[HN Gopher] Under Deconstruction: The State of Shopify's Monolith
       Under Deconstruction: The State of Shopify's Monolith
       Author : kenrose
       Score  : 205 points
       Date   : 2020-09-17 15:03 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (engineering.shopify.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (engineering.shopify.com)
       | throwaway691999 wrote:
       | I think it's kind of bad that we have this trend to use "walls"
       | to enforce modularity. This whole thing about using "walls" to
       | enforce "developer behavior" is, in my humble opinion, the wrong
       | direction.
       | If you think about it, almost all lack of modularity comes from
       | shared mutable variables. Segregate mutability away from the core
       | logic of your system and the smallest function in your
       | architecture will become as modular as a microservice.
       | Really, any function that is stateless can be moved anywhere at
       | anytime and used anywhere without fear of it being creating a
       | permanent foothold in the architectural complexity of the system.
       | So if the code is getting to structured where you become afraid
       | of moving things... do this rather than build classes and walls
       | around all your subroutines.
       | Remember as long as that add function doesn't mutate shared state
       | you know it has zero impact on any part of the system other than
       | it's output... you can replace it or copy it or use it
       | anywhere.... this is really all you need to do to improve
       | modularity of your system.
       | >Again and again we pondered: How should components call each
       | other?
       | I think this is what's tripping most people up. They think DI IOC
       | and OOP patterns are how you improve modularity. It's not.
       | Immutable functions are what improves modularity of your program.
       | The more immutable functions you have and the smaller they are
       | the more modular your program will be. Segregate IO and mutations
       | into tiny auxiliary functions away from your core logic which is
       | composed of pure immutable functions.
       | >Circular dependencies are situations where for example component
       | A depends on component B but component B also depends on
       | component A.
       | I've never seen circular dependencies happen with pure functions.
       | It's rare in practice. I think it occurs with objects because
       | when you want one method of an object you have to instantiate
       | that object which has a bunch of other methods and in turn
       | dependencies that could be circular to the current object you're
       | trying to call it from. In essence this kind of thing tends to
       | happen because when you call a method you're actually calling a
       | group of methods and state within a class and upon all those
       | dependencies as well increasing the chances of a circular
       | dependency.
       | Still I've seen this issue occur with namespacing when you import
       | files. Walls aren't going to segregate this from happening. You
       | need to structure your dependencies as a tree.
       | kawsper wrote:
       | Does anyone know if the Storefront rendering described here[0] is
       | running Rails or something else?
       | [0] https://engineering.shopify.com/blogs/engineering/how-
       | shopif...
         | rafaelfranca wrote:
         | The application is a Rack application reusing some of the
         | components of Rails, but it is not a conventional Rails
         | application given it doesn't need most of the framework.
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | This is a brilliant brilliant article.
       | Does anyone know how Shopify created it's Architecture Guild and
       | grew it ? The author talks about "should have done it earlier"
         | exterm wrote:
         | As the author, I would know :)
         | Thank you for the praise.
         | Ours kind of organically grew over time, but as I've been
         | keeping it alive for the last few years I have a pretty good
         | idea of how I would start it fresh.
         | You probably have some people in the company who either know
         | much more about architecture than others, or are working on
         | projects that are more interesting in terms of architecture.
         | Find one of them, convince them to give a 15 min talk.
         | Announce the talk widely within the company, tell people to
         | come to the new "architecture guild" slack channel you created
         | to get the details / invites.
         | Schedule an hour to give plenty of time for discussions after
         | the talk.
         | Repeat biweekly.
           | sandGorgon wrote:
           | Thanks for replying.
           | How would you do it in a remote-first world? A zoom talk ?
           | How does this go beyond that one talk - would you incorporate
           | aspects of this into official rewards/recognition ?
           | Or is gratification good enough. Getting a zoom audience is
           | gonna be hard.
       | mochii wrote:
       | Very interesting read! Thank you for sharing.
       | meesterdude wrote:
       | Interesting read. I've seen a component based rails architecture
       | work wonders for cleaning up a codebase and allowing for the
       | benefits of a SOA encapsulation while still keeping everything
       | under a monolithic architecture (and avoiding the networking
       | nasties). Not such a fan of sorbet though, but hopefully
       | something better comes along.
       | gregkerzhner wrote:
       | Interesting article. We use a similar approach for our mobile
       | apps to allow multiple teams to develop their own modules
       | independently.
       | Can anyone speak to what the advantages and disadvantages to such
       | an approach are as opposed to going full Kubernetes /
       | Microservices? Is it that deploys are riskier and you can't scale
       | separate pieces independently?
       | treis wrote:
       | Have y'all seen any issues around autoloading of classes/modules
       | in development? I've been working on a rails app composed of a
       | handful of engines and I've noticed that every so often classes
       | aren't loaded. 6 seems to be a lot better about it than 5 was.
         | mhoad wrote:
         | Rails 6 has a totally new code loader that was built
         | specifically to address those issues called Zeitwerk. Some
         | details here if you're interested
         | https://blog.bigbinary.com/2019/10/08/rails-6-introduces-new...
       | straws wrote:
       | A number of years ago, I worked on a team (~20 engineers in
       | total) that successfully carved off two relatively independent
       | portions of a large Rails app using engines. I'm happy to see
       | that Shopify is also using that strategy.
