[HN Gopher] A Web of Trust for NPM
       A Web of Trust for NPM
       Author : tao_oat
       Score  : 82 points
       Date   : 2020-10-03 18:51 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.btao.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.btao.org)
       | offtop5 wrote:
       | The Node standard library doesn't do enough compared to Python.
       | Python in a locked down environment ( you can't just install
       | whatever you want ) isn't bad.
       | Node is a nightmare without being able to install various
       | packages from npm. Thus someone can remove Left Pad and it's the
       | end of the world. I switched from React Native to Flutter for
       | mobile app development and it was one of the best decisions I've
       | ever made
         | ratww wrote:
         | This is an outdated perspective, unfortunately. Left-pad is a
         | 2015 problem. In 2020 we already have padStart in every
         | evergreen browser and in Node.js, and it's been there for
         | years.
         | The reason the JS library is slimmer than Pythons is because
         | it's mostly a client-side language. It doesn't have to handle
         | Unix filesystems, web crawling or even security, because the
         | client-side is not really the place for it.
         | Most of the complex things like URL Requests and HTML parsing
         | are handled by the browser or the DOM.
         | Comparing Python to JS is not really useful, because Python is
         | mostly used in the server-side, and most server-side JS
         | projects already use very few dependencies.
         | It's the client-side projects that are bloated and using
         | hundreds (if not thousands) of dependencies. But those
         | dependencies are not there because the language is lacking.
         | They're there because popular packages like Babel, Webpack,
         | ESLint and others chose to use NPM modules to organize
         | themselves, instead of using function and classes like
         | everything else.
       | neil176 wrote:
       | There's a peculiar dynamic in the npm ecosystem that folks who
       | publish libraries naturally fully embrace the ecosystem, and
       | thereby have a lot of other library dependencies themselves.
       | I think most engineers would not have _directly_ introduced
       | something like left-pad into their production application
       | dependencies since that's something people would typically
       | implement themselves, but people who publish open source
       | libraries and embrace the ecosystem would gladly use someone
       | else's package for that since they're also publishing with the
       | expectation that someone will do the same with their own work.
       | It seems wrong to blame open source producers for using the work
       | of other producers and thereby introduce a deep dependency tree,
       | and yet the security concerns are completely valid. I personally
       | don't have any ideas for a solution, but it's worth thinking
       | about.
       | ryan29 wrote:
       | The description of that dependency used by the BBC makes me
       | wonder why trust is somehow based on popularity. What if the BBC
       | got duped into using a dependency from a bad actor? Is that
       | package trustworthy now?
       | I wonder if the package repos could come up with some type of
       | standardized, domain verified organization namespaces. I was able
       | to register a decent .com a couple years ago and immediately ran
       | around registering the matching namespace everywhere. That feels
       | a bit dumb when I have a globally unique identifier (the domain)
       | sitting right there.
       | Why can't I have `example.com` as my organization on NPM? I
       | realize there would be a little complexity in domains changing
       | ownership or being abandoned, but I feel like that's already an
       | issue with first come, first served namespaces. It's just glossed
       | over with the assumption no one will ever give away their account
       | / namespace which isn't true. Is there a way to tell if an
       | organization's owner has changed in NPM?
       | A domain verified namespace could be on equal footing pretty
       | quickly IMO. If it's limited to organizations, which makes sense
       | to me, have a requirement for the domain owner to declare the
       | official owner of the namespace via DNS or a text file under
       | `/.well-known/`. Ex:
       | npmjs._dvnamespace.example.com TXT ryan29
       | Now `ryan29` can claim or take ownership of the `example.com`
       | organization. Every time an artifact is published, that record
       | could be checked to ensure `ryan29` still owns the organization.
       | If it doesn't match, refuse to publish the artifact.
       | In effect, it's saying "example.com is delegating ultimate trust
       | for this namespace to the user ryan29". If the domain expires, no
       | one can publish to that namespace. If someone new registers the
       | domain and claims the namespace by delegating trust to a new
       | owner, that works as a good indicator that everyone pulling
       | artifacts from the namespace should be notified there was a
       | change in ownership.
