[HN Gopher] Using a Piece of Paper as a Display Terminal - Ed vs...
       Using a Piece of Paper as a Display Terminal - Ed vs. Vim
       Author : rhabarba
       Score  : 60 points
       Date   : 2020-10-08 05:45 UTC (17 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.robertelder.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.robertelder.org)
       | lqet wrote:
       | > Of course, on the system I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed.
       | Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which 1) Generates a
       | syslog message at level LOG_EMERG; 2) reduces the user's disk
       | quota by 100K; and 3) RUNS ED!!!!!! [0]
       | [0] https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.html
         | segfaultbuserr wrote:
         | > And ed doesn't waste space on my Timex Sinclair. Just look:
         | -rwxr-xr-x  1 root          24 Oct 29  1929 /bin/ed
         | -rwxr-xr-t  4 root     1310720 Jan  1  1970 /usr/ucb/vi
         | -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  5.89824e37 Oct 22  1990 /usr/bin/emacs
         | > I just want an EDitor!! Not a "viitor". Not a "emacsitor".
         | Those aren't even WORDS!!!!
         | On my _n_ th read, I think "5.89824e37" is the funniest part of
         | the joke.
       | Uehreka wrote:
       | After reading this article, I actually get _why_ ed was the
       | standard text editor. And it almost makes "Ed, man! !man ed" feel
       | like a cheap shot. Like someone today looking at one of the first
       | automobiles, missing the point and being like "Oh you should
       | _totally_ drive this, it has _tons_ of horsepower."
       | NateEag wrote:
       | I've linked this before, but this video of hooking a 1930s
       | teletype up to a Linux computer is what made ed click for me.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XLZ4Z8LpEE
       | It's one of the best things on the Internet, IMO.
         | russh wrote:
         | The Model 23 Teletype connected to my Netronics ELF II was so
         | loud I was only allowed to use it during the day. It was slow,
         | noisy and smelled like a mixture light Oil and electrical
         | sparks but you could play Tiny Star Trek on it. At least until
         | sundown, or it ran out of paper.
         | coldpie wrote:
         | Along the same lines, this series of videos is one of my
         | favorite things I've run across recently:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suyiMfzmZKs&list=PLB3mwSROoJ...
         | It starts with using the front panel switches to load a program
         | into an Altair 8800 and progresses into loading programs from
         | external sources including audio cassette and paper tape;
         | loading programs from a ROM; loading and using an OS; and using
         | a paper terminal for output.
       | not2b wrote:
       | Yes, I'm old enough to have done editing on printing terminals,
       | when I was in college; I liked TECO much better than ed in those
       | days, though. You could chain a bunch of commands together to
       | minimize the amount of paper you used up, but it took practice
       | and a good memory.
         | ansible wrote:
         | I'm old, but I'm _just_ young enough to have missed that era. I
         | think they still had some paper terminals somewhere, not sure.
         | Even my dorm had a Lear Siegler ADM 3 in the basement for
         | students to use, right next to a Wang word processor.
         | I often hung out in the Engineering terminal rooms though,
         | because they had the nicer Wyse terminals. Well, until senior
         | year when CS installed some black & white X terminals for
         | general use, which connected to a Sequent Symmetry 80386
         | system. That was really kick-ass at the time.
       | macjohnmcc wrote:
       | I took an off campus programming course when I was in High School
       | in the early 1980's. There was only a single terminal that was
       | CRT based in the lab the rest were TTY's. Slow, noisy and a huge
       | waste of paper. We all tried to get in early to get on the single
       | VT100 monitor!
       | cultus wrote:
       | If anyone finds themselves in Seattle after the pandemic, the
       | Living Computer Museum has a real live paper terminal connected
       | to a mainframe running an early Unix (iirc) that you can actually
       | use.
       | It's definitely my favorite part of the museum. It really amazes
       | me how much was possible on such limited hardware.
         | aap_ wrote:
         | The museum has closed for the moment. Its future is uncertain.
