[HN Gopher] Common color mistakes and how to avoid them
       Common color mistakes and how to avoid them
       Author : hunvreus
       Score  : 564 points
       Date   : 2020-09-06 13:05 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.datawrapper.de)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.datawrapper.de)
       | [deleted]
       | adontz wrote:
       | Time had shown I have no designer talent and such articles always
       | make me sad and angry. The tragedy is that I can actually
       | recognize a good design, but cannot produce one.
       | To me these articles are like showing paralyzed man detailed
       | physical explanation of walking, Boston Dynamics' robots, other
       | people. Very informational and absolutely not helpful.
       | Probably some designers looking at software development tutorials
       | feel the same.
         | azinman2 wrote:
         | Which is why people specialize and work in teams. Sometimes
         | even being made aware of the challenges can allow someone to
         | realize they should ask for help and not produce crap-tastic
         | work without realizing it.
           | adontz wrote:
           | Yeah, but like taking an HTML/CSS template and replacing a
           | few standard colors with new ones should not that
           | challenging? Or should it?
       | phosphophyllite wrote:
       | Why she uses "NOT IDEAL" for BAD examples, is this some kind of
       | fancy-talk?
       | AkelaA wrote:
       | I can't help but notice that many of the "non ideal" examples are
       | pretty much identical to the colors used by companies like
       | Google:
       | https://blog.datawrapper.de/img/full-200805_goodcolors28.png.
       | Apple is another company that's not afraid to use extremely bold,
       | saturated colors in their UI designs:
       | https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guideline... -
       | in fact the colors chosen in that UI goes against a large amount
       | of the advice found on this article, that green to lime gradient
       | is pretty much 100% saturated for example, with a background that
       | is absolute #000000 black.
       | The main theme of this article is to try to use complementary
       | colors that aren't overly saturated or "pure", which is decent
       | enough advice most of the time, but I feel that in an attempt to
       | find color schemes that are more "professional looking", the
       | author has used colors that come across as overly staid for most
       | applications - navy blues and olive greens that are more
       | associated with serious banking institutions then anything else.
       | Which I guess is fine for infographics that need to display a
       | level of trust and seriousness, but maybe not so much for a
       | mobile app or social network that wishes to put on a more
       | playful, friendlier face.
         | dmitriid wrote:
         | Google is absolutely horrible when it comes to graphs in GCP
         | and IIRC analytics. Indistinguishable shades of blue? Yup.
         | Displaying errors with green or blue and displaying other
         | values with red and orange? Yup.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | Apple's charts are meant to pop out, though; they serve a very
         | different purpose than a graph in an article about energy
         | consumption in Cambodia. It seems to me that if you're using
         | color just for the sake of distinguishing things then you want
         | to make them more muted, and if you are trying to draw the eye
         | towards something, or give it personality, you go towards more
         | vibrant hues.
           | [deleted]
           | TheOtherHobbes wrote:
           | Which is a very relevant point that should have been included
           | in the article.
           | There's also the gender difference. Men are more likely to be
           | colour blind, women are more likely to have better colour
           | differentiation and also to have a subtly different colour
           | hue perception. So women see subtle distinctions with more
           | clarity, and see hues biased slightly away from red compared
           | to men, with green being seen as slightly more yellow.
           | https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/brain-
           | babble/201504/...
           | A lot of the work in this area - including ColorBrewer - is
           | by Cynthia Brewer, and I suspect that men and women don't
           | just use colours and textures in a slightly different way,
           | but are also attracted, convinced, and reassured by different
           | colours and textures.
           | This absolutely makes a difference if you're working on a
           | site that is gender-specific. Using a generic low-saturation
           | palette is going to destroy the appeal of a site with
           | predominantly male customers, while a black/brown/grey/red
           | site will fail with women.
           | I've always been impressed by Apple's ability to make
           | distinctive designs that bridge the gap and manage to be
           | gender neutral. While most laptops are black and angular, an
           | MBP appears to have no gender distinction of any kind. This
           | is a very cool trick, and much harder to do than it looks.
           | The point being the target audience matters, and colour is a
           | _hard problem_ in design with a lot of context sensitivity,
           | and certainly not something that can be reduced to simple
           | guidance.
       | blackearl wrote:
       | It seems like most of these are just "use pastels"
         | MattRix wrote:
         | You might need to read the article again if that's all you got
         | out of it.
