[HN Gopher] Kube Dooom, Kill Kubernetes Pods Using Id's Doom
       Kube Dooom, Kill Kubernetes Pods Using Id's Doom
       Author : nfrankel
       Score  : 103 points
       Date   : 2020-10-05 18:47 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | k__ wrote:
       | Half-OT:
       | Do you think that a 3D environment can in some way be(come) a
       | better GUI for development/operations than the 2D stuff we have
       | now?
         | untog wrote:
         | We sort of already have a 3D environment: windowing systems.
         | But every IDE I've used in years instead uses tabs. Perhaps
         | something of note there.
         | kevinmgranger wrote:
         | I'd love to see some exploration of how VR could be used past
         | the idea of "you have infinite monitor space now".
           | k__ wrote:
           | I think, the problem with programming is that it's
           | essentially 1D text arranged a bit on a 2D space.
           | So 2D programming isn't really a thing. That's probably why
           | 3D isn't a thing either.
             | SahAssar wrote:
             | That's only true if you don't consider the context that the
             | code lives in. For example coloration in editors could be
             | considered a visualization of additional dimensions of info
             | (syntax, types) and autocompletes are like a branching
             | "time-like" dimension. Besides that code mostly tries to
             | solve problems that can be represented and show visually.
             | The need exists, how to turn that into a solution with a
             | useable interface that I'd use for multiple hours a day is
             | beyond me though.
             | For me Bret Victor's talks point to this problem where we
             | treat code as something we only interact with as text but
             | it can be so much more: https://vimeo.com/36579366
             | https://vimeo.com/64895205
           | SketchySeaBeast wrote:
           | That's really all I ask. I doubt very much that any movement
           | in virtual space is going to be as efficient as a keyboard
           | and mouse, so just let me see everything and call it a day.
           | Relevant community commentary on the potential ridiculousness
           | of VR interfaces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4FGzE4endQ
           | [deleted]
           | Rebelgecko wrote:
           | An IDE that takes advantage of depth could be kinda cool.
           | Imagine if every level of indentation resulted in text that
           | appeared to be further way. It would be best to discourage
           | spaghetti code by making it physically uncomfortable
             | can16358p wrote:
             | That would be pretty cool though. Imagine coding on VR
             | goggles on, and you move your head forward to "zoom in" to
             | the code, with some eye tracker built into the goggles,
             | move the cursor, and code. Using physical head gestures for
             | navigation, if done correctly, has great potential.
           | t0astbread wrote:
           | There was an interesting post that touched on that topic a
           | while ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24162703
         | outworlder wrote:
         | > Do you think that a 3D environment can in some way be(come) a
         | better GUI for development/operations than the 2D stuff we have
         | now?
         | There's a whole new dimension to work with. Working with it is
         | optional. In principle I'd say yes.
         | That assumes we've found ways to efficiently use the extra
         | dimension, including visualizing and interacting with it.
         | dec0dedab0de wrote:
         | I think being able to stack things that would normally be a sub
         | menu might be interesting. it would need something better than
         | a mouse though.
         | westoncb wrote:
         | I was working on a 'visual debugger' that centered around a 3D
         | display of data structures evolving in time[0], and learned
         | some lessons from it.
         | I would say the key thing is to understand the specific
         | properties that differ when adding another dimension.
         | The main thing you gain in terms of expressing information, or
         | in terms of designing an interaction scheme, is another axis on
         | which you can 'analyze' your problem: this is a generalization
         | of the basic idea you see with a 3D data plot vs 2D. This 3rd
         | dimension is a new element of the 'syntax' of your UI, which
         | can be made to map to a specific concept in your program.
         | So then the question is: does the problem you're trying to
         | solve have a matching structure that would be clarified by
         | having an additional axis to map its visual representation on
         | to?
         | Additionally, the property that caught my attention initially
         | was about using 3D space + human visual processing to define an
         | information prioritization scheme: 'depth' into a 3D scene is
         | is a natural, ready-made system for indicating priority:
         | Objects nearer to the camera (less 'depth'), occlude further
         | objects. Further objects have their (projected) size reduced as
         | a function of their depth, and are often darkened as well. All
         | this adds up to a convenient/flexible way of talking about
         | priority (from the programmer's perspective) and a natural way
         | of reading priority (from the user's perspective).
