[HN Gopher] Gitter is joining Matrix
       Gitter is joining Matrix
       Author : BubuIIC
       Score  : 522 points
       Date   : 2020-09-30 13:21 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (matrix.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (matrix.org)
       | sandGorgon wrote:
       | Congratulations to Element ! Gitter is a fantastic platform . Are
       | we possibly going to see Gitter become a reference open source
       | implementation of Matrix ?
       | mleonhard wrote:
       | If you granted Gitter access to Gitlab, you granted it full read
       | access to everything in your Gitlab account. This is because
       | Gitlab does not yet support restricted access grants [1].
       | Soon https://element.io will have that full access. Now is a good
       | time to check your Gitlab access grants:
       | https://gitlab.com/profile/applications
       | [1] "Support restricting OAuth tokens to specific projects and
       | groups " https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/22115
         | Arathorn wrote:
         | Absolutely - at Element we categorically have zero desire to
         | have access to anything in your GL accounts. On the other hand,
         | for the same reason, we're not going to exploit that :/
       | adsjhdashkj wrote:
       | Can anyone comment on the state of UX with Element these days?
       | I'm changing to Linux/Windows from Mac, so i'm dumping iMessage -
       | but i'm not convinced Signal has a good enough UX to keep me and
       | my family happy.
       | Sidenote, i love how i can pay Element and support
       | Matrix/Element.
         | robjan wrote:
         | Element is probably harder to use than Signal for less
         | technically inclined users.
         | There are some other matrix clients, like Pattle, which hide
         | much of the complexity and give a more familiar UX to other
         | messaging apps.
         | Shared404 wrote:
         | Personally speaking, I'm extremely happy with Element.
         | With good UX, easy encryption, the option to self host if you
         | feel so inclined, I haven't found anything to complain about.
         | DenseComet wrote:
         | If you want to support the project and get something from it, a
         | good way is to get yourself a hosted server from Element. The
         | cheapest plan is $10 per month for 5 users, and includes things
         | like a custom domain.
         | https://element.io/plans-and-pricing/pro
         | j-james wrote:
         | In my opinion, Signal's UX is better than Element. Element's
         | distinction of rooms / communities is not great, and hindered
         | by the user interface. Although, after checking out Element
         | again, all the other parts of the UI that I thought were
         | unintuitive were changed up, so it's certainly improving.
         | Particularly for the situation you described - small, family
         | chats - I'd recommend Signal over Element / Matrix.
         | Avamander wrote:
         | Still not good, confusing and not very fast. Like Keybase four
         | years ago. They have some catching up to do and I hope they do
         | it before Keybase is shut down.
         | If a Riot contributor is reading this comment, go try Keybase
         | out while you still can, there are things it does well.
       | djsumdog wrote:
       | Interesting. Is there already a Gitter->Matrix bridge, and that
       | would essentially be going away once Gitter fully supports
       | Matrix? It seems like they're not changing Gitter to talk Matrix,
       | but actually switching the backend to be Matrix? Is that right?
         | decentralisedog wrote:
         | The short term plan is to replace the existing (rather rubbish)
         | Gitter<->Matrix bridge with a fully featured bridge that
         | seamlessly bridges between Gitter and Matrix.
         | The long term plan folding gitter.im features into Element and
         | Gitter users will migrate to using Element and Matrix.
       | TooCreative wrote:
       | I really like to use IRC on the terminal via Irssi.
       | Can Irssi be used to access this matrix thing?
       | If not, is there some nice matrix command line client in the
       | Debian repos?
       | Or maybe someone could just make an IRC server which is a bridge
       | to matrix?
         | mewmewblobcat wrote:
         | There's matrix-ircd which exposes Matrix servers as an IRC
         | server. So, I'm pretty sure what you want already exists.
         | andolanra wrote:
         | Matrix is based on an open documented protocol, which means it
         | welcomes multiple implementations. There are several terminal-
         | based clients, which you can see on their current client list,
         | and I wouldn't be surprised if more appear over time:
         | https://matrix.org/clients/
         | There are also Matrix-IRC bridges that already exist:
         | https://matrix.org/bridges/#irc
         | Valodim wrote:
         | Obligatory https://xkcd.com/1782/
         | 3np wrote:
         | > Can Irssi be used to access this matrix thing?
         | Yup. I haven't tried it myself and I think there are different
         | ways to set that up but this could be a start (I think this is
         | more targeted towards bridging matrix and IRC, which may or may
         | not be what you want): https://matrix.org/bridges/#irc
         | > If not, is there some nice matrix command line client in the
         | Debian repos?
         | Not sure what's in the mainline debian repos but there are some
         | decent CLI clients, yes: https://matrix.org/clients/
         | If you're OK with weechat you can use that already :)
         | IMO matrix is already mature to be an IRC killer (caveat
         | federated/decentralized identities, if that's something you
         | require but arguably IRC doesn't have that either).
