[HN Gopher] LiveCode is a modern day HyperCard (2019)
       LiveCode is a modern day HyperCard (2019)
       Author : EamonnMR
       Score  : 40 points
       Date   : 2020-10-23 20:59 UTC (2 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (andregarzia.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (andregarzia.com)
       | betamaxthetape wrote:
       | LiveCode can import HyperCard stacks. You'll need to use LiveCode
       | version 6, since the HyperCard import functionality has been
       | broken in LiveCode 7 onwards, but you can import a HyperCard
       | stack using LiveCode 6, save the project in LiveCode's file
       | format, and continue in a recent version of LiveCode.
       | HyperTalk and LiveCode aren't 100% compatible (probably around
       | 80%, less if you used a lot of XCMDs since they aren't
       | supported), but if you have an old stack you want to modernise,
       | LiveCode is a great and affordable (it's GPLv3, with a commercial
       | offering if you need to publish closed source projects) way to do
       | it.
       | The best resource[1] on converting a HyperCard stack to LiveCode
       | is by Jacqueline Landman Gay of HyperActive Software[2]. I
       | believe HyperActive can also do consulting and conversion work
       | for HyperCard stacks to LiveCode.
       | [1] https://www.hyperactivesw.com/mctutorial/rrintro.html
       | [2] https://www.hyperactivesw.com/index.html
       | dang wrote:
       | The post being replied to had a big discussion here:
       | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20549685
       | JoblessWonder wrote:
       | I'll take any opportunity to ask HN what sort of "Hypercard" like
       | options are out there to get kids into programming. I still have
       | many memories of creating my own "Choose Your Adventure" type
       | game and having the other kids in my class be amazed at what I
       | was able to create. It really stuck with me.
         | paleogizmo wrote:
         | I'd probably say pygame which repl.it now has support for. It's
         | pretty slick and works on a crappy school ChromeBook. For
         | "regular" gui stuff I'd say PySimpleGUI (see my earlier comment
         | above/below).
         | bjelkeman-again wrote:
         | My neighbours kids use https://scratch.mit.edu/
       | paleogizmo wrote:
       | In the spirit of HN contrarian comments, I'd say the closest
       | thing spiritually to a modern-day HyperCard is PySimpleGUI:
       | https://github.com/PySimpleGUI
       | Previously the closest thing to HyperCard was WinForms, which PSG
       | borrows heavily from. PSG is probably the fastest way for anyone
       | moderately familar with python to throw together an ugly-but-
       | servicable GUI program and I reach for it when I'm in a hurry.
       | The two tricks behind PSG are: 1. very concise and memorable GUI
       | layout with only python code and 2. use of an event loop instead
       | of handlers. All of this sounds pretty basic and obvious, but _no
       | one else does it this way_.
         | mordechai9000 wrote:
         | It's been awhile since I've messed with a GUI in python, so I
         | did quick image search to see just how ugly it is. And it
         | actually looks very serviceable. A bit utilitarian, perhaps,
         | but not too bad. I was expecting much worse, like the old Tk
         | dialogs. And judging by the variety of examples I found, it can
         | be themed to some degree. My only problem - and what has driven
         | me to use web apps in the past - is the difficulties in
         | bundling and distributing python apps.
           | analog31 wrote:
           | Something I've learned in my old age is that _merely_ ugly is
           | still better than anything I 'm likely to come up with
           | myself. If something threatens to be interesting enough to
           | distribute, the marketeers will never let me decide how it's
           | going to look anyway. For the work that I do, not having to
           | think about layout or aesthetics at all is a time saver with
           | virtually no downside.
       | milansuk wrote:
       | Every time when someone opens a dialog and write small script
       | into it I wonder how does this work for large/complex project?
       | Normally we have a file(s) with many functions so we can
       | search/replace across all of them. This is a problem with many
       | today's productivity tools as well. Looks splendid until it
       | becomes large. Any solution?
       | emmanueloga_ wrote:
       | looks more of a modern day visual basic no? (no snark, VB was
       | cool!)
         | ben_w wrote:
         | I was thinking the same, though also thinking about REALbasic
         | (now known as Xojo; I've not used it since 2007).
       | soapdog wrote:
       | Hey I'm the author of that page, AMA.
         | mwcampbell wrote:
         | Since you work for LiveCode, do you know if there are any plans
         | to implement platform accessibility APIs, so LiveCode (or at
         | least applications built with it) can work with assistive
         | technologies, such as screen readers for blind people? Besides
         | being the right thing to do, that might unlock some sales to
         | the educational market.
           | 627467 wrote:
           | That's a great question. Im interested in visual coding tools
           | but, probably in my ignorance, I wonder how any of them work
           | for keyboard and/or screen reader users.
             | mwcampbell wrote:
             | To be clear, the problem isn't just the drag-and-drop
             | nature of the development environment. The whole GUI
             | toolkit is completely inaccessible with a screen reader.
       (page generated 2020-10-23 23:00 UTC)