[HN Gopher] America's True Unemployment Rate
       America's True Unemployment Rate
       Author : jbegley
       Score  : 351 points
       Date   : 2020-10-20 12:16 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.axios.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.axios.com)
       | egberts1 wrote:
       | To be counted as unemployed, you must be engaging in job search.
       | In all other cases, the individual must have been engaged in at
       | least one active job search activity in the 4 weeks preceding the
       | interview and be available for work (except for temporary
       | illness) in order to be counted as unemployed.
       | Otherwise, you're just idle.
       | That's why we have various unemployment indexes such as U1, U3,
       | U5 and U6.
       | Me think the author of article is conflating various terms.
       | https://www.thoughtco.com/statistical-measures-of-unemployme...
       | gd1 wrote:
       | https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2015/jun/16/donald-tru...
       | Ahahahahahahhaahahahhahahahah
       | supernova87a wrote:
       | I am surprised that they don't show the unemployment rate as a
       | map. I am sure that the rural / coastal unemployment rate is a
       | strong driver of why political disagreements are so divided in
       | the last decade.
       | zalkota wrote:
       | Vote blue and it'll continue to be high.
       | CoffeeDregs wrote:
       | Commenters are arguing about U-3 versus U-x but the question is
       | really: how should our population think our economy is doing? The
       | rhetoric on the news since 2008 has been: oooh, look at those low
       | unemployment numbers! But reality doesn't seem to have matched
       | the claim that low-unemployment-means-people-are-doing-well...
       | Unemployment was near record lows _and_ wages weren 't increasing
       | much (even with a suitable time lag)? Whatever measure we're
       | currently using, it doesn't seem to be serving the population
       | well. Certainly is serving politicians well. How is labor force
       | participation down so much over 20 years if we're doing so well?
       | (As raised in the comments, it's good to use universal-ish
       | standards so that countries are comparable.)
       | And I'm not classic "liberal" or "progressive" (I lean (proper,
       | not movement) conservative). This is intended to portray a fairly
       | balanced view of BLS stats...
       | jackfoxy wrote:
       | If I were ever to return to being a news junky, axios.com would
       | be at the top of my source list.
       | Notice the objective to the point layout, and link to the data
       | source. My only quibble is axios did not link directly to the
       | white paper explaining the methodology, but that link is
       | prominent on the linked page. So, 2 clicks away from the
       | explanation of the numbers. Much better than the vast majority of
       | articles, whether MSM or blogger, that get thrown around as
       | _evidence_ for this or that.
       | As has been pointed out, the article title is rather _click-
       | baity_. No information source is perfect...and it is all
       | narrative.
       | gregwebs wrote:
       | The other important number that is manipulated is inflation
       | (CPI). When you add the manipulation of inflation and joblessness
       | together along with encouraging financial asset bubbles you can
       | pretend to have a great economy when there is actually a
       | recession or even depression. [1]
       | The government has every incentive to manipulate the CPI: it even
       | reduces their social security payouts.
       | [1] https://www.georgegammon.com/will-there-be-a-great-
       | depressio...
         | burlesona wrote:
         | I don't know that the government excessively manipulates the
         | CPI, given it shows constant steady inflation since the
         | 1950s[1].
         | My sense is merely that the metric is focused on "cost to
         | survive" measures and does not reflect the changes in "cost to
         | thrive." Food, clothing, transportation, and technology are
         | actually getting cheaper over time. But it's hard to care when
         | housing, education, and healthcare costs are skyrocketing.
         | Also, as a footnote, I was interested to read the article you
         | linked, but I seriously distrust any information presented as a
         | video under the headline "shocking answer revealed!"
         | 1: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CPIAUCSL
           | C1sc0cat wrote:
           | You can manipulate it by deciding what's included and by
           | using reduction in costs of say big flat screen TV's over
           | time.
       | thehappypm wrote:
       | "If you measure the unemployed as anybody over 16 years old who
       | isn't earning a living wage, the rate rises even further, to
       | 54.6%. For Black Americans, it's 59.2%."
       | A large portion of high school students, stay-at-home spouses,
       | college students, under-the-table workers, and the retired will
       | likely fit into this category.
       | I was excited about this article but it just isn't compelling.
         | thoughtstheseus wrote:
         | It's somewhat useful in a broader context of income and wealth
         | inequality discussions.
       | dfxm12 wrote:
       | Why do we care that people are working? There are many reasons,
       | probably, which is why there are different measures. I do think
       | most of these measures (incorrectly) presume that having a job
       | means you have a living wage, or at least at some level, that if
       | you have a job you generally don't need so much assistance.
       | Maybe that was true at some point in history, but it is not
       | today. Most minimum wages across the US are not a living wage.
       | Many necessary benefits are tied to full time employment only.
       | Unemployment rates with no context attached don't have such a
       | strong meaning.
         | jfengel wrote:
         | Americans seem to have a deep resentment of being taken
         | advantage of. They're not un-generous, but their generosity is
         | only for the "worthy", and they're afraid that the un-worthy
         | are benefitting.
         | There are examples in this thread, where the poster personally
         | knows people who do not wish to work and are somehow living the
         | high life off of their taxes. The implication is that it's
         | worth eliminating the program in order to avoid that; the
         | abstraction of other deserving people who need it is less
         | important. They wouldn't necessarily mind a system that managed
         | to remove all of the malingerers, but even a very tiny number
         | of them invalidates a system.
         | As you say, we can easily afford it: the country produces over
         | $60,000 per person each year. It's more a matter of fairness
         | than resources: people resent a system they perceive as unfair
         | to them even more than they resent a system in which
         | unfortunate people suffer.
         | That's certainly not unique to Americans, but from what I've
         | seen, it dominates the thinking here more than in many other
         | parts of the world. When you describe, say the UK's NHS or a
         | UBI, the American mind seems to go first to "How many people
         | must be abusing that system?"
           | refurb wrote:
           | That shouldn't be a shocker to you, it comes down to
           | fairness. If you have two 30 year old males, both capable of
           | work and one works a full time job, pay 1/3 in taxes and the
           | other guy chooses not to work and is effectively supported
           | (in part) by the guy working, is that fair? I think most
           | people would say no.
           | And I don't think it's unique to capitalism. Even in the
           | Soviet Union they had "social parasites" who refused to
           | contribute to society. Same with communal societies without a
           | monetary system. People who can contribute but choose not to
           | are pretty quickly pushed out.
           | And I see a lot of comments on HN about paying taxes as the
           | cost of enjoying the benefits of society. Even if you ignore
           | the unfairness of one laborer paying for another laborer to
           | be idle (even though they can work), isn't it unfair to
           | society for someone to not contribute to the system they
           | benefit so greatly from?
           | And I'm not even an American.
             | mLuby wrote:
             | > People who can contribute but choose not to are pretty
             | quickly pushed out.
             | "Pushed out" meaning what exactly? Shamed? Debtors' prison?
             | Homeless? No medical care? Left to starve? Euthanized?
             | Plenty of options, none befitting a decent society.
             | Also, fairness (which literally everyone supports) depends
             | greatly on framing:
             | 1. Alice pays taxes, Bob doesn't, Bob gets free stuff from
             | the government, so Alice is paying for Bob's selfish
             | laziness.
             | 2. Alice and Bob both pay 30% of their income in taxes. The
             | government guarantees all its citizens a decent standard of
             | living, and so gives Bob, who falls below some threshold,
             | assistance.
             | 3. Alice is physically and mentally healthy, so she
             | compounds her advantages and resources. A portion of her
             | financial gains go to the government as taxes. Bob isn't so
             | lucky, struggles with physical or mental illness,
             | experiences personal or family tragedies, etc. He struggles
             | to stay financially afloat, and can't consistently
             | accumulate a safety net to weather multiple bad outcomes.
             | He turns to the government for help sometimes.
             | It comes down to whether you'd rather punish the guilty and
             | innocent alike or would rather help the downtrodden and
             | seemingly slothful alike. I choose to be kind, but I get
             | that it's hard to act that way if you feel threatened.
             | dfxm12 wrote:
             | If you want to talk about what's unfair, the low-hanging
             | fruit is the increasing income inequality between
             | executives and typical workers [0], or the executives
             | paying a lower rate in taxes than their secretaries [1].
             | 0 - https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-compensation-2018/
             | 1 - https://money.cnn.com/2013/03/04/news/economy/buffett-
             | secret...
             | [deleted]
             | tenebrisalietum wrote:
             | If you have two 30 year old males, both capable of work and
             | one works a full time job because they have to and another
             | has a 10 million dollar inheritance from his family and
             | wouldn't know what work is if it slapped him on the face,
             | is that fair?
               | luckylion wrote:
               | Why not answer their question instead of reaching for
               | Whataboutism?
               | scollet wrote:
               | They are both valid hypotheticals.
               | luckylion wrote:
               | Sure, but it's not a reply, it's just babbling on, hoping
               | that the other person will change course to discuss
               | _that_ issue instead.
               | That's not a conversation and it certainly isn't an
               | interesting conversation. It's what reddit or twitter are
               | optimizing for.
         | bluGill wrote:
         | I care because I'm supporting them to my job. I have sympathy
         | for those who can't work (or can but only minimal levels) - and
         | I know a number of them. However I also know some who could
         | work but are milking the system (less than the number who can't
         | work).
         | Every penny taken out of my income to support someone else is a
         | penny I can't apply to my own dreams. My dreams are (in no
         | order - in fact the order changes day to day): retire early,
         | buy more toys, pay for my kids' education, take more exotic
         | vacations. I have enough to live on, and even by US standards
         | I'm doing very well, but there is always more, and the money
         | going to someone else is money I work for that I can't enjoy.
           | dfxm12 wrote:
           | The pennies going towards our neighbors is probably
           | negligible on the list of things getting between you and your
           | new toys.
           | I suggest directing your callousness towards our employers,
           | who are keeping our wages down [0], as they are milking the
           | system far more. It also doesn't help that a conservative
           | court consistently rules against us [1], but there's little
           | we can do about that now.
           | 0 - https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshbersin/2018/10/31/why-
           | arent...
           | 1 - https://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cg
           | i?a...
           | confidantlake wrote:
           | The toys and "adventures" you buy the military cost vastly
           | more than what you give to those milking the welfare system.
           | tolbish wrote:
           | Do you consider people who post on HN during working hours to
           | he "milking the system"? Are they not also freeloaders?
       | burlesona wrote:
       | For a simpler source of better food for thought just check the
       | official participation rate.
       | https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-lab...
       | The article crafts a nice shocking headline, but the substance is
       | disappointing. The BLS measures unemployment many different ways
       | (U1-U6)[1] plus the civilian labor force participation rate, so
       | the official data also shows these higher unemployment rates as
       | U6, and has tracked them over time. Of course politicians and the
       | media like to pick apart that data and focus on whichever part of
       | it best supports the narrative they intend to tell. But the data
       | is all there for all of us to see and interpret for ourselves.
       | 1: https://www.bls.gov/lau/stalt.htm
         | Minor49er wrote:
         | The book "Men Without Work: America's Invisible Crisis" by
         | Nicholas Eberstadt also points to this too. Even though it's
         | four years old, it uses BLS data to show the labor force
         | participation rate and how it has been gradually declining for
         | decades. There also isn't a clear solution since there are so
         | many different causes that contribute to the high number.
         | The Axios article is highlighting the problem, but is going
         | about it in the wrong way by conflating terms and not offering
         | any further insight into the issue. If they mentioned the
         | participation rate or the types of measurement that you noted,
         | it would be a much stronger piece. But I want to underline your
         | point that the data is available and anyone curious should look
         | at it to see the trends for themselves.
         | lettergram wrote:
         | I don't know if participation rate is fair either. Largely
         | because (a) the population is aging and is likely to retire
         | (with wealth amassed and (b) this is really only possible
         | because the government has started subsidizing pretty much
         | everything (food, healthcare, housing, etc) either generally or
         | for those "too poor".
         | I personally know a significant number (at least 10-15) that
         | exclusively live from government handouts (this is beyond
         | simple social security). They have little incentive to try and
         | find a job, frankly and many actively live with food stamps,
         | housing subsidies, free healthcare, and just kinda bum around.
           | piva00 wrote:
           | > I personally know a significant number (at least 10-15)
           | that exclusively live from government handouts (this is
           | beyond simple social security). They have little incentive to
           | try and find a job, frankly and many actively live with food
           | stamps, housing subsidies, free healthcare, and just kinda
           | bum around.
           | I will be very honest: this is a very unsubstantiated claim,
           | even if you know personally 10-15 people who are just bumming
           | around and living on benefits that is a very small portion of
           | benefits claim in society and this kind of behaviour will
           | always exist. Benefits fraud is a thing, the good that
           | benefits and welfare does to a society are much larger than
           | the impact of fraud.
           | Do you really believe that someone who lives with handouts
           | from the government have very little incentive to get better?
           | Do you believe that this almost less-than-baseline level of
           | living is enough to make a significant portion of the
           | populace unwilling to work? To the level where participation
           | rate would become unfair? Have you ever lived on that
           | lifestyle to check your assumption that they have "very
           | little incentive to try and find a job"?
             | phil21 wrote:
             | > Have you ever lived on that lifestyle to check your
             | assumption that they have "very little incentive to try and
             | find a job"?
             | Yes, I've lived and clawed my way out of that lifestyle.
             | And yes, I absolutely feel most have very little incentive
             | to do so.
             | I am told these days welfare benefits fraud is something at
             | some tiny fraction of less than 1%, but my experience and
             | those of my friends who have grown up similarly really
             | shows a vastly stark difference between lived experience
             | and statistics.
             | If you'd have asked me growing up I would have told you
             | benefits fraud was rampant and the norm. Now I'm not so
             | sure, but I am absolutely certain the definition of fraud
             | has changed. Fraud to me and many others is "someone who
             | could otherwise get a job but puts no effort into doing so
             | or improving themselves towards being a self sufficient
             | person" - where to others it seems more outright fraud in a
             | white collar sense like claiming too many dependents.
             | It's a difficult topic for me because the "science" so
             | jarringly conflicts with my lived experience.
             | Shivetya wrote:
             | People vastly and I mean vastly under estimate how poor of
             | living conditions many will accept if they don't have to
             | lift a finger to provide for themselves.
             | More than half our federal budget goes to aid programs,
             | from social security, medicare and medicaid, to thousands
             | of assistance programs. States then add to this total.
             | People routinely complain that the government does not do
             | enough to aid the poor but what they fail to understand
             | just how much is already spent and that a good portion is
             | misdirected; too much ends up as jobs programs for friends
             | and family of politicians.
               | bluGill wrote:
               | The problem is it is hard to figure out what is required.
               | I knew a lady (she died of old age 15 years ago) who was
               | able to work 20 hours a week - not quite enough to live
               | on - but when she went over 25 hours a week had a mental
               | breakdown and spent 6 months in the mental hospital. It
               | took many repeats of the cycle before it was even
               | realized that 20 hours was her limit, but those
               | responsible for her case didn't have options to help her
               | because she could partially support herself normally and
               | appeared able to do more.
               | The above is but one case - probably unique to just her,
               | but I know of many other unique cases each with a
               | different situation. The point is we cannot treat the
               | poor alike. However not being able to treat them alike
               | means there will be fraud anytime someone figures out how
               | to work the system.
             | lettergram wrote:
             | As someone who grew up relatively disadvantaged, I think I
             | probably know a larger percentage of those "taking
             | advantage" over the the "average" American. Further. I also
             | used to volunteer regularly helping donate food, helping
             | families, etc.
             | I don't think people realize how good "baseline" really is,
             | compared to even 2-3 decades ago. Just as an example, most
             | people can get free housing from the state provided some
             | paperwork (again I helped quite a few people, including
             | family members, with this.).
             | I actually stopped volunteering in this space, BECAUSE I
             | saw it being taken advantage of. Probably 75% of the people
             | I assisted were capable of working physically. Now, mental
             | faculties are a bit of a different issue, only probably 50%
             | had the mental disposition to work a regular job.
             | That being said most people can contribute _something_ in
             | exchange for wages. Unfortunately, many don't because it'll
             | either cut their incentives there's a valley between
             | maintaining life quality off the state and the minimum
             | wage. You have to make significantly more than minimum wage
             | to have the same quality of life in some cases. You can
             | even see stories of this with the pandemic (people making
             | more on unemployment, so they don't work).
             | I'm also not arguing if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
             | Just that, at least from my experience, it appears to be a
             | thing. I also don't think we are collecting good data on
             | this, particularly for political reasons (or incompetence).
             | If we had the real stats I'm sure people who _need_ these
             | programs would also be left without them (because programs
             | would be cut). I really don't know a good solution. Just
             | that it really should be explored, because many people have
             | an inaccurate understanding (again from my experience).
