[HN Gopher] Show HN: I made a site where you practice typing by ...
       Show HN: I made a site where you practice typing by retyping entire
       Author : Octouroboros
       Score  : 1193 points
       Date   : 2020-10-06 11:37 UTC (11 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (typelit.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (typelit.io)
       | nmstoker wrote:
       | Looks cool. Out of interest, are you doing anything to mine the
       | data gathered, eg building models of common typos or for user
       | "fingerprinting" from key timing? (the latter may be a bit creepy
       | if users aren't aware this could be done).
       | Tsugumo wrote:
       | I want to say what others have posted: this is a fantastic tool
       | for learning technical writing and writing style. Good work, I'll
       | be sharing it around today.
       | asuleymanovic wrote:
       | It's good fun. but who really needs to improve their typing in
       | 2020? Now that we can dictate directly to computers to do the
       | job.
       | HashingtheCode wrote:
       | Thanks for the free books to read
       | oulipo wrote:
       | Very cool, I'm also more interested in the "retype a novel to get
       | better at writing" rather than "typing fast", but as I'm French,
       | I'd love to type some french novels. Would you be able to add a
       | simple DIY mode where I first copy-paste a text (for instance
       | that I get from Gutemberg), and then it is either stored locally
       | or uploaded to your server, so I can type it?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! There are a few French novels on the site already --
         | just use the language select above where the books are
         | displayed to show them. As far as as using your own material,
         | I'm planning on adding a feature like that sometime in the
         | future. Thanks!
       | AndrewLiptak wrote:
       | This is really interesting! I remember Joe Hill mentioning that
       | he did something like this with some classics: he wanted to learn
       | how to write like some other authors, and it's one of those
       | things that's always stuck with me as something that would be
       | really useful to do.
       | spapas82 wrote:
       | Hello, nice work! Unfortunately, since for now I am navigating
       | through my keyboard _only_ (not using a mouse because of lack of
       | batteries) I can 't really use it.
       | I am using linux and chrome with vimium and when I press f (to
       | reveal the links) it doesn't "capture" any links for the books. I
       | also tried it using tab to go to the books and it just jumped
       | over them (!)
       | I presume you are doing some fancy JS things in the frontend
       | that's why it can't understand the links, however I think it's a
       | little ironic to not be able to use a practice typing site with
       | only your keyboard :)
       | PS I am not trying to to be the "smart-ass" with my comment, it
       | is honest; if the comment does not seem nice please forgive me,
       | english ain't my primary language :|
       | hectorlorenzo wrote:
       | It reminds me of "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" by Borges
       | [1]. If I re-write Ulysses from scratch, line by line, is it
       | still the same book? Is mine better than Joyce's?
       | 1)
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Menard,_Author_of_the_Q...
         | patrickscoleman wrote:
         | I love Borges, thanks for posting this!
         | His fiction always generates so many questions for me. Is the
         | real writer the reader who constructs the story from the bare
         | framework the author provides? And then is it possible for
         | anyone to actually read the same novel?
       | DEADBEEFC0FFEE wrote:
       | This has been posted before, quite recently too.
       | I would like to see an option to ignore case.
       | gojomo wrote:
       | Love the concept.
       | Consider adding poems, too:
       | * many already like to memorize poems, to drill their
       | ideas/emotions, improve one's own prosody, & be able to perform
       | for others
       | * quicker feeling of success than just being a page/chapter into
       | something massive
       | darepublic wrote:
       | I created a therapy where you practice chewing on entrees from
       | Michelin star restaurants.
       | Taylor_OD wrote:
       | I love it. I was very self concisu about my writing when I left
       | college and I spent a year or two rewriting a few of my favorite
       | novels. By hand. It was helpful. Great idea.
       | armenarmen wrote:
       | I've been threatening to make this for years haha! Glad you a
       | actually did bravo!
       | bartread wrote:
       | This is really cool. Some feedback:
       | - I'd prefer if the words not typed were in a lighter shade of
       | grey so there were greater contrast between them and the words
       | I've completed. I know this would reduce contrast with the page
       | but I found the fact that they are such a strong grey to be
       | somewhat of a distraction. Different people will have different
       | preferences here, so maybe a slider or knob that can be used to
       | adjust the contrast of yet to be typed text would be helpful.
       | - The fact that you can't correct mistakes is a huge annoyance
       | and breaks my typing flow. It also tends to lead to runs of
       | errors since I'll make a mistake, hit backspace, and then carry
       | on typing, meaning I get an off by one error in the next few
       | letters. I understand that you want to help people type with
       | fewer errors but the reality is the way it works at the moment
       | interrupts my flow much more severely than correcting the error
       | would (and leads to far more mistakes), and you can still track
       | the number of mistakes I make even if I'm allowed to correct
       | them. I'd say the ability to correct mistakes should at least be
       | an option that can be enabled or disabled according to the
       | preference of the user.
       | Hope that's useful and, once again, this is very cool.
       | node-bayarea wrote:
       | WOW, this is GREAT! Kudos
       | CarVac wrote:
       | I've practiced typing by retyping webnovels.
       | I made it about halfway through Worm.
         | jetbooster wrote:
         | For context, Worm is about 3 times as long as War and Peace.
       | hnracer wrote:
       | This would be a great exercise for primary school kids. Touch
       | typing is an important skill and once it's learned it's with you
       | forever. On a platform like this they can also practice reading
       | and comprehension, and the teacher has a way to ensure that the
       | reading material was indeed read. Ideally it'd be coupled with
       | some comprehension questions to make sure the kid didn't go on
       | autopilot.
       | I'm not an expert in pedagogy though so take that with a grain of
       | salt.
       | JoeAltmaier wrote:
       | Each time I read Wodehouse, I think in his curious complex
       | sentences for a day or two. Its so engaging!
       | outoftheabyss wrote:
       | Good job, the only thing that frustrates me is if I miss a letter
       | then everything from then on is wrong, I have to find my bearings
       | again and find out where I am
       | vladsanchez wrote:
       | Add a "suggestion box" (link) on your website so that you keep
       | your idea funnel alive. ;)
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Haha I barely know how to keep up with the number of features
         | people are demanding as is!
         | anthropodie wrote:
         | Great idea. OP could probably also use this to convert some
         | obscure books into their digital version.
       | tomcat27 wrote:
       | This seems to be also an interesting way to read books. Those who
       | don't have a habit of reading can get distracted very easily and
       | writing like this keeps the focus!
         | vladsanchez wrote:
         | 100% agree! I've always wanted to read "The Art of War" and I
         | just started it while type-practicing. I must add that it will
         | likely improve your reading retention.
       | SlightGenius wrote:
       | I was waiting for something like this!
       | ada1981 wrote:
       | Can you add famous speeches? For the same reason Hunter S.
       | Thompson chose to re-write famous books, I'd like to re-write a
       | famous political speech every morning. Also, how about pulling in
       | song lyrics from your favorite band? The option to load your own
       | content would be cool. But the speeches would be my fav option.
       | ineptwriter wrote:
       | Neat project! Would be an interesting way to read a book. Not
       | sure if this is a built-in feature for typing practice. But one
       | small obstacle I encountered was that if I missed a space or I
       | put in an extra character, but kept typing, then everything that
       | came after was in red (wrong). May be hard to implement, but
       | maybe letting a single mistake show in these instances without
       | marking everything that follows as a mistake.
         | birdyrooster wrote:
         | My wrists hurt just thinking about doing this for any reason.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! That's definitely not supposed to be happening. If you
         | don't mind me asking, what browser are you using? In the
         | meantime, Chrome should work ok
           | jeremydavid wrote:
           | The same thing happened to me. I'm using Chrome on a mac.
           | ineptwriter wrote:
           | Thanks - I was using Firefox on a mac. But you're right,
           | Chrome doesn't have this issue.
       | robofanatic wrote:
       | Superb!!!
       | fireattack wrote:
       | This site isn't compatible with "Go Back With Backspace" [1]
       | extension by Google on Chrome.
       | Everytime I hit backspace, it will just go back.
       | I assume it's because it doesn't use standard text area and
       | didn't take consideration there might be a conflict in hotkey.
       | Here is the code from that extension about how it detects the
       | "editable" elements, if it helps:
       | https://robwu.nl/crxviewer/?crx=https%3A%2F%2Fclients2.googl...
       | Please fix it if you can, thanks.
       | [1] https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/go-back-with-
       | backs...
       | naavis wrote:
       | Really cool stuff! The user experience is pretty slick, and this
       | is also an interesting way of actually reading books.
       | halfjew22 wrote:
       | Would love to help with small features. I love NextJS and your
       | product. Already using it with some ideas for minor tweaks! Let
       | me know if you'd like any help. My Github is
       | https://github.com/technoplato
       | Stormwalker wrote:
       | Looking forward for Crime and Punishment in Russian. Great idea
       | through, app looks good and seem to work!
         | fauxrockpet wrote:
         | Same. I'm learning Russian in University and I could see this
         | type of program being useful.
       | Trufa wrote:
       | The idea is great and the execution if flawless.
       | Great job and thanks!
       | andretti1977 wrote:
       | Nice work but i don't like when i miss a space: from that moment,
       | even if i digit next words correctly, they result mispelled
       | because caret is "behind" of 1 position
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! If you mean that once you make a mistake, than no matter
         | what you type afterwards is wrong, that's not supposed to
         | happen. If you don't mind me asking, what browser are you
         | using? In the meantime, Chrome should work ok
           | jkingsbery wrote:
           | I have the same issue in Chrome (85.0.4183.121). It doesn't
           | happen if you type the wrong key, it happens if you
           | accidentally miss or add a key press.
           | Really awesome site though!
           | malshe wrote:
           | I had this same problem on Safari 14.0
       | pragnesh wrote:
       | I have learn typewriting in school. This how we learn it in 1
       | hour class in year.
       | First we start with single letter and need to type 10 page of
       | every letter. Then we start with random combination 2 letter
       | word, every line contain different word. For few day we practice
       | with that. Then we start practising 3,4,5 letter combination
       | Slowly we moved to word -> line -> paragraph -> essay.
       | Learning typing will take type.
       | dstick wrote:
       | After recently discovering I type with 5 fingers on the left and
       | with just 1 on my right, this is a great way to improve! Started
       | working on Typing Academy but the randomness of the characters
       | can be off-putting at times.
       | Example: "jkk asa dfg hjk ;ah"
       | Tokkemon wrote:
       | I do this but with music notation. I transcribe scores into
       | Sibelius all the time. I learn so much about the music that way.
       | edpichler wrote:
       | For some reason it brings me joy in typing that classics.
