[HN Gopher] Why Not Rust?
       Why Not Rust?
       Author : dochtman
       Score  : 170 points
       Date   : 2020-09-20 19:27 UTC (3 hours ago)
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       | the__alchemist wrote:
       | I hope this isn't too much of a tangent given the article's
       | subject is details and specifics. I adore Rust for it's unique
       | combination of features:
       | - Can write fast, and systems-level code; something typically
       | dominated by C/++
       | - Makes standalone executables
       | - Modern, high-level language features
       | - Best-in-class tooling and docs (As the article points out)
       | I'm not familiar with another language that can do these
       | together. It's easy to pidgeonhole Rust as a "safe" language, but
       | I adore it on a holistic level. I've found Rust's consolidated,
       | official tooling makes the experience approachable for new
       | people.
         | nicoburns wrote:
         | It's the modern high-level language features that get me.
         | Despite Rust technically being a lower-level language, they are
         | so well implemented that I often find Rust more enjoyable to
         | code something in than other supposedly friendlier languages.
         | The killer is the compile times. If Rust had Go-like compile
         | times it would be almost perfect.
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | The expressions "high-level" and "low-level" are almost
           | meaningless in this context. Rust, like C++, has a _broad
           | range_.
           | In _any_ big system, almost all of the code will be doing
           | high-level-ish things no different than you would do in a
           | Python program. At unpredictable points it will need to dip
           | into low-level-ish activities, where it might end up spending
           | the most runtime. If you were writing Python, you might call
           | out to a C or C++ module, then.
           | It is this broad range that defines a modern systems
           | language. It has organizational features that make a big
           | system manageable, and features to get full value from
           | hardware. People used to try to use C as a systems language,
           | with well-known failings.
           | est31 wrote:
           | You get accustomed to the slow compile times of Rust over
           | time. Then you do some Go stuff and get extremely surprised
           | by how quick it is, almost as if Go's cheating. But it's just
           | rustc being slow :).
             | ncmncm wrote:
             | You don't achieve success by getting (some) people
             | accustomed to your failings. That is a route to failure.
             | There are many, many routes to failure. Staying off them
             | doesn't guarantee success; it's table stakes.
           | drran wrote:
           | Rust is high-level language. You mean "a language which
           | allows low level access to hardware". Right?
             | the__alchemist wrote:
             | "high level" and "low level" have somewhat fluid meanings,
             | and in the case of Rust, aren't ideal for describing the
             | language on the whole. Eg: You can do "low level" things
             | like read a MCU register using a raw pointer. You can take
             | advantage of "high level" abstractions like Result types.
               | drran wrote:
               | High level language is platform independent. Low level
               | stuff can be done from almost any language. I used peek
               | and poke in Basic to access hardware registers 30 years
               | ago.
         | onei wrote:
         | > Modern, high-level language features
         | I think this is something the article overlooked. Sure, Rust
         | has the ability to be a system level language, but you don't
         | have to use it that way and the breadth of good, albeit
         | commonly immature, libraries is testament to this. Rust enums
         | and pattern matching are some of my favourite features in any
         | language.
         | Python is often my go to for writing tools, but I mistrust its
         | typing and how it behaves when a library throws an exception -
         | not forgetting that pylint warns if you try to catch Exception.
         | Conversely, Rust error handling feels a bit more verbose, but I
         | worry less about what it does in failure scenarios. I either
         | handle the error or pass it up the stack and carry on with my
         | day.
           | [deleted]
       | angelbar wrote:
       | Because oil...
       | forrestthewoods wrote:
       | > Rust also lacks an analog for the pimpl idiom, which means that
       | changing a crate requires recompiling (and not just relinking)
       | all of its reverse dependencies.
       | Interesting. I did not know this. I would have thought Box<dyn
       | Foo> would have achieved PIMPL. Is that not the case?
         | joerichey wrote:
         | I think you would actually need Box<dyn Foo>. But the bigger
         | point is that the current build system can't figure out that a
         | rebuild isn't necessary in these cases.
           | forrestthewoods wrote:
           | > I think you would actually need Box<dyn Foo>
           | Oops. Good catch. Fixed. :)
           | Sounds like this is a fixable problem though? That's nice. I
           | really appreciate the amount of attention Rust compile times
           | is getting. (Especially because relative to C++ they aren't
           | actually that bad!)
         | ArchOversight wrote:
         | The downside to the PIMPL idiom in C++ at least, is that you
         | have double indirection.
         | The outer exposed API is called on `this` which then uses the
         | internal `pimpl` pointer to actually call a function.
         | While it may speed up building, I have found it incredibly
         | clunky to use in C++ and prefer to write my code without it,
         | choosing instead for longer compilation times.
           | forrestthewoods wrote:
           | > The downside to the PIMPL idiom in C++ at least, is that
           | you have double indirection.
           | PIMPL is just a tool. There's no argument here that it should
           | be used in all or even many cases. The fact that C++ has this
           | tool and Rust does not is interesting.
           | PIMPL indeed has overhead. Both when writing the code and
           | when calling the code. If a program crosses the PIMPL
           | boundary many times then the calling overhead can be
           | meaningful.
           | However if the API is small and the program spends more time
           | "inside" the PIMPL than crossing the boundary the runtime
           | overhead is trivial.
           | A key benefit of PIMPL is that, in some cases, you can have a
           | very lightweight header than clearly expresses an API without
           | making users include a ton of dependencies they don't
           | actually need. I shall not express my opinion on C++ headers.
           | Historically I have not liked PIMPL. My current project
           | benefits from it a great deal. Most projects probably would
           | not. Like I said, it's just one of many tools.
       | jeffrallen wrote:
       | In the section on "Rust is big and you have to learn it" the
       | author was too nice to people like me: I'm just not smart enough
       | to manage the demands Rust puts on me while also solving my own
       | problem.
       | I feel like this is a really serious problem for Rust: the number
       | of people capable of making the right choices among the 10 ways
       | to structure a class is too small. This is also why there's too
       | much dangerously bad C and C++ in the world.
         | dodobirdlord wrote:
         | Yea, I think Rust may be hurting currently for conventions or
         | "best practices". The benefit of most "best practices" isn't
         | usually that the opinions actually have any merit, but rather
         | that they are consistent and meld into the background. Has any
         | large company that uses Rust published a well-regarded and
         | well-adopted detailed style guide in the way that Google
         | publishes style guides for the languages they use?
           | hobofan wrote:
           | You probably won't find much of written out style guides on
           | Rust, since with rustfmt and clippy, a strongly community
           | endorsed code formatter and linter have been available since
           | (almost) day one. With that, you have most of the "best
           | practices" in form of a tool already.
             | timidger wrote:
             | Clippy catches a lot and I can't imagine coding without
             | rustfmt.
