[HN Gopher] The unreasonable effectiveness of the Julia programm...
       The unreasonable effectiveness of the Julia programming language
       Author : nikbackm
       Score  : 215 points
       Date   : 2020-10-09 12:05 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (arstechnica.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (arstechnica.com)
       | pmoriarty wrote:
       | I wish Julia was much more Lisp/Scheme-like in terms of syntax.
       | If they'd just focused on making a more performant, typed-Scheme
       | (or improving one of the existing ones), that would be much more
       | interesting for me.
       | I took a dip in to Julia recently, and found it to be a mishmash
       | of Lisp, Haskell, Matlab and Fortran ideas, wrapped in Python-
       | like syntax.
       | I guess that can be appealing for people coming from those
       | worlds, and for those for whom speed trumps everything else.
       | For me the loss of a Lispy syntax and the price of working with a
       | relatively immature language wasn't worth it for me. I'd just
       | rather use something with reasonable performance that's more
       | Lispy.
         | [deleted]
       | scoot_718 wrote:
       | It's another R, something that seems like progress, but will end
       | up stopping further progress.
         | Sukera wrote:
         | Mind elaborating on why you think so?
         | jakobnissen wrote:
         | What would true progress look like to you? Specifically
         | regarding Julia's main use case of interactive yet performant
         | programming?
         | acomjean wrote:
         | I didn't like R at first. Some scientists I work with would
         | say, "its amazing, it just works the way I think". One
         | Biostatistics later class and I get it, Still don't love it but
         | I get it. Plus the RSudio work environment and ggplot2 are
         | simply amazing.
       | leephillips wrote:
       | I'd be particularly interested in opinions about whether my
       | popularized attempt to explain the expression problem is
       | effective, or just confusing.
         | borishn wrote:
         | As a data point, I also found the cooking examples confusing.
         | Probably because I am more familiar with programming languages
         | than cooking :)
         | ssivark wrote:
         | While the explanation was a little wordy, it really helped me
         | visualize what was happening -- particular the image with
         | cross-links, and the two different kinds of table of contents.
         | Now I see that the essence of the concept relates to the
         | semantics of "categories" (mutually exclusive, collectively
         | exhaustive) -vs- "tags", especially when there might be
         | multiple ways to split the domain into categories (especially
         | when they fill out an incomplete/sparse subset of the full
         | Cartesian product). Conventional dispatch (presumably
         | implementation in the language?) is based on one of either
         | functions/types as categories, while multiple dispatch uses all
         | of these inputs as tags to specialize on the appropriate
         | implementation.
         | If this perspective is correct, I would like to understand _why
         | /how_ the implementation conventional languages forced them
         | into category-based single dispatch.
         | Thanks for a nice article :-)
           | elcritch wrote:
           | Many older languages don't, Common Lisp, Erlang, and even C++
           | templates have multiple dispatch or similar.
           | Object oriented languages however largely use single dispatch
           | due to being focused on objects and the implementation usage
           | of vtables which work on a single object, as in
           | C++/Java/Python.
           | leephillips wrote:
           | Interesting perspective. Reminds me of how trying to index
           | the web using categories and hierarchies gave way to search
           | using keywords. Similar with email interfaces.
         | time0ut wrote:
         | I think it is a difficult topic to explain in lay terms. Your
         | analogy made sense, but man was it wordy. I loved the diagrams!
         | Nice article overall.
         | wpdev_63 wrote:
         | I keep reading about up and coming Julia programming language a
         | did a quick read through of the article. Coming from a
         | programming background I was interested in what ways Julia was
         | different from python and more mainstream Java.
         | One thing that would've made things easier to understand
         | would've been comparing Julia's multiple dispatch to Java's
         | dynamic dispatch(they're more or less the same from what I
         | gather). Great article over-all, easy to understand for the
         | layman.
           | sixbrx wrote:
           | You might mean C# here instead of Java? I don't know of
           | anything similar to Julia's multiple dispatch in Java land.
         | dTal wrote:
         | I really liked the nontechnical explanation, although the
         | diagrams are a bit busy.
         | Something it could have benefited from is an explanation of
         | what "dispatch" means, and why "multiple dispatch" is so
         | called.
         | chrispeel wrote:
         | I started your section about the fish and didn't finish it. I
         | expect ArsTechnica articles to be technical; in this case I
         | think actual code examples would be good. I think Stefan K's
         | video referenced elsewhere in this thread used examples that
         | are both accessible and educational.
         | choeger wrote:
         | It was rather confusing and I consider myself well-informed
         | about the expression problem.
         | But to give you some constructive feedback, your understanding,
         | or your writing, of the expression problem lacks two
         | fundamental concepts:
         | First of all, in functional languages it is as simple as in
         | object-oriented languages to add new data types. It hard to add
         | a _variant_ of an existing datatype. In object-oriented
         | languages it is also trivial to add new functions, but it is
         | hard to add a new function for all _derivates_ of a class. So
         | it would be more like having a table for perfectly cooking
         | _all_ variants of fish.
         | And secondly, the solution offered by Julia is also incomplete.
         | Both functional and object-oriented languages give you
         | completeness guarantees. So the compiler will warn you when you
         | miss a variant of fish (functional) for a method or a method
         | for a particular fish (object-oriented) At least to my
         | understanding the completeness of methods (that's the right
         | term, no?) in Julia is unchecked. You can extend, but you can
         | easily miss a case.
         | The same (unchecked extensions) can be done in functional
         | languages with open algebraic datatypes and in object-oriented
         | languages with default methods that throw exceptions.
           | leephillips wrote:
           | Thanks for this detailed criticism, it's quite useful.
           | My understanding is that for functions with more than a few
           | arguments, it is expected in Julia that only a small subset
           | of the possibly thousands of combinations will be covered.
           | Thousands, because with multiple dispatch you dispatch on the
           | types of all the arguments. The binary operator "*" in Julia
           | has 364 methods, and that just takes two arguments. So you
           | define the ones that are useful.
             | choeger wrote:
             | Sure, that is an absolutely sensible design decision. But
             | for other cases completeness is vital. Consider for
             | instance the trivial case of the map function over lists
             | (constructed by :: and []), often abbreviated as * :
             | f * [ ] = [ ]            f * a::as = (f a)::(f * as)
             | Even if that is a nearly trivial case, it is easy to see
             | that one could forget the first case, as all the
             | interesting bits happen elsewhere. Now imagine, I would
             | want to have a lazy reversal of lists, that I store as an
             | alternative until I need to deconstruct it. I write that
             | x~xs, meaning "x added to the end of xs".
             | Now I have to expand my map function as follows (because
             | map does not care about ordering):                 f * a~as
             | = (f a) ~ (f * as)
             | If I miss _that_ case (or method on Julia 's case) my
             | extension of the datatype is plain wrong.
         | paledot wrote:
         | As someone who would probably understand an explanation in real
         | words, my eyes glazed over and I stopped parsing after about
         | the third mention of fish. But I'm not the target audience.
         | In popular science articles, I much prefer paragraphs laid out
         | with a sentence of technical description followed by a
         | layperson's explanation and/or example. That way, if I
         | understand the first sentence, I can skip to the next
         | paragraph. It's been a while, but I recall this being a popular
         | format for textbooks as well.
           | leephillips wrote:
           | Thanks for the feedback.
           | dTal wrote:
           | For a more technical description, I don't think there's a
           | better source than Stefan Karpinski's 2019 JuliaCon talk "The
           | Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch".
           | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc9HwsxE1OY
         | WhatIsDukkha wrote:
         | I think the recipe metaphor section was far too long (should
         | have been 10% of the size maybe) and I would have preferred the
         | actual numeric examples to be filled out instead.
         | More worked examples with perhaps some of the recipe metaphor
         | mixed in would be better.
       | langitbiru wrote:
       | You know what? In the past, I was toying with the idea of
       | building Julia IDE. In the end, I decided to build something
       | else.
       | So the pain point is still there. Looking at this thread, it
       | could be a good idea to build Julia IDE. Then you can apply for
       | funding in the next YC batch. 6 months should be enough to build
       | an MVP.
       | Bonus point if you could build Julia IDE with Rust. In Show HN,
       | surely you would get a lot of karma points. But we need to be
       | realistic. Rust does not have a solid GUI library. If I chose to
       | build Julia IDE, I would use either C++ with Qt or C++ with
       | wxWidgets.