               | Leherenn wrote:
               | I think it is really difficult to fix the issue where
               | having a job is worse than not having one.
               | If you make sure the benefits are below what the market
               | more or less defines as minimum wage, then people on
               | benefits are going to have a dreadful time.
               | If you try to smooth the benefits loss, then you mostly
               | end up subsidising employers. (I can reduce wages because
               | the state will pick up the difference.)
               | If you increase the minimum wage, then you increase the
               | numbers of people who "can contribute something" but not
               | enough to make sense economically speaking.
             | throwaway0a5e wrote:
             | The GP didn't imply nearly the level of judgement that
             | you're projecting on him.
             | >this is a very unsubstantiated claim, even if you know
             | personally 10-15 people who are just bumming around and
             | living on benefits that is a very small portion of benefits
             | claim in society and this kind of behaviour will always
             | exist.
             | I know a little under ten people who do the same. Nobody so
             | far in this thread is claiming they aren't a small portion
             | of benefits claims. Nobody is claiming they won't always
             | exist in some number. You're the first person so far to
             | even use the word "fraud" here. Nobody is even saying they
             | should be cut off. People are only saying that they don't
             | fit cleanly into the existing unemployment metrics.
             | >Do you really believe that someone who lives with handouts
             | from the government have very little incentive to get
             | better?
             | What good is the incentive if you don't really have the
             | life skills to work towards that end. It's the same kind of
             | incentive that a plumber has to start the next Google and
             | retire as a multimillionaire. Sure it would be nice but all
             | of these people I know are not in a practical position to
             | improve their situation through work.
             | >Do you believe that this almost less-than-baseline level
             | of living is enough to make a significant portion of the
             | populace unwilling to work? To the level where
             | participation rate would become unfair? Have you ever lived
             | on that lifestyle to check your assumption that they have
             | "very little incentive to try and find a job"?
             | Unwilling is a strong word. It's not so much an
             | unwillingness in that their existence is stable and they're
             | not gonna rock that boat too much let alone run the rat
             | race just to get inches ahead. These people, in my
             | observation tend to do under the table work or deal drugs
             | to increase their income since those paths are readily
             | available whereas entry points into a career are far more
             | foreign to them. (And before anyone projects their own
             | biases on me, I consider small time drug dealers to be
             | legitimate businesses and I don't think there's anything
             | unethical about an under the table wage laborer job.) It's
             | foolish to expect these people to get McJobs in light of
             | their options and how their benefits tend to interact with
             | income and how little that would improve their situation.
             | The money goes right back out anyway. The value proposition
             | of constantly working harder just isn't there.
             | These people's incentive to work a job is a lot like a
             | middle age upper middle class white collar professional
             | with a family and a mortgage's incentive to start their own
             | business. Sure you can do it and you might make
             | substantially more money doing it but it's a hell of a lot
             | of work compared to what you're doing now and it comes with
             | risk and since you're stable in your current situation
             | you're probably gonna stay there.
             | I'm not sure whether there's enough of these people to be
             | an issue for unemployment numbers but there's definitely a
             | lot of them out there (which is regrettable).
             | ryneandal wrote:
             | > Benefits fraud is a thing, the good that benefits and
             | welfare does to a society are much larger than the impact
             | of fraud.
             | To back this up, Florida implemented drug testing for some
             | welfare [1] and the cost of the testing _far_ outweighed
             | the money lost via fraud. It may be hard to believe for
             | some, but there are a staggering amount of needy families
             | that wouldn't be able to survive without assistance. I
             | concur with the article about living wage being an issue,
             | but that number is very region-specific.
             | 1 - https://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/florida-didnt-
             | save-mone...
               | bluGill wrote:
               | The cost of fighting fraud often is more than the fraud
               | you catch - because the act of fighting fraud means those
               | who would commit fraud either don't, or hide their
               | tracks. Thus the result isn't unexpected and doesn't say
               | anything about if it is a good idea or not (which is a
               | very complex argument that I don't know enough to get
               | into)
           | zebrafish wrote:
           | I don't see how your anecdotal data can be counted as more
           | valuable than BLS data backed by payroll, benefits, and
           | subsidy data from employers and providers.
           | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
           | > They have little incentive to try and find a job, frankly
           | and many actively live with food stamps, housing subsidies,
           | free healthcare, and just kinda bum around.
           | Like the sibling commenter, I find your post very suspect,
           | mainly because (in the US at least) if you are a non-disabled
           | person without children between the ages of 20 and 55 it is
           | extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get enough gov't
           | benefits to survive (at least outside of covid-times)
             | [deleted]
             | lettergram wrote:
             | Feel free to read my other response. Generally, I agree you
             | should be suspect of my statements. We should also be
             | suspect if the statements you're making.
             | The reality is that neither of us have solid stats because,
             | in my opinion, politically no one wants to investigate how
             | often the system is taken advantage of. Frankly, it's hard
             | to determine "can someone work" is a nearly impossible
             | question to answer. Instead it's, "how much money do you
             | make a year" for many of these programs
         | mattmcknight wrote:
         | I agree, the structure of the argument in the Axios piece is
         | misguided: BLS produces U6, and the journalists don't talk
         | about it, so the BLS is doing something wrong (says
         | journalist).
         | The idea of a national living wage is ridiculous, given the
         | vast disparities in the cost of living.
           | jjk166 wrote:
           | Why should it matter that cost of living varies?
           | If you move to San Francisco, you should know that your money
           | isn't going to go as far; conversely if you move to Tulsa you
           | should reasonably be able to take advantage of the low cost
           | of living to build up your savings. If you're residing in
           | Tulsa and still only just surviving, you're not earning a
           | living wage.
           | Then there's the fact that besides food and rent pretty much
           | everything we buy nowadays is nationally priced - amazon
           | doesn't give you a discount for moving to a low cost of
           | living area; and you don't get to pay lower taxes because
           | cost of living is higher.
           | But beyond all this, the disparities arise almost exclusively
           | because of a few outliers - maybe 5% of people in the country
           | can live comfortably on less than $20k/yr and less than 10%
           | require substantially more; the vast majority of Americans
           | are close to the average.
             | closeparen wrote:
             | It's tougher to say that people in high COL areas need to
             | uproot themselves when they fall on hard times. Depending
             | on the means testing scheme, this can actually come out
             | _more_ expensive for the welfare system. Sure it can spend
             | less on rent, but now that you 're 3000 miles away from
             | Grandma it also has to buy childcare. Now that you're in a
             | new place with no friends, maybe you get depressed and need
             | mental health services. Etc, etc.
       | Mountain_Skies wrote:
       | Going back at least to the Clinton administration, and probably
       | earlier, every president gets accused of manipulating
       | unemployment rates by using U3 instead of U6 or some other
       | metric. But as far as I know, it's always U3 used between
       | administrations for comparisons but pundits will be pundits,
       | switching their view depending on who is in office. It's the same
       | with "plays too much golf", "uses Air Force One for campaigning"
       | for every incumbent, and of course "goes on too many vacations".
       | Just something to keep in mind no matter who is in office at any
       | given time.
       | irjustin wrote:
       | If everyone knows how the unemployment rate is built[0] is it so
       | bad that it's built that way?
       | No matter how you build a single number to represent a really
       | complex problem (i.e. what is "living wage", what is "really
       | wants one[job]"?) you'll get a bad answer.
       | [0] https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm
       | pc86 wrote:
       | > _If you measure the unemployed as anybody over 16 years old who
       | isn 't earning a living wage_
       | Uh, a lot of 17 year old's don't work during the school year. And
       | they don't define "living wage" in this article - does that mean
       | minimum wage for 17 year old's? Minimum wage for 18+? $15/hr?
       | Something else?
       | This is basically "if you take this ridiculous metric that nobody
       | uses, you can get to 55% unemployment! 59% for
       | ReptileMan wrote:
       | His definition of unemployed maps perfectly to the good and often
       | used term underemployed - basically people that want more hours
       | and money and are unable to find them.
       | If you learn in 2020 that there are a lot of working poor, you
       | haven't been paying attention in the last 12 years.
       | hevelvarik wrote:
       | Ok so the article points out well known deficiencies in the
       | widely used definition for unemployment and presents a nation
       | wide figure using a magical undefined number called the living
       | wage applied against a data set revealed only to Axios on HBO
       | whatever that is.
       | So what to make of this? That the unemployment figure doesn't
       | reflect the actual experience of job seeking in the USA...
       | We know this and there's nothing in this article adding to our
       | intuition.
         | [deleted]
       | kelvin0 wrote:
       | If the current social turmoil in the US is any indication, we can
       | assume a lot of disenfranchised people are currently hurting
       | financially. When everyone works and has enough income to live
       | the 'dream' such unrest is usually not present. As en example,
       | after WWII industry was booming, and standard of living was very
       | high.
       | Not so anymore.
       | asdffdsa wrote:
       | Doesn't account for part-time, doesn't account for households,
       | doesn't account for students. Add in "Black Americans" and voila,
       | you have a run-of-the-mill lazily-written racebaiting clickbait
       | pseudointellectual blog post.
       | mensetmanusman wrote:
       | There is no true single facet of looking at this data.
       | We already know the pandemic and the response have been
       | disastrous for unemployment. If you aren't in the top 1%, good
       | luck.
       | messo wrote:
       | This explains a lot. Anger and desperation is the only logical
       | outcome when almost half the nation is living in (or at the edge)
       | of poverty.
         | wombatmobile wrote:
         | Thanks for posting. Yours is the first comment that doesn't
         | futz with the definition of a term and instead considers the
         | effect of unemployment on actual people.
         | Imagine being a daddy or a mommy with no way to earn enough
         | this month to bring up your kids halfway to what you were
         | taught is decent.
           | messo wrote:
           | I have recently been watching a documentary series by a
           | Norwegian musician that grew up in the rustbelt in America in
           | the 70'ies [0], but moved with his famliy to Norway in his
           | youth. He has been going back, visiting family, friends and
           | random people and interviewed them, and it is frankly
           | heartbreaking to witness the struggle the the 'average joe'
           | has to endure.
           | I'm living well below the poverty line here in Norway, but it
           | is nothing compared to being poor in America. I do not need
           | to worry about health care or expensive insurance. Me and my
           | partner own an old but nice house with a big garden in a
           | semi-rural community (15min from the nearest city), and can
           | afford all the basic necessities by being frugal. In America,
           | we would have lived in constant fear of becoming ill, seeing
           | a doctor or going to the hospital. The idea that you have no
           | real safety net to help you in tough times is terrifying. I
           | can only begin to imagine the stress that goes with it.
           | I have great sympathy for regular people who are struggling,
           | that voted for Trump. They have long been ignored, neglected
           | and forgotten, and I am sure many voted for him either in
           | desperation or to defy the system they rightly feel have left
           | them behind. People in Norway couldn't imagine how the
           | American people could vote for such an obvious clown and a
           | demagogue, but we have not seen the extent of the suffering
           | and hardship before recently. We see the Hollywood version of
           | your culture for the most part, and are shocked when we find
           | out that American women actually have to pay the hospital
           | when giving birth ("wtf, it isn't covered by paying taxes?").
           | I really hope that it gets better, but am afraid it has to
           | get worse first.
           | [0]: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/uxa-thomas-seltzers-amerika
           | (Norwegian language, but many segments are in English)
       | nabla9 wrote:
       | The article redefines unemployment to include
       | underemployment.This is just one example of fudging terms, not
       | trying to educate the public. Experts use difficult and precise
       | terms so lets use our own.
       | BIS has 6 different measures for labor underutilization. The
       | widest is U-6: "Total unemployed, plus all persons marginally
       | attached to the labor force, plus total employed part time for
       | economic reasons, as a percent of the civilian labor force plus
       | all persons marginally attached to the labor force"
       | U-6 is 12.8%
       | dragonwriter wrote:
       | > A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living
       | wage -- but who can't find one -- is unemployed.
       | Yes, if you add at least underemployment by an arbitrary and
       | probably contentious "living wage" standard to traditional
       | unemployment, the number is bigger than you are used to hearing
       | and sounds scarier. Of course, all the historical numbers you've
       | heard are also using the traditional measure, so while the number
       | sounds scarier, you'll also need to erase your memory and replace
       | it with a different data series to have the right context, which
       | will then probably make the current value of the new measure seem
       | a lot less scary. Or not? While arguments for a different
       | headline unemployment number than is currently employed often put
       | a lot of emphasis on how much bigger the current measure would be
       | using the proposed changes, they rarely out that current level in
       | historical perspective.
       | > The official unemployment ... also excludes anybody who has
       | stopped looking for work or is discouraged by a lack of jobs or
       | by the demands of child care during the coronavirus crisis.
       | So does the definition you just presented, which excludes anyone
       | who isn't looking for work, whatever the reason. Or are you now
       | defining "looking for a full-time job that pays a living wage" to
       | include people that aren't, in fact, looking for a job of any
       | kind? But it's the relative movement not the a absolute level
       | that drives most policy responses, so aside from a bigger number,
       | what different actionable insight does the proposal provide? The
       | article doesn't even begin to make an argument that this number
       | is more useful for any practical purpose, even if it was
       | coherent, which the contradictions in the first couple paragraphs
       | seems to indicate that it is not.
         | fennecfoxen wrote:
         | Yep. U5 and U6 are always bigger than U3, pretty much by
         | definition.
         | You speak of historic perspective; let's try getting some
         | numbers! A quick Internet has led me to
         | https://www.macrotrends.net/1377/u6-unemployment-rate (I'm on
         | my phone so it's harder to get the original sources linked but
         | I assume that's just the BLS numbers either way).
         | They all track each other pretty well. A trend in one is a
         | trend in all of them. If you want to expand your understanding
         | then following the changes in something like labor force
         | participation trends is probably more interesting than just
         | switching among these U series.
         | https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-lab...
           | dragonwriter wrote:
           | The problem with LFPP is you need to understand age
           | demographic trends, institutionalization trends (both
           | positive like higher-ed and negative like incarceration), and
           | some other things to extract much meaning from it. A
           | demographic bulge hitting retirement age and a wave of mass
           | incarcerations and a massive surge in higher ed enrollments
           | all can have the same manifestation in LFPP, and all the same
           | as a massive wave of layoffs without replacement
           | opportunities elsewhere in the economy, but I can't think of
           | any purpose for which one would look at employment
           | statistics, particularly as a policy guide, where you'd want
           | to treat all those things as even approximately equivalent.
           | The fact that U-seried generally track together is a good
           | thing, it says that they are indeed different measures
           | related to the same underlying concept. It also makes the
           | points where they do diverge interesting and noteworthy.
       | DesiLurker wrote:
       | I am surprised that no one has mentioned shadow stats yet. this
       | is an excellent set of stats maintained privately:
       | http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-chart...
       | he maintains it by following pre-clinton era methodology so its
       | relatively less gamed.
       | kryogen1c wrote:
       | Aside from the other cogent comments about how to effectively
       | measure unemployment and what that might tell us about the
       | economy, this article is pretty shite.
       | > "Axios on HBO."
       | What does that even mean? this is literally out of Idiocracy.
       | -brought to you by Carl's Junior
       | > author of Capital
       | First line under the headline contains a link to marketing
       | material with a prominent sign-up link. gotta pump up those
       | conversion numbers, i guess.
       | > rate rises even further, to 54.6%. For Black Americans, it's
       | 59.2%
       | this is such a bullshit, zeitgeisty move. provides no useful
       | info, is a non-sequitur solely for the purposes trying to ride
       | the BLM wave. grab that emotional engagement.
       | > A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living
       | wage -- but who can't find one -- is unemployed. If you accept
       | that definition, the true unemployment rate in the U.S. is a
       | stunning 26.1%
       | as others have said, the ability to not find any job and whether
       | or not you are above the poverty line is a very different thing.
       | muddling these two makes me strongly doubt the clarity of sight
       | from the author and guarantees i wouldnt sign up for anything
       | related to his opinions.
       | karaterobot wrote:
       | Goodheart's Law says that when a measure becomes a target, it
       | ceases to be a good measure. Generally, that's because you start
       | optimizing around improving the measurement rather than the
       | conditions the measurement is supposed to depict. In other words,
       | you start cramming for the test, rather than learning the
       | subject.
       | Half serious, half modest proposal: would it be useful for the
       | BLS or OECD, or whoever, to periodically and unexpectedly change
       | how unemployment is measured and calculated, in order to minimize
       | the tendency observed in Goodheart's Law?
       | URfejk wrote:
       | September 2020 ShadowStats Alternate Unemployment is 26.9%:
       | http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-chart...
       | mc32 wrote:
       | What matters is measuring consistency across time and across
       | borders.
       | Also this ignores the nuance provided by the different numbers
       | like U1 through U6 but they're mainly complaining about U3 and
       | ignore the others exist at all.
