[HN Gopher] Show HN: Visualize Data Structures in VS Code
       Show HN: Visualize Data Structures in VS Code
       Author : Gehinnn
       Score  : 372 points
       Date   : 2020-08-28 13:34 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | geoffeg wrote:
       | This is cool, could definitely be useful for working with complex
       | data structures. Does anyone know if there's a Light Table-like
       | (http://lighttable.com/) plugin for VS Code?
         | Gehinnn wrote:
         | It's not coming close, but a step towards light table:
         | https://github.com/hediet/vscode-realtime-debugging
         | Also, there is https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemN
         | ame=WallabyJ....
         | I myself want to explore further ideas in that direction. I
         | think more interactive debugging/development with smaller
         | feedback loops really increases productivity.
       | cxr wrote:
       | Here's my modest plea to authors of extensions like this: please
       | consider creating a "standalone" version, too. The AST viewer in
       | the GIF is a good example of a tool that doesn't need the whole
       | VSCode framework around it; it can be implemented in a single
       | "ASTViewer.html" that can be double clicked or dragged and
       | dropped into the user's browser, which is probably already open.
       | EDIT: I see comments from the author below, where there's some
       | version of this tool online, but it goes for other authors, too,
       | and the ability to run it from a truly standalone, single-file
       | viewer.
         | Gehinnn wrote:
         | I refactored all the visualization out into a standalone
         | framework. I share your view ;) Except that it should not be a
         | single file. That is technically neither feasible nor required.
         | https://hediet.github.io/visualization/
         | https://github.com/hediet/visualization
           | cxr wrote:
           | What makes it infeasible?
             | Gehinnn wrote:
             | Well, maybe it actually is easier than I thought to bundle
             | everything into a single html file (I thought you couldn't
             | embed fonts into html, but apparently you can [1]).
             | Anyways, in case of this application, all visualizations
             | together are like 20MB (the monaco editor is a significant
             | part of it). Having them split up and only loading things
             | one demand significantly increases startup time.
             | Also, base64-encoding all the binary resources is a little
             | bit inefficient.
             | [1] https://www.mediaevent.de/font-in-css-einbetten/
         | joshribakoff wrote:
         | This is the approach I'm taking with https://rx-
         | store.github.io/rx-store/
         | We use http://Nx.dev to split up example apps and libs into
         | separate packages. I have a "visualizer" package, a "devtools"
         | (for use in browser), will potentially add an electron app etc
         | later
         | robenkleene wrote:
         | The app I'm making called Repla (https://repla.app) is designed
         | for this purpose. To be able to take the things typically done
         | in the "preview" side of VS Code and break them out into their
         | own window that's usable with any text editor.
         | outworlder wrote:
         | > Here's my modest plea to authors of extensions like this
         | Not trying to be snarky or anything but... the source code is
         | available. If there's something that you really need, please
         | consider contributing. That goes for any open-source project.
           | Gehinnn wrote:
           | But they have a valid point that many things could be more
           | useful if they were thought more general.
           | I feel like software development could be _significantly_
           | more efficient if all developers would work together and not
           | against each other, or just with much more foresight. We have
           | so many programs /code/libraries that do almost the same
           | stuff. But then, we are already super efficient compared to
           | what we could do 50 years ago.
       | frenchie4111 wrote:
       | This would be amazing in Python when working with dataframes.
         | Gehinnn wrote:
         | What are dataframes?
           | edgyquant wrote:
           | Essentially an optimized array with lots of built in
           | subroutines for statistical and numerical analysis.
           | sireat wrote:
           | Think of dataframes (from Pandas library) as excel tables on
           | steroids.
           | Underneath dataframes are a collection of Numpy arrays with
           | ton of extra methods on top.
           | jxramos wrote:
           | they're basically tabular data where columns are homogenous
           | in datatype, and where you can have different datatypes among
           | the different columns. The rows are the data points or
           | samples. They're very often thought of as lists of
           | multidimensional data where the dimensions correspond to the
           | columns, and the rows to the samples of the data.
           | This guy gives a good overview.