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | Can you explain the caveat? Federated identity seems to be
           | what matrix already offers. Even if the main instance at
           | matrix.org dominates.
         | lukeramsden wrote:
         | You could use an IRC Bridge https://github.com/matrix-
         | org/matrix-appservice-irc As for direct access from the command
         | line, I don't know.
         | dangsBoss wrote:
         | use weechat, you fucking looser. irssi is outdated!
         | eeZah7Ux wrote:
         | Be aware that the bridges between matrix.org and IRC are often
         | unreliable.
           | Arathorn wrote:
           | this has historically due to the matrix.org (where those
           | bridges live) being thoroughly overloaded. these days (since
           | ~May) we have it under control and it should be pretty
           | robust.
         | louib wrote:
         | There's a weechat plugin for matrix that's being actively
         | developed here https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix-rs.
         | this_user wrote:
         | > If not, is there some nice matrix command line client in the
         | Debian repos?
         | There is the gomuks client (https://github.com/tulir/gomuks)
         | for the command line. I'm not sure about the Debian package,
         | though.
         | Arathorn wrote:
         | I'm not sure anyone has written an irssi plugin specifically,
         | but there's an _excellent_ weechat plugin
         | (https://github.com/poljar/weechat-matrix). As others have
         | said, there's also matrix-ircd which exposes all of Matrix as
         | an IRC server you can connect to from whatever IRC client
         | floats your boat, but you end up speaking the subset of Matrix
         | which can be represented as IRC, which is a bit of a shame.
       | ocdtrekkie wrote:
       | This is awesome. I found Gitter super handy because of it's close
       | tie to repos, but being able to reach it from Element would be
       | really nice.
         | mike-cardwell wrote:
         | You already could, before this announcement. For example, want
         | to join https://gitter.im/hashicorp-consul/Lobby ? Then join
         | #gitter_hashicorp-consul=2FLobby:matrix.org from Element.
           | Arathorn wrote:
           | yup, but the experience is pretty dire, particularly on the
           | Gitter side of the bridge. The intention instead is to be
           | able to join #hashicorp-consul_lobby:gitter.im in Matrix, and
           | have all the Gitter users natively there in Matrix... but
           | also all the Matrix users there natively in Gitter :)
       | jondubois wrote:
       | I thought Gitter had already been acquired by GitLab?
         | boleary-gl wrote:
         | GitLab team member here.
         | That is correct - in 2017
         | https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2017/03/15/gitter-acquisition/.
         | But as announced today, Gitter will be going to Matrix going
         | forward.
       | [deleted]
       | siraben wrote:
       | This is great news. I've used Gitter for communication in some
       | open source projects, and have always found certain things
       | painful. My favorite points from the article are;
       | - Improving iOS and Android apps. At least in the iOS case, the
       | experience is abysmal (the web interface is similarly so)
       | - Replacement of the matrix-appservice-gitter bridge. I've used
       | the Matrix <-> Gitter bridge for some time now but there's much
       | left to be desired, such as proper edit and deletion of messages
       | to and from the services.
       | Overall, it's great to see less future fragmentation in the chat
       | systems developers use, reminds me of the XKCD comic[0] and a
       | modification showing the matrix.org bridges[1]
       | [0] https://xkcd.com/1810/
       | [1] https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/0*vILzcbWOi7e4RtK0
         | ncmncm wrote:
         | Funny that with all the circles, Discord isn't there.
         | Or Gitter.
       | reitanuki wrote:
       | This is interesting and unexpected news.
       | acd wrote:
       | I am happy and thankful to the developers that open source chat
       | is joining forces. It's the right thing todo!
       | Nuzzerino wrote:
       | I've found trying to get help from any project that uses Gitter
       | to be a huge pain. It seems that people hardly ever check
       | messages on there. I hope this helps the situation from a UX
       | perspective. Maybe can provide better notification management
       | options?