       | orbifold wrote:
       | Here is my main gripe with Julia: They blatantly copy Matlab. The
       | same is also true to a lesser degree of Python's numpy and
       | matplotlib, but Julia goes the whole nine yards, by basically
       | replicating the syntax and copying most of the numerical APIs
       | including the indexing convention. I understand why they do it
       | and I get that Matlab is hugely popular, I just wish that there
       | was more creative energy in the Open Source world and not just
       | rehashing of 20-40 year old designs.
         | ColanR wrote:
         | The thing is, there are parts of Matlab's syntax which are
         | fantastic, and I would be disappointed if they didn't copy it.
       | vsskanth wrote:
       | I'm an engineer who writes the occasional matlab/python code to
       | automate tasks, process data and fit models. Numerical libraries
       | are extremely important to me.
       | I recently started using Julia for simulating/fitting some
       | differential equations and am thoroughly impressed with the
       | speed, syntax and library documentation. Startup speed was
       | initially painful but I am used to it now since I only pay it
       | once.
       | The IDE situation is not fully stable yet but Juno is very good.
       | I wish they package a standalone Julia IDE (I am aware of the new
       | VS Code plugin) based on either Atom or Code just to make it
       | easier for those switching over from MATLAB and Python (Spyder)
       | IDEs.
       | Don't know how far they've progressed on static compilation yet,
       | but if they get that even for a language subset it would truly be
       | a game changer for general purpose programming.
         | 3JPLW wrote:
         | > I wish they package a standalone Julia IDE
         | That's precisely what Julia Computing's JuliaPro is.
         | https://juliacomputing.com/products/juliapro
         | (Full disclosure, I am employed by Julia Computing)
           | LittlePeter wrote:
           | From a quick glance on the web page I cannot tell what
           | JuliaPro now really is.
           | "Fastest on-ramp"? What is that?
           | What I would want to see in first 3 seconds is something like
           | "JuiaPro is a subscription service giving you access to
           | curated packages"... You know something "tangible"... Maybe
           | it's just me being lazy...
             | KenoFischer wrote:
             | Yeah, fair enough. I've filed an issue internally against
             | the website copy. It should definitely tell you what it is
             | above the fold.
           | vsskanth wrote:
           | Thank you. I thought this was some paid enterprise product.
           | Didn't realize there was a free version.
           | It looks like I have to sign-in to download but can't find a
           | link anywhere to create an account, either on the homepage or
           | anywhere else on juliacomputing.com.
             | pbowyer wrote:
             | Here's the register with email link:
             | https://auth.juliahub.com/register.html
               | vsskanth wrote:
               | thanks!
         | ViralBShah wrote:
         | Static compilation works - see PackageCompiler.jl.
       | Tarrosion wrote:
       | I quite liked this article, but both the article and the comments
       | here mostly skip over my absolute favorite Julia feature: because
       | Julia is fast end-to-end, you can code in the style that
       | naturally matches your use case and mental models without
       | sacrificing performance. Functional patterns and imperative
       | patterns, vector-based or element-by-element, your types or
       | built-in: they all work well and run quickly!
       | I do most of my programming in Julia and Python. Python libraries
       | like numpy and pandas are fast and efficient--if you're staying
       | "within the lines" of how the library is designed to work. And
       | most of the time this is okay! But not irregularly I want to do
       | array operations on arrays of user-defined types, or I want to
       | walk through a dataframe row by row without paying a huge
       | performance penalty, etc. And all the sudden the well-tuned
       | Python ecosystem feels very restrictive.
       | In Julia, my workflow is roughly: 1) think about the problem. 2)
       | Code an intuitive solution. 3) If necessary, tweak a little bit
       | of code to improve performance by reducing allocations or type
       | instability.
       | That's a lot less mental work than my Python/Matlab/Java workflow
       | of 1) think about the problem. 2) Think about how the solution
       | can be expressed in the paradigm the language supports
       | performance with. 3) Write a solution in this particular
       | paradigm. 4) Tune for performance, which may be awkward if the
       | initial solution was not intuitive.
         | kccqzy wrote:
         | I believe the essence of what you are saying is that Julia is
         | great for explorative programming, while Python et al are
         | better suited for slightly more structured, more productionized
         | programming.
         | I personally use Mathematica for this purpose and find it
         | indispensable. I wonder if the PL designers should focus more
         | on this class of languages, instead of features for production
         | languages (like fancy type systems).
           | dodobirdlord wrote:
           | Julia, by virtue of being compiled, is also probably better
           | for production. But it's much less well known and has less
           | library support, which is a significant barrier to use.
             | mattkrause wrote:
             | Pycall and RCall really help with this.
             | Dragging something in from scikit-learn was literally
             | like...two lines of code. It's not the same...investment as
             | most FFI systems.
           | orthoxerox wrote:
           | > Julia is great for explorative programming, while Python et
           | al are better suited for slightly more structured, more
           | productionized programming
           | In Julia, explorative programming _is_ productionized
           | programming, you don 't have to switch to a different or
           | restricted set of tools to make your program fast, it's the
           | same code that you can profile on the fly. With types, you
           | can patch your hotspots by adding a specific method to the
           | generic function, and it will get invoked automatically
           | instead of the more general case algorithm.
             | fluffy87 wrote:
             | How fast is Julia wrt to CUDA C++, or C++/Rust?
             | In those languages, I can actually take the theoretical
             | practical hardware limits (memory BW, throughput, latency),
             | and relatively easily achieve 99% of their utilization.
             | When people say "very fast" and "my cores are at 100%" they
             | often mean "my program achieves 1% of the perf the hardware
             | can deliver".
               | KenoFischer wrote:
               | Julia is in that class of languages. We regularly look at
               | roofline plots when performance tuning.
       | tasubotadas wrote:
       | Since everybody is so hyped about Julia, I took on learning it
       | and using it in one of my pet projects. The use case seemed to be
       | perfect for Julia: financial portfolio optimization.
       | But honestly, it is a royal pain in the ass to use. Mostly
       | because tooling is so crappy (no decent IDE).
       | For example, I've made these notes on my journey with Julia:
       | - Juno and VSCode julia is a pain
       | - Debugging is pain - no watch expressions (but debug> works)
       | - Works like with matlab (workspaces, designed for the single
       | script use-cases)
       | - Long registry lookup times (2-5mins) when starting a new
       | session
       | - No hints from IDE (Juno) on what methods are available for
       | which types
       | - Ctrl-click navigation does not work to lookup definitations in
       | libraries
       | - Debugger does not show the full list of elements - there are
       | triple dots in the middle
       | - Filters and maps are not lazy
       | - Arrays start at one
       | - Precompilation times can take 1-2min
       | - Package management is done as a part of script execution
       | - Delay (0.5-1s) when processing commands (compilation?)
       | - Editors (Juno) do not check types at runtime when the
       | information is readily available
       | - Include() includes (is this PHP all over again?) a file into
       | the script!
       | - Reuses same REPL between different files
       | - DataFrames.jl: Transform does nonsense (use map instead)
       | - DataFrames.jl: No transpose
       | Obviously, there is a bunch of good things like freakin insane
       | speed and vectorized method calls are awesome, but I struggle
       | seeing myself becoming more producting than Python + Pandas.
       | It's really a shame that language is strongly and semi-statically
       | typed yet no tooling is making a use of that.
         | bieganek wrote:
         | > Long registry lookup times (2-5mins) when starting a new
         | session
         | I'm not sure what you are referring to here. Yes, sometimes
         | after you've installed new packages, the Julia VS Code Language
         | Server has to do some re-indexing which can take some time, but
         | they've improved this and you can still program and use the
         | integrated REPL while this is occurring.
         | > Ctrl-click navigation does not work to lookup definitations
         | in libraries
         | In VS Code, F12 (Go to Definition) does work. You can also use
         | `@edit foo(x)` in the REPL.
         | > Filters and maps are not lazy
         | Use Iterators.filter or use generator expressions.
         | > Package management is done as a part of script execution
         | I'm also not sure what this refers to, but the package manager
         | in Julia is one of the best things about Julia.
         | > Editors (Juno) do not check types at runtime when the
         | information is readily available
         | The VS Code Julia extension has a linter that is pretty
         | helpful. It's not perfect, but they're actively working on
         | developing it.
         | > DataFrames.jl: Transform does nonsense (use map instead)
         | The new select and transform functions in DataFrames.jl are
         | actually quite powerful and useful.
