[HN Gopher] Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid
       Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid
       Author : feross
       Score  : 424 points
       Date   : 2020-10-05 15:42 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.joshwcomeau.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.joshwcomeau.com)
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | I found css grid to be both practical, efficient and fun. I don't
       | know what flaws it has but it's one of the lowest friction css
       | layout bit I've ever toyed with.
       | darepublic wrote:
       | I don't like selectively making some children full bleed within
       | an otherwise constrained container. Use full bleed containers
       | instead imo and don't mix the two
         | ihuman wrote:
         | How do you write your full bleed containers, and why do you
         | prefer them?
           | neon_electro wrote:
           | I'm using Bootstrap's approach of a `.container-fluid` class
           | for a full-bleed container, and a `.container` class for the
           | standard centered and fixed width container.
           | I'm interested in applying CSS Grid as a progressive
           | enhancement specifically targeting browsers supporting it,
           | and keeping what I do today for browsers that don't.
           | LocalPCGuy wrote:
           | Not the original commenter, but you would just write the
           | container as full bleed and constrain the elements with-in
           | it. That way any elements not so constrained are by default
           | full-bleed. I'm of mixed minds which I like better, generally
           | I prefer less elements and less nesting when possible, but
           | there are almost always going to be wrapping elements in any
           | mildly complex site.
       | uallo wrote:
       | > It's relatively easy to constrain all children, but CSS doesn't
       | really have a mechanism to selectively constrain some children.
       | Yes it does. You can use                   .wrapper h1, .wrapper
       | p {}
       | or soon                   .wrapper :is(h1,p) {}
       | Alternatively, you can also use                   .wrapper >
       | :not(.full-bleed) {}
       | And in SCSS (or similar) you can write                   .wrapper
       | { h1,p {} }
       | (edit: Earlier versions of this comment mentioned :has instead of
       | :is)
         | pupppet wrote:
         | I think the point being made was it's not easy to selectively
         | have some children break out of a parent container with a max-
         | width.
           | [deleted]
         | joshwcomeau wrote:
         | Hi there! Author here.
         | What I meant is that there is no way to tell certain children
         | to disregard the constraints of a container; if a parent is
         | 800px wide, there isn't a way to say "keep this child in-flow,
         | but fill the viewport".
         | The alternative you propose is problematic for a couple
         | reasons:
         | - I don't like "reaching in" to child elements. Especially in a
         | component-focused architecture, it's a quick way to make a
         | mess. My solution DOES reach in to apply a grid column, but
         | that property only makes sense within the context of a grid, so
         | it doesn't seem as problematic to me.
         | - the `ch` unit doesn't work properly when applied individually
         | to different elements; an `h1` with 65ch width is going to be
         | much wider than a `p` with 65ch width. You need the width to be
         | applied to the parent, so that it remains consistent
         | - It's likely that you already have a constrained container, if
         | you're adapting this solution to a page that already exists. If
         | so, your approach isn't really workable without a major
         | overhaul.
         | I'd also just add, the nice thing about using Grid is that it's
         | super extensible. If you want to add a sidebar, it's quick and
         | straightforward.
           | krsdcbl wrote:
           | I do see how op misread your intention, but would like to add
           | that you did a very good job on addressing all these
           | shortcomings and provide a neat solution with this tutorial -
           | very good work!
         | JoshTriplett wrote:
         | :has is not supported in any browser, and that seems unlikely
         | to change, for performance reasons. https://caniuse.com/css-has
           | uallo wrote:
           | Sorry, I meant :is (which is already supported in some
           | browsers).
           | err4nt wrote:
           | You can support :has(), and things like it yourself via
           | client-side JavaScript styling runtimes well enough.
       | MVorlm wrote:
       | min(ch, ...) is the most interesting and potentially useful thing
       | I've learned!
       | I'm now off to learn more about this magical "ch" unit.
       | Atomskun wrote:
       | Wait until Web developers find about setting a width and
       | horizontal margins: auto on a block container again.
       | As a matter of fact, that would require even less attributes to
       | work compared to the method presented in the article.
         | Rusky wrote:
         | Doesn't that just make it tricky to put stuff in the sidebars
         | again? The article doesn't really talk about that but it is
         | implied.
         | dmlittle wrote:
         | Since the element you're trying to apply the full-bleed to
         | lives in a container that has a max-width, wouldn't you need to
         | play with negative margins or absolute positioning to
         | accomplish this with only margins?
           | uallo wrote:
           | Don't apply the max-width on the container but on selected
           | children only.
           | enkrs wrote:
           | I guess it's time for bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com gridless
           | version to hit HN :)
           | This is not really CSS magic:                 main>*{max-
           | width:65ch;margin: 1em auto}       .full-
           | bleed{width:100%;max-width:none}
           | chrismorgan wrote:
           | Here's an example on my site:
           | https://chrismorgan.info/blog/rust-fizzbuzz/
           | That's left-aligned (margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0) rather
           | than centre-aligned (margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto),
           | but it gets the point across. Headings, paragraphs, list
           | items, _& c._ all get their widths constrained (deliberately
           | to different points, in my case, which wouldn't work if you
           | were going centre-aligned), but figures can be full-bleed
           | simply by not having that max-width (though in my case they
           | still need negative side margins, but of known values).
       | rattray wrote:
       | Not only is this a nice technique, it's also a nice introduction
       | to several key CSS Grid concepts.
       | mfincham wrote:
       | If a site like Wikipedia is too wide, wouldn't you just make your
       | browser window thinner? Mine has never been wider than half the
       | display since I got a widescreen LCD ~ 15 years ago.
         | [deleted]
         | aembleton wrote:
         | What do you display on the rest of your screen? Doesn't it
         | distract you from what you are reading in your browser?
           | mfincham wrote:
           | Just whatever other software I'm using. Usually terminal
           | windows, sometimes text or graphics editor, e-mail client.
           | That kind of thing.
       | baxtr wrote:
       | It's beyond me why CSS has to be so hard to understand. I have
       | made several attempts and got it right, but it feels like I have
       | to start at zero every time.