       | jeffail wrote:
       | I'm massively rooting for this. I really wanted to use Gitter as
       | the official chat for my projects, but the experience was just so
       | painful that I ended up fragmenting the community across Discord
       | and a gated Slack. I would love to have a forever home where I
       | can feel comfortable getting everyone on board.
       | varbhat wrote:
       | So, how long will it take (approximate) to complete the mentioned
       | process ?
       | Also, I think that matrix ecosystem will grow from this move.
         | Arathorn wrote:
         | We hope to get Gitter natively speaking Matrix in the coming
         | months. It'll probably be a year or so before Element has
         | feature parity with Gitter though :)
           | xbar wrote:
           | Good luck. We're all counting on you.
           | kzrdude wrote:
           | Sounds like an optimistic plan.
           | (Note: I've never used gitter. Registering on another funky
           | and closed chat platform was never a hurdle I managed to jump
           | over. Going for matrix sounds awesome, I have an identity
           | there.)
       | kuon wrote:
       | I really like matrix, but there is one important feature missing
       | : threads.
       | Once threads will be implemented, I am sure matrix will grow a
       | lot more, especially inside enterprises.
       | I hope the merge will help with that. Best of luck both teams.
       | jerodsanto wrote:
       | Additional topics discussed in our just-released conversation[1]
       | with GitLab and Element leads:
       | 1. What happened to "ChatOps" and why is GitLab divesting in this
       | space?
       | 2. Who contacted whom? What are some details of the acquisition
       | process and negotiations?
       | 3. What does this mean at a practical sense for existing Gitter
       | users?
       | 4. What's going to happen in the next 6, 12, and 18 months?
       | [1]: https://changelog.com/podcast/414
         | sytse wrote:
         | 1. ChatOps is still a feature of GitLab
         | https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/chatops/ and supports multiple
         | chat platforms. GitLab doesn't need to own the chat to make
         | chatops work.
         | 2. GitLab contacted Matrix.
         | I think 3. and 4. have answers in
         | https://matrix.org/blog/2020/09/30/welcoming-gitter-to-matri...
           | sm4rk0 wrote:
           | I believe that grandparent wanted us to listen to the
           | interview (:
         | tha0x5 wrote:
         | "ChatOps" almost invariably means Slack. That's why GitLab is
         | divesting in that space.
         | Look at what happened HipChat, Stride, etc.
       | dangsBoss wrote:
       | From the optimalized side we are always sorry that anything
       | joiins the Matrix enclave. Matrix is so over-utilized and under-
       | optimalized, I hope they will do something about it, since it's
       | embarrassing that Mozilla co uses it as their war-room, and,
       | wait, that it sucks so much. Mozilla is semi-corrupt so perhaps
       | that's the CO'd answer. Matrix sucks, even Discord is danged
       | better.
       | theon144 wrote:
       | Way cool! Anecdotally, of course, but a sizeable number of Matrix
       | rooms I was in were actually bridged Gitter rooms. Looking
       | forward to tighter integration!
       | Avamander wrote:
       | I really hope that Gitter chat histories will be still kept
       | search-engine indexed the way they are right now.
         | Arathorn wrote:
         | they will.
       | pknopf wrote:
       | GitLab hasn't been giving it any attention. All they need is a
       | checkmark in their portfolio.
         | akerro wrote:
         | Yes, shame GitLab didn't integrate Gitter natively into public
         | projects same way issues and roadmaps are integrated.
           | YorickPeterse wrote:
           | I recall we considered this at various stages a few years
           | back. I think this was around the same time we introduced our
           | chatops integration.
           | I don't know the exact details and can't speak for others,
           | but I suspect GitLab realised that chat(ops) tools are hard
           | to sell and our time is better spent elsewhere. It's a shame
           | though, having Gitter/chat directly integrated in a project
           | (properly, not using e.g. an iframe) would've been pretty
           | cool.
             | Arathorn wrote:
             | Ironically Gitter moving to Matrix probably makes this more
             | likely - as integrating Matrix into GitLab would be much
             | more sensible than integrating a single opinionated client
             | like Gitter, given if GitLab properly spoke Matrix for
             | chatops, it'd then be available to anyone in Matrix
             | (Gitter, Element, or any platform bridged into Matrix -
             | Slack, Discord, etc)
               | akerro wrote:
               | element already has some gitlab integrations
         | [deleted]
       | Arathorn wrote:
       | From the Matrix side, we're ridiculously happy to have the
       | opportunity to defragment developer chat a bit, and get folks on
       | Gitter natively talking to folks elsewhere on Matrix (including
       | bridged to IRC, Slack, Discord or whatever). The fragmentation of
       | FOSS development chat into proprietary silos a few years back was
       | incredibly depressing, and this is our attempt to put right what
       | once went wrong :) Happy to try to answer any questions from the
       | Matrix side!