       | [deleted]
       | sgibat wrote:
       | It would be nice if you showed which finger to use for each
       | character for proper home-row-typing.
       | globular-toast wrote:
       | I'm much better at typing my own thoughts than copying from text.
       | But, even so, I'm not a very good typist. I don't use all of my
       | fingers. I use mostly my index and middle with a little of my
       | ring finger, but never my little fingers. I wonder, if I want to
       | improve my typing skills, should I force myself to slow down and
       | develop proper technique using all of my fingers first?
         | KerryJones wrote:
         | I learned to type at a young age from video games and wasn't
         | introduced to "Mavis Beacon" and other typing programs until I
         | was 10 or 11. I had terrible form, but was typing at ~100wpm.
         | I decided I would try to learn "proper" form, and while it
         | initially slowed me down, my top speed is now closer to
         | 150-155.
         | system2 wrote:
         | In the same boat with you. My left hand is most likely spot on,
         | but right hand only using index and middle, pink for Enter and
         | Backspace. I tend to make typos around the right side of the
         | keyboard. Not sure how to fix it after decades of typing.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | Love the idea, love the interface!
       | How much do I have to type to get the WPM and ACC to start
       | showing up? I did a whole page and it was still just showing --.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello -- currently you have to type a whole page. Going to add
         | an option to change it to after each word probably this week.
         | Thanks!
       | divbzero wrote:
       | Awesome idea! Could there be an equivalent for software? Code
       | bases classic enough to retype for coding practice?
       | ygra wrote:
       | This seems to have problems with dead keys. Typing ' and then d
       | on US International results in 'd, but doesn't count as such and
       | instead is an error.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! If you don't mind me asking, what browser are you
         | experiencing this issue on?
           | ygra wrote:
           | All done with US International, but should be reproducible
           | with other keyboard layouts; just that with, e.g. a German
           | layout it might be harder to find digraphs that can be typed
           | by forcing a non-combination for a dead key.
           | Firefox 81, Windows: Dead keys and the corresponding
           | combination of letters where no single letter is defined by
           | the keyboard layout don't even appear. I.e. I type ', and
           | then s, which normally causes the digraph 's to appear, but
           | here neither the ' nor the s afterwards register.
           | Chrome 85, Windows: The key sequence registers as just one
           | letter, but apparently not as the ', which thus is marked as
           | an error. This was also what I've seen in Edge (Chromium-
           | based, probably similar version number).
           | Internet Explorer 11: Same as with Chrome. However, with the
           | added bonus that typing a space seems to be impossible. No
           | idea whether that browser is even on the compatibility list
           | for that site, but it's all I have lying around here right
           | now.
       | trey-jones wrote:
       | It's great to see that some people really like this, and the
       | quote from HST is cool - obviously there is some value here. The
       | collection is eclectic (public domain I suppose), and the UI is
       | pretty nice. I found that recognizing whitespace was possibly
       | something that could be improved a bit, but overall it felt
       | really nice.
       | That said, this is not for me. One page and I was cooked. I had
       | thought that this might be a decent way to enjoy a novel that
       | I've not read, but one page in I can say:
       | Not only did I not comprehend what I was typing, I didn't enjoy
       | it at all.
       | shklnrj wrote:
       | This is a great work :) kudos!
       | Kluny wrote:
       | Am I the only one who instinctively hit delete when I made a
       | mistake, and ended up backing out of the page?
         | dustinmoris wrote:
         | This didn't happen for me on Safari.
         | pmx wrote:
         | Hitting delete had the desired result for me (moving back in
         | the text). Chrome on Mac.
       | proto-n wrote:
       | Amazing idea, really I'm impressed. This intrigued me at first
       | glance as a fun typing exercise, as I've always struggled with
       | typing - I started using computers way before they started
       | teaching typing around here, so my typing is far from the optimal
       | 10 finger method, but I've always found typing exercises mind
       | numbingly boring.
       | However, as I started typing The call of Cthulhu, I'm now much
       | more intrigued by this as a new way to read books. It is a very
       | different literary experience from just simply reading. I'm way
       | more attentive to the text itself, rather than just the meaning,
       | if that makes sense. Though it's very possible that this effect
       | is going to go away as I get more used to it.
       | Any chance of typing out custom uploaded books? Maybe copy pasted
       | plaintext?
       | Also kudos on the execution, the site is really nicely made.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey I'm thrilled you're enjoying the site! There are indeed
         | plans to add a feature like that sometime in the future.
         | Thanks!
         | nestorD wrote:
         | I had a similar experience doing translations. It made me a lot
         | more aware to the fine detail of the text and sensible to the
         | author's specificities.
         | shavingspiders wrote:
         | Have you tried reading books out loud? I found that made a
         | surprising difference to experience of books, even just because
         | I was devouring them much slower. Found it much easier to enjoy
         | the 'craft' of the book too.
         | rozab wrote:
         | I've always thought of typing lessons as being a thing from
         | long before computers. Back then it was treated as a serious
         | skill which could lead directly to employment. Now it's just
         | something you're expected to know.
         | I had plenty of basic IT education at school, but was never
         | taught how to type at all.
           | barbecue_sauce wrote:
           | My educational experience was almost the exact opposite.
           | Computer class was always typing or application focused,
           | rather than IT focused; typing exercises and learning how to
           | use ClarisWorks rather than anything about how actual
           | computer worked.
             | TT3351 wrote:
             | Similar experience here in suburban southern California
             | public schools around the 2010s, except for one class on
             | digital art, which was 90% packet work (funnily enough
             | almost the equivalent of just copying out novels, but for
             | Illustrator/Photoshop. Today I use them regularly and
             | adeptly.)
           | technoplato wrote:
           | It's an interesting idea that we still "need" typing
           | practice. We do it every day why would we need to practice
           | extra?
           | To provide an additional use case, my wife just got me an
           | awesome and completely configurable ergonomic keyboard for my
           | birthday and I'm considering switching to Dvorak or Coleman
           | layouts after typing QWERY my entire life. I NEED a long form
           | practice like this instead of just typing nonsense short
           | blurbs of words as most typing practice provides.
           | Super excited about this!
             | nostoc wrote:
             | If you don't learn proper technique but type often, you
             | will organically develop some method of typing that may
             | work for you.
             | But it's easy when learning a skill without guidance to end
             | up into a local maximum. It's easy to end up in a situation
             | where you're typing reasonably well, but could do way
             | better with training.
             | I'd argue that typing occupies a big enough place in our
             | life that we should be very efficient at it.
             | lexicality wrote:
             | > It's an interesting idea that we still "need" typing
             | practice. We do it every day why would we need to practice
             | extra?
             | We all walk every day, but most people have terrible form
             | and efficiency and would probably injure themselves if they
             | tried to do it for long periods without practicing...
               | technoplato wrote:
               | I'm not sure if context was lost in my comment but I tend
               | to agree with what you're saying here and was the point
               | of my comment.
               | spidersouris wrote:
               | Does this really apply to typing, though? To what extent
               | could one suffer from long-term injuries due to the way
               | they're typing? I know one can suffer from repetitive
               | strain injury if they are not using their mouse properly,
               | but does this extend to keyboards as well?
             | scandinavegan wrote:
             | I practiced qwerty touch typing in school, but never really
             | used it myself, rather using two-three fingers on each hand
             | and letting them move around a lot across the keyboard.
             | I switched to dvorak over 10 years ago and since the
             | letters on the keys didn't match, and because it's designed
             | to make it easy to touch type, I quickly learned.
             | But after a year or so of dvorak, I grew tired of being
             | extremely slow when I had to switch back to qwerty when
             | using a shared keyboard in a conference room (imagine
             | reading and hitting single letters in a meeting in front of
             | people), so I switched back to qwerty. I thought that my
             | new touch typing skill would transfer, but it didn't. I
             | still try now and again to properly touch type, but it's
             | slow and with a lot of mistakes. So this practice site
             | looks very interesting to me as well!
             | Some people say that they can easily switch back and forth
             | between qwerty and dvorak, but it turns out that I
             | couldn't. I still miss the speed and ease of dvorak, but I
             | also enjoy being able to quickly use any keyboard now.
               | Symbiote wrote:
               | I added the Dvorak layout to the computer in the
               | conference room.
               | (This is probably a more acceptable thing to do in
               | companies where more than one language is spoken. The
               | computer already had English-Qwerty and Danish-Qwerty
               | installed.)
               | sajforbes wrote:
               | I have a similar issue! When I learned Russian I
               | installed the Russian keyboard layout on my computer.
               | Because my keys (obviously) didn't match, I had to type
               | by feel using a small diagram I printed as a reference,
               | carefully placing index on f and j like you're supposed
               | to. I just touch type in Russian now, but if I dare do
               | that while typing English I stumble and lose track; I'm
               | stuck doing it my normal messy (still faster than
               | average) way.
               | Arelius wrote:
               | I had a similar experience switching to the Kinesis. I
               | mean I don't think as stark as yours.
               | I noticed the Kinesis Advantage forced my hands into a
               | position that encouraged touch-typing, so I thought I'd
               | give it a try and learn to touch-type while doing my
               | normal work (Still QWERTY though) It worked! I can now
               | touch-type greatly...
               | Sort-of, it really only applies to the Kinesis though,
               | when I go back to a normal staggered layout keyboard I go
               | back to my two-three finger pecking around the keyboard.
               | It's obviously still the same layout, so I don't think I
               | experience it as bad as you do on a standard keyboard,
               | but now I'm pretty much stuck on my Kinesis!
             | terr-dav wrote:
             | It took me 3 years off and on (and mostly at work) to
             | become fluent in Dvorak. Good luck!
               | anchpop wrote:
               | If you do it on and off you'll be much slower. I switched
               | cold-turkey to Colemak and could type reasonably after a
               | month and quickly after 3 months. The hardest part was
               | retraining my muscle memory for keyboard shortcuts (but
               | it wasn't so bad because in Colemak many are unchanged)
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | Seconded, I use gnu typist often but the drills are too bland
         | and I needed something like that. Superb
         | gwd wrote:
         | > Any chance of typing out custom uploaded books? Maybe copy
         | pasted plaintext?
         | typeracer.com allows you to submit extracts for people to type;
         | just not entire books.
       | vladsanchez wrote:
       | Typelit.io will help me practice/improve my steno skills. Here's
       | some feedback:
       | - +1 for dynamic metrics (WPM+ACC) while typing, shown at the
       | page dash.
       | - Consider partnering with publishers to increase your content
       | coverage.
       | - Add ability to request books
       | - +10 for Tech books
       | - Keep it free!