             | But there's more to style guides than formatting and Clippy
             | lints. Some designs will pass Clippy (or worse, lead to
             | Clippy warnings far past the point where a redesign is
             | economical) but be inefficient, inflexible, or have a poor
             | effect on compile speeds.
             | One major problem I experienced in my last job (where I
             | worked on production rust) was the insane amount of macros
             | and proc macros used. This was an originally C++ heavy shop
             | so they leaned on it more than, say, a python shop moving
             | to rust would.
             | This led to terrible compilation times and confusing code
             | only certain engineers could maintain (I'm guilty here -
             | I've since left and I know of one proc macro I wrote that
             | will cause headaches to anyone who uses it).
             | We need an opinionated style guide. The language is so
             | complex we probably need multiple, with different trade
             | offs.
               | hobofan wrote:
               | I'm not sure that style guides are the right way to
               | tackle such arising problems. That sounds more like
               | completely separate problems that are each best explained
               | in longer blog posts and learned by the engineers over
               | time.
               | Most of the popular style guides from big companies I
               | know from other languages are much more one a trivial
               | level where each of the bullet points can be quickly
               | explained and generally isn't more complex than a clippy
               | lint (which is why I mentioned that).
       | est31 wrote:
       | A big thing missed here is compatibility. The systems programming
       | market is huge but most of it is covered by C/C++ programs, many
       | of which being giant codebases with millions of engineer hours
       | inside them. You can't just rewrite them in Rust. And Rust will
       | always be second in place when it comes to interacting with C/C++
       | codebases, C++ will always be better at it, and if it's only the
       | explicit safety barrier.
       | So languages like Rust are relegated to picking up the new
       | greenfield codebases and some few codebases where engineers felt
       | courageous enough to introduce it.
       | Overall, the signs are good though. I think it's much easier to
       | onboard new engineers to Rust rather than to the company specific
       | dialect of C++.
         | akiselev wrote:
         | I'm hoping that with the advent of projects like autocxx [1],
         | the C++ compatibility story will rapidly change. Templates and
         | some of C++'s more exotic features will always be an interop
         | issue but Rust's ergonomics and type system are addicting.
         | I've been experimenting with "bidirectional" (for lack of a
         | better word) refactoring in autocxx where the bulk of the C++
         | implementation stays the same but wrapped in a safe Rust
         | interface (using autocxx to generate the underlying interop)
         | that is then reexposed by another run of autocxx to the rest of
         | the C++ code. New Rust code can use the safe interface while
         | old code is refactored to use the now (slightly) safer wrapper
         | over the Rust interface. This allows for very intentional,
         | piecemeal refactoring across the code base.
         | Rust's compatibility with other languages like Python and
         | Javascript is already, imo, second to none thanks to a few well
         | designed libraries and the macro system. The only language that
         | comes close is C# with its IronPython integration, except with
         | Rust it's a lot easier for library authors to integrate
         | runtimes. It took me less than a day to construct a JS/Python
         | monstrosity with an absurd call stack (Node => Rust => Python
         | => Rust => Node => Rust => Python) when I needed to wrangle
         | together a bunch of legacy proprietary libraries in webapp
         | form.
         | Like you said, the signs are good for Rust's interop story in
         | general.
         | [1] https://github.com/google/autocxx
         | omn1 wrote:
         | You're right about the massive amounts of C/C++ code out there.
         | I'd disagree that the integration is harder than with C++,
         | though.
         | Calling Rust from C and vice versa is fairly straightforward
         | and there are automatic code generators for doing so. Things
         | just get wrapped into an `unsafe` block and that gives you the
         | same guarantees you'd have with C++ (none, basically). From
         | there you can start to gradually rewrite critical parts in safe
         | Rust and profit from the cargo ecosystem along the way. In that
         | sense there's even an advantage for Rust over C++ in my book.
           | est31 wrote:
           | Integrating with C is easier than with C++ but it still needs
           | those safe wrappers. With C++ you can use stuff directly, and
           | maybe sometimes have to convert between say C and C++
           | strings. Integrating with C++ is much harder, especially if
           | some C++ features are used. What if you have to inherit a
           | class to do something? What if there is a generic function
           | that you need to invoke? Even tasks as simple as catching
           | exceptions are difficult. Things have improved with dtolnay's
           | cxx thankfully.
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | Calling C++ libraries from Rust is in general impossible. The
           | more useful the library is, the less likely it is that Rust
           | can call it. As the languages evolve, that will sharpen.
           | There is no "C/C++" code. Using the expression mainly
           | generates confusion, most usually in the person saying it.
       | Animats wrote:
       | As I've said before, Go has the advantage of mediocrity. It's
       | boring as a language, but it does automatically most of the
       | things you need for web back-end stuff. It's garbage-collected
       | and does subscript checking, so you're covered on memory safety.
       | There are stable libraries for most things you need in a web
       | server, and those are mostly the same libraries Google is using
       | internally, so they're well tested. The green thread/goroutine
       | approach means you don't have the problems which come from
       | "async" and threads in the same program; there's only one
       | concurrent task construct.
       | There's a lot to be said for that. You can put junior programmers
       | on something and they'll probably get it more or less right.
       | Rust is very clever. The borrow checker was a huge step forward.
       | It changed programming. Now, everybody gets ownership semantics.
       | Any new language that isn't garbage collected will probably have
       | ownership semantics. Before Rust, only theorists discussed
       | ownership semantics much. Ownership was implicit in programs, and
       | not talked about much.
       | Tying locking to ownership seems to have worked in Rust. A big
       | problem with locking has been that languages didn't address which
       | lock covers what data. Java approached that with "synchronized",
       | but that seems to have been a flop. (Why?) Ada had the
       | "rendezvous", a similar idea. Rust seems to have made forward
       | progress in that area.
       | I used to say that the big problems in C are "How big is it?",
       | "Who owns it for deletion purposes?", and "Who locks it?" At
       | last, with Rust we see strong solutions to those problems in wide
       | use.
       | Much work has gone into Rust, and it will have much influence on
       | the design of later languages. We're finding out what happens
       | with that model, what's useful, what's missing, and what's cruft.
       | In the next round of languages, we'll probably have to deal
       | directly with non-shared memory. Totally shared memory in
       | multiprocessors is an illusion maintained by elaborate cache
       | interlocking and huge inter-cache bandwidth. That has scaling
       | limits. Future languages will probably have to track which CPUs
       | can access which data. "Thread local" and "immutable" are a
       | start.
         | kccqzy wrote:
         | > You can put junior programmers on something and they'll
         | probably get it more or less right.
         | I see junior programmers screw up Go catastrophically. Thinking
         | green threads are magical, they forget the existence of mutexes
         | and the resulting code has data races left and right. Languages
         | like Haskell combine green threads with carefully controlled
         | mutation (be it IORef or STM) to avoid this. Go doesn't, so you
         | still need low-level knowledge like how to avoid deadlocks.