         | That's the theory anyway: my experience with it was a mixed
         | bag, and at least for my specific project, when I've thought
         | about how I'd do things differently now I think I'd just stick
         | with 2D--at least to start with.
         | There are a lot of more unsolved problems that show up when
         | thinking about UI in 3D, possibly because the design space is
         | larger, but certainly at least because it's less explored. And
         | the number of possible ways things can go wrong, or at least
         | considerations needing to be made, from both programming and
         | design standpoints, is also significantly larger in my
         | experience.
         | [0] http://symbolflux.com/projects/avd
         | 1MoreThing wrote:
         | I thought it was a pretty compelling idea when I first saw it
         | in the original Jurassic Park movie, even if that was a
         | metaphor for "hacking."
           | k__ wrote:
           | When I was 10, I imagined the internet was like a first
           | person 3D game and the police would have to hunt hackers by
           | running after them in the virtual world.
             | can16358p wrote:
             | This reminded me of being around the same age, and thinking
             | that if me and a friend is on the same webpage we would see
             | each other on screens in the browser window somewhere.
           | cl0ne wrote:
           | The "unix system" from Jurassic Park was a real application
           | made by SGI.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsn_(file_manager)
           | boogies wrote:
           | All of
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_manager#3D_file_managers
           | look interesting, particularly
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_System_Visualizer reminds
           | me of s3dfm and looks like it might be mildly useful, unlike
           | tdfsb(6), which is a bit fun to use in a large directory of
           | images (though that takes surprisingly long to load), but has
           | little use beyond that.
         | xwdv wrote:
         | Yes, for three dimensional data visualizations and especially
         | three dimensional visualization that can be seen changing over
         | time.
           | k__ wrote:
           | There are many 2D viz tools for IaC that fall short, because
           | a cloud resource can have too many connections to other
           | resources.
           | That is, too many for 2D, but in 3D the connections wouldn't
           | even cross each other.
       | dang wrote:
       | We took Show HN out of the title because the project author
       | appears to be someone else. Show HN is for sharing your own work:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html.
       | If you're storax and I got that wrong, please let us know at
       | hn@ycombinator.com and we'll put it back.
       | desktopninja wrote:
       | Ooooh. Will the future have Kube Doom Eternal? Kube Crysis 3?
       | Kube (Mortal) Kombat XI?
       | Infrastructure As Games to make it all fun again.
         | simias wrote:
         | I'm not sure those are ever going to be open sourced
         | unfortunately.
       | zapita wrote:
       | Reminds me of Docker Doom:
       | https://github.com/GideonRed/dockerdoomd
       | auggierose wrote:
       | I'm not into DevOps, but that might have just changed.
       | throwaway888abc wrote:
       | Call it DevOPS
       | themodelplumber wrote:
       | Other Doom-related news: An Amiga Doom clone is coming along
       | nicely after years of Amiga users wanting more Doom :-) (The
       | video has some interesting technical details)
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgEpnRxx5Fc
       | woolcap wrote:
       | Reminds me of http://psdoom.sourceforge.net/, from way back when,
       | using 'Doom' as an interface to manage Linux processes.
         | WraithM wrote:
         | Looks like it's a fork of a fork of psdoom
       | CalRobert wrote:
       | Doom's staying power might be the most remarkable thing about
       | this. I can't find it, sadly, but I still vaguely remember a PC
       | Magazine article around 1994 about a Doom mod that would run on
       | Unix and delete files in a similar manner.
         | bsharitt wrote:
         | You might be thinking of psDoom, which let you kill processes.
         | http://psdoom.sourceforge.net/
           | joshmanders wrote:
           | Which this kubernetes version is a fork of a fork of
           | tingletech wrote:
           | there was one for files too, but I remember it becoming
           | popular closer to 96 or 97
       | theginger wrote:
       | should add grenades that drain nodes
       | x87678r wrote:
       | This is awesome. I like the idea to of virtual conferences on
       | GTA, there is a lot of potential for turning work into better
       | experiences.
       (page generated 2020-10-05 23:00 UTC)