           | https://github.com/mobileink/data.frame/wiki/What-is-a-
           | Data-...
       | tcgarvin wrote:
       | Wow, this seems like a great tool to help teach basic data
       | structures. I'll be excited to try this out with my son.
       | avmich wrote:
       | Great, but I feel those eye candies with e.g. growing and
       | reshaping lists will get old fast. What would be more useful for
       | work in the long run is a rather tacit - not distracting - hint
       | of what's going on, unambiguous but not trying to switch
       | attention.
       | If you're fast stepping through code trying to confirm it working
       | or finding a bug, you're going to be annoyed by the time it takes
       | the visualization to finish on each step.
         | jxramos wrote:
         | debug visualizations in fields like computer vision, 3D
         | modeling, or really anything that has a direct visual
         | representation very naturally pull themselves into these debug
         | transformations much more readily than maybe regular data
         | structures and algorithms do. The more complex the
         | transformation the more useful the debugger visualization
         | becomes. It probably doesn't need to be turned on all the time
         | though, it may be an expensive proposition for sure, but when
         | you need to bring out the big guns--by all means visualize
         | away.
         | westoncb wrote:
         | That is an emphasis of the approach I was taking here:
         | http://symbolflux.com/projects/avd
         | Using it feels very different from a traditional debugger where
         | you need to control every step: it's often sufficient to just
         | observe passively and note when incorrect patterns surface.
           | Gehinnn wrote:
           | I really like your projects! Especially your ideas in Tiled
           | Text. I think we should think more outside the box and
           | question our current way to write software.
             | westoncb wrote:
             | Thanks! I hope to work on a successor to Tiled Text some
             | day. I have a better sense of how much work is involved
             | now, though. My current approach is to do a smaller
             | project[0] with the potential to help fund work on more
             | ambitious projects like Tiled Text and Lucidity.
             | [0] https://diskatlas.com/
       | kevsim wrote:
       | Not sure how often I'll use this in day-to-day coding. Just don't
       | find myself encountering that many of these types of issues on a
       | daily basis.
       | However, I am 100% for sure going to break this out when it comes
       | time to do Advent of Code this year. Always spend tons of times
       | debugging code where this will be awesome.
         | Gehinnn wrote:
         | Advent of Code really might be a great use-case for this
         | extension!
         | Anyways, I think the table, the plain text and the planned
         | text-diff visualizer might be handy for day-to-day debugging,
         | as they fix some issues with the watch window in VS Code
         | (mainly displaying multiline-strings and lists of homogeneous
         | objects or just being able to update the watched expression
         | with a shortcut).
           | Insanity wrote:
           | I'm both excited and saddened by the fact that AoC is getting
           | close! Time flies...
       | frabbit wrote:
       | Powershell support would be nice.
       | natcombs wrote:
       | Offtopic: There was a compiler a decade ago named "Orange" or
       | something with Orange? Orange-cpp Orange c++ or something similar
       | for C++ that I've been trying to find that visualized data
       | structures. I can't find it, I may be forgetting the correct
       | citrus. Does anyone remember?
         | lccarrasco wrote:
         | It might be the LEMON library (
         | https://lemon.cs.elte.hu/trac/lemon ), it does have some
         | options to export graphs to Postscript.
       | JamesUtah07 wrote:
       | I am using vscodium instead of vscode so the "Install" link on
       | the marketplace page doesn't work and searching for the extension
       | doesn't show it. Any ideas on how I can install this?
         | mdaniel wrote:
         | According to the build script https://github.com/hediet/vscode-
         | debug-visualizer/blob/maste... it'd be                   yarn
         | run package
         | and then                   codium --install-extension
         | $PWD/whatever.vsix
         | so long as you have https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-vsce in
         | your PATH
       | dchuk wrote:
       | Interesting to see that decent-sized list of languages without
       | Ruby in it. Is there some technical limitation preventing ruby
       | support?
         | Gehinnn wrote:
         | It should work out of the box, but nobody confirmed yet that it
         | works with ruby ;)
           | daviding wrote:
           | In ruby if you have the right json schema set up it works.
