[HN Gopher] CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape
       CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape
       Author : pagade
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2020-10-04 11:53 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (landscape.cncf.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (landscape.cncf.io)
       | dimitar wrote:
       | Simple explanation of what Cloud Native is or should be:
       | - Kubernetes is to the AWS/Azure/other platforms what Linux was
       | to Unix circa 2000s. Kind of the same but with more choice with
       | the original Unix vendors forced by competition to adopt Linux.
       | - Kubernetes and the ecosystem around it will make zero sense for
       | you if you haven't adopted "devops culture" (meaning that at the
       | very least devs care about operations and IT guys put their
       | things in git) AND you use microservices or the very least more
       | than ten different servies or replicas.
       | - Vendor spam is real. YAGNI most of the time. But also different
       | strokes for different folks.
       | - If you think that many cloud native things are just classic
       | open source software needlessly rewritten in Golang and
       | overengineered - you are probably right.
       | CSDude wrote:
       | Last Kubecon in person was exactly like this page, few
       | interesting talks, lots of vendor pitch and them trying to
       | convince cloud native is opposite of vendor lock-in. Yeah, maybe
       | for things like OpenTracing where you can have multiple export
       | options.
       | But why the fuck Splunk or vSphere is here? Just because they
       | support cloud native unit, containers?
       | I unfollowed a lot of CNCF related twitter accounts and mailing
       | lists to avoid vendor spam and been happier since.
       | I don't want to be that grumpy old man (I'm 30, kinda getting old
       | for our sector unfortunately) but all of this is too much.
         | RobRivera wrote:
         | 30 is the new 24; ESPECIALLY with covid economics =D
         | qz2 wrote:
         | It's even worse. Half the "open source" projects are mixed
         | license these days. All the useful and interesting bits are
         | paid up extras which involve navigating half assed vendors with
         | sales teams that don't even understand their own product line.
         | I've spoken to two major well known players in CNCF and they
         | were a total shit show of incompetence. I'm not sure if they
         | have a maturity index but I think it probably comes from tarot
         | cards, a crystal ball or the bottom of a tea cup.
         | What happened is we traded one vendor lock in for management of
         | a hundred different vendors all pushing incompatible bits of
         | junk that cost a lot of money to stick together and everyone
         | points fingers at the other vendors. At least when I worked at
         | an MSFT only shop there was only one vendor to fight.
         | I'm considerably older than you and the definition of "getting
         | too old for our sector" is actually probably the tiresome
         | experience we have. You see the forest not the trees and you
         | realise the forest floor is made of the death of a thousand
         | stupid ideas and mistakes remarketed in a different way.
           | boulos wrote:
           | Disclosure: I work on Google Cloud.
           | > Half the "open source" projects are mixed license these
           | days.
           | I can sympathize though.
           | For the folks who built _companies_ around making something
           | awesome and having it available as open-source software, they
           | did so out of the implicit assumption they'd be the natural
           | ones people would pay for "support". Other people were free
           | to use the software, but other than explicit "I make this
           | freely available it's just a utility" software, the
           | assumption was that people wouldn't just fork it and make a
           | business that wraps it (especially without contributing
           | back).
           | Some folks tried open core (as you describe), but it's pretty
           | painful for both parties. It's not fun as an engineer to know
           | "this feature this person wants is just arbitrarily disabled
           | in the community edition", while knowing "Sigh, and because
           | they aren't willing to pay us, we need to make money
           | somehow".
           | I think the current battle over "who can turn it into a
           | _service_ " is actually a pretty interesting one. I found the
           | AGPL to be a fiasco (the way it was written it could be
           | interpreted as a legal virus, defeating even incidental DIY
           | usage), but have more hope for seeing a license that says
           | "Cloud providers can't just monetize our work; people are
           | still free to run it themselves though as DIY".
           | For open source to continue to prosper, it'll have to figure
           | out the business model.
       | gallexme wrote:
       | anyone knows some ressources for running kubernetes outside the
       | cloud?, like guides/best practices/example setups
       | like 1-2 machines scenarios inside airgapped companys, collecting
       | and processing measurements and displaying them, used by managers
       | of industry companies which expect a one click app install etc?
       | i really struggle with kubernetes in that case, and theres barely
       | any documentation/best practices
       | i found it easy to run kubernetes on google,amazon,hetzner, but
       | outside that it feels like hell
         | threentaway wrote:
         | In that case you probably want to be looking at K3s and not
         | full blown Kubernetes.
           | gallexme wrote:
           | we are already looking at k3s and microk8s
           | before that we used rancher 1.6 and docker, but rancher 1.6
           | is dead and was a hell of a software on its own(java
           | extremely high memory usage, obscure bugs, and a team which
           | abandonded it pretty early once 2.0 was released)
         | tsimionescu wrote:
         | My company has similar deployment scenarios as you're
         | describing (basically creating appliances that happen to use
         | K8S as a platform), and we've hit similar problems.