       | - Gamify the heck out of it. It'll allow you to create revenue
       | streams while keeping it FREE.
       | KEEP THE FIRE BURNING Octouroboros! ;)
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello and thanks for your suggestions!
         | - Dynamic metrics is coming very very very soon - Good idea
         | reaching out to publishers -- I might just do that. - People
         | just email me their requests anyway, but it might be a good
         | idea to invite the interaction - I'd love to host tech books,
         | but as far as I know, most aren't in the public domain -
         | Keeping it free is the plan! - Gamification is coming once I
         | eventually get around to making user accounts. I'm not really
         | sure how it'll create revenue streams though, so if you have
         | something in mind, let me know!
       | adamddev1 wrote:
       | How about support for RTL languages/books? There are a number of
       | typing practice sites that allow you to use custom texts, but I
       | haven't seen any that work well with RTL. A dream feature would
       | be to be able to upload RTL epub files and type away!
       | This is the most beautiful and pleasant typing practice
       | experience I've ever had.
       | jonjacky wrote:
       | In _The Autobiography of Malcolm X_ , he tells how he learned to
       | read and write by copying out, _by hand_ , the _entire
       | dictionary_ from the prison library, copying a page a day. (It 's
       | in chapter 11 of the _Autobiography_ ).
       | bigbossman wrote:
       | This is really awesome. It reminds me of how artists like
       | painters and musicians train by copying famous works. Or Andrew
       | Ng said you should learn ML just be implementing a dozen papers.
       | grativo wrote:
       | This is brilliant! The text is could be used for reading as well,
       | but the book selection is quite excellent. Do you think people
       | could add contributions of text too, like submitting book texts?
       | Thank you!
       | hufton wrote:
       | It's really nice and reactive. What stack did u use ? In
       | particular for the hotkeys ?
       | brianush1 wrote:
       | Great project, but it doesn't seem to play nice with Vimium.
       | MrLeap wrote:
       | I'm making a lovecraftian typing game right now (see my progress
       | here... https://twitter.com/LeapJosh ) and this was a planned
       | feature, now I wonder if I should nix it so as not to be
       | derivative, since you beat me to it!
       | Maybe I'll mix it up somehow.
       | eYsYs wrote:
       | Amazing idea. How did you figure out the licensing aspects since
       | you are also giving out book content for free in the process?
         | e1ghtSpace wrote:
         | They're probably public domain books.
       | billyruffian wrote:
       | Why is it that I find on certain websites (this one included)
       | that some keystrokes aren't recognised when I use Safari? The
       | letter 'e' not being recognised is common. Chrome works fine.
       | This is on a Mac with Catalina and a British keyboard.
         | solson4 wrote:
         | Yeah, having a similar issue. Catalina, American keyboard,
         | Firefox. Halfway through the second sentence it started
         | flagging everything as incorrect no matter what I typed.
       | hisfastness wrote:
       | Brilliant! I love it.
       | dejongh wrote:
       | Great idea, very nice UI. It can be a "learn to type tool" but
       | also a new way to experience literature. I like it :)
       | jakuboboza wrote:
       | Good job man! I did start of the first on the list :D it was fun
       | for a moment.
       | pandemic_region wrote:
       | Using firefox on Ubuntu with Dvorak layout, this does not work.
       | As soon as i start typing 'CH' for 'CHAPTER' a new tab opens that
       | pastes the contents of my clipboard in a google search. Something
       | is off here.
       | y0ss wrote:
       | Very creative and useful, I love it!
       | bajirao wrote:
       | This is great. I do not see WPM and ACC stats though. It just
       | shows empty placeholder for those. I use PiHole and
       | https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts to block ads. I see that the
       | google analytics is not resolved properly in dev tools. Is that
       | the issue with WPM/ACC stats?
         | hamaluik wrote:
         | I didn't see those stats until I had completed a full page
         | (then it shows for the previous page).
           | bajirao wrote:
           | Oh okay thanks! I see other comments with the same
           | observation.
       | jp57 wrote:
       | This is very cool. I did find that I sometimes got confused about
       | where the insertion point was supposed to be, especially when
       | backing up and correcting mistakes. Having the letter ahead of
       | the point highlighted in was inducing a lot of off-by-one errors
       | in my head. I'd prefer a normal insertion-point cursor between
       | characters, with the correctly typed letters bolded and only the
       | errors highlighted.
       | Besides that, it's pretty good fun!
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello -- thanks for the suggestion! I'll certainly add options
         | to toggle the cursor style (or make it invisible, even) in
         | later updates. Thanks again!
       | webwanderings wrote:
       | This is great. Can you add a separate category for kids?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! If I can round up enough public domain children's books,
         | I'll certainly add a kids category. Thanks for the suggestion!
           | tnorthcutt wrote:
           | This looks like a pretty good starting list:
           | https://concretecomputing.com/thoughts/list-of-public-
           | domain...
             | Octouroboros wrote:
             | Hey thanks -- this will be super useful!
       | fauxrockpet wrote:
       | Does anyone know if there are any websites that do the same for
       | novels of different languages? I want to practice typing in
       | Russian.
       | [deleted]
       | inatreecrown2 wrote:
       | Thank you for this wonderful site! I just typed the first Chapter
       | of Sense and Sensibility ;-) After practicing typing the 100 most
       | used words for most of the time, this is really refreshing! Still
       | struggling to follow the narrative too while typing, but i am
       | sure i will get there (currently i am typing around 40 wpm
       | average).
       | rhacker wrote:
       | I got through the second paragraph. I probably made 10 mistakes.
       | Very nice interface.
       | My only thought was - if I suck at typing, learning it, it's
       | going to be very discouraging getting through just one page. I
       | wonder if it would be better to display just a paragraph at a
       | time. Also as the user finishes a sentence without mistakes to
       | give them a visual reward (kinda like one of those cheap mobile
       | games that shows stars or something). And another reward for
       | finishing a paragraph.
       | Other than that, I am guessing this will likely help a lot of
       | people learn to type or type faster.
       | paulcole wrote:
       | This might have an unintended use as a copywriting tool.
       | There's an exercise called copyworking where you rewrite copy
       | written by someone else to internalize the rhythm, flow,
       | punctuation, and word choice. I use it for shorter ad copy and
       | have found it to be very valuable.
       | I do it with pen/paper as I find that it "sticks" better, but
       | lots of people are resistant to that so a tool like yours might
       | be useful.
         | 082349872349872 wrote:
         | A minor spoiler from _Gravy Planet_ (1952): when the
         | protagonist, an ad exec, is contacted by radical anti-
         | consumption terrorists, although he despises them and
         | everything they stand for, the very first thing he notices is
         | that _their copy sucks_ :
         | > "... calm, learned, we're all men of sound judgement and deep
         | scholarship here. It was an appeal to reason, and that's always
         | dangerous. You can't trust reason. We threw it out of the ad
         | profession long ago and have never missed it."
         | so he rewrites it...
       | copperx wrote:
       | It would be great if the app could let you import arbitrary .txt
       | files. In that way, I can practice typing with my favorite works.
       | jyriand wrote:
       | I don't think I could retype the whole novel, maybe short stories
       | would be more suitable. I remember back in the day when I wanted
       | to be a writer I used to retype short stories just to get out of
       | writers block. After rewriting first few paragraphs I started to
       | change things up and transform into my own story, meanwhile
       | mimicking the rythm and the flow of the original author. It's a
       | good exercise just to get the right feeling.
       | davuinci wrote:
       | Seems a very good idea. Do you have any plans on adding classical
       | tech books?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey thanks! I would, but I don't imagine many tech books are in
         | the public domain.
           | blewboarwastake wrote:
           | There arent any modern tech books in the public domain, but
           | there are plenty with open licenses.
       | felipemesquita wrote:
       | I'm interested to know what issues you've encountered with the
       | built in keyboard in iOS. I found the virtual web keyboard weird
       | to use and it missed a few keystrokes. I also do most of my
       | typing and my reading on iOS, so, even if an uncommon use case, I
       | would like to practice using this keyboard with maybe even
       | autocorrect and swipe enabled to master typing in this
       | environment.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey thanks for asking! Since this a website and not a native
         | app, accessing and controlling built in mobile functionality
         | has proven quite difficult. I'll certainly come back to it at
         | some point, and if I can get native keyboards to work properly,
         | will definitely add support for swipe and autocorrect to go
         | with it.
       | devilduck wrote:
       | This is a sweet idea, great job
       | superlopuh wrote:
       | 1984 is especially interesting since the generation before mine
       | in the Soviet Union would've only been able to read a manual copy
       | of the book. My father was lent such a copy for one night. I'm
       | thinking of copying it out in the dark as a form of LARPing of
       | the samizdat.
       | heroHACK17 wrote:
       | Thank you for this! I just started using an ergonomic keyboard
       | and this site is perfect for practicing my keystrokes.
       | globular-toast wrote:
       | One thing I really miss is the ability to backspace an entire
       | word. I expect Ctrl+backspace to delete the previous word. This
       | works in all places that I usually type so I find it quite
       | difficult to not have this.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! I feel the same way -- Ctrl+backspace support is planned
         | for a future update. Thanks!
           | nhlx2 wrote:
           | Awesome! I came here to say the same thing. Great work BTW!!
           | fphilipe wrote:
           | While trying it out, I've realized how I rely on ctrl-h as a
           | more comfy backspace. I think this an Emacs binding that
           | macOS supports system-wide. Would be great if that was
           | supported :)
         | olejorgenb wrote:
         | Agreed. I also suspect it's better to retype the whole word
         | after a mistake - better to learn typing the word correctly
         | rather than correcting the mistyped word. Absolute speed
         | probably suffer in the short term though.
       | jacquesm wrote:
       | I would do this with song texts and music scores. When you
       | rewrite something you are interacting with it at an entirely
       | different level, which greatly facilitates memorization.
       | fudged71 wrote:
       | My wife is a teacher, and she is reading harry potter to her
       | students. It would be fantastic if she could find 3 pages of text
       | from her next chapter, upload it to this tool, and get a URL that
       | she can send to all of her students. Then they can all do a
       | typing assignment in line with their reading, from just a link.
       | (This could apply to many more courses, and cover many aspects of
       | the curriculum!)
       | Would you be interested in adding that?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! I'm kind of trying to keep copyrighted text off the
         | servers -- though I am planning on adding a feature where you
         | can add your own text and then immediately type it. Probably
         | more work on the teacher and student's part, but maybe it would
         | accomplish the same thing.
           | anchpop wrote:
           | Being able to add my own text then immediately type it would
           | be amazing. I would use this app every day if that feature
           | existed. Thank you for making this!
       | ffpip wrote:
       | Thanks for making this!
       | halfjew22 wrote:
       | One suggestion having just started using the site (AND LOVING IT)
       | is to enable a "don't progress until correct mode" that way you
       | don't miss a string of characters at a time. LMK if this is
       | already a thing or if you are accepting PRs. I'd love to
       | contribute!!!
       | Invictus0 wrote:
       | Great idea. A suggestion: you can gamify the WPM by making it
       | always visible and giving three indicators: a WPM of the previous
       | page, a WPM of the previous paragraph, and a "realtime" WPM based
       | on the average of the last 5 words or whatever. Phenomenal work!