       | deugtniet wrote:
       | I think the definition of unemployment has been contentious for
       | as long as it exists. Axios is choosing to go with the definition
       | of 'People looking for work or working while earning less than
       | 20,000 USD per year'. The employment numbers are naturally going
       | to be higher than when the definition is just 'People earning
       | nothing and looking for work'.
       | If one takes the living wage as a measure of unemployment, it
       | should also include place of residence IMO. I heard living wage
       | in the bay area is > 100K USD.
       | I'm not advocating for anything and have no stake. But all these
       | statistics are proxies for how citizens are doing. In general,
       | hardships increase as unemployment goes up, whatever way you
       | measure it. It's usually better to look at all of them jointly,
       | and focus on differences instead of the absolute rates of a
       | statistic.
         | itsoktocry wrote:
         | > _But all these statistics are proxies for how citizens are
         | doing. In general, hardships increase as unemployment goes up,
         | whatever way you measure it. It 's usually better to look at
         | all of them jointly, and focus on differences instead of the
         | absolute rates._
         | Well stated.
         | We see the same issues with GDP; people claiming it doesn't
         | capture a country's well-being. This is not surprising, since
         | it's a measure of economic output. But we know there's a
         | correlation between economic output and societal quality-of-
         | life.
         |  _In general_ , more GDP > less GDP. If you find anomalies that
         | raise interesting questions (ie Canada vs US) you can compare
         | other measures.
       | gruez wrote:
       | Relevant critique on /r/badeconomics:
       | https://old.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/jd3p0l/axios_...
       | tibbon wrote:
       | I have to wonder if a better way to look at this over time would
       | be instead to look at the Employment Rate. What % of people have
       | employment? Maybe have a rate that doesn't even factor out people
       | "not in the workforce".
       | WinstonSmith84 wrote:
       | > If you measure the "unemployed" as anybody over 16 years old
       | who isn't earning a living wage...
       | Over 16 years old, a lot of people are at school / university and
       | likely "funded" by their parents. And those who work in order to
       | study because their parents can't/don't help them, they don't
       | obviously pretend to earn more than 20K... they work simply to
       | survive while they study but when they are graduated, it's
       | another story... Is it all counted as "unemployed"?
         | newacct583 wrote:
         | > a lot of people are at school / university and likely
         | "funded" by their parents
         | That's true only for kids of upper middle class families, and
         | thus a vanishing component for a whole-workforce number like
         | this. Kids of families whose parents bring home something close
         | to the median household income ($70k or so) are not being
         | "funded" at school in any meaningful way, certainly not at a
         | number comparable to employment.
         | dalbasal wrote:
         | Generically, depends on what you want to know.
         | No measure tells you everything, and measures that try
         | obfuscate everything. Is it useful to know what portion of the
         | population is working, what percentage of 16-22 yos are
         | working?
         | An increase in employment rate among women might mean more good
         | jobs are available. It might mean that times are tough and
         | women (or men) with small children need to work more. It might
         | mean people can't afford to retire, or that 60+ people are
         | having trouble finding a job, etc.
         | IMO the problem is an obsession with creating a measure that
         | maps perfectly to an imprecise term. "Unemployment," in the
         | abstract, is not a perfectly defined thing. The measure should
         | not define the thing. Measures should be used to understand the
         | thing.
         | albntomat0 wrote:
         | I agree with you, with different reasoning. The number of
         | people without adequate employment (as in, they'd take a full
         | time living wage job over their current situation) is a useful
         | means of understanding the economic situation.
         | Counting a student who has reasonable expectations of living
         | wage employment, post graduation, distorts that measure.
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > Is it all counted as "unemployed"?
         | Well are they employed by anyone? No. So they're unemployed.
         | It's perfectly valid to be unemployed while studying... but
         | you're still unemployed.
           | criddell wrote:
           | That makes it a less useful statistic for talking about
           | problems around unemployment. I think that's why the BLS has
           | so many different measures of unemployment.
           | If I had enough money in the bank to live the rest of my life
           | comfortably, there's no way I'd be employed.
           | gen3 wrote:
           | "Unemployed: People who are involuntarily out of work
           | considered as a group."
           | I think it's misleading to classify these people as
           | unemployed, since many of them choose to not work. If they
           | wouldn't have had a job anyways, it skews the statistic.
           | https://www.wordnik.com/words/unemployed
         | maxsilver wrote:
         | It should be.
         | For all practical purposes, all university students should
         | always show up as "unemployed" in any statistics, because they
         | are -- and they'll need to earn all of that cash back and then
         | some extra, at some point in their lifetime.
           | ecmascript wrote:
           | So why should we not include children of all ages and retied
           | people as well then? They are also unemployed.
           | The reason you don't include full time students is the same
           | for children and retired people. They are on their way to
           | becoming productive citizens or have done their part for
           | society.
             | claudeganon wrote:
             | Many full time students are employed throughout college. As
             | someone who attended the state colleges my family could
             | afford, most students had part time employment and many
             | were working full time.
             | jlokier wrote:
             | What about retired people who aren't really retired, they
             | are just drawing on their pension sooner than they'd like,
             | as a desperate alternative to employment money to lengthen
             | their rental runway to homelessness? Or they are drawing on
             | a pension while doing food delivery gigs on the side to top
             | it up to pay for essentials?
             | I'd suggest a useful definition of "unemployed" for the
             | purpose of evaluating if there's a problem is: "needs a job
             | but can't get one".
             | That covers retired-but-not-really people, and students who
             | need to work for a living at the same time but are between
             | jobs. But not children, or students with enough to live on
             | from their parents.
           | albntomat0 wrote:
           | Your definition differs from the one used in the article "A
           | person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living
           | wage -- but who can't find one -- is unemployed"
           | I expect there's value in the statistic of everyone who lacks
           | a full time job (unemployment in the sense you mention), but
           | a student who has reasonable prospects of employment in X
           | years, post graduation, is significantly different than
           | someone failing to find an adequate job right now.
           | NikolaeVarius wrote:
           | Go screw yourself. I worked 20/30+ hours a week for rent and
           | to eat.
           | claudeganon wrote:
           | > For all practical purposes, all university students should
           | always show up as "unemployed" in any statistics, because
           | they are
           | That's funny because I worked the entirety of my time as an
           | undergrad, as did many of my peers.
             | maxsilver wrote:
             | Sorry, I worked through my entire undergrad as well.
             | I meant we should never exclude young adults from
             | unemployment metrics. If they aren't employed at a living
             | wage, they aren't employed, being a student should not
             | "bypass" that metric in any way.
           | TonyTrapp wrote:
           | If they are "funded" by their parents - why would they need
           | to earn any of that back? Is that really how it works in the
           | US? It's a matter of course in other countries that parents
           | fund the education of their children.
             | creata wrote:
             | > It's a matter of course in other countries that parents
             | fund the education of their children.
             | In _some_ countries. In others (such as Australia),
             | students take out an interest-free loan from the
             | government, and are expected to pay it back, with or
             | without the help of their parents.
             | TheAdamAndChe wrote:
             | Are most students funded by their parents? I certainly
             | wasn't, and neither was my wife.
               | bluntfang wrote:
               | You can't forget the HN demographic of upper middle class
               | white men who pay for their children's education. I'd say
               | most young adults entering college have a loan in their
               | name.
               | Cursory research [0] says
               | >Today, roughly 70% of American students end up taking
               | out loans to go to college. The average graduate leaves
               | school with around $30,000 in debt and all told, some 45
               | million Americans owe $1.6 trillion in student loans --
               | and counting.
               | [0] https://www.marketplace.org/2019/09/30/70-of-college-
               | student...
               | TonyTrapp wrote:
               | Again that is a very US-centric view. You don't pay
               | 25,000$ a year for attending a university in Europe.
               | bluntfang wrote:
               | Thanks, HN is a US-centric website.
               | TheAdamAndChe wrote:
               | The post is titled "America's True Unemployment Rate," so
               | it does make sense in this case to assume were talking
               | about USA. I certainly was in my comment above.
               | TonyTrapp wrote:
               | Fair point about your comment, I'm just trying to make my
               | point based on the original generalization I replied to:
               | Part of it is simply wrong even for the US (see
               | siblings), and the rest cannot stand as a generalization
               | for the rest of the world, which "any statistics about
               | students" doesn't account for.
         | onion2k wrote:
         | _Over 16 years old, a lot of people are at school /
         | university.._
         | This is especially important to note given that unemployment
         | skews towards younger people.
         | CamelCaseName wrote:
         | Students attending school are classified as "not in the labor
         | force" because they are not available for work.
         | https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm#ui
           | vonmoltke wrote:
           | Eligibility for UI is not related to the BLS classification
           | of "unemployed":
           | https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#unemployed
           | A college student may be considered unemployed if it is
           | actively looking for a job, but does not have one. Similarly,
           | it may be considered employed if it does have a job.
       | simonbarker87 wrote:
       | Every country does things to minimise this number (that doesn't
       | make it right, just a fact that I wish weren't true). I'm pretty
       | convinced the UK's push to make all 18+ education a 3+ year
       | university qualification was to improve employment figures for
       | that age category. Bit of a long con, eg: go to uni to study
       | early years development with 3 contact hours a week and once
       | that's the only way to become a nursery school teacher charge
       | PS9k a year for uni fees for a job that pays maybe PS20k a year.
       | I know so many 25 year olds who's student loan interest rate is
       | higher than the amount that is deducted from their pay check by
       | the student loans co earning in the mid 30k region
         | martin_a wrote:
         | For Germany there are "training measures". You'll be put in
         | some course for three months and by doing that you are no
         | longer "unemployed". That's great for the statistics but that's
         | about it. I've heard those training are not really great.
       | Mvandenbergh wrote:
       | I mean, sure, but why not add additional measures forever, right?
       | I read the "whitepaper" on the LISEP website. They don't even
       | bother comparing their custom measure to U6 which is the broadest
       | rate internationally recognised and collected by the BLS.
       | Literally, no mention. If your thesis is "current measures of
       | unemployment" are not adequate and you want to convince people of
       | that, you should really include what those measures actually are
       | or you will look like a crank.
       | em500 wrote:
       | There's a good perpetual market for people peddling _secret
       | shocking truths that the powers don 't want you to know_, and
       | _everything is secretly much worse than you thought_ , about
       | pretty much everything, AKA conspiracy theories.
       | Economic conspiracy stories tend to be somewhat less outrageous
       | than those about vaccines or Bill Gates, so the same people who
       | point and laugh at people who believe the later could easily
       | believe stuff from shadowstats, conspiracies around the Private
       | Ownership of the Federal Reserve, or the perpetual unemployment-
       | is-actually-super-high.
       | The mundane Truth About Unemployment is that the current measures
       | are relatively easy to measure in standard way without too much
       | subjectivity (they just ask a bunch of people if they're
       | available for work and looking for work, but couldn't find any).
       | The official docs are pretty clear about what they measure, but
       | they're pretty dry and don't make for good clickbait/blog/youtube
       | stories https://www.bls.gov/opub/hom/cps/pdf/cps.pdf. There's no
       | grand conspiracy to suppress the truth at the BLS, it's just a
       | bunch of boring civil servant jobs.
         | C1sc0cat wrote:
         | Governments often fiddle with the definition or use other
         | benefits to hide the true rate - in the UK there was pressure
         | in the (1980's) for NHS GP's to put older unemployed people on
         | disability to reduce the headline unemployment rate.
       | beastman82 wrote:
       | Defund welfare. Perverse incentives yield terrible results, what
       | a surprise
       | dr-detroit wrote:
       | H1B foreigners have no trouble finding work:
       | 1 Cognizant Technology Solutions 28,526 2 Infosys 21,473 3 Tata
       | Consultancy Services 11,868 4 Google 10,577 5 Ernst & Young 8,893
       | 6 Capgemini 8,411 7 Deloitte & Touche 8,258 8 Amazon.Com Services
       | 7,705 9 IBM 7,237 10 Microsoft 6,041 11 Accenture 5,654 12 Hcl
       | America 4,688
       | jjtheblunt wrote:
       | slightly off topic, but does Axios seem to have shifted away from
       | political neutrality increasingly often lately?
       | x87678r wrote:
       | One thing I've noticed in America compared to Europe is that the
       | top salaries pay more which allows more stay at home wives. In
       | Europe a manager/doctor/tech worker doesn't earn as much and its
       | more likely that the wife is also in full time employment. Its
       | anecdotal so I can't be sure, but its what I see in my
       | neighborhood.
         | pwlb wrote:
         | This is also a question of tradition and choices. Speaking for
         | eastern Germany, it was very common for women to work and this
         | is also a choice of living, maybe encouraged by
         | independency/emancipation
           | burntoutfire wrote:
           | Women worked in all countries in the Soviet block, as the
           | communist ideology was generally anti-family, so anything
           | that weakened family ties was seen as positive. Also, of
           | course by having two people per family working for the state
           | (and there were hardly any private jobs, state was the main
           | employer), the state can squeeze more value out of them.
             | watwut wrote:
             | That does not make current female employment unrelated to
             | independency/emancipation, just like wester female
             | employment is related to that too.
             | That just means that contemporary woman is not seen as
             | shirking her mom responsibilities when working. While the
             | children are definitely seen as mothers primary
             | responsibility, working is part of that. It also means that
             | there is less expectation on women to be artificially nice
             | or helpless and dependent compared to American stereotypes.
             | Unlike in America, woman working is not interpreted as
             | woman being anti-family. Unlike in Germany, mom working is
             | not interpreted as mom failing her kids.
             | Also, it is not like the first women stepped into Russian
             | factory only after revolution. The women did worked prior
             | that, obviously. Whether on rural farms in villages or in
             | factories or as cleaners or selling stuff at marker etc.
             | The aristocracy expected women to not work, but generally
             | Russians have been poor and had to do stuff to survive.
             | leipert wrote:
             | Anecdotally from the generation of people that lived in
             | Eastern Germany, especially in rural areas, a sense of
             | community, solidarity and purpose is what went missing
             | after the Berlin wall came down.
             | I have never thought of having more women in the workforce
             | as "anti-family", and will definitely research on that, but
             | personally I am happy to have a more diverse workforce and
             | not stigmatize men if they want to stay at home.
               | burntoutfire wrote:
               | > I have never thought of having more women in the
               | workforce as "anti-family"
               | In lieu of their mothers, children need to be looked
               | after by professional caretakers. This weakens their bond
               | with the mother. And even in the evenings, when mother is
               | back from the job, she's beat and can't give the same
               | level of attention to their children.
               | jahaja wrote:
               | There are two parents! Is it still 1960?
               | luckylion wrote:
               | Both parents are working, so the children are cared for
               | by the state in Ganztagesschulen (Germany, literally
               | Whole-Day-Schools). It's a mix of "we must raise the
               | children because some parents are unwilling/unable to do
               | it themselves" and necessity for average parents who
               | cannot afford for one of them not to work full time.
               | jahaja wrote:
               | Similar in here in Sweden, but my point is to highlight
               | the focus on the mother as the primary and default child
               | carer.
               | germinalphrase wrote:
               | As a teacher, I had the great benefit of staying home
               | with my toddler over the summer, and I can decidedly tell
               | you that my wife was far more chipper and ready to
               | provide positive attention to our son in the evenings
               | than I was.
               | watwut wrote:
               | > I am happy to have a more diverse workforce and not
               | stigmatize men if they want to stay at home.
               | I dont think Eastern Europe is the place more accepting
               | of men staying with children at home.
           | lorenzhs wrote:
           | It's much less common in Western Germany, and the difference
           | largely persists to this day. The Economist recently had a
           | good article on that, non-paywall link:
           | https://outline.com/DZyckV
         | watwut wrote:
         | German moms less likely to return to work then Americans. Moms
         | in Switzerland also have difficulties to return to work,
         | although I cant find statistics now. Where I live, programmers
         | earn almost double average salary, so I am pretty sure that it
         | would be possible for their wifes to stay at home if they
         | wished financially.
         | Childcare price is issue too and sometimes pushes opposite way.
         | Poor families in America sometimes have to stay at home,
         | because childcare is expensive.
         | Staying at home is not just function of how much you earn,
         | probably not even primary. There are also practical aspects of
         | "is it expected of me", "is it possible to manage school,
         | activities and work" and "do I want to stay at home".
         | ghaff wrote:
         | The data doesn't really bear that out although some countries,
         | e.g. in Scandinavia, are relatively higher. There's not a huge
         | difference between Europe and the US in general:
         | https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.CACT.FE.NE.ZS
         | You'd also really have to look at the breakdown by income
         | level. Worldwide, female participation in the workforce is
         | actually higher at higher income levels.
         | buzer wrote:
         | Additionally in some European countries (e.g. Finland, probably
         | other Nordic countries as well) there isn't family taxation so
         | 2 people earning 3000 a month is better than single person
         | earning 6000.