       | It seems like a waste to me when I'm required to register a new
       | identity for every package manager when I already have a globally
       | unique, extremely valuable (to me), highly brandable identity
       | that costs $8 / year to maintain.
       | Edit:
       | To add one more thought, I've always been of the opinion that
       | ultimate trust needs to resolve to an individual, not an
       | organization. That probably needs to be done via certificates or
       | key signing and should be done by a local organization.
       | If I could dictate a system for that, I'd use local businesses to
       | verify ID and sign keys. For example, I'm from Canada and would
       | love to go into Memory Express with my ID and have them sign my
       | GPG key.
       | I don't think you can get a real WoT like what I think was
       | originally the intent for GPG. There are just too many bad actors
       | these days. I think verifying identity and tying stuff back to a
       | real person is the best you'll get.
       | An no, I don't want the current code signing style verification.
       | It sucks and the incumbents are nothing more than a bunch of rent
       | seeking value extractors.
       | trollied wrote:
       | npm needs to sort its quality issue first, but this could also be
       | fixed with there being a better core javascript library.
       | Take https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-odd for example. This
       | should not be a package. Why it is even allowed to be one is
       | insane. Do the developers importing it don't know how to test for
       | that themselves? Should it be part of core javascript?
       | Javascript is a mess, and npm is by extension.
         | sbelskie wrote:
         | Does that package exist because JavaScript lacks a modulus
         | operator (I feel like I remember it having one), or because the
         | operator does/doesn't coerce things into numbers the way you'd
         | expect? Or is it honestly just laziness?
           | krapp wrote:
           | >Does that package exist because JavaScript lacks a modulus
           | operator (I feel like I remember it having one), or because
           | the operator does/doesn't coerce things into numbers the way
           | you'd expect?
           | The package is _written_ in javascript and _uses_ the modulus
           | operator.
           | It's just laziness and a cargo-cult mentality around package
           | granularity that's gotten way out of hand. There's no
           | rational basis for it.
             | trollied wrote:
             | Yet I get downvoted for calling it out. Go figure!
               | cortesoft wrote:
               | The point is that you don't need "is_odd" in the standard
               | library, you have modulus. You were arguing that
               | JavaScript needs a better standard library to keep people
               | from importing is_odd
               | trollied wrote:
               | Yeah, I tried to make an invalid point. My bad. The main
               | point still stands though, I'm sure there's hundreds of
               | other examples of pointless libraries that are easily
               | covered by something that is trivial.
       | adammunch666 wrote:
       | Cool beans bro!
       | adammunch666 wrote:
       | Cool beans, bro!
       | 7373737373 wrote:
       | > Some have argued that the ill health of the npm registry is a
       | social, rather than a technical problem
       | In some cases it is, yes, for packages that require so many
       | access privileges that they can subvert the entire system they
       | run on.
       | But this is not the case for (I'd estimate) the majority of
       | libraries, because they are purely _computational_ , they only
       | transform data and do not need access rights to any external
       | interfaces (filesystem, network, user input, displays, ...).
       | Malicious data generated by sandboxed programs is still a
       | problem, still the problem would be localized.
       | There are efforts underway that would allow Javascript programs
       | to effectively and economically sandbox each other and grant only
       | the minimum number of privileges they need to perform their
       | tasks: https://medium.com/agoric/pola-would-have-prevented-the-
       | even...
       | Avoiding global mutable state and
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambient_authority, being able to
       | grant rights in an opt-in fashion and to transfer them in a way
       | that is robust in multi-party settings in accordance with
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capability-based_security
       | This is the
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_privilege and I
       | encourage every language, virtual machine and operating system
       | designer to understand it and implement it in their systems.
       | Then, the social attack surface can be technically minimized.
         | inopinatus wrote:
         | So basically, rely on about 5% of JavaScript (my copy of
         | _JavaScript: The Good Parts_ is looking slimmer every day) and
         | hope that everything you're either directly or transitively
         | exposed to has exactly the same standards you do and will
         | continue to do so in perpetuity, and /or build tons of
         | _additional_ scaffolding to try to sandbox violators, because
         | that has always been such a sure fire path to secure code.