           | blackearl wrote:
           | 3-7 are "use pastels"
       | trollied wrote:
       | You need to be really careful with picking colours. In a previous
       | role I created some reports & associated graphs for the CEO. I
       | was really pleased with the visual representations of the data.
       | He wasn't. He's colour blind.
       | allenu wrote:
       | This is great practical advice! As a non-designer, I've found it
       | hard to find good, succinct resources on color theory that
       | actually gets to ground-level suggestions like this. Well done to
       | the author.
       | dClauzel wrote:
       | This is possibly a pretty and interesting article, but the author
       | does forget that about 4% (8% men, 0,5% women) of the human
       | population suffer from daltonism. So yeah, we like our colours to
       | be clearly separated.
       | Having linear gradients of colours leads to the impossibility of
       | distinguishing the data categories, so nop. If you do this you
       | MUST also provide another kind of representation, like ColorAdd
       | http://www.coloradd.net/ .
       | hprotagonist wrote:
       | Pick not-Jet and perceptually uniform we're off to a great start.
       | The_Double wrote:
       | As a color blind person, a lot of his "better" suggestions were
       | absolutely impossible to discern to me, while his "worse"
       | examples were fine.
       | I wish more people made visualizations based on brightness rather
       | than a hue scale.
         | matonias wrote:
         | Just that the title says they are mistakes, does not mean they
         | really are. I think his 'worse' examples where a lot better
         | from a color balance perspective.
         | Sometimes over-engineering gets you no where.
           | HenryBemis wrote:
           | From experience: The only thing I agree with on the "do not
           | use the basic colors", is that some C-level stakeholder 5
           | forwarded emails down the road (and never present on the
           | status calls), will not bother to read the damn thing fully,
           | and will see the RED on statistic-X and will think that the
           | X-thing is doomed and we need to slash this
           | project/product/function. Yes, I agree, it's not a color
           | thing, it's a RTFpresentation-thing. But the use of non-
           | standard colors (red-amber/yellow-green) will avoid these
           | mishaps.
         | neilk wrote:
         | I noticed that too.
         | The stricture "get it right in black and white" would help, but
         | color-blind folks map colors to lightnesses differently. A
         | color-blind co-worker believed yellow on white was perfectly
         | legible, but a scatterplot with red and blue was
         | indecipherable.
         | Do color blind folks have any tools, like browser plugins, to
         | remap images?
           | wereHamster wrote:
           | Chrome DevTools has a builtin feature to simulate various
           | color deficiencies:
           | https://twitter.com/mathias/status/1237393102635012101
             | dkersten wrote:
             | Thanks for this! Very interesting. I just tried it on the
             | article and, sure enough, the "better" version of the first
             | circles, a number of them do, indeed, look the same when
             | emulating any vision deficiency except blurred vision while
             | they are perfectly discernible in the "not ideal" versions.
         | moron4hire wrote:
         | *her
         | joshvm wrote:
         | These are called perceptually uniform colormaps and are also
         | useful for grayscale printing, as the scale will still be
         | valid. This is now the default in Matplotlib (eg viridis,
         | magma, etc)
         | https://jakevdp.github.io/blog/2014/10/16/how-bad-is-your-co...
         | I have found occasion to use Jet though, it's good for
         | highlighting transitions between close values when the colour
         | scale is large (but not large enough to use a log map).
         | chobytes wrote:
         | Yeah, I was thinking this was going to be an article about
         | making colors easier to see for colorblind people... but it
         | actually appears to be the opposite.
         | Having some degree color blindness is extremely common. Its
         | depressing how designers just refuse to take this into account.
       | edfletcher_t137 wrote:
       | This is excellent thank you. As a non-designer who very often
       | struggles with color palette decisions, I feel this will become
       | an oft-used bookmark.
       | mihaaly wrote:
       | I have color vision deficiency, like other 1 in 12 male. Even
       | healthy male will not appreciate subtle color variations as far
       | as I heard. Putting so much effort into 'pretty' and subtle
       | colors to aid understanding will be counterproductive! Focus on
       | other means if understanding the message is dear for you.
         | Fnoord wrote:
         | What is the name of this specific deficiency? I'm curious about
         | it, given you state the rarity of 1 in 12 male (which equals to
         | ~4% of population).
           | mihaaly wrote:
           | "red-green" colour vision deficiency
           | https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/colour-vision-deficiency/
           | apparently there are other types in addition
       | renewiltord wrote:
       | Very cool article. I usually just use Kuler and pick out an
       | option but that's limiting if you're trying to make it fit in the
       | palette of something that already exists. The justifications and
       | actions suggested are pretty good here.
