[HN Gopher] BitTorrent v2
       BitTorrent v2
       Author : jakobdabo
       Score  : 356 points
       Date   : 2020-09-07 19:33 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.libtorrent.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.libtorrent.org)
       | mtgx wrote:
       | Nothing about privacy improvements/encryption?
       | rolleiflex wrote:
       | I make P2P tools too. [0] Let me tell you this: Bittorrent is one
       | of the few things in the space that actually ... works.
       | It works not in the sense that there is a white paper that should
       | work. Not in the sense that there are a few company-made swarms
       | hosted on industrial servers that keep everyone up and alive, so
       | that the thing gives the impression the 'P2P' network does work.
       | Not in the sense that there is a very-well oiled marketing
       | machinery talking about Web 3.0 that allows its founder to go on
       | TechCrunch and talk about the upcoming distributed paradise.
       | Bittorrent works in the way you install it into your computer and
       | it does something for you. And for that alone, it has my immense
       | respect and attention.
       | It's a tool that doesn't pitch that it's a P2P tool - it doesn't
       | try to convince you with sob stories about how using P2P helps
       | fight against the big bad evil web. Instead, you use it because
       | it's genuinely the best at what it does: it being P2P is not a
       | selling point, it's just how it happens to work, and that is
       | exactly what it should be.
       | That is something all P2P developers should aspire towards.
       | [0] Aether P2P: https://getaether.net
         | cercatrova wrote:
         | > It's a tool that doesn't pitch that it's a P2P tool - it
         | doesn't try to convince you with sob stories in how using P2P
         | helps fight against the big bad evil web. Instead, you use it
         | because it's genuinely the best at what it does: it being P2P
         | is not a selling point, it's just how it happens to work, and
         | that is exactly what it should be.
         | This should be something that every creator who markets or
         | sells products should learn. Consumers don't care how it works,
         | it just has to be better than the solution before it. Appealing
         | to how things ought to be moralistically doesn't work (for the
         | vast majority of consumers). They just don't care, they want a
         | solution to their problem.
           | im3w1l wrote:
           | I think everyone _aspires_ to this. They just fall short.
             | cercatrova wrote:
             | Perhaps. I see a lot of developers make stuff (non-dev
             | related even) but then only list out their technical specs
             | and features rather than benefits, as if the programming
             | language its written in is supposed to entice (non-dev)
             | consumers. A corollary is devs making software for their
             | own enjoyment but that which doesn't solve an actual
             | problem. I think it's more that they don't think in that
             | entrepreneurial mindset yet, but once they realize no one
             | is buying, they'll understand for the next time around.
               | megameter wrote:
               | It's a problem with the creative process itself, I've
               | learned, and it isn't different in other mediums. It
               | follows the McCloud "Six Steps to Art" - starting with
               | surface changes, gradually learning the elements of the
               | craft, and eventually settling on a purposeful idea in
               | the medium or about the medium.
               | Most developers, and therefore most projects, get stuck
               | somewhere in the middle area, where there is enough skill
               | to create features, but no direction or vision for those
               | features, other than a basic template based on other
               | software.
               | Often, the project will be called "minimal" to excuse
               | having few features, but only a few projects adhere to a
               | genuine restriction like SLOC limits or eliminating
               | dependencies.
               | Appeals to commerce as the goal often have a further
               | narrowing effect of making one anxious with thoughts like
               | "project must moonshot on day 1", but then you look at
               | Bittorrent, an all-time software success, and it's like,
               | no, this probably wasn't ever going to create the next
               | Microsoft. Funds were raised to have a Bittorrent
               | company, but the market success it had was always modest
               | at best. And yet it did and still does represent an idea
               | that people can believe in.
               | The actual thing that I see every great project do,
               | whether it's defined artistically or not, is to define
               | up-front some themes and principles that you believe
               | cohere well, and then direct the specific elements around
               | deeply studying and exploring them. This can manifest as
               | a corporate mission statement, or as an artist's
               | manifesto, or an academic research subject. In final
               | form, it generally manifests as "do one thing
               | exceptionally well", since if you have a very clear idea
               | of the goal, you can direct all your energy upon it. But
               | in the intermediate stages it is still trial and error to
               | learn what fits the theme best, what the actual success
               | metrics are.
               | The thing is, if you have coherence in the abstract, it's
               | way easier to explain the reason for being: "This is just
               | a manifestation of the principles". Being easy to explain
               | in turn makes it marketable without resorting to sales
               | tricks. And because it deals with general concepts it
               | taps into a breadth of appeal that can't be found just by
               | looking at any one feature. So adhering to principle sets
               | you up for success in a general sense.
           | dchuk wrote:
           | This is exactly the problem with all cryptocurrency
           | currently. It's a massive user experience issue, in the sense
           | that users have to experience the technical bullshit of how
           | the currencies work, completely missing the brilliant part of
           | real money: it just works. I hand people money, they give me
           | things. I swipe my credit card, I get things.
           | I can't remember who aid it originally, but there's a great
           | test you can give to any statement or idea. Just immediately
           | ask "who cares?" The best product demos I've ever seen answer
           | who cares in each part of the pitch. The worst ones just
           | rattle off mumbo jumbo forever.
           | X6S1x6Okd1st wrote:
           | >This should be something that every creator who markets or
           | sells products should learn. Consumers don't care how it
           | works.
           | I distinctly remember being a teenager and learning how
           | bittorrent worked, thinking it's the coolest thing I'd heard
           | of and laboriously explaining how it worked to a friend that
           | sounded interested. At the end of the explanation he asked
           | "So how do you download music with it?"
           | And I realized all he cared about was using it to pirate
           | music.
           | It's really easy for programmers to get lost in how cool some
           | code or technology is and lose sight of how the rest of the
           | world views it.
         | DevX101 wrote:
         | BitTorrent was one of the few things that once I understood how
         | it worked, I realized I was looking at the product of true
         | genius.
           | sneak wrote:
           | The first time I ever felt that way was with the Gnutella
           | network; I instantly wrote a client for it from scratch.
           | Bittorrent only became that level of magical for me when the
           | DHT got factored in some time later and magnet links became
           | workable.
           | The other time was Bitcoin.
           | I'm a big fan of lack of centralized/coordination/tracker
           | nodes.
           | martinald wrote:
           | Really? It's a just an iteration from how eDonkey2000/eMule
           | worked, which actually also had a DHT based 'trackeless'
           | mode, many years before BT came around.
             | bawolff wrote:
             | The tit-for-tat algorithm is what makes bit torrent special
             | and solved a real problem with the previous gnutella-esque
             | generation of p2p file sharing programs. As far as i know
             | emule did not have that at the time.
         | godzillabrennus wrote:
         | Hacking around distributed hash table open source software gave
         | me the utmost respect for the people who came up with this
         | stuff.
         | Crypto currencies owe a lot of their successes to the pioneers
         | behind technologies that also power bit torrent.
         | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
         | Today's consumers and developers of "tech" have been trained
         | and convinced to readily accept stuff that works "most of the
         | time".
         | It is the software I download for free that is the most
         | reliable IME. Spending more money does not make today's
         | consumer computers any more valuable. And that's how it should
         | be. The price of hardware (and software) should continue to
         | fall.