         | > DataFrames.jl: No transpose
         | Transpose is not a generic concept for a table. Sure, it might
         | make sense in specific cases, but in general it doesn't make
         | sense to transpose a table.
           | setr wrote:
           | >Sure, it might make sense in specific cases, but in general
           | it doesn't make sense to transpose a table.
           | From my intuition, I don't see anything stopping the function
           | from existing -- it can be applied to any arbitrary table.
           | You probably don't _want_ to transpose your table, except
           | when you want to, but that 's true of any function -- I'm
           | can't imagine any scenario where transpose(table)->table
           | would as an algorithm fail (unless I suppose if julia tables
           | include header rows, in which case there's probably no
           | generally correct definition)
             | dragonwriter wrote:
             | > From my intuition, I don't see anything stopping the
             | function from existing
             | A datatable is (or is isomorphic to and can be analyzed as)
             | a mapping from row numbers to tuples of a given shape[0].
             | The transpose of table will only be table (a mapping from
             | rows numbers to tuples of a common shape) if the tuples of
             | the starting table were homogenous (every field of the same
             | type.)
             | This works with, say, matrices where all the elements are
             | numbers; but it fails in the general case.
             | [0] Yes, I know, Julia defines them as columns of arrays,
             | and columnar organization is ideal for all kinds of
             | processing tasks. For me, thinking about and explaining the
             | the problem with transpose works easier thinking about it
             | in row-oriented form (which is logically equivalent). In
             | column-oriented description, a datatable is an ordered set
             | of columns, each of which is a homogenous array, but if you
             | try to transpose it, each of the columns of the result
             | would be a heterogenous array unless the columns were all
             | of the same type to start with. So, again, it fails to be a
             | table->table function except in the case where the starting
             | table consists of columns of identical type.
               | setr wrote:
               | No, I'm still not understanding. Here's my thinking:
               | Scenario #1: If the tuples are the same shape (type,
               | size), it's fine                   [            (string,
               | int, date)            (string, int, date)
               | (string, int, date)         ]
               | transposed:                   [            (string,
               | string, string)            (int, int, int)
               | (date, date, date)         ]
               | Both input and output have tables with consistent shapes
               | (type, size)
               | Scenario #2: Assuming its legal, if the tuples are
               | differently shaped (by datatype), its weird (but that was
               | true of your original table anyways), but you can still
               | do a valid transposition to produce a valid table
               | [            (string, int, date)            (int, date,
               | string)         ]
               | transposed:                   [            (string, int)
               | (int, date)            (date, string)         ]
               | It was weird to begin with, and it's similarly weird to
               | end with. I can't imagine the output not being a legal
               | table by any rule that does not also disallow the input.
               | Scenario #3: Similarly to scenario 2, If your tuples are
               | differently shaped (by size), you can still do a
               | transposition                   [            (string,
               | int)            (string, int, date)         ]
               | transposed:                   [            (string,
               | string)            (int, int)            (date)         ]
               | and like Scenario #2, the output is as illegal as the
               | input
               | In the latter two cases, I don't know what you'd want to
               | do with the transposition (or even its input), but I
               | don't see anything stopping the operation itself from
               | being reasonable/consistent/valid.
               | Is there another scenario I'm failing to imagine?
               | dragonwriter wrote:
               | > Scenario #1: If the tuples are the same shape (type,
               | size), it's fine
               | In the row-oriented view: each row of a datatable is a
               | tuple of the same shape (size and _order of types_ as
               | every other row) -- just like a database table. So, if
               | the shape is (string, int, date) for row #1, its that
               | shape for _every_ row.
               | In the column-oriented view, each column is a homogenous
               | array: every element in the column has the same type.
               | > [ (string, int, date) (string, int, date) (string, int,
               | date) ]
               | Sure, this is a fine starting table; in row-oriented, its
               | shape (the shape of every row) is (string, int, date). In
               | column-oriented view, the table as a whole can be viewed
               | as a tuple of shape (string[3], int[3], date[3]) because
               | it has three rows. Cool.
               | > transposed:
               | > [ (string, string, string) (int, int, int) (date, date,
               | date) ]
               | Right, this is no longer a datatable. The first row has
               | shape (string, string, string). So, if its a table, the
               | other two rows must also have shape (string, string,
               | string); but instead, each has a _different_ shape.
               | setr wrote:
               | Ah!
               | Ok, that makes sense.
         | ogogmad wrote:
         | - Arrays start at one
         | Why is this such a big deal? You just change the range of your
         | for-loops from 0<=i<n to 1<=i<=n. Are you using cyclic buffers?
           | adolgert wrote:
           | Dijkstra on the matter: https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/t
           | ranscriptions/EWD08xx/E...
             | ogogmad wrote:
             | The points he makes are so extremely minor... You could
             | just as easily say that natural language and mathematical
             | convention are index-1.
             | goto11 wrote:
             | Dijkstra has a certain tone. He can make his opinions sound
             | almost like a mathematical proof. But when you dig into it,
             | he just says 0-based is "nicer".
           | Athas wrote:
           | It matters when doing multidimensional index arithmetic. The
           | formulae for ranking and unranking multi-dimensional to flat
           | indexes are neater with 0-indexing than with 1-indexing.
             | improbable22 wrote:
             | Julia has really nice abstractions for dealing with this.
             | Things for which you might do such calculations in other
             | languages can often be done in a way generic to the number
             | of dimensions, as well as the initial index, using
             | CartesianIndices & friends. And this should be zero cost.
               | Athas wrote:
               | Almost all languages above the C level has nice
               | abstractions for this, but you still sometimes need to do
               | it for various reasons. Basically, whenever the indexes
               | _don 't_ matter, then 1-indexing and 0-indexing are
               | equivalently good, but when they _do_ matter, then
               | 0-indexing leads to neater calculations.
             | ogogmad wrote:
             | Fair enough. But is this a common enough occurrence in the
             | life of a programmer that it's worth being a religious
             | extremist about?
               | remram wrote:
               | It's in a list of annoyances, together with 16 others. I
               | don't think anyone is being "a religious extremist about"
               | it...
               | leephillips wrote:
               | No need for an inquisition. In both Fortran and Julia you
               | can set your index origin to be whatever works best for
               | the problem you are expressing.
         | jackcviers3 wrote:
         | To be fair, most of these are ide complaints, not language
         | complaints.
         | Much like all development work, language designers are now
         | required to know much more than how to write an effective
         | static compiler, an effective language syntax, and an effective
         | standard library. A working IDE that integrates easily with all
         | mainstream editors, extensions for all mainstream editors,
         | cross-platform compilation for all major environments, a secure
         | and effective dependency manager, a secure and effective build
         | tool, and incremental compilation are all requirements for a
         | language to get off the ground. Honestly, that seems like a big
         | hurdle for one person or even a dedicated team to manage
         | effectively without major funding outside of what is normally
         | present in research grants. Hosting and curation alone for the
         | dependency package system is a costly problem.
         | Are we as developers painting ourselves into a corner of
         | stagnating pl technology with our expectations that all these
         | things exist in order for us to call a language "good?"
           | skybrian wrote:
           | Another way of thinking about it is that when switch to a new
           | language, we have to start over building nice tools for it,
           | which seems inefficient. It's like doing a big rewrite.
           | That's less true than it used to be. Julia wouldn't be where
           | it is without LLVM, and things like VS Code's language server
           | protocol do help. But there is still a lot of redoing things
           | for people who write language tools.
           | enraged_camel wrote:
           | >>To be fair, most of these are ide complaints, not language
           | complaints.
           | The language itself doesn't matter without its ecosystem.
           | This includes tooling, libraries, quality of documentation,
           | the community, and more.
             | systemvoltage wrote:
             | This is why I think its mostly non-engineers commenting
             | about how great Julia is. No one has tried to deploy it
             | prod. Sure there might be exceptions, but if you interview
             | 100 engineers who've tried deploying Julia, a vanishingly
             | small % would recommend it if at all.
               | jackcviers3 wrote:
               | I'm not commenting on Julia per se. I'm commenting on the
               | state of discussions surrounding programming languages in
               | general.
               | > if you interview 100 engineers who've tried deploying
               | Julia, a vanishingly small % would recommend it if at
               | all.
