[HN Gopher] Unexpected, Useless, and Urgent, or What RSS Gets Right
       Unexpected, Useless, and Urgent, or What RSS Gets Right
       Author : whatrocks
       Score  : 68 points
       Date   : 2020-10-26 18:18 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.charlieharrington.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.charlieharrington.com)
       | ssivark wrote:
       | I think "notmuch" is actually a great solution to handle email
       | (or a corpus of articles such as RSS) with a combination of
       | search/filters and tags. The interface is also ripe to easily
       | plug in ML based filters or other social curation filters (Eg:
       | re-shared by my friends) if we manage to build good ones.
       | If only we had a pleasant graphical interface on top (which
       | played nice with HTML email), rather than needing to use text-
       | based interfaces, I think it would be a HUGE improvement over
       | most mail clients out there.
       | happytoexplain wrote:
       | High inbox volume is humorously labeled "infinite scroll", but I
       | don't get the low-volume label: "medium-rare"?
         | sp332 wrote:
         | In context, I think it means "not too often".
         | aleken wrote:
         | Medium-rare is how you want your beef, no?
         | [deleted]
       | ewmiller wrote:
       | I came of age in the era of budding social media platforms, and
       | that was my primary way to consume feeds and news online for the
       | past 10 years or so (I include reddit in the "social media"
       | category, especially more recently). Now, being older and having
       | witnessed the many many problems that social media companies have
       | exacerbated in society, I've started looking for other ways to
       | read what's going on in the world.
       | This search has brought me to RSS. I use the same reader app as
       | the author, and I absolutely love it. No addictive feed design,
       | no ads built to manipulate me based on my mood and scrolling
       | patterns. I hope RSS sticks around.
         | empiko wrote:
         | You need to actively curate your subreddits to get the best
         | experience. When there is a disparity between your subreddits
         | (in number of posts or their flashiness), few subreddits will
         | flood your whole feed with useless junk. E.g. I have subscribed
         | to EarthPorn (I like nice pictures of Earth naturally), and
         | suddenly 50% of my feed becomes panoramas. That is nice to look
         | at for a moment, but it is really bad for your reading. But if
         | you are able to find few relevant subreddits that do not have
         | that many users, it can be actually really great for
         | discovering interesting stuff. You just need to be really
         | aggressive with how you curate your subscriptions.
           | swebs wrote:
           | No, we need to just cut our losses with reddit altogether.
           | Each year, it just gets more political and more
           | authoritarian. Even if you find a good subreddit, its only a
           | matter of time before it gets usurped by the usual powermods
           | that each control 300+ subreddits and bans anyone who
           | disagrees. The admins will never do anything about them since
           | it's hundreds of people willing to perform free labor for
           | them.
         | perardi wrote:
         | You kids these days.
         | I started using RSS in, I believe 2003, back when Mac OS X apps
         | looked like this:
         | https://ranchero.com/images/nnw/progress.jpg
         | We synced our RSS feeds via FTP or .Mac, _and we liked it_.
           | wlesieutre wrote:
           | For modern macOS and iOS users, Reeder 5 came out about a
           | week ago and is pretty nice.
           | No .Mac syncing, but it does support iCloud!
           | NetNewsWire (from parent comment's screenshot) is also still
           | around. Plenty of great RSS reader options.
             | Fnoord wrote:
             | NetNewsWire is even FOSS.
             | It supports only Feedbin (itself FOSS but supports non-self
             | hosted) and Feedly though. I want to self-host. TANSTAAFL
             | and either I get used for profiling/upselling (Feedly) or I
             | need to pay money while I can self host (Feedbin).
             | Reeder 4 is also good, I tried it (for free) right before
             | Reeder 5 got released. It supports a whole lot more than
             | NetNewsWire, including self hosting services FreshRSS,
             | Reader, and Fever (deprecated). It also has support for
             | Pocket.
             | So I went with Reeder and got FreshRSS installed.
             | On Android I settled with FeedMe, but honestly I haven't
             | found a slick one which works with FreshRSS.
             | I could settle with tmux + CLI + Browsh. In that case,
             | consider Newsboat. It supports a myriad of (self-hosted)
             | RSS services. But not the ones Reeder supports...
           | sdepablos wrote:
           | In 2009 I bought my first smartphone, the HTC Magic. It was
           | also the first smartphone sold by Vodafone Spain, who had
           | zero experience with phones where you could actually use
           | internet, so they offered uncapped contracts. To make things
           | worse: - Android was just a few months old - Apps were not
           | optimized for using as little data as possible - I was REALLY
           | into RSS, with hundred of feeds, and RSS apps where
           | continually polling for changes.
           | The rest is history: my first month with a smartphone - May
           | 2009 - I consumed 10GB of data and I received a few calls
           | from the Vodafone people
       | pmoriarty wrote:
       | For a more technical discussion of what RSS gets right (or not),
       | see:
       | https://nullprogram.com/blog/2013/09/23/
       | gorbachev wrote:
       | My take on the problem of filtering crap while still allowing the
       | unexpected useful content to come through is filtering out
       | everything unwanted.
       | Back in the Usenet days I solve the same problem with liberal use
       | of filters in nn. I could filter out any thread with disruptive
       | participants, or using keywords against titles/post content.
       | Other than the horrible UX for defining the filters it was
       | actually working quite well.
       | I wish there was more RSS readers with advanced filtering
       | capabilities. I haven't tried Feedly's mute filters feature yet.
       | On paper it looks like exactly what I'd need.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | QuiteRSS has filters.
       | leokennis wrote:
       | My RSS reader (Feedbin + the Reeder app) really is my little
       | corner of coziness on my phone or computer.
       | Three times a day I spend 10-20 minutes to skim through the
       | headlines and fully read the interesting stuff.
       | So in 30-60 minutes per day, I stay up to date on all important,
       | interesting and worthwhile stuff going on. It's fantastic.
       | lliamander wrote:
       | Anyone have recommendations for an RSS Reader for Android?
       | Specifically, I'm looking for one that:
       | - doesn't have advertisements or tracking
       | - doesn't require an account
       | And I am _definitely_ willing to pay for it.
         | timbit42 wrote:
         | Flym has no ads, no account and is free.
         | drdeadringer wrote:
         | I use Podcast Addict on my [Android] tablet and Smartphone.
         | Free with ads, cheap for no ads.
         | RSS for whatever you want: podcasts, comedian tour schedules,
         | webcomics.
         | aitait wrote:
         | I host my Tiny Tiny RSS Reader and use this on Android:
         | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ttrssreade...
         | reedlaw wrote:
         | Feeder:
         | https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.nononsenseapps.feeder/
       | superkuh wrote:
       | As far as infinite scroll goes it's a matter of how many RSS
       | feeds you pull down. My opml feedlist is almost 2 MB at this
       | point and almost recreates the infinite scroll feel of a
       | centralized social media aggregator.
       (page generated 2020-10-26 23:00 UTC)