       | rsecora wrote:
       | As the old joke says: ed is the standard text editor
       | ED(1)               UNIX Programmer's Manual
       | ED(1)             NAME          ed - text editor
       | SYNOPSIS          ed [ - ] [ -x ] [ name ]        DESCRIPTION
       | Ed is the standard text editor
       | https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed-msg.txt
       | cogburnd02 wrote:
       | Yeah older ttys were basically a typewriter with a connection to
       | a computer between the keys and the printing mechanism
       | https://youtu.be/CRdma6NINIw
       | kps wrote:
       | `ex` (i.e. vi's ex mode) is a better comparison than `ed`.
       | Original `vi` also has 'open mode' for printing terminals and
       | glass ttys -- like a series of one-line windows, where every
       | vertical motion starts a new line. None of the popular clones
       | implement it.
       | smitty1e wrote:
       | I've always pronounced TTY as 'teletype'.
       | dig1 wrote:
       | ed is still my daily driver when I need to edit stuff quickly,
       | and here are a couple of reasons I'm keeping it in my toolbox:
       | * Couple of KBs, you can't beat that. You can put it almost
       | everywhere.
       | * Runs with whatever terminal you have to use. Unknown or broken
       | termcap, no problem. Even works inside Emacs eshell.
       | * Still unbeatable with terrible connections. Try that with
       | vi/vim, and you'll cry, even without colors.
       | * Gives you "focused editing" without having to look at the whole
       | file. Just like Ken Thompson said. For example, to read .bashrc
       | ignoring comments, just use "g/^[^#]/n".
       | * The only editor you can easily script, the same way as you type
       | in it. That is why we have "script" command.
       | * Very easy to print commands (as the author showed) and give
       | students as "howto" to edit something. Easy to follow and no
       | ambiguities.
         | [deleted]
         | moonchild wrote:
         | > The only editor you can easily script, the same way as you
         | type in it
         | Easy enough to do with vim -c.
       | segfaultbuserr wrote:
       | Recommended reading: _How did people use ed?_ from Retrocomputing
       | Stack Exchange, the answer by Raffzahn also includes an old-
       | school programming story, _How Real Programmers Remember Code_.
       | https://retrocomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/5341/how-...
       | > _Using a line-based editor isn 't that hard. For one, yes, real
       | programmers (as we all were back then) do remember their lines. A
       | program grows in your head; the screen is just to dump the
       | result, isn't it? How are you able to understand your own program
       | if you can't visualize it in the first place?_
       | > [...] _Of course, these were all 'super specialists' and way
       | better than anything we were ... the usual game. And as so often
       | they came up with the same questions, why not use a high level
       | language, a standard DBS and so on. The usual crap. Seriously,
       | with an application of that size, writing such components is just
       | a minor add on. Eventually needing less code than using a
       | standard interface requires - not to mention being faster because
       | being tailored exactly to our needs._
       | > _Anyway, let 's go for the story. One of these 'specialists',
       | lets call him Mr. W., claimed that no one can oversee such a
       | large codebase, not even partially. Heck, no one can even
       | remember all code written by himself in 5 or more years. Ha! That
       | was a claim that I couldn't let stand uncontested, so one word
       | yielded the next. Bottom line: we agreed for a bet, one beer,
       | that I will be able (he said not able) to identify source name
       | when presented a 10 line snippet, from random programs I did
       | within the existing codebase. We agreed on 10 examples. Date was
       | set the next morning._
       | > _Morning came, I didn 't prepare nothing, but he came up with a
       | stack of paper and a case of beer. I guess his intention was to
       | show how much I didn't gain by presenting every fail with a
       | bottle. Also, he was so generous as to make the snippets a whole
       | page each. I didn't really need that. I named not only each
       | routine he handed me, but also which module it belonged to,
       | what's the purpose, some workings, why variables are named the
       | way they are, some caller or what was to be found on the pages
       | before or after. Further, I also named the original programer, as
       | he inserted a few pages from programs I didn't write and
       | identified a piece of code that was no longer used, told why and
       | what has replaced it - he pulled it form a very old version :))_
       | > _The whole case of beer, bottle by bottle, changed sides :))_
       | > _The same time Mr. W. became more and more quiet. Needless to
       | say that there was no further argument about readability of code
       | or the ability to handle a large code base. Sure, there was still
       | the database fight, but that 's a different story._
       | gumby wrote:
       | EMACS used to have a printing terminal mode -- which shouldn't be
       | surprising when you consider that it was written in TECO, an
       | editor for printing terminals. In fact EMACS evolved because a
       | display mode (^R mode) had been _added_ to TECO, which opened up
       | new possibilities.
