[HN Gopher] Bash Error Handling
       Bash Error Handling
       Author : sohkamyung
       Score  : 212 points
       Date   : 2020-10-09 06:53 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (wizardzines.com)
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       | major505 wrote:
       | This is usefull. I know a guy who didnt treat unset vairable, so
       | in the script where he would remove with rm -rf /$dir-old-back
       | his script removed all directories. The problem is that all his
       | backups were in an external drive mounted in a directory, so he
       | removed all his backups also. A hell month for him .
       | loevborg wrote:
       | `-o pipefail` is not without its gotchas                   bash
       | -eo pipefail -c "cat /etc/services | head -1; echo never got
       | here"
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | I hate pipefail.
         | I find set -e also has some gotchas. '|| die' added to the end
         | of each line is uglier but more obvious in many cases.
         | [deleted]
         | stonewareslord wrote:
         | What is the gotcha here? You're telling it to pipefail and exit
         | on fail, so it exits.
           | tux1968 wrote:
           | The gotcha is perhaps failing to recognize that cat will
           | actually fail in this simple pipeline because its output is
           | truncated "unexpectedly" by head exiting after completing its
           | job properly. (Maybe you could argue that head should be a
           | good citizen and read its input to completion)
           | Where this will work as expected:                   bash -eo
           | pipefail -c "head < /etc/services  -1|cat ; echo got here"
       | arendtio wrote:
       | I like the notion of 'set -e' and at the same time I hate it.
       | First, because it behaves inconsistently across shells/versions
       | [1] and second, because it doesn't always work as expected. For
       | example, when you depend on the 'set -e' behavior in a function
       | and _call_ the function from within a condition, the  'set -e'
       | has no effect at all. So you better don't count on 'set -e'.
       | But don't expect me to follow my own advice, as not using 'set
       | -e' isn't a good option either...
       | [1] https://www.in-ulm.de/~mascheck/various/set-e/
         | chubot wrote:
         | Yup, I am fixing this with Oil:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24740842 (2 of 4 problems
         | fixed so far, more problems welcome)
         | Try it out on your shell scripts and let me know what happens
         | :) OSH has the "broken" POSIX/bash behavior to maintain
         | compatibility, while Oil opts you in to the better error
         | semantics.
       | JeremyBanks wrote:
       | https://dev.to/banks/stop-ignoring-errors-in-bash-3co5
       | polyrand wrote:
       | In Bash 4.4+ you can use:                 shopt -s
       | inherit_errexit 2>/dev/null || true
       | To make subprocesses inherit the errexit flag.
         | chinigo wrote:
         | Lifesaver! Without this, error handling in bash functions is a
         | gigantic, unintuitive pain. Thank you for bringing this to my
         | attention.
       | lazyant wrote:
       | I'd add TRAP DEBUG (running line by line) to the toolset
       | harisund wrote:
       | I thought people shouldn't post anything about bash on HN? The
       | minute you post something about bash immediately you will draw
       | out a whole bunch of folks from the wood works talking about how
       | bash sucks and should never be used for anything more than 3 or 4
       | lines and how they replaced bash with python or some thing else,
       | immediately in turn drawing out a bunch of other folks talking
       | about how bash should be replaced with power shell and how you
       | can parse objects better ... .
         | exdsq wrote:
         | I had a really fun project earlier in the year prototyping a
         | load testing tool for a blockchain in Bash while 4 other
         | developers wrote a 'better' one in Haskell. Bash can get
         | results quickly, although it's not maintainable! Still, a
         | decent kloc or two of bash with performance results within the
         | sprint.
         | heresie-dabord wrote:
         | I had become annoyed by the Python bigots who will tell us
         | about how easy to read their language is because its notation
         | is clean, how all its functionality is "intuitive", how any
         | combination of Python-based Rube-Goldberg Machine systems is
         | the best.
         | But then came the PowerShell people...
         | michaelcampbell wrote:
         | Any programming topic spawns a bunch of comments about
         | readability, or examples of code-golf. It's the nature of
         | things.
