[HN Gopher] Intercepting Zoom's encrypted data with BPF
       Intercepting Zoom's encrypted data with BPF
       Author : aaron-santos
       Score  : 153 points
       Date   : 2020-09-10 16:46 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (confused.ai)
 (TXT) w3m dump (confused.ai)
       | arn7av wrote:
       | I have done exactly the same thing for Desktop/Android apps using
       | Frida (modified from https://github.com/google/ssl_logger). There
       | are modules out there that dump SSLKEYLOG too (that can be used
       | in Wireshark)
       | jackinloadup wrote:
       | This is very cool. I've always wanted to do something like this.
       | I hope to use snuffy in the future. Thanks for the great walk
       | through!
         | yconfiscator wrote:
         | Glad you liked it!
       | justicezyx wrote:
       | I am not sure how much of this technique can be used elsewhere
       | for legitimate purposes.
       | In this example, except for an administrator spying on other
       | users on a shared machine, which is kind of already an admitted
       | risk by users on a shared machine anyway.
         | matheusmoreira wrote:
         | Looking at the data our machines are sending over the network
         | is perfectly legitimate activity. Companies should not be able
         | to protect their software from us. We need to be able to see
         | everything they are doing.
         | rndgermandude wrote:
         | It's useful to a security researcher or privacy advocate
         | looking into what an application like zoom is actually sending
         | around.
         | It may be also helpful when reverse engineering "proprietary"
         | protocols, e.g. to create compatible clients.
         | It may be even easier to just "mitm" the traffic like this in
         | applications you develop yourself to find out what going on
         | deeply buried in some third party library. Easier than
         | modifying the code or attaching a normal debugger.
         | There are plenty of legitimate uses.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | Right, just like there's no legitimate use for gdb or ghidra,
         | which only exist to crack software for piracy. /s
           | curiousgal wrote:
           | Funnily "ghidra" reads like Gdr@ in Arabic which means
           | "treachery".
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | Do you mean eBPF in general or the packet inspection parts
         | specifically?
         | nostoc wrote:
         | This is very much a research technique and not an operational
         | kind of thing.
           | outworlder wrote:
           | > This is very much a research technique and not an
           | operational kind of thing.
           | It's very much an operational kind of thing if you are trying
           | to troubleshoot a thorny issue with your app in production.
         | gravitas wrote:
         | > _I am not sure how much of this technique can be used
         | elsewhere for legitimate purposes_
         | ...as a Linux systems engineer, you are many times faced with
         | debugging a black box problem wrapped in SSL on both ends which
         | you need to peek into to understand what 's going wrong; there
         | is nothing suspect about this technique in this environment,
         | it's what you're paid to do (solve problems). It's basically
         | like having the ability to elevate your NIC port to promiscuous
         | mode to debug an issue (tcpdump, e.g.) - it's a tool with no
         | opinion, the human operating it is the one to be worried about.
         | phs wrote:
         | Looks like nextgen ad blocking to me. If you can instrument TLS
         | connections on the client, you can identify ad content and
         | substitute blank video frames or just 404s.
           | userbinator wrote:
           | Proxomitron had that capability years ago - MITM proxy to
           | filter pages and block ads, among other things. I still use
           | it, it's very useful and continues to run fine on the newest
           | Windows.
           | yconfiscator wrote:
           | Writing a toy ad blocker is actually on my todo list :)
           | There's just so many things you can so. The original goal of
           | the post was to tamper with zoom's attention tracking for
           | example (which was a field in one of their protobuf
           | payloads).
       | sillysaurusx wrote:
       | _But how do we find the offsets? What values do we give to
       | ssl_read_offset and ssl_write_offset?
       | [ REDACTED ]
       | I had a nice little section on how to find the offsets here. When
       | I first wrote it I was convinced that publishing two addresses
       | couldn't possibly get me sued for reverse engineering. Some of
       | the people who read the draft of this post changed my mind about
       | it though, and it is 2020 after all so it is not a good time to
       | be optimistic._
       | So, how would you find these offsets? Anyone know?
       | It's probably the most interesting part of the post.