         | The language, and it's ecosystem, is a baroque Gormenghast of
         | curiosities built on an ancient sewer where nightmare beasts
         | still roam, and you'll never stop it stinking just by holing up
         | in the throne room and hoping a few trusted paladins will
         | decontaminate the rest.
           | markholmes wrote:
           | So what's the best way out?
             | inopinatus wrote:
             | New languages, new paradigms at the foundations.
             | We keep throwing new shit at the wall, eventually something
             | sticks. To a whole generation of developers it might like
             | like JavaScript is the One True Web Programming Language
             | but anyone whose lived through a few transitions knows that
             | we replace entrenched technologies on the scale of decades,
             | it has come and it will go like everything else, _sic
             | transit gloria lingua_.
             | The usual (but not universal) trigger is a technological
             | arms race between three or more competing firms attached to
             | a compelling new idea.
           | cxr wrote:
           | Stop equating JS with NPM and NodeJS. If you were using
           | Firefox in its peak era--let's say you were using it on the
           | day before Chrome was announced--then you were using an
           | application with large parts written in JS, in the way that
           | "large parts" of Emacs are written in Lisp. And yet it didn't
           | exhibit the problems that people complain about when they
           | complain about NPM. Because NPM didn't exist, and even if it
           | had existed, NPM still isn't JS.
           | > So basically, rely on about 5% of JavaScript
           | Yeah, what's wrong with that? Sturgeon's law says that 90% of
           | everything is crap, and of what remains, half of it you don't
           | need.
           | cgh wrote:
           | An excellent comment that merits upvotes based on the
           | Gormenghast reference alone.
         | geofft wrote:
         | The principle of least privilege/authority has been around for
         | a while, and the reason we don't see much adoption of it in
         | real-world systems is not because it's unknown.
         | The first question is overhead: it's true that the majority of
         | libraries are purely computational, but that means that there's
         | frequent interaction between code written by the end developer
         | and code from the library. If every call to, say, lodash's
         | _.filter goes through a process to marshal the programmer's
         | list, send it to a separate execution environment, and then
         | marshal it right back in the other direction to call the
         | predicate, people would choose not to use it. I do agree that
         | the proposal in the post you link to seems to be on the right
         | track - directly run the code in the current execution
         | environment if it can be statically demonstrated that the code
         | has no access to dangerous capabilities.
         | The second question is making the policy decision about whether
         | to grant privileges. You might be familiar with this from your
         | mobile phone: the security architecture is miles better than
         | that of your desktop OS, but still, most people do say "yes"
         | when asked to let Facebook, Twitter, Slack, etc. access their
         | photos and their camera and their microphone, because they
         | intentionally want those apps to have _some_ access. What do
         | you do in the above model when, say, the  "request" library
         | wants access to the network? Now it can exfiltrate all of your
         | data. (The capability-based model is that you pass into the
         | library a capability to access the specific host it should talk
         | to, instead of giving it direct access, but again, if it did
         | this, people would choose not to use it - the whole point of
         | these libraries is to make writing code more convenient.)
         | The other problem, and perhaps the most important, is that
         | _purely-computational libraries can still be dangerous_. Yes,
         | _.filter (and perhaps all of lodash) is purely computational,
         | but if you 're using it to, say, restrict which user records
         | are visible on a website, and someone malicious takes over
         | lodash, they can edit the filter function to say, "if the
         | username is me, don't filter anything at all." Or if you had a
         | capability-based HTTP client that only talked to a single
         | server, the library could still lie about the results that it
         | got from the server.
         | I think the way to think about it is that the principle of
         | least privilege is a mitigation strategy, like ASLR or
         | filtering out things that look like SQL statements from web
         | requests. ASLR mitigates not being able to guarantee that your
         | code is memory-safe; if you could, you wouldn't need it. SQL
         | filtering mitigates making mistakes with string interpolation
         | (but it comes with a significant cost, so you really want to
         | avoid it if you can). Least privilege mitigates the reality
         | that you cannot code-review all of your code and its
         | dependencies to ensure that it's free of bugs. But, on the
         | other hand, _a mitigation is not a license to stop doing the
         | thing you can 't do perfectly_ - it's just a safety measure.