       | Even after display terminals became more commonplace in the late
       | 70s, the connections were not always particularly fast (110 baud
       | was still fairly common though 300 baud was most prevalent by
       | then. Some people had lightning-fast 1200 or even _2400_ baud
       | terminals, though in some cases, like at Stanford, still slow
       | upload, like asymmetric home connections today. So EMACS had some
       | support for "slow terminal" mode in which display updating was
       | intermittent rather than every time you typed a character.
       | These modes worked if you knew what was already in your buffer
       | and were used to typing without looking at the keyboard and
       | screen all the time.
       | The arpanet was also pretty slow by current standards so there
       | was a remote login protocol called SUPDUP (as in the Super Duper
       | display protocol) that (to simplify massively) did display
       | updating locally, sort of like a networked channel controller on
       | steroids.
       | None of this survived into GNU emacs as by then the networks, at
       | least the local networks, were better.
         | rusk wrote:
         | > sort of like a networked channel controller on steroids.
         | Huh?
           | theg5prank wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_I/O
           | nitrogen wrote:
           | This is an unsearchable term. Even with the "arpanet"
           | qualifier nothing relevant is returned.
           | I did find this previous HN comment, also by gumby, on a
           | similar article:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14408209
             | gumby wrote:
             | The wikipedia entry for channel controller is literally the
             | first response when I type "channel controller" to
             | duckduckgo.
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | I am curious if anyone uses ed as their editor of choice these
       | days, assuming an actual screen and such of course. If so, why?
       | Muscle memory?
       | Has anyone come up with an ed with the advantages of a modern
       | screen, so it shows the full file on the side but you can still
       | run ed commands on it?
       | Edit: I should have expected getting "vi" as an answer, although
       | I can't fault all the commenters below :P I was thinking of
       | something a little less different, like literally just a command
       | prompt on the bottom and a pane above centered on the line you
       | just operated on.
         | jpbpdx wrote:
         | ed is great when you want to make a quick edit while reviewing
         | what's above the current line in the terminal. Spot a problem,
         | edit a file, and write a commit message while looking at the
         | original problem, the solution, and the steps you took to get
         | there.
         | ed is also nice if you otherwise want to remain in the
         | cognitive context of the stuff that's already on your terminal.
         | Sometimes that blink that occurs when blanking and replacing
         | your primary visual field can be useful, sometimes not.
         | ed is a line editor. You know how lots of people like vi
         | because it is so much easier to place the cursor where you want
         | it? ed doesn't even have a cursor. This can be faster in some
         | (rare) cases, but moreover it forces me to think about the file
         | as a structure of code while visual editors generally allow me
         | to be lazy and think about the file as an array of characters.
         | Finally, ed is great when you know what you want to read and/or
         | write. It is like grep but with the ability to base the next
         | command off the previous one, or to go result by result. It is
         | like editing in place with sed but with far less hassle/risk
         | for one-off changes. If you'd be doing the same thing in vi,
         | you save the trouble of typing ':'.
         | Along those lines, ed becomes nicer for one-off edits when you
         | compile it with PCRE support rather than the antique, POSIX-
         | standard regular expression format.
         | For reviewing files on the side, open up another terminal
         | window, read a named pipe, and write to that pipe from ed. Do
         | this with three or four different terminals and you've got a
         | fairly complex set of indirect buffers that can be updated with
         | a bare minimum of tooling.
         | I wouldn't want to use only ed but I'd miss it if it went away.
           | jolmg wrote:
           | > ed is also nice if you otherwise want to remain in the
           | cognitive context of the stuff that's already on your
           | terminal. Sometimes that blink that occurs when blanking and
           | replacing your primary visual field can be useful, sometimes
           | not.
