[HN Gopher] AES Finder - the utility to find AES keys in running...
       AES Finder - the utility to find AES keys in running process memory
       Author : based2
       Score  : 123 points
       Date   : 2020-09-06 12:25 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | mabbo wrote:
       | I remember many years ago, as I was thinking about going into
       | technology as a career, I was chatting with a family friend who
       | worked in computer security. I was asking him what he did. He
       | said "If I have physical access to a computer, it's almost
       | certain I will be able to get whatever data is on it. Especially
       | if it's still running and logged in." (or something to that
       | effect).
       | Stuff like this always reminds me of that guy (haven't seen him
       | in decades, sadly). Oh, you used AES encryption? That's lovely,
       | but your computer knows the key and I can trick it into telling
       | me it.
       | Truecrypt likely changed the game on some of the claims he made,
       | but that conversations predated it's existence.
       | Today the angle of attack seems to be around OTP + Password with
       | a timeout on the credentials generated. It narrows the window,
       | but doesn't completely block it.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | I had a brief moment of technological joy when I worked at a
         | place that had strict rules about leaving your computer
         | unlocked, which I always struggled with.
         | I had this new Symbian phone with Bluetooth (2?) and there was
         | an app you could get for OS X that would lock your machine when
         | it lost BT signal.
         | Sub in a larger battery (still one of my favorite mini hacks,
         | removing a little plastic so the 30% bigger Ngage battery would
         | fit) and I was good to go, until the app stopped working.
         | Big part of why I bought an Apple Watch (and then keep
         | forgetting to set it up)
         | dtech wrote:
         | Truecrypt doesn't change that if the user has the volume open.
         | When computers still had Firewire if they had a warrant for
         | child porn they would use FW and DMA to pull a complete copy of
         | the memory if it was on and get any encryption keys to the
         | Truecrypt volume. They would actually announce that they were
         | coming in on suspicion of child porn because people had a
         | tendency to boot the computer and open Truecrypt to delete all
         | their files.
         | I suspect similar techniques are still used today, like we see
         | with this tool. If you can get a dump of the computer active
         | memory you can ultimately get the decryption keys on consumer
         | hardware.
           | srtjstjsj wrote:
           | It seems unlikely that
           | (a) FBI understood truecrypt
           | (b) the target understood truecrypt
           | (c) the target misunderstood the entire purpose of truecrypt,
           | and they would misuse it to expose themselves
           | and (d) the FBI expected this and intentionally blew their
           | cover, leaving the target a chance to destroy the drive.
             | enedil wrote:
             | It's likely though that they knew that AES keys are
             | somewhere in the memory.
           | Drip33 wrote:
           | >If you can get a dump of the computer active memory you can
           | ultimately get the decryption keys on consumer hardware
           | What methods are available to get a memory dump if Firewire
           | is disabled? Feds couldn't break my encryption after ~1.5
           | years but my devices were all off when they showed up.
           | Ironically the one device they did get into was a cell phone
           | powered on but it had little evidentiary value and in one
           | funny way was partly exculpatory.
             | koolba wrote:
             | You can freeze the computer, remove the DIMMs, and then pop
             | them into a different machine to read them: https://electro
             | nics.stackexchange.com/questions/32189/freezi...
               | Drip33 wrote:
               | I thought that wasn't possible since DDR3 or 4?
               | ATsch wrote:
               | Smaller capacitors will keep their charge less long,
               | which makes this more difficult, but I understand that
               | there are no fundamental mitigations.
               | Avamander wrote:
               | There's (T)SME.
             | TACIXAT wrote:
             | You can do it via PCIe as well. [1]
             | 1. https://github.com/ufrisk/pcileech
             | benlivengood wrote:
             | There was a neat patch to store the AES key in debug
             | registers and do round key setup for each block. It was
             | even faster than the normal routine. https://www.usenix.org
             | /event/sec11/tech/full_papers/Muller.p...
             | IncRnd wrote:
             | It's a DMA attack, not necessarily a FW attack. DMA is
             | direct memory access, which is how the attacks worked.
             | dtech wrote:
             | USB-C+Thunderbolt or eSATA with a vulnerable controller. I
             | know modern OSes have protection against driveby-DMA, but
             | don't know if they protect against memory dump if the
             | "user" - or attacker who gained access to a logged in
             | system - consents.
             | All these attacks target decryption keys in memory, so they
             | don't work on devices which are turned off.
               | Drip33 wrote:
               | I'm assuming the computer is "locked" but online, and no
               | users consent to logging in to run anything. Will any of
               | these methods still work if Firewire drivers are
               | disabled?
               | wongarsu wrote:
               | In that case USB-C/Thunderbolt won't work, in the default
               | config you need to trust the device and cable before
               | anything too interesting can happen. This can be turned
               | off via bios setting though, so there's room for
               | misconfiguration.
               | E-SATA or PCIe hotplug might still work. However the
               | former is getting less common, and the latter is uncommon
               | in consumer mainboards.
       | based2 wrote:
       | https://github.com/susam/aes.vbs
       | alcover wrote:
       | The TRESOR[1] kernel patch was proposed to prevent these attacks.
       | It stores keys in privileged registers.