               | Popularity of a choice does not correlate with a choice
               | being correct. It is a fallacy to evaluate a particular
               | tool's usefulness for a particular job by how popular
               | that tool is. And doubly so when most of a random
               | sampling of engineers includes virtually no one
               | experienced in using said tool. In discussions of
               | virtually any non-popular programming language today, the
               | vast majority of commenters on the language have
               | absolutely 0 experience using it day in and day out for
               | its intended use case. All you have in that discussion
               | are hammer users. To them everything is a nail. And they
               | universally hate any new tool that doesn't look like a
               | hammer, because they can't take the time to learn the new
               | tool. Why would they? Everything is a nail anyway. This
               | is disappointing, especially here, because Hacker News is
               | the place where the concept of using a non-familiar
               | language was expressed as a super-hack for startups. My
               | original reply expresses the conjecture that eventually,
               | all pls will look the same and nobody will be able to
               | develop a language that will truly provide an increase in
               | quality, decrease development or maintenance costs, or
               | improve the reliability and safety of systems the world
               | runs on, because people who evaluate languages actually
               | evaluate them for the tooling that largely gets bolted on
               | after the fact by nonexperts (the lsp server / vscode
               | crowd). There are three lsp servers for _python_. Only
               | one of them works with pipenv on Windows. Does that make
               | python bad? If python were introduced today, as it was
               | when it first came out, would it gain popularity with all
               | the expectations we place upon a language? No. And that
               | would be a shame. The same is true of Javascript and
               | Java. C and c++ would go nowhere. About the only language
               | that would have made it is Csharp and Visual Basic and
               | Kotlin, because they were written to SELL IDEs and tools.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Well said. Also, the article starts with a litany of
               | praise from a variety of research groups. Some of these
               | are big projects with government funding and serious
               | computing requirements. Julia is deployed all over the
               | place now.
           | tasubotadas wrote:
           | Yes. But only computer scientists are interested only in the
           | language itself. I am an engineer so I have to deal with
           | practical aspects of it.
             | jackcviers3 wrote:
             | I'm an engineer. I primarily care about how good the
             | language is at expressing and executing my intent. I've
             | been around long enough to see several tooling fads come
             | and go. I've also been around enough to know that the
             | barrier for delivering quality software is becoming
             | insurmountable, and the additional tooling and
             | infrastructure isn't resulting in projects being more
             | successful, nor being delivered more quickly, nor being
             | less costly than when I started. Teams are enormous now.
             | Software projects are enormous. Deployment requires deep
             | knowledge of multiple hosting platforms and various cloud
             | provider apis at the enterprise level. Available libraries,
             | increasing reliance upon testing, type safety, and better
             | development life cycle practices have had a far larger
             | impact than the ide's I've seen come and go. In my
             | experience, a particular tool has a popularity lifecycle of
             | about ten years. Vscode and lsp will probably be the same.
             | Give me types, good compiler error output, and access to a
             | large universe of libraries with good documentation over
             | relying upon ide api discovery any day of the week and
             | twice on Sundays. The rest is an ever-changing tide of
             | requirements fashion.
               | kuzuman wrote:
               | "I am an engineer"
               | Did you pass the Fundamentals of Engineering exam, are
               | you a member in order of your local association of
               | engineers?, do you have an engineer seal?
               | If you answer no to the questions above please don't call
               | yourself engineer
             | KenoFischer wrote:
             | Give us some more time, there's just so many things to do
             | and the reliance issues favor getting the fundamentals
             | right first (much easier to switch the debugger UI than the
             | names of functions that'll get put all over the place). We
             | certainly understand the value of good tooling, so just
             | stay tuned and maybe try it again every once in a while to
             | see if it's good enough for you yet. Too much to do, too
             | little time :)
             | bwanab wrote:
             | I think this is an important point. What a practitioner can
             | do with a language is influenced as much by the tooling as
             | with the language itself. The implication is that languages
             | should be constructed with as much thought given to the
             | external tooling as to the compiler or interpreter.
             | Julia in particular is built to be a practical language so,
             | these points are valuable.
             | systemvoltage wrote:
             | I agree with you 100%.
             | Julia is a language that is half baked for engineering use.
             | Any one who has ever built anything beyond examples and
             | tutorials, something production worthy and used by hundreds
             | of people - they will attest to how immature Julia is.
             | That's not the fault of the programming language per se...
             | just that it takes 10+ years to get up to speed in terms of
             | tooling and engineering worthiness.
             | In addition, there are a lot of problems with the language
             | itself some of which are highlighted in the top comment of
             | this thread.
               | ChrisRackauckas wrote:
               | I've built production software being shipped to
               | pharmaceutical companies and used in FDA submissions
               | using Julia (pumas.ai) because it is quite mature in the
               | field of modeling and simulation in comparison to other
               | languages. The stability of the language along with the
               | ability to easily get fast code is the main reason, and
               | it's the reason why if you go to something like the
               | American Conference on Pharmacology (ACoP) you'll hear
               | lots of mentions of Julia.
               | systemvoltage wrote:
               | I've also built several production systems and it has
               | nothing but nightmare. Stack traces are meaningless and
               | there were so many issues with things like ISO Time
               | Zones, HTTP requests (why isn't there a solid http
               | request library? its a mess), Docker problems with
               | compilation, start times were atrocious and still are I
               | think, package management is insane, setting up an
               | internal julia repository is a total nightmare - just go
               | on SO and search for it.
               | I've lived through this.
           | imtringued wrote:
           | Ceylon had good IDE support when it was 4 years old and
           | nobody used it. That's just an excuse.
         | nalimilan wrote:
         | > - DataFrames.jl: Transform does nonsense (use map instead)
         | What is this supposed to mean?
         | > - DataFrames.jl: No transpose
         | This is actually going to be fixed in the next few days
         | (https://github.com/JuliaData/DataFrames.jl/pull/2447). Given
         | the limited amount of work it required, it sounds quite
         | exaggerated to mention it as a major limitation of the
         | language.
         | JHonaker wrote:
         | > Editors (Juno) do not check types at runtime when the
         | information is readily available
         | This complaint is really common with people that see types and
         | expect them to do something like TypeScript. Julia is not a
         | statically typed language. The types are not there for a type
         | checker to check your code for correctness.
         | Instead the types allow Julia to dispatch your method call to
         | the correct implementation for the type of your variable _at
         | runtime_. This is Julia 's secret sauce, and it's the main
         | reason you'll hear about Julia programmers declaring about how
         | composable Julia packages are. I can "reach into your package",
         | and define the behaviour of your functions on my own custom
         | types and then whenever anyone tries to call the
         | function/method with one of my types, it'll _just work_. I don
         | 't need to author a pull request to your package or futz around
         | with anything that you've wrote.
         | Novice Julia programmers often come in thinking that the type
         | annotations are there for ensuring correctness, but that's not
         | it at all. In actuality, you want to be as general with your
         | types as you can, and by default most parameters will probably
         | be untyped. If you need certain behaviour for the function,
         | then you should probably annotate it, but it's definitely not
         | required.
         | I'm guilty of this misstep as well, one of the biggest things I
         | struggled with when I was new was using ::Array everywhere,
         | when what I wanted was ::AbstractArray.
         | > Include() includes (is this PHP all over again?) a file into
         | the script!
         | Use Modules. Don't fault Julia for you being a beginner and not
         | reading the necessary parts of the documentation.
           | gshulegaard wrote:
           | I am not sure how much I agree with this. I have spent most
           | of my professional career in Python and have watched the
           | trajectory of type hinting in the Python ecosystem somewhat
           | closely.
           | Python is not a statically typed language and yet type
           | hinting sentiment seems to have gone from: "Why do you want
           | it? Python isn't statically typed?" to "Well, mypy is a
           | useful optional package" to "Let's just support type hinting
           | in the language itself". Which is to say I think there is
           | value to type checking by development tools even in
           | dynamically typed languages.
           | --
           | On a slightly unrelated note, Julia seems to be similar to
           | Python when it comes to types; that is to say both appear to
           | be dynamically and strongly typed. But take that with a grain
           | of salt as I don't have any first-hand knowledge of Julia.
           | systemvoltage wrote:
           | > Instead the types allow Julia to dispatch your method call
           | to the correct implementation for the type of your variable
           | at runtime. This is Julia's secret sauce, and it's the main
           | reason you'll hear about Julia programmers declaring about
           | how composable Julia packages are. I can "reach into your
           | package", and define the behaviour of your functions on my
           | own custom types and then whenever anyone tries to call the
           | function/method with one of my types, it'll just work. I
           | don't need to author a pull request to your package or futz
           | around with anything that you've wrote.