       | asicsp wrote:
       | Others in this on-going series:
       | * https://wizardzines.com/comics/environment-variables
       | * https://wizardzines.com/comics/brackets-cheatsheet
       | * https://wizardzines.com/comics/bash-quotes
       | * https://wizardzines.com/comics/bash-if-statements/
       | GolDDranks wrote:
       | I almost always write POSIX shell instead of bash for
       | compatibility; it would be nice to see collections for tips and
       | tricks specifically for POSIX shell. I know, for example, that -o
       | pipefail doesn't exist in plain POSIX shell. I wonder what's are
       | the best practices when you can't use it.
         | peterwwillis wrote:
         | Read the _ash_ or _dash_ man pages and just use what they give
         | you. That 's pretty much Bourne shell which is pretty much
         | POSIX.
         | still_grokking wrote:
         | > -o pipefail doesn't exist in plain POSIX shell
         | I think this changed lately[1]. No clue where's implemented,
         | though.
         | [1] https://www.austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=789
         | m463 wrote:
         | ok some low-grade tips:
         | cleanup="true"
         | later:                 if $cleanup; then a ; else b ; fi
         | or slightly uglier                 $cleanup && rm -f mytempfile
         | I like one-line functions:                 die() { echo "$@"
         | 1>&2; exit 1; }
         | asicsp wrote:
         | > _it would be nice to see collections for tips and tricks
         | specifically for POSIX shell_
         | Check out https://freebsdfrau.gitbook.io/serious-shell-
         | programming/
         | sigzero wrote:
         | > it would be nice to see collections for tips and tricks
         | specifically for POSIX shell
         | https://www.shellscript.sh/
         | There is a Facebook group and I have emailed the author as well
         | with questions. Nice guy.
         | fpoling wrote:
         | I also write my scripts to stay /bin/sh compatible. If this is
         | not enough, then a real scripting language should be used, not
         | bash.
         | But I very much agree that lack of pipefail is painful. If I
         | know that output on the left of the pipe is small, I read it
         | into a variable and then use printf | right part. If the output
         | can be big, I use a helper function to emulate it that I copy-
         | paste.
       | tpoacher wrote:
       | I'm surprised nobody's mentioned
       | [expect](https://likegeeks.com/expect-command/) yet in this
       | thread :)
       | x87678r wrote:
       | bash is not fit for any moderately complex task.
       | I dont understand its popularity. Normally sane people who like
       | unit testing, CICD, SOLID principles, quality tools end up with a
       | bunch of crappy scripts holding everything together. Please
       | avoid.
         | peterwwillis wrote:
         | It's fantastic for simple tasks, which is why so many people
         | use it. It also turns out that many complex tasks can be
         | reduced to a collection of simple tasks, otherwise known as "a
         | bunch of crappy scripts".
         | I encourage all my teams to avoid built-in CI/CD features and
         | plugins and just script what they want in a Docker container.
         | It ends up being easier to maintain, breaks less often, and is
         | more portable.
         | chubot wrote:
         | https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2018/01/28.html#shouldnt-we-di...
       | pferde wrote:
       | Also known as "bash strict mode". It's a godsend if you're
       | unlucky enough to have to deal with bash scripting.
       | http://redsymbol.net/articles/unofficial-bash-strict-mode/
       | EDIT: The comic strip would be better in three rows of two panels
       | - a row for each set flag.
       | pzmarzly wrote:
       | Another useful flag is -x, which enables tracing (Bash will print
       | each command before executing it).
       | You can disable it again with set +x (same goes for +e, +u and
       | afaik +o pipefail)
       | Also, please use shellcheck - https://www.shellcheck.net/
       | EDIT: Also, please don't modify scripts while they are running.
