[HN Gopher] Traefik, Now With Native Go Plugins
       Traefik, Now With Native Go Plugins
       Author : emilevauge
       Score  : 118 points
       Date   : 2020-09-23 15:43 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (traefik.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (traefik.io)
       | djsumdog wrote:
       | I replaced my haproxy setup with Traefik and it works pretty
       | wonderfully. The LetsEncrypt integration works really well.
       | I don't really have any interest in plugins personally, but this
       | is still quite an amazing project.
         | rileymichael wrote:
         | The only thing keeping me from switching is the removal of
         | "distributed LetsEncrypt" in 2.0. I get that it's a non-issue
         | for k8s setups with cert-manager, but people aren't always
         | using k8s and it's still a feature in the enterprise edition.
           | 3np wrote:
           | Could you elaborate what you mean? While it'd be ideal to
           | store certs in vault, I'm having it run fine in orchestrated
           | containerization with the cert storage on a distributed
           | filesystem.
       | JanMa wrote:
       | I am really happy to finally see them adding some functionality
       | to add custom middlewares to Traefik. However it leaves a bad
       | taste in my mouth that in order to use it, you have to sign up to
       | their new SaaS. Especially when keeping in mind that this is the
       | "most requested feature" of the community.
       | castis wrote:
       | There hadn't been an elegant way to get geoip information to
       | downstream nginx servers until this.
       | Fantastic, looking forward to playing with this.
       | password4321 wrote:
       | Does anyone have time to explain the downsides of the HashiCorp
       | plugin approach (gRPC to another process) vs. creating an
       | interpreter?
       | https://github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | Using an interpreter locks you into the interpreter's language
         | (e.g., no NodeJS, Python, etc plugins), but you are able to
         | pass around memory and call procedures from the host program
         | directly instead of having to write an IPC shim layer.
         | EDIT: Updated for accuracy
           | thegeekpirate wrote:
           | They actually created their own interpreter
           | https://github.com/traefik/yaegi
           | Here's their original announcement post
           | https://traefik.io/blog/announcing-yaegi-263a1e2d070a
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | oof, I noticed that they referenced a different
             | interpreter; didn't realize they also created it. My bad.
       | tapirl wrote:
       | I never built Traefik successfully. The same is for tag v2.3.0.
       | $ go build ./... go: finding module for package
       | github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/autogen/genstatic
       | cmd/traefik/traefik.go:18:2: module
       | github.com/traefik/traefik@latest found (v1.7.26), but does not
       | contain package github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/autogen/genstatic
         | jspdown wrote:
         | In order to build Traefik you have to get go-bindata and run
         | the go generate command. You can find more information on
         | https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/contributing/building-testing...
           | tapirl wrote:
           | Got it. Built in successfully now. Thanks.
       | d33 wrote:
       | I wish I could like Traefik, but it really isn't easy.
       | The use case in our Hackerspace was to dispatch different Docker
       | containers through our wild-card subdomains. Traefik is supposed
       | to also automatically create TLS certificates. I had numerous
       | problems with the Let's Encrypt functionality.
       | Debugging information is quite cryptic, the documentation seems
       | all over to me, which is even more problematic given the number
       | of breaking changes between 1.x and 2.x versions. The way you
       | automatically configure things through Docker labels means that a
       | simple typo can render your configuration ignored.
       | Also, plugging in Traefik to complex docker-compose projects such
       | as Sentry or Gitlab is next to impossible, because of networking:
       | whatever I tried, Traefik just couldn't pick up containers and
       | forward to them unless I changed the definition of every single
       | container in the docker-compose to include an extra network. I
       | don't feel this should be this complex.
       | Sometimes I just feel that we should get back to using Nginx and
       | write our rules manually. While the concept of Traefik is
       | awesome, the way one uses it is extremely cumbersome.
         | fuzzy2 wrote:
         | I actually have the same setup and it's working perfectly fine,
         | even with my IPv4+6 specific address only config + lots of
         | file-based configuration. I absolutely recommend using the TLS
         | challenge with Let's Encrypt.
         | No problems with Docker (Compose) networks either, but I'm not
         | using it with GitLab because I have enough IPs.
         | The biggest problem I see is the accumulation of certificates
         | that will all be kept up-to-date, whether in use or not.
           | zwayhowder wrote:
           | I also have a working system that I found very easy (for me)
           | to setup.
           | Recently it all came crashing down when an old domain I had
           | expired and I was no longer able to update the DNS in Digital
           | Ocean. The one - unused - domain failing stopped Traefik
           | renewing all my certificates. But I'm also on 1.7 still and
           | really should update to 2.x
         | atombender wrote:
         | I worked on a project last year where we tried using Traefik on
         | Kubernetes together with Let's Encrypt certs. It worked...