       | amai wrote:
       | It should be noted that the author also has a series of articles
       | on visualization for colorblind people in the same blog:
       | - https://blog.datawrapper.de/colorblindness-part1/
       | - https://blog.datawrapper.de/colorblindness-part2/
       | - https://blog.datawrapper.de/colorblindness-part3/
       | kuon wrote:
       | HSLuv has helped me a lot in creating color scheme.
       | samch93 wrote:
       | For all things related to color in data visualization, I can
       | fully recommend the R-package colorspace. For example, the
       | package features colorblind friendly palettes and also the
       | possibility to emulate different forms of color vision deficieny.
       | See the paper on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1903.06490.pdf and the
       | webpage of the project
       | https://colorspace.r-forge.r-project.org/index.html
       | msla wrote:
       | This sounds like someone's personal opinions with, admittedly, a
       | certain amount of verifiable information thrown in.
       | Is this person a known designer? How seriously should we take
       | their personal opinion?
       | roland35 wrote:
       | I think the colors look nice in these visualizations, but I do
       | believe it is possible to drift so far in making visualizations
       | pretty to the detriment of being clear!
       | First of all, one advantage of highly distinct colors which is
       | discouraged in this article is that.. the colors are more
       | distinct across all sorts of mediums. Sometimes you don't know if
       | your chart will be printed off on a cheap inkjet and showed to
       | the CEO, or blurrily presented on a zoom call over poor WiFi to
       | someone who is colorblind. I think the push to usability should
       | consider these types of scenarios.
         | m12k wrote:
         | I'd say if you care about consistency across media, try to make
         | your colors have different luminosity, so they can still be
         | distinguished somewhat when someone invariably prints them on a
         | monochrome printer. Also, pure yellow (and to some extent pure
         | green) tends to end up nearly invisible on a lot of color
         | inkjet printers, so tweaking the luminosity is also important
         | there. Overall I think most of the tips this article advocates
         | will also help across various mediums.
           | pbhjpbhj wrote:
           | For data display luminosity can skew the impression of which
           | data dominates. That's a reason not to use luminosity changes
           | IMO. However, if you want to convince people you can skew
           | their impression of the data without technically lying ...
             | [deleted]
         | MattRix wrote:
         | The article talks specifically about colorblindness and how you
         | should look at your visualizations in greyscale to ensure the
         | colours are still distinct.
         | crazygringo wrote:
         | > _one advantage of highly distinct colors which is discouraged
         | in this article is that.. the colors are more distinct across
         | all sorts of mediums_
         | Actually this is precisely the opposite. If I understand you
         | correctly, you're saying that the advice in the article -- to
         | avoid super-saturated colors, super-bright colors, or colors
         | evenly spaced around the color wheel -- is bad, because all
         | these help increase distinctiveness.
         | But the reality is that when translating across mediums, like
         | inkjet or black and white, these have the problem of _blowing
         | out_ , where light colors turn white and dark colors turn
         | black. And with colorblindness, you encounter the problem of
         | radically different colors becoming indistinguishable.
         | Whereas if you stick to _less_ contrast but still maintain
         | meaningful differences in both hue and lightness, it translates
         | _well_ across mediums. Shades don 't get blown out, and levels
         | of lightness remain distinguishable.
         | And as for colorblindness, the article specifically recommends
         | using warm colors vs. blue precisely for this reason: "And they
         | are accessible: colorblind people can easily distinguish blue
         | and orange/red from each other." This is why you _don 't_ want
         | to use the whole range of distinctive colors, like red, yellow,
         | green, blue, purple all together.
         | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
         | RobertKerans wrote:
         | The article is [extremely] explicitly _not_ discouraging
         | distinct colours. If you think the opposite to the article is
         | true, then I 'm not sure what you're advocating, because it
         | isn't distinct colours. The article does talk at length about
         | how to adjust for aesthetics, but at no point does it skimp on
         | also ensuring distinctness.
       | umvi wrote:
       | > It will look more professional - and therefore more trustworthy
       | - when it only uses a few hues and their neighbors
       | This sentence rubs me the wrong way for some reason but can't
       | seem to articulate why. Maybe because I feel like in an ideal
       | world, trustworthiness of information should not be coupled to
       | how slick its presentation is.