           | That's not a bug, that's a feature. Libraries are
           | abstractions. I get an API and it encapsulates the behavior
           | of the library. That is a _nice_ thing. Being able to modify
           | runtime behavior of internal libraries can lead to insane
           | jumblygoo of code spathetti that would bring the finest
           | programmers to their knees.
           | I don't want implicit behavior at runtime. I want explicit
           | behavior in case of non-contractual externalities (wrong user
           | input for e.g. at runtime). I want the program to fail so it
           | can be patched.
             | bieganek wrote:
             | I think the previous poster's use of the phrase "reach into
             | your package" was a bit colorful. You're never actually
             | modifying the internal code of a library. You're only
             | extending a generic function from a library to work on your
             | own custom type. So that extension only affects code that
             | uses your new custom type. It's akin to using class
             | inheritance in OOP languages.
             | ddragon wrote:
             | You still get an API that encapsulates the behavior. This
             | is not like monkey-patching (directly changing the behavior
             | of libraries), but separating the abstraction layers. Every
             | complex enough system will have multiple layers (for
             | example when working on communications, if you're working
             | with the network layer you don't need to focus on the
             | physical layer below or the application layer above).
             | Multiple dispatch allows the library ecosystem to better
             | work in the same way:
             | For machine learning models we have the layer that handles
             | the low level operation (sums, multiplication), which are
             | swappable (you can have an implementation that runs in the
             | CPU - Julia's Base - and an implementation that run in the
             | GPU - CUDA.jl - and even a TPU - XLA.jl or Torch as
             | backend). Above you have the tracker (the layer responsible
             | for the autodifferentiation logic, which includes Tracker,
             | Zygote, ForwardDiff). And above you have the library with
             | rules for generating gradients (DiffRules, ChainRules), and
             | above you have ML constructs (NNLib), and above ML
             | frameworks (Flux, Knet) and above more specialized
             | libraries like DiffEqFlux.
             | Whoever writes the ML framework doesn't need to care about
             | the backend, whoever writes the GPU backend doesn't need to
             | care about ML framework. This is not because the person
             | writing the GPU backend patched the ML framework, but
             | because the ML framework legitimately doesn't care about
             | how the low level operations are executed, it doesn't work
             | on that level of abstraction. And the user of the ML
             | library can still see it like a monolith not unlike Pytorch
             | or Tensorflow when he imports a library like Flux, until he
             | wants to extend them and then he will find that they are in
             | fact many independent swappable systems that compose into
             | something more than the sum of it's parts.
         | clircle wrote:
         | Arrays start at 1!? What Joy! Maybe I can try this language!
         | huijzer wrote:
         | These problems mostly seem to come from trying to use Julia in
         | some kind of visual studio paradigm. The key is to leave the
         | REPL running, I find. Then, with Revise.jl the speed is insane
         | because nothing has to start up; only the changes you make will
         | be recompiled during execution. Also take a look at Pluto.jl.
         | Edit: By the Visual Studio paradigm, I mean a paradigm where
         | all the stuff is made around visual interactions with the IDE.
         | For example, showing autocomplete which works because the
         | programmer is very constrained in OOP (foo.b completes to
         | foo.bar) and statically typed languages with Java and C# as
         | prime examples.
         | I think these constraints are made around the idea that
         | programmers are dumb and that it mostly is a distraction from
         | how one actually wants to think about the problem at hand.
       | fouric wrote:
       | Common Lisp has had multiple dispatch for decades. Yet another
       | Lisp feature "taken" by another language - why not just _start_
       | with a Lisp and improve it (e.g. Typed Racket, for performance)
       | rather then repeatedly creating new languages and just adding a
       | tiny piece of Lisp to them each time?
         | leephillips wrote:
         | As I mention in the article. Note that Julia is in a sense
         | lisp-based, and you can easily see the AST of your functions.
         | You can say +(a, b, c) in Julia, for example.
           | pmoriarty wrote:
           | But unlike Lisp, the Julia language is not homoiconic, so its
           | ASTs don't look like the parent language.
             | KenoFischer wrote:
             | Just swap out the parser ;)
             | -https://github.com/swadey/LispSyntax.jl
         | tokai wrote:
         | >Yet another Lisp feature "taken" by another language
         | Julia is a Lisp.
         | kryptiskt wrote:
         | This might sound harsh, but Common Lisp fans should stop
         | whining about what everybody else is doing and start making
         | some killer apps to bring back some life into their language.
         | Hearing all about Lisp's past glories is far less convincing
         | than working code. It's just off-putting to hear complaints
         | about what someone else did. As always in free software, the
         | one who puts in the hours gets to call the shots.
           | agumonkey wrote:
           | There's a psychological paradox at play. Many idealistic
           | lispers want a lot of things but they don't play the current
           | game, they (I can include myself partially) care more about
           | the tool than the product and it just dies a quick death.
           | For this to happen they have to turn their view of lisp from
           | beauty to an effective tool to win on pragmatic points: time
           | to develop, number of bugs, ease of adaptability. CL has a
           | hammer for all this points but you have to see the field that
           | way and produce things.. well basically 'less is more' vs
           | 'perfectionism'
           | dang wrote:
           | Please don't take HN threads further into programming
           | language flamewar. I realize that you're trying to defend
           | something good, but good intentions don't remove the duty to
           | take out name-calling and swipes.
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
           | Rochus wrote:
           | Like https://hub.docker.com/r/drmeister/cando/?
           | pmoriarty wrote:
           | As a huge Lisp fan (though more of Scheme than Common Lisp),
           | I kind of agree.
           | If a Lisper had come up with Jupyter notebooks before Python
           | did, they could have captured the interest of academia.
           | If they'd come out with a Ruby On Rails framework before Ruby
           | did, they could have made inroads in to the web development
           | community.
           | That is, of course, if you could somehow get developers to
           | embrace all the parenthesis, which seem to be an albatross
           | around Lisp's neck that it can never shake.
           | Lisp does have one killer app, though: Emacs.
             | konjin wrote:
             | They did. It was called org-babel. It is still superior to
             | notebooks because you can weave the source code and mix a
             | dozen languages.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | Don't get me wrong, I love org, but this is really not
               | nearly the same as Jupyter notebooks.
               | Jupyter notebooks are web based, and only require a web
               | browser to use. That's not the case for org.
               | Using org effectively also means using Emacs, which is a
               | high barrier of entry for most people.
               | Jupyter notebooks have no such requirements, and anyone
               | can get rolling by just installing some packages and
               | opening a web browser.
               | Jupyter notebooks are also really polished, while org is
               | more bare bones visually.
               | Jupyter notebooks also have all these tools integrated in
               | to it (all the graphing and inline image display tools
               | are particularly appealing)
               | Yes, you could potentially do all of these with org, but
               | it'd take way more knowledge and setup than is required
               | for Jupyter notebooks.
               | If something as visually appealing, powerful, and easy to
               | set up and use for people who don't know Emacs then it'd
               | have a chance of getting widespread adoption. But that's
               | not org.
               | konjin wrote:
               | It's better. Already serialized. Can be kept under
               | version control. Can be shared between people without
               | needing to signup for anything. And as already stated,
               | code is automatically extractable.
               | Notebooks are only a thing because you don't need to
               | install anything on work laptops and get around terrible
               | IT policies.
           | dpc_pw wrote:
           | > This might sound harsh, but Common Lisp fans should stop
           | whining about what everybody else is doing and start making
           | some killer apps to bring back some life into their language.
           | They can't. They are all busy implementing another Lisp in
           | Lisp.
         | KenoFischer wrote:
         | That is how Julia started. In the early days it was a scheme
         | reader macro. You can still run `julia --lisp` to get a scheme
         | prompt since the frontend is still written in it. Obviously
         | lots of improvements have happened since then. Julia itself
         | also feels a lot like a lisp, since Jeff is a huge fan, but of
         | course people get hung up on the syntax.
           | pmoriarty wrote:
           | It's nice that you can write Julia in a more Lispy way, but
           | if you did that you'd probably be one of the only Julia users
           | did so, and your code would not be readily understandable or
           | accpetable to the rest of Julia's users and if you wanted to
           | integrate other Julia code in to your own you'd be stuck with
           | having to use the more Python-like syntax that the vast
           | majority of Julia code is written in.