       | I'm curious to know more what sorts of challenges they have
       | around managing dependencies across engines -- I think what we
       | were doing was fairly vanilla Rails, and we didn't have the
       | opportunity to run into those sorts of issues.
         | kogus wrote:
         | This is tangental, but I want applaud the mindset that produces
         | the phrase "the opportunity to run into those sorts of issues".
           | straws wrote:
           | I meant it more as a testament to how far you can get with a
           | Rails app before needing to consider using the power tools
           | :^)
         | JohnBooty wrote:
         | I worked on a large Rails monolith a few years back with a
         | similarly-sized team and we took the "components+engines"
         | approach too.... and it was a bit of a nightmare, honestly. It
         | sort of felt like the worst of both worlds, relative to
         | monoliths or microservices.
         | I strongly suspect, but cannot prove, that we would have been
         | better off simply transitioning to "macroservices" -- breaking
         | the monolith up into several (as opposed to dozens) of
         | reasonably sized pieces.
         | * We were encouraged to componitize everything. When I left, we
         | were up to a few dozen components, and the number was climbing
         | rapidly. I'm not sure if the approach itself was the problem,
         | or if the _flux_ during the transition period was the real pain
         | point.
         | * We had no real enforcement of interfaces between components.
         | It was so easy to break things in other peoples' components.
         | * Theoretically that breakage would be caught by tests. But to
         | catch that breakage, you needed to run the complete test suite
         | (30-60 minutes) rather than simply testing your own component
         | * Essentially, it felt like we were suffering all the
         | disadvantages of microservices, with the exception of
         | coordinating deployments; from a devops perspective it was
         | still just a single monolithic deployment
         | * We still had many of the problems associated with monoliths,
         | such as slow deployments, long test suite times, and extremely
         | high per-instance RAM usage
         | * Various small tooling and debugging issues related to using
         | Rails but going too far "off the Rails"
         | I'm looking forward to digging into the linked article and
         | learning how Shopify solved those issues. They seem to have
         | quite a bit of engineering firepower at their disposal. Our
         | management did not allow us to dedicate a lot of resources to
         | internal engineering concerns like this.
         | (We essentially had one guy figuring it all out himself, and
         | due to internal politics he was forbidden from considering a
         | microservices or "macro services / multiple monoliths"
         | approach. He was talented and did the best he could,
         | considering)
           | exterm wrote:
           | > When I left, we were up to a few dozen components, and the
           | number was climbing rapidly.
           | I should have included this in the blog post: The number of
           | components _needs_ to be kept small. Shopify's main monolith
           | is 2.8 million lines of code in 37 components, and I'd
           | actually like to get that number _down_.
           | I like to compare this to the main navigation that we present
           | to our merchants. It's useful if it has 8 entries. It's not
           | useful if it has 400.
           | In a way, components are the main navigation to our code
           | base. A developer should be able to look at what's in our
           | "components" folder and get a general impression of what the
           | system's capabilities are.
         | exterm wrote:
         | The answer to that question could probably fill another blog
         | post :D
         | Long story short, Rails and dependency inversion equals lots of
         | friction. The whole framework is built on the assumption that
         | it's OK to access everything from everywhere, and over the
         | years we've built lots of tooling on top of those assumptions.
         | E.g. we heavily use https://github.com/Shopify/identity_cache
         | with active record associations that cross component
         | boundaries.
         | We also have a GraphQL implementation that is pretty closely
         | coupled to the active record layer and _really_ wants to reach
         | into all the components directly.
         | All of those problems can be overcome, but this is definitely
         | an area where we have to working against "established" Rails
         | culture, and our own assumptions from the past.
           | sandGorgon wrote:
           | What's the difference between "componentization+engines" and
           | microservices?
           | From a deployment perspective are your engines deployed and
           | scaled independently?
             | exterm wrote:
             | components are
             | - same database - same runtime - same deployment - same
             | repository
             | That said, I don't think this is an either/or. It's a
             | spectrum. you can have components within the same runtime
             | and repository that have separate databases, or components
             | that are using the same database but live in separate
             | repos, etc.
             | From one monolithic app towards fully separated
             | microservices is a spectrum, and I think developers should
             | be enabled to move freely around that spectrum.
               | sandGorgon wrote:
               | I think components are the better option. Because it
               | allows for separation of concerns without introducing
               | deployment ...or worse : political complexity.
               | I call them Micro-SDKs.
           | straws wrote:
           | I hope to hear more in the future!
           | Do you envision any extension points to the way engines are
           | implemented that could better enforce boundaries? In our
           | engines, there was nothing that referenced another engine's
           | resources, leaving the main application to handle route
           | mapping and ActiveRecord associations between app models and
           | engine's models.
           | I feel like the use-case for engines has long been around
           | supporting framework like functionality (Devise, Spree, etc),
           | but I wonder if there are changes to be made that better
           | support modularization for large apps.
             | exterm wrote:
             | > extension points to the way engines are implemented that
             | could better enforce boundaries
             | Can you expand on that? I'm not sure I follow.
       | lmarcos wrote:
       | Great article. Main takeaway: microservices is not the only
       | option when managing big codebases. In a parallel universe I
       | imagine that the coolest trend in software development right now
       | is a tool for monoliths: all code in a single repo, independent
       | deployable components, contracts in the boundaries and mockable
       | dependant components where needed. As opposed to our universe in
       | which building microservices is the non-official way to go.