         | You can still have serious security bugs from buffer overflows
         | even with ASLR; you just have fewer. You should not use ASLR as
         | an excuse to write memory-unsafe code. You can still have SQL
         | injection attacks from people being clever about smuggling
         | strings. You should not use a WAF as an excuse to not use
         | parametrization in SQL queries. And you can still have
         | malicious dependencies cause problems even in a least-privilege
         | situation, because they still have _some_ privilege. You should
         | not use it as a reason to run dependencies you don 't trust.
         | slaymaker1907 wrote:
         | More languages should really be doing this and encouraging it.
         | The JVM can sandbox pretty well using a security manager, but
         | most people don't use the sandbox.
           | 7373737373 wrote:
           | Only very few language also provide the type of security the
           | JVM (partially) protects against: resource exhaustion
           | attacks. Being able to prevent time (e.g. infinite loops) and
           | space (memory allocation) exhaustion by being able to specify
           | absolute or relative limits on these.
           | Stackless Python is able to limit the number of instruction
           | steps that are run in a tasklet: https://stackless.readthedoc
           | s.io/en/latest/library/stackless...
           | With some ugly hacks, Lua can do it too.
           | But no language I know of can do all these things, I tried to
           | build one once: https://esolangs.org/wiki/RarVM
         | RL_Quine wrote:
         | I don't think that the same community producing huge quantities
         | of single use libraries for the sake of padding their resumes
         | will get involved with sandboxing. I recently installed a
         | relatively simply piece of software using NPM and was stunned
         | when it downloaded hundreds dependencies from god knows where,
         | there's simply no ability for anybody to ever evaluate the
         | security risk of NodeJS applications.
         | https://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/zigbee2mqtt
           | Chyzwar wrote:
           | This module use widely used packages in node. In any non-
           | trivial node project you would already have these. Whole
           | point of small single use packages is to prevent from re-
           | inventing a wheel. People are bashing node community without
           | understanding.
           | Typical you would have people publish hundreds similar
           | packages to solve a specific problem. Over time, best
           | maintained, feature complete would "win" and become a
           | standard, at this point other packages would converge and use
           | these 1/2 top solutions. This process allow exploring large
           | space of possible solutions and prevent app developers from
           | NIH. There is more churn, but also more innovation and
           | productivity.
           | See for example css-in-js evolution story.
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75kmPj_iUOA
           | 7373737373 wrote:
           | Then perhaps single use libraries should be limited to
           | 'computation only' by default :)
           | cxr wrote:
           | > there's simply no ability for anybody to ever evaluate the
           | security risk of NodeJS applications
           | So don't. Tell people that you're not going to run their
           | NodeJS crud and convince everyone to write their scripts
           | wherever possible to instead run on the sandboxed JS runtime
           | that everyone already happens to have installed: the browser.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24495646
         | sergeykish wrote:
         | Reminds of Gilad Bracha Newspeak.
         | stefan_ wrote:
         | Trying to solve the halting problem are we. Remember that one
         | of the most dangerous JavaScript APIs turned out to be a sub-
         | millisecond monotonically increasing time source.
           | samatman wrote:
           | Solving the halting problem is quite tractable.
           | You can do it the right way, by using total functional
           | programming. Or you can do it the wrong way, by providing a
           | time budget or "gas", and yanking the process if and when
           | it's exceeded.
           | No, this is more of a Rice's Theorem kind of situation...
       | goo6 wrote:
       | I will bet a lot of the NPM dependency problems can be solved if
       | Node directly implemented many of the Web APIs. If PHP can
       | implement Dom Parser, there's no reason Node can't implement it
       | as well, for example.
       | dane-pgp wrote:
       | A useful step in parallel to this would be making sure that every
       | NPM package is built from the source code that the metadata
       | claims it is built from:
       | https://hackernoon.com/what-if-we-could-verify-npm-packages-...
       | cryptica wrote:
       | I don't like where this is going. Especially using number of
       | dependents as a measure of trust. Popularity has nothing to do
       | with trustworthiness (it just makes a problem less likely to
       | occur, but when a problem does occur, it will be a lot worse; and
       | npm has in fact encountered such issues in the past).