         | As I've said before, Go gives you the veneer of an easy
         | language when it's in fact full of traps for those who aren't
         | experts.
           | Animats wrote:
           | Yes. Go's locking is really no better than C/C++. There are
           | queues, and there are mutexes. Everybody has those now. Go
           | just has a new story for them. The whole "share by
           | communicating" thing tends to lead to people just putting
           | "tokens" on queues, not the actual data.
           | But Go does have a run-time race condition checker.
           | torgian wrote:
           | I learned three new terms today.
           | Green threads, data races, mutexes.
           | bird_monster wrote:
           | Most companies, in my experience, want tools that are easy to
           | get right in 80% of cases, and in 20% of cases require
           | experts. Go has the benefit of most benign work is deadass
           | simple to get right. The things you referenced in your post
           | are obviously the remaining 20%.
           | Rust, as an example, is a pretty difficult language to become
           | productive in. Sure, once you've invested the time, you're
           | equipped to handle a wider array of problems, but most
           | organizations don't particularly care about the top. They
           | care about becoming relatively productive relatively quickly.
           | Go's approach to certain problems require expertise, it is
           | not a silver bullet. But there are no silver bullets, and the
           | examples you gave require expertise in any language. The
           | issue is that you've kind of just cherry picked those three
           | concepts as proof of complexity, ignoring the boatloads of
           | other examples in which Go's simplicity does add value.
         | dom96 wrote:
         | > In the next round of languages, we'll probably have to deal
         | directly with non-shared memory. Totally shared memory in
         | multiprocessors is an illusion maintained by elaborate cache
         | interlocking and huge inter-cache bandwidth. That has scaling
         | limits. Future languages will probably have to track which CPUs
         | can access which data. "Thread local" and "immutable" are a
         | start.
         | Interesting prediction. It is precisely the model of threading
         | which Nim follows, global variables are thread local and
         | sharing them is restricted. I'm not sure if the Nim designer
         | thought of it in the terms you've described, but I will
         | certainly point this out to him :)
         | zozbot234 wrote:
         | > It's garbage-collected and does subscript checking, so you're
         | covered on memory safety.
         | Go is only memory safe in sequential code, or concurrent code
         | that never accesses shared data from multiple threads. It does
         | _not_ protect against data races as Rust does.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | I am looking forward that the generics 2020 edition actually
         | make it, as Go is becoming anyway harder to avoid on my domain.
         | I think ultimately the biggest Rust contribution will be for GC
         | languages (tracing GC | RC) to also adopt some kind of early
         | reclamation, similarly to Swift's ongoing approach, and we will
         | reach a good enough situation and that will be it.
         | kodkuce wrote:
         | Hmm, go sux, i personally love Nim. Rust is bad cuz you need to
         | write 10x more but its good for multythreading and only reason
         | i gona learn it proper is Bevy :)
       | Ericson2314 wrote:
       | Great blog post
       | > Rust also lacks an analog for the pimpl idiom, which means that
       | changing a crate requires recompiling (and not just relinking)
       | all of its reverse dependencies.
       | I really hope `extern type` could help with this. _edit_ wrote
       | https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2984#issuecomment-695...
       | on how I think it could.
       | networkimprov wrote:
       | Will the compiler performance eventually match C++, or are there
       | fundamental limits to it?
         | moonchild wrote:
         | I'm not sure what your point is there; rust and c++ are both
         | famous for having slow compile times.
         | Languages with good compile times include:
         | - C[1] (unless you go crazy with the preprocessor)
         | - Go (unless you go crazy with code generation)
         | - D (unless you go crazy with templates)
         | 1. With TCC or similar. Gcc/clang compile times are just ok
         | (though better than with c++; and interestingly, though gcc is
         | slower for c++, it's faster for c).
         | sanxiyn wrote:
         | Rust already compiles as fast as C++ if you write in roughly
         | equivalent style.
           | jhasse wrote:
           | In my experience C++ is a lot faster, especially with
           | multiple cores.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | I can easily beat Rust, thanks to incremental linking and
           | binary libraries.
       | the_duke wrote:
       | > Not All Programming is Systems Programming
       | Personally I often use Rust for "non systems-programming" tasks,
       | even though I really wish a more suitable language existed.
       | Rust has plenty of downsides, but hits a particular sweet spot
       | for me that is hard to find elsewhere:
       | * Expressive, pretty powerful, ML and Haskell inspired type
       | system
       | * Memory safe. In higher level code you have almost zero
       | justification for `unsafe`, unless you really need a C library.
       | * Immutable by default. Can feel almost functional, depending on
       | code style.
       | * Error handling (it's not perfect by any means, but much better
       | than exceptions in my book)
       | * Very coherent language design. The language has few warts, in
       | part thanks to the young age.
       | * Great package manager and build system.
       | * Good tooling in general (compiler errors, formatter, linter,
       | docs generation, ... )
       | * Library availability is great for certain domains, decent for
       | many.
       | * Statically compiled. Mostly statically linked. Though I often
       | wish there was an additional interpreter/JIT with a REPL.
       | * Good performance without much effort.
       | * Good concurrency/parallelism primitives, especially since async
       | * Increasingly better IDE support, thanks to the author of this
       | blog post! (rust-analyzer)
       | So I often accept the downsides of Rust, even for higher level
       | code, because I don't know another language that fits.
       | My closest alternatives would probably be Go, Haskell or F#. But
       | each don't fit the above list one way or another.
         | tempsolution wrote:
         | > Expressive, pretty powerful, ML and Haskell inspired type
         | system
         | This is not a reason to use rust. It's like saying "I like
         | Ferraries, because they drive fast", failing to specify WHY you
         | need to drive fast (you usually really don't, unless you are on
         | a race track)
         | > Memory safe. In higher level code you have almost zero
         | justification for `unsafe`, except you really need a C library.
         | Java, C#, etc.
         | > Immutable by default. Can feel almost functional, depending
         | on code style.
         | Okay, however this isn't a big win in practice. Java has this
         | too with @Immutable and mostly that's enough.
         | > Very coherent language design. The language has few warts, in
         | part thanks to the young age.
         | Yes, Rust looks fine. Let's see how it evolves. Coherent
         | language design is however again not a reason to use rust,
         | because it fails to mention WHY you need it and WHY it solves a
         | business problem better than Java, C# or C++.
         | > Great package manager and build system.
         | Yeah, pretty much all modern languages have that, so it's not
         | worth to even mention. Rust builds are slow, so there is that.
         | > Great tooling in general (compiler errors, formatter, linter,
         | docs generation, ... )
         | Really? Ever used Java or C# tooling?
         | > Library availability is great in certain domains, ok most.
         | Compared to what? C++? I don't even think there it's true. When
         | comparing to Java or C# library availability and quality is a
         | joke in Rust.
         | > Statically compiled (though I often wish there was an
         | additional interpreter/repl). Mostly statically linked.