       | There's a "hypothetical" paragraph afterwards, but if anyone
       | wants to actually do this with Zoom and post the results, you'd
       | probably earn lots of cred.
       | In particular, the exact arguments to the objdump command would
       | help.
         | jdright wrote:
         | It is sad they felt the need to do this. This step is not hard,
         | but censuring it because of hypothetical legal issues speaks a
         | lot about the state of affairs on computing.
         | I miss the good old times where knowledge were freely published
         | without fear.
           | [deleted]
         | matheusmoreira wrote:
         | > Some of the people who read the draft of this post changed my
         | mind about it though
         | Details? Reverse engineering isn't even illegal.
           | yconfiscator wrote:
           | Since the Zoom TOS explicitly forbid reverse engineering,
           | sadly it isn't so easy.
             | user5994461 wrote:
             | TOS can't substitute to the law. Reverse engineering is
             | legal by law depending on the jurisdiction.
         | layoutIfNeeded wrote:
         | We know the exact version of openssl they're using, so we can
         | just build the same version ourselves, get the address of the
         | functions, and look for the same pattern of instructions in the
         | Zoom binary. Not sure if LTO could break this or not though.
           | kelnos wrote:
           | That seems pretty unreliable. The specific version of the
           | compiler used, as well as flags passed to the compiler, could
           | easily change the instructions used, no?
       | jeroenhd wrote:
       | I was surprised to see hooking code like this being written in
       | Rust. I've come to expect C sample code for purposes like these,
       | so it's nice to see that there are actually alternatives when it
       | comes to intercepting function calls and extracting data from a
       | process.
         | luizfelberti wrote:
         | The people from Cilium (the k8s service mesh) launched this
         | website[0] recently that lists a few tools from the landscape,
         | and I also had the same pleasant surprise to find these things
         | out this week
         | I thought we were still tied to `bcc` and that python frontend
         | thingy, but I'm glad the ecosystem has evolved significantly
         | while I was not paying attention! It's kinda like finding a $20
         | in your back pocket that you didn't know was there when you put
         | your pants on...
         | [0] https://ebpf.io/
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | When you get past the layers of old and dead documentation
         | around it, the eBPF subsystem is fairly easy to target as long
         | as you can call C, topologically at least.
         | dharmab wrote:
         | Other options include bpftrace[1] or C, Python or Lua via
         | BCC[2]
         | 1: https://github.com/iovisor/bpftrace
         | 2: https://github.com/iovisor/bcc
           | yconfiscator wrote:
           | I think what makes redbpf stands out is that the other
           | libraries allow you to write the _user-space_ code in Python
           | or Lua etc, but then the _kernel_ code must still be written
           | in C and gets compiled with clang.
           | In redbpf we let you write the _kernel_ code in Rust as well,
           | and then we have our own LLVM based toolchain to compile that
           | to BPF bytecode.
           | bpftrace is similar to redbpf in approach, in that it lets
           | you use a DSL instead of C.
           | BobbyJo wrote:
           | Lua is the most common language I had never heard about
           | before dealing with BPF. It gets embedded in a surprising
           | array of technologies.
             | phs wrote:
             | That's most of what lua's purpose is: to be a reasonably
             | pleasant and featureful language that is dead easy to embed
             | in larger systems that want some kind of scripting or
             | macros.
       | setheron wrote:
       | Something like this needs to be included in tcpdump or Wirshark.
       | (tcpdump would be fitting; since it was the genesis for cBPF)
       | I remember patching Netty
       | https://github.com/netty/netty/pull/8653 just to get the master
       | key in order to decrypt sessions.
       | Having the ability to decrypt TLS sessions like this is way
       | simpler.
       | tl;dr; would love to see something like this for tshark / tcpdump
         | shawnz wrote:
         | Wireshark does support TLS decryption if you provide a "key log
         | file": https://wiki.wireshark.org/TLS#TLS_Decryption
         | Perhaps OP's technique could be used to generate such a file.
         | EDIT: I see you have already investigated such methods after
         | looking at your github link.
       (page generated 2020-09-10 23:00 UTC)