[HN Gopher] How should we build the APIs of tomorrow?
       How should we build the APIs of tomorrow?
       Author : mooreds
       Score  : 87 points
       Date   : 2020-08-31 15:27 UTC (7 hours ago)
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 (TXT) w3m dump (increment.com)
       | anderspitman wrote:
       | > To work around these complexities, Google built Spanner, a
       | database that provides strong consistency with wide replication
       | across global scales. Achieved using a custom API called
       | TrueTime, Spanner leverages custom hardware that uses GPS, atomic
       | clocks, and fiber-optic networking to provide both consistency
       | and high availability for data replication.
       | I find it interesting that most of this complexity simply falls
       | away if users host their own data. In my estimation, most
       | people's computing needs would best be satisfied with a
       | smartphone + a raspberry pi in their house hosting their data,
       | protected by a simple auth scheme, and accessed using simple
       | protocols built on HTTP. That would be more than enough to access
       | all their photos and videos, documents, and social feed for their
       | few hundred friends to consume. Things like email would probably
       | still best be handled by the one cousin in the family who works
       | in IT, to manage spam etc.
       | If only the technical side were the actual problem.
         | [deleted]
         | forbiddenvoid wrote:
         | Users don't want to host their own data. I think this has borne
         | out time and time again where hosted options win out over self-
         | hosting repeatedly.
           | zimbatm wrote:
           | Users want convenience. Hosted is usually more convenient to
           | use (at least in the short term) as all the maintenance is
           | taken care of transparently.
           | anderspitman wrote:
           | I think users don't like hosting their data using poor
           | solutions. A lot of folks seem to be happy with products like
           | Synology that just work.
           | Self hosting leans toward simpler (and thus more reliable)
           | software, lower latencies, and higher speeds, due to improved
           | locality.
           | nine_k wrote:
           | This depends on the user; tech-savvy users may prefer a self-
           | hosted version, especially if it installs in a few clicks.
           | But they are outnumbered by IT-naive users whose only
           | realistic option is the hosting by a vendor.
       | rhn_mk1 wrote:
       | Seems it's about client-server APIs, not API design in general.
         | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
         | Yup. It's an important topic, but I've been designing APIs for
         | decades; just not the kind he talks about. I do things like
         | device control APIs, these days.
         | The ones that I do have some issues that he doesn't cover, and
         | a whole lot of issues that he discusses are of no concern to
         | me.
       | jayd16 wrote:
       | Enjoyable read but not much here. Strange that there's no concept
       | of edge computing or caching referenced in the article, from what
       | I could tell.
         | alonsonic wrote:
         | Agree, the author doesn't paint the picture of what might be
         | coming. Would love to hear from the HN crowd on what's coming
         | next in API design. I see a lot of buzz around grpc, will this
         | be the next standard?
           | crispyporkbites wrote:
           | It boils down to:
           | - optimise the amount of data you send (see graphql/this
           | persons agent idea)
           | - optimise where you send it to/from
           | The latter has a hard limit of c, which we'll always try to
           | move towards. Distributed computation helps, but trades off
           | speed/consistency. The question then becomes whether you can
           | have an inconsistent model for those few seconds.
       | rumanator wrote:
       | It's a pretty good article but It's odd that auth wasn't
       | mentioned in the article. If chatty clients are a concern then I
       | would expect that token-based auth to be bundled with the
       | problem.
         | [deleted]
       | AriaMinaei wrote:
       | A few ideas to put out there:
       | 1. Emphasize synchronization over imperative API calls.
       | _Imperative APIs encourage data silos._ They are the underlying
       | technical part of the problem that Zapier and ITTT try to solve.
       | See [0] and [1] for some ideas.
       | 2. Allow users to submit "agents" rather than "requests." An
       | agent is a small program given extremely limited resources
       | (limited process/memory/runtime budget) that you can safely run
       | on your server. It is a possible answer to many of the
       | standards/protocols that wouldn't exist if frontends were running
       | on the same machines as backends. [2]
       | 3. Emphasize composition over integration. Functions compose
       | (nest, recurse). Event emitters don't. As long as APIs are built
       | to be integrated rather than composed, making them work together
       | is a full-time or full-company job (eg. Zapier).
       | 4. Make things immutable. Immutability allows APIs to "play" with
       | one another without fear of setting off the nukes (ie. side
       | effects). It's possible that this approach would make it so that
       | integrating two APIs becomes a job for ML/AI rather than humans.
       | [0] https://github.com/braid-work/braid-spec
       | [1] https://writings.quilt.org/2014/05/12/distributed-systems-
       | an...
       | [2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23900749
         | humanfromearth wrote:
         | While these ideas (imperative vs sync, immutability +
         | idempotency) a great in theory, I have yet to see anyone
         | putting them in practice while still keeping a great developer
         | experience - that includes Zapier. I guess Stripe is doing this
         | more or less well?
         | I just wish people implemented their webhook systems well (a
         | popular standard would be nice as well) - REST is fine, it
         | mostly works and it's pretty standard.
           | AriaMinaei wrote:
           | Synchronization is still an open problem. CRDTs for example
           | are still evolving fast [0]. I'd imagine the idea would be
           | more doable when the underlying sync primitives mature.
           | Immutability is a different beast, but it appears that
           | decentralization/p2p is working on it through necessity.
           | [0] https://crdt.tech
           | unilynx wrote:
           | This is also something that lacks in openapi - a standard way
           | to describe websockets/SSE would be nice. Being able to
           | listen for remote changes cuts down on API calls and leads to
           | more responsive changes.