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey that's a pretty good idea! I may think of way implement
         | something like that. Thanks for the support!
           | seedie wrote:
           | If you introduce that feature please make it optional. I love
           | the idea of typing novels to get a more intense connection to
           | the content. Gameification for WPM would disrupt this. Please
           | consider this use case even though I understand that this ist
           | not your target audience.
           | Great Work!
             | Octouroboros wrote:
             | Absolutely it will be optional. The intention behind the
             | site is as much to support author's works as it is to
             | practice typing. I originally figured that having it update
             | more often than once a page might be distracting, which
             | explains why it works the way it does now.
       | nanomonkey wrote:
       | This is fun, much more useful than made up phrases.
       | I'd enjoy an option for loading scanned text to help out with
       | OCR, if that is even needed anymore. Perhaps overlay what I write
       | over the scanned pages.
       | ycombonator wrote:
       | This is AMAZING !
       | dustinmoris wrote:
       | Great work, nicely done! What motivated you to do this?
       | swlkr wrote:
       | I wonder if this would work with open source software
       | gen220 wrote:
       | I remember in high school, we had an English teacher with very
       | high standards. After we had turned in our first essays, she gave
       | _everyone_ a failing grade, and put on a show of being very
       | disappointed with our work.
       | Instead of whatever was next on the syllabus, our next assignment
       | was to rewrite, with paper and pen, three separate (3-5ish page)
       | essays written on the same prompt, which she had saved over the
       | years as exemplary.
       | I distinctly remember hating the idea of it, and putting off the
       | task so I could hate it for longer. However, once I started
       | (re-)writing, I was forced to capitulate (an experience that
       | seems to be shared with other commenters here). While the essays
       | were really good, they were just words on a page -- there's
       | nothing stopping _me_ from writing like that, too. In fact, I
       | _was_ writing like that right now!
       | At the end, she shared the reasoning behind this exercise, and
       | made us take a vow of silence to not tell the next year's
       | students what to expect. Everybody who traced the essays got an A
       | in the gradebook, and the kids who didn't trace usually dropped-
       | out at that point (it was early in the year, this was the
       | accelerated-track course).
       | I've never had another educational moment like that, since. It
       | was immensely humbling, in that it told all of us, who were used
       | to being good, that we still have plenty of room to improve. Once
       | out of high school, our egos are perhaps too large to get the
       | most out of that kind of activity.
       | This is a really cool idea. I'd love to see this applied to
       | foreign languages. For example, if I'm learning German, it'd be
       | great to do that by typing out Theodor Storm. Many of these
       | classic books are in the public domain [1].
       | [1]:
       | https://books.google.com/books?id=VXgBAAAAYAAJ&newbks=1&newb...
         | whoomp12342 wrote:
         | to be fair, your essays were all probably terrible and her
         | standards were really not that high. If you don't believe me,
         | go find a high school english teacher and have them show you
         | what kids write. Most teachers are kind and skilled enough to
         | know that such a rant does little good unless its obvious no
         | one is trying
           | gen220 wrote:
           | Well, they were definitely terrible by "Adult" standards, but
           | that's not the standards that most high schoolers are held
           | to. (And that's not the standard we were held to, I'm sure).
           | If your standard is the median for our age group, they were
           | probably better-than-middling. It was an advanced class,
           | after all.
           | Actually, I think that if nobody is trying, such an exercise
           | would be counterproductive. In that scenario, the right thing
           | to do would be to determine and address the reasons why
           | nobody is trying. Like I said, it was an advanced class and
           | people were trying, so it was relatively successful.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello -- I'm glad the idea resonates with you! The site
         | actually already supports German and other languages (though
         | with a more limited selection). You'll find a language dropdown
         | just above where the books are displayed. Thanks!
       | ogisan wrote:
       | Very cool idea and beautiful design execution!
       | One nitpick: it would be helpful to only have to type out the
       | words on the page rather than different symbols (maybe having it
       | be a toggle). For example, in The Art of War, typing out all the
       | bullet points and numbering can be tedious and not really what
       | I'm looking for from a typing exercise.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey, I'm glad you like it! While it's less work for me to just
         | leave them in, I do see where you're coming from. Maybe a way
         | to toggle them on or off could come in a future update. Thanks
         | for the suggestion!
       | puzz wrote:
       | That's a cool idea. I once made a similar site but for a
       | completely different purpose -- language learning. Unfortunately
       | I never finished it but it's still in my TODO list.
       | The workflow was:
       | - you read the sentence
       | - the sentence disappears
       | - then you type from memory
       | - every time you mistype something -- the next couple of words
       | appears for a few seconds and you keep typing
       | That way you not only learn to type that foreign language. But
       | you also memorise the sentence in your short-time memory and you
       | get a feel for sentences are created (order of words, phrases,
       | etc.).
       | PS. Didn't finish the site, but I did made a simplified version
       | as an Android app: https://github.com/tkrajina/10000sentences
         | 082349872349872 wrote:
         | The schtick of the Pimsleur Method was to train by starting
         | with a chunk at the end of a sentence, and prepending until one
         | had recall of the entire sentence. That way, once you get over
         | the hump of the newer material, still fresh in mind, it's all
         | downhill revising the older.
         | whoomp12342 wrote:
         | this is an amazing idea. I wonder if you could do it with an
         | auditory fashion, I think that would be very useful too!
       | dirtnugget wrote:
       | Loving it!
       | Just as a possible future improvement my eyes would probably be
       | really happy about a dark mode :)
       | EDIT: just realised OP already has it on TODO.
         | MDib wrote:
         | This should tide you over until then, works pretty seamlessly
         | on this site: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dark-
         | reader/eimadp...
       | banterfoil wrote:
       | This is awesome and I love every bit of it. I just wished there
       | was a login that I could associate my progress with it. Nice
       | work!
       | joshkrycerick wrote:
       | I dig it I just wish it showed WPM and accuracy real time!
       | linuxhansl wrote:
       | I remember that at least in the past you could copy books (and
       | sell those copies) as long as you did not automatically copy the
       | content. I.e. Copyright would not trigger in this case. Re-typing
       | a book was expressly allowed.
       | Is that still the case?
       | A site like this could then used to make legal replicas of books.
         | samatman wrote:
         | I doubt it, and that's probably a good thing.
         | There's no such thing as "moving" digital information. It's
         | like the transporter on Star Trek, you can only fake it by
         | copying the information and deleting the source copy.
         | So, I... guess you could transcribe into a pipe which appends
         | straight to a USB stick drive, and sell the drive? Good luck
         | reading the contents though.
         | kej wrote:
         | No, that's not how copyright works. Copying a book, whether you
         | do it all at once or letter by letter, would violate copyright.
         | In this case, all of these books are older and their copyright
         | terms have expired.
       | AzzieElbab wrote:
       | Super cool. We just need more fiction with !@#$%^&*()_+{}:"<> etc
       | voxl wrote:
       | This feels like a home run, talk to some publishers about
       | allowing their books on their for a fee and charge a subscription
       | to type those books and maybe you've got a viable product.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey that sounds like a solid idea -- I might just give that a
         | try!
           | chrisfrantz wrote:
           | Start with the startupy books and it might be easier to get
           | ahold of the publishers. Plus you might get a bit of an
           | influencer impact when they share on social.
           | Think about how masterclass does it, then niche down into
           | startups and follow the playbook.
           | Feel free to ping me (email in profile) if you end up going
           | down this path and need suggestions for initial folks to
           | reach out to.
           | Oh actually, while you're on the front page of HN, drop a
           | contact form on the page with something like "interested in
           | having your book hosted?"
           | Might "fill the funnel" with even less work. Good luck!
       | localhost wrote:
       | Love this idea. I've recently decided to do some deliberate
       | practicing around typing. I've been using keybr [1] which is a
       | great site that randomly makes up phonetically accurate pseudo-
       | words and has you type them. The goal there is to have you
       | practice weak combinations of keys, and they have an excellent
       | stats dashboard to show you your progress over time. I was able
       | to raise my typing speed from ~90 wpm to ~110 wpm as measured on
       | that site over about 40 days through 10 minutes of practice per
       | day.
       | Based on my experience with that site, which I really love, I'd
       | love to see some additional tracking of keys. The downside of
       | your core idea is that you can't really do the trick of forcing
       | deliberate practice of weak key patterns to engrain them into
       | you.
       | Some other suggestions for stats, based on what exists on keybr
       | and what I'd like to see
       | - Time practiced today and stats for today
       | - Daily streaks to encourage practicing
       | - Cumulative time practiced
       | - A 7 day running average of your typing stats
       | [1] https://keybr.com
       | karmakaze wrote:
       | This is really great. Thanks so much for making it. Existing
       | sites use word lists or random arbitrary user submissions.
       | I've been looking for something exactly like this. I've switched
       | up my keyboard layout several times in past months and need
       | constant practice more than my daily work requires to unlearn
       | years of muscle memory and the confusion of recent rewirings.
       | Using normal sentences is better so that frequent words are
       | typed/learned more often to build up that muscle memory
       | faster/stronger.
       | gregsadetsky wrote:
       | Congrats, it's really great! I have a few thoughts/suggestions,
       | but first:
       | Does anyone know of a competitive/practice typing site (as
       | TypeLit, or TypeRacer) where you help digitize books (or any sort
       | of document)?
       | I'm very motivated by TypeRacer's competitions (it's silly, I
       | know), but I would be even more inclined to play if I knew that
       | there was a "greater" purpose...!
       | I haven't looked into Project Gutenberg's proof reading
       | volunteering. But, something like that? A sort of "good for
       | humanity" reCaptcha (the original one, that helped Google to
       | digitize books)..?
