[HN Gopher] Replacing Ansible with salt-ssh
       Replacing Ansible with salt-ssh
       Author : spyc
       Score  : 66 points
       Date   : 2020-10-22 10:18 UTC (12 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.hartwork.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.hartwork.org)
       | crmrc114 wrote:
       | You lost me when you when the author failed to properly
       | understand how to use {{ item }} by defining with_items:
       | https://www.educba.com/ansible-with_items/
       | Let me fix his code here: https://pastebin.com/PQDAnHiJ
       | I use with_items at least once a day in this manner.
         | spyc wrote:
         | The article uses with_list rather than with_items but even with
         | with_items, that syntax would be working and define {{ item }}
         | fine.
         | Please check the docs of with_list at
         | https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks...
         | .
         | Arnavion wrote:
         | Their point is not about how to pass in those parameters to the
         | `package` task. They want to reuse the list of items as the
         | value of the tags list, which they can't without duplicating
         | the list.
           | crmrc114 wrote:
           | Or they could define the list of packages as an array once?
           | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23507589/is-it-
           | possible-...
           | Then just point the module to the array, like in the linked
           | example.
           | edit; Check out Spivak's solution in the comments below.
           | Interrogate the host and find out what is needed, then apply
           | the install- saves you all the time of getting back 'ok'
           | results.
         | Spivak wrote:
         | That's not right either. It's super wasteful since newer
         | versions of Ansible don't magic loops into a single call to
         | your package manager anymore. You have to pass the list as a
         | single item.                   - name: Install stuff.
         | package:             name: [git, httpd]
           | crmrc114 wrote:
           | Agreed, great callout for the example use case, my point was
           | simply using the items list which could even be used for
           | something like shell or win_shell
           | deeblering4 wrote:
           | Is this the case too with other resources, like users? I
           | noticed that those loops can become pretty time consuming as
           | the user list gets larger.
             | geerlingguy wrote:
             | It depends on the module; the user module works on one
             | entity at a time, so you have to loop at the task level,
             | which does take a little longer that trying to pass through
             | a batch of user data at once.
       | aprdm wrote:
       | Hm as others mentioned it is possible to use Ansible in a very
       | "usual" way to solve this problem.
       | I would love if we standardize in Packer, Ansible and Terraform.
       | Luckily it seems like the devops world is standardizing in this
       | stack ... there's very little you can't do in an elegant way
       | using those 3 tools (only use the 3 if you need, a lot of shops
       | only use Ansible for example)
         | core-questions wrote:
         | Hahah, I finally got to the point of standardizing on that and
         | now everyone wants to throw away a well working system to move
         | to container orchestration.
         | All to get to slightly less downtime and faster deploys... idk.
         | Hard to know if the months of work will be worth it.
           | hinkley wrote:
           | I think the other leg of this stool that containers don't
           | have to worry about composing with each other on the
           | filesystem. I can run three Python processes and two of
           | NodeJS on the same host with no worries about intra-version
           | compatibility, upgrades or child processes getting the wrong
           | PATH.
           | If, that is, disk space is cheap enough that I don't have to
           | normalize the filesystem (database-style) in order to
           | function. That was a huge IF not so very long ago, which is
           | why we are iterating on this again now.
           | aprdm wrote:
           | I would say that you can deploy containers with above just
           | fine, of course that you probably mean kubernetes which I am
           | also struggling with the thinking of migrating to or not. We
           | have a very well oiled machine atm and k8s has to give us
           | more to be worth it.
       | bovermyer wrote:
       | As it happens, I moved from Ansible to Chef not too long ago as
       | my provisioner of choice.
       | It can be used with just SSH and Chef Zero (no need for a Chef
       | Server), and it's built with Ruby and Chef's DSL and not YAML.
       | It took me several years to not hate Chef's approach, though,
       | compared to the ease of use of Ansible.
         | jitl wrote:
         | I much prefer the chef experience because I like Ruby - and I
         | used Chef solo at Airbnb for years. However The fact that chef
         | recipes are Ruby means that there's no static analysis or
         | interoperability available in Chef land. I can read and write
         | Ansible playbooks in any language. Chef I can only use from
         | Ruby.
         | Migrating from Chef to XXX was an enormous pain. It'd be easier
         | to migrate away from Ansible.
         | busterarm wrote:
         | I won't provision anything unless it's with Terraform anymore.
         | I use Ansible to build images and to configure (as in template
         | configuration files in) newly provisioned systems after first
         | boot-up and that's it.
         | Everything's end-to-end automated after I ship my code and I
         | don't have to worry about it.
         | Systems don't get changed, they get rebuilt.