         | sometimes.
         | We had significant issues with Traefik not allocating or
         | renewing certs, resulting in some painful outages. The worst
         | part was that there was no workaround; when adding a new domain
         | to an ingress, it was completely incomprehensible why Traefik
         | wasn't requesting a cert, or indeed why it wasn't renewing
         | older ones that were close to expiration. We filed GitHub
         | issues with concrete errors, but they were never addressed. At
         | the time, I tried to debug Traefik to understand how it worked
         | and maybe chase down some of those bugs. I don't like to speak
         | ill of other people's code -- let's just say that peeking under
         | the covers made me realize _perfectly_ why Traefik was so
         | brittle and buggy.
         | We eventually ditched Traefik in favour of Google Load Balancer
         | ingresses, combined with Cert-Manager for Let's Encrypt, and
         | this combination worked flawlessly out of the box despite not
         | being a 1.0 release at the time. The beauty of this setup is
         | that the control plane (cert and ingress configuration) is kept
         | separate from the data plane (web server), so the two can be
         | maintained and upgraded/replaced separately.
           | pibefision wrote:
           | I second this. It's incredible complex to debug how Traefik
           | understand it's configuration, and also documentation and
           | examples over the internet are very confusing because the
           | version 1.x vs 2.x changes.
         | kalev wrote:
         | Ouch, we're currently using nginx but recently switched one
         | service to use traefik. I'm so afraid what you describe is what
         | will bite us in the end. I wrote treafik instead of traefik in
         | one of the labels and only noticed it after hours of debugging.
         | When it works, it works great. But to get it in that state..
           | viraptor wrote:
           | I see where the op is coming from, but I found the debugging
           | quite easy in practice. If something doesn't work, go to the
           | traefik panel and find the element you're looking for. If
           | it's not there, it's normally fairly obvious.
       | codethief wrote:
       | I've been wanting to use Traefik for a long time but there's this
       | security issue[0] that's almost two(!) years old now that's been
       | keeping me from deploying it in production. As far as I can tell,
       | there's still no out-of-the-box solution that's not overly
       | complicated and won't come back to haunt me a year or two from
       | now.
       | [0] https://github.com/traefik/traefik/issues/4174
       | [1] https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/providers/docker/#docker-
       | api-...
         | TheDong wrote:
         | That so called "security issue" is silly.
         | You don't have to deploy traefik with docker. If you want
         | traefik to monitor new docker containers to add routes for
         | them, of course traefik needs to talk to the docker api to do
         | so.
         | The docker api has no way to control access such that it's not
         | equivalent to root access.
         | However, there's no real vulnerability. I'm happy to provide
         | you a url hosted by traefik with the docker integration
         | enabled, no docker socket proxy, etc, and if you can manage to
         | actually escalate permissions, I'll give you 500 bucks. But, of
         | course, you can't. That security issue is just a "defense in
         | depth" issue, and it's an issue for docker, not traefik.
         | This would be like saying "traefik uses the linux kernel api to
         | open files, but the linux kernel requires traefik validate what
         | goes into that api or else it could allow file path
         | traversal"... But traefik does validate filepaths and so no one
         | makes that complaint.
         | Similarly, traefik does validate that only safe docker api
         | calls are made and works hard to prevent any sort of remote
         | code execution, so the issue is not a security issue, but a
         | defense in depth proposal that is really a feature request for
         | the docker project.
         | kayson wrote:
         | This is very easily solved by using a proxy for the docker
         | socket:
         | https://github.com/Tecnativa/docker-socket-proxy
         | https://github.com/traefik/traefik/issues/4174#issuecomment-
         | Create a private network that only connects Traefik and the
         | proxy, and limit Traefik's access to only the GET requests it
         | needs to operate. Now the socket is only exposed to a local
         | container.
         | emilevauge wrote:
         | This security issue is not that simple to manage as you
         | probably know. It's mainly due to the fact that there is now
         | way to have authorization on the the docker API. This is not
         | the case on Kubernetes for example where you have RBAC to
         | prevent this kind of issue. We have described this in detail in
         | our documentation, and you have many solutions/workarounds to
         | address this:
         | https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/providers/docker/#docker-api-...
           | Spivak wrote:
           | Yeah, I'm surprised that this is such a sticking point.
           | There's nothing that anyone who isn't Docker Inc. can do to
           | fix the problem that, by default, Docker is all or nothing.
           | It would be nice if Docker could expose a read-only endpoint
           | but c'est la vie.
           | The only solution I've seen/used that wasn't convoluted or
           | brittle is running a little daemon to just shovel container
           | metadata into Consul and going from there.
