[HN Gopher] Build a Game This November with GitHub Game Off
       Build a Game This November with GitHub Game Off
       Author : todsacerdoti
       Score  : 70 points
       Date   : 2020-10-27 19:43 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.blog)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.blog)
       | nimbius wrote:
       | from the article...
       | >Heck, we've even had Commodore 64 and NES games submitted!
       | I certainly hope those games weren't intended to circumvent the
       | logic of the 10NES checking Integrated Circuit chip as that would
       | be a clear violation of the DMCA.
       | Waterluvian wrote:
       | I don't want to fuss with a feature filled game engine. Does
       | anyone have any suggestions of a code-based game engine that
       | waaaay simplifies and restricts you in some way?
       | I really want to make a game based on strict limitations but to
       | write it in code and not some graphical editor.
       | I'm two hours in witu phaserjs and I've just done boilerplate
       | with cameras and scenes. It looks great but it's overkill for me.
       | Edit: thank you all. So many great leads here.
         | krisoft wrote:
         | If you are looking for strict limitations check out the
         | arduboy: https://arduboy.com/
         | It's a credit card sized game system which you can program with
         | the Arduino IDE.
         | lee337 wrote:
         | Sounds to me like you might be interested in fantasy consoles
         | like
         | * LIKO-12.........https://liko-12.github.io/
         | * PICO-8..........https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
         | * Pixel Vision 8..https://www.pixelvision8.com/
         | * TIC-80..........https://tic80.com/
         | modeless wrote:
         | Pico-8? https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
         | Or PuzzleScript https://www.puzzlescript.net/
           | mrspeaker wrote:
           | Pico-8 (or one of its knock-offs like Tic-80) is a great
           | choice for just concentrating on making something. Built-in
           | gfx, map, and audio editors: 8x8px sprites. Very limiting,
           | but very fun. I prototype everything in Pico-8 now.
         | gg8019 wrote:
         | https://www.raylib.com/
         | dllthomas wrote:
         | For something a little different, there's code.world
         | bogwog wrote:
         | Love2D is not a bad choice. As far as restrictions go, I'd say
         | Lua is a pretty limited language lol.
         | eivarv wrote:
         | Pyxel: https://github.com/kitao/pyxel
         | rstupek wrote:
         | Solar2d https://solar2d.com/
         | dljsjr wrote:
         | Bevy is an up and comer code-only engine (in Rust) that's still
         | very young but has a decent collection of examples:
         | https://bevyengine.org
         | CSSer wrote:
         | This might be the opposite of what you're looking for, but
         | p5.js[0] is a decent candidate if you want to build a barebones
         | game (physics) engine yourself. It may sound like a lot but you
         | may be surprised to see how far you can get depending on what
         | your end goal is, and you may just create something novel as a
         | result. See here[1] and here[2] for a rudimentary example.
         | [0] https://p5js.org/
         | [1]https://dev.to/soorajsnblaze333/how-to-create-a-simple-
         | physi...
         | [2]https://dev.to/soorajsnblaze333/how-to-create-a-simple-
         | physi...
           | NortySpock wrote:
           | And P5.play is an expansion library for P5.js that gives you
           | sprites, collision detection and a virtual camera, while
           | still being unminified and reasonably easy to read.
           | https://molleindustria.github.io/p5.play/
           | I did have to pin p5.js to v0.5.4 as apparently p5.play
           | hasn't been updated and didn't play nicely with newer
           | versions of p5.
       | Ibethewalrus wrote:
       | Idea: a game where you fight DMCA takedowns...
       | wyldfire wrote:
       | Are there any boilerplate projects providing a demo of an open
       | source 2d or 2d+physics game engine? (Presumably the answer to
       | that is yes). Bonus points if I can use rust/zig or easily target
       | android or iOS.
       | remram wrote:
       | Well finally I get the link. GitHub has been sending news about
       | their "Game Off" in their weekly "GitHub explore the week"
       | newsletter with a broken link. I should have known it would be
       | somewhere on itch.io, doh!
         | lee337 wrote:
         | Thanks for the heads up. Will get that fixed :)
       | rouxz wrote:
       | Does the participating game have to be open sourced? Can't find
       | the info on blog.