       | ---
       | Ideas for TypeLit:
       | - It would be nice if the WPM/ACC counters updated in real time
       | in the upper right corner, not just when changing pages
       | - The competitive aspect of https://play.typeracer.com/ might not
       | be a perfect fit for your site but just wondering if a
       | leaderboard/social element could work (probably not, but just a
       | thought)
         | blewboarwastake wrote:
         | When i noticed that there are only public domain works, I got
         | an idea for an optional mode where you help digitize books by
         | typing from scanned/OCRed works and the results get sent to
         | organizations like the Gutenberg Project or Distributed
         | Proofreaders[0].
         | In the case of Distributed Proofreaders you could automate the
         | process even by creating a diff of your results with the
         | current draft of the Works being worked on.
         | This is just a crazy idea nobody take it too seriously.
         | [0]https://www.pgdp.net/c/
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! The WPM/ACC thing will be updated really soon. As for a
         | leaderboard/social element, it might be worth looking into once
         | I eventually add accounts. Thanks for your suggestions!
       | brown_martin wrote:
       | Terrific idea. Would love to be able to request books.
       | spidersouris wrote:
       | This reminds me that when I was younger, around 9 or 10 years
       | old, we lived with my mom in some desolate place where Internet
       | was nonexistent. We still had a computer though, so what I would
       | do to pass time is that I would pick up some books from her
       | library and retype them on computer. This really was an amusing
       | experience and I could spend hours doing it. Wonder if I'd get
       | the same feeling ten years later.
       | ebj73 wrote:
       | I think maybe it would be better if the application showed any
       | erroneously typed characters, rather than the correct characters
       | in red. Or, if it's possible, to show some sort of visual
       | juxtaposition between the two.
       | Also, I think maybe the font size should be a little bit larger,
       | at least for the text around the position where the cursor is, if
       | not for the whole text. Otherwise, nice application!
         | dhp1161 wrote:
         | I agree with all points especially the cursor. Wish cursor was
         | like Word where it's a line instead of highlighting the letter
         | block.
       | 1MachineElf wrote:
       | Perfect. This is something I've wanted for a long time. Are you
       | planning to put up a donation link?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | I'm thrilled you like it! Indeed there will be an About page
         | with donation link added sometime soon. Thanks!
       | anibalin wrote:
       | This is amazing. Thanks for sharing.
       | zerubeus wrote:
       | I already do this in https://www.keybr.com/ most articles I want
       | to read from hackernews I copy past them there and type them
       | instead of only reading them, I find it more fun and allow me to
       | finish articles which I don't do when I read only.
       | In keybr.com you can provide your own custom text in => Setting
       | => Provide your own custom text.
       | WClayFerguson wrote:
       | I'm the developer of a wiki platform that allows editing of large
       | structured texts (documents, books), and it took a whole day to
       | type War and Peace into it. :)
       | https://quanta.wiki/n/war-and-peace
       | The book is mainly for demonstrating the platform capabilities,
       | but I thought you guys might find this platform interesting.
       | mensetmanusman wrote:
       | This is amazing, thank you.
       | Already passed it on to my partner, as we are covid-homeschooling
       | and teaching some typing.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | That's awesome! I hope your kid(s) like it as much as you do!
       | jcrubino wrote:
       | This is a fantastic tool to put some wrote muscle memory work
       | into classics of english usage. Fascinating and unexpected way to
       | work through some classics.
       | Can there be a custom text option or similar tool available? I
       | would like to practice code snippets.
         | zerubeus wrote:
         | https://www.keybr.com/ go to setting Provide your own custom
         | text
           | jcrubino wrote:
           | thanks. Works just like I was asking.
       | [deleted]
       | technoplato wrote:
       | Well, this is absolutely perfect timing as my wife has just given
       | me an Ergodex EZ for my birthday and I've been practicing on a
       | one shot timed set of snippets from Alice in Wonderland.
       | Fantastic and really looking forward to reading while I practice.
       | This is so cool!
         | noneeeed wrote:
         | If you are a developer, I would also suggest giving
         | https://typing.io/ a try. I got and ergodox ez a couple of
         | years ago and it really helped me get used to the layout.
       | theLotusGambit wrote:
       | So as someone who doesn't have a good grasp on copyright law, I'm
       | not sure how 1984 is on this list. All the other books here
       | appear to be over a hundred years old, making them public domain
       | (I think), but 1984 was published in 1949. Pretty cool site,
       | anyway.
         | bloak wrote:
         | Copyright durations:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries%27_copyright...
         | George Orwell died in 1950, so it looks as though that book is
         | already out of copyright in Australia and Canada, for example,
         | but will remain in copyright till 2044 in the USA, while it
         | comes out of copyright at the end of 2020 in the European
         | Union. (But please don't rely on my interpretation of a
         | Wikipedia page if it's important to you!)
       | arichard123 wrote:
       | I love the idea. Very good. I'm not seeing the autosave function
       | work.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! The site only saves after each page. Saving in the
         | middle of a page is planned for a future update.
       | kweinber wrote:
       | If you had a category for typing under the influence, I would
       | suggest including The Naked Lunch.
       | faical wrote:
       | This is a great idea and exactly how I learned to touch-type when
       | I was a teenager.
       | I would keep a book open in front of me and type the sentences in
       | Microsoft Word as I was reading them.
       | Glad to see this process made seamless with your site. :)
       | breakfastduck wrote:
       | This is an absolutely fantastic idea. I have tried many times to
       | sit down and train my typing but it's always incredibly boring.
       | I'm a rather fidgety person too, so it's actually quite nice to
       | have something for my hands to do while I'm reading!
         | stevesimmons wrote:
         | Maybe try http://www.typingtom.com/ [1].
         | I found it broke up touch typing into just the right size
         | chunks to engage me.
         | At the start of Covid, I spent a week doing half an hour a day.
         | My typing speed and accuracy improved out of sight. The whole
         | process of acquiring muscle memory is quite magical. I highly
         | recommend it.
         | [1] This is the companion site to http://www.speedcoder.net/,
         | which is for coding, and presumes you start with reasonable
         | touch typing skills on normal text.
           | breakfastduck wrote:
           | Thanks, I'll check it out!
       | jonplackett wrote:
       | This is a fantastic idea - Would it be possible to get a 'live'
       | typing speed? Mine doesn't seem to show anything - does it only
       | update at the end of the page?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! As of now it only updates at the end of the page. I plan
         | on adding options to have it update after every word or line in
         | the very near future. Thanks!
           | jonplackett wrote:
           | That would be fun. It's like when you're driving a hybrid car
           | you get dashboard feedback saying how well (or not) you're
           | doing and it's quite encouraging!
           | Again - great idea. Nicely done!
       | jonnycomputer wrote:
       | This is fun. But for just learning to type, not quite suitable
       | for beginners. A nice addition would be to include finger
       | position overlays for beginners.
         | rayrag wrote:
         | Use Type Faster - Edit Settings>Edit lessons>New lesson and
         | paste whatever text you would like retype.
         | https://sourceforge.net/projects/typefaster/
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! That's good idea, and I may add feature at some point.
         | Thanks for the suggestion!
       | oshea64bit wrote:
       | Awesome project! I've spend some time on sites like Keyhero and
       | 10fastfingers since I really enjoy typing, but sites like those
       | ultimately feel time sinks since there's very little to gain
       | after you reach a decent WPM. This site feels meaningfully
       | different since I get exposed to the literature as I'm typing.
       | From a quick glance it looks like the UI is really clean and the
       | text is easy to read. I'm looking forward to using your site in
       | my free time.
       | vnellore wrote:
       | Thank you for this site. This is a great idea and execution. I
       | have a problem reading continuously without getting distracted.
       | Perhaps typing something down similar to writing will help with
       | retention.
       | hijklmno wrote:
       | Bravo! Well done!
       | bravura wrote:
       | "[Hunter S. Thompson] chose, rather than writing original copy,
       | to re-type books like The Great Gatsby and a lot of Norman
       | Mailer, the Naked and the Dead, a lot of Hemingway. He would sit
       | down there on an old type-writer and type every word of those
       | books and he said, 'I just wanna feel what it feels like to write
       | that we'll.'"
       | HST: "If you type out somebody's work, you learn a lot about it.
       | Amazingly it's like music. And from typing out parts of Faulkner,
       | Hemingway, Fitzgerald - these were writers that were very big in
       | my life and the lives of the people around me - so yea I wanted
       | to learn from the best I guess."
       | http://brianjohnspencer.blogspot.com/2014/06/hunter-s-thomps...
         | daviddaviddavid wrote:
         | The analogy with music is interesting. Superficially, the
         | musical activity which looks most like typing is simply playing
         | an instrument. And sight-reading does feel a bit like typing.
         | But I wonder if he's talking about transcription in that quote.
         | One can sight read complex music without learning anything
         | about it if they happen to just be a good sight reader. But
         | transcription really does force you to pay attention to
         | structural nuances you otherwise wouldn't get just by listening
         | to a piece of music.
           | 082349872349872 wrote:
           | I think the idea is that typing is much slower than reading,
           | so one has forced downtime in which it is possible to
           | consider structure and choices[1].
           | Compare https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23528483
           |  _Qui scribit, bis legit_
           | (Maybe your sight-reading is quicker than your playing? Mine
           | is nearly the opposite.)
           | [1] Quintilian even finds value in exercising criticism of
           | popular examples (because of course, even way back in the
           | first century, The Old Days Were Better. Elsewhere Quintilian
           | complains that people in his day only repeat a Cliff's Notes
           | knowledge of greek authors instead of reading the originals
           | in full.)
           | > "It will even at times be of value to read speeches which
           | are corrupt and faulty in style, but still meet with general
           | admiration thanks to the perversity of modern tastes, and to
           | point out how many expressions in them are inappropriate,
           | obscure, high-flown, grovelling, mean, extravagant or
           | effeminate, although they are not merely praised by the
           | majority of critics, but, worse still, praised just because
           | they are bad."
           | http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%.
           | ..
           | and makes a good point about a pedagogical advantage to
           | criticism of works other than one's own:
           | > "I will venture to say that this particular form of
           | exercise, if diligently pursued, will teach learners more
           | than all the text-books of all the rhetoricians: these are no
           | doubt of very considerable use, but being somewhat general in
           | their scope, it is quite impossible for them to deal with all
           | the special cases that are of almost daily occurrence. The
           | art of war will provide a parallel: it is no doubt based on
           | certain general principles, but it will none the less be far
           | more useful to know the methods employed, whether wisely or
           | the reverse, by individual generals under varying
           | circumstances and conditions of time and place. For there are
           | no subjects in which, as a rule, practice is not more
           | valuable than precept. Is a teacher to declaim to provide a
           | model for his audience, and will not more profit be derived
           | from the reading of Cicero or Demosthenes? Is a pupil to be
           | publicly corrected if he makes a mistake in declaiming, and
           | will it not be more useful, and more agreeable too, to
           | correct some actual speech? For everyone has a preference for
           | hearing the faults of others censured rather than his own."
