[HN Gopher] Ruby: We have decided to go forward to 3.0 this year
       Ruby: We have decided to go forward to 3.0 this year
       Author : anshul
       Score  : 237 points
       Date   : 2020-08-31 13:10 UTC (9 hours ago)
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       | tiffanyh wrote:
       | It appears that Ruby 3 might come short of their 3x speedup goal
       | [1][2] ... has anyone tried out Graal/TruffleRuby?
       | Graal/TruffleRuby has shown some massive perf increases [3]
       | [1] https://pragtob.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/benchmarking-a-
       | go-a...
       | [2] https://pragtob.wordpress.com/2020/08/24/the-great-
       | rubykon-b...
       | [3]
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/ruby/comments/b4c2lx/truffleruby_be...
         | owens99 wrote:
         | Look for tenderlove's comments on TruffleRuby. The performance
         | is at the expense of memory.
           | eregon wrote:
           | Which comments?
             | loic-sharma wrote:
             | https://blog.heroku.com/ruby-3-by-3/
               | norswap wrote:
               | Fair warning: this is from 4 years ago.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | In Ruby, as in NodeJS, the GIL pushes you to scale
           | horizontally. The memory footprint of Hello World becomes a
           | big problem, because the number of copies you run will be
           | proportional to the number of cores you have, not the number
           | of machines. You get no benefit from moving from an 8 core
           | box to 16 or 20 cores.
           | I suspect if they do manage to pull off more concurrency in
           | Ruby 3, that vertically scaling machines will make more
           | sense. If 8 cores benefit from a shared footprint, instead of
           | one core per process, then the budget looks more attractive.
           | So now might not be the right time to cherry-pick some of
           | these features, but it may not be far off.
           | [deleted]
       | sickcodebruh wrote:
       | I'm excited about performance improvements but thrilled at the
       | idea of adding types. Has anyone here worked with Sorbet or a
       | prerelease 3.0 in Rails and able to share some notes?
         | pqdbr wrote:
         | I'm also very excited for Sorbet. Not because of types
         | specifically (I don't use them and don't plan to), but because
         | I hoped it would give me the same linting experience that
         | ESLint gives me on JS files (unused variables, undefined
         | methods, calling methods on nil, and so on).
         | The sorbet demo (https://sorbet.run/) is all I could wish for
         | (you can remove the type signatures and see that it would still
         | warn you about the `.barr` typo).
         | However, it is still a great deal of work to set it up on Rails
         | (Sorbet is made by Stripe, they use Ruby but not Rails), and I
         | couldn't finish the setup because of some gem warnings that I
         | couldn't updated at the time.
         | Hope to give it another try soon!
         | bradleybuda wrote:
         | Our team has been using Sorbet at getcensus.com for almost a
         | year now, and I'm generally very happy with it though it's not
         | perfect.
         | Like most non-trivial Rails apps, our test suite takes a while
         | to run, so I like having Sorbet to catch "dumb" issues without
         | having to run the full suite. Running `srb tc` to check types
         | is incredibly fast and seems to be scaling well as our codebase
         | grows. It catches the obvious stuff, but has also found some
         | subtle bugs in flow checking and is great for refactoring
         | support. The false positive rate is extremely low - if Sorbet
         | flags a regression in your type checking, it's very likely to
         | be a real bug.
         | The Slack community is helpful and responsive - if you're
         | thinking of using sorbet, I'd strongly suggest joining.
         | The downsides are:
         | - Unclear workflows - it's hard to know when you need to
         | "rescan" for new type definitions in gems, the stdlib, and in
         | generated code in your own app
         | - Poor Rails integration - the sorbet-rails package is helpful
         | and being actively developed, but it's clear that the
         | maintainers don't use Rails and aren't going out of their way
         | to support it.
         | - Upgrades are rough - the sorbet tools that scan your gems and
         | code to find "hidden definitions" are seemingly unstable from
         | release to release. There's a good chance that upgrading to a
         | new version of sorbet will break your type checking for
         | mysterious and hard-to-debug reasons. Lots of this is probably
         | related to Rails as well.