         | tim333 wrote:
         | >being P2P is not a selling point
         | It is kind of a selling point with regards to what most people
         | actually use it for. If not P2P the movie / record industries
         | would shut down the servers.
           | bawolff wrote:
           | I think the point is its an implementation detail not an end
           | in itself. Users care about the properties it provides, not
           | the method (p2p) of obtaining then
         | k__ wrote:
         | _" there are a few company-made swarms hosted on industrial
         | servers that keep everyone up and alive, so that the thing
         | gives the impression the 'P2P' network does work"_
         | What about the trackers?
           | simple_phrases wrote:
           | DHT makes trackers simply an aggregation and redundancy
           | measure.
             | joenathanone wrote:
             | It should, but in practice it doesn't. I've had torrents
             | that I left sitting for weeks not being able to complete,
             | until I added a list of trackers to them and found some
             | seeders with 100% of the torrent.
               | k__ wrote:
               | Same here.
               | BT only worked for new popular stuff.
               | Red_Leaves_Flyy wrote:
               | I've yet to find something that's truly unavailable.
               | Sometimes it takes a few different searches on different
               | sites but I've always found the obscure Linux distros
               | I've been looking for.
       | ksec wrote:
       | What is the current relationship between BitTorrent Inc, which I
       | think developed the original BT v1 protocol and client, and
       | Libtorrent? Which I think was a 3rd party BT Library written in
       | C++ because the official version was in Python which was
       | resources hungry.
         | toyg wrote:
         | You got your relationships wrong.
         | Bram Cohen developed BitTorrent and released a (Python)
         | reference implementation in the public domain (later under MIT
         | and then GPL licenses); he later founded BitTorrent Inc. and
         | assigned this implementation to the company to maintain.
         | Eventually BitTorrent Inc dropped this codebase altogether and
         | became closed-source with a completely separate project.
         | Libtorrent is just one of many independent BT libraries that
         | have been developed since Bram published the first BT client.
           | ksec wrote:
           | >You got your relationships wrong.
           | ??
           | So there are no relationship between the two?
           | >Eventually BitTorrent Inc dropped this codebase altogether
           | and became closed-source with a completely separate project.
           | That was from the acquisition of utorrent.
             | loeg wrote:
             | Correct, no relation between the two.
       | [deleted]
       | coronadisaster wrote:
       | It would be nice to have a torrent system where noone that is
       | uploading has all the data for a specific torrent (or at least
       | they arent uploading the whole file to any specfic person...
       | probably would be harder to prosecute in the event that some
       | files become illegal)... You could take 1% of the billonaire's
       | fortune and give it to the "victims" and everyone would be happy.
         | smabie wrote:
         | No one can have all the files and BitTorrent works just fine.
         | Though, I don't see why anyone wouldn't want the whole file.
         | What's the point if you can't actually use what you downloaded?
           | [deleted]
           | coronadisaster wrote:
           | You could or could not have all files, but you would never
           | upload a whole file to a single user (ie: part of a file is
           | possibly meaningless if you upload random chunks)
         | anaganisk wrote:
         | Im not sure how that would work technically speaking if there
         | is just a single seeder and leecher, also don't you become an
         | accomplice for helping?
           | coronadisaster wrote:
           | every seeder could technically have all the files but would
           | only share random chunks with each user
         | bakies wrote:
         | Can't this already be true? You do not need the entire torrent
         | in order to seed downloads. Clients leeching know which blocks
         | seeders are providing and will download what's available.
         | pgsandstrom wrote:
         | Sounds a bit like freenet: https://freenetproject.org
         | luckylion wrote:
         | If you share significant parts of a copyright protected work,
         | you're probably still on the hook. For most things, it's not
         | actually the files that are copyrighted, it's the content
         | encoded in them.
         | At some point, I suppose things get very fuzzy, e.g. you're
         | just uploading a single second of an album, but I don't know
         | who practically useful that would be.
         | sillysaurusx wrote:
         | Uploading parts of illegal files is equivalent from a security
         | perspective. It seems like there's no advantage to your
         | proposal.
         | The Whonix wiki has an incredible amount of information on
         | topics such as this: https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Documentation
         | Basically, it's very hard to protect the security of users when
         | a government seeks to prosecute dissidents. There's a lot to
         | take into account. A simple "we saw an upload from IP address
         | x.y.z.w containing <illegal file>" will be enough to hang
         | whoever it is.
         | On second thought, I guess it would be a nice addition to let
         | users control which files they're seeding, rather than the
         | whole torrent. I'm just not sure it's enough to get them off
         | the hook in the event of legal troubles.
           | jayd16 wrote:
           | Ideally, you'd want to come up with some way to pack files
           | such that many files share the same chunks. Perhaps you could
           | make the act of sharing (all or most of the) legal and
           | illegal files indistinguishable.
             | p1mrx wrote:
             | You could have a protocol where every block of the file is
             | actually two "random" blocks XOR'd together, but this
             | doesn't really work. If you create a new 1GB torrent,
             | you'll need 1GB of new (never seen before) blocks with
             | ~100% probability, so it will be obvious who's seeding the
             | data.
             | Or you could make the block size smaller (e.g. 1 bit) and
             | tell the lawyers to piss off because 0 and 1 are public
             | domain.
               | wmf wrote:
               | See https://www.scs.stanford.edu/~dm/home/papers/waldman:
               | tangler... and https://ansuz.sooke.bc.ca/entry/23
           | draugadrotten wrote:
           | One change in the v2 protocol stands out here. "Files that
           | are identical can also more easily be identified across
           | different swarms". Would this per file hash not make it
           | easier for such a government to find illegal material shared
           | by users. It appears v2 is not suitable for sharing of
           | material which could get one in trouble.
             | 0-_-0 wrote:
             | .zip
             | singron wrote:
             | I don't think this really matters in practice. The DHT is
             | public and you can already scan it to find all the public
             | torrents, all the files they contain, and what IPs are
             | sharing them.
         | marcinzm wrote:
         | >probably would be harder to prosecute in the event that some
         | files become illegal
         | Cynically I'd assume they'd just use it to add a conspiracy to
         | commit a crime charge to the list since you technically need to
         | coordinate with other people.
         | AdamJacobMuller wrote:
         | No reason you can't do this with the existing protocol. I'm not
         | sure how much it helps from a legal POV and i suppose it
         | depends upon your threat model, but, its fairly trivially
         | doable.
         | nabla9 wrote:
         | If you want to circumvent the law, you must find a legal
         | technicality, not a technical technicality.
         | The key weakness in every smartass technical technicality to
         | circumvent the law is forgetting that _intent_ is core concept
         | when the law is interpreted in the court.
         | Did the defendant have intent to do X? Did the defendant use
         | some purpose build technique to avoid doing the most literal
         | interpretation X ? .. Yeah, defendant is guilty of doing X.
           | spockz wrote:
           | IANAL, but afaik this depends on whether the legislation is
           | English law or Latin law from origin. Where Latin law is more
           | about the intent and english, and therefore US law, is more
           | about the letter of the law. Perhaps the distinction is along
           | a different axis but this is how I remember.
             | nabla9 wrote:
             | You are thinking about common law (originated in England)
             | vs civil law (based on Roman law) In both systems intent is
             | very important in criminal cases.