         | Yeah... What do you need that for? Again no mention of why
         | that's even useful.
         | > Good performance without much effort.
         | Like in Java, C# and C++ you mean?
         | > Good concurrency/parallelism primitives, especially since
         | async
         | Async is a paradigm that received a lot of criticism lately. It
         | turns out to be cancerous. Fibers will likely replace it and
         | Java is getting it soon. Otherwise yeah, concurrency is
         | something any modern language should solve and maybe Rust has a
         | head-start here. The whole purpose of Rust is focused around
         | safe multi-threading. However other languages don't sleep. You
         | don't switch your company to Rust just because it does one
         | thing better for a couple of years. Other languages will catch
         | up soon.
         | moonchild wrote:
         | Can you describe what's wrong with haskell, ocaml (which,
         | incidentally, was a major inspiration for rust), or f#? They
         | seem to tick most of the items on your list, though this one I
         | don't understand:
         | > In higher level code you have almost zero justification for
         | `unsafe`, except you really need a C library.
         | If you need a c library, you can build a 'trusted' wrapper
         | around it as easily in rust as with any other language.
           | the_duke wrote:
           | > Haskell
           | I adore Haskell, but my personal problems with it:
           | * Records! Lenses are fine, but a huge complexity increase. I
           | love the recently accepted record syntax RFC though, this
           | will make things a lot nicer.
           | * I feel like the plethora of (partially incompatible)
           | extensions make the language very complicated and messy.
           | There is no single Haskell. Each file can be GHC Haskell with
           | OverloadedStrings or GADTs or ....
           | * Library ecosystem: often I didn't find libraries I needed.
           | Or they were abandoned, or had no documentation whatsoever,
           | or used some fancy dependency I didn't understand. Or all of
           | the above...
           | * Complexity. I can deal with monads, but some parts of the
           | ecosystem get much more type-theory heavy than that. Rust is
           | close enough to common programming idioms that most of it can
           | be understood fairly quickly
           | * Build system ( Cabal, Stackage, Nix packages, ... ? ),
           | tooling (IDE support etc)
           | > F#
           | I admittedly haven't tried F# since .net core. I just
           | remember it being very Windows-centric and closely tied to
           | parts of the C# ecosystem, which brings similar concerns as
           | in my sibling comments about Java.
           | > if you need a c library, you can build a 'trusted' wrapper
           | around it as easily in rust as with any other language.
           | Sure, but if that wrapper does not exist, you have to build
           | it yourself. I can say from experience that writing an
           | idiomatic, safe Rust wrapper for a C library is far from
           | trivial, so you lose the "I don't have to worry about memory
           | unsafety" property.
         | terhechte wrote:
         | Did you try Swift? It is conceptually and syntax wise very
         | similar to Rust.
           | nicoburns wrote:
           | Swift does indeed hit a lot of the same sweet points as Rust
           | whilst having automatic memory management and generally more
           | user friendly defaults (at the cost of performance). Alas, it
           | doesn't have anywhere near the library ecosystem that Rust
           | has in most domains, and it's cross-platform support is also
           | quite poor.
             | ChrisMarshallNY wrote:
             | I'm a Swift programmer. I've also used plenty of other
             | languages. I don't know enough about Rust to either sing
             | its praises, or curse its name.
             | I'm a bit leery to label Swift as a "systems language," as
             | I feel that systems languages should be a wee bit closer to
             | the bone (like ObjC); but that also means that I am not a
             | fan of using systems languages to write application code. I
             | wrote both levels in C and C++ for years, and HATED using
             | those languages for app-level code. Swift, to me, is an
             | almost ideal application language.
             | But I don't write system code anymore, and have no desire
             | to. I love writing app-level code, and love Swift.
             | It's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of
             | employing a language I actually _like_ using.
           | the_duke wrote:
           | I did, and I think it's a great language in many ways.
           | My biggest problem is that, as far as I know, it still is
           | very much second/third class citizen on non-Apple platforms.
           | With little signs from Apple that this will change. (Happy to
           | be corrected here!)
           | Other (more minor) complaints are the Objective-C baggage and
           | the inheritance system - I enjoy the lack of inheritance in
           | Rust.
           | charrondev wrote:
           | My understanding is as soon as you target on a non-Apple
           | device, you lose a large chunk of the API (foundation). This
           | includes things like file system interaction, date handling,
           | sorting/filtering, networking and text processing.
           | My understanding is there is some effort to provide a version
           | that works outside of Apple OSes, but it's incomplete
           | https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-
           | foundation/blob/mast....
           | If you are looking for static linking stdlib it looks like
           | there's still an open bug on Linux.
           | https://bugs.swift.org/plugins/servlet/mobile#issue/SR-648
         | omginternets wrote:
         | What kind of programming do you do? I feel like this is
         | important context for understanding your perspective.
         | yashap wrote:
         | You might like Scala and/or Kotlin. You listed Go, but Go's
         | type system is very weak, as is Go's support for immutability,
         | two problems that Scala and Kotlin don't share.
           | jhardy54 wrote:
           | Personally I'm not very excited about making Java a hard
           | dependency, _or_ the fact that Scala can 't be bootstrapped
           | like most other languages. [0]
           | [0]: https://bootstrappable.org
             | yashap wrote:
             | Your 2nd point will stop being true very soon. Scala 3 will
             | apparently be coming out sometime this fall
             | (https://www.scala-lang.org/blog/2020/09/15/scala-3-the-
             | commu...), and the compiler will be the Dotty compiler.
             | Dotty is bootstrapped
             | (https://dotty.epfl.ch/blog/2019/05/23/15th-dotty-
             | milestone-r...).
             | The first point is true, but IMO not a big deal for most
             | applications. Scala native exists, but is very immature.
             | Still, if you're writing web services, data processing
             | jobs, etc., I don't see much of an issue with depending on
             | the JVM. Definitely an issue with things like command line
             | tools, or apps with super tight resource requirements, but
             | that's not the case for a tonne of software.
           | the_duke wrote:
           | I conceptually love Scala, but in practice it has a lot of
           | downsides.
           | * Tied to the JVM
           | * You constantly have to use Java libraries. Which means you
           | have to understand the Java ecosystem. Which increases
           | complexity a lot, since that ecosystem is very mature but
           | also often deeply layered, complex and full of historical
           | baggage
           | * It can be used in so many different ways. Nicer Java on one
           | end. Almost Haskell on the other (with cats etc).
           | * The flexible syntax and multi-model concept leads to very
           | variable and non-coherent code styles and libraries
           | Kotlin is also great, but the type system is less powerful.
           | And the same JVM and Java library ecosystem concerns apply. (
           | I've jokingly heard "we don't talk about Native" multiple
           | times... )
             | yashap wrote:
             | Scala has been my primary professional language for the
             | past 5 years, and I actually don't have to use Java libs
             | very often anymore, the pure Scala ecosystem has really
             | caught up. When you do have to use them, they're normally
             | pretty easy to wrap.