       | I believe, it's because CSS is not a programming language, but we
       | are trying to do programming with it. Like: if screen is mobile
       | then render divs stacked. I don't know
         | akersten wrote:
         | I think CSS is "difficult to understand" because most people
         | who do front-end don't want to spend a day learning it.
         | Ask some people who make the claim it's difficult: what is the
         | box model, and what is selector specificity. I can almost
         | guarantee they won't be able to answer those questions, because
         | they haven't bothered to actually try to _learn_ CSS. Their
         | knowledge of CSS is built from a set of  "how do I do X in CSS"
         | searches and the resulting stylesheets are hobbled together
         | messes.
         | If you learn the box model, if you learn the reasons behind
         | selector specificity, and how cascading works, you'll really
         | earn a true appreciation for CSS. It does not take long to
         | learn, you just have to spend a day reading through the
         | "boring" stuff.
           | commandlinefan wrote:
           | > most people who do front-end don't want to spend a day
           | learning it.
           | Can you link to some good resources? I've read "CSS The
           | Definitive Guide" by Eric Meyer, "Eric Meyer on CSS" (also by
           | Eric Meyer) and "CSS Zen Garden" and I still can't get CSS to
           | do anything useful and always resort to table-based layouts
           | because they work.
             | daveilers wrote:
             | Which editions did you read?
             | Many of the css options that make complex layouts more
             | palatable have only been commonly supported more recently.
             | (flex-box:2015 , grid:2017, newer units:2010)
             | akersten wrote:
             | I don't know if there is a single perfect resource out
             | there, but the thing that helped me the most was
             | understanding CSS as a shift from programming with an
             | imperative mindset to a declarative mindset. Treat CSS as a
             | medium for expressing 'what you want' instead of 'what to
             | do.' My guiding principle is that "less is more" and if you
             | find yourself writing a ton of super-specific and messy
             | CSS, it's one of two scenarios: there's an easier way to do
             | it, or you have a very picky project manager who wants
             | things to be pixel-perfect to the mock-up. If it's the
             | latter, you have my sympathies.
             | Focusing on the box model is important because it sets the
             | right overall mindset for working with CSS layout. At the
             | risk of being too patronizing, I would highly encourage
             | everyone to at least read the MDN article on CSS basics[0]
             | just to set a baseline for CSS terminology, the idea of the
             | box model, and a few other things.
             | You should then read more detailed documentation [1] on the
             | box model and start to get a feel for how it works in
             | depth. Most pedestrian "spacing issues" should be solved at
             | the level of adjusting margins and padding.
             | The other arm I mentioned was specificity, and this tends
             | to be where a lot of folks get caught asking why their
             | rules aren't applying and those sorts of issues. The
             | documentation is fairly 'academic' but worth a read-
             | through[2].
             | MDN overall is a great resource for a motivated learner,
             | but unfortunately I don't have any 'CSS the right way'
             | sorts of articles in my hat at the moment. Maybe others
             | will post some.
             | [0]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Learn/Getting_start...
             | [1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_...
             | [2]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-
             | US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity
               | bobthepanda wrote:
               | css tricks has nice flexbox and grid guides that also
               | have helpful pictures to show what the end result of CSS
               | is:
               | https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
               | https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/
             | stjohnswarts wrote:
             | You sound a lot like me. I'll use CSS for
             | colors/fonts/theming/separation and then do layout with
             | tables :) . None of the stuff I work on is really all that
             | complicated, so "tables are slow" just doesn't come up
             | because the pages aren't large at all so 5ms vs 50ms
             | doesn't matter.
             | [deleted]
             | qvq wrote:
             | I like doing short challenges to learn and solutions to
             | peak at in case I get stuck.
             | Andy Bell posted front-end challenges for a while, here's
             | the archive: https://piccalil.li/category/front-
             | end%20challenges%20club/
             | Codepen hosts challenges every week. They aren't always CSS
             | focused but many of them are. https://codepen.io/challenges
           | leksak wrote:
           | You could probably write an article that'd be very often read
           | if you teach CSS from this perspective.
             | akersten wrote:
             | I've wanted to actually! It's become almost a meme that CSS
             | is hard and a badge of honor to be ignorant of it, but it's
             | not that bad. I will concede that there are some annoying
             | design decisions (like margin collapsing) but overall, I
             | think it's a well-designed and evolving solution that has
             | stood the test of time. That we've been able to so easily
             | add things like flexbox and Grid to it in response to the
             | changing needs of the web is kind of a testament of how
             | well CSS modelled the problem of layout. Learning box-model
             | and cascading will let one solve 90% of common CSS problems
             | people encounter just from first principles.
           | hombre_fatal wrote:
           | > I think CSS is "difficult to understand" because most
           | people who do front-end don't want to spend a day learning
           | it.
           | Yeah, "html/css" is the object of our derision on HN as some
           | sort of thing that's beneath us. As if someone who is an
           | "html/css" designer isn't a real developer. Yet at the same
           | time we complain that we have to learn it. That after
           | pretending it was trivial all this time, we're annoyed that
           | we can't just fake our way through it when the going gets
           | tough.
           | But the other reason it's hard is that UI and clientdev is
           | hard. There's this weird meme that UI is just bells and
           | whistles and stakeholder pleasers instead of a human
           | interface that demands a lot of forethought and expertise,
           | and something that has to be functional and possibly even a
           | joy for the user to use. You can see this when people here
           | brag about being backend developers that never touch the
           | client as if that's something to brag about.
           | rimliu wrote:
           | Yes, this exactly. Spend no time trying to understand
           | something and then claim that something is hard to
           | understand. No, sir, throwing stuff at the wall and hoping
           | some will stick is not a good way to learn. Alas, this
           | approach is becoming more and more prevalent with everything,
           | not just CSS.
           | aarpmcgee wrote:
           | I've been writing CSS for about 10 years at nearly every
           | professional job I've had. I don't get 'stuck' often and
           | generally feel competent, but I am far from an expert or a
           | master. I think CSS is difficult to understand because there
           | are so many ways to accomplish a task, and so many of those
           | ways lead to (sometimes) unforeseeable consequences, and
           | nearly all of the APIs (possibly with the exception of css
           | grid) don't feel very coherent... in my experience. I think
           | it is difficult to learn because there's no real apparent
           | holistic design to really grok.