         | etaioinshrdlu wrote:
         | This is basically what I do and it's great :)
         | JamesSwift wrote:
         | And I will call that parallel universe: monorepo-verse
         | gen220 wrote:
         | What you describe is microservices developed in a monorepo, and
         | a lot of companies (including the one I currently work at) have
         | gone this route.
         | Some people might disagree, but imo the cult of microservices
         | does not require 1 repo per microservice.
         | The tools you describe are build-graph management tools (bazel
         | pants buck etc) and rpc tools (gRPC + protobufs, cap'n proto)
         | and they are indeed pretty cool, albeit to a niche crowd.
           | djohnston wrote:
           | I agree 100%. It gives you the boundaries but also the whole
           | world maps to a single revision in VCS
           | jurre wrote:
           | I think the key difference here is that there is no network
           | in between components in a componentized monolith, each
           | component runs the entire "monorepo"
             | dodobirdlord wrote:
             | Whether there's actually network between components is
             | something a platform team can handle based on their best
             | judgement. Having collections of containers that always run
             | together is a common pattern.
             | thebean11 wrote:
             | Is there really that big of an advantage to avoiding the
             | network boundary though?
               | nthj wrote:
               | Absolutely:
               | * Avoid network and JSON serialization overhead
               | * Perform larger refactorings or renamings without
               | considering deployment staggering or API versioning
               | * testing locally is far easier
               | * Debugging in production is far easier
               | * Useful error stack traces are included for free
               | * Avoid (probable in my experience, at least in larger
               | security software organizations) dependency on SecOps to
               | make network changes to support a refactoring or
               | introducing new components
               | If an organization is or will pursue a FedRAMP
               | certification, as I understand it, that organization must
               | propose and receive approval every time data may hit a
               | network. Avoiding the network in that case may be the
               | difference between a 50-line MR that's merged before
               | lunch and a multi-week process involving multiple people.
               | closeparen wrote:
               | How are you getting around API versioning with
               | independently deployable components?
               | heavenlyblue wrote:
               | What is a network?
               | gen220 wrote:
               | FWIW, I think that gRPC/protobufs have pretty compelling
               | answers to each of the historically-valid complaints
               | you've listed here.
               | - cpu cycle overhead: this is valid if the overhead is
               | very high or very important. otherwise, most companies
               | would love to trade off cpu cycles for dev productivity.
               | - refactorings/renamings without deployment staggering.
               | protobufs were specifically designed with this in mind,
               | insofar as they support deprecating fields and whatnot.
               | However, writing a deprecatable-API is a skill, even with
               | protos. If you have many clients and want to redo
               | everything by scratch, you will have problems.
               | - "testing locally" (which I take to mean integration
               | testing locally) is the only one that requires some
               | imagination to solve, assuming all your traffic is
               | guarded by short-term-lease certs issued by vault or
               | something similar. But even this is quite achievable.
               | - error stack traces included for free: may I introduce
               | you to context.abort(). It's not a stack trace by
               | default, but you can actually wrap the stack trace into
               | the message if you so-care to. opentracing isn't quite
               | free, in a performance sense, but in a required-eng-time-
               | to-setup-and-maintain-sense, it is pretty cheap.
               | - dependency on secops to make network changes: I've
               | never encountered this, but I bet you that a good
               | platform team can provide a system where application
               | teams effectively don't need to worry about this. It's
               | impossible to overcome this challenge in an existing
               | company that's used to doing things this way, though.
               | [deleted]
               | jurre wrote:
               | It depends, but it means you don't have to
               | serialize/deserialize data, deal with slow connections,
               | retries, network failures, circuit breakers etc
               | twunde wrote:
               | It depends on your speed requirements and whether calls
               | are being sent async or not. Also keep in mind that even
               | with internal apis, an api call is usually multiple
               | network boundaries (service1 --> service2 (potential DNS
               | lookup) --> WAF/security proxy --> Firewall --> Load
               | balancer --> SSL handshake --> server/container firewall
               | --> server/container). Then you get into whether the
               | service you're calling calls other apis etc. You can
               | quickly burn 50ms or more with multiple hops. If you're
               | trying to return responses within 200ms you now have very
               | little margin.
               | gen220 wrote:
               | Acknowledging that there are indeed many hops, I think it
               | _might_ be a bit disingenuous to say 50ms is easy to
               | burn, depending on what p-value we 're talking about.
               | IIRC, a round trip service call at my current place of
               | work carries a p99 minimum latency (i.e. returning a
               | constant) of around 2ms.
               | A _cold_ roundtrip obviously takes longer (because DNS,
               | ssl, etc).
               | It depends on how many 9's you want within 10ms, but
               | there are various simple tricks (transparent to the
               | application developer) that a platform team can apply to
               | get you there.
               | As a sidenote on calling other APIs, my anecdata suggests
               | that _most_ companies microservice call graphs are _at
               | most_ 3-4 services deep, with the vast majority being 1-2
               | services deep.
               | This doesn't show the call graph, but it does demonstrate
               | how many companies end up building a handful of services
               | that gatekeep the core data models, and the rest simply
               | compose over those services: https://twitter.com/adrianco
               | /status/441883572618948608/photo...