             | Totally agree with the plethora of ways to use it being an
             | issue, though. "Classic Scala" and "let's write Haskel is
             | Scala" is a real split in the community, and a significant
             | downside. Then you have Akka too, though at least that
             | solves different problems (highly stateful AND highly
             | concurrent, which is a pretty rare mix).
             | lmm wrote:
             | > You constantly have to use Java libraries. Which means
             | you have to understand the Java ecosystem.
             | That's not so true in my experience. You have to reach for
             | Java libraries in the same cases where you'd have to reach
             | for C libraries in other languages. When you're using a
             | Java library it's usually to do something specific (because
             | using the big Java frameworks makes no sense), so the
             | complex parts of the Java ecosystem don't really affect
             | you.
           | sanderjd wrote:
           | At one point in time, I thought Scala would be this, but it
           | very much isn't. It feels bulky and lacking orthogonality to
           | me, and it's tooling leaves a lot to be desired. (Note: this
           | might be true of Rust too once it is as old as Scala.)
           | Kotlin, though, yep, big fan.
         | amelius wrote:
         | > Expressive, pretty powerful, ML and Haskell inspired type
         | system
         | It's great that they use this, but it's still difficult to
         | program in a purely functional style in Rust the way you would
         | in, say, Haskell, because of memory management. Closures can
         | create memory dependencies which are too difficult to manage
         | with Rust's static tools.
           | the_duke wrote:
           | True. My biggest complaint there is actually lack of
           | guaranteed tail call optimization.
           | rudolph9 wrote:
           | An interesting development in Haskell is Linear Types. It
           | opens the possibility of non-garbage collected Haskell. Still
           | a lot of work left but it's based on theory similar to that
           | behind the Rust borrower mechanism (if I understand it
           | correctly).
           | https://www.tweag.io/blog/2020-06-19-linear-types-merged/
             | zozbot234 wrote:
             | A "non-GC Haskell" would also need some way to make strict
             | and lazy evaluation equally idiomatic and freely
             | interchangeable in the language. Some general approaches
             | are known that would clearly help with this issue e.g.
             | "polarity" and "focusing", but the actual work of designing
             | such a language has not been done.
           | ohazi wrote:
           | This is definitely true, but you can often get surprisingly
           | far by just boxing, cloning, Rc-ing, etc. whenever you hit
           | something like this.
             | amelius wrote:
             | Yes, but doesn't the additional housekeeping negate much of
             | the elegance of Haskell?
         | jaggirs wrote:
         | I feel like it should be trivial to make a 'scripting' variant
         | of rust. Just by automatically wrapping values in Box/Rc when
         | needed a lot of the cognitive overhead of writing Rust could be
         | avoided. Add a repl to that and you have a highly productive
         | and performant language, with the added benefit that you can
         | always drop down to the real Rust backbone when fine-grained
         | control is needed.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | One of C++'s biggest draws historically is that it's not just
         | used to write systems software. Rust could fill a similar spot.
         | [deleted]
       | mhh__ wrote:
       | I think Andrei Alexandrescu's comment that Rust "skipped leg day"
       | is still mostly true (Rust does what it set out to do better than
       | anyone else but the metaprogramming in particular isn't very
       | attractive)
         | nindalf wrote:
         | Peronally I feel more comfortable writing metaprograms in Rust
         | than any other language. Could you elaborate?
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | Rust macros have no access to types at all. Types are
           | essential for any but the most trivial metaprogramming.
       | aazaa wrote:
       | > Programmer's time is valuable, and, if you pick Rust, expect to
       | spend some of it on learning the ropes.
       | Of all the arguments, time-to-productivity may be the most
       | compelling. Rust will keep most new programmers from being
       | productive far longer than any other language. I'd say 3x
       | minimum.
       | What's a little surprising, though, is how many of the
       | difficulties beginners have stem from just one concept:
       | _ownership_.
       | Counterintuitively, ownership is quite simple. But what's mind-
       | bending about it is that it doesn't exist in any other language a
       | beginner is likely to have used. Yet ownership pervades Rust,
       | sometimes in very hard to detect ways. And perversely, it's
       | possible to write a lot of Rust without ever "seeing" ownership
       | thanks to the complier.
       | Eventually, though, the beginner comes face-to-face with
       | ownership without recognizing the trap s/he's fallen into.
       | Ownership isn't something you can "discover" by messing around in
       | the same way that most language features can be teased apart. The
       | term "fighting with the borrow checker" is actually a symptom not
       | of a struggle with a feature but a struggle with a basic, non-
       | negotiable concept that hasn't been learned.
       | I can recommend this video for getting over the hump:
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLLqEtX6ql2EyPAZ1M2_C0GgV...
       | In my experience, Rust productivity shoots up by a lot given a
       | basic understanding of ownership.
         | lostcolony wrote:
         | "But what's mind-bending about it is that it doesn't exist in
         | any other language a beginner is likely to have used."
         | This is true about killer features in any language that is
         | above the 'average' on the power spectrum (
         | http://www.paulgraham.com/avg.html ). In fact, even beyond
         | beginners, I see resumes for people all the time with 20+ years
         | who have only used Java/Python/C/C++. If you are evaluating
         | languages for power or expressiveness, not just
         | tooling/libraries/domain integrations, you're going to have
         | longer ramp up time on average, regardless of the seniority of
         | the developer, because you're by definition looking for
         | features that aren't average (and therefore not mainstream).
         | dlubarov wrote:
         | Besides the learning difficulty, I'd there are some real
         | ergonomic issues related to ownership, such as the difficulty
         | of cloning into a closure [1], or nested &mut receiver calls
         | being rejected despite being sound [2].
         | [1] https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/2407
         | [2] https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/6268
         | __d wrote:
         | Do you know C++ well? Could you compare time to productivity
         | for C++ and Rust?
       | AllasAskBar wrote:
       | Anyone can see that C/C++ is outdated. Peering into the mess of
       | those languages is like seeing Java/C# when you are used to a
       | modern language like kotlin.
       | throwaway78123 wrote:
       | Rust in prod has been bittersweet for us. Our main goal was to 1)
       | do our job and 2) leverage some of the great promises of Rust.
       | Deterministic memory management and bare metal performance are
       | great and have been realized benefits. The great promises were
       | realized.
       | On the "do your job" front though, the lack of a good STABLE
       | library ecosystem has been a real issue and big source of
       | frustration. It seems that most library developers in the Rust
       | community are hackers writing Rust for fun, and I do not say that
       | in a negative way. But the consequence is that things are usually
       | not super well maintained, but more critically are targeting Rust
       | Nightly (which makes sense as Nightly has all the new cool
       | compiler stuff).
       | Add the scarce professional talent pool, the unavoidable steep
       | learning curve, low bus factor risk... It's just hard to justify
       | pushing (professionally) more Rust beyond its niche.