           | In short, the Julia ecosystem is not a Lisp ecosystem.
           | If you wanted Lisp, you'd be far better off using a real Lisp
           | to begin with, so you can unreservedly participate in an
           | entire Lisp ecosystem, instead of using a language that hides
           | its Lispyness behind a Python-like syntax.
             | KenoFischer wrote:
             | Creating your own little universe that nobody else using
             | the language can understand sounds exactly like lisp ;).
             | ddragon wrote:
             | Having a language that hides it's lispness behind a python-
             | like syntax can be good for the lisp community though, even
             | if they don't use them. People do have prejudice against
             | those parenthesis, so having an entry point that is
             | "Python-like" (the most popular language for beginners and
             | non programmers) that can still teach the core features of
             | Lisp (everything is an expression, sort of easy AST
             | manipulation, macros, parts of CLOS like multiple dispatch)
             | will only help people appreciate the languages it was
             | inspired on. And possibly they'll also feel the limitations
             | of non sexp macros and decide to actually move to racket or
             | common lisp to free themselves from those restrictions once
             | they become aware of them.
             | Possibly those people will even do something like Clojure
             | for the Julia compiler (a mature version of [1]), with an
             | entire community around it so you don't have to worry about
             | doing "unacceptably lispy" code (and it will certainly
             | interop much better than Clojure and Java).
             | [1] https://github.com/swadey/LispSyntax.jl
         | pmoriarty wrote:
         | _" why not just start with a Lisp and improve it"_
         | The reason is pretty clear. Mainstream programmers are just
         | allergic to Lisp syntax.
         | They don't like all the parenthesis, and want a more Algol-like
         | syntax (which, these days, and especially for the users who
         | Julia is trying to attract, means a more Python-like syntax).
         | Lisp for a lot of developers also has an old, stale feel to it.
         | Programming is dominated by fads, and most programmers
         | (especially younger ones) want instead to chase the new shiny.
         | Decades ago, I read that there were already something like
         | 4,000 languages. I expect in another couple of decades there'll
         | be 4,000 more, with every new generation of developers eager to
         | jump on the bandwagon of yet another new language.
         | Python, once the new kid on the block dethroning Perl, is now
         | itself considered to be kind of old and stale, so people are
         | looking for the new thing. Maybe Julia is it!
           | leephillips wrote:
           | This is an issue for me. Although I find the lisp idea
           | beautiful, my programming usually has some relation to
           | mathematics, to equations. In lisp, math just doesn't look
           | like math. Julia goes the opposite way: it's use of Unicode
           | for identifiers and such things as allowing juxtaposition for
           | multiplication (when not ambiguous) make math look more like
           | math than in any other language.
             | pmoriarty wrote:
             | I do like the the option of using unicode symbols in Julia,
             | but this need not be thought of as only a language feature.
             | Emacs allows you to substitute any text for any other when
             | viewing a document, so you can pretty much do the same in
             | Emacs for any language.
             | I did this when editing LaTeX papers full of logic symbols,
             | which Emacs would display as the symbols themselves rather
             | than as the underlying LaTeX markup.
             | It could do the same for Lisp or any other language.
               | leephillips wrote:
               | Vim can do this to (with a plugin). And you can enter
               | Unicode in the Julia REPL by entering the TeX command and
               | hitting TAB.
         | agumonkey wrote:
         | Don't fight the universe, common lisp is too old for the
         | mainstream to care, you can argue the same for es6, python, php
         | .. it was all ridiculously bad and evolved by adding old ideas.
         | If you want to make CL exist in a commercial driven world..
         | make a successful CL business, that's the only thing this soil
         | understands.
           | bitwize wrote:
           | Fun fact: You're commenting on Hackernews, which was made
           | with extra cash belonging to a man whose fortunes came from a
           | successful CL business.
             | agumonkey wrote:
             | As if I didn't know that.
             | ps: viaweb was ages ago, it was cool and famous and world
             | didn't care. Social structures are odd and people want to
             | belong to their own cult, php, js, python were a 'better'
             | fit for the uneducated people of that time, now they are
             | the world and still only care about their own little world.
             | Until they get a new idea, which they now see the value of
             | and will integrate them shamelessly. CL nowhere to be
             | found. It's a sad fact of life, CL heads don't have the
             | desire to dominate, so their language features will be
             | assimilated silently.
         | ViralBShah wrote:
         | Yes, common lisp has certainly had multiple dispatch for
         | decades. I think what makes Julia interesting is that the
         | Dispatch Ratio and reuse is significantly higher in Julia than
         | in other languages with multiple dispatch. Some of that is
         | certainly attributable to the ways in which Julia differs from
         | a lisp.
         | See Sec 6.2 "Julia: dynamism and performance reconciled by
         | design" in https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3276490.
       | tokai wrote:
       | So how is julia nowadays? I stopped using and following it
       | sometime ago as I found it as slow as python, or worse, for
       | anything that wasn't numerical computing.
       | Really wanted to love it.
         | fantod wrote:
         | Really? My only experience with Julia was porting a simulation
         | from Python and the speedup was incredible. Admittedly, that's
         | an instance of numerical computing, but I would wonder why it
         | was slow for you.
           | goatinaboat wrote:
           | _Really? My only experience with Julia was porting a
           | simulation from Python and the speedup was incredible._
           | The bang-for-your-buck of adding Numba to existing Python
           | code is why we passed on Julia. Give it a try.
             | jakobnissen wrote:
             | The problem with Numba is that it only really works in
             | small, limited usecases. Good for e.g. Numpy arrays, but
             | can it provide these massive speedups with custom classes?
             | Arrays of strings? Sets? Probably not, since both Julia and
             | Numba relies on inferring the data types of all objects,
             | and on them being stored efficiently in memory. The Julia
             | type system allows easy type inference, and all custom
             | structs are stored efficiently in memory. In Python,
             | neither of those are true.
               | vslira wrote:
               | hijacking this discussion to raise the banner of seamless
               | interoperability between numba (quick numerical code) and
               | pypy (quick algorithmic code + business logic).
               | My dream python is pypy+mypy+numba. Alas, pypy doesn't
               | play nice with the others "(
           | rich_sasha wrote:
           | This is only meta analysis, but some topics come up more
           | frequently when people say how impressed they are with Julia.
           | Simulations, ODEs, tight for-loops seem to be high on the
           | lists.
           | "Generic" data science doesn't, or indeed general,
           | unscientific programming.
           | Perhaps this is not right, or outdated, but my impression is
           | that Julia is perhaps very well suited to _some_ scientific
           | programming, not necessarily all of it, despite the broad
           | statements.
             | jakobnissen wrote:
             | I think ODEs and numerical computing gets mentioned because
             | it was the first area where Julia packages outshined all
             | alternatives. It originated among physicists and
             | mathematicians, so it has a "head start" in these areas.
             | Julia is a general-purpose programming language, despite
             | having roots in scientific programming. Its performance
             | characteristics with its high latency and runtime memory
             | overhead makes it unsuitable for a number of non-scientific
             | applications. But not all. I think Julia would work
             | excellent as a webserver backend, for example.
             | I mostly use it for DNA sequence processing, which is not
             | really numerical programming, but more string processing.
             | There it shines. I wouldn't want to make a video game in
             | Julia or fly a plane using Julia software.
         | eigenspace wrote:
         | I think julia has evolved a ton over the past few years and a
         | lot of work has gone into making things that aren't numerical
         | computing feel like first class uses of the language.
         | A very popular thing right now in the community is people
         | making websites, dashboards, visualization tools, etc. with
         | julia.
         | There's a lot of people thinking about things like string
         | handling due to NLP, bioinformatics and a few other technical
         | fields that don't use the same standard datatypes you'd expect
         | from an engineer or whatever.
         | I do a lot of random hobby programming, often building random
         | tools that aren't necessarily numerical programming related and
         | I find it quite natural and easy to make these things highly
         | performant (often with no runtime overhead).
         | leephillips wrote:
         | First time I've heard anything like that. Most people report a
         | massive speedup without doing anything special. Maybe try the
         | current version?
           | zetalemur wrote:
           | Probably because it is mostly compared to Python - which is
           | arguably a low bar to beat.