         | nxpnsv wrote:
         | You certainly can produce a terribly useless plot with pretty
         | colors. If this then adds to trustworthiness, then that's a
         | problem. I'd say misleading plots is a bigger issue than choice
         | of color or font... however, all other things being equal- go
         | for pretty...
         | goldenchrome wrote:
         | That ideal world is never going to exist because perceptions of
         | beauty is coded in our DNA. There are countless studies that
         | show that beauty is universally desirable and more objective
         | than people think, to a large extent.
         | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_attractiveness_ster...
         | https://www.nngroup.com/articles/aesthetic-usability-effect/
         | https://vimeo.com/209961130
         | bonestamp2 wrote:
         | I know what you mean, but I think there's a bit of nuance here.
         | It's not about excessive slickness to the point where the
         | design itself is more substantial than the data, it's about
         | just enough design so that the presentation doesn't look
         | amateur.
         | I agree that appearance shouldn't impact our trust, but it
         | often does. If we showed up to a talk on investing, we might be
         | surprised if Rapper 50 Cent took the stage. With his off axis
         | baseball cap, his team jersey and gold chains, we might be
         | questioning whether we should really listen to his investment
         | advice... until he tells us he walked away with $7 million from
         | one of his moves, or $60+ million from another.
         | On the other hand, if he had just walked out in khakis and a
         | dress shirt, we probably wouldn't have questioned him before he
         | spoke. Nobody is impressed by khakis and a dress shirt, but
         | it's just enough that we don't question his trustworthiness,
         | giving the data a fair chance to come through and be trusted
         | (or questioned) on its own merit.
         | dahart wrote:
         | > in an ideal world, trustworthiness of information should not
         | be coupled to how slick its presentation is.
         | On the surface and without context, this sounds like an ideal,
         | but it's an interesting question and I wonder if you and I
         | would really want that ideal. I'm not so sure that
         | trustworthiness and presentation are separable nor whether I
         | think they should be. Just Google "ugly web pages" and really
         | imagine how many of them you could see yourself trusting. When
         | there are clear signs that some information has had no thought
         | put into the presentation, isn't it reasonable and natural to
         | start assuming that lack of attention extends to the
         | information itself? Presentation is a very important part of
         | how information is interpreted. It's easy, for example, with
         | bad color choices to accidentally emphasize one piece of data
         | over another, and therefore to mislead the viewer - like how
         | something yellow or bright green tends to dominate next to dark
         | grey. By choosing colors carefully like in the article, the
         | presentation can actually make the information more neutral.
         | An interesting followup question might be: what characteristics
         | should make information trustworthy? What other cues should I
         | look for in a presentation to know whether something is
         | trustworthy? Ideally, the trustworthiness of information should
         | depend solely on whether it's true, right? But ignoring that
         | there are points of view and shades of true, in the world we
         | live in, we use other cues like who is the presenter and what
         | are their credentials, whether we agree with the conclusions
         | beforehand, whether we were seeking the information or it was
         | pushed, whether the presentation is informational or agenda
         | driven, and lots of other things... since it's often impossible
         | to know whether information is true or not without resorting to
         | original research. What cues should we use to establish trust
         | in information without having to do original research?
         | MattRix wrote:
         | This just common sense. Go take a scientific paper and format
         | it in large pink comic sans and see how it changes your
         | perception of it.
         | The presentation of information is important. Not just the
         | visuals, but even word choice. For example, you chose to
         | criticize "professional" presentation as "slick", a word that
         | more easily conveys a negative meaning.
           | mjw1007 wrote:
           | These days on the web, I think my brain is taking
           | non-"professional" presentation as a positive signal.
           | Compare these two sites:
           | https://lygte-info.dk/
           | https://www.lifewire.com/best-rechargeable-battery-
           | chargers-...
           | Before looking at the content, my bias is that the former is
           | going to provide more reliable information.
         | lifeisstillgood wrote:
         | I have always felt that a polished presentation shows
         | (heuristic) that the author has got past the poring of trying
         | to work out what they wanted to say and then gotten to the
         | point of making the visuals follow their theme - in other words
         | it shows they have a clear idea of what they wanted to say and
         | have had suffice t time left over to work the presentation.
         | I am reminded a bit of a jeff below story and a kissinger
         | story.
           | srtjstjsj wrote:
           | It's also possible they skipped over trying to work out what
           | they want to say, or more likely and worse, they know what
           | they want to say but they skipped over the work of collecting
           | good data that supports what they are trying to say.