       | With Mozilla pulling out (to some extent), the big focus on Web-
       | assembly... it just feels off if all you want to do is build
       | boring backends.
       | The contrast with Golang's "boring as a feature" is quite
       | interesting in that regard.
       | Time will tell if Rust will make it to the major leagues, or will
       | be another Haskell.
         | tmandry wrote:
         | Most libraries don't target nightly anymore. It certainly
         | _used_ to be the case that nightly had all the cool features
         | everyone wanted, but almost all features that popular crates
         | depended on have now been stabilized. Even Rocket (the most
         | high-profile holdout I know of) now works on stable as of
         | earlier this year.
         | As for maintenance, as with all library ecosystems it's a mix.
         | The most popular crates tend to be the most well-maintained in
         | my experience. This is definitely something to consider when
         | taking on new dependencies.
         | swsieber wrote:
         | Many things that used to nightly don't anymore. I think the
         | only thing I'm using on nightly is Rocket, and that's set to
         | change soon. May I ask what it was?
       | rvz wrote:
       | Another thing not mentioned is there's still no mature cross-
       | platform production ready GUI libraries written in Rust yet. None
       | of them come even close to Qt or countering Electron. Just mere
       | unmaintained bindings to them. [0]
       | I guess it is either Electron (HTML/CSS/JS) + 200MB Chromium
       | engine or Qt5 (C++) for now.
       | [0] https://www.areweguiyet.com/
         | cxr wrote:
         | > I guess it is either Electron [...]
         | The really crazy thing is that the group that eventually
         | birthed Rust had an acceptably performant Electron alternative
         | even before Electron existed--and it supported both HTML _and_
         | native-ish looking widgets. But they completely underinvested
         | in it and eventually killed it--insisting that they knew better
         | and that no one really needed or wanted it. Meanwhile, Electron
         | is so ridiculously pervasive that it 's regularly brought up in
         | conversation where its of very little relevance _just so people
         | can complain about how popular it is_. The only thing we hear
         | from the former group who strangled their baby, though, is how
         | dire the outlook is for them and their influence on the
         | computing industry.
         | neutronicus wrote:
         | "yet"
         | Most languages never get one, and content themselves with
         | piggybacking off of WxWidgets or JavaScript (or whatever).
           | raphlinus wrote:
           | Indeed. There is certainly no mature GUI framework in Rust
           | yet, simply because it is an extremely ambitious undertaking,
           | but I believe that Rust is by far one of the most promising
           | languages for developing such a thing. I see great vitality
           | both in explorations (for example, figuring out the best
           | patterns for expressing reactivity) as well as
           | infrastructure.
           | I'll give an example of the latter which I find compelling.
           | OpenType shaping (one of the subproblems of text layout) is a
           | notoriously difficult problem, and almost nothing can compete
           | with HarfBuzz, which is written in C++. Yet there is already
           | one pure Rust alternative being used in production, Allsorts
           | (used in Prince XML), and another promising one in
           | development (rustybuzz, being developed by RazrFalcon, who
           | has a track record of shipping ambitious 2D software).
         | est31 wrote:
         | There are a bunch of tiny single person projects but they are
         | young and have tons of missing features and bugs. Ideally,
         | you'd have a team building and maintaining a solution but that
         | requires either an insane amount of coordination (and there's
         | tons of disagreement about which design pattern to use), or
         | money.
       | mbo wrote:
       | > "Rust should have stable ABI" -- I don't think this is a strong
       | argument. Monomorphization is pretty fundamentally incompatible
       | with dynamic linking and there's C ABI if you really need to.
       | This is an interesting topic unto itself, described in one of my
       | favourite pieces of technical writing of all time:
       | How Swift Achieved Dynamic Linking Where Rust Couldn't - Alexis
       | Beingessner - https://gankra.github.io/blah/swift-abi/
       | pron wrote:
       | > we don't know how to create a simpler memory safe low-level
       | language.
       | This may well be true, but using a memory-safe language is never,
       | ever the goal. The goal is creating correct and secure _programs_
       | -- that have as few bugs and security flaws as possible /required
       | -- as cheaply as possible. While a memory safe language in the
       | style of Rust is one means toward that end, that eliminates an
       | important class of bugs at the cost of language complexity, it is
       | not the best way toward that goal, at least not that we know, and
       | it is certainly not the only one [1]. I.e. the hypothesis that if
       | I want to write a program that's as correct as possible/needed as
       | cheaply as possible then I should necessarily use the language
       | that gives me the most sound guarantees regardless of the cost
       | this entails is just some people's guess. It's hard to say if
       | it's a good guess or a bad one because it's clear that we're
       | talking about specific sweet-spots on a wide spectrum of options
       | that could be very context-dependent, but it's still a guess,
       | with good arguments both in its favour as well as against.
       | > In Rust, there are choices to be made, some important enough to
       | have dedicated syntax.
       | Not only that, but those choices are exposed in the type
       | signature and are, therefore, viral. Changing some internal
       | technical implementation detail can require changes in all
       | consumers. This is not a problem with the type system -- on the
       | contrary, Rust's type system ensures that all the changes that
       | need to be made are made -- but it is a fundamental problem with
       | _all_ low level language. They all suffer from _low abstraction_
       | , i.e. a certain interface can represent a smaller number of
       | implementations than in high-level languages (even if the choice
       | is not explicit in the type, like, say, in C, the usage pattern
       | is part of the interface). But Rust's choice to expose such
       | details in the types has its downsides as well.
       | > If you use C, you can use formal methods to prove the absence
       | of undefined behaviors
       | C now also has sound static analysis tools [2] that _guarantee_
       | no undefined behaviour with a nearly fully automatic proof that
       | scales to virtually any code size and requires relatively little
       | effort, certainly compared to a rewrite.
       | [1]: Another low-level language with an emphasis on the same goal
       | of correctness, Zig, takes an approach that is radically
       | different from Rust's and is so simple it can be fully learned in
       | a day or two. Which of the two approaches, if any, is better for
       | correctness can only be answered empirically.
       | [2]: Like https://trust-in-soft.com/, from the makers of Frama-C
       | Karupan wrote:
       | > Complexity - Programmer's time is valuable, and, if you pick
       | Rust, expect to spend some of it on learning the ropes
       | This has been my experience as well. I've been trying out Rust
       | for a week now and as an experienced programmer, the complexity
       | of the language is overwhelming. That said, you don't need to
       | know all language constructs to get started. In the last week,
       | I've been able to build a simple but useful cross-platform GUI
       | app after reading only the ownership/lifetime section of the Rust
       | book.
       | But yes, it is not for everyone and it certainly isn't a simple
       | language to pick up.
       | amelius wrote:
       | > All this complexity is there for a reason -- we don't know how
       | to create a simpler memory safe low-level language. But not every
       | task requires a low-level language to solve it.
       | And what most people forget is that complexity works _against_
       | safety: the less the programmer is distracted by other issues
       | (e.g. memory management), the more they can focus on security.