           | x87678r wrote:
           | Good point, I thought USA was the only country in the world
           | that had household income instead of individual.
           | seanalltogether wrote:
           | UK as well, it's actually quite frustrating since child
           | benefit is based on the highest paid partner, not the
           | combined income of both partners.
         | epx wrote:
         | And childcare costs/good free childcare availability/allow you
         | to leave your job at 17:00 sharp are probably other relevant
         | factors, as well.
         | newacct583 wrote:
         | I don't think that holds. Here's a data set of female/male work
         | force ratio for a bunch of nations. The US at 85% isn't notably
         | different from the rest of the industrialized world. It's a
         | little bit lower than the UK but a little bit higher than
         | Germany, etc...
         | https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.CACT.FM.NE.ZS
         | That doesn't falsify your specific claim, which is about a very
         | small fraction of the population (six figure salaries put
         | families into the top 3% or so), but it's reasonable evidence.
         | Broadly: you're taking a cultural point about upper middle
         | class "America" and extending it to the whole society. Most
         | people don't (can't) live like that.
           | watwut wrote:
           | Staying at home is also religion related. Evangelical and
           | conservative groups (of both genders) want to have women at
           | home regardless of how rich they are.
             | newacct583 wrote:
             | It might be, but again the data doesn't really bear it out
             | as a unique thing to the US. The US looks like other
             | industrial nations in aggregate.
         | naveen99 wrote:
         | The Arab world and india lead in numbers of stay at home wives
         | / mothers. but not for long, as a lot more out of the house
         | jobs for women (and husbands and fathers also) are now stay at
         | home even in the rest of the world...
       | [deleted]
       | frankbreetz wrote:
       | >> an important new dataset shared exclusively with "Axios on
       | HBO." This doesn't seem trustworthy. Why not use BLS data?
       | This makes the current economic situation look better then the
       | official Unemployment Rate. When looking at the official rate it
       | goes from 3.6% to 7.9% When looking at the "True White
       | Unemployment Rate" it goes from about 20% to 23.6%, that seems
       | far less severe. Not to mention they don't break the Official
       | Unemployment up by race(this is present in the official
       | Unemployment Situation Report output by the BLS), so you can't do
       | an accurate comparison. All indicators can be gamed, and no
       | single indicator paints the entire picture, but most people can't
       | spend a lot of time comparing different numbers, and this new
       | indicators seem to be correlated, so what is the point? They
       | aren't normalized seasonally, that makes it even more confusing.
       | They haven't strayed too much as far as the graph goes back, so
       | this is not a new issue. The data from this article is suspect,
       | and it gives us no new information.
       | Upvoter33 wrote:
       | I've often thought we need _many_ more metrics to gauge the
       | economy. Wage data, actually employment, a much better sense of
       | who is doing well financially. The main numbers shared in the
       | news just aren 't that useful, and have allowed a lot of
       | discontent to flourish under our noses, with disastrous political
       | results.
       | ecmascript wrote:
       | > If you measure the unemployed as anybody over 16 years old who
       | isn't earning a living wage
       | That seems like it will give you a really bad number because they
       | are for sure unemployed but a lot of people in the age
       | 16-20something will go to school.
       | I didn't earn a living wage until I was 22, but I also earn
       | pretty well nowadays and pay a more taxes than most of my
       | friends.
       | Seems like the author has come to a conclusion before writing the
       | article. A pretty dishonest piece imo. Because if you include
       | students, why not include children and retired people as well?
         | mcv wrote:
         | Exactly. There's a bit difference between the number of people
         | who want to work but can't find a job, and the number of people
         | who are doing something productive that just happens to be
         | unpaid, because it's going to school or something else. These
         | numbers mean different things and have different uses.
           | ecmascript wrote:
           | The thing is, it's obvious that it is a political piece
           | intended to stir up confusion and anger towards the current
           | administration.
           | When you point out the very obvious flaws, it gets you
           | downvoted as well because orange man bad. HN has become a sad
           | place just like everywhere else.
             | smolder wrote:
             | It's a sad place if you assume all the flaws in the article
             | are obvious to everyone, then reduce everyones behavior to
             | "orange man bad", and then complain about how it's a sad
             | place.
               | slingnow wrote:
               | Given that this is generally place of intelligent people,
               | it should be concerning that they didn't pick up on the
               | fact that the article is quite obviously using a massive
               | portion of the population to inflate their argument
               | (16-20 year olds). This is likely the effect of the
               | argument fitting in with everyone's preferred narrative.
       | rexreed wrote:
       | The stats cited in this article are headline-worthy but they
       | don't make much sense.
       | If you think about what employment means in the context of labor
       | and wage earning, until the early 1900s, most in America would
       | now be counted as unemployed, since they were rather "employed"
       | in agriculture and domestic work, neither of which would be
       | counted as a living wage today. In addition, most women, a large
       | part of today's workforce, did not actively participate in the
       | labor pool (looking for full-time employment as the BLS cites for
       | employment), however that drastically changed in the 1960s and
       | onwards.
       | As such, the current definition of employment is rooted in the
       | realities of where employment was in the early 1900s. Today's
       | definition might not jive with what the Axios article is stating,
       | but what the Axios article is stating is not really about
       | Employment, but rather about Income generation.
       | The notion of generating income must be separated from the idea
       | of full-time employment. In the gig economy, side hustle world,
       | most gig workers would not be counted in the employment rolls. As
       | such, do the employment numbers matter and do we need something
       | distinct to measure what Axios is stating here, which has more to
       | do with income earning than full time employment?
         | acruns wrote:
         | Agreed, I am a freelancer making six figures married and my
         | wife hasn't worked since we were dating. So according to their
         | definition my wife is unemployed, not making a "living wage"
         | and so am I. This is a perfect example of why I pay little
         | attention to the news. They or their editor must have known
         | this was bs but decided to publish it anyway for the clicks.
           | sudosysgen wrote:
           | What? No, not at all. According to the definition of the
           | article you aren't included because you aren't looking for a
           | job.
           | rexreed wrote:
           | Exactly. What is currently touted as an Unemployment number
           | should be renamed: "% of those who are seeking full-time
           | employment but not currently full-time employed". Perhaps
           | "Unfulfilled Job Seekers" might be a better term than
           | "Unemployed".
           | The other measure should be "% of working age Households
           | where household income is not at or above average living wage
           | adjusted by region". Then that is a measure of income and
           | poverty and not a measure of "who has a full time job"
           | guerby wrote:
           | When I looked at this a while ago I selected the male 25-54
           | years old population to remove situations like the one of
           | your wife, schooling, and retirement.
           | Graphs are a bit old:
           | http://guerby.org/blog/index.php/2010/01/31/211-larry-
           | summer...
           | nradov wrote:
           | Whose definition are you referring to? The official BLS
           | unemployment statistics only include people who are actively
           | looking for work, so they wouldn't count your wife as
           | unemployed.
             | qw3rty01 wrote:
             | The article's definition
               | acruns wrote:
               | qw3rty01 is correct, the articles definition.
       | cik wrote:
       | Felix Salmon has always been a pleasure to read. If you like his
       | writing, you might enjoy him on the Slate Money podcast.
       | https://slate.com/podcasts/slate-money
       | brighton36 wrote:
       | Goodhearts law
       | Miner49er wrote:
       | From the whitepaper:
       | "Furthermore, LISEP calculates the "True Rate of UnemploymentOut
       | ofPopulation", using the same statistical definition of True Rate
       | of Employment, but instead taking this number from the entire
       | working-age population (aged 16+) rather than the BLS-defined
       | labor force."
       | So am I right that this includes retirees, college students, kids
       | still in high school, stay-at-home parents, etc? Doesn't seem
       | super useful.
       | tc313 wrote:
       | > the true unemployment rate in the U.S. is a stunning 26.1%
       | A look at the chart in the article contradicts the "stunning"
       | element: It seems that this measure has been in the mid-to-high
       | 20%s for at least two decades. So, while this number might inform
       | certain policy decisions, it doesn't appear to be far outside the
       | norm.
         | em500 wrote:
         | Yeah, but an article that just states that about 20% of the
         | employed earn less than 20k/year (which is _all_ that this
         | article amounts to) is not going to get as many clicks, shares
         | and HN comments.
       | AnimalMuppet wrote:
       | > A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living
       | wage -- but who can't find one -- is unemployed. If you accept
       | that definition, the true unemployment rate in the U.S. is a
       | stunning 26.1%
       | But they actually _measured_ "isn't paid a living wage" (by their
       | definition), and just _assumed_ "looking, but can't find one".
       | That assumption is absolutely false - high school kids, college
       | kids, independently wealthy, non-working spouses, and retired
       | people. The article's methodology doesn't implement their
       | definition. The conclusions are therefore worthless by their own
       | standard.
       | didibus wrote:
       | Why we care about employment metrics anyways? Seems we should
       | just be measuring people's revenu adjusted to their current
       | geography.
       | Though I would argue against the adjustment for geography. It
       | holds true when we're talking about day to day expense, like
       | rent, but generally doesn't when we're talking about life
       | expenses like healthcare. At least we need to be careful how we
       | adjust for geography. If we consider someone is able to pay rent
       | and eat, that seems not good enough, it should also adjust for:
       | and they'd be able to afford cancer treatment and sending
       | children to university as a minimum.
       | talkingtab wrote:
       | It is concerning that the top comment on this article is an
       | attempt to divert the argument from the substance and
       | implications of the article to numbers. It is the equivalent of
       | responding to a statement that "the ship is sinking" with a
       | detailed analysis of the technique to measure the depth of water.
       | The truth is not a number, but a fabric of information. There
       | have been frequent articles describing the large number of
       | layoffs due to the pandemic, and a number of articles reporting
       | that a substantial number of Americans cannot afford an
       | unexpected bill of $300.
       | If you are one of the fortunate people who make a living wage as
       | defined in the Axios article you might well consider what it
       | means if in fact half or more of the people around you do not.
         | Aunche wrote:
         | I'd trust the article more if I were confident that it wasn't
         | an attempt to sell another ship that may or may not have more
         | holes than the current one.
         | slingnow wrote:
         | The problem is the article isn't reporting a fabric of
         | information. The article even calls their metric the "True
         | Unemployment Rate". The name of the metric alone should give
         | you pause when the situation is as complex as it is.
         | CyberRabbi wrote:
         | How do you know the "ship is sinking?" What unemployment number
         | is necessary such that the ship is not sinking?
         | This article admits that the true number has been relatively
         | much higher for nearly the entire history that unemployment has
         | been measured by the federal government.
           | ashtonkem wrote:
           | The problem with unemployment numbers is that you only
           | realize that the ship was sinking after the fact. The exact
           | line of percent unemployment (and length of unemployment) at
           | which a society falls apart isn't a known factor.
         | tasuki wrote:
         | As of right now, _your comment_ is the top comment on this
         | article. If you want to reply to someone 's comment, why not
         | just reply to it?
         | AndyMcConachie wrote:
         | The point I've always taken away from the US's faniciful
         | unemployment numbers is that the USG could be doing A LOT more
         | research in this area, but instead chooses not to. The
         | Department of Labor, or some other government agency, could
         | publish many different metrics that explore the issue of
         | unemployment in many different ways. Because like any social
         | phenomenom, there are lots of different ways to slice this pie.
         | Instead the USG deliberately chooses not to, because they don't
         | want the issue of unemployment explored. Congress could mandate
         | that unemployment metrics be gathered in dozens of different
         | ways, with dozens of different definitions for what it means to
         | be unemployed. But they don't. This is the point, and really
         | the only point that matters.
           | alistairSH wrote:
           | That's patently false. The government has an array of
           | measurements, all public.
           | https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm
           | I would argue the number they report to press is the wrong
           | one (U-3 vs U-5 or U-6), but a single figure is used for
           | consistency and ease of consumption.
       | josalhor wrote:
       | I think a lot of contention in the comments would have gone away
       | if, instead of calling it "True Unemployment Rate", Axios had
       | chosen a different term.
       | "Dependent Rate" may have been a good alternative?
       | impalallama wrote:
       | >To be classified as employed for LISEP's true employment
       | concept, an individual must either have a full-time job (35+
       | hours per week) or have a part-time job and no desire for a full-
       | time job (e.g., students). The second stipulation is that an
       | individual must earn at least $20,000 annually. This annual wage
       | is adjusted for inflation, calculated in 2020 dollars. ($20,000
       | is chosen based on the U.S. poverty guidelines put out by the
       | Department of Health and Human Services, which considers a three-
       | person household to be in poverty if it has an income of less
       | than $20,000 per year).
       | I have still more questions but here is more details on their
       | methodology and details for things like self-employment.
       | https://assets.website-files.com/5f67c16a6ca3251ecc11eca7/5f...
       | Looks pretty grim and I can't say I disagree.
       | lstroud wrote:
       | It's ironic how folks waffle back and forth on the value of
       | underemployment as political seasons change.
       | BunsanSpace wrote:
       | Unemployment is just one of several metrics which need to be
       | viewed together to get a proper picture.
       | Labour participation, Unemployment, underemployment, e& need to
       | be considered at the same time.
       | low unemployment, but low labour participation? -> people have
       | stopped bothering to look for a job not good. low unemployment,
       | but high underemployment? -> people are desperate and looking for
       | anything, not good either.
       | mountainb wrote:
       | This is phrased in a very deceptive way. There are lots of issues
       | with the 'Unemployment' metric. It is indeed a deceptive metric.
       | However, it is deliberately misleading to append 'True' to
       | 'Unemployment Rate' with a custom definition intended to make an
       | argument. You are stacking confusion on confusion instead of
       | clarifying. If you want to create a different metric around a
       | 'living wage,' then it should be defined in a way that makes that
       | more clear.
       | There are also serious regional differences in what such a wage
       | might be. $2000/month is enough to live comfortably with a
       | personal car in low cost of living regions. In NYC it means you
       | are probably stacked into a decaying apartment with many other
       | people with no car.
         | throwaway2245 wrote:
         | I think the problem that Unemployment has been a Key
         | Performance Indicator for government that has now been
         | completely gamed by the government to the point of being
         | useless as an indicator.
         | I don't think that trying to come up with an improved metric
         | which highlights the real situation on the ground is
         | 'deceptive'.
         | fizixer wrote:
         | FTLW Unemployment Rate (FTLW: full-time living wage).
         | Done. Wasn't that hard.
         | Now let's not get carried away with dodging the issue, and get
         | back to the topic of real deception, happily perpetuated,
         | treated as gospel, by the powers that be, since time
         | immemorial.
         | maerF0x0 wrote:
         | IMO labor participation rate is a better, existing, metric for
         | understanding what is happening with labor, cross racially.
         | https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-lab...
         | You can see that starting 2013 and continuing on even under
         | trump African American + Latinx labor force participation has
         | made relative gains compared to White+Asian. I believe this is
         | why some claim that Trump has been good for African Americans,
         | though really the trend started under Obama. (And I'll concede
         | who knows what really is the causal factor...)
         | https://www.bls.gov/charts/employment-situation/civilian-lab...
         | IMO Labor Participation Rate is also useful because it helps
         | illustrate what percentage of the population is bearing the
         | labor load of the society.
         | jonas21 wrote:
         | I generally agree with you, but in this particular case, they
         | defined "living wage" very conservatively as $20,000/year [1],
         | which is $1667/month or $9.62/hr assuming a 40-hour week.
         | So, if anything, I'd say it's low-balling the number.
         | [1] https://www.lisep.org/
         | exotree wrote:
         | 2000 a month is really tight, even if you live in some of the
         | cheapest rural towns in America. If you have a family, it's
         | poverty wage.
           | throwaway0a5e wrote:
           | $2000/mo take home in a cheap area is great. $2000 gross is
           | going to be a lesson about taxes.
         | wiether wrote:
         | > $2000/month is enough to live comfortably with a personal car
         | Weird how you assimilate living comfortably and having a car.
         | AQXt wrote:
         | > $2000/month is enough to live comfortably with a personal car
         | in low cost of living regions. In NYC it means you are probably
         | stacked into a decaying apartment with many other people with
         | no car.
         | It's funny how many Americans conflate "living" with the
         | possession of a car...
           | throwaway0a5e wrote:
           | >It's funny how many Americans conflate "living" with the
           | possession of a car...
           | It's funny how out of touch many non-Americans (and to a
           | greater than one would think extent, upper middle class
           | Americans who live in a few select cities) are with the
           | realities of day to day life in most of the US.
           | Except in a few select areas where transit is very good and
           | the cost of owning a car is very high owning your own
           | personal means of transportation goes hand in hand with a
           | major quality of life improvement and it compounds your
           | relative earning potential (by giving you more flexibility to
           | work more lucrative jobs or reduce cost of living).
           | There's a reason it comes third after shelter and employment
           | in the list of things you get as soon as you're out of jail
           | (or a coma).
           | horsawlarway wrote:
           | What's your point?
           | Outside of a very small number of major metro areas, cities
           | in America are not livable without a car.
           | And I say that as someone who really, _really_ despises how
           | required car ownership is, and who has spent a lot of time
           | trying to find alternatives.
           | Even in reasonably large metro areas where there is a decent
           | bus system, and a passable metro (Atlanta, in this case) a
           | nice E-bike is still nowhere near enough to replace my car.
           | I've managed to replace the car for my daily commute with a
           | ~40 minute Marta ride, and an additional 20 minutes on the
           | bike (Would be an additional 40+ if I used the buses), but
           | the metro doesn't come within 20 miles of either of my
           | parents houses, nor does it get me to my brother who lives in
           | Athens, GA. Nor does it get me anywhere close to my
           | grandparents. I wouldn't have been able to visit my now wife
           | while dating without a car.
           | I'm assuming you're not American, but if you haven't visited
           | for a while, I suspect you're just wrong about any sense of
           | scale you might have. Atlanta alone has a metro area of 8400
           | square miles. Houston is 10,000 square miles.
           | My wife's family has this problem. They're from Taiwan. When
           | I first visited they warned me about a long car ride to see
           | some family in the country. Long meant 40 minutes.
           | 40 minutes barely gets you across Atlanta. 2 hours gets you
           | to Athens if traffic is decent. 2 hours 30 minutes the a
           | different direction will get you to my family in north GA
           | (and Atlanta is already well in the north half of GA). I can
           | drive south at 80 mph for 4 freaking hours and still be in
           | GA.
             | KevinAiken wrote:
             | I live in Metro Atlanta (midtown) without a car, and I
             | don't find it too bad. I'm walking distance from work and
             | various amenities. Grocery delivery and Lyft makes it a
             | whole lot easier, and the ~150$ a month saved not owning a
             | car gets you a lot of Lyft, or a rental car if needed.
             | Camping and visiting family is definitely a bit tricky
             | though.
             | spdionis wrote:
             | You have to realize, using miles to convey the "sense of
             | scale" to non-Americans is ironic because... we can't be
             | bothered to understand how much 10000 square "miles"
             | actually is.
               | AlchemistCamp wrote:
               | Not all non-Americans are daunted by the effort of making
               | a single Google search.