         | aidenn0 wrote:
         | Here's a workaround for modifying scripts while they are
         | running; it works because function bodies are read and parsed
         | entirely when they are defined.                 main() {
         | script goes here         exit       }       main "$@"
         | 0xmohit wrote:
         | Specifying PS4 when using the -x flag can be even more helpful
         | while debugging. The variable PS4 denotes the value is the
         | prompt printed before the command line is echoed when the -x
         | option is set and defaults to : followed by space.
         | A number of useful debugging tips are listed at
         | <https://wiki.bash-hackers.org/scripting/debuggingtips>.
       | _where wrote:
       | If it's not by default there's a reason. Bash is literally
       | running commands in a shell session. Think terminal session. When
       | a command fails, would you want the terminal session to end?
       | That'd be annoying.
       | Same theory for unset variable. Referencing an undefined variable
       | shouldn't break your session. Why initialize it anyway? It's more
       | code to change if you don't use it if you have to initialize it
       | when it might not be needed. And, you'd have to call the script
       | with A= just to check A wasn't defined, and in the process now
       | you have A assigned to an empty string, instead of only
       | defaulting to one when called, which uses more memory and
       | execution time.
       | The pipeline doesn't die because && and || and parens are
       | seriously helpful for one-liners.
       | Don't think of it as a script. Think of it as a script for a
       | shell.
         | pwdisswordfish4 wrote:
         | Sometimes the only reason is backwards compatibility.
         | IshKebab wrote:
         | A compelling argument for why Bash scripts shouldn't exist at
         | all.
           | chubot wrote:
           | https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2018/01/28.html#shouldnt-we-
           | di...
         | Waterluvian wrote:
         | Thinking of it that way, it becomes clear why you would want to
         | switch to something like Python for more complex workflows.
         | Bash is brilliantly useful for a lot of things. I'm not bashing
         | it.
       | cryptonector wrote:
       | Except `set -e` is stupid because it is disabled all the way down
       | when a command occurs in a conditional, meaning this:
       | function foo { false; true; }       foo || echo foo failed
       | prints nothing!
       | From the bash manual page:
       | | If a compound command other than a subshell returns a non-zero
       | status because a command failed while -e was being ignored, the
       | shell does not exit.
       | POSIX says the same thing, so this is true of all POSIX-y shells.
       | This means you really have to check for errors you care about,
       | and `set -e` is useless. Ugh!
       | mehrdadn wrote:
       | Wait until you realize                 set -e; (false && true);
       | echo hi
       | does nothing, but                 set -e;  false && true ; echo
       | hi
       | prints hi.
         | cryptonector wrote:
         | That one is OK. What's NOT OK is that conditionals disable set
         | -e in functions that appear in the conditionals, so:
         | function foo { false; true; }       foo || echo foo failed
         | prints nothing.
           | mehrdadn wrote:
           | Ouch, that's horrible. Thanks!
         | chubot wrote:
         | Yeah this is a variation on problem 2 I mentioned here, except
         | with subshells rather than functions.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24740842
         | The problem actually has more to do with the definition of $?
         | than the set -e behavior itself. And the fact that POSIX
         | specifies that the error a the LHS of && is ignored (a
         | fundamental confusion between true/false and success/error)
         | The exit code of the function is not what you expect, or the
         | exit code of the subshell is not what you expect.
         | I made a note of it on the bug ... still thinking about what
         | the solution to that one is.
         | (The other solutions are inherit_errexit, more_errexit, and a
         | "catch" builtin.)
         | Sebb767 wrote:
         | It's a bit surprising at first, but I'd like to think most
         | people deeper into bash are aware of Subshells.
           | mehrdadn wrote:
           | Merely knowing about when subshells occur doesn't explain
           | this. You need to know that && and || suppress -e.
           | alanbernstein wrote:
           | I know $() invokes a subshell, but does () ?
           | My guess was that the () affects the order of operations
           | between ; and &&, so the first line is three commands, while
           | the second line is two.
             | asicsp wrote:
             | See https://www.gnu.org/savannah-
             | checkouts/gnu/bash/manual/bash....