             | The real difference is between criminal law and contract
             | law. In contract law. In contract law the intention is
             | fixed by the language of the contract document. It matters
             | less if matter if one party didn't intent to violate the
             | contract. It is what it is.
       | smabie wrote:
       | I've written a torrent client, and I'm skeptical than v2 will
       | ever catch on. While it does solve some minor problems, it's not
       | a large enough leap forward to justify the costs.
         | wmf wrote:
         | uTP seemed like a small improvement to me but it happened.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | Yeah this definitely feels like a Python 2/3 type situation.
         | They solved one minor issue but require the whole world to
         | update.
         | I'm not even convinced they couldn't have done it in a
         | backwards compatible way. Why not stick with SHA-1 but _also_
         | add SHA-256 for verification for clients that support it?
           | userbinator wrote:
           | That's an interesting comparison, given that the first
           | BitTorrent client was written in Python (2).
           | UncleEntity wrote:
           | > Why not stick with SHA-1 but also add SHA-256 for
           | verification for clients that support it?
           | Apparently you can do that with 'hybrid' magnet links.
           | The problem is the two swarms are different so as more people
           | move over to v2 the v1 swarms will become smaller and smaller
           | -- thus giving people an incentive to upgrade, I suppose.
           | ...and they seem to have solved more than one minor issue
           | since they were breaking things anyway...
         | bredren wrote:
         | I don't know much about protocol version pacing, but was lack
         | of substantial changes part of the reason it has taken 12 full
         | years to get a client to support v2?
         | http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0052.html
           | rhencke wrote:
           | No. It is still a draft proposal.
           | Mindless2112 wrote:
           | 3 years, not 12. BEP 52 was based on BEP 3 and kept the same
           | metadata, including the creation date.
           | http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html
         | sedatk wrote:
         | Minor problems? Isn't this a security issue? Somebody can
         | modify a binary and still have it return the same hash and
         | distribute it to people who think that they are receiving an
         | authentic file. Is it even an option to keep going with SHA1?
         | Even Git, which this is less of an issue, has a plan for
         | migrating to SHA2. https://git-scm.com/docs/hash-function-
         | transition/
           | throwaway2048 wrote:
           | This isn't really true, sha1's weakness would require you to
           | be the creator of the torrent, which if you are, you can just
           | make the binary malicious to begin with.
         | Havoc wrote:
         | If a couple major players adopt a hybrid system then it could
         | perhaps
           | loeg wrote:
           | libtorrent backs a number of popular clients (Deluge,
           | qBittorrent), so that's a good start.
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | From the perspective of the client would it be a drop in
         | replacement like changing a static library or a from the ground
         | up rework?
           | smabie wrote:
           | If they used libtorrent, then it would be easy. If they wrote
           | their own system, then it would require a moderate amount of
           | work to chance to v2.
             | ksec wrote:
             | I am going to take a guess, Most people on Mac would be
             | using transmission, and People on Windows would be using
             | Classic Utorrent.
             | Both are not based on Libtorrent.
         | ogogmad wrote:
         | The use of SHA-1 in v1 seems like a major problem.
         | [edit]
         | That doesn't imply that BTv2 is the right successor protocol.
           | akvadrako wrote:
           | It's not currently - collisions are very expensive and only
           | in limited contexts. If you wanted to distribute malware via
           | torrents your efforts are better spent elsewhere.
             | ogogmad wrote:
             | Attacks only get better with time.
             | Also, this seems quite bad:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collision_attack#Chosen-
             | prefix...
               | loeg wrote:
               | That attack isn't relevant to bittorrent swarms. What you
               | want is a preimage attack on SHA1.
               | [deleted]
       | PossiblyKyle wrote:
       | Since we're on this topic, what's your torrent client of choice
       | HN? I plainly use BitTorrent nowadays
         | sp332 wrote:
         | I use deluge just because it has a nice client and separate
         | server which I leave running on another box.
         | kuroguro wrote:
         | qbittorrent, hands down :) Open source, cross platform and
         | relatively small footprint (native), uTorrent-like UI.
         | I believe it uses libtorrent under the hood, so this might be
         | integrated soon.
           | loeg wrote:
           | > I believe it uses libtorrent under the hood
           | Yep: https://www.libtorrent.org/projects.html
           | jedberg wrote:
           | I use it too, the main reason I switched is it seems to be
           | the only one capable of maintaining line speed downloads on
           | 100+ megabit links on a Mac.
         | vermilingua wrote:
         | uTorrent 2.2.1, which unfortunately seems like it won't be
         | viable going forward if v2 adoption picks up.
           | kuroguro wrote:
           | Was using that for a very long time as it's the last version
           | without ads. Unfortunately there were multiple
           | vulnerabilities disclosed in 2018 and some private trackers
           | started blacklisting it (workarounds for the vulns were
           | discussed but not sure if any are confirmed as working).
           | https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-
           | zero/issues/detail?id=15...
             | vermilingua wrote:
             | This is news to me, thanks for pointing that out. (Not sure
             | why I find it surprising, it's a very old piece of software
             | now.)
           | bserge wrote:
           | Why not 3.x?
             | Dahoon wrote:
             | It's basically malware.
         | 0xdeadb00f wrote:
         | Transmission. If you're looking for one on android,
         | LibreTorrent looks absolutely amazing
         | jug wrote:
         | Deluge for a server/client model with optional web interface,
         | if you for example want to command your Raspberry Pi to add som
         | torrents. But for a more traditional one I prefer qBittorrent
         | after Ludde abandoned uTorrent.
         | bserge wrote:
         | uTorrent, it has always been fast and stable.
         | Hamuko wrote:
         | Been a fan of Transmission on macOS for many years. I just wish
         | I could install Transmission on a Linux box and still keep
         | using the fantastic Cocoa interface it has on macOS.
           | oauea wrote:
           | You mean https://github.com/transmission-remote-gui/transgui
           | or another gui? You should be able to connect remotely, that
           | is pretty much the entire idea behind transmission. A torrent
           | daemon with various UIs that use the API.
       | martindale wrote:
       | Has there been any progress on advancing BEP-46 (mutable
       | torrents) [0] along the standards track? I didn't see any mention
       | of it in this announcement, despite my hopes of seeing it as a
       | flagship feature.
       | [0]: http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0046.html
         | the8472 wrote:
         | The BEP itself is almost trivial. The difficult work is
         | implementing it in a client that makes it useful for users and
         | content providers.
         | In the wild west of the internet "update" really only means
         | "add" because you don't want the source you barely trust to
         | provide some data to issue an update that deletes all the
         | previous download from that source. But you also want to avoid
         | wasting storage so some size caps and rehashing old data to see
         | if it's an incremental update will also be needed.
       | crazygringo wrote:
       | Very interesting. But I'm not totally clear -- what does this
       | mean for compatibility with v1?
       | The article states that _hybrid_ torrents that support v1 and v2
       | can be created. But what does this mean for end-users (clients)?
       | Will most torrent software be upgraded to support both v1 and v2?
       | And will a client be forced to choose from the v1 or v2 swarm, or
       | will it be able to download from and seed to both?
       | I mean it _seems_ like clients would participate in both swarms
       | -- I 'd just like to know if that's confirmed.