       | Also, https://techcrunch.com/2020/09/30/element-acquires-gitter-
       | to... is a pretty massive deep-dive into the migration, and The
       | Changelog did a big podcast covering off all the details on both
       | the GitLab/Gitter and Element/Matrix side:
       | https://changelog.com/podcast/414
         | samschooler wrote:
         | Don't know if you have access to the Gitter side but as of now,
         | the blog post is 404ing https://blog.gitter.im/gitter-element-
         | acquisition/
           | wut42 wrote:
           | The correct URL is https://blog.gitter.im/2020/09/30/gitter-
           | element-acquisition...
             | Arathorn wrote:
             | oops, Ghost fail; fixed now :)
         | mathnmusic wrote:
         | One of the best features of Gitter is that it can be embedded
         | on webpages which reduces a lot of friction for public
         | communities. Please keep that feature and perhaps, even
         | replicate it in Matrix. This can be a unique value prop for
         | both over the proprietary ones. Plus, it enriches the Web as
         | opposed to moving all things into app silos.
           | Arathorn wrote:
           | For sure. Matrix is sprouting this too (there was a GSoC
           | project this summer for it, and the Hydrogen Matrix client is
           | also properly embeddable, unlike Element) - but with Gitter
           | becoming a Matrix client we could do so from that side too!
         | sytse wrote:
         | From the GitLab side we're very happy with the new home for
         | Gitter. Chat is very useful but using multiple incompatible
         | technologies has lead to fragmentation and silos. For example
         | external developers being on Gitter when the organization
         | behind the project is on Slack. Matrix is a great way to solve
         | that and we hope Gitter will contribute to the success of it.
         | pabs3 wrote:
         | The Matrix to IRC bridge (for at least freenode and OFTC) has a
         | number of suboptimal behaviours on the IRC side, it would be
         | great if you could improve the experience for folks not using
         | Matrix.
           | Arathorn wrote:
           | We're aware of folks objecting that messages longer than 3
           | lines get autopastebinned, and that replies are a bit jarring
           | on IRC. Or do you have something else in mind?
           | Impedance mismatches are inevitable, but we obviously don't
           | want Matrix to crap over native experiences on IRC or
           | elsewhere. So: give us specifics and we'll fix as best we
           | can.
       | lhoff wrote:
       | It is not obvious from the title but Element is actually
       | acquiring Gitter. Quote from the article:
       | > In practice, the way this is happening is that Element (the
       | company founded by the Matrix core team to fund Matrix
       | development) is acquiring Gitter from GitLab, with a combined
       | Gitter and Element dev team focusing on giving Gitter a new life
       | in Matrix!
       | There is also another blogpost from the elements side
       | https://element.io/blog/gitter-is-joining-element/
         | Arathorn wrote:
         | Well, the main news is that Gitter is going to natively join
         | Matrix. We've been talking about doing this for a few years,
         | but it never got to the top of the todo list on either side -
         | plus frankly we're breaking new ground by making a large
         | existing network natively speak Matrix (complete with
         | incorporating room archives, etc).
         | Others (e.g. Rocket.Chat) have had a go at natively speaking
         | Matrix but it's hard to be the first to do so unless both sides
         | of the bridge are prioritising it and focusing on making it a
         | success - and an obvious way of getting aligned is if you are
         | on the same team. So when the opportunity came up for Gitter to
         | move from GitLab to Element, it was a no-brainer way to ensure
         | a successful native bridge for Gitter into Matrix. But we'd
         | probably have got around to it anyway... it'd just have had a
         | lower chance of success.
         | As another datapoint: Gitter was already looking
         | (independently) at using Element to replace their native mobile
         | apps, which otherwise they were having to deprecate
         | (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitter/webapp/-/issues/2281).
         | Edit: another relevant link:
         | https://blog.gitter.im/2020/09/30/gitter-element-acquisition...
           | justinclift wrote:
           | > Well, the main news is that Gitter is going to natively
           | join Matrix.