               | gen220 wrote:
               | I think there used to be, before "off-the-shelf" RPC
               | frameworks, service discovery, and the like were mature.
               | There still are, for very small companies.
               | In 2020, if you have an eng count of >50: you use gRPC,
               | some sort of service discovery solution (consul, envoy,
               | whatever), and you basically never have to think about
               | the costs of network hops. Opentracing is also pretty
               | mature these days, although in my experience it's never
               | been necessary when I can read the source of the services
               | my code depends on.
               | Network boundaries are really useful for enforcing
               | interface boundaries, because we should trust N>50
               | programmers to correctly-implement bounded contexts as
               | much as we trust PG&E to maintain the power grid.
               | That being said, if you have a small, crack team, bounded
               | contexts will take you all the way there and you don't
               | _need_ network boundaries to enforce them.
         | hliyan wrote:
         | I often find myself saying "never do at runtime what could be
         | done at compile time".
           | exterm wrote:
           | you don't work with Ruby eh? :D
             | WJW wrote:
             | The lack of compile time in the ruby world really makes it
             | difficult to do a lot of work there. :P
             | There's a nice Ruby trick btw where you put significant
             | precalculations in constants, since the value of a constant
             | gets computed during program startup it still allow you to
             | do work "up front" instead of during a web request.
               | mhoad wrote:
               | I never knew that but that IS a cool trick.
               | skipants wrote:
               | I just want to caveat this as it is not a Ruby construct,
               | it's part of Ruby web servers. Because they are long-
               | living Ruby processes they are only loading files once (I
               | suppose it's similar to compiling). This means it runs
               | all globally-scoped code, which class definitions and
               | constants (generally) are. That's actually what Ruby
               | bootloaders like Spring and Zeus are doing on your dev
               | machine to speed up the load time when you use Rails
               | commands. They cache all that globally run stuff in their
               | own process. It's also why they run into a bunch of
               | issues when you have logic in your constant definitions.
               | owyn wrote:
               | Yep, that's a good trick. At a previous PHP shop we had a
               | large amount of static XML configuration (well it was
               | generated, but not that often). Converting it all to PHP
               | arrays and including it was significantly faster than
               | parsing the XML on each request, and then PHP would cache
               | that result too. Re-running the XML->PHP tool just caused
               | it to re-include/cache these giant arrays of static
               | config. It worked great. I mean, arguments about whether
               | that was a good design or not aside...
               | (edit to reply since I can't reply to a reply to a reply)
               | Yep, it is very common in lisp/smalltalk environments to
               | dump the state of the world to disk and re-load it later.
               | This is one of those tricks that gets relearned every
               | generation. :)
               | For bonus credit apply this analogy to docker images. :)
               | JohnBooty wrote:
               | I did this in PHP once as well. I had to code a coupon
               | lookup site where people entered coupon codes and they
               | were verified against a database. I forget how many
               | coupons there were... pretty sure it was less than
               | 100,000.
               | Anyway, I coded it up in my local dev environment.
               | Unfortunately, it turned out that I'd been mislead and
               | the actual deployment environment didn't have a database
               | server available.
               | In desperation and facing a deadline, I dumped all the
               | lookup values into an array in a PHP file. As you said,
               | it was really quite performant. The first request after
               | starting the server was a bit slow (but not too bad...
               | still < 10 seconds I think) and after that things were
               | golden.
               | I felt a bit dirty, but things worked and we got paid.
               | im3w1l wrote:
               | I heard emacs did that but went one step further, they
               | dump the memory of the interpreter post-init* and just
               | load it into memory when starting.
               | * Some early step in the init process. May things are
               | still interpreted at init.
               | im3w1l wrote:
               | I heard emacs did that but went one step further, they
               | dump the memory of the interpreter post-init* and just
               | load it into memory when starting.
               | * Some early step in the init process. Many things are
               | still interpreted at init.
               | aantix wrote:
               | In Ruby, the class definition is code as well.
         | ChiefOBrien wrote:
         | Reminds me of OSGi. Great idea, poor adoption, mostly due to
         | the complexity of the problem domain. Microservices are a lot
         | worse in that regard, yet remain a whole lot more popular,
         | sadly.
         | jakobmartz3 wrote:
         | interesting thought!
         | didibus wrote:
         | Ignoring some of the deployments and dependencies related
         | aspects of microservices Vs monolith, one aspect that has me
         | convinced against my own ideals is that a micro-service has a
         | "strong" boundary in that it is actually difficult and
         | effortful for a developer to cross it.
         | This in turn has a positive effect in maintaining proper
         | boundary and putting the right amount of thought about the
         | interfaces and responssability of each component.
           | exterm wrote:
           | It's all tradeoffs. You get a stronger boundary, but you also
           | get a distributed system.
           | Also, the first try of drawing boundaries will always be
           | varying degrees of wrong. If you have very strong boundaries
           | at this stage, iterating on them, moving responsibilities
           | around, can be harder.
           | Also, with the right tooling it's definitely possible to
           | harden monolith internal boundaries to a comparable level.
           | I can see though how many smaller companies would not be in a
           | position to build that tooling.
           | Anyway... there is no either / or here, as I've explained in
           | another comment. What if you have components within a
           | monolith, but each component has its own database, for
           | example? What if test suites are completely isolated, so that
           | tests for component A can not access code in component B?
           | You can get pretty strong boundaries with a few comparably
           | simple tricks.