       | Also, is is possible to add v2 to existing torrents
       | "retroactively"? Who would do that? Or would this solely be for
       | new torrents moving forwards?
         | the8472 wrote:
         | > Also, is is possible to add v2 to existing torrents
         | "retroactively"? Who would do that?
         | You would need the file data to do that, so torrent indexing
         | sites could not do it. And since you need the full data you
         | could only do it after downloading at which point it doesn't
         | add that much value.
         | > Or would this solely be for new torrents moving forwards?
         | Indeed. v2 offers a few nice improvements but not world-
         | changing ones. So there's no pressure to upgrade existing
         | torrents. They'll keep working as-is.
         | armitron wrote:
         | A v2-aware client that also supported v1 and hybrid torrents
         | would tick all boxes and be able to participate in multiple
         | swarms (for the same torrent).
         | The main issue that I see is the existence of millions of
         | torrents in private trackers that would have to be manually
         | updated for v2.
         | Are people going to bother? I think not. So for me, v2 is
         | practically a new-torrents-only affair.
           | ehsankia wrote:
           | I think this is fine. Slow migration is often the right
           | choice. The important part is to start early, and in a decade
           | maybe the vast majority of torrents will be V2.
           | oauea wrote:
           | The sites could perform a bulk update for all their torrents
           | if they so chose.
             | danarmak wrote:
             | To update you need the data so you can rehash it. A typical
             | tracker only has the torrent files and would take a very
             | long time and spend a lot of possibly expensive bandwidth
             | to download all the tracked torrents. And some torrents may
             | not be seeded all the time.
               | 22c wrote:
               | If nobody has the data, the torrent is effectively dead
               | and most private trackers will remove it in time. If it's
               | not dead, they can incentivize seeders to re-hash/re-
               | upload a v2 compatible torrent if they really wanted to.
               | Private trackers tend to gamify quite a few aspects of
               | their sites (obvious example being the seed ratio
               | itself).
               | bserge wrote:
               | They often just have the magnet links. I haven't looked
               | into how that works, but I think the complete data is
               | only on the seeders' machines, and the torrent propagates
               | through DHT.
               | Cyph0n wrote:
               | Private trackers do not use magnet links afaik.
       | Hitton wrote:
       | This is pretty cool. Per-file hash trees is something I've been
       | missing for some time now.
       | koeng wrote:
       | > Identical files will always have the same hash and can more
       | easily be moved from one torrent to another (when creating
       | torrents) without having to re-hash anything. Files that are
       | identical can also more easily be identified across different
       | swarms, since their root hash only depends on the content of the
       | file.
       | As a question for someone who knows better - does this mean that
       | you can download single files within torrents themselves? I
       | imagine if each file is independently hashed, this should be
       | possible.
         | ColanR wrote:
         | If I understand your question correctly, then yes, people do
         | that all the time and most bittorrent clients make it super
         | easy.
         | M2Ys4U wrote:
         | >As a question for someone who knows better - does this mean
         | that you can download single files within torrents themselves?
         | Most torrent clients can do this already, but depending on how
         | the torrent was created and the size the files involved you
         | might download a some of the files on either side.
       | xibalba wrote:
       | _To me, BitTorrent feels a lot like Blockchain: interesting tech
       | that doesn 't seem to be able to find a practical and useful
       | application (proportionate to the attendant hype). Which is not
       | to say that either can't, they just haven't yet. Why?_
       | EDIT: while I don't (yet) consider myself delirious, responses to
       | this comment have illuminated how little I know about the
       | influence and application of BitTorrent. In other words, I
       | retract the above opinion.
         | slim wrote:
         | I estimate that thousands of people use torrent every day since
         | 20 years. I use it very often. maybe it's just that nobody uses
         | it in your close network
         | mawalu wrote:
         | You mean beside being responsible for ~50% of the global
         | internet traffic in 2009?
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent
           | xibalba wrote:
           | Insofar as the majority of that traffic is likely illegal (in
           | terms of sharing pirated property) I would not consider it
           | useful.
             | [deleted]
             | deathgrips wrote:
             | This falls apart when you examine prohibited goods. Guns
             | are illegal in most countries because they are _very_
             | useful.
             | liability wrote:
             | It's not legal, therefore it's not practical? That doesn't
             | make any sense at all.
             | dtech wrote:
             | useful != legal
           | oblio wrote:
           | Yeah, but what's the current number? I'd be surprised if it
           | were more than 5-10% these days. 2009 was 11 years ago, the
           | internet was a much smaller and less regulated place.
             | CyberDildonics wrote:
             | You think that if something once took up 50% of all traffic
             | on the internet it never found a practical application?
               | oblio wrote:
               | > proportionate to the attendant hype
               | From the original comment.
               | Also, just because it was 50% at some point, it doesn't
               | really matter today. Paraphrasing, a technology is only
               | as good as it's latest match result.
               | Perl was once powering the web, nowadays you have to look
               | at the web with an electronic microscope to find it...
             | bioipbiop wrote:
             | Even if it were only 5-10% of internet traffic, that'd be
             | huge! Think about how much the internet has exploded in use
             | since 2009.
             | ffpip wrote:
             | Youtube is 37% of all mobile traffic. [1]
             | [1]- https://www.statista.com/chart/17321/global-
             | downstream-mobil...
             | risho wrote:
             | that is still way WAY more than enough to justify it's
             | utility.
         | luizfelberti wrote:
         | You're delirious.
         | Setting aside the fact that BitTorrent came about long before
         | BitCoin was a glint in Satoshi's eye, it's still massively used
         | for content distribution, on top of being a foundational
         | technology to several industrial applications: Apache Spark,
         | for example, uses BitTorrent to shuffle/broadcast data around
         | cluster nodes.
         | Even when BitTorrent alternatives are used in its place (such
         | as IPFS, Dat, or Kademlia), BT was still a massive influence in
         | all of their designs, and to the design of any other DHT that
         | came about after its release.
         | All of these, plus other systems that are (in abstract) similar
         | constructions, have several industrial applications for asset
         | distribution (Netflix uses IPFS to distribute container images
         | internally [0], Uber and Alibaba do similar things) and network
         | management (DNS for example, is really just a DHT, as are
         | several other network protocols)
         | Ever since BitTorrent came about, it has unequivocally been a
         | resounding success. It never for a moment had to look for
         | applications, there were already plenty since day one.
         | [0] https://blog.ipfs.io/2020-02-14-improved-bitswap-for-
         | contain...
           | thawaway1837 wrote:
           | Wasn't the original Skype that Microsoft paid billions for
           | also based on BitTorrent technology?
           | Not BitTorrent exactly, but close enough that if the
           | blockchain spinoff was bought for that much the blockchain
           | folks would certainly consider (rightfully IMO) a victory in
           | the blockchain column.
             | wmf wrote:
             | Skype was based on JoltID/Kazaa.
           | oblio wrote:
           | > it's still massively used for content distribution
           | Is it, though? Youtube doesn't use it, neither do Netflix,
           | Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, Spotify, etc. Does anybody
           | (except for Blizzard) use it? I don't think Steam or the Epic
           | store or the App Store or the Play Store use it, either.
           | I'd be extremely glad to be proven wrong.
             | FridgeSeal wrote:
             | I remember reading about how Facebook uses it to distribute
             | updates amongst servers.
