protocol called WCCP which is essentially source routing, so
           | if you're going to the internet on certain ports it routes
           | you to a proxy server instead of whichever router it normally
           | would.
           | Most companies big enough to do this already have their own
           | internal CA installed on all the machines, for internal
           | sites, so they use that same CA to sign the mitm cert. With
           | so many sites using HSTS it can be annoying if you access a
           | site while off the network.
           | As far as them knowing the content of a particular image they
           | would need to have some kind of machine learning like this
           | extension.
         | jijji wrote:
         | true, the client still downloads the image so you'd still
         | violate a work related policy... This plugin would have to
         | operate as a proxy and filter the actual images that are NSFW
         | so your client never downloads the actual image.
         | treis wrote:
         | I don't think it's irrelevant. Having a NSFW pop up in the
         | middle of a meeting and your access logged is much worse than
         | just your access being logged.
         | rtz12 wrote:
         | It would be a nice feature for this extention to collect the
         | URLs of detected porn images and report their hashes back, so
         | they could be integrated into the extention itself.
         | capableweb wrote:
         | Yeah, fixing that would require breaking "The extension runs
         | completely on your browser. i.e No user data is being sent to a
         | server for processing." as image requests would have to be
         | hashed, checked on a server and only allowed depending on the
         | response.
         | So seems this extension is not really for your use case but for
         | others.
       | [deleted]
       | williesleg wrote:
       | Boring. I'd like the inverse, where only NSFW images are shown.
       | Now THAT would be an extension!
       | liability wrote:
       | > _All the images remain hidden until they are found to be NSFW
       | or not_
       | The demo screenshot/page seems to only show NSFW images, so the
       | demo doesn't convey how quickly this classifier can operate. The
       | demo page should have some non-NSFW images to show off how
       | quickly SFW images are revealed, since the default is to block
       | all images.
       (page generated 2020-08-23 23:00 UTC)