           | http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%.
           | ..
           |  _Im demang tili peroba pash im demang finyish vide fit._
         | m463 wrote:
         | Reminds me ... in a computer nerd way ... of "python the hard
         | way" (which used to be very open/free, now it has changed)
         | You would not read or download the lessons. You typed all the
         | python in word by word. I think it really helped the learning
         | process to type it out. It was slow and deliberate, even to
         | mistyping and making mistakes (and fix them).
           | tsumnia wrote:
           | Yup! To learn music, cooking, martial arts, etc., you start
           | by following someone else to build the muscle memory on doing
           | the skill. As a follow-up, my own research [1] on retyping
           | code showed students earned higher grades and submitted less
           | erroneous code. Replicating technical skills is a common
           | practice technique that seems to have been "lost" in current
           | CS education.
           | [1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3373165.3373177
           | kyuudou wrote:
           | I still have a directory tree around from doing those
           | lessons. Given how picky python is about indent spacing, I
           | agreed somewhat with the philosophy behind those lessons,
           | particular for people new to coding.
         | dmix wrote:
         | This was explained by HST in one of his letters, which was
         | collected in the excellent three book collection of letters he
         | sent and received to his friends. Including many famous
         | writers.
         | HST was always great in small rapid outputs of writing, which
         | is captured well in his letters (similar to how his collection
         | of articles are his most popular works, but these deserve a
         | similar look).
         | He obviously had some sort of ADD and later on combined with a
         | long series of drug/alcohol addictions, so it makes sense he
         | was better in short blurbs. Even his most famous novel Fear and
         | Loathing in Las Vegas has a feeling of multiple long spurts on
         | a typewriter.
         | Which is always how he wrote. Always also at the very last
         | minute of the magazine due date and/or because he was running
         | out of money and needed the next advance.
         | I believe this is common in creative fields. Long periods of
         | meh and spurts of greatness.
         | Anyway the book series is here, usually called the Gonzo
         | Letters:
         | https://www.goodreads.com/series/64386-the-fear-and-loathing...
         | Only the 2nd one has a Wikipedia page for some reason (the 3rd
         | one came out in 2014) but the first one (The Proud Highway: The
         | Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman 1955-1967) as a young
         | writer who is often desperate and broke was most interesting
         | IMO, even though his life or writing wasn't yet as it would
         | become famous for (but definitely still as wild)
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_and_Loathing_in_America
           | wenc wrote:
           | Inspiration is lumpy, so I've adopted the Fieldstone method
           | [1] (articulated by the prolific Gerald Weinberg).
           | In my implementation, I collect little thoughts (shower
           | thoughts, observations, good turns of phrases, etc.) into a
           | single continuous Google Doc. I revisit it often and guided
           | by my current emotions and interests, try to coalesce like-
           | ideas and rewrite them into a large idea. Some ideas
           | eventually snowball into something substantial.
           | Unless you're a columnist with a deadline (with innate talent
           | driven by adrenalin), everybody knows how difficult it is to
           | write an essay from scratch. However if you've been
           | collecting ideas, and have been developing and coalescing and
           | rewriting them over and over again (often for years), the
           | essay almost writes itself.
           | [1] https://www.skmurphy.com/blog/2016/05/04/weinberg-on-
           | writing...
             | badtuple wrote:
             | I have a similar workflow, but for a different reason. BJ
             | Novak described in an interview how the ideation part of
             | the process is totally different from the productive part.
             | This spoke to me, and I've been approaching them separately
             | ever since. When they get too inflated I either get
             | writers/coders block or absolute spaghetti, so it's easy to
             | see when I've grown less disciplined with the division.
               | selestify wrote:
               | Do you remember where BJ Novak gave that interview? I'm
               | curious to see what he had to say about it
           | splatcollision wrote:
           | Still waiting for the third volume to actually drop? Can't
           | find it available and all the amazon reviews are 5-star
           | complaints about the delayed release :(
             | dmix wrote:
             | Oh weird, I wasn't aware they still haven't release it yet.
             | It's been 19 years since the 2nd volume. That's really odd.
             | They didn't fulfill the preorders in 2014 either
             | https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0684873176/
             | I thought making it through the other two 700+ pages of
             | letters was quite an achievement. I was planning to read
             | the 3rd one at some later point in my life.
             | I guess I'll still have to wait ... the title was really
             | great too "The Mutineer: Rants, Ravings, and Missives from
             | the Mountaintop, 1977-2005".
           | Swizec wrote:
           | You need the long periods of meh for the bursts of great to
           | happen. The meh puts in the ground work for the good.
           | mylons wrote:
           | I find this to be true with computer programming/work for me.
           | I'm productive in bursts.
             | grugagag wrote:
             | I'm productive in bursts as well. I have the feeling that
             | in between bursts things are still computing in the
             | background so it looks like you're not doing anything but
             | the brain is still churning. This type of bursty
             | productivity is very hard to account for in a corporate
             | environment where one's productivity should be accounted
             | for on a daily basis and laid down in cookie cutter time
             | slots. I often wonder whether I have ADHD since I can
             | hyperfocus when Im in a productive burst.
             | Unfortunately/fortunately I don't tick other boxes so I'm
             | in a limbo with the diagnosis
               | nicky0 wrote:
               | I think it's quite common among programmers. At least, I
               | have always been that way too. I can go week of
               | unproductive time then suddenly several days of
               | immersion.
               | grugagag wrote:
               | That's the reason I avoid taking the
               | Ritaline/Amphetamines route. I think it is normal and i
               | wouldn't want to be a productivity machine anyway
               | entropicdrifter wrote:
               | They're also bad for your heart and can really mess up
               | your diet if you're not careful
               | thaumasiotes wrote:
               | > I have the feeling that in between bursts things are
               | still computing in the background so it looks like you're
               | not doing anything but the brain is still churning.
               | This is something that's bothered me since my university
               | put out a survey asking about time spent on homework.
               | Suppose the following things happen:
               | 1. A math class assigns a proof.
               | 2. I look at the problem, fiddle around with it for 20
               | minutes, and get nowhere.
               | 3. I play Final Fantasy for 6 days.
               | 4. I go back to the problem. In 40 minutes, I have the
               | proof worked out.
               | How long did I spend on the proof? What if the
               | counterfactual was
               | 1. Proof gets assigned.
               | 2. Look at it, do nothing.
               | 3. The day after, sit down and spend 3 hours proving it.
               | How long did I spend then? Are the two scenarios...
               | different?
               | [deleted]
               | mandelbrotwurst wrote:
               | I think about this in terms of how much clock time has
               | elapsed versus how much working time I spend on something
               | - i.e. I am very often able to trade an increase in clock
               | time elapsed (taking more breaks) for a decrease in
               | working time, and vice versa.
               | As with most things, this comes with diminishing returns
               | as you push toward minimizing one over the other.
               | Sometimes, even negative returns, e.g. because of
               | increased context switching costs, or confusion and
               | general malaise caused by staring at something for too
               | long.
               | thaumasiotes wrote:
               | > I am very often able to trade an increase in clock time
               | elapsed (taking more breaks) for a decrease in working
               | time, and vice versa.
               | But this is the problem with a survey of "how long does
               | the homework take?". The question isn't well defined. The
               | answer doesn't exist.
               | smabie wrote:
               | If you goal is to get prescribed stimulants
               | (amphetamines, ritalin, or modafinil), it's pretty
               | trivial to get diagnosed and prescribed. Psychs hand that
               | stuff out like candy
               | toyg wrote:
               | I don't know how it is in the US, but I'm scared of even
               | trying to be diagnosed in the UK. Once you're in the
               | system as somebody with psych problems, a lot of things
               | can get harder. I fear the risk is not worth satiating
               | the curiosity.
               | cbsks wrote:
               | I guess that's one benefit of the US's terrible health
               | system? There isn't a single "system" so even if one
               | doctor diagnoses you with something, a different doctor
               | in a different office won't have any idea about it unless
               | you volunteer the information.
               | IggleSniggle wrote:
               | Just FYI, this is increasingly less true in many
               | respects...although the opposite problem also occurs,
               | where there is so much noise that the important pieces
               | for any given visit do not surface for the doc.
               | rhyswallace wrote:
               | Wait the US doesn't have a centralized/shared medical
               | records service? I never realized that! In France, I
               | suppose like in the UK, we have our "Carte Vitale"
               | ("Life/Vital Card"), which is scanned each visit to a
               | doctor, hospital, pharmacy, etc, each updating your
               | personal database nationally.
               | It also serves as a link to your insurance provider in
               | each location, so reimbursements are automatic.
               | smabie wrote:
               | Nope, doctors can't see you medical information unless
               | you give it to them.
               | xenospn wrote:
               | Usually by fax.
               | vikramkr wrote:
               | Or by handing them a CD
               | cbsks wrote:
               | I went to my general practitioner (in the US) and got a
               | Ritalin prescription just by saying "I have a hard time
               | concentrating at work". That's it. No referral to a
               | specialist or anything.
               | It is a wonder drug for me. I used to spend a majority of
               | my time farting around on the internet at work, then
               | working long hours and scrambling to get my work done
               | before the deadline. Now I am able to be productive more
               | consistently and don't miss nearly as many deadlines.
               | andruby wrote:
               | Are you a "different" person while on Ritalin? My wife's
               | a teacher and these days a lot of kids are on Ritalin.
               | She says the kids that "need" it are more manageable when
               | taking it, but it does change their personality. They are
               | less... "lively".
               | Jarwain wrote:
               | I can say I felt more like a zombie or emotionally
               | dampened when I was taking Concerta (which is similar to
               | Ritalin just with a longer duration and smoother effect
               | curve).
               | cbsks wrote:
               | That's an interesting question. I don't think so? If I
               | was, would I notice? Nobody has ever mentioned it to me.
               | I only take it at work so I am pretty much just sitting
               | in front of a computer when I'm on it.
               | grugagag wrote:
               | I tried some and I don't like their effect. Yes, I can
               | sit down through boring stuff but the intrinsic interest
               | becomes dries up while on these. It is true that I didn't
               | try this treatment for extended periods of time but I may
               | if I absolutely need to (but only temporarily, up to a
               | couple of months or so). For now I try to enjoy my
               | average productivity which comes in bursts and that is
               | okay
         | sndwnm wrote:
         | For this to actually work you probably need to put the original
         | text away, try to recreate a piece of it from memory, and
         | repeat until you get it close to right. AKA the Benjamin
         | Franklin method.