       | Just look at the real world: Is the Federal Reserve Bank a
       | trustworthy institution? Sure, there are a lot of people using
       | its product (the US dollar) so it's extremely popular, but is it
       | trustworthy? Is the product actually what its users think it is?
       | Power structures are very much the same in open source. The
       | ecosystem has been highly financialized; a library is popular
       | because its author has a lot of rich friends who helped them to
       | promote it on Twitter or elsewhere. So if you don't happen to
       | have rich friends, does that make you untrustworthy?
       | This would lead to censorship of good projects from trustworthy
       | people who have genuinely good intentions.
       | I think that such algorithms have done enough damage to society
       | already.
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | I mean... I would consider building a business based off the
         | assumption that the Fed will operate how it documents itself to
         | operate and not do things fraudulently or covertly, to be a lot
         | lower risk than, say, building a business based off assuming
         | the same of, say, Tether. Yeah, I'd say the Fed is pretty
         | trustworthy, and the fact that a lot of people depend upon it
         | is a signal of that(not a proof, or a guarantee, but a signal,
         | same as in the library dependency example)
       | ratww wrote:
       | I will die on that hill, so here it goes again: The problem with
       | NPM is _not_ the amount of runtime dependencies.
       | Most Javascript projects would actually fare pretty well when
       | compared to other languages if _only_ runtime dependencies were
       | taken into account.
       | Javascript staples like React, Vue, Svelte, Typescript and
       | Prettier actually have zero runtime dependencies. Also, the ES6
       | standard library is not as bad as people claim.
       | The real problem is with development dependencies. The amount of
       | dependencies required by Babel, Webpack and ESLint are the cause
       | for 99% of the dependency bloat we complain about in JS projects.
       | Those projects prefer to have monorepos, but when it's in your
       | machine they're splitted into tens or hundreds of dependencies.
       | Also remember that left-pad was only an issue in 2015 because a
       | Babel package required it. If those projects were able to get it
       | together we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Solve this
       | and you'll solve the biggest complaints people have about JS.
       | I really would like to see a discussion on this, as most people
       | seem to put a lot of blame on JS as a whole, while it's mostly a
       | handful of popular projects generating _all_ the complaints.
       | SirensOfTitan wrote:
       | We built our app on node and typescript, and I would never choose
       | it again at this point because of the package ecosystem. We do a
       | lot to validate integrity of packages (including checking in
       | vetted archives to our repo), but it's hard. Our images are
       | ballooned to like 500-600MB (we've hit past the GB mark because
       | of certain packages messing up dependencies before) based on a
       | pretty conservative list of dependencies because of node_modules.
       | I'm constantly fighting a battle against image size increases.
       | The sheer amount of files in node_modules ensures that io is
       | always a problem for image size and build speed on CI.
       | Solutions like yarn berry hardly help: zipfs and patched
       | tsservers is annoying in many editors still. Often packages break
       | because package maintainers include implicit dependencies or the
       | packages their packages depend on do so. Arc has frozen emacs for
       | me several times when jumping to definition in a zip.
       | I'm just so over the package situation for node.
         | martpie wrote:
         | 500-600mb sounds like you are shipping dev dependencies in your
         | images.
         | You should use npm/yarn's production flags when installing your
         | dependencies for your images, so you only ship runtime
         | dependencies.
         | Your images will shrink to 100-150mb.
       | dpc_pw wrote:
       | https://github.com/crev-dev/crev/
       | People willing to help out with `npm-crev` implementations
       | needed. :)
       | arkadiyt wrote:
       | Here's my hot take: supply chain attacks are a low risk for your
       | organization - they are both low likelihood and low impact.
       | 1) Low likelihood: when popular packages get subverted it is
       | caught quickly due to how widely packages are distributed. After
       | it's caught the problem is also heavily publicized for folks to
       | take action, and registries remove the affected versions
       | immediately so there is a very small exposure window.
       | 2) Low impact: people who write malicious code into these
       | packages don't have a specific target, they are writing dragnet
       | malware, which typically means mining cryptocurrency or
       | ransomware. If you're going to get hacked then that's the best
       | possible outcome (as opposed to, e.g. a data breach).