         | It's not (yet?) a very common use case for K8S. Still, so far
         | we haven't found too many problems, and we're using full-blown
         | kubeadm for deployment. Microk8s seemed like a massive dead end
         | when we tried it out, it was very limited and crashy for some
         | reason.
         | Still, we've had a few complicated networking problems that go
         | against some core assumptions of K8S...
         | cyberpunk wrote:
         | We use rancher (actually just rke wrapped in some simple
         | ansible) for this and it works really well.
         | They have a whole guide for running airgapped [0] however, we
         | found that our security requirements (extremely heavily
         | regulated, think nation state and identity) only come into play
         | once the data is ON the systems. So we can happily build a new
         | cluster/environment with internet connections to docker hub or
         | helm.io or whatever, and then as soon as we have data coming in
         | we kill the connectivity -- usually you can wrangle something
         | like this.
         | In either case though, rancher makes running on-prem a really
         | nice experience for us, vs the clusterfsck of kubespray and
         | openshift it replaced.
         | YMMV but I would reccommend giving it a shot.
         | ps -- I would probably avoid K3S if you actually need some
         | redundancy -- unless you're happy managing some kind of
         | distributed mysql setup for it.
         | 0:
         | https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/installation/other-...
       | moonbug wrote:
       | being clicky doesn't make it any less of a hellscape
       | prrls wrote:
       | I feel dizzy now, thank you.
       | deanCommie wrote:
       | You can (and people have) post this to Twitter as a joke with no
       | additional punchline required.
       | So, you've avoided Vendor lock-in. But at what cost?
       | "Cloud native" is a buzzword without a meaning. Any modern
       | service, library, or framework understands that it's most likely
       | going to be executed in a Cloud virtualized environment. After
       | that, the differences are negligible.
       | The real power of the cloud isn't that it's "someone else's
       | computers", it's the rich diverse ecosystem of different services
       | that INTERPLAY with one another in " _< provider>_-native" ways.
       | Whether it's AWS, or Azure, or Google. Pick one, and invest your
       | platform into it.
       | The CNCF landscape may offer you the ability to migrate between a
       | provider easier, but whatever discounts you might realize on raw
       | virtual instance cost per hour will be MINISCULE compared to the
       | A) additional overhead of building cross-cloud, and B) the
       | opportunity cost you will leave on the table of not being able to
       | utilize specialized services from these providers that solve
       | immediately problems you'll need to instead reimplement yourself.
       | Lastly, and now we're getting into personal feelings territory
       | instead of raw facts of "total cost of ownership", the whole CNCF
       | leaves a rotten taste in my mouth by pretending to be an
       | impartial agenda-free organization (a la Apache) when in reality
       | it's origins and real mission are Google's attempted play at
       | competing in the cloud wars from 3rd place.
       | There is no debate about this. At the core of everything in CNCF
       | is Kubernetes. And while you _can_ run Kubernetes on any server
       | in the cloud or otherwise, managing it and maintaining Kubernetes
       | infrastructure is a full time job that anyone who tries wants to
       | immediately delegate to a provider. And here comes along Google
       | saying  "Well actually, we have a Manged Kubernetes service in
       | GCP, and wouldn't you know it, it's the best one? I mean you know
       | Kubernetes came froM Google originally right, so it makes sense
       | that we would build the best one."
       | And everyone nods and goes along with it. What percentage of CNCF
       | platforms are running on GCP? 90%? Higher? And once you embrace
       | one of those Managed Kubernetes services, you're just as locked
       | in if you had built on AWS Lambda or Azure Functions, only you've
       | spent way more time and money for _ZERO_ benefit to your actual
       | underlying business.
         | marcc wrote:
         | There's a lot more to Kubernetes than avoiding lock in. Pick
         | your favorite managed provider (GKE?) and stick with it. Use
         | all of the GCP native tooling also so that Google can manage
         | your network ingress and load balancers, TLS certs, etc. You
         | are 100% right that there's still lock in.
         | But Kubernetes does more than avoiding lock in. Kubernetes
         | creates a common interface so that if you chose GCP and I
         | choose AWS and someone else likes DigitalOcean, we can all
         | benefit from using the same tools across the stack. Very few
         | tools on the linked landscape graphic are specific to a single
         | provider.
         | If you choose Kubernetes solely to avoid vendor lock in, then
         | you should reconsider. But if you choose it so that you can
         | easily use any of the tools on this landscape, regardless of
         | where you are hosting your cluster, that's a little different
         | and has a lot more value.
           | just-juan-post wrote:
           | I don't see it as Kubernetes being the common interface but
           | containers.
           | So long as an organization uses a container-first philosophy
           | or container-centric workflows for development they can
           | deploy to pretty much anywhere.