         | Just like anyone can trace or copy a picture drawn by a master,
         | copying text won't grant understanding. What actually matters
         | for a creator is the ability to produce content from higher
         | level ideas, eg from whatever mental representation you used to
         | hold the writing or drawing in memory.
         | yesenadam wrote:
         | > Amazingly it's like music.
         | Maybe he means like jazz musicians? (I'm one.) Every musician I
         | know has transcribed solos. You pick some solo you like but
         | have no idea what they're doing, transcribe it, and learn to
         | play it along with them. Bits and pieces perhaps will rub off
         | in your own playing. You don't want to sound like them, but
         | it's good to be able to if you want - and for that you need to
         | absorb their style, so your body can just go into that mode,
         | without having to think about it. I'm a piano player but have
         | also transcribed sax, trumpet, bass lines, gospel songs,
         | reggae, funk, .. even taps dripping, babies crying etc etc.
           | mikorym wrote:
           | > transcribe solos
           | Do you mean learn other people's songs from sheet music, or
           | do you mean write down, from the sheet music, the same song
           | again on blank sheet paper?
           | Edit: Or do you mean write down the song via hearing?
             | gnat wrote:
             | Transcription is the latter -- create a paper version from
             | a recording. Same as medical transcription is typing up
             | dictated notes.
             | SirLuxuryYacht wrote:
             | Ear training gives you this skill
             | e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhyyjRcrn84
             | yesenadam wrote:
             | Transcribing solos means, you listen to the music and write
             | it down, bit by bit. Someone's solo = their improvisation.
             | If it's simple/slow enough that it's quicker to learn it by
             | playing along, just do that. (I've never needed to
             | transcribe Louis Armstrong, but have just learnt by playing
             | along with him.) If it's very fast (e.g. Bird, Coltrane)
             | you might need to slow it down to transcribe it. You learn
             | how to transcribe it by doing it, it also trains your ear
             | in recognizing melodies, harmonies, chord voicings,
             | rhythms, forms.
             | You can buy books of solo transcriptions, but I've found
             | that they're absolutely useless. (and always inaccurate)
             | Maybe it's like reading a book vs. typing it out?! hehe. At
             | first glance I couldn't see how typing a book out would
             | help anything, I mean, it's already written down for you!
             | The main element of learning by working out bit by bit what
             | it is, isn't there. But there are elements in common - it's
             | a little like playing a solo you've written down, and you
             | would absorb the word patterns if you typed a whole novel I
             | guess.
           | slingnow wrote:
           | Why would you take his general statement (musicians) and turn
           | it into such a specific example (_jazz_ musicians)? You make
           | it sound like jazz musicians are the only ones who would
           | transcribe music to study it.
             | samatman wrote:
             | It's a safe bet that it's more common among jazz musicians
             | than among classical musicians, who have access to the
             | sheet music for practically everything they play.
             | Probably also more common among jazz musicians than rock
             | musicians, who don't emphasize sheet music and music theory
             | as much ( _as much_ , it's certainly more prevalent than
             | outsiders would naively think).
             | And of course, all these categories blur together. There
             | wasn't any reason to take his post and interpret it in
             | absolutist terms.
           | mantap wrote:
           | In language learning there's something called the "Input
           | hypothesis" which states that we learn languages primarily by
           | reading and listening (consuming input), rather than
           | production of language.
           | The reasoning is that when you produce output you are by
           | definition producing something at your own level, so little
           | improvement occurs. When you consume input (and transcription
           | is a great way to do it), you are consuming input of a native
           | speaker - or in the case of Jazz, a master player - which is
           | at a much higher quality level than what you could produce
           | yourself. So input drives the learning process.
           | The exception is for motor e.g. pronunciation or playing
           | technique, which do benefit from practice.
           | aasasd wrote:
           | In regard to typing out novels, HST went on to say that
           | Faulkner (iirc) doesn't have an out-of-place word anywhere.
           | So yeah, he was speaking about the style: putting down words
           | in an interesting order.
         | atulatul wrote:
         | Here is a Stephen Fry Oxford union video where he talks about
         | trying to write from memory a scene from The Great Gatsby:
         | https://youtu.be/oSdLfPas8dw?t=546
         | dfan wrote:
         | It was very common in the past for composers to learn the craft
         | by copying out the musical scores of the masters.
         | This is also why I always type in all the examples from
         | programming books instead of cutting and pasting.
         | whymauri wrote:
         | This is how I first learned technical writing. Found a few
         | exceptional papers in my field, sat down, and literally just
         | typed them out.
         | The downside is that it's easy to 'overfit' and lose your own
         | voice.
         | codeisawesome wrote:
         | Would be super interesting if this holds true for 'copying out'
         | code as well... it's all the edge case handling that can get
         | boring to re-type out without context / comments...
           | tsumnia wrote:
           | It does hold out! Here is a link to my research on retyping
           | code [1]. To summarize my findings, students that regularly
           | completed typing exercises earned higher course grades and
           | submitted less erroneous code.
           | [1] https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3373165.3373177
         | dredmorbius wrote:
         | Agreed that you learn much about a work (I've retyped a few
         | articles and books simply to get a usable copy). But _copying_
         | is not the same as _creating_ --- you 'll see the finished
         | product, and may intuit hints as to how it was created, but
         | what you're _not_ getting is _the creation process itself_ :
         | research (especially for nonfiction), structure, plotting and
         | character (for fiction), editing, rewriting, restructuring and
         | reordering content, additions and deletions.
         | Writing (and reading) short disconnected bits is fairly easy:
         | nothing interrelates strongly, composition is simple and
         | forgiving. Longer works are _complex_ : they have structure,
         | arcs, need to retain interest, jumps and connections need to be
         | plausible, the whole be consistent (unless inconsistency is
         | used for effect), etc., etc.
         | And you don't get this knowledge _simply_ by copying out great
         | works.
         | I see a similar failure-to-grasp in some proposals for
         | hypertext or advanced publishing systems. _Reading is
         | inherently serial_ , in that we follow lines of text on a page.
         | Interactivity --- usually defined by the ability to skip
         | between previously-written segments --- just offers _more
         | serial paths_.
         | The value of hypertext and related tools may be far more on the
         | _writing_ process, where vastly more sources can be referenced
         | and cited with greater ease. Some might be incorporated into
         | the final work, but an excess of interconnections and
         | quotations is itself distracting.
         | I see this as a particular blindness of Ted Nelson's Xanadu
         | project, despite many fascinating and original elements to it.
           | kbenson wrote:
           | > And you don't get this knowledge _simply_ by copying out
           | great works.
           | Well, I think the point is that you may get knowledge, but nt
           | necessarily of the type that lets you make another great
           | work. _Doing_ is an act of learning, whether very small
           | amounts of learning as you do something you 've done
           | countless times before, or possibly large amounts of learning
           | as you try something absolutely new, or learning about
           | yourself and what you like, what you don't, what you feel is
           | worthwhile even if you dislike it, etc.
           | Ultimately, there's something to be learned from everything.
           | Even the book you read that purports to teach you someething
           | that you find worthless for the task should be illustrative
           | of either what things are not useful for you in learning
           | that, or how to structure something in such a way that it's
           | hard for you to take away good meaning from it, and
           | ultimately, some hints about what to look for next time that
           | doesn't have the same problems.
           | So, copying isn't necessarily _creating_ , but it should be
           | an act of _learning_ , and learning should hopefully help in
           | creating, even if it's something totally divorced from what
           | you were originally copying.
         | ponker wrote:
         | Important to note that it was on a manual typewriter. The key
         | is making it slow, so you can observe how the author is doing
         | what they're doing. Reading is very fast ... typing on a manual
         | typewriter is slow enough to give you time to observe.
         | [deleted]
         | taneq wrote:
         | Sounds a little bit like the process of training a GPT-3 style
         | network...
           | derwiki wrote:
           | He required copious amounts of Wild Turkey and cigarettes
           | though
             | moron4hire wrote:
             | Dunhills, if I remember correctly.
       | simplegeek wrote:
       | I congratulate you on launching this. Definitely an interesting
       | idea.
       | Another thing that interests me is the approach that Benjamin
       | Franklin described in his autobiography to improve his writing.
       | He would read writing that he liked, note it carefully, and then
       | after a few days he would try to reproduce the writing. Finally,
       | he would tally it with the original writing to correct mistakes.
       | Minor49er wrote:
       | This is a cool site, though I did notice something that I haven't
       | seen anywhere before: the URL paths are JSON objects. Is there a
       | reason for this? For example, for "The Call of Cthulhu", the URL
       | is this:
       | https://www.typelit.io/chapters/%7B%22bookTitle%22:%20%22The...
       | Why not just use this?
       | https://www.typelit.io/chapters/5f468ca35e91c10be0883a57/The...
       | Also, the JSON object is fault tolerant and will display whatever
       | you want for a title, even if there isn't a book available:
       | https://www.typelit.io/chapters/%7B%22%64%69%73%70%6C%61%79%...