       | athenot wrote:
       | The author's example of using loop data out of loops is
       | overlooking anchors and aliases in YAML. His example can be
       | rewritten as:                   - hosts: all           tasks:
       | - name: Install distro packages             package:
       | name: "{{ item }}"               state: present
       | with_list: &packages               - git               - htop
       | tags: *packages
         | spyc wrote:
         | Good point, thanks for bringing it up! I have updated the
         | article accordingly just now.
       | hibbelig wrote:
       | I fondly remember CFengine. Though it did require installation on
       | the host to be managed, but that seemed rather simple: Log in,
       | install CFengine and git, clone the repo, and off you go to run
       | it.
       | fanf2 wrote:
       | The main reasons I started using Ansible in 2013 were its
       | agentless setup (which this article covers nicely) and its
       | --check --diff options (which this article leaves out). Does salt
       | have a do-nothing sanity check mode?
         | Shish2k wrote:
         | It does, in my case my standard "check if everything is in
         | order on a host" is:
         | salt-ssh $hostname state.highstate test=True
           | fanf2 wrote:
           | Neat :-) does that print diffs if there are discrepancies?
           | Including diffs of templates config files?
             | bproven wrote:
             | --output-diff is what you are looking for
         | dpedu wrote:
         | It has test.ping
       | folken wrote:
       | What people don't get about salt, is that its literally
       | kubernetes (as in orchestrator) for your infrastructure.
       | It takes the "operator" concept to a very new level: You can tell
       | it to react automatically and enlarge a disk in a machine due to
       | space constrains, reschedule workloads according to load,
       | configure a loadbalacner according to rules you write once,
       | create resiliency rules, deploy new machines or containers...
       | It scales ridiculously, i have seen 30000 minions to a master.
       | Why you would use it via ssh other than bootstrapping is beyond
       | me...
       | btw: you can run ansible via the salt bus transport = salstack in
       | the ansible.cfg, be amazed.
         | busterarm wrote:
         | This is exactly what I was eluding to with this comment.
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24863836
         | Thank you for putting it more cleanly.
         | I don't necessarily always think that's the right thing to do
         | though, but within limits, yes. It can do things you would
         | otherwise have people respond manually to.
         | Putting out fires sucks.
       | xet7 wrote:
       | Regarding VMware buying SaltStack, it is a good thing, Tom will
       | have more time to code, according to TheHacks podcast episode
       | about it at https://www.saltstack.com/the-hacks/ that I usually
       | listen from page https://thehacks.libsyn.com/ .
       | From other podcast episodes I got to know that they at SaltStack
       | are currently merging those many differently maintained SaltStack
       | repos together to less repos, so it will make progress faster.
       | Disclaimer: I do not work at SaltStack. I just happily listen to
       | their podcasts and I have used SaltStack for managing my servers.
       | elktea wrote:
       | I like the look of the file.keyvalue. Anything like that in
       | ansible?
       | https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/states/all/salt.sta...
       | aloer wrote:
       | Slightly OT:
       | I have recently done some scripting work on a single machine and
       | used Ansible because it makes it so convenient to parse output,
       | generate config files etc., mostly shell and jinja2
       | Is that valid use of Ansible or should I be ashamed and use
       | something else?
         | chousuke wrote:
         | Ansible is okay for stuff like that.
         | I very much don't like that it does the YAML-as-a-programming-
         | language thing that's way too popular nowadays but when
         | judiciously used, Ansible can be useful.
         | I really want something like Ansible with a real declarative
         | programming language. Puppet is the closest nowadays to having
         | a sane language, but it has its own issues.
         | eeZah7Ux wrote:
         | ashamed. Almost every programming language is better than a
         | mashup of yaml and jinja
           | sirtaj wrote:
           | Writing plugins in Python is a great way to reduce the
           | size/scope of yaml you have to write, particularly things
           | like filter and vars plugins. You can then use yaml primarily
           | as a data source rather than a programming language.
         | NateEag wrote:
         | If the tool met your needs, why worry about shame?
         | If you eventually run into difficulties, sit down and
         | understand why.
         | Once you've understood the cause of your problems, see whether
         | the features you didn't take time to understand can alleviate
         | them.
       | tutfbhuf wrote:
       | Isn't it possible to create many small playbooks, instead of a
       | big one. This would allow you to just run the stuff you need. And
       | if you need all e.g. for bootstraping then you can create one
       | playbook that simply includes the smaller ones with the
       | import_playbook statement. This also gives you the flexibility to
       | create other subsets based on your needs.
         | tyldum wrote:
         | Multiple playbooks is possible, and joining them into a large
         | one by imports. You also have tags to do target with more
         | precision.
         | folken wrote:
         | you write states per purpose. you can import, you can extend,
         | you can define functions in one and reuse them somewhere
         | else...
       | Spivak wrote:
       | This seems like a _lot_ of work for such a small problem in
       | Ansible that can actually be fixed without any patches. Here 's
       | an example.                   - name: Pretend to install stuff.