           | I tried mdgriffith's elm-ui on a personal project and it was
           | a breath of fresh air. It felt like an utterly excellent
           | abstraction and I hope someone ports it to
           | Typescript/React/JSX some day.
             | bobthepanda wrote:
             | it also doesn't help that sometimes you have to whack-a-
             | mole different browser implementations of the spec, and
             | particularly if you're working on a bit of a website
             | somebody else owns you have to be very careful about
             | specificity, what styles other teams may be using, etc.
         | stjohnswarts wrote:
         | This is me. My brain chucks it in the bitbucket as soon as the
         | project over. 95% of my time is in firmware with the occasional
         | web page/javascript to update and I google and It All Starts
         | Making Sense, and then the project is over and I don't touch it
         | again for 2 years :)
         | akincisor wrote:
         | CSS is declarative and not imperative. A lot of people have
         | issues with a different kind of programming.
         | Also the "cascading" nature of CSS makes it hard to reason
         | about.
           | giantrobot wrote:
           | The differences in how different engines/platforms behave
           | definitely does not help when doing any non-trivial layout.
             | wilsonrocks wrote:
             | I think a _lot_ of this is standardised now in the vast
             | majority of browsers people use.
               | bobthepanda wrote:
               | Depending on what space you work in and what consumers
               | you have "majority" is not acceptable.
               | Safari and IE are the big bugbears in my experience.
               | wilsonrocks wrote:
               | True - I'm lucky not to have to consider versions of IE
               | prior to 11 on most projects I work on, and I can usually
               | get things working there, although there's a flexbox
               | thing that I always forget with IE11 that catches me out.
               | I stand by my comment if you don't have to do IE < 11
               | though.
               | bobthepanda wrote:
               | Even just IE11 is pretty bad given the state of grid and
               | flexbox on IE11.
               | wilsonrocks wrote:
               | Yeah, grid is pretty much not worth it imo, as you have
               | to do so much differently. You can make flexbox work
               | though.
               | giantrobot wrote:
               | The environment for CSS isn't nearly as "standard" as you
               | might think. Even though WebKit and Blink are the
               | majority engines on mobile there's tons of combinations
               | of versions, screen sizes, and aspect ratios. Trivial
               | layouts are easy but more complicated layouts can be very
               | difficult to get working right, let alone _looking_
               | right, across browsers /platforms.
               | The problems are often solvable but not necessarily easy.
               | The difficulty is compounded by the heterogeneity of the
               | Android space.
               | It's great the majority browser engines follow the CSS
               | standards but a lot of problems aren't bounded by the
               | accuracy of the implementation.
               | wilsonrocks wrote:
               | Without wanting to diminish what you're saying, which
               | makes a lot of sense - I feel like we should be trying to
               | avoid complex layouts on mobile - at least in the
               | browser.
               | And you're right that screen sizes can mess stuff up,
               | Firefox/chrome mobile view on devtools doesn't always
               | tell the full story... Got something working there and it
               | was broken on my actual phone.
         | stormbrew wrote:
         | I think it really has more to do with the fact that it was
         | originally only designed with print flow in mind. Like laying
         | out a magazine with columnar text.
         | When it was initially designed there was an expectation that
         | structural layout would happen outside of it and then you'd
         | flow your text and other inline/block objects within that.
         | Most everything since then has just been about trying to get
         | css back to the structural flexibility people had in 1996 with
         | tables, while still trying to keep the flow flexibility css
         | brought (and then, as you say, adding on media-type
         | flexibility). It's not a surprise this turned out ugly.
         | shaftway wrote:
         | I think it's because of the combinatorics of it and it's
         | compounded by the specificity system, the size of the
         | vocabulary, and no built-in compiler.
         | The combinatorics are tough for our lizard brains to reason
         | out. If you don't have a strict set of rules for your CSS then
         | you end up with a mixture of element rules, class rules, and id
         | rules, and the combinations of these can get hard to hold in
         | your head. Having compound styles doesn't help at all because
         | it's easy to not realize you're setting a style accidentally.
         | Then what happens when there's a collision? The specificity
         | system is supposed to sort that out, but without learning the
         | rules there's just no way to intuit them. When I'm struggling
         | with getting something just right and some library CSS is
         | overriding my local CSS it's always the specificity rules that
         | are at fault.
         | The vocabulary size is enormous. It's unclear exactly how many
         | properties there actually are, but the most authoritative
         | answer I could find was 522. That's a crazy number. And yes,
         | that treats `margin` and `margin-left` as two separate
         | properties, but they're still in there. By comparison there are
         | 53 reserved words in Java and only 33 in Javascript. It's
         | possible for a mere mortal to memorize these.
         | And finally there's no built-in compiler. Yes, I know about
         | Sass, but that's not much more than a macro system; a useful
         | macro system, but still just a macro system. A lot of us use
         | compilers as our grammar and vocabulary checkers. If I do mis-
         | spell a word in Java the compiler usually errors out and I'm
         | forced to fix it. But if you mis-spell a property in CSS it's
         | happy to just ignore it and you spend several minutes trying to
         | figure out why your change did nothing.
           | animationwill wrote:
           | > By comparison there are 53 reserved words in Java and only
           | 33 in Javascript.
           | Where did you find these numbers? I'm trying to find them but
           | I can only find the Ecmascript and the number appears way
           | higher
         | doinathing wrote:
         | For me I think CSS is hard to understand mostly because the
         | underlying concepts are low level and designed to accommodate
         | ALL POSSIBLE rendering scenarios, not just "I'm putting a
         | website on this laptop or phone screen".
         | CSS is able to target print and all manner of other different
         | scenarios and needs. It's inherently complicated because it's
         | very flexible and accounts for all kinds of use cases.
         | The problem is you don't need all that power most of the time,
         | but it's there. To understand CSS you have to understand a lot
         | of underlying concepts about layout and web page structure.