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey I'm glad you asked! It's the way Nextjs handles urls with
         | more than 1 param. If I prettify the URL then for some reason
         | the page can't access them. Don't know if they've improved on
         | it yet (or, who knows, maybe I'm just using it wrong) but it'll
         | be fixed eventually.
           | john_miller wrote:
           | // call /MyPage?par1=hello&par2=42
           | const MyPage = (props: { query: { par1: string; par2: number
           | } }) => (
           | <div>{`${props.query.par1}-${props.query.par2}`}</div> );
           | SamBam wrote:
           | The URL parameters are:
           | {"bookTitle": "The Call of Cthulhu", "displayTitle": "The
           | Call of Cthulhu", "language": "English", "bookId":
           | "5f468ca35e91c10be0883a57"}
           | Why do you need all the others besides "bookId"?
           | Changing "bookTitle" and "language" don't seem to do
           | anything. Changing "displayTitle" does change the displayed
           | title, but why can't you get that using the bookId?
           | Minor49er wrote:
           | That's interesting. Thanks for pointing me towards Next.js. I
           | wasn't aware of that framework, but I'm checking it out.
             | technoplato wrote:
             | Super cool framework that is only getting better. If you're
             | interested in framework spelunking-check out Remix by Ryan
             | Florence and Michael Jackson (no, not that one...). It's
             | actually going to be paid but I'm very excited to try it.
             | It handles some data loading pain points among others that
             | seem very interesting.
               | roryokane wrote:
               | Link to the mentioned framework "Remix":
               | https://remix.run/
           | ffpip wrote:
           | I think only the bookID is necessary
         | whiddershins wrote:
         | This comment can't be read, perhaps use code block formatting,
         | or remove the http and domain info, so we can see what you
         | mean? The link is getting truncated when it displays.
           | SamBam wrote:
           | Those links are over 200 characters long, and just look like
           | escaped JSON, so I don't think it would help much. You could
           | just click on them if you really wanted to know the details,
           | but I think the question is pretty clear regardless.
           | Minor49er wrote:
           | That's a fair point. I was expecting people to click or hover
           | the links to see the examples, but for really showing how the
           | paths are formed, this would make sense to do.
       | raegis wrote:
       | Brilliant! Thanks!
       | melvinroest wrote:
       | I typed a bit of Alice in Wonderland. I (touch)type slower than I
       | read. I'd like to do this more, but I'm worried about getting
       | RSI.
         | 082349872349872 wrote:
         | Don't know if it's just coincidence, but I was taught to type
         | back in the mechanical typewriter era, and despite typing a
         | great deal professionally haven't yet suffered from any form of
         | RSI.
         | (We were taught to keep our hands parallel with our forearms
         | and had to press with force, as electrical typewriters existed
         | by then but none were in our classroom. It was kind of like
         | piano posture.)
       | pseingatl wrote:
       | Pierre Menard, Author of the _Quijote._
       | andersamundson wrote:
       | Love this app. Exactly how I taught myself to type--and write.
       | Would be great if there was a way to use more "modern"
       | literature. Especially books written well in simple english.
       | Michael Lewis comes to mind...
       | jjice wrote:
       | Very cool, and the UI looks and feels great!
       | jrsala wrote:
       | I'm a non-native English speaker and I used to struggle as a
       | teenager to read e.g. Harry Potter in English with a dictionary
       | by my side. Literature is full of words you will never encounter
       | in a casual or professional setting and that ESL learners won't
       | know from having been schooled in English lit. So some way to
       | quickly open en.wiktionary.org for a given word or some option
       | have that in a tooltip on hover or when pressing a special key
       | could be helpful, but I'm just guessing.
       | Very neat website, and very well made, congrats!
       | brianjking wrote:
       | Have you checked out Monkey Type? Blows Typeracer out of the
       | water!
       | https://monkey-type.com/
       | cristiamyake wrote:
       | Excellent idea, reading stimulates our imagination and being able
       | to read and write it at the same time I suppose it involves a
       | very different cognitive experience when it comes to experiencing
       | a book, perhaps it improves memory or has other benefits, it
       | would be interesting to do a study on it. A good practice for
       | learning another language too.
       | burner831234 wrote:
       | This is wonderful. I have been working with my mother (english is
       | her fourth language) to learn how to type and also to improve her
       | English.
       | I am really looking forward to sharing this with her over the
       | weekend.
       | cristiamyake wrote:
       | excellent idea, reading stimulates our imagination and being able
       | to read and write it at the same time I suppose it involves a
       | very different cognitive experience when it comes to experiencing
       | a book, perhaps it improves memory or has other benefits, it
       | would be interesting to do a study on it.
       | ZetaH wrote:
       | This is great for practicing! Would it be difficult to implement
       | a page where users could copy-paste text and use the same engine
       | to retype them?
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello and thanks for giving the site a go! Something like this
         | is planned for the future, so do keep an eye out!
       | [deleted]
       | [deleted]
       | Hoasi wrote:
       | Nice! Neat idea and smooth execution.
       | jcul wrote:
       | This is really great.
       | I tried to watch my hands as I typed and I noticed I only seem to
       | type with two fingers from each hand, mostly the index finger.
       | I've been typing like this for years, has anyone re-trained
       | themselves to use proper 10 finger typing or even switched
       | straight to something like DVORAK?
       | Was it worth the effort?
       | mNovak wrote:
       | Support for mobile is amusing to me.. practice cellphone typing!
       | aero-glide wrote:
       | gtypist made me go from 30wpm to 80wpm in 2 weeks
       | indifferentalex wrote:
       | Love the idea! What about something like this but for software?
       | Could be an interesting way to learn a new language/codebase
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello -- I'm glad you like it! I believe typing.io has
         | something like this, but for programming languages.
         | sasaf5 wrote:
         | Also works for human languages!
         | shazeubaa wrote:
         | That's exactly how I learned to code. Retyping code from Byte
         | magazine, Dr. Dobbs, and Apple Incider.
           | yitchelle wrote:
           | Second that method.
           | It also increased my debugging skills as well when I entered
           | one or more typos along the way.
         | whoomp12342 wrote:
         | yes, instead of learning dart, you will be tasked with writing
         | microsoft excel in dart
         | agustif wrote:
         | https://typing.io/ This is pretty similar I think, used in the
         | past. Can use your own code with the paying/subscription
           | [deleted]
         | [deleted]
       | lkuty wrote:
       | Cool idea. It looks like it doesn't check if french accents have
       | been typed. I could write the letter without its accent and it
       | considered that it was good. And with its accent, it is good too.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hello! People kept asking for other languages, so I put some
         | out but didn't have time to add an option for keystrokes on
         | non-english letters to require the actual non-english
         | keystroke. Rest assured it's coming soon, though. Thanks!
       | rodolphoarruda wrote:
       | Brilliant idea. I hope to see titles in other languages made
       | available as well.
       | leethargo wrote:
       | Nice, this is very enjoyable. Will definitely pick this up again,
       | after I get a new ergonomic keyboard.
       | Would be nice to also type code from famous open-source projects,
       | to practice hitting all the parens etc.
         | Octouroboros wrote:
         | Hey that's a really good idea! I'll add it to the ever-growing
         | to-do list. Thanks!
           | vianneychevalie wrote:
           | One of the options I would suggest is to add the possibility
           | to type the end bracket or parenthesis before the included
           | code,by doing some kind of conditional forward lookup
         | rgoulter wrote:
         | typing.io is one option for this.
         | millerm wrote:
         | Though, I would add that just copying code verbatim doesn't
         | really follow how people write code. It's not usually, or ever
         | have I seen it, written in a linear fashion. Cursors jump up
         | and down, you open a brace/bracket/parenthesis and almost
         | always immediately close it, then proceed to insert code. Many
         | languages are written from the inside out (like swizzling some
         | lisp code together). Most people don't think "Ok, this is the
         | code I am going to write" and proceed to type it in "page
         | order" (I can't think of another phrase, it's early). Type
         | hints, docs, access modifiers, can be added after the fact.
         | Then constant refactoring occurs as things are broken out into
         | their atomic parts. Then what you are left with is the result.
         | It's akin to tracing a sculpture, there was a lot of work that
         | went on before that sculpture became something beautiful.
         | That's all.
         | This is still a neat product. I typed a page from 1984. Makes
         | me sad that I can't seem finish my own book or screenplays.
           | anoopelias wrote:
           | Learning to type open-source code could still add value since
           | code will have larger frequency of '(', ')', '=', '_'....
           | I tried learning typing typical paragraphs, got pretty fluent
           | with it, but as soon as I tried the same with code, got stuck
           | with those.
       | thisistheend123 wrote:
       | This is a great idea. As someone else mentioned, it is a new way
       | of reading novels.
       | I won't be surprised if this becomes really popular and then you
       | would surely have Amazon showing interest in your innovation.
       | Again many congratulations for shipping out a neat idea with
       | great implementation.
       | rayrag wrote:
       | I've used Type Faster and Sublime Text to achieve something like
       | this but instead of books I've used
       | articles/tutorials/documentation or articles in another language.
       | In Type Faster I was creating new lessons with article I wanted
       | to read. In Sublime Text I've used two panels - on left side I
       | had article on right it was my typing space. While Type Faster
       | shows you what word you have to type right now Sublime doesn't so
       | I had to memorize as much words I wanted to type to avoid looking
       | back and forth between panels. This is also useful when learning
       | new language, if you are using Duolingo you most likely focus on
       | speaking/reading/pronouncing words and not on writing so retyping
       | articles in that language is very good method to memorize words.
       | https://sourceforge.net/projects/typefaster/
       | nicoboo wrote:
       | I've tried and like it.
       | Few comments to improve your work: French language has a space
       | before and after '?' or '!'.
       | Also, normally, there are also other accent on uppercase letter,
       | for example I had 'A la serre, le croc et l'ongle.' in 'Le livre
       | de la Jungle', the first A should be 'A'.
       | Chart for progression in WPM or correctness, tips to improve,
       | audio feedback activation if error in typing...
       | Keep going, it's a good idea!
         | yorwba wrote:
         | As mentioned in the footer (which is small and low contrast, so
         | not surprising you didn't see it), the books are from Project
         | Gutenberg.
         | Both the lack of space before ? and ! and the lack of accents
         | on the A are present in the version at
         | https://www.gutenberg.org/files/54183/54183-h/54183-h.htm ,
         | which has the following note at the bottom
         |  _Au lecteur_
         |  _Ce livre electronique reproduit integralement le texte
         | original, et l'orthographe d'origine a ete conservee. Seules
         | les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont ete
         | corrigees. Ces corrections sont soulignees en pointilles dans
         | le texte. Positionnez le curseur sur le mot souligne pour voir
         | l'orthographe initiale._
         |  _Cependant <<Shere-Khan>> a ete tacitement remplace par
         | <<Shere Khan>> et <<Bandar Log>> par <<Bandar-Log>>._
         | It also mentions that
         |  _This file was produced from images generously made available
         | by the Bibliotheque nationale de France (BnF /Gallica) at
         | http://gallica.bnf.fr_
         | And looking at the scan
         | https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k96184168/f18.item.r=L...
         | it appears that while the punctuation marks did have more space
         | in front, the A was missing the accent even in the original.
       | swiley wrote:
       | Sometimes when I really had to memorize things including nitpicky
       | semantics I would retype them into diff. It works reasonably well
       | and is a moderately enjoyable (if you're in the mood) mindless
       | task kind of like driving.
       | beachwood23 wrote:
       | I think I have found a bug. It is in typing "The Art of War".
       | The "s" in the first sentence of "Sun Tzu said:" does not want to
       | be recognized. My "s" key works fine in other contexts, and other
       | letters before this one are recognized just fine.
       | EDIT: Actually, this seems to happen for different books,
       | relatively early on in each. I am also seeing it in "Grimm's
       | Fairy Tales."
       | I have a MBP 2020, and I am using Safari.
         | roryokane wrote:
         | I encounter no problems typing that phrase in The Art of War on
         | macOS 10.14 in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
       (page generated 2020-10-06 23:00 UTC)