           | KineticLensman wrote:
           | > a polished presentation shows (heuristic) that the author
           | has got past the poring of trying to work out what they
           | wanted to say
           | Yes, although equally sometimes polish can draw attention
           | away from a lack of substantive content
             | bigyikes wrote:
             | If I've done my job right, the visuals are beautiful and
             | also the least important part of my presentation.
       | mathgenius wrote:
       | I'm very interested, but also skeptical. How do I know this isn't
       | just fashion ? I would be more convinced if this was backed up by
       | scientific studies, or even just showed examples more than a few
       | years old. What were they doing in the 1960's ? People have done
       | studies showing that fonts with serif's increase comprehension
       | (at least in printed form) of words. Have similar studies been
       | done with colours? Otherwise this article could be complete bs
       | written by someone with a fetish for pastels. Five years from now
       | this same person could be writing about how colours need to have
       | more zing, and reversing all these "not ideal / better" diagrams.
       | Remember when webdesigners went crazy using low-contrast fonts
       | that were barely readable ?
         | bjt wrote:
         | Exactly the point I came to make. In a blog about data, I would
         | like to see color recommendations backed by research and data,
         | not just the author's aesthetic preferences.
       | rivo wrote:
       | For a visualization project, I needed to be able to automatically
       | generate a visually pleasing colour palette. Customers would
       | provide one or more base colours (e.g. based on their corporate
       | design rules) and the generated palette should then complement
       | those base colours. So it didn't help to manually pick those
       | colours in advance because they may not play well with the base
       | colours.
       | If you find yourself in a similar situation, I wrote a blog post
       | on how such a palette can be calculated:
       | https://rentafounder.com/generating-colour-palettes-for-char...
       | The algorithm basically picks colours one by one, each being the
       | most distant colour to all previous colours within the same
       | saturation plane, all in CIE94 space.
       | It ended up working quite well.
       | kstenerud wrote:
       | "In the video above, I used the color tool Paletton to start with
       | a tetradic harmony and then decrease the distance. Note how more
       | beautiful the color combinations become."
       | Uhhh... no, I don't get how the end is more "beautiful". How do
       | you determine what is a beautiful color combination, and what is
       | not?
       | austinhutch wrote:
       | Great article! Another nice resource for picking colors in data
       | visualizations is from Stephen Few:
       | http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intel...
         | davidivadavid wrote:
         | Can also recommend his book, _Show me the numbers_. A nice
         | companion when you 're done with Tufte.
         | vharuck wrote:
         | My go-to has been Color Brewer: https://colorbrewer2.org
         | But this article will help me make my own palettes for specific
         | goals. A lot of categories have "common sense" colors (e.g.,
         | blues for male, pinks for female). Using those makes it easier
         | for people to read charts without repeatedly looking at a
         | legend or annotation. But I'd like to have the colors show
         | multiple categorical variables. It should be just as easy to
         | identify and compare white men versus white woman as it is to
         | compare white men versus black men.
       | fbelzile wrote:
       | Very well written and surprisingly practical information in here.
       | I've used Paletton before when trying to make a good colour
       | scheme but I've never been impressed with the results. I guess I
       | was using it wrong:
       |  _> In the video above, I used the color tool Paletton to start
       | with a tetradic harmony and then decrease the distance. Note how
       | more beautiful the color combinations become.
       | > Our colors are opposite each other on the color wheel, so
       | they're clearly complementary. Yay! But they're also unusable:
       | The two oranges are way too similar. And everything looks so...
       | bright. There's where we need to change the saturation and
       | lightness._
       | jacobolus wrote:
       | > _The green  is...can you even call it a green ?_
       | Nadieh's questioned green is much closer to "unique green" (a
       | typical observer wouldn't think it looked partly blue or yellow)+
       | than the CSS color "green" (based on the display's "G" primary),
       | which is shifted way toward yellow and should properly be called
       | "yellowish green" or the like. It's also much less colorful (the
       | hues would be easier to compare if both had the same
       | colorfulness).
       | Likewise Nadieh's red closer to unique red (and much less
       | colorful) than the RGB "R" primary, which should really be called
       | "orangish red".
       | > _Avoid pure colors_
       | All three of the colors in the "better" picture are close to
       | unique hues (yellow, blue, green). All three of the colors in the
       | "not ideal" category are based on the display's primaries
       | ("orangish red" R, "purplish blue" B, "yellowish green" G), not
       | at all close to "pure".
       | +: Unique hues vary from person to person, and unique green in
       | particular has wide inter-observer variability.