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | If it helps, the London metro is ~3200 square miles, and
               | has more than twice the population of Atlanta (14 million
               | vs 6 million).
               | Paris is ~4600 square miles with 13 million pop.
               | Berlin's full metro is actually comparable. It's about
               | 11,000 square miles, but it's also nearly 1/10th of ALL
               | of Germany.
               | ovi256 wrote:
               | For those with high school math ability, it's doable to
               | notice that 10000 sqm is the area of a square with side
               | 100 m, so about a patch of 160 km by 160 km.
               | treeman79 wrote:
               | Swap miles for km. It's about the same for arbitrary
               | vastness.
               | Well under an order of magnitude off.
             | wiether wrote:
             | > Outside of a very small number of major metro areas,
             | cities in America are not livable without a car.
             | I guess NYC is one of the "very small number of major metro
             | areas" and yet OP used it to show how you can't live
             | comfortably without a car if you make $2k/month.
             | I understand how it can be a necessity to have a car, but
             | we are talking about living, so before a car you need a
             | roof, food, water, healthcare and heating. Based on what
             | I've seen those last few months, there are (a lot of)
             | people that owns a car but don't have a roof or can't buy
             | food or can't have healthcare. So to me it's really weird
             | to link "living comfortably" and "having a car".
               | phil21 wrote:
               | I think you're talking past each other.
               | > So to me it's really weird to link "living comfortably"
               | and "having a car".
               | It depends on where you live. In the vast majority of the
               | US, you simply cannot "live comfortably" without a car.
               | You will be locked in your house/apartment unable to
               | really do much other than get Amazon and some chain store
               | food delivery options. There simply isn't infrastructure
               | available for not having a car to be an option. In these
               | areas, a car is worth more than a roof over your head if
               | you still need it to get to work and other engagements.
               | In the few major cities in the US where you don't need a
               | car - expenses are crazy. Chicago is considered cheap for
               | a major US city, and is one of perhaps 3 to 6 cities you
               | could say you don't need a vehicle to live in. Even here,
               | you are spending considerable amount of money to be in a
               | decent neighborhood within comfortable walking distance
               | to reliable mass transit. You trade your $300/mo car
               | payment for at least that much more in rent.
               | Cars are unfortunately a "good deal" in most of the US.
               | They are incredibly cheap compared to many areas of the
               | world, and the vast majority of our population requires
               | them to economically sustain themselves. Very few times
               | does the math work out in the other direction - a $3500
               | beater car is pretty cheap to maintain when it enables
               | you to pay $1500/mo less in rent if you ignore all other
               | quality of life metrics.
           | thegginthesky wrote:
           | I can't assume where you are from but, as a non-American who
           | lived in distinct parts of the US, I can tell you a bit about
           | why a car is essential for living to many Americans.
           | Firstly, the US is different from many parts of the world.
           | Not only it's massive, but swaths of American urbanization
           | are shaped around cars as a basic necessity, especially with
           | the adoption of suburbs. Most of the US outside of big cities
           | are car-first towns both in infrastructure, planning, and
           | services.
           | In turn, having a car for many Americans is more than an
           | efficient way to get around, it is the only way to move
           | safely and reliably.
           | Many parts of the US have no public transportation, no
           | reliable ride-sharing, no safe way to bike (both the roads
           | and the culture are hostile towards cyclists).
           | For more information, I'd suggest reading on the phenomena
           | called "Automotive city"
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_city
             | alkonaut wrote:
             | It's mostly self-fulfilling too: "No one wants to walk to
             | these stores anyway, so when we didn't build sidewalks"...
               | hajile wrote:
               | Europe has a population density twice that of the 48
               | lower US states. In addition, roughly a third of all
               | people in the US live in a mere 500 cities (if you
               | account for metro areas, that number increases). Even if
               | those cities had great public transit, it would leave the
               | remaining areas far less populated in reality. Less than
               | 30 people per square mile is very common outside cities
               | with a lot of midwest states having something like 5-7
               | people per square mile (or less).
               | It may be hard for people in many places to grasp, but
               | even in eastern states there are many, many areas where
               | you could pick a direction and walk many miles without
               | seeing anyone.
               | Below a certain population density (likely in the
               | hundreds to low thousands per square mile), public
               | transportation simply is not feasible.
               | [deleted]
             | bsanr2 wrote:
             | It should be noted that this was not an accident, but the
             | result of a concerted effort by corporate interests with
             | major influence in state and federal gov't via professional
             | connections and their control of the labor market. This not
             | only involved the dismantling of existing, car-agnostic
             | infrastructure - clearly, as most major American cities
             | existed and were designed to provide for the needs of its
             | residents before the existence of the automobile - but also
             | represented yet another chapter in the history of collusion
             | between private and gov't entities in the interest of
             | maintaining America's toxic race and class order.
               | bottled_poe wrote:
               | I would be interested in reading more about this topic if
               | you have any recommended references?
               | PascLeRasc wrote:
               | Check out "The War on Cars", it's a fantastic podcast:
               | https://thewaroncars.org/
               | benplumley wrote:
               | The history and politics of this shift were discussed
               | quite thoroughly in Happy City by Charles Montgomery:
               | https://thehappycity.com/the-book/
               | nullstyle wrote:
               | I'm not the GP, but I think https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
               | /The_Death_and_Life_of_Great_Am... might be a good fit if
               | you're interested in this arena.
               | Anon1096 wrote:
               | >most major American cities existed and were designed to
               | provide for the needs of its residents before the
               | existence of the automobile
               | Most major American cities that existed before the car
               | still have public transportation. NYC is a prime example
               | of somewhere you can live without a car. Most other
               | cities still have functioning bus systems, though not
               | great.
               | It's the suburbs where you really need a car, and the
               | development of suburbs was spurred in large part by the
               | car. So you have your historical order wrong.
               | rhino369 wrote:
               | Maybe that explains cities that were dense and got less
               | dense.
               | But mostly it's the suburbs and small towns where cars
               | are totally necessary. Those areas were settled less
               | densely because everyone already had a car. They never
               | had subways and bus routes.
               | Are there any first world cities that substantially grew
               | in area since 1920 that aren't primary automotive cities?
           | confidantlake wrote:
           | I am an American that does not own a car since I live in a
           | city and can live without one. However, for the vast majority
           | of Americans a car is a necessity. There are places with no
           | public transportation and no sidewalks. The only way to get
           | around is to drive.
           | sebmellen wrote:
           | In many regions of the US, it's a simple necessity to have a
           | car, just as it might be in more rural parts of Europe. I
           | know people who work as farmers in the north of the
           | Netherlands, and a car is as essential a commodity for them
           | as it might be for a rural Midwesterner.
             | CydeWeys wrote:
             | It's certainly not a necessity in NYC though, which was the
             | example given. In most big cities in the US you're better
             | off not having a car if you're poor, since cars are a big
             | ongoing expense. Hell, I'm very far from poor and I'm best
             | off not having a car in NYC.
               | Grazester wrote:
               | I think not having a car in NYC is more of a convenience
               | issue than a cost issue(due to parking etc) to a larger
               | degree. The assumption here is that you are not just
               | barely getting by.
               | CydeWeys wrote:
               | It's both. Insurance and parking are very expensive. If
               | you don't want to pay for parking then you need to budget
               | several hours of your time each week just moving your car
               | around to different parking spots.
               | Grazester wrote:
               | ..and thank you for reminding me I have to move my car
               | this evening! Insurance is costly compared to other
               | states. I pay about $1200/year for full everything
               | though(windshield damaged and highway touring). A friend
               | of mine was just quoted $3000/year for insurance on an
               | Audi. For that I would ride a bicycle everywhere.
             | dalbasal wrote:
             | " _just as it might be in more rural parts of Europe._ "
             | Even europeans often have this urban blindspot. In some
             | places (eg netherlands), you may be able to live
             | conveniently without a car. For a lot of places (eg >50% of
             | ireland), not having a car is a major lifestyle inhibitor.
             | Transport (or lack thereof) dictates a lot of your life...
             | from work opportunities to whether or not you can access a
             | supermarket.
               | bkor wrote:
               | > In some places (eg netherlands)
               | That's because Netherlands changed the country to not
               | rely on cars. It used to rely on cars, just like most
               | countries. It's still far from perfect; there's still
               | loads of places where there are not enough options.
               | Car-only places is considered restrictive. Similarly,
               | kids should be able to do things on their own. Seems
               | nowadays kids rely on their parents to move them around.
               | That's pretty crazy IMO.
               | Any other country could do the same. Also people in
               | Netherlands complained that "government is going after
               | cars", etc.
               | treeman79 wrote:
               | Some people tried to grab my young adult daughter.
               | Safe bet, if they had succeeded she would never have been
               | seen again.
               | Human trafficking is alive and well in the United States.
               | Younger ones always go in pairs, and always with adult
               | seeing them.
               | Crude we were out for a walk the Other day and one kid
               | was several hundred feed in front of us. Car slowed down
               | and was pulling up next to her. Car pulled away quickly
               | when sibling came out of bushes.
               | May have been nothing, but still a good scare.
               | SpicyLemonZest wrote:
               | The population density in the Netherlands is one of the
               | highest in the world, higher than any American state and
               | 14 times higher than the US as a whole. So public
               | transportation infrastructure that makes sense in the
               | Netherlands isn't necessarily going to be practical
               | elsewhere.
               | apexalpha wrote:
               | While you are correct the Netherlands has a higher pop
               | density it really doesn't matter, for a country as a
               | whole.
               | See, Russia has a population density of 8.4/km2 (vs 33km2
               | in US).
               | But that doesn't stop Russian cities from building public
               | transport. Just like how empty acreage and dessert
               | wouldn't stop US cities from building decent public
               | transport.
               | What matters is not the average density of the country,
               | but the layouts of the cities.
               | A good example is NYC. According to your statement it
               | shouldn't have public transport because the average of
               | the country is too sparsely populated, but that doesn't
               | really matter. Just like how the empty tundra in Russia
               | doesn't prevent Moscow or St Peterburg from building
               | public transport.
               | Mvandenbergh wrote:
               | Indeed. You really have to look at settlement patterns
               | and not just a single scalar density. What makes public
               | transport difficult in the US is that suburbs are dense
               | enough that a lot of people live there but not dense
               | enough to put in efficient public transport. If you drew
               | a histogram of the Russian population sorted by density,
               | you would find that a very large % of the population
               | lived in dense local areas and a relatively small
               | population is spread over the vast rural parts of the
               | country. Not even just tundra, even Russia West of the
               | Urals is very sparsely populated for the most part.
               | dalbasal wrote:
               | Also, you just have to take reality as it exists to an
               | extent. England's population density is high too, but
               | public transport is what it is. They can make it better,
               | if they can. We can't just look at population density,
               | conclude that it could be like the netherlands and
               | proceed as if it is. It isn't.
               | Regardless, reducing rural car ownership in most places
               | means reducing quality of life. It also reduces economic
               | well being. People have fewer employment options, can't
               | access supermarkets and such...
               | The whole approach of "make driving expensive" as the
               | main policy vehicle is heartless... The actual way it
               | works is that only wealthier people can drive, and that
               | driving is actually important to people's lives.
               | It's a totally different proposition in London and in the
               | country. If England (scotland & Wales are more sparse)
               | becomes the netherlands great... but losing your car
               | without gaining regular bus routes is a genuine loss.
               | People need to get around.
               | retrac wrote:
               | And Canada has one of the lowest population densities, a
               | tenth of the USA, and yet has considerably better public
               | transit (though worse than most of Europe).
               | One major difference I noticed from the USA is that it's
               | usually, at least _in principle_ possible to get from any
               | point A to any point B in a Canadian city over about
               | 20,000 people, by public transit, because even small
               | towns often have public transit systems in Canada. (It
               | might take a couple hours, though.) In many US cities, it
               | 's simply not possible because there is no public transit
               | system.
               | After all, in every developed country, most people live
               | in cities. Government policy and funding seems to be most
               | of the difference.
               | volkl48 wrote:
               | I'm not sure "technically runs a bus, which may or may
               | not be practical to use" is the most useful metric here.
               | While I certainly agree there are substantial bright
               | spots in parts of Canada for transit investment, there's
               | also big and worsening issues.
               | Rural inter-city transit has been getting drastically
               | worse out in much of country.
               | VIA Rail has mostly been in a long-term downward spiral
               | of cuts/"service suspensions" outside the main
               | Ontario/Quebec corridor.
               | Inter-city buses aren't much better. Recent years have
               | had Greyhound giving up and quitting Western Canada, and
               | Saskatchewan shutting down their inter-city bus company.
               | The result being limited patchwork of services not coming
               | anywhere close to the kind of service that used to be
               | provided.
               | https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/29/canada-
               | greyhou...
               | https://edmontonjournal.com/opinion/columnists/opinion-
               | one-y...
               | refurb wrote:
               | Having lived in both countries, I'm not sure there is
               | that much of a difference. Pretty much all the large US
               | cities have public transport. The only Canadian cities
               | I've seen with something close to say NYC are Toronto and
               | Montreal. Getting around mom Skytrain in Vancouver is
               | doable, but painful from a lot of areas.
               | And of course Canada has one of the lowest population
               | densities when you average the population across the
               | swaths of uninhabited arctic. But 90% of Canadians live
               | within 100 miles of the US border in a handful of cities.
               | dalbasal wrote:
               | Sure. It's not like roads or tracks are a natural
               | feature.
               | The problem arise when we "go after cars" without an
               | alternative anywhere in sight. I'm pretty dubious of my
               | government's (ireland) likelihood of achieving
               | netherlands-like transport. I'm all for trying. But, the
               | place to start is not by reducing rural car ownership.
               | The reality is that electric cars will probably arrive
               | before rural public transport... at least here.
               | In practice, there a lot of implicit and explicit anti-
               | driving laws. Many/most of these take the form of
               | economic "incentives." Most affect rural people more.
               | Rural locals don't have much public transport. A lot of
               | these policies are classist too. Changing vehicle
               | standards affect old cars more, making driving
               | unaffordable to poorer people. Same for petrol taxes.
               | Implicit "policies" like allowing a broken insurance
               | system also results in a lot of class discrimination.
               | In practice, in ireland, saying "you shouldn't own a car"
               | is like saying you should move to dublin or "you
               | shouldn't go anywhere." In cities it means "take the bus
               | or cycle," but not everyone lives in a city.
               | Meanwhile, I didn't think it's fair that to have policies
               | which essentially mean "poor people shouldn't drive,"
               | which many policies with a rural blindspot are.