         | - IDE integration isn't quite ready for prime-time yet. I've
         | gotten it working in Emacs with lots of experimentation and
         | poking around, and I think some folks have it working in VSCode
         | too, but it's not officially "released" or supported and it
         | crashes somewhat often. It's still stable enough to be useful
         | and I'm glad I have it.
         | It's great and seems to be getting better, and it has
         | absolutely made me more productive, but know that you're still
         | adopting an alpha- or beta-quality tool and it's unlikely to
         | "just work".
       | mfontani wrote:
       | What a year!
       | Python 2.x dying; Python 3 becoming the norm; "Perl6" renamed to
       | raku & Perl5 thinking of bumping to v7... and now Ruby going all
       | the way to v3.0!
         | jodrellblank wrote:
         | PowerShell 7 released in March, dropping the "Core" name,
         | gaining backwards compatibility and becoming the main version.
         | https://devblogs.microsoft.com/powershell/announcing-PowerSh...
         | MrPowers wrote:
         | Spark 3 was released this year:
         | https://databricks.com/blog/2020/06/18/introducing-apache-sp...
         | Almost entirely backwards compatible with huge performance
         | gains.
         | KeyBoardG wrote:
         | and .Net Core becoming the standard .Net 5.0
         | open-source-ux wrote:
         | The Crystal programming language might also reach 1.0 this year
         | too.
         |  _Towards Crystal 1.0_ :
         | https://crystal-lang.org/2020/03/03/towards-crystal-1.0.html
           | jbverschoor wrote:
           | great news
         | Alex3917 wrote:
         | Python3 has really been the norm since 3.4, which was released
         | in 2014. After that it took another year until most major
         | packages were updated to Python3, but that happened at some
         | point in 2015. By 2016 there weren't many packages left that
         | weren't Python3 compatible, or that didn't at least have
         | Python3 replacements.
           | jonnytran wrote:
           | This is simply not true. From 2014 to 2017, I worked at a
           | place where I kept starting new projects in Python 3. But
           | people with less foresight wouldn't let their Python 2 habits
           | die. It was a constant struggle to get anyone to realize that
           | Python 3 was the future, and the majority of the code ended
           | up using Python 2. In 2019 when the end-of-life for Python 2
           | was finally announced, I knew of companies scrambling to
           | upgrade.
           | I can't help but contrast this with the upgrade from Ruby 1.8
           | to 1.9. It was also painful, but no one in the community was
           | holding on to 1.8 years later.
             | tonyedgecombe wrote:
             | I've often wondered if part of the problem was supporting
             | Python 2 for so long and hence prolonging the pain.
               | rightbyte wrote:
               | Without that I think many would lose trust in Python and
               | just switch language.
               | I mean it has only been 11 years since Python 3.1/2.7 and
               | that's probably a common lifespan for maintenance mode
               | code projects? 3.5 is still supported and that one is 5
               | years old. Why the hurry.
           | awill wrote:
           | Anyone who works in an enterprise with old code has been
           | working on migrating Py2 for ages.
           | cortesoft wrote:
           | Someone forgot to tell my company...
           | chaostheory wrote:
           | I beg to differ as someone who's been forced to use python 2
           | at work until next year. As for the python ecosystem as
           | whole, it feels at the earliest the transition to 3 had to be
           | around 2017 - 2018 before most popular libraries got with the
           | program. Then again the numbers could prove me completely
           | wrong. I just remember personal pain points well. By
           | comparison, the Ruby ecosystem was much faster in
           | transitioning.
           | philwelch wrote:
           | > Python3 has really been the norm since 3.4, which was
           | released in 2014. After that it took another year until most
           | major packages were updated to Python3, but that happened at
           | some point in 2015.
           | So from the perspective of an application developer who uses
           | package dependencies, using Python 2 was the norm until 2015
           | at the earliest? That sounds about right to me.
           | framecowbird wrote:
           | most Linux distros still have Python 2 as the default though,
           | right?
             | ATsch wrote:
             | That's just a measure for backwards compatibility, so
             | python2-only scripts don't cause cryptic errors when they
             | have a `python` shebang. Many distros ship without python2,
             | but will probably still link `python -> python2` for the
             | near future.
             | loeg wrote:
             | Not most, no.
