[HN Gopher] Geeking Out with UEFI
       Geeking Out with UEFI
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 98 points
       Date   : 2020-10-25 15:24 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (oofhours.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (oofhours.com)
       | Fwirt wrote:
       | Having an EFI shell binary on a USB stick can be incredibly
       | useful when you're troubleshooting boot issues. I went down this
       | rabbit hole because the Thinkpad X1 Tablet doesn't play nice with
       | GRUB when there's no keyboard attached, but if you setup entries
       | directly in EFI you can select a boot partition using the
       | touchscreen. There used to be precompiled binaries floating
       | around in the tianocore Github repo, but it looks like the link
       | has gone dead.
       | See also Pete Batard's excellent project to support all kinds of
       | exotic filesystems in EFI. http://efi.akeo.ie/
         | the_only_law wrote:
         | I was rather disappointed my MB didn't have a UEFI shell when I
         | wanted to recover an completely corrupted GRUB config.
       | tsjq wrote:
       | I remember when UEFI was about to be released, there were a lot
       | of concerns about how this will completely block Linux
       | installation, dual boot, etc on Windows computers. Did that
       | problem happen? How was that solved?
         | salawat wrote:
         | Technically solved by allowing you to manage your own keys.
         | Just what any hobbyist wants to do to dual boot though. Sit
         | down and read up on cryptographic signature verification!
         | That'll make the hobby more approachable.
           | freeone3000 wrote:
           | DKMS allows for drivers to be installed without breaking the
           | kernel signature. And Ubuntu and Red Hat and Fedora are all
           | MS-signed (as will anyone else willing to go through the
           | process, which is really only feasible for large orgs but is
           | mostly just bureaucracy). So most hobbists will never need to
           | mess with mokutil.
             | pantalaimon wrote:
             | > DKMS allows for drivers to be installed without breaking
             | the kernel signature.
             | how is this possible?
               | reanimus wrote:
               | You register an additional key, generated by you/the
               | installer. Ubuntu automates it as part of setup, afaik
               | Fedora doesn't but there are instructions for it. Ubuntu
               | generates a key during installation, then requests UEFI
               | register it as a secure boot signing key. You reboot,
               | UEFI will verify in pre-boot that you asked for the key
               | to be added (usually, some BIOSes let you disable this
               | check). DKMS will use that key to sign the modules. Since
               | the kernel gets the UEFI allowed keys from the firmware,
               | it will see these signed modules as valid and load them.
               | MertsA wrote:
               | It's not, if a kernel was built and signed that allowed
               | unsigned modules to be loaded that key should be revoked.
               | The way kernel module loading works with secure boot is
               | that modules are signed via kmodsign.
               | https://ubuntu.com/blog/how-to-sign-things-for-secure-
               | boot
           | reanimus wrote:
           | I actually really enjoyed learning about secure boot keys and
           | TPMs and all when I was setting it up on my machine. Support
           | for managing keys varies by board; some, especially older
           | ones, don't let you do much, if at all, especially from
           | within Linux.
           | With modern firmware, you can add a self-generated key pretty
           | easily, and it's not hard to do secure boot dual boot with
           | Linux (or even macOS if you're using OpenCore, I think!). It
           | does require a bit of reading up though. :)
         | noja wrote:
         | Shims.
         | MS signed some at the start, see
         | https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/18/html/UEFI_Sec...
         | or https://wiki.debian.org/SecureBoot#Shim
           | navaati wrote:
           | What I don't understand is, how did that not completely
           | nullify the security promises of SecureBoot, rendering the
           | whole exercise pointless in the end ?
             | voxic11 wrote:
             | Because the shim is still secure.
             | > Shim then becomes the root of trust for all the other
             | distro-provided UEFI programs. It embeds a further distro-
             | specific CA key that is itself used for signing further
             | programs (e.g. Linux, GRUB, fwupdate). This allows for a
             | clean delegation of trust - the distros are then
             | responsible for signing the rest of their packages. Shim
             | itself should ideally not need to be updated very often,
             | reducing the workload on the central auditing and CA teams.
             | wmf wrote:
             | Insecure shims can be revoked.
             | https://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2020/08/17/updating-
             | secure-b...
               | [deleted]
         | rmrfstar wrote:
         | You can manage your own secure boot keys [1].
         | [1] https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/take-control-your-pc-
         | ue...
         | MayeulC wrote:
         | I think fear of an antitrust lawsuit is what kept Microsoft
         | from locking it down completely (IIRC they did it on their RT
         | line for a while, though).
         | Sunspark wrote:
         | The bios in my computer has a toggle for secure boot to be on
         | or off. I've had it off the whole time and there was no effect
         | on any OS as a result. The issue was limited to bios setups
         | that didn't allow this to be toggled, and for those, as pointed
         | out by another, signed shims resolved that issue.
           | MertsA wrote:
           | Even without the shims, right from the start Microsoft was
           | requiring that OEMs allow secure boot to be disabled in
           | settings if they wanted to pass Microsoft's "Windows
           | Certification" requirement.
             | rbecker wrote:
             | A requirement they later dropped:
             | https://tech.slashdot.org/story/15/03/20/2039251/oems-
             | allowe...
             | First they require a lock, but also that the user gets the
             | key. Next they require a lock, but the key may be withheld
             | from the user. I wonder what they will require next. Their
             | Surface RT line of laptops came without unlockable secure
             | boot, so no alternative OS could be installed.
       | pmoriarty wrote:
       | Now if only someone could write a Forth that boostraps a Lisp,
       | which gets Emacs running on UEFI
       | openfuture wrote:
       | Disclaimer: I didn't fully read the article yet.
       | I wanted to mention the excellent HEADS project (as in the other
       | side of TAILS): https://github.com/osresearch/heads
       | This talk is great: https://trmm.net/Heads_33c3
       | I remember when UEFI became a thing and people were complaining
       | in linux forums that the keys are controlled by the manufacturers
       | and 'the whole thing is a ploy by microsoft to kill linux' (UEFI
       | is just a convoluted standard way to write BIOS in a certain
       | way).
       | Now we can control the keys, all we need to do is kick UEFI to
       | the curb and use linux from BIOS all the way to the DE/WM
       | (coreboot..).
       | Turns out we can turn the boot process into a chain of kexec's
       | and simplify everything greatly.
         | will_pseudonym wrote:
         | I couldn't remember what "DE/WM" meant. If anyone else is in a
         | similar situation, they stand for "desktop environment" [0] and
         | "window manager" [1]
         | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment
         | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_manager
       | thudson wrote:
       | If you want to more easily configure UEFI Secure Boot on your
       | Linux system, while also registering your own signing keys to
       | eliminate the Microsoft and OEM ones: https://safeboot.dev/
       (page generated 2020-10-25 23:00 UTC)