       | joelbluminator wrote:
       | 2.8 million lines , 100 billion business. Rails can scale.
         | Thaxll wrote:
         | Well apparently not since all the work they have to do to make
         | it scale, using Java from day 1 would have solved a lot of
         | issues.
         | We'll see in a couple of years after breaking down all those
         | app if they stick to rail to do everything.
           | joelbluminator wrote:
           | Yes, you're right. If only they sprinkled some Beans over
           | everything all their scale problems would just disappear.
           | Thousands of happy developers would have all worked on one
           | big happy Spring application with no problems whatsoever.
           | whycombagator wrote:
           | > Well apparently not since all the work they have to do to
           | make it scale, using Java from day 1 would have solved a lot
           | of issues.
           | It is a lot of work, but scaling anything is. What issues,
           | specifically, are you alluding to that Java would solve?
           | > We'll see in a couple of years after breaking down all
           | those app if they stick to rail to do everything.
           | I'd bet they currently don't use Rails/Ruby for everything.
           | It's pretty rare for large companies to use just 1
           | language/framework for all things.
             | Thaxll wrote:
             | > It is a lot of work, but scaling anything is. What
             | issues, specifically, are you alluding to that Java would
             | solve?
             | Ruby is slow, Java is fast. When you have to modify the
             | runtime of a language because its too slow: https://enginee
             | ring.shopify.com/blogs/engineering/optimizing...
             | Reading all those blogs from Shopify show that they spend a
             | lot of time fighting a slow language.
             | It reminds me of Facebook and their Hack stuff, it's pretty
             | much the same in what Shopify is getting into, they have
             | something slow and really big and not way to get out of it
             | so they just poor money to make it fast even if it means
             | only the syntax resemble the original language.
             | Some compagnies faced the same problem, quick quick release
             | something to iterate fast ( Rail / Python) but then after
             | when it gets too big you're in real troubles and stuck with
             | it. Twitter, Youtube, Facebook all had that problem.
               | crispyporkbites wrote:
               | Name a successful web company that hasn't had that
               | problem
             | nurettin wrote:
             | Everyone knows that only the best enterprise programmers
             | apply to java positions, and when they somehow manage to
             | pry themselves through the screening, they will help you
             | bicker undecisively for hours when adding even the smallest
             | functionality because they love bringing _everything_ to
             | the table at once instead of even considering to produce
             | value in order to prove _themselves_ as a valuable and
             | knowledgeable part of the team and not the work they do. So
             | it 's a win from the start. Especially if you have 400
             | people in your team with 54 well-documented gatherings
             | under their belts.
         | whycombagator wrote:
         | Not sure that LOC is a meaningful metric/measure of scale,
         | unless you mean scale of codebase itself
         | mandelbrotwurst wrote:
         | 100 billion? That seems like a lot of businesses per capita!
           | shwoopdiwoop wrote:
           | Fairly certain GP referred to the market cap, not the number
           | of businesses on Shopify's platform.
             | khendron wrote:
             | He might be referring to Shopify GMV (Gross Merchandise
             | Volume --the value of commerce facilitated by the
             | platform), which is probably approaching $100B per year.
               | csomar wrote:
               | No shopify market cap is $100bn; which is much higher
               | than I expected. So I looked up their revenue, which is
               | $1.6bn and they have an income deficit. so...
             | mandelbrotwurst wrote:
             | Ah, yeah I thought it said businesses plural.
           | jtsiskin wrote:
           | "business", not "businesses"
           | tgarv wrote:
           | I think "100 billion business" means that the business
           | (Shopify) is valued at $100 billion. (I'm not sure if that's
           | true, that's just how I interpreted it)
       | ryanmarsh wrote:
       | There's so much truth in this. It's full of lessons I tell
       | clients at the outset of similar endeavors yet they often do not
       | heed until they experience the pain first hand.
       | octernion wrote:
       | we are actually doing precisely the same thing at instacart
       | (breaking our 1+ million lines of code monolith into discrete
       | components, which we call "domains"), and typing the boundaries
       | and as much of the internals of these domains as possible with
       | sorbet types.
       | this has the benefit of ruby dynamicism (fast development within
       | domains, you can use all the nice railsy tooling, activerecord,
       | and all the libraries we've built over the years), with type
       | safety at the boundaries (we've also put in timeouts, thread
       | separation, and error handling at the boundaries).
       | the additional benefit for using sorbet is that it makes making
       | typed RPC calls (over twirp or graphql) much easier as you can
       | introspect the boundaries trivially.
       | really cool to see other companies evolving similarly given the
       | same starting conditions!