           | I'm not sure I completely grok yet how the data extractors
           | would work on the ruby side yet though.
           | https://i.imgur.com/84mgPdF.jpg
             | Gehinnn wrote:
             | Data Extractors usually need support from the extension.
             | But you can configure how to construct the expression that
             | is sent to the debugger to be evaluated. By default, it is
             | `x => x`, but you could do `x => extract_json(x)`.
               | daviding wrote:
               | Thanks, that works. I can put something simple in my
               | settings.json like this
               | "debugVisualizer.debugAdapterConfigurations": {
               | "Ruby": {           "expressionTemplate":
               | "DataExtractor.to_table(${expr})",         }        },
               | ..and something simple in the debugee like this..
               | table_example =          {"id"=> "1", "label"=> "One"},
               | {"id"=> "2", "label"=> "Two"},         {"id"=> "3",
               | "label"=> "Three"}              # Quick hash to visual
               | table helper       class DataExtractor         def
               | self.to_table(hash)           meta_hash = {
               | "kind" => {"table"=> true},             "rows"=> hash
               | }           meta_hash.to_json         end       end
               | ..and we get a decent hash or ActiveRecord visualizer.
               | Thanks for the hint.
               | Gehinnn wrote:
               | Data Extractors would also allow to offer alternative
               | extraction options (like how visualization data should be
               | constructed from the given value). The user can then
               | select an alternative data extractor.
               | The `expressionTemplate` does not allow to do that yet.
               | If somebody is interested in implementing data extractors
               | for Ruby, I can offer help!
       | AriaMinaei wrote:
       | Can't wait to try this!
       | Also see Glamorous Toolkit [0] where visualization is a core part
       | of the development process.
       | [0] https://gtoolkit.com
       | tenbino wrote:
       | This is such a good idea. Why is it 2020 and programming tools
       | don't give us this sort of visual insight into data structures?
       | clukic wrote:
       | Fantastic work. This looks immediately useful. I'm often
       | inspecting data structures with D3, but the ability to do this on
       | the server side is a game changer. Can't wait to try it out.
       | kords wrote:
       | I have a very large json structure that generates a Media Live
       | channel in AWS. When I want add/change something it's almost
       | impossible. I can see this tool helping me.
       | mrkwse wrote:
       | This looks extremely helpful for when one is digging deep into
       | nested structures, I'm definitely going to have to give it a go.
       | Looking forward to the C# support too.
       | node-bayarea wrote:
       | This is SO COOL! Keep up the great work!
       | shadykiller wrote:
       | This is amazing !! So much better than looking variable in the
       | watch. Please add ruby support to this
         | Gehinnn wrote:
         | Ruby might work out of the box if it can produce JSON strings
         | that are not obfuscated by the debug adapter in vscode!
       | philsnow wrote:
       | This reminds me a bit of `ddd` [0] which has been around
       | ~forever. It really helped me visualize some object relationships
       | in ThoughtTreasure [1] back in school.
       | A main difference seems to be you have to tell vscode-debug-
       | visualizer how/what to show in the code, whereas with ddd you
       | either point-and-click or else run gdb/ddd commands like `graph
       | display _variablename_`. I guess you could probably script the
       | latter, but I like how vscode-debug-visualizer reifies what
       | you're visualizing into the code itself instead of into a
       | debugging session.
       | [0] https://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/ [1]
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ThoughtTreasure
       | LandR wrote:
       | I was just saying today how I wish I could have a graphical
       | representation of things like hashmaps and collections while I'm
       | debugging!
       | Then this pops up on front page!
       | Gehinnn wrote:
       | All visualizations (i.e. json ~> ui transformers) are available
       | as standalone library too. A playground can be found at [1]. The
       | entire project is open source and can be easily extended!
       | [1] https://hediet.github.io/visualization/
       | wnevets wrote:
       | did everyone abandon sublime text? Doesn't seem like a lot of
       | people are writing plugins for it.
       (page generated 2020-08-28 23:00 UTC)