             | ddragon wrote:
             | Python is a high bar to beat though, since no one
             | understands beating Python as beating some hypothetical
             | Python-only numerical library, it's beating mature
             | precompiled C/C++/Fortran libraries with a small overhead
             | in Python. And there are very few dynamic languages that
             | can even compete on this level (without needing the FFI),
             | and even static languages will have trouble dealing with
             | the level of optimization that went on those libraries.
             | But everything has compromises, and in Julia case is the
             | JIT lag from aggressively optimizing compilation, making it
             | a slow language for simple do once tasks (which is the part
             | that is usually written in Python) and a fast language for
             | when runtime performance is the most important (which is
             | the part done by the libraries in C/C++/Fortran), making it
             | slower in some situations. Though new releases are
             | attacking this issue, including the ability to not optimize
             | this do once tasks (like plotting) and improving pre-
             | compiling.
             | But as for now, the ability to not have black boxes and not
             | being required to twist my code to a particular style in
             | order to not be prohibitive slow makes up for the slow
             | startup (plus using Revise.jl to automatically compile code
             | in a REPL, and keep the session alive for all my
             | programming routine makes it not that much of a deal during
             | development).
           | rich_sasha wrote:
           | FWIW that was my experience too. And the JIT was too slow for
           | my pace of code changes. Also really wanted to love it.
           | Maybe I need to try the new version.
           | datanecdote wrote:
           | Let me second GP's sentiment. I find Julia really slow for my
           | purposes. I don't know his reasoning, but I will explain
           | mine. None of this is surprising and is oft discussed.
           | Julia (at least by default) is constantly recompiling
           | everything. This is a huge pain in a REPL style setup where
           | you want to tweak one thing and see the changes, again and
           | again. I know the Julia ecosystem is working on better
           | caching etc to fix this problem but it's a problem.
           | Also, despite the marketing claims around the language,
           | expertly crafted C usually beats Julia in performance. So if
           | your "python" program is spending most of its time in
           | Numpy/PyTorch/etc, it will beat Julia, unless you're writing
           | a fancy "put a differential equation in a neural network in a
           | Bayesian Monte Carlo" program that benefits from cross
           | compiling across specialized libraries.
           | Finally, the Julia libraries are just not as mature as
           | python's. Armies of developers and larger armies of users
           | have battle tested and perfected python's crown jewel
           | libraries over many years. Often when someone posts a bad
           | benchmark to the Julia forums they can "fix" it in the
           | library implementation, proving the correctness of the
           | theoretical case for Julia. But in reality many such problems
           | remain to be fixed.
           | Julia is really cool and does have many inherent advantages
           | over python. But it's not the silver bullet many of its
           | proponents suggest it to be. At least not yet. Every few
           | years I check out Julia and I hope one day it does become
           | that perfect language. I think it will. I just fear it will
           | take longer than many others hope.
             | oxinabox wrote:
             | Caching has improves a ton in the last 3 minor releases.
               | datanecdote wrote:
               | Thanks. I watched the JuliaCon state of Julia
               | presentation. As I wrote in my original post, I
               | appreciate the investments the Julia core developers are
               | making, that have improved but not eliminated this
               | problem. I wish them luck.
             | leephillips wrote:
             | This might interest you: you can now turn off compiler
             | optimizations at the module level, using a macro. For some
             | people this speeds up the delopment cycle, as it skips most
             | to the time-consuming compilation activity.
               | tokai wrote:
               | oh that is interesting. I'll give it a spin again this
               | weekend. Thanks.
             | rich_sasha wrote:
             | My thoughts exactly.
             | I would just add, I feel Python is stagnating as a
             | scientific programming _language_. The libraries, ecosystem
             | etc are still great, and Python is still a great language,
             | but these days the development focus seems to be on type
             | hints and unicode support.
             | I wouldn't be surprised if Julia takes over, simply because
             | it actually focuses on scientific programming. To me,
             | personally, that would be a shame; good for Julia, but I
             | still find Python a better language overall.
               | datanecdote wrote:
               | Preach, brother.
               | I'm cautiously optimistic that JAX (or something like
               | JAX) can save the python programming language from
               | stagnation by essentially building a feature-complete
               | reimplementation of the language with JIT and autograd
               | baked into the core. I'm praying that Google diverts like
               | 10% of TF's budget to JAX.
               | That way I don't have to learn to love a bunch of
               | unnecessary semi colons and "end"s littering up my
               | beautiful zero-indexed code ;-)
               | bieganek wrote:
               | Julia code almost never has semicolons. Semicolons can be
               | used at the REPL to suppress printing, but actual Julia
               | code does not normally use semicolons.
               | I personally like the "end"s because I like the symmetry
               | and they're prettier than curly braces. Also, there are
               | some syntax color themes that color the "end"s in a
               | darker color in order to de-emphasize the "end"s, which
               | can be nice depending on your taste.
               | datanecdote wrote:
               | That was mostly meant as a joke, thus the ";-)"
               | I don't really care much about syntax choices, but my
               | small complaint about "end" is that it takes up a line
               | which reduces the amount of business-logic code I can fit
               | on one screen, especially if you ever get into lots of
               | nested loops and conditionals.
               | datanecdote wrote:
               | @Sukera
               | Fair, but, if I break up all the loops and if statements
               | into functions, those functions still have "end"s
               | Sukera wrote:
               | To each their own, but I usually try to refactor when I
               | hit too many nested loops or branched statements - it's
               | usually a sign of missing some abstraction or trying to
               | be too clever.
               | st1x7 wrote:
               | > but these days the development focus seems to be on
               | type hints and unicode support.
               | It's a result of the language maturing. The tradeoff is
               | between groundbreaking innovation and being a stable
               | language with a large user base. You can't have it both
               | ways.
               | rich_sasha wrote:
               | There are features Python is missing as a scientific
               | language, that are not a focus. Proper multicore support,
               | GIL, any static safety (which type hints sort of address
               | but not really).
               | It was fine in Python 2, it was cheap and cheerful. It
               | feels likes Python 3 is running out of ideas for
               | improvement, and yet these are not at all in the scope of
               | work.
               | Cf Julia that treats all these features as first class
               | problems.
           | teorema wrote:
           | My experience with Julia is that for many (most?) things, you
           | do get a free speedup basically. With other things though,
           | it's about the same. What this means in practice is that if
           | you expand your use cases enough, and integrate enough
           | libraries, you'll incorporate some bottleneck that slows it
           | down.
           | This is true of a lot of languages, python included, but I
           | think when part of the language's selling point is something
           | like "c-like speed with python-like syntax" it can be a
           | little (although not entirely) misleading.
           | Having said that, I still prefer Julia over python (at least
           | for numerical computing, not so sure about other things). I
           | just like the language more. I also think, with some
           | exceptions, that I don't have the same dependency hell
           | problems that I've run into with python. Even now, I'm in the
           | process of switching over to Julia from python for a project
           | because the python library I'm using depends on about 6
           | different other libraries, but only specific versions, that
           | you have to run in a specific standalone conda environment to
           | avoid using the wrong combination of packages, all of which
           | are pre-python3, and so forth and so on. Even then, when you
           | manage to thread the needle, it still falls apart later for
           | unknown reasons. This is surely this particular package, but
           | my experience with Julia is that things are much cleaner (R
           | is similarly problem-free usually but it's a lot slower and
           | Julia as a language is more coherent to me).
           | I'd really prefer something like Nim to be seeing the
           | attention that Julia is getting, something more general-
           | purpose, but there's no consensus of momentum around
           | something like that at the moment. Maybe in the near future
           | ocaml will pick up steam, or maybe the next version of C++
           | will essentially make it look like python, or maybe there
           | will be something not quite on people's radar at the moment,
           | but at the moment it is what it is.
           | cbkeller wrote:
           | I had an experience slightly like that at first where I was
           | surprised to only be going 1-2x faster than my old MATLAB,
           | but then I realized my code was full of trivially avoidable
           | type instabilities and got another 100x speedup in Julia.
         | jakobnissen wrote:
         | In my experience, the big "problem" with Julia's performance is
         | that while it's actually a compiled language, it's also
         | dynamic.
         | In most compiled languages, if you write code the compiler
         | can't completely infer, it just won't compile. Conversely, once
         | your program compiles, you don't have to worry about the
         | compiler anymore when running the binary - you _know_ your
         | program is compiled effectively.
         | A Julia program, on the other hand, will run just fine if the
         | compiler can't figure out the types at compile time. It will
         | just infer whatever it can, run that, and then use runtime
         | values when it needs to. That's a big plus for people like me
         | where performance doesn't matter 95% of the time, but it's a
         | bit of a performance trap for newbies.