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | My god I can't imagine a million lines of untyped code. Must be
         | hell. Presumably you spend all day writing tests?
           | octernion wrote:
           | hah, it's not hell but it's not entirely pleasant either. a
           | _lot_ of that is tests, which is essentially how contracts
           | and safety is enforced in ruby (at least prior to types).
         | exterm wrote:
         | There are quite a few people talking about this kind of stuff
         | on https://rubymod.slack.com. I can send invites, just DM me on
         | twitter https://twitter.com/_exterm
           | geospeck wrote:
           | > I can send invites, just DM me on twitter
           | Seems like DM is closed. Thanks for the great article!
             | exterm wrote:
             | oops - sorry. Opened for now.
               | octernion wrote:
               | just sent you a note, thank you!
         | dragosmocrii wrote:
         | Slightly off topic, but does anyone know if this "component
         | based" development is what umbrella applications are in Elixir?
           | ravenstine wrote:
           | Am I the only one who has a distaste for this phrase
           | "component based development"? It just seems like a fancy way
           | of saying object oriented programming without an overarching
           | design pattern.
             | aidos wrote:
             | Sounds like the "components" described above are much
             | larger than classes.
               | octernion wrote:
               | that's correct, at least for us a domain encapsulates
               | many response types and dozens of different APIs that
               | wrap various datastores, business logic, etc.
             | octernion wrote:
             | we've actually taken the pattern of making the classes
             | relatively stateless, and explicitly passing around typed
             | state through these explicit apis. it's not really the same
             | design pattern and imo conceptually different.
           | exterm wrote:
           | It's certainly related. In very general terms, I would say
           | splitting a Rails app into multiple engines is the same
           | pattern as umbrella applications.
           | However, there are more interesting specifics here about
           | things like all engines sharing a database, but having
           | exclusive ownership of tables, as well as splitting HTTP
           | routing over multiple engines etc.
           | Arubis wrote:
           | I think you'll also find a lot of conceptual overlap with
           | Phoenix Contexts; they'll generally all start as part of the
           | same monolith/app but are sufficiently discrete that you can
           | separate them out more easily than the Rails situation in
           | TFA.
       | leafboi wrote:
       | I think it's kind of bad that we have this trend to use hardware
       | to enforce modularity. If it's a performance issue, sure break it
       | up into more hardware. If it's just code modularity than by
       | shifting to microservices you are adding additional complexity of
       | maintaining multiple services on top of modularizing the system.
       | In short it's overkill. This whole thing about using hardware to
       | enforce "developer behavior" is stupid. You can use software to
       | enforce developer behavior. Your operating system, your
       | programming language is already "enforcing" developer behavior.
       | Additionally, your microservices are hard lines of
       | modularization. It is very hard to change a module once it's been
       | materialized because it's hardware.
       | If you think about it, almost all lack of modularity comes from
       | shared mutable variables. Segregate mutability away from the core
       | logic of your system and the smallest function in your
       | architecture will become as modular as a microservice.
       | Really, any function that is stateless can be moved anywhere at
       | anytime and used anywhere without fear of it being creating a
       | permanent foothold in the architectural complexity of the system.
       | So if the code is getting to structured where you become afraid
       | of moving things... do this rather than go to microservices.
       | >We can more easily onboard new developers to just the parts
       | immediately relevant to them, instead of the whole monolith.
       | Correct me if I'm wrong but don't folders and files and repos do
       | this? Does this make sense to you that it has to be broken down
       | into hardware?
       | >Instead of running the test suite on the whole application, we
       | can run it on the smaller subset of components affected by a
       | change, making the test suite faster and more stable.
       | Right because software could never do this in the first place. In
       | order to test a quarter of my program in an isolated environment
       | I have to move that quarter of my program onto a whole new
       | computer. Makes sense.
       | >Instead of worrying about the impact on parts of the system we
       | know less well, we can change a component freely as long as we're
       | keeping its existing contracts intact, cutting down on feature
       | implementation time.
       | Makes sense because software contracts only exist as http
       | json/graphql/grpc apis. The below code isn't a software contract
       | it's only how old people do things:                  int add(x:
       | int, y: int)
       | Remember as long as that add function doesn't mutate shared state
       | you know it has zero impact on any part of the system other than
       | it's output... you can replace it or copy it or use it
       | anywhere.... this is really all you need to do to improve
       | modularity of your system.
       | Editing it on the other hand could have some issues. There are
       | other ways to deal with this and simply copying the function,
       | renaming and editing it is still a good solution. But for some
       | reason people think the only way to deal with these problems is
       | to put an entire computer around it as a wall. So whenever I need
       | some utility function that's located on another system I have to
       | basically copy it over (along with a million other dependencies)
       | onto my system and rename it... wait a minute can't I do that
       | anyway (without copying dependencies) if it was located in the
       | same system?
       | >Again and again we pondered: How should components call each
       | other?
       | I think this is what's tripping most people up. They think DI IOC
       | and OOP patterns are how you improve modularity. It's not.
       | Immutable functions are what improves modularity of your program.
       | The more immutable functions you have and the smaller they are
       | the more modular your program will be. Segregate IO and mutations
       | into tiny auxiliary functions away from your core logic which is
       | composed of pure immutable functions. That's really the only
       | pattern you need to follow and some languages can enforce this
       | pattern without the need of "hardware."
       | >Circular dependencies are situations where for example component
       | A depends on component B but component B also depends on
       | component A.
       | I've never seen circular dependencies happen with pure functions.
       | It's rare in practice. I think it occurs with objects because
       | when you want one method of an object you have to instantiate
       | that object which has a bunch of other methods and in turn
       | dependencies that could be circular to the current object you're
       | trying to call it from. In essence this kind of thing tends to
       | happen with exclusively with objects. Don't group one function
       | with the instantiation of other functions and you'll be fine.
       | Still I've seen this issue occur with namespacing when you import
       | files. Hardware isn't going to segregate this from happening. You
       | need to structure your dependencies as a tree.