           | (and ideally the webhook and websocket pushes and websockets
           | event pulls look as much alike as possible, so you can switch
           | between them easily as the situation warrants)
         | stingraycharles wrote:
         | > Allow users to submit "agents" rather than "requests." An
         | agent is a small program given extremely limited resources
         | (limited process/memory/runtime budget) that you can safely run
         | on your server. It is a possible answer to many of the
         | standards/protocols that wouldn't exist if frontends were
         | running on the same machines as backends.
         | Forgive my ignorance, but how would this work in practice?
         | Would agents be arbitrary code that a client would submit to an
         | API, or would the agent be something that the server itself
         | implements and manages in the backend?
         | EDIT: after some further reading of the mentioned threads, it
         | appears to me like the idea is that we ship data with their own
         | interpreters of some kind? I can help but fear this will cause
         | even more JavaScript code to be pushed to the server. :)
           | AriaMinaei wrote:
           | I think at a minimum, agents are programs that clients submit
           | to the server. The server runs the agent with a very limited
           | API and likely as a pure function (lang could be JS or wasm
           | maybe). The agent could run in response to events on the
           | server (like webhooks), or in response to requests coming in
           | from the client.
           | Here is a scribble: https://gist.github.com/AriaMinaei/69e1a9
           | 166e7ffbd61e7f6709d...
         | cortesoft wrote:
         | I agree things that can be immutable should be, but so much
         | functionality requires mutability. State has to change, or the
         | internet will be a very boring place. If I am shopping, I need
         | to be able to buy something... Facebook users need to be able
         | to post their updates, upload photos,etc.
         | Am I missing something, or do all of these use cases preclude
         | immutability?
           | [deleted]
           | AriaMinaei wrote:
           | I think it's about delaying the side-effect until
           | `transaction.commit()`, and implementing as much of the
           | business-logic as possible to happen inside the transaction.
           | Virtual worlds (a model of the real world) could also be
           | useful. Like, let the side effect run in the virtual world
           | and let me inspect that virtual world. Here, "me" could be a
           | programmer figuring out how to code against your API, or some
           | ML thing trying to figure out how to make two APIs talk to
           | one another.
         | neeleshs wrote:
         | As a founder of a startup whose Mantra is sync, I couldn't
         | agree more. No API developer looks at API design from this
         | angle. In fact, in a few cases, the design actively prohibited
         | these use cases (for obvious reasons).
         | Another aspect is intimating error conditions. One would be
         | amazed on the myriad different ways an API fails and many do a
         | poor job of conveying what went wrong, and how to recover, if
         | possible.
           | AriaMinaei wrote:
           | I'm curious, what startup that is? FWIW, I think there is a
           | large opportunity here (make sync+collab easy => ecosystem of
           | products that tightly sync) that can be disruptive to many
           | SaaS businesses.
           | I'm keeping an eye on Croquet: https://www.croquet.io
         | MichaelApproved wrote:
         | As an end user of APIs, agents sound like a good idea.
         | As a creator of APIs, agents seem scary from an
         | optimization/caching point of view.
         | I'd rather serve the same request 10,000 (which could be
         | cached) than have 1,000 different agents making requests (which
         | would be hard to cache).
           | carry_bit wrote:
           | Is it really much different? In the data flow you're just
           | conceptually moving the network from being after the agent to
           | being before the agent. You can still have the cache in the
           | same spot, it's just that the agent is hitting it directly
           | now instead of over the network.
             | tux1968 wrote:
             | As far as the actual data access goes, it is equivalent,
             | but you can't cache the agent process itself. So every
             | agent is potentially repeating work centrally, rather than
             | spreading that load out to each client. That may still be a
             | worthwhile win, but it is a new burden on the data centre.
               | AriaMinaei wrote:
               | Maybe agents could create rest endpoints of their own
               | with its own cache?
               | Edit: Just wrote some pseudo code: https://gist.github.co
               | m/AriaMinaei/69e1a9166e7ffbd61e7f6709d...
           | nine_k wrote:
           | Agents should use a limited, non-Turing-complete model of
           | evaluation. They could combine API calls locally and run
           | simple FSMs which are easy to formally check for e.g. absence
           | if loops. This could save round-trips without needing to
           | sacrifice general orthogonal APIs.
           | Imagine that you could give an app server a _formula_ to
           | combine several API calls, much like you give an SQL server a
           | formula to join and filter tables.
           | Also, you can easily cache agents by calculating a hash of
           | their source, and call them repeatedly without resending
           | their bodies, much like "prepared statements" work in SQL
           | databases.
             | chabad360 wrote:
             | You sound like your describing (to an extent) GraphQL
             | rumanator wrote:
             | > Agents should use a limited, non-Turing-complete model of
             | evaluation.
             | That doesn't solve any of the caching worries. If it's not
             | a resource then it's not cacheable.
             | > This could save round-trips without needing to sacrifice
             | general orthogonal APIs.
             | Since the inception of HTTP2, a relative large number of
             | requests of cached resources easily beat a relatively small
             | number of requests that are computationally demanding or
             | hit a database.
             | AriaMinaei wrote:
             | I agree. Though not sure about the non-Turing-complete-
             | ness. How about each agent has a budget. Agents that blow
             | the budget get dropped.
             | Like this: https://gist.github.com/AriaMinaei/69e1a9166e7ff
             | bd61e7f6709d...
       | xcambar wrote:
       | At the risk of being considered non-constructive, I wish the
       | author made a leap of faith and shared their educated guess
       | regarding where the API engineering is moving to.
       | I appreciate the effort of sharing a perspective, but I would
       | have warmly welcome a bit of prospective.
       | That being said, nice prose and interesting article nonetheless.
       (page generated 2020-08-31 23:01 UTC)