             | loeg wrote:
             | Windows has some sort of P2P update distribution system,
             | although (1) I don't know that it is bittorrent and (2) it
             | seems to be massively slower than just using MSFT's servers
             | directly, so I'd suggest disabling it. On the order of 100x
             | slower.
             | toyg wrote:
             | I believe Steam uses it. The network graphs they spout show
             | behaviours consistent with BT-like activity.
             | I'm pretty sure the BBC iPlayer used it too, at some point
             | (no idea if it's still the case).
             | Most Linux projects use it.
             | Any company offering a "download manager" for 1GB+ files,
             | is likely to be implementing something similar to BT behind
             | the scenes.
             | The thing is: if bandwidth costs are a real problem for
             | you, BT is a killer solution to offload some of those
             | costs. If they are little more than a footnote (like for
             | the mega-services you list), then BT is unnecessary and it
             | will probably slow down overall performance too.
               | M2Ys4U wrote:
               | v1 of iPlayer used bittorrent, but these days it's all
               | streaming.
         | yepthatsreality wrote:
         | Why...?
         | BitTorrent has been influential in lots of applications. If you
         | really need proof that BitTorrent can move milestones, it help
         | perpetuate sites like thepiratebay.org and assisted in the
         | advent of modern day streaming services that both the music and
         | movie industry neglected for years. It is also a central
         | influence for p2p networking and file sharing.
           | oblio wrote:
           | Yeah, but it's not used anymore, from what I know. Few places
           | use it for distribution, I guess they don't consider it worth
           | the hassle. Blizzard was using it to distribute binaries.
           | I guess mobile internet was its downfall as few people want
           | to seed from a mobile connection.
             | armitron wrote:
             | There are vast data archives exposed through private
             | trackers that work on top of bittorrent. This isn't widely
             | known due to their private, invite-only (and in some cases,
             | entirely closed) nature but the fact remains that these
             | exist and are fundamental in multiple, widely divergent
             | communities.
               | oblio wrote:
               | Can you give some examples? It all sounds very...
               | mysterious. At least, what kind of content are we talking
               | about?
               | bdekoz wrote:
               | A public example is rutracker.org. Another is sci-hub.
               | See Joe Karaganis for some cannonical info:
               | http://piracy.americanassembly.org/shadow-libraries/
             | M2Ys4U wrote:
             | >I guess mobile internet was its downfall as few people
             | want to seed from a mobile connection.
             | CGNAT has a lot to answer for, too
             | ajtulloch wrote:
             | Lots of companies use BT in a datacenter environment to
             | efficiently distribute binaries to a large number of hosts.
               | oblio wrote:
               | Again, this is in the context of the original BitTorrent
               | hype. Which was huge. What you're mentioning is small
               | potatoes.
         | oblio wrote:
         | Well, both threaten the establishment. Blockchain would
         | basically upend states, with unclear benefits. BitTorrent would
         | allow for very efficient distribution of a lot of data, which
         | can conflict with copyright.
         | At least BitTorrent is environment friendly :-)
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | Talk about an un-mobile friendly website
         | [deleted]
         | risho wrote:
         | works fine on my phone.
         | Stratoscope wrote:
         | It even manages to evade the usual "Show simplified view"
         | bottom bar that Chrome mobile shows when it detects that a page
         | is likely hard to read.
         | Rather ironically, you get a much more readable view if you
         | select "Desktop site" in the Chrome mobile menu and then
         | double-tap the main text column.
         | kasabali wrote:
         | It works just fine on Opera on Android.
         | Most of the time it's not web sites but browsers, who are
         | unfriendly.
       | tomxor wrote:
       | > [...] not only uses a hash tree, but it forms a hash tree for
       | every file in the torrent [...] Files that are identical can also
       | more easily be identified across different swarms, since their
       | root hash only depends on the content of the file.
       | Wait, does this mean content addressed blobs across swarms...
       | does that mean torrents made by completely different people that
       | happen to contain one or more identical files can benefit from
       | seeds of the other torrent?
       | nurettin wrote:
       | I remember one of the original bittorrent guys asking for
       | help/recruiting on some IRC channel. He said it was a
       | transformative project. He was laughed off as the next "wanna
       | create mmorpg" guy. For once they were wrong.
       | viktorelofsson wrote:
       | If you want to try a client with v2 (and v1+v2 hybrid) support,
       | I've just released PicoTorrent v0.20 [0] based on Rasterbar-
       | libtorrent 2.0 :)
       | [0]
       | https://github.com/picotorrent/picotorrent/releases/tag/v0.2...
       | m00dy wrote:
       | hmm, looks like still no support for data streaming :(
         | rwmj wrote:
         | BitTorrent (v1) supports streaming if your client knows the
         | appropriate way to prioritize packets. I've written a streaming
         | client using libtorrent-rasterbar and it worked fine. What's
         | the problem?
         | armitron wrote:
         | Nothing stops you from downloading pieces in a specific order
         | that allows for streaming. It's the client that determines
         | order, not the bittorrent protocol.
         | m00dy wrote:
         | well, I meant live streaming here.
           | FridgeSeal wrote:
           | That would require mutable torrents correct?
           | lucb1e wrote:
           | Um, now this is the third subcomment; you could have edited
           | your original comment.
       | m3kw9 wrote:
       | I feel like a lot of the terms has blockchain in nature but they
       | never specifically state it.
         | Retr0spectrum wrote:
         | Blockchains are just unbalanced merkle trees.
         | doctoboggan wrote:
         | Bittorrent was pioneering distributed architecture while
         | bitcoin was still a future thought in Satoshi's mind.
       | sleavey wrote:
       | SHA1 has a collision, so now it uses SHA256. How long until a
       | SHA256 collision? Shouldn't the new protocol just add support for
       | many modern hash functions, and client updates can disable
       | support for hashes that become insecure later? Or does this
       | introduce its own headaches? That's what SSH does, right?
         | armitron wrote:
         | Collisions in the context of bittorrent are not a big deal. We
         | could (and will, there are millions of torrents around that
         | will never be updated) keep using SHA1 and the world is not
         | going to end.
           | frenchman99 wrote:
           | It isn't? Is it not possible to be tricked into downloading a
           | malicious binary that you then execute on your computer?
             | loeg wrote:
             | I don't think so.
             | 1. The user trusts the source of the .torrent file.
             | 2. A malicious peer makes a preimage attack in some block
             | in an executable file with contents containing some
             | malicious executable payload.
             | 3. The executable wasn't signed, or the targeted block must
             | include executable headers.
             | 4. Some peers get the malicious exe, some don't.
             | The (2) step is still hard -- preimage attacks on SHA1 are
             | still expensive.
             | And it is probably much easier to bypass SHA1/SHA256
             | entirely by just uploading a malicious torrent directly and
             | hoping (1) still applies.
             | calvinmorrison wrote:
             | Unlike the Photoshop 2020 WareZ Cracked Unlocked 2020 Xvid
             | Torrentz WZ FUN.torrent, that I just downloaded
               | vermilingua wrote:
               | Yes, because warez is the only valid use of bittorrent.
               | Most Linux distros offer an installation iso via torrent,
               | large files with many blocks. If you can change just a
               | small part of those files, you've got compromised
               | machines before the install even begins.