             | lbhdc wrote:
             | Fedora only includes py3 by default in workstation 32.
             | marcuskaz wrote:
             | No, Ubuntu 18.04 shipped with Python3 as the default.
             | dharmab wrote:
             | Only server/LTS versions which need Python 2 for backwards
             | compatibility.
         | walkingolof wrote:
         | ....and Scala 3 !
           | mixedCase wrote:
           | ...and Idris 2!
             | zem wrote:
             | and (maybe...) ats3!
         | shinepl10 wrote:
         | You forgot about PHP going to v8
           | unfunco wrote:
           | The current major version of PHP is 7 so that makes sense, it
           | was really the jump from 5 to 7 which was a little anomalous.
           | canadev wrote:
           | have you a link handy?
             | some_furry wrote:
             | https://stitcher.io/blog/new-in-php-8
           | digianarchist wrote:
           | JavaScript really does take over everything.
             | e12e wrote:
             | Heh. More seriously, I think maybe deno[1] should be on
             | that list, as a nodejs 2.0 / event loop for js 2.0?
             | [1] https://deno.land
         | randomdata wrote:
         | At that rate, next you're going to tell us that Go is going to
         | get generics.
       | mrtweetyhack wrote:
       | Looking forward to it! Thanks for all the good work.
       | sacado2 wrote:
       | Are they going to make non-backward-compatible changes, or is
       | this just a marketing move?
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | There are some non-backwards-compat changes regarding keyword
         | arguments.
         | They aren't that exciting, but they are necessary to eliminate
         | some ambiguous and inconsistent cases, and will be a pain for
         | some codebases. (2.7 already marks as deprecated behavior that
         | will break in 3).
         | https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2019/12/12/separation-of-p...
         | I'm not sure if ruby actually commits to semver-style no-
         | backwards-incompat-unless-major; they didn't used to. Either
         | way though, recent ruby minor version releases have seen few if
         | any (?) backwards incompat changes of any note -- nothing of
         | note I can think of since 1.9 in 2007 (which did have major
         | changes. Ironically 2.0 didn't have so much). The keyword arg
         | changes will definitely effect more codebases more
         | significantly than any we've seen in a while.
         | pmarreck wrote:
         | looks like they're adding an optional type system, which means
         | you get the worst of both worlds- no guarantees AND no compile-
         | time type checking (think: what happens if type-checked code
         | calls non-typed code?) so I have no idea how they're going to
         | make that fast since all types will still have to be checked at
         | runtime
           | jnwatson wrote:
           | It works great for Python.
           | sosodev wrote:
           | Are you sure it'll be awful? Sorbet (https://sorbet.org/) is
           | pretty popular already. It can statically check your whole
           | project and dynamically check it at runtime. It also doesn't
           | add that much overhead so I'm not sure what you're on
           | about...
             | pmarreck wrote:
             | What does it do with your library code that isn't type-
             | specified? If it infers types, isn't there a limit as to
             | how far that can go?
               | dbalatero wrote:
               | Not sure what Ruby core will do, but Sorbet will type
               | everything as T.untyped in the absence of type hints.
               | Libraries can progressively provide rbi files to add
               | first class type support though.
             | oomkiller wrote:
             | Sorbet looks really cool, too bad they developed their own
             | typing system that keeps types in a totally separate file
             | instead of adopting it.
               | Lio wrote:
               | Sorbet will be compatible with the new file format. We'll
               | still be able to use the inline Sorbet type signatures.
               | My personal hope is that typing can be included in
               | test/spec files.
               | tomc1985 wrote:
               | The 'separate' file is to avoid breaking backwards
               | compatibility and avoiding a Python2/3 fiasco
               | virtue3 wrote:
               | Also see coffeescript, etc.
               | jamesgeck0 wrote:
               | Sorbet was developed before the details of the new Ruby
               | type system were locked in. They're working on providing
               | some convergence in upcoming releases.
           | cjohnson318 wrote:
           | I use type hints in Python to make my code more readable and
           | more clearly convey my intent, although I rarely use analysis
           | tools.