             | "Placing a list of commands between parentheses causes a
             | subshell environment to be created"
             | "Placing a list of commands between curly braces causes the
             | list to be executed in the current shell context"
               | gravitas wrote:
               | It's horribly more complex than just that, the person
               | you're replying to is "more correct" because of the rules
               | of `set -e` which is critical in this thread; a singular
               | command followed by && is treated differently than a
               | compound command. Pull up `man bash` and search
               | `/set.*abef` to read the rather long and involved
               | paragraph for the `-e` option, running in a subshell is
               | only part of it.
               | asicsp wrote:
               | >I know $() invokes a subshell, but _does ()_ ?
               | >My guess was that the _() affects the order of
               | operations_ between ; and  &&, so the first line is three
               | commands, while the second line is two.
               | Emphasis mine. My understanding was that the question is
               | simply about whether () invokes a subshell or not
               | (irrespective of set -e)
             | aidenn0 wrote:
             | It's a subshell. Order of operations is unchanged, and if
             | you just want a block of commands you can use { }
       | exdsq wrote:
       | Other tips I've found after a year or two of using Bash for many
       | things it shouldn't be used for:
       | - Use shellcheck (static analysis/linter)
       | https://www.shellcheck.net/
       | - Use shunit2 (unit tests) https://github.com/kward/shunit2
       | - Use 'local' or 'readonly' to annotate your variables
       | - Trap ctrl+c to gracefully exit (details here
       | https://www.tothenew.com/blog/foolproof-your-bash-script-som...)
       | - Stick to long-form options for readability (--delete over -d
       | for example)
       | - #!/usr/bin/env > #!/bin/bash for portability
       | - Consider setting variable values in a file and importing it at
       | the top of your script to improve refactoring
       | - You will eventually forget how your scripts work - seriously
       | consider if Bash is your best option for anything that needs to
       | last a while!
         | txutxu wrote:
         | > - #!/usr/bin/env > #!/bin/bash for portability
         | Yes... but do not take that as a "cargo cult script shebang".
         | If you're a sysadmin writing a script for a company with 2k
         | linux servers, that has a policy of "we only use linux version
         | Foo X"... and we do not use other bash in the system than
         | /bin/bash (no bash compiled by hand, no multiple versions of
         | bash, etc)... then portability via "env" does not make sense.
         | If you have two laptops and a raspberry at home, with debian or
         | arch, and you write a script for yourself... then portability
         | via "env" does not make sense.
         | And last but not least... using env is slower.
         | See:                   strace -fc /bin/bash -c ':'
         | Vs                   strace -fc /usr/bin/env bash -c ':'
         | On my system, that's 92 syscalls and 3 errors, Vs 152 syscalls
         | and 8 errors.
         | Just to start procesing.
         | Diferent levels of system bloat (environment, library paths,
         | etc) can give different results than my example.
         | And as others said... if you're not using GNU/bash syntax and
         | the script is really simple, the best for portbility is to go
         | with /bin/sh.                   strace -fc /bin/sh -c ':'
         | On my system 41 syscalls and 1 error... (and less RAM, CPU and
         | pagefaults).
         | If you're not using associative arrays, array indexes, non
         | POSIX builtin options, and other bash extensions... if the
         | script is just to join a few commands and variables... it pays
         | the effort to write it in simple sh, both, for portability and
         | performance.
         | asicsp wrote:
         | Some more useful links:
         | * https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ
         | * https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/Practices
         | * https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls
         | * https://devmanual.gentoo.org/tools-reference/bash/index.html
         | amarshall wrote:
         | Note that /bin/bash isn't completely portable (though /bin/sh
         | is, that's not Bash) as some systems have it at
         | /usr/local/bin/bash.
           | m463 wrote:
           | That's what i've learned... #!/bin/sh is generally what I use
           | and it survives porting.
           | If I need more power I usually switch to python. (Probably
           | not relevant to a bash discussion though, sorry)
           | laumars wrote:
           | You're just reiterating the GPs point of using env instead of
           | calling bash directly from the shebang:
           | #!/usr/bin/env bash
           | is more portable than                 #!/bin/bash
           | Though personally if I was worried about portability then I'd
           | just write the script in vanilla sh instead.