           | Indeed, the value of the terminal scroll-back buffer. One of
           | the reasons I prefer CLI over TUI/GUI sometimes is that the
           | terminal acts like a chat window with my computer. With
           | programs like ed, you can review the conversation you've had
           | with it.
           | ansible wrote:
           | For me, a lot of those use cases are covered by GNU screen.
           | I can quickly switch between multiple terminals (which I
           | label with names like 'edit', 'build', 'run', and 'console').
           | I've experimented with splitting a single window into
           | multiple panes (GNU screen has slightly clunky support for
           | this), but overall haven't found that to be as useful. I use
           | the vim keys for viewing / copying the terminal window
           | history as well as command-line history.
           | For a long time I've eschewed using multiple tabs in Gnome
           | Terminal, but I've started using those as well. Instead of
           | having multiple terminal windows for different hosts, I just
           | use different tabs, and switch between them via Ctrl-PageUp
           | and Ctrl-PageDown. Another option there is to use another
           | level of GNU screen with a different hotkey, but perhaps down
           | that path lies madness.
         | greggyb wrote:
         | > Has anyone come up with an ed with the advantages of a modern
         | screen, so it shows the full file on the side but you can still
         | run ed commands on it?
         | It's called vi or vim.
         | dllthomas wrote:
         | I've been meaning to try making a headless ed, that pushes
         | commands out to the shell. It's like 30th down my list of "I
         | should try this" at this point, though.
         | rsecora wrote:
         | Quick automated scripted editing, in the same way you will use
         | sed.
         | jolmg wrote:
         | > Has anyone come up with an ed with the advantages of a modern
         | screen, so it shows the full file on the side but you can still
         | run ed commands on it?
         | Unless I misunderstood you, it's called Vi(m).
         | > I am curious if anyone uses ed as their editor of choice
         | these days, assuming an actual screen and such of course. If
         | so, why? Muscle memory?
         | If I'm on a machine where the choices of editor are either ed
         | or nano, I prefer ed.
         | Also, if I want to do some text processing on a bunch of files
         | and it's simpler to do it with an ed script than with sed or
         | awk, I'll use ed. It has happened.
         | If I remember right, I wanted to edit some upper lines when
         | some lower lines matched some regex for a bunch of files. It
         | ended up being an ed command like 'g/foo/?bar?s/baz/qux/'.
         | Doing something like that with sed or awk gets more
         | complicated.
         | > Edit: ... I was thinking of something a little less
         | different, like literally just a command prompt on the bottom
         | and a pane above centered on the line you just operated on.
         | If you stick to command-mode, that's pretty much what vi and
         | vim are. You _could_ run this in vim:                 :cmap
         | <enter> <enter>:
         | to re-enter command-mode automatically as soon as you leave it.
         | mycl wrote:
         | As to your second question: Yes, Bill Joy did that in 1976 when
         | he added a visual mode to his line editor ex that was itself
         | based on ed. The mode was called vi (for "visual") and updated
         | the screen as you typed ex commands preceded by a colon. All vi
         | descendants have this feature, including Vim. :-)
       | bitwize wrote:
       | Ed is the standard text editor.
       | Ed, man! !man ed
       | robaato wrote:
       | I did Computer Science at Edinburgh in the early '80s. While
       | there were VDUs around, there weren't enough - especially at
       | assignment crunch time. Thus sometimes the only terminal
       | available might be a teletype printer. So Ed was the only option!
       | While not appropriate for major edits, it could allow you to
       | complete some final tweaks...
       | pmoriarty wrote:
       | _" I've seen [visual] editors like that, but I don't feel a need
       | for them. I don't want to see the state of the file when I'm
       | editing."_
       | Ken Thompson
         | loa_in_ wrote:
         | I actually think it's something I hate as well, but I never
         | tried going without. It's distracting, sometimes I drift just
         | because lines are not aesthetically pleasing, and I don't
         | really want to stretch concise python lines to compensate. Ed
         | might just be the solution.
       (page generated 2020-10-08 23:01 UTC)