       | [1]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRESOR
       | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
       | Can someone explain how this works? I thought AES keys were just
       | random bytes, but obviously there must be more to them if this
       | tool is able to detect them.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | The parent repository has a decent answer:
         | https://github.com/mmozeiko/aes-finder/issues/12#issuecommen...
         | cperciva wrote:
         | Looks to me like it's searching for _expanded_ keys, i.e. the
         | sequence of round keys, not just raw AES keys.
         | EE84M3i wrote:
         | I took a skim of the source[1] -- I think that it's looking for
         | an expanded set of round keys[2] using their expected layout in
         | memory (accounting for endian flips, forward/reverse ordering,
         | 128/192/256 bit variants, and enc/dec). If a matching region of
         | memory is found, the first round key is the main key.
         | [1]: https://github.com/MantechUser/aes-finder/blob/master/aes-
         | fi... [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_key_schedule
           | makomk wrote:
           | Yeah, it's a trick that's been around for a while. The thing
           | that makes it a little fiddly is that the various ways to
           | store a key schedule, especially for decryption - it could be
           | in either order, and there's some optimization to do with
           | whether InvMixColumn is pre-applied to the values that I
           | can't remember the details of. I actually had a fork of the
           | classic aeskeyfind that added some of these tricks, though
           | apparently it's broken at higher compiler optimizations now
           | and I probably need to look into that:
           | https://github.com/makomk/aeskeyfind Could just have used
           | this instead if I'd known about it.
             | dunham wrote:
             | Also sqlite3's encryption seems to be a byte swapped AES.
             | E.g. look for a byte swapped AES key schedule in dropbox
             | process memory and you should find its sqlite3 encryption
             | key.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | Shouldn't there be a way to relocate the bits so that the L1
           | and L2 caches are still happy but the data structures aren't
           | contiguous? Is the main problem that they are all malloced
           | sequentially?
             | EE84M3i wrote:
             | What do you mean by "problem"? Are you talking about
             | obfuscation?
               | hinkley wrote:
               | > looking for an expanded set of round keys[2] using
               | their expected layout in memory
               | The problem is predictability of the layout, right? The
               | layout is chosen for throughput, but CPU caches can cope
               | well with some nonlinear layouts.
               | EE84M3i wrote:
               | Keys having an expected layout in memory is not a
               | problem, nor is being able to dump encryption keys from
               | process memory if you have access to it. That's the
               | security model these processes operate in.
               | Processes could conceivably put keys in memory in a non-
               | standard way that is more difficult to write a tool to
               | scan for, but the fact that they don't is not a problem,
               | and even if they did it would not make it impossible to
               | write a tool.
               | panpanna wrote:
               | The point is that if we could move the pieces of key
               | schedule around freely it would increase the complexity
               | of the tool significantly since it will have to match
               | each potential block against a number of other potential
               | blocks.
       | natch wrote:
       | Sort of feel like such posts should link directly to the original
       | repo the repo was forked from, if any.
       | https://github.com/mmozeiko/aes-finder
       | Unless there's some newsworthy aspect to the child repo being a
       | special different fork.
         | muststopmyths wrote:
         | This fork has a "memdump" tool to dump the memory of a process
         | and a "-f" option to search for keys in a file, which I assume
         | is the dump from step 1.
         | <shrug emoji>
         | jonstewart wrote:
         | This source file provides a better history for looking for AES
         | keys. It looks like Sam Trenholme developed the technique
         | originally but I know of it because of Jesse Kornblum's
         | subsequent work. Simson Garfinkel then embedded relevant code
         | inside of bulk_extractor. The technique is over a decade old:
         | https://github.com/simsong/bulk_extractor/blob/master/src/sc...
           | makomk wrote:
           | It looks like this particular fork of this code has a few
           | nice features that aren't in older versions, such as support
           | for dumping memory and actually knowing about the other
           | common formats of AES key schedule that are commonly found in
           | the wild. It's really annoying to run a search over a dump
           | that you suspect contains an AES key schedule and coming up
           | with nothing because the encryption library used a slightly
           | different way of storing it than the one expected by the
           | tool.
         | Popcorn_Butter wrote:
         | The pull request https://github.com/mmozeiko/aes-finder/pull/11
         | Says "Improved cross platform capability, key dumping, memory
         | dump search." but it's not even new code so nm comment on it.
         | Popcorn_Butter wrote:
         | The pull request https://github.com/mmozeiko/aes-finder/pull/11
         | Says "Improved cross platform capability, key dumping, memory
         | dump search." but it's not even new code so nm to comment on
         | it.
       | onigiri69 wrote:
       | Someone please run this on matlab...
       | knorker wrote:
       | Also see this from 2007:
       | http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
       | I believe I also saw that talk at a CCC camp back then.
       | Edit: ah yes, here it is:
       | https://media.ccc.de/v/cccamp07-en-2002-Cryptographic_key_re...
       | heavenlyblue wrote:
       | There were also tools about 15 years ago to find the entry point
       | to encryption routines by finding the SBox constants.
         | tptacek wrote:
         | There's lots of those, and they're _much_ easier to write,
         | since you 're literally just grepping memory for a fixed
         | string.
       (page generated 2020-09-06 23:00 UTC)