               | mlyle wrote:
               | Most of the practical hash attacks we've seen allow one
               | to create two chunks of data that hash to the same thing,
               | not to collide with an arbitrary other block. This
               | greatly limits the attack scenarios we need to worry
               | about.
               | (That is, we've got practical collision attacks emerging
               | for SHA1, not pre-image attacks).
           | flatline wrote:
           | They aren't? So someone can craft a payload that contains a
           | rootkit or similar and has the same name and hash as the
           | thing you wanted, and this is okay? (Disclaimer: I don't know
           | all that much about how hashes are used internal to the
           | protocol)
             | armitron wrote:
             | The vast majority of data shared over bittorrent is not
             | executable.
             | So your scenario becomes an issue if you're downloading
             | executable data that you deem :trusted: without any
             | additional verification besides the hash itself. If that's
             | the case, you have bigger worries than the hash.
               | dmurray wrote:
               | Or if there's a vulnerability in a popular media player.
             | sp332 wrote:
             | The weakness is a collision, not a pre-image attack. That
             | means that a pair of payloads can be crafted together, one
             | innocent and one malicious, that have the same hash. But it
             | is not feasible to take a given file and make a new
             | malicious payload with a matching hash.
             | So if you get your hash from whoever made the original
             | binary, you can know that any binary with a matching hash
             | is fine. But it could be a problem if someone creates a new
             | pair of binaries and uploads the hash to TPB. You might see
             | lots of good reviews from people who got the innocent
             | version, but then the peers you connect to send you a
             | malicious version with a matching hash.
         | heartbeats wrote:
         | What if the hashes differ?
           | sleavey wrote:
           | I expect there would have to be other changes to allow this
           | feature, such as the server advertising all the
           | available/supported hashes for each chunk.
         | Taek wrote:
         | I don't think anyone is expecting a sha256 collision in the
         | next 20 years. The crypto doesn't seem to leave much wiggle
         | room for exploitation.
           | noja wrote:
           | Don't people always say exactly that? What are the chances of
           | a collision if we simultaneously use multiple hashes, does it
           | become significantly less likely?
             | nemo1618 wrote:
             | > don't people always say exactly that?
             | This is an understandable reaction, but the security margin
             | on new crypto is _way_ higher than old crypto. Roughly
             | speaking, we went from  "I guess if a state-level actor
             | dedicated all their resources to this for a few decades,
             | they could probably brute-force it" to "Even if you broke 9
             | out of 10 rounds in this algorithm, you'd still need to
             | harness the energy of every star in the universe for 10
             | billion years to brute-force it."
             | Most algorithms today have been "attacked" in the sense
             | that there are tricks we can do that allow us to recover
             | the key faster than a simple brute-force attack. But
             | "faster" usually means doing something like 2^100
             | operations instead of 2^128 -- still far beyond the realm
             | of practicality.
             | It's telling that cryptographers are now seriously
             | discussing _reducing_ the security of various algorithms:
             | https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1492
             | bamboozled wrote:
             | In twenty years, So they have 10-15 years to safely do
             | other things.
             | toyg wrote:
             | _> Don 't people always say exactly that?_
             | No, "they" don't. SHA1 collisions had been "in the wind"
             | for a while, they had been in sight ever since MD5 started
             | showing signs of clear weakness in the early '00s.
             | Wikipedia has a Rivest quote about it from 2005. There is
             | nothing like that for SHA2, although attacks are improving.
             |  _> What are the chances of a collision if we
             | simultaneously use multiple hashes_
             | Define "simultaneous". Shipping twice the hashes for each
             | piece seems a big waste of space. If you mean re-hashing
             | hashes, it's just a waste of cpu power, since an attacker
             | only has to break one or the other to get in a position to
             | poison data.
         | nabla9 wrote:
         | > How long until a SHA256 collision
         | Very unlikely that this is going to happen any time soon.
         | Most modern symmetric cryptographic primitives with sizes >=256
         | bits are considered safe even against quantum computers. SHA256
         | turned out to be even stronger than expected. SHA-3 adoption is
         | delayed in many protocols because there is no much need for it
         | and hw implementations for SHA256 are commonplace.
         | stingraycharles wrote:
         | Isn't the fact that OpenSSL et al allow so many arbitrary
         | ciphers the reason of a whole load of problems?
           | user5994461 wrote:
           | Nope, the problem is that software never upgrade their ssl
           | stack to support the newer ciphers. Especially Microsoft
           | that's easily 10 years behind on the current SSL version.
           | Without the ability to support multiple versions, it would be
           | impossible to upgrade anything at all. That would be a whole
           | load of other problems.
           | loeg wrote:
           | Yep: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downgrade_attack
           | > Downgrade attacks have been a consistent problem with the
           | SSL/TLS family of protocols; examples of such attacks include
           | the POODLE attack.
         | johnisgood wrote:
         | Why not BLAKE3? I am really curious. I mean, since it exists,
         | why not that over SHA256? Because it is relatively new?
           | loeg wrote:
           | I would guess that the reasoning is similar to why Git is
           | moving to SHA256 (from SHA1) rather than to BLAKE3 -- SHA256
           | was around 5 years ago and the major design change has been
           | in the works for a while (BEP 52 dates to 2017). BLAKE3
           | (2019) would be a fine choice today.
         | tekacs wrote:
         | They use multi-hash [0] in magnet links, presumably for exactly
         | this reason.
         | ... but for consistency (like their narrowing of valid
         | bencode), they've presumably chosen one main hash for now, so
         | that every client and server doesn't have to handle all of
         | these cases as people provide a million variants of the same
         | torrent.
         | [0]: https://github.com/multiformats/multihash
       | d33 wrote:
       | There are a few things I wish this addressed, but it doesn't. Off
       | the top of my head:
       | 1. the new hash function is going to be broken eventually - what
       | happens then? 2. support for "remixes". It would be nice to
       | reference pieces from another torrent. Example use case: adding
       | subtitles for a movie. Right now it requires either downloading
       | the "main" version of the movie and getting the subtitles
       | externally, or sharing the file from scratch.
         | heartbeats wrote:
         | > Identical files will always have the same hash and can more
         | easily be moved from one torrent to another (when creating
         | torrents) without having to re-hash anything. Files that are
         | identical can also more easily be identified across different
         | swarms, since their root hash only depends on the content of
         | the file.
         | lucb1e wrote:
         | > the new hash function is going to be broken eventually
         | SHA-2 will not be broken as easily as SHA-1. This seems to be a
         | common misconception in this thread.
         | Wikipedia: "Since 2005, SHA-1 has not been considered secure
         | against well-funded opponents".
         | This was 10 years after its introduction (1995) and 15 years
         | ago. We had 15 friggin' years and we're finally switching git
         | and bittorrent around. It took 2017-2005=12 years to get from
         | first serious signs of issues to https://shattered.io.
         | SHA-2 is now 19 years old and the "uh oh, better switch before
         | it's too late" recommendation has not come yet. It's
         | withstanding the test of time better and there haven't been 12
         | years to mature any weaknesses. The theoretically known attacks
         | for SHA-2 are fairly insignificant.