           | Depends on your point of view. I'd not heard of Matrix
           | before, and don't really care.
           | To me, it's more interesting that GitLab is selling off
           | Gitter.
             | ncmncm wrote:
             | Meanwhile, I had not heard of Gitter until just this
             | moment. But I have been migrating my presence to Matrix,
             | and the Matrix clients are pretty good, approaching par
             | with Signal, which has been pretty good.
           | Ericson2314 wrote:
           | I'm really excited about this too, but I'm afraid it does
           | matter.
           | Gitter of it's own accord federating with matrix would be a
           | watershed moment of a competitor laying down it's arms for
           | the greater good, a detente in capitalism, and a really good
           | sign for the future of all things Federated.
           | Element acquiring Gitter is normal M&A, normal business. It's
           | still good for Matrix and good for Gitter users, and we're
           | still cheering you on, but it's not quite that same watershed
           | moment.
             | the_duke wrote:
             | I love this move, since I'm trying to move to Matrix as my
             | primary chat where possible. Even more so since some of the
             | mentioned features are sorely needed in Element, like
             | threads.
             | But Gitlab is a for-profit company.
             | I don't see this as Gitter laying down arms, but rather as
             | Gitlab not being able to monetize Gitter enough to justify
             | keeping it in the company. They probably sold it for a very
             | reasonable amount.
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | Right. The point is, if a _competitor_ who was a for-
               | profit company was willing to federate with Element, as a
               | first-party contributor not just reluctantly  "I guess
               | you can use our integration API's for that and we won't
               | stop you... yet" -- that would be watershed moment in
               | hopes of federation/integration instead of silos being a
               | thing.
               | That is indeed not what happened. It's just an
               | acquisition. It does _not_ actually give us hope that
               | there 's more momentum towards competitors being willing
               | to play together in federation, that's not what happened.
               | Not sure why the one who made that point is getting
               | downvoted, I think it's an interesting observation. That
               | the press release arguably kind of intentionally tries to
               | hand wave over a bit.
               | Arathorn wrote:
               | The Matrix.org blog post isn't really me trying to wave a
               | hand over it - it's just that the Element, Gitter and
               | GitLab (https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/09/30/gitter-
               | moves-to-ele...) and Changelog stories fixate on it being
               | an acquisition, and I wanted to dwell on the impact for
               | Matrix.
               | The reality is that bridging a big existing network is a
               | significant undertaking and nobody has done it before
               | (other than possibly Matrix.org and Freenode, but it's
               | not like Freenode is letting us talk TS6; we come in as
               | clients). So the acquisition is basically a catalyst to
               | break this impasse. We're hoping that Rocket.Chat,
               | Mattermost, Teams, Slack, Discord will watch what we do
               | and copy it with more confidence to join the network. At
               | least that's the dream :)
               | Ericson2314 wrote:
               | Slack and Discord need their walled gardens to justify
               | their current state, but low-growth things like
               | Mattermost should federate with little to loose.
               | My most-realistic dream is for Freenode to be Matrix by
               | default with the IRC interface just for clients.
               | Ericson2314 wrote:
               | We are in agreement.
           | StavrosK wrote:
           | Please, please fix the years-old notification bug where you
           | can't turn off email notifications for _every single comment_
           | without leaving the channel.
           | "Only email me when I'm mentioned" actually emails you for
           | every message instead.
             | Arathorn wrote:
             | On Gitter? Element gets this right at least, so once we
             | seing Gitter over to being entirely Matrix backed it should
             | be ok.
         | redonkulus wrote:
         | Talk about burying the lead. That wasn't mentioned in the
         | matrix blog post at all. Only that Gitter would be using matrix
         | natively. Doesn't matter either way but weird to not mention
         | it.
           | Arathorn wrote:
           | The lede is that Gitter is going to natively federate with
           | Matrix. The fact Element bought Gitter is there in the matrix
           | blog post:
           | > In practice, the way this is happening is that Element (the
           | company founded by the Matrix core team to fund Matrix
           | development) is acquiring Gitter from GitLab.
         | hntestacc wrote:
         | This is a test, sorry please pass by
       | randtrain34 wrote:
       | > Our plan is instead to merge Gitter's features into Element (or
       | next generations of Element) itself and then - if and only if
       | Element has achieved parity with Gitter based on the above list -
       | we expect to upgrade the deployment on gitter.im to a Gitter-
       | customised version of Element. The inevitable side-effect is that
       | we'll be adding new features to Element rather than Gitter going
       | forwards.