         | Almost all cases of people complaining about Julia being slow
         | come from them inadvertantly writing code the compiler can't
         | infer properly. Luckily, Julia has interactive tools to check
         | the inference of functions. In my experience, once you get used
         | to writing Julia, it's rare that you accidentally write non-
         | inferrable code.
           | cbkeller wrote:
           | Yeah, I think type instability is definitely the biggest
           | culprit when someone's ported over some Python or Matlab code
           | for the first time and isn't getting as much of a speedup as
           | expected. It isn't hard to fix, you just have to know about
           | it (and how to check for it with `@code_warntype`).
           | That and perhaps the excess unnecessary allocations from
           | array indexing on the right hand side of an assignment, if
           | you don't know about `view`s.
         | dklend122 wrote:
         | It used to have slower dicts and string handling like around
         | version 0.5.
         | It's come a very very long way since then. Now at 1.5.
         | It's much faster for arbitrary code
       | zepearl wrote:
       | Fyi, I liked this to get a quick and initial understanding of the
       | language (I just read it): https://juliabyexample.helpmanual.io
       | Question:
       | I see that on Gentoo Linux all versions of the language-compiler
       | (pkg "dev-lang/julia" versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5) are all marked
       | as not yet being officially stable (
       | https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/dev-lang/julia ) => any
       | "real" reason for this? Are there any open/important bugs or is
       | it just because of e.g. a low usage of the language itself on the
       | Gentoo distro, or maybe because the specs of the language are
       | still changing, etc...?
       | I think that e.g. Rust more or less as old as Julia, but Rust on
       | Gentoo is marked as being stable since a long time... .
         | leephillips wrote:
         | That makes no sense. Everything since Julia v. 1.0 should be
         | considered stable. There have been no real breaking changes
         | since that release.
           | zepearl wrote:
           | Thx
           | EDIT:
           | Ok, maybe it's because of some dependencies. 3 are marked as
           | not yet stable ("~" character).                 # emerge -pv
           | dev-lang/julia       These are the packages that would be
           | merged, in order:       Calculating dependencies... done!
           | [ebuild  N     ] net-libs/mbedtls-2.24.0:0/5.13.1::gentoo
           | USE="threads -doc -havege -libressl -programs -static-libs
           | -test -zlib" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2"
           | 3,821 KiB       [ebuild  N     ] media-
           | libs/qhull-2015.2::gentoo  USE="-doc -static-libs" 987 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] sci-libs/amd-2.4.6::gentoo  USE="fortran
           | -doc" 336 KiB       [ebuild  N     ] sci-
           | libs/camd-2.4.6::gentoo  USE="-doc" 310 KiB       [ebuild  N
           | ] sci-libs/ccolamd-2.9.6::gentoo  299 KiB       [ebuild  N
           | ~] sci-libs/openlibm-0.7.0:0/  USE="-static-
           | libs" 358 KiB       [ebuild  N     ] sci-
           | libs/lapack-3.8.0-r1::gentoo  USE="-deprecated -doc -eselect-
           | ldso -lapacke" 7,253 KiB       [ebuild  N     ] media-
           | libs/glfw-3.2.1::gentoo  USE="-examples -wayland" 462 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] sci-libs/metis-5.1.0-r4::gentoo  USE="openmp
           | -doc" 4,869 KiB       [ebuild  N     ]
           | virtual/lapack-3.8::gentoo  USE="-eselect-ldso" 0 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] virtual/blas-3.8::gentoo  USE="-eselect-
           | ldso" 0 KiB       [ebuild  N    ~] dev-
           | libs/openspecfun-0.5.1::gentoo  USE="-static-libs" 119 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] sci-mathematics/glpk-4.65:0/40::gentoo
           | USE="-doc -examples -gmp -mysql -odbc" 4,070 KiB
           | [ebuild  N    ~] sci-visualization/gr-0.50.0-r1::gentoo
           | USE="X tiff truetype -cairo -ffmpeg -postscript" 8,411 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] sci-libs/cholmod-3.0.13::gentoo  USE="lapack
           | matrixops modify partition (-cuda) -doc" 680 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] sci-libs/arpack-3.1.5::gentoo  USE="-doc
           | -examples -mpi" 1,481 KiB       [ebuild  N     ] sci-
           | libs/spqr-2.0.9::gentoo  USE="-doc -partition -tbb" 2,111 KiB
           | [ebuild  N     ] sci-libs/umfpack-5.7.9::gentoo  USE="cholmod
           | -doc" 754 KiB       [ebuild  N    ~] dev-
           | lang/julia-1.4.0-r2::gentoo  USE="-system-llvm" 44,278 KiB
             | deathanatos wrote:
             | This is a Gentoo distribution thing. I interpret it mostly
             | as a quality bar. See:
             | https://devmanual.gentoo.org/keywording/index.html#moving-
             | fr...
             | One of the requirements of being in arch (vs. ~arch) is not
             | having any ~arch dependencies, so that's the first direct
             | issue with Julia moving from ~arch to arch.
             | (Also, I don't feel particularly bad about pulling in a
             | package or two from ~arch.)
               | zepearl wrote:
               | Ok, makes sense, thank you - personally, I agree with the
               | current approach (that basically says "hey, careful,
               | there might be complications) :)
               | Yeah, in general I'm ok as well about using in some cases
               | one or two direct "~"/unstable-packages, but historically
               | I always got "burned" when using more than 3-4, therefore
               | nowadays, being older and hopefully a little bit more
               | wise, I'm super-extra-cautious :)
       | DennisP wrote:
       | I tried to get started with Julia a couple months ago, downloaded
       | several libraries, and they wouldn't compile due to missing
       | dependencies. Is there a problem with the package manager?
         | oxinabox wrote:
         | That's weird using libraries almost always just works? Did you
         | install them via the package manager? If you just git clones
         | them then you will need to tell the package manager about them
         | e.g. via `add`/`dev`ing the local path, + `Pkg.resolve`.
         | I recommend asking for help on the Julia Discourse.
         | http://Discourse.julialang.org/
         | [deleted]
         | spacedome wrote:
         | I have only seen this happen with packages that depend on non-
         | julia libraries, such as ARPACK, but the move to providing
         | binaries with BinaryBuilder should fix this.
           | DennisP wrote:
           | That might well be the issue, these were game/gui libraries.
           | What's the timeframe on BinaryBuilder?
             | 3JPLW wrote:
             | BinaryBuilder/BinaryProvider are 100% functional and have
             | been deployed and working for a long time now. The
             | timeframes for individual packages to move to using them
             | instead of ad-hoc build scripts, however, varies. It's
             | generally very quick to do this, but complicated chains of
             | binary dependencies can be a pain.
         | leephillips wrote:
         | The package manager is one of my favorite things about Julia.
         | No more dependency hell. Just type "add <package>" in the REPL.
       | reggieband wrote:
       | Julia is one of those programming languages where I find it
       | interesting but I cannot imagine a practical use case for myself.
       | I even took the time to `brew install` it and was thinking about
       | it again recently when I saw it update. The same is true with
       | numpy or R - my work just doesn't involve high performance
       | numerical computing. And even if it did, it would always be
       | secondary to some other purpose. Outside of a REPL, if I were to
       | productionize some heavy computational work, even numerically
       | based, I would probably still lean towards containerizing a C++
       | (or maybe Rust) binary.
       | It's one of those "right tool for the job" type quandaries. For
       | many popular languages (Javascript, Python, Go, C/C++, Rust,
       | Java, OCaml) I have an intuition on when I would reach for them
       | based on my experience. With Julia - I am not sure the shape or
       | character of the problem where I would reach for it.
         | jamil7 wrote:
         | Sounds like you just may be the wrong target. Numpy, R and
         | Julia are not designed for software engineering and are likely
         | more approachable and useful to scientists than something like
         | C++ or Rust.
           | [deleted]
       | fizixer wrote:
       | Wow, Julia is a "baby language" and there is not a single project
       | where its dominating the usage landscape.
       | What's next, the unreasonable effectiveness of an idea I just had
       | last night?
       | Come back in 10 years.
         | patagurbon wrote:
         | SciML and JuMP are both best in class ecosystems, in some cases
         | by enormous margins. The PPL landscape is also very
         | significant.
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