             | spurgu wrote:
             | > using env instead
             | If this method is superior, why hasn't it caught on with
             | Bash I wonder (it's considered standard with Python and
             | Node at least)?
             | > Though personally if I was worried about portability then
             | I'd just write the script in vanilla sh instead.
             | Agreed.
               | laumars wrote:
               | > _If this method is superior, why hasn 't it caught on
               | with Bash I wonder (it's considered standard with Python
               | and Node at least)?_
               | Because if you need a portable bash then you target sh.
               | But if you want a portable Python then you still target
               | Python.
               | josefx wrote:
               | > But if you want a portable Python then you still target
               | Python
               | I am still supporting systems that came with Python 2.
               | You get portable Python the same way you get portable
               | bash: build and deploy the interpreter with your code.
               | laumars wrote:
               | You're missing my point. If you're targeting Python then
               | you need Python installed however you don't always know
               | where that executable might live. Whereas if you're
               | targeting shell scripts then you can always fallback to
               | regular Bourne shell if you need portability and that
               | should always have an executable or simlink in /bin/sh.
               | The Python 2 problem is a whole other topic :)
           | shakna wrote:
           | I believe this statement agrees with you:
           | > #!/usr/bin/env > #!/bin/bash for portability
           | Perhaps you misread it? env bash is greater for portability
           | than bin/bash.
             | jhardy54 wrote:
             | Oh, I misread that as an arrow pointing from 'before' to
             | 'after'. Makes sense now!
               | williamdclt wrote:
               | You're not the only one, I spent a minute thinking about
               | a discussion explaining why the `env` way was better, I
               | was going to have a rant about people giving
               | contradictory advice for "portability"!
         | l0b0 wrote:
         | I'm working on a book about Bash scripting which is currently
         | in the review phase, and it includes most of these. For
         | graceful exit I recommend `trap cleanup EXIT` rather than
         | specifically trapping SIGINT, mostly because the special exit
         | signal is triggered no matter why the script is interrupted. I
         | wouldn't normally recommend pulling out variables into a
         | separate files until those variables are used by more than one
         | script. I'd be interested in the rationale for why that helps
         | refactoring.
         | corytheboyd wrote:
         | Huge +1 to using long form options in scrips, even if you're
         | the sole maintainer of the script. Also if you have a command
         | that takes many flags, breaking them out onto new lines can
         | help keep it readable
         | jancsika wrote:
         | > - Trap ctrl+c to gracefully exit (details here
         | https://www.tothenew.com/blog/foolproof-your-bash-script-
         | som...)
         | I'd rather that most devs don't touch that signal. Using that
         | binding and having a GUI or CLI program continue hanging
         | because the dev screwed up the cleanup is a real pain. And
         | someone writing a Bash script is highly likely for doing
         | something "very clever" with that signal to make my life
         | harder.
         | Or if you're going to do something with it, at least make it
         | clear you're trolling me. Show me a text add that forces me to
         | choose my favorite Korean boy band before I can exit, or
         | something in that vein.
           | jmholla wrote:
           | In that case, you could not catch CTRL-C in the cleanup.
           | nemetroid wrote:
           | Agree that developers should be very careful about messing up
           | Ctrl-C. However, as others have pointed out, it can make
           | sense for long-running processes (especially in cases where
           | there's an intermediate result that can be output instead of
           | the final result). I think a good compromise is to only ever
           | trap Ctrl-C once, so that a double Ctrl-C always successfully
           | interrupts.
           | exdsq wrote:
           | That's fair! But sometimes I want to have a hook that
           | basically says "Are you sure?" to catch mistakes in the wrong
           | terminal or something. One thing I wrote recently took
           | several hours to run and it'd suck to accidentally close it
           | because I type without looking.