           | Kubernetes gets the buzz but containers are the real key to
           | flexibility.
             | ecnahc515 wrote:
             | There's way more to this than just the containers (the
             | apps) themselves though. Orchestration is a very big piece
             | of the puzzle, integrating into that layer is traditionally
             | very cloud specific. Without a common orchestration layer
             | you end up re-inventing the wheel a lot. Containers being a
             | common interface is good, but having the orchestration have
             | a common interface (k8s) is also important.
               | radiator wrote:
               | Why would you end up reinventing the wheel though if the
               | orchestrarion layer were not common? No, you would be
               | using the one from your cloud provider. I think that was
               | the point of your greatgrandparent comment.
         | k__ wrote:
         | "Cloud Native" with tools like K8s is just sooo much more work.
         | I mean, even with services like EKS and Fargate.
         | I was a bit disappointed, when I looked into serverless
         | technology. It was sold to me as the savior, but it still
         | requires much stuff I have to do myself.
         | But Kubernetes? That's a whole nother level!
         | I had to try K8s first to really appreciate what serverless
         | technology gave me.
         | mstipetic wrote:
         | I do not understand these arguments that always come up.
         | Everything Kubernetes gives you out of the box you'd have to
         | reimplement yourself for a production-grade system. From
         | dealing with service discovery, networking, persistence and
         | volume management to enforcing processes.
         | Maybe you have spend some time learning those things, but it's
         | much less in from a total cost of ownership perspective than
         | maintaining your own custom ansible/puppet/chef/terraform god-
         | knows-what scripts
           | deanCommie wrote:
           | I'm not comparing Kubernetes vs rolling the same
           | functionality yourself.
           | I'm comparing it vs onboarding to the stack of Load
           | Balancers/virtual networks/container registration/service
           | discovery/etc offered by the major cloud providers natively
           | on their platform, which are going to be much more well
           | defined for solving real problems rather than K8s generic
           | platform.
         | boulos wrote:
         | Disclosure: I work on Google Cloud.
         | Different people have different challenges.
         | For companies being built from scratch today, you get to pick
         | your technologies and providers as you see fit. In that case,
         | I've always been sad when I see folks doing least-common
         | denominator and excusing it via "multi cloud" or "no lock in".
         | I remind them that "you don't need to pick GCP, but your
         | biggest challenge will be not going out of business. Focus on
         | that. If you end up with a lock-in problem and you're
         | successful, that's a good problem to have".
         | However, there are many folks who end up in either a multi-
         | cloud or at least hybrid cloud setup.
         | Any existing enterprise with sufficient infrastructure is going
         | to _start_ their migration to cloud as a hybrid affair, because
         | they aren't just going to burn their equipment to the ground.
         | Even companies "born in the cloud" eventually get larger and
         | often acquire other companies. If the acquired company was on
         | Azure but you're an AWS shop, you are suddenly multicloud. If
         | the acquired company is a serious enough fraction of your
         | infrastructure, or it's locked in economically via contracts,
         | you have the same model as on-prem plus cloud. As with hybrid,
         | some companies push themselves to get out of this state as
         | quickly as possible. Others accept it as "we'll always have
         | bits and pieces everywhere". It really depends on the company
         | and their business values.
         | Finally, heavily regulated industries often have dual-sourcing
         | or "must be able to get off within 12 months" restrictions as
         | an example. Those folks are kind of in the "must always be
         | either multi loud or at least hybrid", and really appreciate a
         | consistent "universe".
         | tl;dr: you can impugn Craig's motivation for creating the CNCF,
         | but there are people and businesses that derive value from
         | consistency and a theoretical ability to switch.
           | rectang wrote:
           | > _If you end up with a lock-in problem and you're
           | successful, that's a good problem to have_
           | Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you don't go out of
           | business in the early stages, you become powerless against
           | the cloud provider you are now locked into upping their rent-
           | extraction and draining you until you go out of business.
           | "Your margin is my opportunity." -- Jeff Bezos
             | boulos wrote:
             | It's certainly a double edged sword, but as you grow it
             | also makes the "reward" for moving higher.
             | "We can save $100k/yr if we do this large rewrite" is much
             | less attractive than "We can save $10M/yr. Please give us a
             | team of X people to do so".
             | I also don't think your rent-extraction hypothesis holds.
             | Despite some obvious call outs (like App Engine realizing
             | it should have been charging for time you were blocking on
             | I/O, not just cpu cycles retired, in 2011 when it went from
             | Preview to GA), prices are generally stable or decreasing.
             | Mostly, this is a function of hardware trends and
             | competition: the cost per thread or per byte goes down over
             | time. So you aren't likely to be drained out of business by
             | decisions the providers make. It's totally possible that
             | your cost structure never worked out, but that isn't
             | "upping their rent-extraction".
       (page generated 2020-10-04 23:00 UTC)