         | Since SHA-2 had a similar construction to SHA-1 (Merkle-
         | Damgard), NIST figured they better launch the SHA-3 competition
         | at the first sign of trouble and picked something with a very
         | different operating principle. For now, however, it's still
         | fine. Thomas Pornin put this a bit better than I can:
         | https://security.stackexchange.com/a/21116/10863
         | As for "what happens if/when it will be broken": we could make
         | BitTorrentv2 another multi-crypto soup like with TLS, but then
         | you open up a can of downgrade attacks, potential null ciphers
         | or other such tricks simply due to increased complexity, and
         | you still can't switch that quickly because everyone needs to
         | take manual action in changing configuration files. Much better
         | if we can instead do apt upgrade and let the software take care
         | of making security decisions rather than those who install the
         | software. (Remember that SSL was designed in 1994, when
         | LiveScript/JavaScript didn't even exist yet, DES was state of
         | the art, and we wrote books with algorithms because
         | cryptography was ammunition. Having multiple options for
         | strong/weak ciphers was not yet a crazy idea.)
       | proverbialbunny wrote:
       | It feels like this isn't a large enough leap forward. It would be
       | nice if BitTorrent v2 made it harder for ISPs to identify what is
       | bit torrent traffic. AT&T artificially slows down upload speeds.
         | mac01021 wrote:
         | Why don't ISPs bill by the gigabyte and be done with it?
           | jbverschoor wrote:
           | BC billshock scares people away. It would set us back to the
           | early '90s
           | wwwhizz wrote:
           | So watching Netflix and YouTube gets more expensive? No,
           | thanks. I'm fine with European net-neutrality and pay for
           | bandwidth.
           | 101008 wrote:
           | It would be horrible to live in a world like that. Imagine
           | deciding to watch a shorter film on Netflix because you will
           | pay less.
             | ffpip wrote:
             | That's basically what happens with mobile data plans in
             | India. Fixed speeds, pay X amount per 1 or 1.2 GB
           | freedomben wrote:
           | Because customers lose their minds with that model, largely
           | as a result of conditioning that "internet" is an unlimited
           | resource (which of course it is when instantaneous demand <=
           | supply, but during high traffic periods that isn't the case).
           | Personally I understand the economics around it, but still
           | don't like the idea of paying per GB. I would end up skipping
           | some Netflix and would get mad at kids for playing Netflix to
           | an empty room (much like I currently get mad when they leave
           | the lights on in an empty room). It's nice on a personal
           | level to avoid that.
             | [deleted]
             | tyfon wrote:
             | That kind of depends on the price pr gb.
             | To use the power analogy, when I was young the price of
             | power was relatively high but in recent times it has now
             | dropped to 0.6 NOK / kWh so even charging the car from
             | 10-80% (~61 kWh) cost 40 NOK or $4. I do not get mad at the
             | kids leaving the light on like my mother did to me.
             | I (or rather my job) currently pays about 1000 NOK/ month
             | for unlimited 500 MBit synchronous fiber internet. I
             | transfer maybe 500 GB/month so for it to be cheaper for me
             | it would be under 2 NOK/GB or $.2 which sounds really high
             | but that is what I currently pay with my usage.
               | Dahoon wrote:
               | I thought internet in Norway was cheaper than in Denmark.
               | Interesting. For comparison I pay 449 DKR/month for
               | 1000/1000 unlimited fiber with a guaranteed bandwidth of
               | minimum 950 (they are upgrading the network atm. hence
               | not a guarantee on the full 1000 yet as some customers
               | equipment is too old).
               | Is it a normal connection or a business connection
               | perhaps?
               | iso947 wrote:
               | Bandwidth to where? Do they really have 1gbit per
               | customer peering with say level3? And with cogent, and
               | telia? And a full non blocking internal network? And
               | enough packet buffers to ensure that microbursts don't
               | saturate any link?
               | wolco wrote:
               | You pay for peace of mind that little Johnny doesn't
               | download some crazy amount by accident. Now you don't
               | have to monitor family usage so that makes things easier
               | as well.
             | bserge wrote:
             | I _really_ don 't like the idea of limited bandwidth or
             | charging per gigabyte because I know ISPs will rip people
             | off and still not upgrade their networks to handle more
             | traffic.
             | But I think it would considerably change the Internet
             | landscape. No more listening to the _same exact song_
             | multiple times on Youtube or Spotify or whatever. No more
             | downloading then deleting the same stuff over and over
             | again. I think about it often, what a massive waste of
             | bandwidth, I don 't even know why. It's a lot of
             | electricity used, I guess?
             | Even though I've got unlimited fiber, I'm looking for some
             | sort of local "Internet cache" solution that would store
             | _everything_ so it would be re-downloaded from my home
             | instead of across the ocean. Would be great for outages,
             | too.
               | Hamuko wrote:
               | > _It 's a lot of electricity used, I guess?_
               | Is it though? How much electricity is used to serve a
               | 1080p Netflix movie several times vs. playing the same
               | movie from a local storage medium?
               | If you asked me, I'd rather burn Bitcoin mining rigs if I
               | wanted to get rid of electricity waste.
               | bserge wrote:
               | Yeah, I don't know. I just think about the bandwidth we
               | all use sometimes and it seems extremely wasteful and it
               | bothers me for some reason. I use around ~200-300
               | GB/month, which I thought was a lot until I saw how much
               | other people use :D
               | Hamuko wrote:
               | > _I use around ~200-300 GB /month_
               | Pretty sure I use more than that in a day.
               | wmf wrote:
               | Wait until you hear how much CPU time and RAM is being
               | wasted...
               | bserge wrote:
               | It's actually the reverse that bothers me in that case! I
               | have more RAM and CPU time than I can possibly use :D
               | Unless that's what you meant...
               | Bnshsysjab wrote:
               | Yeah but your hardware requirements are driven by
               | software bloat.
               | Red_Leaves_Flyy wrote:
               | I think what they're getting is how bloated software has
               | become. Some websites download several megabytes of data
               | to display a kilobyte or less of actual content.
           | liability wrote:
           | Why won't ISPs stop advertising 'unlimited' service that is
           | actually limited to N gigabytes a month, where N is
           | substantially lower than what's possible given the speeds
           | they provide?
           | Because they can get away with it.
             | colechristensen wrote:
             | Because it is insanely expensive to actually provide that.
             | The nature of internet traffic is short bursts, not 100%
             | utilization. In a commercial setting you can purchase fixed
             | pipes that are entirely yours and they're tens or hundreds
             | of times more expensive.
             | Why wouldn't you want to pool bandwidth with your neighbors
             | so you could all get faster speeds when you were using it
             | instead of rate limiting everyone?
               | jeromegv wrote:
               | The issue is that there's no way to know what this limit
               | is. I understand the cost, but then tell us exactly how
               | many GB I can use at full speed and when does it start to
               | throttle. Instead I have to rely on internet anecdotes.
               | selectodude wrote:
               | They do. I'm pretty aware of what my data transfer limits
               | are on both my home and wireless connections. Granted my
               | new ISP has no data caps and symmetric gigabit speeds so
               | I'm a bit spoiled.
           | slyall wrote:
           | Well in New Zealand we used to charge-per-byte but as things
           | got cheaper this has largely gone away. Some of the cheaper
           | how fibre accounts have something like a 100G/month limit but
           | I guess it isn't worth the trouble to charge even here where
           | bandwidth is much more expensive than the US.