       | Your security posture would have to be superb if supply chain
       | attacks were anywhere near the top of your list - for the
       | majority of companies they have more basic and targeted issues to
       | worry about.
         | jakear wrote:
         | Eh... I don't share your cavalier attitude. You assume these
         | attacks aren't targeted just because we haven't seen them, but
         | it wouldn't be hard at all for an attacker to take control of a
         | package through some means (purchase, social engineering, or
         | just solving a problem more efficiently than others do and
         | aggressively asking others to adopt it), then publishing to npm
         | a minified version of the package which includes some targeted
         | exploit that doesn't activate except in a specific environment.
         | The source on GitHib would ofc not include the exploit, and
         | there's no push for reproducible builds in the npm world so
         | verifying that npm's minified JS was built from the GitHub
         | source is nontrivial and not something most shops would bother
         | with.
         | tao_oat wrote:
         | Unfortunately, targeted attacks have been seen in the wild. The
         | `event-stream` attack linked in the post was one example.
         | Alternatively, look at the attack on the Agama cryptocurrency
         | wallet --- the attackers even managed to exfiltrate private
         | wallet keys there: https://komodoplatform.com/update-agama-
         | vulnerability/
         | captn3m0 wrote:
         | On (2) low impact:
         | A few npm advisories mention packages that were uploading SSH
         | keys and bashrc files.
         | - https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/541 (package==coffeescript)
         | - https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/765
         | (package==portionfatty12)
         | There's also been packages that would upload the environment
         | variables (increases impact significantly if this reaches
         | production):
         | - https://blog.npmjs.org/post/163723642530/crossenv-malware-
         | on... (package==crossenv)
         | - https://www.npmjs.com/advisories/486 (package==sqlserver)
         | spullara wrote:
         | The only attack I have detailed knowledge of was targeted
         | specifically at a company - Copay:
         | https://thenewstack.io/attackers-up-their-game-with-latest-n...
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | I mean, if they write code that grabs all the cookies on a site
         | as well as traffic they have a fairly decent chance of a data
         | breach...
         | 7373737373 wrote:
         | This is part of the reason why current languages and operating
         | systems simply do not have security properties that would
         | inhibit or entirely prevent these risks: it never mattered
         | economically enough to implement them. Big corporations insure
         | themselves against these risks financially (if at all), not
         | technologically.
         | The other big reason has been having to maintain backward
         | compatibility, personal computers and programming languages
         | built for them were only networked late compared to some
         | mainframe systems. There have been very interesting historical
         | networked operating systems that were far more secure in their
         | architecture than current contenders:
         | https://github.com/void4/notes/issues/41
       | captn3m0 wrote:
       | The strong-set of such nature doesn't come with much guarantees
       | beyond past-history of the said users. For eg, having commit
       | rights to Debian requires a certain level of security know-how,
       | being an Arch Trusted User has similar requirements (they moved
       | to yubikeys everywhere a while back for eg).
       | We don't even know if all these users have 2FA enabled for their
       | NPM accounts. Building a software distribution ecosystem that
       | offers trust guarantees post-facto is a really hard challenge,
       | and I think that the right answer is in providing developers
       | better sandboxes. That's not to say this can't be used as a
       | signal as the author suggests, just that the "strong-set-
       | user/package=safe" guarantee doesn't have an underlying basis as
       | of yet.
         | tao_oat wrote:
         | > just that the "strong-set-user/package=safe" guarantee
         | doesn't have an underlying basis as of yet.
         | Author here --- I agree. There can be no guarantees about the
         | safety of a package based only on its maintainer(s); their
         | accounts could be taken over, or they could be paid off, and so
         | on. I'm hopeful about initiatives like Deno that provide better
         | security controls built-in to the language.
         | A significant hurdle to overcome is getting npm (and all open-
         | source) developers to think about trust in the first place. The
         | event-stream incident happened when the previous maintainer
         | handed over control to a random stranger that showed up. We've
         | seen similar things happen in other attacks. The thought at
         | this point is that by making trust more explicit, we might
         | start a move in the right direction.
       (page generated 2020-10-03 23:00 UTC)