         | look_lookatme wrote:
         | >>We can more easily onboard new developers to just the parts
         | immediately relevant to them, instead of the whole monolith.
         | >Correct me if I'm wrong but don't folders and files and repos
         | do this? Does this make sense to you that it has to be broken
         | down into hardware?
         | This entire post is literally about using folders (directories)
         | and files to enforce boundaries...
           | leafboi wrote:
           | they use the term breaking down a monolith and "architecture"
           | so from that you can derive that it's literally about using
           | an entire VM or computer to enforce boundaries.
           | Folders and files are used in "monoliths" anyway. Nothing new
           | to talk about that here. Are you implying that their monolith
           | is just one big file and they're beginning the process of
           | breaking that thing down into multiple files and different
           | folders?
           | I don't know about you but that doesn't make any sense to me.
             | exterm wrote:
             | Hey Leafboi - I recommend reading the first post in the
             | series for some background https://engineering.shopify.com/
             | blogs/engineering/deconstruc...
             | We don't use "hardware" or "VMs" to facilitate modularity.
               | leafboi wrote:
               | All right. I'm wrong. Didn't know this. Thanks for
               | linking. Still can't exactly fault me on that. It's not
               | easy to find the contextual blog post if this post
               | doesn't easily say it's part of a series.
               | Still though, my expose is still relevant, those are some
               | hard lines that can easily be gotten rid of if your
               | functions were immutable and not part of a class.
               | Any internal private function is safe to use anywhere in
               | the system as long as it's not attached to a class and it
               | doesn't modify shared state. If your systems were
               | modelled this way there would be no need to really think
               | about modularization as your subroutines are already
               | modular.
               | For example:                 class A:          def
               | constructor:              //does a bunch of random shit
               | def someMethodThatMutatesSomething() -> output
               | class B:                 def
               | someOtherFunctionThatNeedsClassA:                //cannot
               | call someMethodThatMutatesSomethingwithout doing "a bunch
               | of random shit" or even possibly modifying or breaking
               | something else. Modularity is harder to achieve with this
               | pattern.
               | versus:                  def
               | somePureFunctionWithNoSideEffects(input) -> output
               | somePureFunctionWithNoSideEffectsabove does not need any
               | hard lines of protection. There is zero need to use the
               | antics of "deconstructing a monolith" if you structured
               | things this way. Functions like this can be exposed
               | publicly for use by anyone with literally zero issues.
               | Shared muteable state and side effects is really the key
               | thing that breaks modularity. Everyone misses it and
               | comes up with strange ways to improve modularity by using
               | "walls" everywhere. It's like cutting my car in half from
               | left to right with a wall and calling it
               | "modularization." When you find out that the engine in
               | front actually needs the gas tank in back then you'll
               | realize that the wall only produces more problems.
               | modal-soul wrote:
               | Just because a function is pure doesn't mean there is
               | zero-risk in exposing it publicly. You're conflating
               | complexity in managing state with complexity in managing
               | domain boundaries.
               | A tangled web of function calls can be very confusing to
               | work with, regardless of purity.
               | leafboi wrote:
               | From a purely structural standpoint there is no risk. But
               | you are talking about something different. You use the
               | word "confusion."
               | Confusion is an organizational issue that can be handled
               | with social solutions like names, namespaces and things
               | like that. You can compose functions to form higher order
               | functions with proper naming to make sense of things. So
               | for example if you have 30 primitive functions you can
               | compose smaller components into 10 bigger functions in a
               | higher layer and expose that as an api. This is more of a
               | semantical thing as you can still use the lower level
               | primitives as a library and chain those lower level
               | functions to achieve the same goal as using the higher
               | level api, the higher level functions just make it easier
               | to reason about the complexity.
               | Confusion, Semantics and organization is in a sense a
               | social issue that is solved by social solutions like
               | proper naming, grouping and composing. I'm not dismissing
               | these issues (they are important) but I'm saying they are
               | in a different category.
               | Overall though the problem I am addressing is structural.
               | There are real structural issues that occur if your
               | functions are not pure. When 4 methods operate on shared
               | state in a class all four methods become glued together.
               | You cannot decompose or recompose these functions ever.
               | They cannot be reused without instantiating all the
               | baggage that comes with the class.
               | richardlblair wrote:
               | I think what's really unfortunate here is you started
               | pretty pointed in what you were saying, and you've stayed
               | pointed. It reads as confrontational.
               | It's unfortunate because you make a good point. Pure
               | functions do not get the attention they deserve. However,
               | no one will read that because you just sound like you're
               | attacking for no real reason.
               | I'm only saying this because if you're this way here
               | there is a solid chance you're like that in other areas
               | of your life. What you have to say is important, but if
               | you approach your conversations this way people won't
               | listen.
               | Why did I take the time to write this? Because sometimes
               | those closest to us won't give us the feedback we need.
               | throwaway691999 wrote:
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24509449 no one will
               | read this because nothing is getting attacked.
               | leafboi wrote:
               | Thanks. But this is the internet. I use a bit of
               | aggression experimentally at times. Overall though, it
               | sounds confrontational but I'm actually pretty factual
               | and I never attacked anyone personally, it's all about
               | the topic and idea. I actually admit when I'm wrong (see
               | above, and who does that in life and on the internet?).
               | What's going on is I'm spending zero energy in attempting
               | to massage the explanation with fake attempts to be nice.