         | 3np wrote:
         | You've probably discounted this for some reason already, but
         | why not use something more built for service discovery - e.g.
         | Consul Catalog / k8s / etcd?
       | rcarmo wrote:
       | I would _really_ like to see social auth middleware (something
       | like authelia, but simpler to setup and deploy, especially as an
       | ingress).
         | jerryoftheyear wrote:
         | Sign me up for an easy to use 2FA layer I can put in front of
         | services.
           | thegagne wrote:
           | I've been toying with Azure OpenID Connect w/ Cloudflare
           | Workers. Not local to the datacenter but you could probably
           | do something similar elsewhere?
         | rad_gruchalski wrote:
         | Like this but a plugin? https://github.com/thomseddon/traefik-
         | forward-auth
           | thomseddon wrote:
           | I'm planning to release this as a plugin :)
       | mvertes wrote:
       | Awesome use of yaegi interpreter!
         | kodablah wrote:
         | So the Go middleware is interpreted? Curious how that works
         | with a request lazy/large body reader and a response lazy/large
         | body writer? What kind of overhead is added to each invocation
         | of read/write there?
           | mvertes wrote:
           | from what we measured on a gzip compression plugin, only a
           | few percents of overhead. Because the gzip part is compiled.
           | Only the plugin glue is interpreted.
       | johnchristopher wrote:
       | Quick question: is this the beginning of monetization of some of
       | traefik future features ?
         | akerro wrote:
         | yes, I think it's called marketplace for a reason.
       | jdoliner wrote:
       | I really wish Go plugins got some more love from the go team. It
       | looks like this is using Yaegi a Go interpreter, which is
       | probably the only reasonable choice. Go's plugin package requires
       | that the plugin be compiled with exactly the same compiler
       | version as the main binary. So you need to recompile every plugin
       | for every new release, at least if you upgrade the compiler
       | between releases which you often do. It also doesn't work on
       | windows.
         | emilevauge wrote:
         | Indeed, go plugins were our initial choice
         | (https://github.com/traefik/traefik/pull/1865). But you said
         | everything about how bad/impossible the workflow would have
         | been for users. Building from scratch a go interpreter was not
         | the easiest way, but this was the best solution regarding the
         | UX.
         | slx26 wrote:
         | There was a public doc talking about the golang linker that
         | addressed this issue at the end. My comment at the time and the
         | post can be found here [0]. I guess there's some hope, but I
         | haven't looked into it again, so I don't know whether anything
         | is moving forward or not.
         | [0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20957741
       | sagichmal wrote:
       | > Rather than being pre-compiled and linked, however, plugins are
       | executed on the fly by Yaegi, an embedded Go interpreter.
       | Woof, no thank you.
       | Go is basically incompatible with any kind of plugin-like dynamic
       | linking. There are basically two reasonable models for doing
       | something like plugins: the HashiCorp model, where plugins are
       | actually separate processes that do some kind of intra-process
       | communication with the host; or the Caddy model, where you select
       | which plugins you want when downloading the binary, and they're
       | built-in at compile time.
         | unixhero wrote:
         | I'm sure you're onto something. But I can't really decipher
         | whats bad here and which of the two scenarios you mention apply
         | to go interpreted plugins.
         | alufers wrote:
         | There is the "plugin" package which seems really cool and fits
         | the simplistic style of Go (tbh I haven't tried this module
         | myself, only glanced at the documentation), but it does not
         | work on Windows, which I think is the reason it is not used.
         | The ticket about adding Windows support to the plugin package
         | is one of the highest rated ones on Go's GitHub, yet it is
         | still open.
           | slx26 wrote:
           | See jdoliner's comment and replies on this thread for more
           | context and information.
         | hinkley wrote:
         | Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Caddy model requires curation,
         | doesn't it?
         | Plugins and scripting languages flourish when they democratize
         | the process of adding features to a piece of code. To have
         | prebuilt binaries you need a build matrix, and the complexity
         | of the build matrix is somewhere between exponential and
         | factorial.
         | This is a perverse incentive for the curators. The cost has to
         | be justified, and as the friction grows you can only justify
         | the things that you have a strong affinity for. Anything you
         | don't understand or don't like gets voted off the island.
         | In the best addon ecosystems, the core maintainers put some
         | safety rails on the system so the addons can't do anything too
         | crazy. Then they watch the cream of the crop and start trying
         | to include them in the base functionality (limiting the number
         | of optional features the majority of their users have to
         | manually pick). The hard part here is how to reward the people
         | whose ideas you just co-opted, and I don't have a great answer
         | for that (although money and/or a free license for life is a
         | good start)
         | saurik wrote:
         | How can they possibly be calling this "native"? :/
       (page generated 2020-09-23 23:01 UTC)