               | I would be totally fine with severe anti-car policies in
               | the city or anywhere alternatives exist.
               | rocqua wrote:
               | I'm dutch, I live in the center of a big city that is
               | extremely bike friendly. At the same time, people are
               | surprised I don't own a car, and I've been considering
               | getting one.
               | We don't need a car here for most things. But it is still
               | extremely convenient to have one.
               | Move out of the bigger cities, and things change even
               | more. Bikes are popular, and often used. But very rarely
               | are bikes and public transport able to replace a car. I'd
               | guess like 10% of people go without a car because they
               | don't need it. At the same time, I think almost everyone
               | here will own a bike for just general purpose.
               | dalbasal wrote:
               | Yeah I know. Most of the people who comment about biking
               | and transit in the netherlands seem to miss the fact that
               | the dutch story is pretty moderate.
               | 20 year olds in cities don't have cars. 40 year olds with
               | kids generally do, and a lot depends on where exactly you
               | live. The Netherlands does a nice job of providing
               | multiple options. The train and bus links ing rural areas
               | are especially impressive, compared to what we (ireland)
               | have. But... it doesn't replace cars. Cars still exist.
               | People use them, just less. It's moderate.
               | Mvandenbergh wrote:
               | Seriously, yes. There is a certain kind of "Professional
               | Online European" who loves to come into discussions and
               | talk about how things are different "in Europe" based on
               | their existence within the Grachtengordel of Amsterdam or
               | their lives in one of the nice bits of Paris. If you want
               | to know the domestic political result of that kind of
               | attitude, and one that is quite related to the issues of
               | who needs a car or not - the Giles Jaunes are the perfect
               | example.
               | Even in those European countries that generally have good
               | public transportation, it is simply not the case that
               | nobody needs a car. Many Dutch people I know who commute
               | to work on their bikes also have cars. Anywhere outside
               | the Randstad in NL, not having a car can be majorly
               | inconvenient. In large parts of Groningen, Drenthe or
               | Friesland it will be a substantial barrier to employment.
               | Try living in Workum without a car. I hope you like Jopie
               | Huisman because you're about to become reaaal familiar
               | with his drawings as a sole form of entertainment.
               | In France, a political elite (btw all of whom do have
               | cars) imposed a fuel tax increase on a population of
               | outer-suburban and rural lower-middle-class workers who
               | _have_ to drive to work. Great result that had.
               | I think this is important for Americans to understand
               | because if they have pinned their understanding of the
               | art of the possible in terms of what has been done in
               | Europe they should understand that putting in a better
               | bus system is not a panacea and that some places are
               | structurally just not going to be reachable with public
               | transport.
               | dalbasal wrote:
               | Aye. On point.
               | A lot of this is just bad policies, and bad economics.
               | Concepts like carbon taxation were intended to govern
               | inter-country problems and large corporations. Applied to
               | consumers, they often amount to simple regional and
               | income discrimination. Country people drive more because
               | they need to, and "pay up or consume less," applied is
               | both heartless and not very efficient anyway. People
               | drive because they need to, and prices must be exorbitant
               | before these policies can eventually drive out the less
               | fortunate.
               | I don't think most europeans are that fussy about "how"
               | compared to americans. Car size issues, hybrids or
               | electrics are all fine.
               | Btw, we should be having more pan-european political
               | discourse. These policies are just bad, _and_ unpopular.
               | The fact that they 've been "the gold standard" for so
               | long is 50% lack of a decent feedback loop.
               | fogihujy wrote:
               | This applies to most of the Nordics as well; once you get
               | outside city limits getting around becomes quite
               | difficult unless you have a car. Once you get further
               | out, it's simply not possible. Many areas simply lack
               | access to public transport, and while a 20 km bike ride
               | can be nice during summer, it's not really an option
               | during winter.
               | On the other hand, one could live in Copenhagen or
               | Stockholm for an entire lifetime without actually
               | _needing_ a car.
               | I can imagine the same applies for much of Eastern Europe
               | as well.
             | gambiting wrote:
             | Exactly - in Poland there are some regions which are _very_
             | poor by any definition, and yet every home will have 2-3
             | cars simply because it 's impossible to get anywhere
             | without one. Yeah there is some public transport, but it's
             | often very infrequent or not going where people need to be.
             | enragedcacti wrote:
             | I think it is important to note that this isn't just a
             | problem related geography or sprawl. I live in Fairfax
             | County just outside of DC. It's pretty populous (1.15
             | million) but getting anywhere is still a challenge if you
             | don't live within walking distance of an Orange Line metro
             | stop. This assumes that the metro hasn't caught on fire
             | recently or that the line hasn't been shut down for
             | multiple months for repairs. Bus timetables are so spread
             | out that a 20 minute drive is a 2-3 hour bus ride in a lot
             | of cases.
             | Sprawl certainly plays a part but lack of investment in
             | public transport is big reason why cars are so essential.
           | [deleted]
           | culopatin wrote:
           | I think it's because of the way the country was built.
           | Getting from A to B without a car is drastically worse, and
           | it adds up to a proportionally bad quality of living unless
           | you happen to live in a walkable older city (NYC, Boston for
           | example). In some places like Florida your nearest store
           | could be 4 miles away. The bus here is so underutilized and
           | so inconvenient that I don't think I've ever considered. A
           | 30m drive is a 2h bus ride.
             | [deleted]
           | selykg wrote:
           | In a lot of rural areas, like where I am, there is no such
           | thing as public transportation. If you don't have a car you
           | can maybe make due during the spring and fall months where
           | the temperatures are reasonable. But it's going to be hell
           | during winter (gets cold enough and there's enough snow a
           | bike won't work for you) and during summer it gets too hot.
           | I'm a 5 minute drive to the nearest grocery store. For a
           | walk, that's about 3-ish miles. On a bike, not so bad, but
           | also keep in mind there's no bike lane or anything so you're
           | sharing the road with cars. There's some added risk to that.
           | A car isn't a requirement, but it makes a massive difference
           | in your ability to live.
           | bboylen wrote:
           | In many areas of the country it is very, very challenging to
           | get anywhere without one. I don't think access to grocery
           | store / work is necessarily trivial to life.
           | jjk166 wrote:
           | You can get a low end new car with a payment of only around
           | $200/mo and buying used is significantly cheaper still. You
           | don't necessarily need to possess a car, but if you don't
           | have the financial means to possess a car then you really
           | can't afford anything beyond the absolute most basic
           | necessities. In a developed nation, that's barely surviving,
           | not living.
             | randallsquared wrote:
             | This is yet another surprising thing to a lot of people:
             | cars can be very, very cheap in the US: insurance and gas
             | can cost more than a reliable used car. I just sold a
             | perfectly fine car for less than $2000, having bought it
             | new 10 years ago. Someone else will probably buy that car,
             | after a few cosmetic things are fixed, for $3000 or so.
             | It's spent most of its life south of Pennsylvania, so it
             | doesn't have road salt damage, and will probably last
             | another 10 years or more with regular oil changes, etc.
           | bryanrasmussen wrote:
           | a personal car is a big expense. If you can live comfortably
           | in a region with a personal car then it is a significantly
           | different metric than you can live comfortably without a
           | personal car.
           | Also the way the U.S is structured living comfortably without
           | a personal car means you must be living somewhere where you
           | can work without that personal car, which is a rare job to
           | have, meaning that you can be locked into your employer. Or
           | is that the funny part you're referring to?
           | on edit: I see lots of people made my second point as well.
           | cpursley wrote:
           | Well, in most places in the US you literally can't go without
           | a vehicle if you want employment and food. Even if you're
           | physically proximate to food and other activities of daily
           | living, there are often no sidewalks or paths to safely walk
           | or bike there. There's also a social stigma of walking (the
           | person must be poor or lost their license for drunk driving).
             | bkor wrote:
             | > Well, in most places in the US you literally can't go
             | without a vehicle if you want employment and food.
             | That's due to zoning laws being the way that they are. If
             | you'd change the way you'd build up and zone things it
             | would be possible.
             | The YouTube channel "Not Just Bikes" goes into this in
             | various videos. I couldn't find the exact video that
             | explained the zoning laws, did find another:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul_xzyCDT98 (kids in
             | Netherlands go to school on their own).
             | Despite Netherlands being considered great for cyclists
             | there's loads to improve. The channel goes into that detail
             | as well, e.g. that major roads are being closed. See e.g.
             | this video of a big road being closed in Utrecht:
             | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fePpwYCs_JM (different
             | channel)
           | Frost1x wrote:
           | It's an absolute necessity, it's not a luxury contrary to the
           | way it may be painted or viewed externally. Unless you want
           | to diverge from efficiency expectations in modern society
           | needed to work a job and instead move out to an Amish farm of
           | sorts, you're going to need a car.
           | I'd love to have a viable efficient public transit system,
           | infrastructure, or culture built around it but it simply
           | doesn't exist for well over the vast majority of Americans.
           | All other transit options simply aren't viable alternatives.
         | dmode wrote:
         | I believe the other rate has been traditionally called
         | "underemployment"
         | JoeAltmaier wrote:
         | Throws the ordinary unemployment rate into the category of
         | 'false', which I agree with. To class 'any job' as employment
         | is unhelpful and greatly misleading.
         | I'd prefer a measure of total working class income perhaps,
         | maybe a ratio with cost of living. Then we'd know what all
         | these jobs add up to exactly. Counting heads is hardly a 'true'
         | rate of employment.
         | anm89 wrote:
         | Completely disagree. Yes there is some level of subjectivity
         | here but the definition this article is using is muchcloser to
         | the definition to what an uninformed person would assume
         | whereas the traditional definition is intentionally deceptive.
         | So no, it is not "the one true unemployment rate" but it is a
         | lot truer as perceived by the average person than the standard
         | definition.
           | syndacks wrote:
           | Yes, I completely agree with you. The top comment, like many
           | top comments on HN, fails to understand the bigger
           | picture/message, and instead nitpicks one thing thus making
           | everything "false". It's a really, really said phenomena
           | amongst this hyper logical crowd.
         | chaostheory wrote:
         | Reminds me of the official interest rate. I don't think it even
         | goes by original CPI calculations anymore.
         | nemacol wrote:
         | >$2000/month is enough to live comfortably with a personal car
         | in low cost of living regions.
         | If that 2k/mo comes with reasonable health insurance and some
         | retirement plan.
           | ahoy wrote:
           | You realize that's $24k/yr right
           | oblio wrote:
           | Hey, live like there's no tomorrow, isn't that part of the
           | American Dream? :D
           | bluGill wrote:
           | Retirement comes with medicare in the US, so there is
           | somewhat reasonable health insurance.
           | > The maximum possible Social Security benefit in 2020
           | depends on the age you begin to collect payments and is:
           | $2,265 at age 62. $3,011 at full retirement age (65-68).
           | $3,790 at age 70.
           | While many do retire on less, they also contributed less over
           | the years and so are used to living on less. However we can
           | safely say that if you only get $2000/month you retired too
           | early and this should have been an intentional choice -
           | retire early to a lower standard of living.
         | tootie wrote:
         | People really get hung up on the name and I can't blame them.
         | Calling it the "Employment Index" would be a better fit. It's
         | only ever meant as an indicator and not to be a pat answer to
         | very complex question.
         | dalbasal wrote:
         | I agree that there is no "true" measure, just different
         | measures.
         | That said, the standard unemployment measure the author is
         | objecting to is just as (more really) disingenuous in practice.
         | It also stacks confusion. "Unemployment" used as a primary
         | barometer for the labour economy.
         | People (including journalists, politicians... high stakes
         | stuff) assume that unemployment captures most unemployment.
         | They don't consider that most unemployed 58 year olds are not
         | counted because they "retired," stopped seeking work or receive
         | a disability benefit. When/if these become substantial, the
         | measure means very little.
         | Every time a journalist note record high/low unemployment of
         | X%, it's probably just as deceptive or (more likely)
         | misleading. The measure itself means something different in
         | 2020 than it did in 1980, or in a different country/region.
         | At least the "true" appendage makes clear that there are
         | differing and divergent ways to measure unemployment, and that
         | these cn result in huge differences.
           | smsm42 wrote:
           | There's labor force participation and it is measured. It's
           | just much more complex and can not really be understood as a
           | single number - people can be out of workforce because they
           | are retired, because they are sick, because they are wealthy,
           | because they can't find work, because they are in prison,
           | because they rely on somebody else to supply their income,
           | etc. etc. Probably too complex for an average newspaper
           | headline.
           | pessimizer wrote:
           | > People (including journalists, politicians... high stakes
           | stuff) assume that unemployment captures most unemployment.
           | No, this is intentional deception. The party out of power
           | talks about "real" inflation rates and "real" unemployment
           | rates, and the party in power touts the official numbers.
           | The best number to go by for unemployment has always been the
           | prime age _employment_ (not _un_ employment) rate, and all
           | honest discussions of the current state of employment start
           | with it.
           | https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNS12300060
             | airza wrote:
             | This rate seems like it would hide the extremely real
             | phenomenon of people being forced to work after 55.
               | zdragnar wrote:
               | > people being forced to work after 55.
               | Did you mean 65? Only teachers and a few other public
               | union members regularly retire at 55 in the US, and even
               | for them many choose to continue working to earn a fatter
               | pension.
               | Except, of course, for the rare people disciplined enough
               | to be frugal and invested a lot of every pay check, and
               | became self made multi millionaires.
             | makomk wrote:
             | Yeah. I remember back in 2016, all the self-proclaimed fact
             | checkers insisted that the official headline unemployment
             | rate was the real unemployment rate, and that any claims
             | about employment that didn't match up with it were lies by
             | Trump. Now that he's the incumbent...
             | tzs wrote:
             | What's the source of the general increase from 1960 to
             | 2000? The trend away from couples having one member stay at
             | home running the house toward having both members with
             | outside employment?
               | bzbarsky wrote:
               | Yes, exactly.
             | warvair wrote:
             | Thanks for posting this site. I was a bit confused by the
             | recent dip in this chart:
             | https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TOTLL2564
             | Until I realized it's likely due to COVID-19 deaths.
               | refurb wrote:
               | It's a drop of 5M. 5M people haven't died from Covid in
               | the US. Plus it just went up by 2M.
               | But I am curious about that drop.
               | warvair wrote:
               | You're right, I was skim-reading it as a few thousands
               | (and jumping to conclusions). Not sure what's going on
               | with that dip.
               | Edit: It would be interesting to compare this to an up-
               | to-date graph of US deaths (all kinds), if one exists.
               | nradov wrote:
               | No most of the COVID-19 deaths were in the older cohort.
               | That wouldn't significantly impact the civilian labor
               | force.
               | willwhitney wrote:
               | That dip is more than 4M people, so I think it's still
               | unexplained. Perhaps due to a shift in response rates or
               | another artifact of COVID churn in the survey
               | methodology?
               | awhitby wrote:
               | This is the labor force, as it says: "the sum of employed
               | and unemployed persons."
               | So it only includes people who are working or looking for
               | work. This kind of distinction is the key to the OP.
               | So thankfully the dip is mostly not deaths, but for
               | example
               | - a second earner in a household who lost a job in April
               | but hasn't looked for new work since, due to child care
               | commitments
               | - a cook who was furloughed but knows there are no new
               | kitchen jobs going right now, but isn't yet willing to do
               | something else, so isn't looking
               | - a person who lost a job one year out from retirement
               | and is just retiring early
               | https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#nilf
           | sk5t wrote:
           | > People (including journalists, politicians... high stakes
           | stuff) assume that unemployment captures most unemployment.
           | They don't consider that most unemployed 58 year olds are not
           | counted
           | Would not "high stakes" non-dilettante observers know about,
           | and review trends in, the labor participation rate and other
           | metrics?
           | duxup wrote:
           | I feel like it is on the reader to understand that to some
           | extent everything about measuring is about HOW you measure.
           | This article is one of MANY that recognize this, and it's by
           | a journalist, and I've seen politicians note it as well....
             | zdragnar wrote:
             | Sean Hannity talked about it non-stop during Obama's second
             | term, then mysteriously dropped it when Trump took office.
             | Basically, there are no surprises here. Everyone uses the
             | numbers that favor them and hurt their opponents.
             | _Everyone_.
               | duxup wrote:
               | I think there is a varying level of folks intent and
               | awareness of their biases to the extent that 'everyone'
               | isn't accurate.
           | hn_throwaway_99 wrote:
           | While this may be true, the article's premise that the BLS
           | was somehow cooked up to hide the "true" unemployment rate
           | rings hollow, mainly because the BLS _also_ tracks and
           | reports tons of other labor-related statistics, including for
           | example  "discouraged" workers, those working part-time but
           | want to work full-time, overall labor force participation
           | rate, etc.