       | Wonder what existing Gitter users think about this?
         | Vinnl wrote:
         | Using it mostly out of necessity (a project I'm involved in
         | uses it for communication), but I'm mostly enthusiastic about
         | no longer having that annoying Matrixbot - there were always a
         | number of Matrix users, and the implementation was incredibly
         | confusing.
         | It's a nice bonus that I'll no longer be dependent on Gitter's
         | somewhat buggy Web UI.
         | (That said, I _am_ somewhat sceptical about whether we 'll see
         | any reasonable results in a reasonable amount of time - GitLab
         | promised Gitter rooms for GitLab projects as well when they
         | acquired it, and I'm not even sure if that ever saw the light
         | of day.)
           | Arathorn wrote:
           | > That said, I am somewhat sceptical about whether we'll see
           | any reasonable results in a reasonable amount of time
           | As Element we are if nothing else highly financially
           | motivated to get Gitter bridged into Matrix, so we can run it
           | via our normal Matrix server backend farm rather than keep an
           | entirely parallel deployment running of Gitter
           | infrastructure. We also want to stick to our word :)
             | Vinnl wrote:
             | I'm rooting for you!
         | StavrosK wrote:
         | I am ecstatic. The Element Android client is quite good and
         | getting better, and I'd love to be able to access gitter from
         | that.
         | remram wrote:
         | I don't think Gitter development was very active, before or
         | after their acquisition by GitLab. It has been pretty much the
         | same since 2016. It being folded into another tool felt
         | inevitable to me.
         | coolreader18 wrote:
         | I'm hyped for this; RustPython uses gitter as its main
         | communication platform for developers and contributors, and
         | while it's certainly worked quite well for us so far, I was
         | slightly worried the slow pace of development and the
         | deprecation of mobile apps. It seemed (to me, at least, and I
         | don't follow the gitter changelogs or anything - edit: just
         | looked at them now, so yeah, what follows is pretty unfounded.
         | Anyway,) like gitter was sorta becoming a ghost ship, still
         | running along smoothly but not much was happening at the helm
         | -- this also might be because I mainly use the Android app,
         | which is deprecated, so I see very few updates to gitter if
         | any. Anyway, yeah, I think this is a great direction to go for
         | gitter, if only so I'll have an updated mobile app :)
         | kag0 wrote:
         | I'm happy about it.
         | For me, one shortcoming of gitter is that it has always been
         | tertiary in my pool of chat services. The more tertiary
         | services are accessible through matrix the better, that way I'm
         | less likely to miss notifications.
         | I don't think there are big downsides, I can't think of
         | anything in the core gitter chat that I would miss when
         | switching to matrix.
         | Arathorn wrote:
         | Hopefully they'll be happy that Gitter will sprout all Matrix's
         | funky features like E2EE, VoIP, Widgets, Read receipts,
         | Reactions, a bajillion clients/bots/bridges, the open standard
         | API itself... and as long as Element-branded-as-Gitter looks
         | and performs and smells enough like Gitter, and the community &
         | rooms are still there, all will be well.
         | And if they don't like it, they can always go spin up their own
         | Gitter instance and maintain it, bridged into Matrix - it's
         | FOSS after all :D
           | phone8675309 wrote:
           | This is the "slippers and sex toy" deflection. If the user's
           | don't like the slippers (new features) they can use the sex
           | toy to fornicate themselves.
             | crakenzak wrote:
             | man some people really find anything to complain about huh
             | Arathorn wrote:
             | and this is a bad thing? O:-)
               | phone8675309 wrote:
               | Not saying it's good or bad, but nobody can be shocked
               | Pikachu when it's never the "year of the Linux desktop"
               | with this type of mentality.
       | josteink wrote:
       | Oooh. How nice.
       | Just a few days ago I considered setting up a Gitter-bridge for
       | my Marrix-instance, but decided that it was both too involved and
       | not well-enough integrated to be worth it.
       | This is really good news!
       | FloatArtifact wrote:
       | Gitter has a much simpler onboarding experience and users don't
       | have to be signed in or members of a room to view chat. I like
       | the ideals of Element. In fact I have the services bridged
       | between chat rooms. Currently editing chat posts between
       | different clients is less than subpar. Gitter build on Element
       | will fix that issue.
       (page generated 2020-09-30 23:00 UTC)