       | * * *
       | The extremely poor naming of CSS/HTML colors and the rather
       | arbitrary constraints imposed by 3-primary RGB emissive displays
       | and inadequate/misleading graphical tools for picking colors have
       | seriously skewed many people's color concepts.
       | To restate the main idea from this article: don't use overly
       | intense colors. Stay away from CSS named colors, because they are
       | based on the furthest extremes of the display's gamut, and are
       | overly colorful.
       | tibbar wrote:
       | Great stuff. My team recently had to create visualizations using
       | a very large number of colors (dozens, plus some gradients),
       | because we were representing many distinct values in a number of
       | dimensions. It was very difficult to make it work, but
       | considerations like the ones here helped a lot.
       | hansvm wrote:
       | The author touched on colorblindness, but I think it's important
       | to point out that:
       | (1) It can be a fair chunk of your audience -- 1/10 men are
       | colorblind in some locales.
       | (2) There are many flavors of colorblindness. Tools like
       | https://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-simul...
       | are helpful to make sure your palette works for most of them.
       | As a practical matter, adjusting some parameter like texture in
       | addition to hue is helpful. If you adjust lightness or saturation
       | it'll serve the dual purpose of making your charts understandable
       | when printed in black-and-white.
         | Chris_Newton wrote:
         | _(2) There are many flavors of colorblindness. Tools
         | likehttps://www.color-blindness.com/coblis-color-blindness-
         | simul.... are helpful to make sure your palette works for most
         | of them._
         | For those doing web work, Chrome has a helpful way to simulate
         | some of the most common vision deficiencies in its developer
         | tools. From the menu, open the More tools - Rendering panel,
         | then down at the bottom there is a setting called "Emulate
         | vision deficiencies". It can do blurred vision as well as
         | several types of colour blindness.
           | mpetroff wrote:
           | Adding to this, the Chrome (83+) and Firefox (81+) developer
           | tools both do a reasonable job at the simulation, using the
           | method of Machado et al. (2009) [1].
           | Unfortunately, the linked to simulator, like many of the
           | online simulators, does a very poor job. When simulating
           | protanopia, reds should appear darker, due the lack of L
           | cones. However, many simulators incorrectly display red as
           | bright green instead.
           | I've also written a color picker that uses the Machado et al.
           | method to enforce CAM02-UCS minimum perceptual distance for
           | normal vision and color vision deficiency [2].
           | [1] https://www.inf.ufrgs.br/~oliveira/pubs_files/CVD_Simulat
           | ion... [2] https://colorcyclepicker.mpetroff.net/
             | Chris_Newton wrote:
             | _I 've also written a color picker that uses the Machado et
             | al. method to enforce CAM02-UCS minimum perceptual distance
             | for normal vision and color vision deficiency
             | [https://colorcyclepicker.mpetroff.net/]._
             | That seems like a very useful tool for planning new colour
             | schemes. I wish there were more discussion and tools based
             | on true human perception of colours, not just numerical
             | representations that aren't necessarily calibrated to how
             | human vision works.
               | eat_veggies wrote:
               | For this there are things like the Lab color space!
               | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIELAB_color_space
               | Chris_Newton wrote:
               | Yes, much better ways of representing and working with
               | colours are known. Sadly, support for them is missing in
               | most of the software we use, including Adobe Illustrator
               | and Photoshop, the Affinity suite, Sketch, Figma and all
               | major browsers. The best we get out of the box is usually
               | HSB/HSL.
               | Of course, you _can_ make the effort to construct a
               | colour palette using a better model and then convert the
               | colours. However, as soon as you start deviating from
               | those carefully chosen colours -- to build a gradient, or
               | to apply filters or transparency, for example -- you're
               | back to relying on the software to do the maths, and if
               | its internal colour model is weak, the results will
               | reflect that.
               | rriepe wrote:
               | > Machado et al. method
               | Can you share the specific resource you used? Very
               | interested in writing something like this into my own
               | project.
       | sndwnm wrote:
       | All the articles I've seen about the topic talk about how to
       | select a palette of 2-4 colors. How would one go about picking
       | something like 8 hues, with different levels of emphasis for some
       | of them?
       | I'm trying to do something akin to designing a terminal color
       | scheme. I've seen some websites that let you put in values and
       | see how the color scheme would look like, but I'm more interested
       | in insight to how to make it look aesthetic. Colorblind
       | friendliness is not a high priority.