         | People feel like "Why do I have to remember all these arbitrary
         | rules?!". I sympathize - and sure a fair few things are
         | arbitrary and never changed due to not breaking existing code -
         | but most of the rules are not arbitrary, they just serve a
         | bigger world than what we might be dealing with as web devs.
         | In the end I prefer to think of CSS as a powerful programming
         | language that gives me lots of _primitives_, not a framework
         | with a bunch of out of the box behavior that matches my narrow
         | needs. If you want those, they are out there of course.
         | But yeah. CSS is hard and it takes study, practice, and time to
         | be good at it. I think half of the time we struggle with CSS
         | it's because we expect that it is "easy" and that it should
         | cooperate without us investing time in learning it. It's
         | written in short lines that look like plain English. It should
         | do what we expect all the time, right?
       | preommr wrote:
       | I hate that people use CSS Grid like this. For some reason, I see
       | so many people reach for CSS Grid like it's the de facto solution
       | for responsive design.
       | This is a bad design because you're tying the child elements to
       | the grid layout of the parent. If you added an extra column in
       | the grid, you'd have to go and adjust it for the full bleed
       | elements.
       | IMO a better solution would've been to just use a column layout
       | with flex box, where the children are containers at standard
       | sizes (e.g. full-bleed, 80-characters, etc.).
       | Yes it adds like another tag or two, but it's semantically more
       | sound. And from that extra markup we get a lot more flexibility,
       | e.g. going from column layout to a slide show or something if
       | someone wanted.
       | CSS Grids are good for grids i.e. layouts where you want control
       | over flow in both axes. This is not a grid. You have one column
       | of data where you are controlling whitespace.
       | This has become a real pet peeve of mine because it seems like so
       | many people love css grid when it's actual use case is fairly
       | rare.
       | Edit: I also want to add that this creates an uglier layout if
       | you have variable width children. Because you'd essentially
       | create a full-bleed container element just to add a non-full
       | bleed child to it.
       | And I am sorry that this came across as kind of aggressive, this
       | is something that's really been irking me with recent web dev
       | trends. And I feel like a crazy person confused over why the
       | world suddenly decided on Css Grid all day every day.
         | exogen wrote:
         | This alternative falls apart as soon as you want to put a
         | border or box-shadow around the content column while still
         | having full-bleed elements.
         | Now you're limited to having it individually around each group
         | of elements before/after any full-bleed content, instead of the
         | entire set of content.
         | highwind wrote:
         | This reminded me of days where we used <table> to do layout.
         | tekkk wrote:
         | It's surprising how rarely I even consider using CSS grid and
         | every time I do, I still figure out a way to do it with
         | flexbox. Now this depends of course on what you are doing, but
         | for simple things, and you should keep things simple more often
         | than complicated, flexbox is still as valid as it was before.
         | Maybe my layouts aren't as fancy as those who know how to
         | neatly proportion their boxes with CSS grid using golden
         | ratios, but I'm quite satisfied that they work and are easy to
         | understand for anyone who knows a thing or two about flexboxes.
         | Sometimes I might have to add an unnecessary wrapper, I admit
         | that. But oh well.
         | ss3000 wrote:
         | Widespread flex gap support will probably eliminate 95% of grid
         | usage in my apps today: https://caniuse.com/flexbox-gap
         | And what a surprise, it's just Safari holding us back again.
         | =_=
         | asddubs wrote:
         | there's virtue to having smaller isolated components when
         | possible. kind of a weird example, but the other day I tried to
         | make a huge table responsive (that needed to be paginated
         | badly, but that was an issue out of my reach) - I found out
         | that chrome actually maxes out at 1000 rows for display:grid,
         | and then your layout just breaks. I converted it to flexbox and
         | getting it to look the way I wanted was way easier than I
         | expected, plus I could support ie11 without having to do the
         | weird ms grid syntax. I imagine it's also faster for the
         | browser
       | bigbubba wrote:
       | The translucent gradient overlay this site has is truly
       | obnoxious. What possesses people to do things like this? Headers
       | that follow you when you scroll down the page are bad enough, but
       | this is truly abominable. Don't fade out text I'm trying to read
       | dammit!
       | Delete StandardLayout__GradientWrapper, it served no useful
       | purpose, it only pisses people off.
         | sergeykish wrote:
         | I've thought blocking sticky header would remove it but no --
         | flying gradient. Besides how to support names like
         | StandardLayout__GradientWrapper-sc-1x2euwc-2 doIIpB in
         | annoyance list? They would change in a moment.
           | aembleton wrote:
           | Easier to just use Reader View
         | MrBuddyCasino wrote:
         | I stopped reading the article because of this. Highly
         | offensive.
       | remram wrote:
       | If your screen is too wide to read websites comfortably, why
       | don't you resize your browser?
       | What is the point of buying a bigger monitor if you're still
       | going to full-screen your browser to the point you can't read
       | anymore? Isn't the point of bigger monitors to show more things
       | at once?
         | aembleton wrote:
         | Because I have many tabs open that I am switching between. Some
         | of them work better in full screen and others need less space.
         | roelschroeven wrote:
         | I don't understand either.
         | These days we have many websites with giant empty spaces on the
         | left and/or right, all in the name of making the text lines
         | short enough (much shorter than I like them, but that's another
         | rant). Making the browser window smaller often makes the text
         | even smaller, instead of the useless empty spaces. Make some
         | room for my other windows, please! We're not in the 90's
         | anymore where monitors were only large enough for one window.
         | There's this trend of very wide and ultra wide monitors. I
         | sincerely hope people don't use their browsers full-screen on
         | 3440x1440 monitors.
         | Unless those empty spaces are supposed to be filled with ads
         | that my ad blocker blocks for me. But that too is another rant.
           | ryandrake wrote:
           | > These days we have many websites with giant empty spaces on
           | the left and/or right, all in the name of making the text
           | lines short enough (much shorter than I like them, but that's
           | another rant).
           | The other rant is here: [1].
           | Curious why do you hope people don't use their browsers full-
           | screen? How does someone else's browsing preference affect
           | you? Am I a lesser person if I want to use my browser full-
           | screen on a 5120x2880 retina display?