               | I'm just telling it like it is. Very few opportunities to
               | do this in real life except on the internet.
               | In the company I work for do I spend time to tell my
               | coworkers that pure functions are the key to modularity
               | when classes and design patterns are ingrained in the
               | culture? Do I tell them that their entire effort to move
               | to microservices is motivated by hype and is really a
               | horizontal objective with no actual benefit? No. I don't.
               | People tend to dismiss things they don't agree with
               | unless it's aggressively shoved in their face. They
               | especially don't agree with ideas that go against the
               | philosophies and and practices and they've been following
               | for years and years.
               | Thus if I'm nice about it, I'm ignored, if I'm vocal and
               | aggressive about it, I'm heard but it will also hurt my
               | reputation. It's HN feel free to experiment just don't
               | try it at work.
               | Yeah my attitude isn't the best, but honestly, if I was
               | nice about it, less people would read this or think about
               | it. By doing this on the internet I can raise a point
               | while not ruining my rep. (And I'm not actually
               | aggressive as there are no personal attacks unless
               | someone said something personal about me)
               | Tell me, in your opinion, how would you get such a point
               | across in a culture where the opposite is pretty
               | ingrained? I'm down to try this, I can repost my original
               | post with the errors corrected and a nicer tone to see
               | the response.
               | richardlblair wrote:
               | I appreciate the point you're trying to make, but the
               | truth is that you can make factual arguments without
               | being so aggressive. Whether the aggression is targeted
               | at a person doesn't really matter. It's unnecessary,
               | disrespectful, and just feeds into the general toxicity
               | that plagues our culture.
               | > Thus if I'm nice about it, I'm ignored, if I'm vocal
               | and aggressive about it, I'm heard but it will also hurt
               | my reputation.
               | I think the fact we are talking about your tone and not
               | your points about functional programming speaks to this
               | by itself. You weren't heard. You were felt, though.
               | > I'm not actually aggressive as there are no personal
               | attacks
               | Aggression without a target is still aggression. If I
               | aggressively take the recycling out, that aggression is
               | still experienced by people around me. Probably my
               | partner, who will inevitable have a little talk to me
               | about it, lol.
               | > Tell me, in your opinion, how would you get such a
               | point across in a culture where the opposite is pretty
               | ingrained?
               | Engage in an intellectual conversion based off mutual
               | respect. You will never change someones mind on the spot,
               | intellectual people will often mull things over for a
               | while. In the process you may learn a few things
               | yourself. I've worked in places that excelled at this,
               | where respectful discourse was promoted. Conversations
               | revolved around facts, but respect was maintained.
               | Sidebar: Shopify doesn't really have microservices. They
               | have a few services, but they are entire services which
               | serve an entire business unit. They are the exception.
               | When I worked there I worked on one such service. What
               | I'd tell people is if you couldn't start a whole new
               | company with the service you were building, don't build
               | it as a service.
               | leafboi wrote:
               | I think you missed my point. I'm saying when you aren't
               | aggressive people tend not to want to intellectually
               | engage with you. People are emotional creatures and what
               | doesn't excite them emotionally they don't engage. I'm
               | saying I used the aggression on purpose for my own ends,
               | but I caveated by saying that no actual attack occurred.
               | I think you need to think deeper than the traditional
               | "mutual respect" attitude and generally being nice. Not
               | all great leaders acted this way either. It's very
               | nuanced and complicated how to get people to change or
               | listen. The internet is an opportunity to try things out
               | rather then take the safe uncomplicated "nice" way that
               | we usually try in the workplace.
               | >Engage in an intellectual conversion based off mutual
               | respect. You will never change someones mind on the spot,
               | intellectual people will often mull things over for a
               | while. In the process you may learn a few things
               | yourself. I've worked in places that excelled at this,
               | where respectful discourse was promoted. Conversations
               | revolved around facts, but respect was maintained.
               | Right except this is exceedingly rare. Most people do not
               | act this way. Respect was maintained but the point is
               | instantly forgotten and dismissed. Likely the respect
               | covers up actual misunderstanding or disagreement. I find
               | actual intense arguments open people up to say what they
               | mean rather than cover up everything in gift wrapping.
               | Think about this way. The reason why Trump won the
               | election is not because he was nice. The complexities of
               | human relationships goes deeper then just "mutual
               | respect" There are other ways to make things move. The
               | internet is often an opportunity for you to try the
               | alternative methods without much risk.
               | mperham wrote:
               | I don't think you need to mansplain architecture to the
               | blog post author.
               | leafboi wrote:
               | You can't talk about modularity without touching on
               | shared mutable state. Shared mutable state is the
               | fundamental primitive that eliminates modularity. You get
               | rid of this, you're entire program is now modular.
               | None of the writing really gets deep into this so I
               | assume the author doesn't know.
               | It's not "mansplaining" you social justice warrior. I
               | don't even know the sex of the author and I don't care.
               | Don't turn this into some sex based conflict. It's called
               | explaining, and that's all it is.
               | I'm assuming you don't know about it either so I suggest
               | you read my "explanation" as well.
       | bori wrote:
       | I like that they completely dodged the term "microservice" in the
       | whole post.
         | exterm wrote:
         | you should read the first post in the series if you want to
         | read about microservices.
         | https://engineering.shopify.com/blogs/engineering/deconstruc...
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