         | spajus wrote:
         | I recently tried to answer the same question for myself when I
         | wanted to figure out what color palette to use in my game.
         | Basically the idea is that you can divide the 360 degree hue
         | into even sections and get colors from that. Put different
         | luminosities in the mix and set same saturation of everything,
         | and you've got yourself a beautiful palette with tons of
         | coherent colors.
         | I haven't found a tool that would help generating such
         | palettes, so I built one for myself, feel free to use it:
         | https://kodolinija.com/tools/hsl-color-palette-generator/
           | sndwnm wrote:
           | Excellent! Thank you.
         | sosborn wrote:
         | https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel
         | Chris_Newton wrote:
         | _How would one go about picking something like 8 hues, with
         | different levels of emphasis for some of them?_
         | I'm not sure what you are looking for in terms of emphasis, but
         | if you want to work with lots of hues, I recommend looking into
         | "perceptually uniform colour spaces".
         | It's not unusual to see a colour wheel with "pure" red, green
         | and blue (in the RGB-on-your-screen sense) at angles of 0deg,
         | 120deg and 240deg. Then you "interpolate" and get yellow, cyan
         | and magenta at 60deg, 180deg and 300deg. More colours get
         | filled in to complete the wheel.
         | Now, there are all kinds of things wrong with this. However,
         | possibly the biggest problem is that you can't just pick evenly
         | spaced colours around a wheel set up like this, say ten hues
         | that are 36deg apart, and get a good set of perceptually
         | distinct colours as perceived by a human looking at them. Go
         | ahead and try it; you'll find that some of the colours you get
         | around the green part of the wheel _appear_ much more similar
         | than most of the others.
         | This sort of problem was recognised long ago by Munsell, who
         | attempted through experimental research to find a way to
         | represent colours where the steps _appeared_ even to a human
         | viewer. This resulted in the Munsell colour system, which is
         | essentially a huge but quite useful look-up table that will
         | give you perceptually even colours just by varying say the hue
         | or value by the same number of steps. Later efforts by the CIE
         | would try to codify those ideas in more mathematically
         | tractable ways, and the CIE colour spaces in expert use today
         | still have much the same ideas underlying them.
         | If you took a Munsell colour wheel and picked hues in 10 even
         | steps around the wheel (for the same value and chroma), and
         | then converted the resulting colours back to the bad but
         | popular colour wheel described above, what you'd find is that
         | the converted hues would have bigger changes in some areas,
         | particularly around the greens, and smaller changes in others,
         | which would compensate for the problem described above and give
         | a more visually even palette.
         | This rabbit hole goes pretty deep, because this is already
         | quite a long comment and I've only talked about hue so far. It
         | turns out that getting perceptual uniformity on the other axes
         | is not always trivial either, not least because the available
         | value and chroma options differ from one hue to another: we
         | can't perceive any blue that looks anywhere near as strong as
         | the strongest yellows we can see, for example. Depending on
         | what your palette is for, this can be very important, because
         | as others have noted, it's a good idea to vary more than just
         | hues if you're trying to construct a palette of clearly
         | distinct colours for things like drawing charts or other data
         | viz work.
       | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
       | Quite common sense, but not a new issue. "Color Set" books have
       | been sold for decades, and there's a number of sites (I have a
       | few bookmarked [0]-[4]), that have great JS implementations.
       | But it's a great explanation. I think this is something that
       | everyone should know, so the more material out there, the better.
       | [0] W3Schools is not everyone's cup of tea, but they have a great
       | section on colors: https://www.w3schools.com/colors
       | [1] Colorblind design is important. This helps with that:
       | https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter
       | [2] I've found this tool useful: http://paletton.com
       | [3] "Clickbaity," but also fairly useful:
       | https://www.colorcombos.com
       | [4] This is a cool tool: https://www.colorbox.io
         | OJFord wrote:
         | > [1] Colorblind design is important. This helps with that:
         | https://www.toptal.com/designers/colorfilter
         | I'm colour-blind; I've never known exactly what type (for sure
         | red/green).
         | I can tell the difference between original/filtered at that
         | link for both protanopia and deutanopia, though they _are_
         | close. Perhaps that means I have both /a mixture. (They're
         | described there as being anomalous red vs. green cones, so it
         | seems reasonable that I could have anomalous both.)
         | When it comes to 'colour-blind mode' settings I set my mild
         | annoyance (could you not just pick a friendly default? It's not
         | like I can't see any reds (for example) at all) aside and just
         | pick whichever type is most visually pleasing or easily
         | distinguishable.