           | It seems more and more every year, the user's preference gets
           | sidelined in favor of the web site designer's preference. I
           | never thought it would get to this, but as web sites get more
           | and more opinionated about enforcing their particular
           | stylistic choices, I'm more often than not feeling the need
           | to disable CSS or go into Reader mode. I wish browser
           | developers would provide better tools to override
           | questionable site designs, rather than taking them away. At
           | least I can still change the font size with the browsers
           | (shhhh--don't give them any ideas).
           | 1: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24690133
             | remram wrote:
             | I'm not trying to tell you what to do. But if YOU make your
             | browser wider than YOU can comfortably read, why do you
             | expect ME the developer to do something with CSS to deal
             | with it?
             | That is the way your preferences affect me.
       | throw_m239339 wrote:
       | I really hated this era before flexbox and co. CSS used to be the
       | least intuitive thing on the planet yet a lot of people claimed
       | otherwise. We had to resort to silly tricks (remember overflow
       | hidden?) in order to make up for the mess that CSS used to be.
       | Again what really pissed me off isn't CSS inherent issues but the
       | fact that many people claimed there was absolutely nothing wrong
       | with it, a pattern I often see with many developers about this or
       | that language. Obviously, there were some problems or we wouldn't
       | be needing CSS grids or flexbox today.
       | I don't understand this.
       | You can appreciate something while still acknowledging its
       | obvious flaws, nothing is perfect.
         | pkulak wrote:
         | It's tough to know that something is bad when you don't know
         | about anything better. I remember when I started doing Android
         | development was when I really realized how terrible CSS was.
         | And this was long before all the new constraint stuff in iOS
         | and Android that still makes CSS look bad.
         | hardwaregeek wrote:
         | I find it really frustrating when project runners refuse to
         | acknowledge shortcomings. I'm not always expecting them to
         | solve it, but I'd at least like an acknowledgement that the
         | issue I'm facing is valid. Pretending it's just me or that the
         | obviously worse alternative is okay gets annoying.
         | One example is ReasonML's async story:                   Q:
         | What's BuckleScript's async story?              A: If you're
         | not interfacing with any library that uses promises, you can
         | simply use callbacks. Everyone gets them and they're
         | performant. If you need to bind to a JS library that uses
         | promises, or communicate with such library, you can use BS's
         | Js.Promise.
         | IMO that's a less than ideal response. I'd prefer a more honest
         | response like:
         | A: Unfortunately, we do not offer an async/await equivalent
         | currently. BuckleScript has a Js.Promise type for using
         | Promises. We understand that this is not ideal, and are working
         | on other options.
         | Look--it's okay that they don't have the feature. Nobody's
         | perfect. But they shouldn't pretend that callbacks are an
         | acceptable replacement because they're "performant".
           | ducaale wrote:
           | OCaml has monadic let syntax[1] which is similar to F#'s
           | computation expressions. I am not sure why it is not yet
           | supported in Reasonml/Bucklescript.
           | [1] http://jobjo.github.io/2019/04/24/ocaml-has-some-new-
           | shiny-s...
           | andrewingram wrote:
           | This is my biggest bugbear (the general behaviour, not the
           | specific example). I want to make good technical decisions,
           | your library has made choices based on its principles and
           | design goals, don't obscure the trade-offs you've been made
           | -- this is just a (poor) growth hack in disguise.
           | I've seen so many people use technologies then regret it a
           | year later because they realised what they actually wanted to
           | achieve was at odds with the design goals of the technology.
         | dsego wrote:
         | In my experience, no matter how many improvements there have
         | been, there are always things that you are trying to do that
         | css doesn't support or make easy to do. Recently I've tried
         | making tabs the same width but not justified horizontally,
         | meaning all tabs should have the same width as the widest one.
         | Something like this (1) but without hard coding the children
         | count. In my mind, you would be able to set the widths to max-
         | width of siblings. In general, I would love to have more
         | signifiers that describe relations between elements.
         | (1)https://codepen.io/brettdonald/pen/oRpORG
           | mattigames wrote:
           | Then what direction of relationship would have precedence,
           | left to right? Right to left? If neither how precedence would
           | be defined? Overall I don't want css to become any more
           | complex, if you need an edge case such as that one JavaScript
           | is a great tool for the job.
           | andykx wrote:
           | Funny, I was just struggling with this yesterday in an
           | assessment I was given for a new job.
         | hombre_fatal wrote:
         | Seems like a bit of a strawman, people who couldn't think of a
         | single issue with CSS. You are generally talking to beginners
         | when you encounter anyone like that on any subject. Kind of
         | like trying to draw too many conclusions from a Twitter
         | argument you had with someone who is actually a 14yo (probably
         | happens a lot more than we like to think).
         | Instead I think I could agree with people who could point out
         | that it's all trade-offs, and there are some upsides to having
         | fewer autolayout options in UI programming. For example,
         | flexbox and cssgrids enables things you simply wouldn't have
         | attempted before in CSS (you'd have gone with something less
         | expressive, like media-query hard-coding). And any time you
         | nest grids and/or flexboxes you get to rediscover the horrors
         | of autolayout flexibility.
         | UI is hard and there is no "best". Though it's the emergence of
         | mobile devices that forced the hand to more complex autolayout
         | tools.
         | krsdcbl wrote:
         | i suspect you might be mixing up people who talked about the
         | spec and actual end users - at least can't seem to recall
         | anyone ever saying css is good as it is, back in the days. The
         | shortcomings where well known and anmoying to anyone having to
         | work with them. But that might be true to my bubble only.
         | bigbubba wrote:
         | I've noticed that some people mistake _' the best extant X'_
         | with _' X has no problems.'_ For instance, _' Y is a problem
         | with X'_ will often receive the response _' Nuh-uh, because
         | extant Z also has problem Y but is worse than X in other
         | respects.'_ Look for this particularly in conversations about
         | smartphones.
         | > > _iphones have poor battery life, I 'd like a phone that
         | keeps a charge for a full week at least._
         | > _No you 're wrong because android phones also have bad
         | battery life._
       | svnpenn wrote:
       | this guy has some voodoo going on this site. I see the page, then
       | the whole screen turns white. Even in safe mode.