           | These days I even see mainstream media outlets report lots of
           | different numbers beyond the "baseline" unemployment rate, so
           | I just feel like this whole article is written from the
           | "you're not considering my preferred statistic as the 'true'
           | one so you're wrong" angle.
             | II2II wrote:
             | Question: which figures are reported more prominently by
             | the BLS?
             | I am asking because my country's equivalent tends to report
             | unemployment figures, based upon a similar definition to
             | the US, more prominently. This is especially true if a
             | casual seeker is unfamiliar with the terminology used while
             | reporting these figures.
             | Incidentally, it is also worth noting that one does not
             | have to believe that the numbers are cooked up to believe
             | that they are misleading. Having a consistent definition is
             | important when comparing figures, unfortunately having a
             | consistent definition also means that the reported numbers
             | may not reflect societal expectations over time (e.g.
             | regarding retirement or multiple income households).
               | m000 wrote:
               | The BLS statistics are pretty much like the food labels:
               | They'll slap a huge "0% fat" sticker on the front of the
               | package to appease the public conscience. But you need to
               | carefully read the fine-print on the back to find out
               | what's that you're consuming.
               | gruez wrote:
               | >They'll slap a huge "0% fat" sticker on the front of the
               | package to appease the public conscience. But you need to
               | carefully read the fine-print on the back to find out
               | what's that you're consuming.
               | ...as opposed to what? being "honest" by slapping a
               | "contains scary sounding chemicals" sticker on the front
               | of the package? how can a manufacturer possibly know what
               | people would hate, considering that people can hate
               | literally any ingredient?
               | m000 wrote:
               | > being "honest" by slapping a "contains scary sounding
               | chemicals" sticker
               | You don't even have to go to "scary chemicals" and
               | conspiracy theories. Have you ever checked how many "0%
               | fat" foods are heavy on refined carbs, and vice-versa?
               | > how can a manufacturer possibly know what people would
               | hate, considering that people can hate literally any
               | ingredient?
               | Have you ever heard about market research? The promoted
               | cherry-picked facts are not there because people are
               | unpredictable and the manufacturers are clueless, but
               | because people are predictable and the manufacturers have
               | researched their behaviour.
               | drabiega wrote:
               | BLS calls U-3 the "official unemployment rate" I guess,
               | but they publish it in a table with 5 other measures that
               | count different things. I'm not entirely sure it's fair
               | to blame them for the fact that most people just focus on
               | that one measurement.
           | Mvandenbergh wrote:
           | >People (including journalists, politicians... high stakes
           | stuff) assume that unemployment captures most unemployment.
           | Is that the case? A journalist covering an economic story
           | will know and be familiar with U3 and U6. Maybe a local
           | politician like a city council person, mayor, or potentially
           | a freshman state rep in some American state _might_ not know,
           | since some of them are really just used car salesmen or local
           | lawyers who 've convinced their local party to put them in as
           | their candidate but even then I suspect that they learn the
           | conceptual if not the technical difference very quickly. I am
           | not familiar with the political systems of all countries of
           | course but I think you would struggle to find, say, a Dutch
           | of British MP who would not know this.
           | itsoktocry wrote:
           | > _They don 't consider that most unemployed 58 year olds are
           | not counted because they "retired," stopped seeking work or
           | receive a disability benefit._
           | Why _should_ any of these people be considered  "unemployed"?
           | Every time there's a discussion of unemployment, or
           | inflation, people bring up the measurements as "misleading".
           | The BLS tracks this stuff because people in the real world
           | need to use it, not because there's some disingenuous
           | political purpose. There are a ton of different metrics to
           | get a broad picture of the labour market, as defined, and
           | they put them out there, free to use. The idea that the army
           | of economists at the BLS don't understand things like people
           | being retired is just wrong.
           | We spend a lot of time criticizing journalists and
           | politicians, but how many people bother to look at the data
           | themselves if interested?
             | marcus_holmes wrote:
             | I thought I'd bother after reading your comment.
             | https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
             | and the numbers:
             | https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t01.htm
             | It's actually kinda straightforward, and very clear about
             | what measures they're using. The numbers are bit scary -
             | "The employment-population ratio, at 56.6 percent, changed
             | little over the month but is 4.5 percentage points lower
             | than in February."
             | "The number of persons not in the labor force who currently
             | want a job, at 7.2 million, changed little in September;
             | this measure is 2.3 million higher than in February. These
             | individuals were not counted as unemployed because they
             | were not actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks
             | or were unavailable to take a job."
             | So that's 12m officially unemployed, plus 7m "not in the
             | labor force" but who want a job.
             | So yeah, the article is kinda on point; that the numbers
             | don't mean what they think we mean. But I have to agree:
             | that's not because the numbers aren't available for anyone
             | to look at and understand.
               | dalbasal wrote:
               | Exactly right.
               | The reality is that "unemployment" is a highly visible
               | metric. Sure, the data itself is available... A big part
               | of the reason why it's important to have this data
               | available is exactly for this purpose: call bullshit on
               | the unemployment numbers when necessary...
               | ...especially considering that "want a job" is measured
               | in very specific ways.
               | lostlogin wrote:
               | > reality is that "unemployment" is a highly visible
               | metric.
               | Is it though? The photos of queues for jobs and
               | unemployment benefits is something of the distant past.
               | Find out that a different measure makes the rate 3x
               | higher came as news to me.
               | hajile wrote:
               | 74.1 million children
               | 54.0 million over 65
               | 48.9 million on disability
               | 328.2 million total population
               | 185.8 million people employed at 56.6% employment
               | 128.1 million people not employed (including children)
               | 54 million people not employed, but marginally employable
               | (max income is $1,260 per month if on disability and
               | $18,240/yr when retired)
               | In any case, under-employment is still a bigger issue
               | than unemployment.
             | em500 wrote:
             | Yup, the occasional hedonistic adjustments and product
             | substitutions that they do for CPI is already prime fodder
             | for perpetual inflation conspiracy stories. It will be a
             | disaster when they do even more subjective "degrees-of-
             | unemployment weights".
             | crpatino wrote:
             | > Why should any of these people be considered
             | "unemployed"?
             | In general, because governments around the World use
             | doctored Unemployment Rates to claim their economic
             | policies are more effective than those really are. It is
             | practically the same as Principal Skinner taking Bart
             | Simpson and all the other School's idiots to a field trip
             | the very day the Standardized Test is due.
             | How do we know the measure is doctored, you say? Because
             | they _changed_ it, and they have been comparing old figures
             | to new figures. Sure, they put a tiny note in illegible
             | print at the bottom of their charts. You know what an
             | engineer does? We give the damned new thing a new damned
             | name. Then in the damned chart you clearly see one line
             | stops one year and then another line of a different color
             | starts that very year. If anyone gets fooled by that, it 's
             | because they are willfully ignorant.
             | > We spend a lot of time criticizing journalists and
             | politicians, but how many people bother to look at the data
             | themselves if interested?
             | Journalists are paid to report, and if they cannot report
             | accurate figures, why should we pay them?
             | Politicians compete to get into, what in theory is called,
             | Public Service. Servers are expected to provide accurate
             | reports regarding the service they are providing. If their
             | reports are self serving, why should we trust them with
             | anything more important than window dressing?
             | clairity wrote:
             | > "Why _should_ any of these people be considered
             | 'unemployed'?"
             | if you want to know how well we're allocating our (labor)
             | resources as an economy, it's important to get a full
             | picture of how many capable people are un-/under-employed.
             | when we make national economic policy, it should be to make
             | meaningful progress toward putting all of our capable and
             | willing people (true unemployment) to highest and best use,
             | not arbitrarily just those who have recently become
             | un-/under-employed (nominal unemployment).
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> if you want to know how well we 're allocating our
               | (labor) resources as an economy_
               | There is no single "we" who allocates those resources.
               | That is a fundamental fallacy in this whole way of
               | looking at things. We seem to have this belief that, if
               | only our government experts could find the right
               | aggregate measure and micromanage the economy based on
               | it, everything would work just fine. That belief is
               | false.
               |  _> when we make national economic policy, it should be
               | to make meaningful progress toward putting all of our
               | capable and willing people (true unemployment) to highest
               | and best use_
               | That's not something the government should even be trying
               | to do, because no central planning entity can do it.
               | What the government should be doing is guaranteeing a
               | level playing field, and letting freedom work.
               | Historically, times when the government has done that
               | have been the times when the US economy has created the
               | most wealth.
               | bushin wrote:
               | you sound like a religious fanatic
               | clairity wrote:
               | that "we" is the whole of the citizens and residents of
               | the country, not a central planning committee. the
               | government is the power apparatus that is meant to
               | express and realize our common good. as a power
               | apparatus, it cuts both ways, and we must remain vigilant
               | as citizens on keeping it aligned with our goals and
               | desires.
               | wealth by itself, especially as we measure it, is hollow
               | and a poor collective goal, and its singular pursuit
               | expressly undermines the level playing field and much of
               | our humanity. prosperity is a more holistic expression of
               | our collective goal, with wealth creation _not_ being the
               | principal ingredient of prosperity. industry, purpose,
               | solidarity, community, well-being, welfare, success,
               | esteem, respect, free expression, etc. are all (much)
               | higher on that list.
               | it behooves us to look beyond simplistic ideologies
               | (which only benefit the political, by collapsing our
               | horizons insidiously) to perform our duties and
               | responsibilities to each other as a society.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> that  "we" is the whole of the citizens and residents
               | of the country, not a central planning committee_
               | But none of us have the power to run the entire country,
               | and we couldn't do it properly even if we had the power.
               | So saying that "we" should do things that are beyond our
               | power is pointless.
               | If you think not enough people have jobs, start a
               | business and hire some. If everyone who complains about
               | unemployment went and did that, if it didn't completely
               | solve the problem, it would certainly make a huge dent.
               |  _> the government is the power apparatus that is meant
               | to express and realize our common good._
               | If "our common good" just means ensuring a level playing
               | field and letting freedom work, sure. That's what the US
               | government was originally intended to do.
               | However, governments today have gone far beyond that to
               | try to dictate to everybody what "our common good" should
               | mean based on some particular interest group's ideas
               | about social policy. That is a recipe for disaster, and
               | we should stop doing it.
               |  _> wealth by itself, especially as we measure it, is
               | hollow and a poor collective goal_
               | I'm not sure what you mean by "as we measure it". If you
               | mean that "we" measure it in money, then of course you
               | are correct: money is not wealth.
               | If you measure wealth as economists actually measure it,
               | however, by the possibilities that are open to people--
               | the range of things they can choose to do with the
               | resources and options available to them--then people
               | today are wealthier than pretty much every human being
               | who ever lived.
               |  _> industry, purpose, solidarity, community, well-being,
               | welfare, success, esteem, respect, free expression, etc.
               | are all (much) higher on that list._
               | If you think these are valuable things, then go build
               | them.
               | If you think government should dictate to people that
               | they need to build these things, whether they want to or
               | not, IMO you are being inconsistent, since the whole
               | point of all these good things is that people can _only_
               | do them voluntarily; if they are forced to do them, you
               | don 't get them, you get sham imitations instead. So once
               | again, government should not be used to impose these
               | things on people; it should be used to ensure a level
               | playing field so free people can build them as they see
               | fit.
             | michaelt wrote:
             | _> Why should any of these people be considered
             | "unemployed"?_
             | Because we're actually trying to count "people who would be
             | employed, were there more jobs available"
             | But as we can't read people's minds, we can't tell the
             | person who's happily retired at 58 from someone the same
             | age who'd rather be in work but can't find it, and has
             | started drawing their pension out of necessity.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> we can 't read people's minds_
               | Exactly. Which means you can't count what you say you're
               | trying to count. What you're trying to count requires
               | telepathy.
               | That's why economists look at revealed preference--what
               | people actually do, not what you guess they might be
               | thinking. So the correct way to see if there are people
               | who would be employed if there were more jobs available,
               | is...to let private individuals start new businesses and
               | see if the increased number of jobs increases the number
               | of people who are employed. But that would require the
               | government to stop trying to micromanage everything,
               | which is why the obvious solution of _making it easier to
               | run businesses so that more people will start them_ in
               | order to create more jobs is a nonstarter politically.
               | refurb wrote:
               | But that's exactly how the survey works. They ask people
               | if they are available to work and if they are actively
               | seeking work, regardless of age.
               | https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm#unemployed
               | NovemberWhiskey wrote:
               | You can want a job, but not be looking for a job because
               | your prior attempts to secure one have been unsuccessful.
               | This is called discouraged unemployment and figures into
               | the overall category of marginally-attached workers.
               | nradov wrote:
               | Well it's a spectrum. Many of those who are happily
               | retired would be willing to go back to work if someone
               | offered them enough money. As wages rise the labor force
               | participation rate also goes up.
               | malandrew wrote:
               | > As wages rise the labor force participation rate also
               | goes up.
               | Wouldn't any such effect be temporary though? As wages
               | rise, doesn't inflation rise as well, negating the
               | benefit of a rising wage.
               | Wouldn't it also be true that as certain goods deflate in
               | price, labor force participation should go up as well
               | since the same wage allows you to buy more stuff?
               | This goes back to wealth isn't the money you have, it's
               | what you can buy. Today most people, even those at the
               | bottom, have access to many things today than even John
               | D. Rockefeller didn't have access to when he was alive.
               | Anyways, not asserting anything in particular here, but
               | just raising that it seems far more complicated than just
               | wages rising lead to greater labor force participating.
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> As wages rise, doesn 't inflation rise as well_
               | No. Inflation is primarily caused by the government
               | printing money, not by rising wages.
               | If wages rise but productivity does not increase, yes,
               | that will cause inflation, but if productivity is not
               | increasing wages cannot rise because there is nowhere for
               | the increased wages to come from.
               | If wages rise because productivity is increasing, there
               | are more goods and services available, so supply keeps up
               | with demand and prices don't rise. (In fact they will
               | generally fall in the areas where productivity is
               | increasing, _if_ the money supply is not being messed
               | with.)
               |  _> Wouldn 't it also be true that as certain goods
               | deflate in price, labor force participation should go up
               | as well since the same wage allows you to buy more
               | stuff?_
               | There will probably be more people willing to work, yes.
               | Whether that translates into more actual jobs will depend
               | a lot on how easy it is to start new businesses, since
               | that's where the new jobs will have to come from. Our
               | current regulatory regime makes it much more difficult
               | than it should be to start new businesses.
               |  _> wealth isn 't the money you have, it's what you can
               | buy. Today most people, even those at the bottom, have
               | access to many things today than even John D. Rockefeller
               | didn't have access to when he was alive._
               | This is a very good point, which I wish more people would
               | recognize.
             | pessimizer wrote:
             | > people in the real world need to use it
             | There is absolutely no purpose other than propagandistic
             | for the percentage commonly referred to as "unemployment"
             | with no other qualifiers. That number's only purpose is to
             | start dropping a short time after an unemployment shock
             | whether or not any jobs were actually added to the economy.
             | The other numbers aren't to give a "broad picture" of the
             | labor market, they're to give the entire picture of the
             | labor market. "Unemployment" contributes nothing. At the
             | time of a shock it echos other metrics, and after a pause
             | of a few months it announces that whatever the
             | administration announced its reaction to the shock would be
             | is starting to work, no matter what the other numbers say.
               | SpicyLemonZest wrote:
               | But the article's graph shows exactly the opposite.
               | According to the "true unemployment rate", the job market
               | has fully recovered from the COVID shock and is sitting
               | at where it was in 2017-18, whereas the official
               | unemployment rate indicates that there's still a problem.
               | I assume we can agree that there is indeed still a
               | problem, so it seems like the official statistics have it
               | right here.
             | coldtea wrote:
             | > _Why should any of these people be considered
             | "unemployed"?_
             | Because they still need to find work to live, pay heath
             | expenses, and so on, and can barely make it in third-world
             | style conditions without it...
               | bluGill wrote:
               | Most people retire with an income stream that is enough
               | to live one. Now I'll grant that enough to live on is low
               | standard of living, but it will pay for food, health care
               | (most get some form of medicare), your apartment, and you
               | can afford a basic car. Of course if you live in a high
               | cost of living area like San Francisco it isn't enough,
               | but for most of the US you will live an nice enough life.
               | You can always want more, but your needs are met.
               | Third world conditions are much worse than that. I've
               | seen families sleeping on sidewalks. No car, no health
               | care.
               | Sure everybody wants more. There are a lot of retired
               | people who would like a job, but that is as much about
               | the social connection as money. There are also those who
               | lost their money (scams target retired people) and need a
               | job, but that isn't most of them.
               | pwinnski wrote:
               | I think the bit you're missing is that there is a cohort
               | of people who _haven 't_ retired, precisely because they
               | lack an income stream that is enough to live on, but they
               | are counted as retired by most measures of unemployment.