             | driverdan wrote:
             | 100Gb/month is practically nothing. I primarily use a
             | hotspot for internet access and routinely do way more
             | traffic than that.
               | slyall wrote:
               | If you don't use video then it'll be plenty. Plenty of
               | people get their TV the old-fashioned way but still want
               | fast Internet.
               | Looking at pricing for Spark (one of the
               | largerproviders). [1]
               | For each of the fibre speed plans you can get 60GB/month,
               | for another $10 you get 120GB/month and for a further $10
               | you get unlimited traffic.
               | BTW: "Mb" = Megabits, "MB" = MegaBytes
               | [1] https://www.spark.co.nz/shop/internet/plans-and-
               | pricing/
             | geoffmunn wrote:
             | Flashback: I was on Actrix which charged $5 per megabyte.
             | Downloading Netscape Navigator 2 nearly bankrupted me. I
             | used to browse the internet with images disabled, which
             | ironically gave me an appreciation for accessibility issues
             | which served me well later in life.
             | When Xtra came out at $2.50 per hour, it was a complete
             | game changer.
           | gkfasdfasdf wrote:
           | Agreed, this would align incentives nicely. Maybe we would
           | see more innovation in compression technology that way.
           | Hamuko wrote:
           | I imagine the data whales would not cover the loss revenue
           | from people who just use online banking yet pay the same
           | amount.
           | I've used 15 TB in the last 5 weeks with my torrent client
           | alone (and considering my Backblaze backup size, that's not
           | nearly all of my traffic), but how many people like me are
           | there in the general public?
           | hysan wrote:
           | Some thought experiments for you to try:
           | - Does this guarantee that you get the speed that you pay
           | for? If not, then should the price during heavy congestion
           | cost less per GB? I've had the unfortunate luck of having
           | lived in areas where the internet is unusable for anything
           | other than email and light browsing during peak hours. Bonus:
           | Do you know why this happens? If not, I encourage you to
           | research this.
           | - How will this affect the advertising model of the entire
           | internet economy? If you, like me, have lived your whole life
           | on a mobile data plan that is priced based on data usage,
           | you'll realize just how much bandwidth is consumed by
           | advertisements (worst are the video/audio types that auto
           | play).
           | - How will this affect "future" technology such at smart
           | homes? Most devices send data back (Amazon Echo devices) and
           | the growing security camera ecosystem that sends recordings
           | to the cloud would suddenly cost users a ton more.
           | - Speaking of cloud, what will happen to the gaming industry
           | that is heavily cloud based? Many games don't even ship in a
           | completed state anymore. Instead, part of the install
           | requires downloading a ton of additional updates. Not to
           | mention online play, DLC, etc.
           | There a many many more everyday examples like this that would
           | be heavily affected by pricing per GB. Your question sounds
           | like a simple solution but like many things in life, that is
           | rarely the case.
           | colechristensen wrote:
           | Because their costs aren't based on usage, but installing and
           | maintaining the infrastructure then collecting rent on it.
           | Actual usage is an exponential curve and if you bill on it
           | you have a few angry users paying for everybody else's
           | infrastructure.
         | huhtenberg wrote:
         | It's nearly impossible to obfuscate a protocol to work around
         | filtering.
         | You'd want to look like some other protocol and you want that
         | protocol be encrypted by default. Otherwise yours _will_ get
         | fingerprinted via the deep packet inspection.
         | The most obvious choice is to run your protocol over TLS. But
         | then they can just throttle long-lived bulky TLS connections
         | where neither side is on 443.
         | You can then require the responding side be on 443 (which is
         | already a big hassle), but they will then throttle down TLS
         | connections towards residential IPs or throttle them down
         | cumulatively, as a group.
         | Other choices here are OpenVPN, WireGuard and, possibly, IPsec.
         | But, again, it will come down to defeating the throttling of
         | multiple inbound bulky connections of the same type, which is
         | doubly hard to bypass if you are on a residential IP and your
         | ISP is really bent on throttling.
         | Any successful obfuscation technique is short-lived, so it has
         | no place in the protocol itself. Instead it should be delegated
         | to a transport layer and the clients should be coded to support
         | BT tunneling over X or over Y.
           | richardwhiuk wrote:
           | This is all true. The best way to make your application work
           | now matter what filtering is in place is to disguise it as
           | something which the ISP has to make work in order to get
           | customers.
           | Fundamentally, nothing has the same characteristics as
           | BitTorrent - almost nothing has the same high uplink
           | requirements, which is an absolute signature of BitTorrent
           | traffic.
           | Oh, also some of the shaping is implicit, not explicit. Most
           | home internet connections are asymmetric - they dedicate more
           | channels to downlink than uplink.
         | TheRealPomax wrote:
         | Why would the that be the protocol's responsibility?
           | greycol wrote:
           | I'd assume that a protocol that gets faster for files the
           | more nodes who use it and the faster those nodes transmit
           | would try to solve real world issues stopping more
           | nodes/faster speeds from those nodes.
           | The word 'responsibility' that you used is of course too
           | strong a word, however the comment 'it would be nice' to have
           | is definitely true assuming we want downloads to be faster.
           | convery wrote:
           | Maybe not 'responsibility', but I guess it'd be nice to have
           | some kind of proxy protocol so that seeders can proxy
           | requests for people with annoying ISPs.. or they could just
           | use a VPN like everyone else =P
         | kardos wrote:
         | > It feels like this isn't a large enough leap forward.
         | The hash it relies on is broken, so their hand has been forced.
           | throwaway2048 wrote:
           | sha1 is not meaningfully broken for BitTorrent, It would
           | require a second pre-image attack to meaningfully hurt it,
           | you can not take an existing hash you don't control and
           | synthesize a matching set of incorrect/malicious data.
           | Second preimage attacks are MUCH harder to pull off, even md5
           | is still safe from them, many years after they were found to
           | be broken in other contexts.
           | The only thing that sha1's weakness would let you do in a
           | bittorrent context is create a torrent, then let you send
           | fake data for a chunk, which really does not seem very
           | useful.
         | jedberg wrote:
         | > AT&T artificially slows down upload speeds
         | Do you have a source on this? I believe you I just want to know
         | more. It explains a lot.
         | I have a gigabit link. I can download torrents at almost line
         | speed. But I can barely get uploads past 5K/s. I spent hours at
         | one point trying to tweak every possible setting and eliminate
         | every bottleneck, and still couldn't get past 5K/s.
           | toyg wrote:
           | _> I just want to know more._
           | There is little to know, it's largely a commercial preference
           | (that has, over the years, driven technological research; see
           | ADSL for example, the first A is for Asymmetric).
           | Average consumers are precisely that, _consumers_ : they
           | rarely upload anything, but they download tons of content
           | (from webpages to streamed media). So it makes sense for
           | residential ISPs to maximize downstream bandwidth, since it's
           | what consumers will evaluate them on. One way to do that is
           | to simply throttle upstream, to ensure resources stay
           | available for downstream. (This has the side benefit of
           | reducing headaches, i.e. less people distributing
           | questionable material on your network...).
           | If you need good upload speeds, you simply have to talk to
           | your ISP.
         | [deleted]
       (page generated 2020-09-07 23:00 UTC)