       | Edit: he is using ResizeObserver:
       | https://developer.mozilla.org/Web/API/ResizeObserver
       | which hasnt made it past draft JavaScript specification.
         | aembleton wrote:
         | Interesting. I don't see the screen turning white on Firefox 81
           | svnpenn wrote:
           | Its been implemented since Firefox 69 (I am using older
           | version). But regardless, its part of a draft spec, shouldnt
           | be used on a public website IMO.
       | andy_ppp wrote:
       | CSS Grid is horrendous to debug once it gets complex and you
       | can't rely on document flow any more, things can be placed
       | anywhere which might seem big and clever but a few nested grids +
       | the cascade and you're quite frankly screwed. If you really must
       | use CSS grid I say use it for the main layout and nothing else,
       | then at least future you has a chance.
       | Also this is more complex than using negative margins ever was.
       | awake wrote:
       | I like this idea, but how do you deal with pseudo bleed elements
       | overlapping with sidebar content? For example many websites put
       | navigation elements on the sidebar [1], or margin notes [2], [3].
       | I personally would love to see a css only solution for pseudo
       | bleed with margin notes. The only solutions I've found so far use
       | resize observer to absolutely position the margin notes using js
       | or have hand coded positions and offsets.
       | [1]: https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2020/07/01/accordion-
       | rows...
       | [2]: https://www.gwern.net/About
       | [3]: https://www.inkandswitch.com/local-first.html
         | bhl wrote:
         | A compromise might be to hide navigation elements or margin
         | notes until you hover / click on an element, sort of like how
         | Wikipedia enables page previews on internal links.
         | svnpenn wrote:
         | > https://www.gwern.net/About
         | what the hell, its like someone vomited CSS on that page
       | nessunodoro wrote:
       | If you subscribe to the newsletter, I highly recommend the non-
       | stop confetti party.
       | ddevault wrote:
       | I have a much simpler approach which works on browsers going back
       | 10+ years:
       | https://mirror.drewdevault.com/margins.html
       | reidjs wrote:
       | If there's any chance the content on your page will need to be
       | printable or turned into a PDF, do not use CSS Grid. It will get
       | obliterated no matter which browser you use. I made a mobile
       | responsive resume using CSS Grid which I eventually had to
       | completely redo the styling because Grid broke everything.
         | indentit wrote:
         | This is good advice. I recently tried to rewrite my resume in
         | HTML and CSS because I was annoyed with LibreOffice's (though
         | Word would be no different) table handling/UX - wherein my
         | table ended right before the bottom page margin so I ended up
         | with an unnecessary trailing blank page.
         | After switching to CSS grids, I had problems with alternating
         | row background colors (I achieved it, but relied on knowing the
         | contents when what I really wanted was a generic solution).
         | Apart from that (and me wanting to group some elements together
         | to make the markup a bit more semantic and `display: contents`
         | having some weird interactions), it was quite a breeze. But,
         | then I tried to print it to PDF, and discovered that browsers
         | won't split a grid row over two pages even if I tell it to, so
         | ended up with more whitespace in other places... Am now trying
         | to decide whether to just use table markup as one cannot
         | specify colspans etc in CSS with `display: table-cell`...
           | 1-more wrote:
           | If you're printing a resume I cannot recommend LaTeX highly
           | enough. It's a hassle to set up, it's niche so you'll
           | probably only ever use it for your resume unless you
           | (re)enter academia, and the learning curve is a bear. But
           | your resume will sing and if you like to look at beautiful
           | type while you work this will feel good. You may find
           | yourself writing up set theory problems just for fun.
           | Protips: \usepackage[garamond]{mathdesign} sudo
           | getnonfreefonts --sys -a
           | https://ctan.org/pkg/mathdesign
           | https://tug.org/fonts/getnonfreefonts/
       | diroussel wrote:
       | The article starts out with the problem of wikipedia pages. Does
       | anyone have a solution to wikipedia pages?
       | I tried to adapt the articles approach to wikipedia. Create an
       | account on wikipedia, or login.
       | Then go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Preferences#mw-
       | prefsec...
       | I chose MinervaNeue with Custom CSS. Here is what I set the CSS
       | to:                 main {         display: grid;         grid-
       | template-columns:           1fr           min(65ch, 100%)
       | 1fr;       }       main p {        font-family: "Hoefler Text",
       | Garamond, "Times New Roman", Cambria, Cochin, Georgia, Times,
       | 'Times New Roman', serif ;       }       main > * {         grid-
       | column: 2;       }       .infobox {         width: 100%;
       | grid-column: 1 / 4;       }
       | It's ok. But the infobox isn't right. It takes up too much space
       | from the main column.
       | Anybody got a better layout?
         | mattacular wrote:
         | Not sure the answer to your question but worth mentioning that
         | Wikipedia is working on a major redesign that will hopefully
         | address some of these things.
           | spurgu wrote:
           | From what I've understood it's already rolling out in small
           | steps.
         | aembleton wrote:
         | I like using Wikiwand. For example:
         | https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hacker_News
       | notatoad wrote:
       | is there a reason this is better than just putting a max-width on
       | your paragraphs, and margin:auto?
       | laksdjfkasljdf wrote:
       | lol. that problem is solved decades ago. the problem have always,
       | since the table layouts, been a decent VERTICAL bleed _on top_ of
       | this.
       | neogodless wrote:
       | Is it just me and/or Desktop Firefox? The first example shows
       | fixed navigation/ads and flexible content, but then the article
       | goes on to demonstrate fixed content with flexible side bars.
       | Which of these options does the author consider the real Holy
       | Grail?
         | aembleton wrote:
         | Which of these options does the author consider the real Holy
         | Grail?
         | > Once flexbox achieved mainstream browser support, this layout
         | went from "holy grail" to "fountain drink"; it was everywhere,
         | because it offered a great user experience, and was within
         | reach for all developers.
         | > As the web has evolved, I've discovered a new aspirational
         | layout.