               | My father turns 70 in three days, and he has struggled to
               | find long-term work for the last ten years. He'll work
               | for a year, search for work for 15 months, work for
               | another 18 months, etc. He would like to be working now,
               | but COVID-19 probably marks the end of his working days
               | forever.
               | He's been counted as retired a few times during the last
               | decade, though he never was until this year.
               | refurb wrote:
               | How do you know he was counted as retired? BLS shares
               | their survey and how they determine if someone is
               | unemployed - they basically ask if they are available to
               | work and actively seeking work. I didn't see any cutoff
               | for age.
               | https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm#unemployed
               | pwinnski wrote:
               | I could definitely be wrong, but my understanding is that
               | when unemployment benefits run out, so does one's status
               | as unemployed, since they've lost the point of contact
               | that enables them to ask those questions.
               | At least twice in the last decade, he's been unemployed
               | so long his benefits ran out. Perhaps the label in that
               | case isn't "retired," but he wasn't counted as
               | unemployed, either.
               | rayiner wrote:
               | U-3 does not exclude those whose benefits have run out
               | but are still actively looking for work. It relies on
               | social insurance claims in part, but also uses surveys to
               | estimate how many folks are looking for work that aren't
               | receiving unemployment.
               | TheCoelacanth wrote:
               | Number of unemployment insurance claims is sometimes
               | cited as an economic indicator, but it's definitely not
               | the main measure of unemployment.
               | The BLS tracks six measures of unemployment rate via
               | survey called U1-U6. U3 is the official unemployment
               | rate, but they report the others as well[1].
               | For U3, you are considered unemployed if you do not have
               | a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4
               | weeks, and are currently available for work. U4 is that
               | plus anyone who wants a job, but gave up looking because
               | they don't think they will find one. U6 adds in people
               | who only have part-time work but want full-time work.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unemployment#United_Sta
               | tes_Bur...
               | [2] https://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm#unemployed
               | lostlogin wrote:
               | Off topic: I wish people would correct errors in my views
               | and my understanding using a style like yours.
               | mywittyname wrote:
               | Yeah, but that information is captured under an different
               | measure.
               | The reported U-3 unemployment rate is measuring the rate
               | of full-time job loss in the economy. That makes a good
               | barometer of the economy as it can describe if job losses
               | are accelerating or not.
               | You can pick any of the alternate measures and they all
               | say pretty much the same thing. But by overlooking those
               | who have dropped out of the labor market, the U-3 focuses
               | more on what is happening with the labor market _now_ not
               | several years ago.
               | You can try this for yourself by plotting the U-1 through
               | U-6 rates on the same graph and picking the one you think
               | is most useful as a snapshot of the labor force. You'll
               | probably land on the U-3 as the U-1 doesn't show upticks
               | in unemployment very well and the U-6 muddies the
               | severity of upticks in unemployment. The broad strokes
               | will be the same, but the nuance is missing.
               | nickff wrote:
               | >"The reported U-3 unemployment rate is measuring the
               | rate of full-time job loss in the economy. That makes a
               | good barometer of the economy as it can describe if job
               | losses are accelerating or not."
               | I think this is a perceptive statement; U-3 is most like
               | the derivative of unemployment, so it's sensitive to
               | changes, but not to steady-state issues.
               | We should probably look at U-6 to help understand where
               | we stand long-term, and U-3 to get a glimpse of whether
               | things are getting better or worse. Unfortunately, I
               | don't think many people want to think about these issues
               | separately, so they'll only want one number.
             | acruns wrote:
             | Wouldn't it be great if HBO provided us a link to their
             | "important new data" but since they don't we can't look at
             | it for ourselves.
               | [deleted]
             | dalbasal wrote:
             | >> Why should any of these people be considered
             | "unemployed"?
             | There is no abstract reason, unless we're just talking
             | about what the word unemployed "really" means. Pointless
             | semantics.
             | The reason they should be considered unemployed is
             | contextual. "Unemployment" is _the_ measure used by
             | journalists  & politicians to gauge the labour market. In
             | _that_ context, it is very important to consider these
             | people who have stopped expecting to work unemployed. They
             | are part of the  "slack." Their experience experience of
             | the labour market is "i can't get a job."
             | If unemployment is lower than it was in year X because
             | people stop applying or qualifying for some unemployment
             | benefit... that doesn't mean the labour market is better.
             | Everything is contextual. People arguing for alternative
             | unemployment measures aren't (generally) arguing semantics.
             | Their arguing that the metric is misleading us.
           | [deleted]
           | goldenManatee wrote:
           | The "true" is a little sensationalist though I doubt they
           | were expecting anyone to care about their investigations.
           | They were still going for "a _more_ true". They're not
           | accounting for retired 65+ year olds. That's a little
           | suggestive of just wanting to quickly look away.
           | They looked at people that are structurally unemployed or
           | stopped looking because they were disillusioned after some
           | time; they also tried averaging a national rent gauge (yeah,
           | regional would've been better - so that means approving them
           | grant funding) to better understand the cost of living and
           | who can afford to survive off their wage/salary. So they drew
           | a line across the chart saying people below $X can't even
           | afford surviving in America right now. There's some PBS
           | specials on rural American single moms unable to feed their
           | kids mid COVID - enter school lunch funding issues - and
           | Twitter also has its share of people posting their anecdotes
           | of plight.
           | rubyfan wrote:
           | The statistic they are describing as the "True Rate of
           | Unemployment" isn't that. It's the rate of which society is
           | earning a poverty level wage or less. It's a useful statistic
           | and one that deserves discussion but it's not the "True Rate
           | of Unemployment". They are just different.
         | didibus wrote:
         | Article does start with:
         | > A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a
         | living wage -- but who can't find one -- is unemployed. If you
         | accept that definition, the true unemployment rate in the U.S.
         | is a stunning 26.1%
         | I admit the word "true" in the title is kind of misleading, but
         | the article itself isn't.
           | smsm42 wrote:
           | > A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a
           | living wage -- but who can't find one -- is unemployed
           | "living wage" here adds a layer of confusion. Some argue
           | "living wage" is at least $15 an hour, some argue even more.
           | Certainly living in San Francisco on $15 an hour wage, even
           | working fulltime, would be a challenge. However, this has
           | nothing to do with "unemployment" as it is commonly
           | understood. This is just confusing separate economic and
           | societal problems to arrive at flashy number that actually
           | doesn't mean much, as it is a result of different people
           | having different economic and personal challenges.
             | klyrs wrote:
             | It's not that deep, or confusing. If you look at the
             | unemployment chart, it has a caption.
             | Data: Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity;
             | Chart: Axios Visuals
             | The source for that data is a hyperlink to [1], which
             | defines the living wage at $20,000 per year before taxes.
             | > What is the "True Rate of Unemployment"? The True Rate of
             | Unemployment, as defined by the Ludwig Institute for Shared
             | Economic Prosperity (LISEP), measures the percentage of the
             | U.S. labor force that is functionally unemployed.
             | > Using data compiled by the federal government's Bureau of
             | Labor Statistics, the True Rate of Unemployment tracks the
             | percentage of the U.S. labor force that does not have a
             | full-time job (35+ hours a week) but wants one, has no job,
             | or does not earn a living wage, conservatively pegged at
             | $20,000 annually before taxes.
             | > Just as an accurate census is a prerequisite to funding
             | American communities equitably, policymakers depend on
             | economic indicators to shape economic policy. LISEP
             | developed the True Rate of Unemployment to provide analysts
             | and decision-makers with a more accurate measure of
             | Americans' financial well-being.
             | > For a more in-depth explanation of the True Rate of
             | Unemployment, please reference this white paper[2].
             | [1] https://www.lisep.org/
             | [2] https://assets.website-
             | files.com/5f67c16a6ca3251ecc11eca7/5f...
               | smsm42 wrote:
               | > which defines the living wage at $20,000 per year
               | before taxes.
               | But why? Just an arbitrary number? What that number
               | means? Defining "functionally unemployed" as "earning
               | less than an arbitrary number we pulled out of our noses"
               | is hugely misleading. Maybe that person can't earn more
               | because they don't have skills, or have personal issues
               | that prevent them from being more productive, or maybe
               | earning high wage is not their priority right now (e.g.
               | internship or apprenticeship). Unemployment has specific
               | meaning - e.g. that by creating more employment
               | opportunities you could fix it. Stuffing anybody that is
               | not earning over $20K, for any reason whatsoever, under
               | the term, just confuses the matters.
               | I get that it looks flashy - "the government is lying to
               | you, the Real Truth is only available from us!" - but
               | it's not useful to just change definitions of established
               | terms because it sounds good in a soundbite. There are
               | many other terms - like "labor participation",
               | "underemployment", "economical hardship", "working poor",
               | etc. - one could coin many more. Redefining existing one
               | while slapping the misleading label "true" to it is not
               | helping.
               | klyrs wrote:
               | Did you read the second link I posted? Because that's
               | spelled out on page 2 in the Methodology section. More
               | generally, are you here for curious conversation? Because
               | your comment is full of generalizations and cynicism
               | rather and does not address anything I, or the linked
               | study, said.
         | charwalker wrote:
         | Different Unemployment Rates are defined and calculated
         | differently because they are different. Simply listing a number
         | called the unemployment rate is in itself disingenuous as the
         | context of what type of rate is important. But it's easy for an
         | article to list a number that fits their narrative and not
         | explain what the number means. The context matters, per usual.
         | tjr225 wrote:
         | > $2000/month is enough to live comfortably with a personal car
         | in low cost of living regions.
         | I really doubt this to be true. You would almost have to choose
         | to live in a place with no opportunity to advance upward for
         | this to be the case .
           | blix wrote:
           | I live in a major US city for $2k/mo. It's not that hard. And
           | if I lived in a cheaper area or city I could be much more
           | comfortable.
           | I think living on about this income is common for grad
           | students, who mostly live in areas with "opportunity to
           | advance upward".
             | hanniabu wrote:
             | What city could that possibly be? You must be living in a
             | paid off house and act like everyone has that luxury.
               | blix wrote:
               | I pay rent. Finding a place to live for under $1k/mo is
               | really only hard in a few cities. In many places you can
               | do better if you can buy.
             | antidaily wrote:
             | $2000k = $2,000,000. And sorry, even that isn't enough to
             | live comfortably in SF.
               | blix wrote:
               | Oops. That's what I get for staying up too late.
               | I wouldn't wish living in SF on my worst enemy.
               | throwaway0a5e wrote:
               | I think most of my worst enemies already live there
               | voluntarily.
         | wsinks wrote:
         | Right - the second that they included 16-17 year olds in this,
         | I started to pay less attention. I do want to go back to this
         | and look further to see if I can glean out that demographic as
         | well.
         | Wowfunhappy wrote:
         | I thought the title was okay--I got exactly what I expected.
         | "True Unemployment Rate" implies "I don't think our standard
         | measure of employment accurately captures the state of the
         | economy" which then implies "I'm going to provide my own
         | metric, and explain why it's different and why I think it's
         | better."
         | anthony_romeo wrote:
         | I completely agree, and reports on unemployment rates are one
         | of my biggest Internet peeves:
         | "The official unemployment rate is artificially depressed by
         | excluding people who might be earning only a few dollars a
         | week."
         | This reads like paranoia. Regardless of how U-3 originated, U-3
         | reflects an international standard of defining "unemployment".
         | If different countries use different definitions of
         | unemployment in their studies, then meaningfully comparing
         | unemployment statistics among countries is futile (or just
         | really really difficult).
         | I guess one could argue that, say, U-6 should be the
         | international standard. But whatever definition one uses
         | doesn't actually _change_ anything in the real world. The
         | different measures are trying to _describe_ reality, not
         | _define_ the magical all-true unemployment rate. The point is
         | to look at many different definitions to identify trends.
         | Attempts to blindly point at U-6 and say that this is more
         | "real" than U-3 is just as deceptive as claiming success over
         | lowering the U-3 rate (even if it's because people are leaving
         | the labor force).
         | It should be up to outlets like Axios to explain these nuances
         | rather than argue that one measure is more "true" than another.
           | abfan1127 wrote:
           | this is the first time I've seen U3 and U6. I didn't realize
           | BLS had different stats. For those interested, here is their
           | definitions.
           | https://www.bls.gov/lau/stalt.htm
         | [deleted]
         | snarf21 wrote:
         | I agree this is a weird way to measure it but I think we don't
         | measure it correctly. We don't measure _underemployment_ ,
         | meaning people who used to work full time but have stopped even
         | looking for work (*and are not retired). I'd like to see
         | unemployment measured more like total population minus those
         | employed.
           | Izkata wrote:
           | (I've scrolled 1/3rd down the page and am picking you at
           | semi-random for this comment, so this isn't just a criticism
           | of your framing, but of plenty I've seen so far)
           | A lot of comments here are heavily biased towards accurately
           | accounting for the retirement end of life, without
           | considering the other end - people who are intentionally not
           | working or are under-employed for some other reason. The one
           | I had mainly in mind was highschool and college-aged students
           | who are working part-time: they'd get included in under-
           | employment, but aren't necessarily looking for a living wage
           | yet because they have other priorities, so they don't get
           | included in unemployment counts.
           | Also,
           | > I'd like to see unemployment measured more like total
           | population minus those employed.
           | This measure would include children who can't even work part-
           | time.
           | learc83 wrote:
           | The BLS reports 6 different unemployment metrics.
           | https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm
           | Several of them do measure underemployment.
             | alistairSH wrote:
             | This is the key.
             | The government and media largely rely on U-3 (IIRC) when
             | reporting unemployment. The upside is consistency - they
             | all use the same number. The downside is this figure may
             | not be fully representative of the economy.
             | I would argue that U-5 or U-6 better represent the state of
             | the economy (as it relates to employment), as both included
             | some set of under-employed and recently-given-up would-be
             | workers.
             | But, we'd have to make a concerted effort to cut over to
             | those numbers to avoid confusion.
           | hatch_q wrote:
           | In that sense you'll get people such as Bill Gates as
           | unemployed as they are not on the payroll.
             | srtjstjsj wrote:
             | So? He's not statistically significant.
           | ovi256 wrote:
           | That's captured in the workforce participation rate, which is
           | indeed at a 20 year low:
           | https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CIVPART
           | jfengel wrote:
           | They do have a measure that also reflects underemployment.
           | The broadest measure is called U-6, "Total unemployed, plus
           | all persons marginally attached to the labor force, plus
           | total employed part time for economic reasons, as a percent
           | of the civilian labor force plus all persons marginally
           | attached to the labor force." That also include the U-5,
           | "discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached,
           | have given a job-market related reason for not currently
           | looking for work."
           | The measures are available, and they're usually in the
           | vicinity of twice the regularly-reported (U-3) rate.
           | https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm
       | dalbasal wrote:
       | Am measure measures what is measures. Generally, measures like
       | unemployment are useful in determining trends. Note how most of
       | the unemployment measures are correlated.
       | OTOH, it may be wrong (eg) over very long periods. If underlying
       | behavioural changes happen (eg employment seeking behaviour,
       | drifting of underemployment/unemployment ratios) it may miss long
       | term trends.
       | The problems start (almost immediately) when when the measure
       | becomes the definition. Measures are tightly defined, objective
       | and legible. That's attractive. So, we start to define (eg)
       | unemployment as "that which IQ tests measure." This is totally
       | off track, if the measures weaknesses are (they usually are)
       | justified by arguing the measure is just for trend detection.
       | Definition and trend detection are different purposes.
       | In any case, the only way to get a less superficial understanding
       | to define the measure in terms of what it actually measures, not
       | what it's trying to measure. "people trying to find work" is an
       | actually useful thing to pay attention to. It just isn't
       | "unemployment" in the widest sense of the term.
       | Personally, I hate the "index/metric" solution. This is chasing
       | the rabbit down a hole. We can't have a measure that perfectly
       | maps to unemployment (or financial wellbeing, or whatever).
       | Efforts to do so end up measuring something even more abstract
       | and difficult to understand.
       | The alternative is to just use these measures as incomplete. We
       | can look at "job seeker" rates, nonemployment rates, etc. No
       | measure will tell us what's really happening. That's up to us
       | human intellect to determine.
       | speeder wrote:
       | My country uses a similar definition.
       | I graduated right in middle of 2008 crisis and for various
       | reasons never found a full time job (all my work was owning my
       | own contracting companies or startups) so for example my
       | government (Brazil) doesn't count me as unemployed and doesn't
       | let me have some benefits. But many employers instead see my
       | empty employment registry (in Brazil theoretically everyone has
       | one) to interpret I never worked so they refuse to hire me in
       | first place because I might lack experience.
       | Interviews don't go much better, for example Amazon interview all
       | of the interviewers asked questions about conflict resolution in
       | large teams I worked with in the past. I suspect the reason I was
       | not hired was this question, since was the only one I couldn't
       | answer at all.
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