         | abhgh wrote:
         | Thank you for the links!
         | I find Adobe Color quite helpful to find a palette for
         | visualization [1]. Its been around for years now, although I
         | think the original website was called Adobe Kuler.
         | For categorical colormaps, I have found the python Glasbey [2]
         | library helpful. Note: the first run can be slow.
         | [1] https://color.adobe.com/explore For popular themes filter
         | using "View" (right side of the screen under the main banner)
         | and pick "Color Themes" => "Most Popular"
         | [2] https://github.com/taketwo/glasbey
         | scns wrote:
         | colorhexa.com is my goto for colors. Shows how colors are
         | perceived by colour blind and much more.
       | cullinap wrote:
       | This is a great article.
       | cjohnson318 wrote:
       | > It's fascinating to see how desaturated many colors are around
       | us!
       | I do a lot of watercolor, and it truly is amazing how much of our
       | world is some shade of mud, and how far you can get with a couple
       | of muddy pigments. Sargent did a lot of watercolor in sketches in
       | Venice with just ultramarine, cerulean, raw sienna, burnt sienna,
       | and a tube of white. James Gurney gets a lot of mileage out of
       | the "six-pack" white, black, raw umber, yellow ochre, venetian
       | red, and cobalt.
       | kumarvvr wrote:
       | Awesome article. Colors make or break everything visual. This
       | guide is also very useful for web sites.
       | Edit : Perhaps someone can create a color selector that
       | incorporates her recommendations, like avoiding primary or
       | saturated colors, avoiding certain colors, etc.
       | Brajeshwar wrote:
       | My friend has a tool that we often use - https://colorcolor.in
       | andrepd wrote:
       | Eh, the article title should actually be just "how to pick more
       | beautiful colours" period, since it talks very little about
       | actually choosing colours _for data visualisation_ , that is, how
       | to choose a visual presentation that helps make sense of the data
       | you're showing. Example: https://colorbrewer2.org/
         | gerbler wrote:
         | I completely agree - this is almost entirely around visual
         | presentation (which is subjective) and not around practical
         | limitations for color choice. I'm a big fan of colorbrewer to
         | help make these choices for me!
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | For visualizations you will probably reach for a convenient
         | palette already provided by your software, like
         | https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/scale_brewer.html or
         | https://observablehq.com/@d3/color-schemes.
         | JadeNB wrote:
         | For some reason the HN title, which was originally the actual
         | title, has been changed to "Common color mistakes and how to
         | avoid them", which seems weird. The actual title ("How to pick
         | more beautiful colors for your data visualizations") doesn't
         | seem clickbait-y, so why take the subtitle instead?
       | tomrod wrote:
       | I think this article is great. I don't like to be contrarian;
       | however, I'm going to nitpick two small items.
       | [1] The color blind focus is red-green in the descriptions. The
       | author acknowledges other forms of color blindness, and I would
       | recommend more emphasis outside of red-green.
       | [2] The tradeoff of visualizations is the visualizer guiding the
       | narrative discussion and the audience wanting to triangulate
       | additional information based off the visual. I have worked in
       | organizations where the piechart (leading the "Avoid bright,
       | saturated colors" section) would be reamed since there isn't
       | enough visual difference between Laos and Japan. Especially in
       | instances like line charts where this visualization methodology
       | is used.
       | Beyond that, I felt like this was a well-written article on the
       | subject.
         | tsimionescu wrote:
         | Regarding nitpick 2, all of the blue colors are identical
         | between the two charts, I think the only point that chart makes
         | is about the yellow/ochre(?) for the USA slice.
         | However, I absolutely agree that there is no way for me to read
         | that chart, other than looking at the order of the blue slices
         | (they are in the same order clockwise as the legend).
         | I think one additional factor that should be considered when
         | choosing colors specifically for presentations is "will the
         | speaker be able to describe the color of one particular item
         | based on its color, in terms the audience will understand?" For
         | example, if you have to say "Japan is the ochre line" or
         | "people 45 or older are the vermillion line, while people 20 or
         | younger are the carmine line", that may be a problem in some
         | circles, even if the two colors are easy to distinguish
         | visually. This is likely not a problem when you have the option
         | of saying "the darker red" vs "the ligher red", but if you
         | start having more versions of the same general hue, you may
         | quickly run out of words.
       (page generated 2020-09-06 23:00 UTC)