           | neogodless wrote:
           | Ah gotcha, missed that line!
         | sp332 wrote:
         | Flexible content is deemed a problem under the heading "The
         | Problem".
       | enkrs wrote:
       | Great article. While CSS grid is very powerful, maybe I'm not
       | seeing the full picture in the examples: aren't the examples
       | possible with just p { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 65ch } ? What
       | does grid bring here?
         | krsdcbl wrote:
         | only theoretically, for the p element itself.
         | ch is a fontsize relative unit and this solution wouldn't
         | provide the same results for any element that has another text
         | sizing and is not wrapped within a p tag.
         | and if you apply these rules to the whole content wrapper, you
         | loose the ability to have some children selectively fill the
         | viewport.
         | justusthane wrote:
         | I think part of it is that there are probably lots of
         | additional items that you want to constrain to the main column,
         | so your CSS would end up looking more like:
         | #content p, h1, h2, h3, nav { .. }
         | Kind of a pain to manually specify each element that you want
         | to constrain, when it's most of them. This approach allows you
         | to instead target the items that you _don 't_ want to
         | constrain.
         | Additionally, as a more specific issue, the static-site
         | generator that I use renders markdown such that images are
         | inside a paragraph, so your approach wouldn't work at all for
         | me.
         |  __Edit __: As an aside, that 's a super fun site! Lots of neat
         | little UI easter eggs.
           | uallo wrote:
           | Then use something like `#content > :not(.full-bleed) { .. }`
           | akersten wrote:
           | Still not sure I get it. CSS makes it very easy to carve-out
           | elements because of selector specificity.
           | .content * { max-width: 65ch; margin: 0 auto; }
           | .content img { max-width: 100%; width: 100%; }
           | It's a neat demo of CSS Grid, for sure, but the above would
           | be my much preferred way of doing this kind of layout. Maybe
           | if there were a need for elements (quotes, callouts, etc.) in
           | the side columns alongside the content, then it makes more
           | sense to use Grid.
             | vbernat wrote:
             | You would get a ragged left margin if you have elements
             | less than 65ch wide.
               | krsdcbl wrote:
               | you actually wouldn't, as these smaller elements still
               | get centered by the auto margin
               | akersten wrote:
               | I left out some assumptions for brevity, but my
               | presumption was that everything inside of the container
               | (like p tags) would be display: block, so it would try to
               | fill the max-width of 65ch with blank space anyway.
           | iamben wrote:
           | Use a negative margin on the full bleed item? Bit hacky, but
           | works fine:                 .content {         max-width:
           | 85ch;         width: 100%;         margin: 0 auto;       }
           | .content img,       .content .full-bleed {         width:
           | 100vw;         height: auto;         padding-left: 50%;
           | margin-left: -50vw;       }
       | typon wrote:
       | Can this be done using flex-grow?
       | dunnevens wrote:
       | Just wanted to say that's an excellent tutorial. I almost never
       | touch anything on the front end. My web dev skills are, at best,
       | thoroughly out of date. But I could still follow and understand
       | everything presented. If you're reading, thanks Josh. Great job.
         | glitcher wrote:
         | I especially appreciate how the end solution was presented
         | fairly early in the tutorial after the stage had been set. I
         | find it helpful to see the code representing "where we're
         | going" instead of holding out until the very end to arrive
         | there.
         | jayparth wrote:
         | Agreed! It's very well written -- I noticed that immediately
         | too
       | zamalek wrote:
       | > There's a complicating factor, however--not all content should
       | be constrained.
       | Hmmm. That had really not occurred to me. A great post for this
       | little gem alone.
       | jarek83 wrote:
       | Whoa - your website eats 40% of quite recent Macbook Pro' CPU. It
       | looks cool at the same time! Great content!
       | acomjean wrote:
       | I get that one of my browsers isn't the newest safari (last
       | update 2019), but the page shows the content, then blanks out the
       | screen... Can't we fail gracefully..
       | "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ResizeObserver"
       | Works fine in firefox. Diabling javascript in safari works,
       | excepting some images don't load..
       | pier25 wrote:
       | Why even use grid when you can solve this much easier without it?
         | onion2k wrote:
         | Grid enables you to do this ( _and a lot more_ ) in a way that
         | works across all modern browsers without much code in a robust
         | and consistent manner. If you still need to support IE or older
         | Android it's useful to understand other approaches but if you
         | want to deploy something today that works grid is an excellent
         | approach.
         | I've been building front end stuff for about 25 years and grid
         | is _much_ more straightforward than any approach that 's come
         | before it. Tables were a hassle to change, floats were fragile
         | across browsers, flex was (and still is) good, but grid is a
         | step up from all of those.
           | grumple wrote:
           | Just as an FYI, I've run into browser compatibility issues
           | when using grid. It's been a while since I worked on that
           | project, so hopefully mobile / edge / safari / chrome /
           | firefox are all on the same page now, but it wasn't great a
           | year or two ago. Go here [1] and keep hitting more, there are
           | unfortunately lots of things not working in Safari and partly
           | in Firefox.
           | 1. https://caniuse.com/?search=grid
           | pier25 wrote:
           | I don't disagree but it seems like you're avoiding my
           | question.
         | sntran wrote:
         | How would you do this otherwise?
           | e1g wrote:
           | A simple implementation that works on IE8
           | https://twitter.com/e1g/status/1313178559234609153
             | pier25 wrote:
             | That's exactly what I was thinking about
             | sntran wrote:
             | What about inline or inline-block children, such as an
             | aside, a TOC. You are assuming every children is a block.
             | That is not always the case.
               | sntran wrote:
               | Nevermind, it's the same with Grid.
               | pier25 wrote:
               | Couldn't you just group all inline-block elements inside
               | a block element?
       | k33n wrote:
       | That layout was never terribly hard to implement.
       | ryandrake wrote:
       | > Have you ever tried to read Wikipedia on a very large screen?
       | It looks like this: [image] Those paragraphs are so wide!
       | Wikipedia doesn't constrain the container width at all. This
       | leads to lines that are hundreds of characters in length.