       | debug: var=item           with_items: [git, httpd, vim]
       | when:             - "'all' in ansible_run_tags or item in
       | ansible_run_tags"             - item not in ansible_skip_tags
       | tags: always
       | If you run without any tags it will install everything and if you
       | specify --tags=git it will only install git and if you specify
       | --skip-tags=vim it will do the correct thing.
       | Ref:
       | https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/reference_appendices...
       | And in the specific case of installing packages you can speed
       | this process up dramatically with something like the following
       | without having to use tags.                   - name: Probe the
       | host for installed packages.           package_facts:
       | - name: Install packages.           package: name={{ item }}
       | with_items: [git, httpd, vim]           when: item not in
       | ansible_facts.packages
       | But this itself is really inefficient too because you're still
       | calling the module for every package instead of calling the
       | module once with all the packages. Older versions of Ansible did
       | this automatically but it was super magic so it's probably better
       | that it was removed. We can do it ourselves though.
       | - name: Install packages.           package: name={{ to_install
       | }}           vars:             packages: [git, httpd, vim]
       | to_install: "{{ packages | difference(ansible_facts.packages) |
       | list }}"
         | spyc wrote:
         | Some cool hacks here, thanks for sharing!
         | ofrzeta wrote:
         | Now you've shown three different methods to achieve the goal
         | where the third version has become sufficiently convoluted to
         | make it hard to understand.
         | And how is an Ansible user supposed to know what's more
         | efficient and what are the side effects of calling the packages
         | with name={{item}} or a list variable? The documentation of
         | ansible.builtin.package for one doesn't seem to supply any
         | indication of it.
           | Spivak wrote:
           | Fair, I can make the 3rd one more readable. I figured the
           | extra vars would actually help make it clearer. Guess not.
           | - name: Install packages.           package:
           | name: [git, httpd, vim] | difference(ansible_facts.packages)
           | | list
           | This isn't something super specific to Ansible, it's the same
           | story all over when libraries have a "bulk" or "batch" api so
           | that you don't have to iterate over operations with lots of
           | setup. The package/yum/apt/dnf modules happen to take lists
           | as arguments since you can run "yum install a b c" faster
           | than "for p in a b c; do yum install $p; done".
             | ofrzeta wrote:
             | Ok, that's a valid point. Naively I think a user could also
             | expect the {{items}} to be expanded in the package module
             | but someone who has used Ansible would probably be familiar
             | with the "with_items" idiom.
             | Also I was confused by your claim that your second version
             | was sped up dramatically although it is still using
             | "with_items". Is this due to the use of facts instead of
             | tags?
               | Spivak wrote:
               | The problem the OP was facing was when you had a loop
               | like                   - name: Install packages
               | package: name={{ item }}           with_items: "{{
               | loooong_list_of_packages }}"
               | and most of the packages are already installed then
               | you're spending most of the loop running the package
               | module just for it to come back any say 'ok'. Hence why
               | the author wanted to use tags to limit the run to
               | specific packages.
               | Rather than doing that you can run package_facts once to
               | get a list of all the installed packages and skip all the
               | module invocations you know won't be changed entirely.
               | You can't do this in general because on a totally unknown
               | system something exteranl might mess with packages
               | between your fact gathering and the install but on your
               | known systems this is almost always fine.
       | richardfey wrote:
       | I went the other way around instead, from salt(-ssh) to Ansible.
       | I could not bear the slow speed though, so I suggest everyone who
       | hasn't tried yet to use it with Mitogen. I don't think I will
       | ever go back and in fact I expect upstream to eventually adopt
       | it.
       | Major issues with Salt: lots and lots of bugs and quirks. I have
       | had my fair share of those in Ansible over the years as well, but
       | Salt is just not good enough for my taste. A strong NIH is
       | perceived all over its design.
         | [deleted]
         | kev009 wrote:
         | I've generally seen the opposite, salt works well
         | multi0-platform, ansible is geared toward the LTS distros. It's
         | extremely easy to get bug fixes into salt, and I've done a few
         | dozen.
         | The biggest issue I see with ansible is the amount of
         | discipline required to use it well. Junior staff will create
         | non-idempotent plays. I don't really see that with salt, where
         | shelling out is pretty rare (the benefit of NIH?).
           | busterarm wrote:
           | SaltStack is famous for their NIH syndrome and various high
           | severity vulnerabilities that have resulted from that.
           | I've used both Ansible and SaltStack a fair bit and would
           | agree with the parent. In most cases, Ansible w/ Mitogen is
           | the way to go.
           | SaltStack is really only sanely deployable in a Masterless
           | setup. Also the real secret sauce of SaltStack that almost no
           | one is using it for is its Event Bus & Reactor System to
           | automate maintenance/incident runbooks. There's a ton of
           | untapped potential there.
       (page generated 2020-10-22 23:00 UTC)