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | > complexity works against safety.
         | Not always. Java programs have fewer memory-management issues
         | than C programs, and they tend to be less severe.
           | ncmncm wrote:
           | The evidence does not support this assertion. Certainly C
           | programs have a poor record of memory _usage_ errors, but the
           | habit of Java programs routinely needing orders of magnitude
           | more memory to do similar work is well known.
           | Memory leaks are as easy under GC as in C.
             | whateveracct wrote:
             | > Memory leaks are as easy under GC as in C.
             | This is just untrue. And no, allocating a bunch of short-
             | lived objects isn't leaked memory. Neither is the overhead
             | of the GC.
             | MaxBarraclough wrote:
             | > The evidence does not support this assertion.
             | What are you referring to?
             | > C programs have a poor record of memory usage errors
             | Right. The C language allows for all manner of memory-
             | related failures that are impossible in a language like
             | Java. Use-after-free, double-free, and dereferencing _NULL_
             | , are all undefined behaviour in C. In Java, the first two
             | are impossible, and attempting to dereference _null_ throws
             | an exception. It 's possible to do screwy things with Java
             | finalisers, mind.
             | > the habit of Java programs routinely needing orders of
             | magnitude more memory to do similar work is well known
             | Sure, but that's a matter of efficiency, with no bearing on
             | memory safety.
             | > Memory leaks are as easy under GC as in C.
             | They're still _possible_ , but I sincerely doubt they
             | happen with equal frequency between the two languages. I
             | don't know of a good study on this empirical question
             | though.
         | atoav wrote:
         | Not checking things will always be less complex than carrying
         | out a metric ton of checks. But if _checks_ means  "pass or
         | halt" then I don't see how it would impact safety negatively..?
         | Wouldn't _no checks_ equal less recognized bugs and therefore
         | in turn lead to less secure code?
         | elteto wrote:
         | I think you need to develop this point a bit more: at face
         | value it looks (to me) like you are saying:
         | "The borrow checker is more complex than simple malloc/free
         | calls therefore it is less safe."
         | Which is clearly wrong.
           | amelius wrote:
           | But you can also compare it to a GC'd language, which from
           | this viewpoint _is_ safer.
           | A GC'd language, however, is usually not preferred for
           | systems work. However, _most_ applications don 't fall in
           | that category.
             | muldvarp wrote:
             | I don't think GC'ed languages are actually safer from a
             | memory safety viewpoint, they're just easier to use.
             | pjmlp wrote:
             | Mostly due to cargo cult and politics than anything else.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | Can you elaborate more on what you mean, and how you know it to
         | be true? Taking the argument in reverse we might expect
         | programming with just nand gates to be the most safe approach.
         | Do you mean, all else equal, that it works against safety?
           | amelius wrote:
           | What I mean is that the less the programmer is distracted by
           | other issues (e.g. memory management), the more they can
           | focus on security. (I added it to my comment).
       | k__ wrote:
       | Sure, not everything is system programming, but Rust has some
       | higher level features that are even missing in languages like
       | JavaScript and Python. Pattern matching is very powerful.
       | I'm not entirely sure, but have the feeling that Rust's "cons"
       | are mostly short term draw backs and the "pros" could be really
       | valuable in the long run.
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | Not many people just come out and say it, but I think Rust is an
       | ugly programming language. That's a good enough reason for me.
         | cxr wrote:
         | I took _a lot_ of heat for that in a recent thread. There 's
         | really no convincing Rust's most vocal fans what a mistake it
         | was to focus on fixing so few of C++'s problems when they had
         | the opportunity to fix the its-grammar-is-dogshit problem (and
         | slow compiles times) in the same stroke and then completely
         | failed to do so. (Votes were all over the place. At one point
         | that comment was up 10-15 points IIRC even with some
         | opposition, until the Aucklanders woke up and buried it in
         | downvotes. And that was when I was being a lot more polite
         | about it than I am now.) C++ programmers seem to have a
         | permanently altered sense of what constitutes "tastefulness".
         | Every time I think of the ugliness of Rust, I'm reminded of the
         | comments from Stallman where he acknowledges the elegance of
         | Java as an evolution of C's syntax, even though he never
         | chooses to use Java for himself, having always stuck to C and
         | Lisp instead. Then he goes on to trash C++.
         | cuddlecake wrote:
         | Could you try to explain why you think rust is an ugly
         | programming language?
       | jart wrote:
       | TIL Rust is working on its own version of ASAN and UBSAN:
       | https://github.com/rust-lang/miri How shocking.
       | maitredusoi wrote:
       | Rust is certainly powerful but not accessible to all dev. After
       | 12 years of ruby, nothing push me to learn rust. By most I would
       | stick to crystal, which is way morea accessible
       | fortran77 wrote:
       | Thanks! This convinced me. I'll stick to C for low-level, C++ for
       | CUDA stuff, and C# for everything else.
         | gameswithgo wrote:
         | What if you were working on something where a cve or data leak
         | from a buffer overrun could kill the company, or end a life?
           | joerichey wrote:
           | If you're working on safety-citical software, I think using
           | formally verified C code (as discussed in the article) would
           | be the best approch.
           | If a bug could kill someone, you should (to the greatest
           | extent possible) have a proof that such bugs are impossible.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | How do you ensure an unsafe block on an dependency downloaded
           | from cargo out of some pad-left like implementation doesn't
           | do exactly that?
           | Also should be noted that Rust lacks the necessary
           | certifications.
             | dodobirdlord wrote:
             | In a situation where memory unsafety could put people (or
             | the future of the company) at risk downloading random
             | unaudited dependencies off of crates.io is obviously a no-
             | go. Ideally downloading off of crates.io is a no-go during
             | building anyway, since cargo can work with all of your
             | external dependencies mirrored to a local filesystem or
             | your own custom crate registry.
               | pjmlp wrote:
               | So basically the same approach as required by ISO
               | security standards for C, C++, Ada and Java.
           | Ensorceled wrote:
           | People safely wrote software that could kill people long
           | before Rust was invented.
           | ausjke wrote:
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOBXVOAbpdY Rust is not as
           | safe as it claimed, not to mention many will use its unsafe
           | mode in practice anyways.
           | disown wrote:
           | The evangelical hype around rust is quite something. Not only
           | does rust save companies, it saves lives. Check in next week
           | to see if it can stop hair loss.
             | fortran77 wrote:
             | Steve Kablink _does_ have great hair!
           | zelly wrote:
           | Ada, Java, C#, Go, Python
           | 1tCKV3QfIo wrote:
           | Lol, why does it seem that most (if not, all) Rust
           | evangelists are ignorant of formal verification.