         | gkfasdfasdf wrote:
         | This is a great list. Also while reading about 'readonly' bash
         | variables I ran across this amazing project which lets you call
         | native functions from bash [0]. My mind is spinning from the
         | possibilities...
         | [0]: https://github.com/taviso/ctypes.sh
         | mehrdadn wrote:
         | Do you want to trap INT, or EXIT?
           | exdsq wrote:
           | EXIT is trapped in the same way as 0, it's something that
           | happens when your shell exits. Ctrl+C sends the SIGINT signal
           | but you can catch it with INT too. You want to do the latter
           | because your gracefully exiting the script, if you want to
           | have some cleanup after that you could trap EXIT (for
           | deleting tmp files or something).
             | jwilk wrote:
             | Writing good SIGINT handler is a bit tricky. You should re-
             | raise the signal, so that bash notices that the program was
             | actually interrupted:
             | https://www.cons.org/cracauer/sigint.html (section "How to
             | be a proper program")
             | Most of the time, especially for short lived script, adding
             | signal handlers is not worth the trouble.
         | hivacruz wrote:
         | I would also add shfmt, to format scripts:
         | https://github.com/mvdan/sh
       | JdeBP wrote:
       | I wonder how much Clippy is to blame for the visual motif used in
       | this comic strip.
       | Common motifs, elsewhere, for a shell are a dollar sign and an
       | underscore or a greater than sign and an underscore. (The latter
       | is somewhat odd for a shell, given that it more resembles the
       | prompts on Microsoft/IBM command interpreters, and not the PS1
       | prompts of Unix shells, which are commonly dollar symbols,
       | hashes, or percent signs rather than greater than.)
       | * https://www.redbubble.com/i/sticker/zsh-by-zoerab/20363330.E...
       | * https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bash_Logo_black_and_...
       | * https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PowerShell_5.0_icon....
       | * https://icon-library.net/icon/commands-icon-5.html
       | * https://icon-library.com/icon/bash-icon-10.html
       | * https://dribbble.com/shots/6101482-Bash-Automation
       | chubot wrote:
       | I'm working on fixing errexit / set -e in Oil:
       | https://github.com/oilshell/oil/issues/709
       | Summary of problems:
       | 1. The "if myfunc" problem -- error checking is skipped. This is
       | specified by POSIX, but it's undesirable.
       | 2. The f() { test -d /tmp && echo "exists" } problem. The exit
       | code of the function is probably not what you expect!
       | 3. the local x=$(false) problem. This happens in all shells
       | because of the definition of $?. (local is a shell builtin with
       | its own exit code, not part of the language) This one is already
       | fixed with shopt -s more_errexit in Oil.
       | 4. the x=$(false) problem. This is a bash problem with command
       | substitution. For example, dash and zsh don't have this problem.
       | Test case:                   bash -c 'set -e; x=$(false); echo
       | should not get here'
       | Newer versions of bash fix it with inherit_errexit. Oil also
       | implements inherit_errexit and turns it on by default! (in Oil,
       | not OSH)
       | -----
       | So 1 and 2 relate to the confusing combination of shell functions
       | and errexit.
       | And 3 and 4 relate to command subs. Oil has fixed these with opt-
       | in OSH shell options (on by default in Oil), but not 1 and 2.
       | If you know of any other problems, please chime in on the bug!
         | a1369209993 wrote:
         | > 2. The f() { test -d /tmp && echo "exists" } problem. The
         | exit code of the function is probably not what you expect!
         | The exit code is 0 (assuming /tmp/, stdout, /bin/test and
         | /bin/echo are all working correctly; with /tmp1 it's 1), as
         | expected; is this referencing a bug in sh and/or bash that I've
         | fixed locally and then forgotten about?
         | (Also, I'm pretty sure it should be:                 f() { test
         | -d /tmp && echo "exists"; }
         | unless the parse error for missing ';' was your point (I
         | haven't bothered to fix that one, but maybe Oil has).)
       (page generated 2020-10-10 23:00 UTC)