       | bogwog wrote:
       | Coincidentally (maybe), today also marks the end of perhaps the
       | most popular game jam event, Ludum Dare.
       | Which I find kind of interesting. Even though LD has been around
       | for a long time, I would've thought a Github-sponsored game jam
       | would get a lot more participation. This blog post says that
       | their previous jam had over 200 submissions, whereas the latest
       | LD had nearly 3300 in a 72-hour period.
         | reificator wrote:
         | > _Coincidentally (maybe), today also marks the end of perhaps
         | the most popular game jam event, Ludum Dare._
         | Don't scare me like that!
         | wheybags wrote:
         | Ludum dare is a weekend. This is a month, which is a big
         | turnoff. Case in point: I made an entry for the most recent
         | ludum dare jam, but I probably won't enter this one, because
         | it's just way too long.
         | flixic wrote:
         | This year's GMTK GameJam had 5477 games submitted, I think the
         | biggest game jam in history.
         | xmprt wrote:
         | End of LD 47 to be precise. I thought for a second I missed
         | something that said LD was ending for good.
         | LD 48 is still scheduled for April 2021
       | tgb wrote:
       | When I started programming, it was to make games during
       | middle/high school and I always had the problem of getting them
       | running on anyone else's hardware. I haven't touched that for
       | years, so what are the easy ways to make things that will run on
       | someone else's computer and will still run in 5 years without
       | futzing around?
         | cxr wrote:
         | Making something built to run in the Web browser is the only
         | thing we have if your interest is in checking all the relevant
         | boxes instead of lying to yourself in some way. Drawbacks, in
         | order of decreasing importance:
         | 1. Terrible, terrible tooling
         | 2. Hostility from browser vendors themselves
         | 3. Many APIs are still non-standard/officially "experimental",
         | even if implemented
         | 4. Possible performance issues for ordinary programs, likely
         | issues for many games
         | 5. People will make fun of you for this
           | modeless wrote:
           | I'm interested to hear more about 1 and 2. In what way are
           | browser vendors hostile to games, and what are the biggest
           | tooling problems?
           | tpxl wrote:
           | > Making something built to run in the Web browser is the
           | only thing we have if your interest is in checking all the
           | relevant boxes instead of lying to yourself in some way.
           | What. Using a mature language and not relying on feature of
           | the day will produce a game you can compile 5 years from now
           | and it will just work.
           | Use SFML or something to provide a cross platform way to
           | create windows and interface with the system and you're
           | pretty much set.
           | If doing all the drawing and physics code is too much for you
           | to do, use a game engine or a physics library. Those will
           | also compile in 5 years from now and run on other people's
           | computers (assuming you get the source).
             | cxr wrote:
             | You're ignoring the constraints that define the problem,
             | i.e., you're rewriting the question that was asked and
             | giving a response that fits circumstances more favorable to
             | your answer, but not the original. (Which is _exactly_ the
             | thing that I was trying to pre-empt in my aside about
             | checking all boxes, etc. You even quoted this.)
         | doomlaser wrote:
         | If you want something simple, restricted, and programmer
         | friendly, PICO-8 is the way to go
         | https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
         | And in the spirit of open source, I couldn't not recommend the
         | open source game engine Godot, which is rapidly closing in on
         | its proprietary competitors like Unity and Unreal:
         | https://godotengine.org/
         | crispyporkbites wrote:
         | HTML and JavaScript aren't going anywhere fast
           | kfarr wrote:
           | Yes web is where it's at!! And tons of nice gaming libraries
       | daijj wrote:
       | I would really like to participate but I don't have much
       | knowledge in game development (mostly JS stack for me). If anyone
       | is willing to take on a total noob at this it would be awesome.
       | I'm passionate about RTS and would love to build one together (a
       | simple one ofc).
       | Google234 wrote:
       | But can I get a tshirt if I contribute 4 pull requests in other
       | people's repos?
       | monksy wrote:
       | youtube-dl- the game of wackamole
       | wryoak wrote:
       | Would participate, love game jams, but November is nanowrimo
       (page generated 2020-10-27 23:00 UTC)