[HN Gopher] Tail Recursion and Debugging (2011)
       Tail Recursion and Debugging (2011)
       Author : lelf
       Score  : 53 points
       Date   : 2020-09-19 22:22 UTC (2 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (funcall.blogspot.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (funcall.blogspot.com)
       | pizlonator wrote:
       | This is like some kind of artwork, and it's a masterpiece.
       | Whether you want to see tail deleted frames or not depends a lot
       | on how you code. I can appreciate both sides of the argument and
       | haven't ever really made up my own mind.
       | bachmeier wrote:
       | > Tail recursion can be easily inlined, however it is my
       | understanding that the Java creators specifically chose not to
       | implement this, as it makes resultant code hard to debug (if not
       | impossible).
       | That has always been a strange argument. You can turn features on
       | and off, so the "it's hard to debug" argument doesn't make sense.
       | Scala added @tailrec and I don't think I've ever heard complaints
       | about it. Clojure has recur. Both are JVM languages.
       | gumby wrote:
       | There's no reason a -g build couldn't maintain a small stack of
       | arg breadcrumbs which would go a long way to address this. Or
       | simply don't make a tail call for debugging builds (might be hard
       | when you use tail call for large iterations though)
       | rjmunro wrote:
       | You don't get a stack trace from an ordinary loop, but somehow we
       | manage. As long as it is clear that tail recursion happened, not
       | having a complete stack trace doesn't seem like the end of the
       | world.
         | mannykannot wrote:
         | Indeed; to debug either a loop or a recursive function (and
         | whether the latter is using tail-call recursion optimization or
         | not) you often need to see the data. Given a stack trace
         | showing only calls without arguments, about the only extra
         | datum you get with non-optimized recursion is how deep it went.
         | In terms of debugging, tail-call elimination is no worse than
         | the optimizations typically applied to loops.
         | ufo wrote:
         | I think this might be what the author was trying to say with
         | that inscrutable stack trace that they weaved between the
         | various quotes. It would be reasonable to argue that all those
         | FilterDefinition.doFilter are making it harder to debug the
         | stack trace, not easier.
         | nradov wrote:
         | Some platforms such as the JVM allow for recording debuggers
         | which can keep a record of all opcodes executed. So developers
         | can play back a recording and step forward and back in time to
         | observe state changes.
         | braythwayt wrote:
         | The equally interesting implication of your comment that "we
         | don't get a stack trace from an ordinary loop" is that maybe we
         | should have logging and introspection the behaviour of loops,
         | and the fact that we have them for function invocation but not
         | for loops is combination of a historical accident and a lack of
         | interest in rethinking how languages are implemented.
           | pkaye wrote:
           | What information should be logged? And if the loop iterates
           | for a million times, should we log it every time?
             | Jtsummers wrote:
             | It could be an option when debugging like adding a trace to
             | your function calls. And the amount of tracing (how much is
             | stored) could be configured.
             | Depending on the loop syntax, presumably you'd want to know
             | (in the case of a for loop) what variables are initialized,
             | what the test condition is and its result, and what is
             | altered. But, in the case of C for loops as an example,
             | this wouldn't be easy to automate since the user can always
             | do something like:                 for(;;) {
             | if(condition) break;         // other logic       }
             | In the best case (which would be the most data-ful case and
             | hardest to use) you'd log all changes that occur within the
             | loop. What you really want would be smaller, like detecting
             | the break and the condition leading to it and watch that.
             | More realistically, you probably want to document your loop
             | invariants with assertions which could be optionally
             | recorded in your trace output.
             | heavenlyblue wrote:
             | how hard is it to log a million messages?
             | braythwayt wrote:
             | I guess you're suggesting that adding a million lines to a
             | log is excessive. But in my math, you can count lines like
             | this: 1, 2, 3, ..., the-number-of-lines-that-fit-in-a-
             | window, many.
             | Once you have more lines than fit in a window, you've
             | already got "many" and now it's time to talk about tooling
             | like searching logs.
             | A million lines of log feels like an excessive waste
             | intuitively, but that's only because I was brought up on
             | 8-bit computers with 16K of RAM. Now my watch has more
             | power than probably all of the computers I owned in the
             | 20th century put together, and a single image it displays
             | might have more bits than a million lines of a log file.
             | ---
             | I know this stuff isn't free, but we should at least
             | consider the possibility that what we really need are
             | proper and comprehensive logs/traces, and a "stack trace"
             | is nothing more than an abbreviated execution trace that
             | just happens to be relatively cheap to collect when
             | something goes wrong.
         | agapon wrote:
         | It's not the end of the world, of course, but sometimes it
         | makes debugging much harder. Especially with higher
         | optimization levels.
       | thamer wrote:
       | For the JVM it's worth noting that Project Loom[1], while so far
       | focused mainly on concurrency features like virtual threads and
       | continuations also includes a proposal to implement better tail
       | calls in the JVM:
       | > it is also the goal of this project to add an even lighter-
       | weight construct that will allow unwinding the stack to some
       | point and then invoke a method with given arguments (basically, a
       | generalization of efficient tail-calls). We will call that
       | feature unwind-and-invoke, or UAI. It is not the goal of this
       | project to add an automatic tail-call optimization to the JVM.
       | Since this paragraph is explicit about the feature not being
       | "automatic", it'll be interesting to see what form this takes.
       | [1] https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rpressler/loom/Loom-
       | Proposal.ht...
       | grantjpowell wrote:
       | This is satire right? The author's point is that this stack trace
       | isn't very helpful because it's repeating the same thing over and
       | over?
         | mcguire wrote:
         | The trace isn't repeating. Those are individual call stack
         | records. It is just printing the trace as it is.
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | They didn't say the trace was repeating.
       | thewisenerd wrote:
       | oh;
       | I remember debugging something similar on maven due to a circular
       | dependency somehow that only broke my team's project;
       | ran mvnDebug, connecting jdb; stacktrace crapped out; dumping
       | variables, and adding the appropriate <exclusion> worked :D
       | that was the highlight of my sunday evening.
       | https://github.com/apache/maven-resolver/blob/d1d30018b990f7...
       | thewisenerd wrote:
       | it's funny how there's a framesInCommon removal for printing out
       | stack traces; but something similar _could_ likely be added for x
       | lines repeating y times continuously
       | (_could_ because I don't know how mathematically hard that is)
         | duckerude wrote:
         | Here's one implementation:
         | https://github.com/ipython/ipython/blob/be5c0545c3/IPython/c...
       | nonbirithm wrote:
       | I personally find it annoying that you can't create a full CPU
       | benchmarking tree from function calls in LuaJIT because the debug
       | information in tail calls is elided. That means you have to guess
       | if a function return went up the stack multiple times and it
       | doesn't always work. So now I'm trying to figure out other ways
       | of profiling my code.
       (page generated 2020-09-21 23:02 UTC)