         | pjmlp wrote:
         | That was my decision as well after a few forays with Rust in
         | GUI programming, I just add Java alongside with .NET due to
         | different deployment scenarios.
           | nikki93 wrote:
           | Just to clarify: do you still have a realm where you would
           | use Rust?
         | rvz wrote:
         | I'm also convinced that there's still no mature cross-platform
         | GUI libraries written in Rust, so that's that. All you get is a
         | mixture of unmaintained or unstable bindings that may break
         | when the library changes its API.
         | [deleted]
       | ncmncm wrote:
       | This is a pretty good summary.
       | Not to pile on, because Rust is still in a fragile condition, but
       | the point that Rust cannot, and never will be able to call,
       | typical C++ libraries deserves a boost (no pun intended).
       | This matters because C++ has more facilities to encapsulate
       | powerful semantics into libraries than any other language. You
       | can write libraries in C++ that cannot be written in other
       | languages, and people do.
       | This makes it usually impractical to integrate Rust code into an
       | existing modern C++ codebase, unless it implements a wholly
       | independent subsystem. That matters because effectively all of
       | the most demanding systems-level work, today, is conducted in
       | C++, not C (old OS kernels and databases excepted).
       | The longevity problem also deserves attention. The normal,
       | expected fate of any new language is to die. It practically takes
       | a miracle to survive, and we have no way to predict miracles. So,
       | we don't know if there will be anyone to maintain Rust code
       | written today.
       | What will it take to survive? It comes down to numbers. Rust has
       | an excellent adoption rate for a language at this stage. To
       | survive, it _might_ be enough were the rate to increase by two
       | orders of magnitude.
       | You don't get that just by more and better publicity. It needs
       | change. But the changes needed are, by experience, very, very
       | unpopular among existing Rust users.
       | Rust will never displace C++ or C. C++ does things Rust can't. C
       | will dwindle only as its user base retires, because C users
       | actually like it for its failings: it makes them feel tough (or
       | something). Rust is an overwhelmingly better language than Java
       | or Go, and the world would be a better place if Rust were to
       | displace them.
       | But neither of those has the specific problems that the borrow
       | checker demands be solved. They have other, graver weaknesses.
       | So, for Rust to displace them, its advocates will need to change
       | their approach to appeal to users of those languages.
       | That will require at least a different build model that admits an
       | order of magnitude faster builds, and a looser use of the borrow
       | checker that generates less frustration. It might need
       | accommodations to integrate in Go and Java projects, maybe
       | including support for a JVM target, virtual call mechanism, and
       | import of foreign Go and Java modules.
       | To get any of that, the project will need to excite people now in
       | those environments with the prospect of easing their pain. Rust's
       | advantage there is that their pain is great.
         | farresito wrote:
         | > Rust will never displace C++ or C. C++ does things Rust
         | can't.
         | Could you expand a little bit on that?
       | stephc_int13 wrote:
       | In the videogames world we - need very good performance - don't
       | care about memory safety (not an issue) - also need fast compile
       | time
         | est31 wrote:
         | It has improved a little a while ago with the stable profile
         | overrides feature, allowing you to compile dependencies in
         | release mode and your own logic in debug mode. Made work on my
         | Rust written game much easier. But there's still ways to go.
         | Ideally you have an engine and lua/scripting layer anyways.
         | silverdrake11 wrote:
         | You should care about memory safety in any language. The point
         | is to reduce bugs and have more maintainable code, that doesn't
         | introduce memory errors when something is changed. Or when
         | making something concurrent.
         | Now of course if you use a garbage collected language, then you
         | aren't in control of memory, so it's less of an issue. But if
         | you are using C++ for high performance applications such as
         | gaming, then you are in control of it and need memory safety.
         | muldvarp wrote:
         | > In the videogames world we [...] don't care about memory
         | safety (not an issue)
         | Well, that's how you get remote code execution vulnerabilities
         | in CS:GO [1]. If you're doing anything at all over the network
         | you absolutely need to care about memory safety. This doesn't
         | mean that you need to use Rust of course, but security is still
         | an issue.
         | [1] https://hackerone.com/reports/351014
         | jay_kyburz wrote:
         | Why don't we care about memory safety?
         | We care about memory safety as much as any program. Engine code
         | doesn't need fast compile times, scripts do, but they are
         | scripts.
         | sanderjd wrote:
         | I see this claim a lot, but I don't remember the last time I
         | played a game with no network access. If you're capable of
         | opening ports to the mad world of the internet, I think memory
         | safety is relevant. But I'd love to be educated on why this is
         | wrong.
       | csomar wrote:
       | > Rust is a systems programming language.
       | While Rust is a systems programming language, it has a very
       | advanced Traits system. This makes it, in my opinion, more
       | powerful than your average scripting language (Python,
       | JavaScript, etc...) I have recently used Rust for something that
       | I should have, normally, used JavaScript or Python for. Based on
       | my experience, I probably gained in development time because I
       | didn't do much debugging. Rust code _just_ works, it 's simply
       | amazing.
       | > Complexity
       | One way to approach this, is to actually enjoy this complexity
       | because there is _real_ theoretical computer science behind it.
       | It 's not complexity for its own sake.
       | > Compile Times
       | This one is really annoying even with a powerful processor.
       | > Maturity
       | I'd argue that since many high profile companies like Facebook,
       | Google and Microsoft used Rust to start new projects (like Libra,
       | Fuchsia); Rust is stable enough to be used in a production
       | capacity. You'll probably benefit more if the project is new and
       | thus have less time dealing with C compatibility.
       | jhoechtl wrote:
       | Too complicated which means when your lead rust dev leaves good
       | luck finding another one.
         | mhh__ wrote:
         | It definitely wouldn't be easy as finding your next web
         | developer (or similar) but relatively niche languages (in my
         | experience) tend to have some very clever people on their
         | forums (or similar) so - especially for Rust which is a
         | established language in my mind these days - you shouldn't have
         | that much of a problem finding someone technically capable (HR
         | notwithstanding)
         | dodobirdlord wrote:
         | If you run a Rust shop you need to invest in training and
         | mentoring. It's probably not the right choice for a butts-in-
         | seats feature factory.
         | pizza234 wrote:
         | If one chooses manual memory managment, the "complicatedness"
         | (as you put it) is not a matter of the language, it's a matter
         | of programming type.
         | As other computer engineering concepts (e.g. referential
         | integrity in database systems), the lack [of implementation] of
         | a feature (e.g. foreign keys) doesn't make a system that needs
         | that concept simple - it just shifts it to the application
         | level.
         | est31 wrote:
         | As the article says, it's a chicken and egg problem. Small
         | number of jobs, means small number of people who have had those
         | jobs in the past and now have those 6 years of experience with
         | Rust plus minimum 4 years of leadership experience. Means more
         | deciders having the attitude you have instead of "let's go with
         | Rust!".
       (page generated 2020-09-20 23:00 UTC)