         | anshul wrote:
         | Ruby 3 is expected to introduce new concurrency primitives that
         | evade the global interpreter lock (guilds / isolates) and type
         | definitions for the stdlib for optional typing support. This
         | should be a big release for ruby!
           | aantix wrote:
           | The GVL?
           | https://github.com/ruby/ruby/blob/c5eb24349a4535948514fe765c.
           | ..
         | ilikepi wrote:
         | It might be a little of both. I did come across this change to
         | keyword arguments[1] recently, but I'm not sure how impactful
         | it is since I don't personally leverage keyword arguments right
         | now.
         | [1]: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2019/12/12/separation-
         | of-p...
           | d3nj4l wrote:
           | It sure does blow up your logs if you're using rails with
           | 2.7.1.
             | sosodev wrote:
             | Have you updated? Pretty sure all the warnings have been
             | fixed now.
               | ljm wrote:
               | Problem is if you're stuck on gems that aren't maintained
               | any more. Seen a few with PRs containing fixes going
               | stale. Can still switch to a fork, at least.
               | jamie_ca wrote:
               | Yeah, core rails the only warning I've seen is a single
               | one in sprockets-rails (brand new app from last week).
       | ricardobeat wrote:
       | Context? What changes are in v3?
         | splitrocket wrote:
         | The goal of Ruby v3 is to be 3 times faster than v2.
         | https://blog.heroku.com/ruby-3-by-3/
         | Unclear if that goal has been achieved.
           | anonova wrote:
           | From benchmarks [1], 2.8.0 (with jit) is ~2x faster than
           | 2.0.0p648 [2].
           | [1]: https://pragtob.wordpress.com/2020/08/24/the-great-
           | rubykon-b...
           | [2]: https://pragtob.wordpress.com/2017/01/24/benchmarking-a-
           | go-a...
             | riffraff wrote:
             | notice the "3x3" goal is on a specific benchmark
             | (optcarrot), not on all workloads.
           | sosodev wrote:
           | A lot of focus has been on this benchmark
           | https://github.com/mame/optcarrot/ It has seen huge
           | performance improvements thanks to the mjit but not quite 3x
           | yet.
           | geraldbauer wrote:
           | Not up-to-date but many more ruby 3x3 articles, see
           | https://planetruby.github.io/calendar/ruby3x3
           | Pet_Ant wrote:
           | Performance is more of an implementation level change rather
           | than a language change unless they are restricting the
           | language to facilitate new optimisations.
       | maxpert wrote:
       | Did we get JIT?
         | anonova wrote:
         | Yes, it was introduced in Ruby 2.6 (2018): https://www.ruby-
         | lang.org/en/news/2018/12/25/ruby-2-6-0-rele...
           | pizza234 wrote:
           | Well, yes and no (althought the question is a bit open).
           | It's more or less beta quality, and very primitive. It's
           | discouraged to be used with Rails, so I'd be inclined to
           | state that "we didn't get it yet".
           | I'm also personally skeptical that the unusual approach
           | (invoking a whole C compiler in a separate thread) will stand
           | in the long term - but that's my own take.
             | jashmatthews wrote:
             | The CRuby JIT is stable but whether it improves performance
             | or not is workload dependent.
             | It's simple not primitive. MJIT is designed to take
             | advantage of a C compilers optimization.
             | "Compile to C" worked for Chicken Scheme for the past 20
             | years and continues to be a popular way for functional
             | langauges to compile. It's also how Nim works. It's all
             | about different trade-offs.
               | oblio wrote:
               | Chicken Scheme compiles ahead of time, doesn't it?
         | jashmatthews wrote:
         | JRuby has a semi-optimizing JIT since JRuby 9000 was released
         | in 2015. It's mostly non-speculative but still the fastest way
         | to run Ruby in production. I've used it at several companies.
         | ljm wrote:
         | I wonder what happened to that old planned feature where the
         | ruby code would be byte-compiled into .rbc files?
           | byroot wrote:
           | The capability is there since 2.3 at least, but Matz doesn't
           | want it by default, and prefer to leave it to libraries.
           | If you use bootsnap, you use ".rbc" files already.
           | Source: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/16847#note-14
       (page generated 2020-08-31 23:01 UTC)