       | NOOOOO! Please, please, please, please stop second-guessing my
       | choice of browser window width! I bought a nice 27" monitor, and
       | maybe I just want to use the whole thing. Why is your opinion
       | about the amount of space I should be able to use for text more
       | important than mine? I honestly don't care what your research
       | says about optimal character lengths. I deliberately stretched my
       | browser window to be this wide. Please don't override me.
         | LocalPCGuy wrote:
         | Two reasons. One, the designer of the site has a specific UX
         | and UI in mind, and that is their decision. If you don't like
         | it, you can hack it with local CSS or just use a different
         | site.
         | Two, (I know you don't care, but for others reading) there are
         | studies that show that for the vast majority of people, width
         | constraints make it easier to read. So there is good reason to
         | enforce those constraints in the design from a usability
         | perspective, not just a design perspective.
         | Sorry you don't care about the research. When I'm building a
         | site I absolutely DO care about the research, and what will
         | make it work the best for the largest number of people.
           | roelschroeven wrote:
           | Optimal line length for the web is not as short as it is
           | commonly believed: https://www.viget.com/articles/the-line-
           | length-misconception...
           | Even apart from that, I just see no point in constraining the
           | widths forcefully. Just let the width adapt to the browser
           | width, then each user can size it to his/her preferences and
           | needs of the moment. Win-win for everyone.
           | Jach wrote:
           | Have you read the research? It doesn't really support the
           | claims people make about it. A good starter thread (albeit
           | it's hard to follow all the replies in the nested
           | conversations):
           | https://twitter.com/danluu/status/1115707741102727168
             | LocalPCGuy wrote:
             | I've read quite a bit of it. It really depends on the
             | claim. Speed is generally faster with longer lines,
             | although it does seem like there is an upper limit. But
             | comprehension and subjective judgement (yes, that last is
             | hard to quantify) seem to be best between 40-60 characters
             | (actually less than the commonly recommended 65 as seen in
             | the original post here). Also, it's generally not line-
             | length, but characters per line, that matters, and keeping
             | the visual angle from changing as the user reads.
             | So it depends on what exactly is being measured, which is
             | why I said the overall UX and not something more specific.
             | This is a bit older, well prior to the days of 4K displays,
             | but lots of interesting stuff nonetheless: http://images3.w
             | ikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060729105544/psychol...
           | ryandrake wrote:
           | I guess my rant should be more directed towards browsers. I
           | remember Netscape allowing me to specify all sorts of
           | stylistic preferences. Hell, I could easily make your web
           | site's background be a brick wall if I wanted to. Most those
           | things have kind of disappeared by now, and we're left with
           | CSS hacks, "Disable CSS" and "Reader Mode". Oh and I guess we
           | can set default fonts and colors too, but those just get
           | over-ridden by 99% of sites. Would be nice if User-agents
           | would return some more control back to the actual user.
       | benfrain wrote:
       | Is this any different to Ethan Marcotte's technique written from
       | back in April?
       | https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/css-grid-without-max-width/
       | Used that one myself here: https://rwd.education
       | Perizors wrote:
       | I don't know why but this page is using 100% CPU and making my
       | fans go through the roof in Safari.
         | skyo wrote:
         | Same. I stopped reading halfway through because I'm on battery
         | and don't want to run it down just reading a blog post. Also I
         | got tired of the fan noise.
         | spurgu wrote:
         | Same, around 40-50% CPU in Brave (MacOS), and the article is
         | more or less useless with JS disabled.. tth_tth
           | Perizors wrote:
           | Yeah, disabling JS fixed it but then you can't see any of the
           | code snippets.
             | spurgu wrote:
             | This seems to work nicely: https://archive.is/YjDHQ
       | frosted-flakes wrote:
       | This is actually a really neat technique. I've done full-bleed
       | layouts before grid was around, but it required messing around
       | with negative margins, which is fragile and hard to get right.
         | tylershuster wrote:
         | Yes, I always have to play around with some variant of
         | margin: 0 calc(50vw - 50% - 1rem);
         | or something, which feels really hacky.
       | jszymborski wrote:
       | Slightly OT, but this page has the BEST alternative for a modal
       | newsletter pop-up I've ever seen. I have a personal rule that I
       | close the tab as soon as a modal asking for my email pops up.
       | When the cute little figure on the left _asked_ for my consent to
       | pop-up a modal, I had to click on it because it was so cute and
       | respectful.
       | This is great design that I'm sure converts as well without
       | cheapening your brand and accosting your users.
         | LeoPanthera wrote:
         | I closed the page as soon as I saw that because I assumed it
         | was an ad that had escaped the blocker.
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | What information are you concerned about them harvesting that
           | they won't have gotten just from the ad loading? I suppose
           | time on site and stuff, but I'm not sure what bits of info
           | you're trying to hide. Feels like a situation where you might
           | as well enjoy the content.
         | lukeramsden wrote:
         | And the little heart on the right smiles more the further you
         | scroll.
           | typon wrote:
           | I just loved that so much
         | remram wrote:
         | Agreed. On the other hand, it probably could have done without
         | the sound.
           | jszymborski wrote:
           | ah, my sound was off. That is unnecessarily intrusive.
         | amanzi wrote:
         | Agreed. I subscribed to the newsletter too - I would normally
         | never do that.
           | davidandgoliath wrote:
           | Same, well, that and the content is wonderful.
       | sntran wrote:
       | A quick note is that by using CSS grid, margins are not
       | collapsed. For the example in the article, the heading and the
       | paragraph are rows, so if they have top and bottom margins, they
       | will be further apart than normally. This can break design
       | sometimes
       | dylan604 wrote:
       | Did anyone else get weird screen flickering[0] from the animated
       | stars used in a few places on this site? The dev-tools show the
       | stars are <span> elements being added/removed dynamically. The
       | animation is cutesy, but the flickering is annoying.
       | FF 80.0.1 MacOS 10.14 (yeah it's old)
       | [0]https://vimeo.com/465078029
         | nimih wrote:
         | I got the same flickering in FF 81, OS X 10.15. It only
         | happened when the stars were on-screen.
       (page generated 2020-10-05 23:00 UTC)