[HN Gopher] On Abandoning the X Server
       On Abandoning the X Server
       Author : cheshire_cat
       Score  : 342 points
       Date   : 2020-10-28 15:49 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (ajaxnwnk.blogspot.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (ajaxnwnk.blogspot.com)
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | As a part outsider/part insider (long time Linux user, not much
       | of a programmer) let me see if I can try to summarize my
       | frustration with this transition process -- it simply seems to be
       | a _much different_ methodology than the one that got Linux to
       | where it is.
       | As I understand it, Linus' number one deal is "don't break
       | backward compatibility." The Unix Way is "Write programs that
       | talk to one another..." etc. This is the foundation that I
       | believe put Linux where it is today, this is why I love it and
       | use it so much.
       | Which is why I'm dismayed to see so much comfort with what feels
       | in line with a proprietary top-down control attitude, the thing
       | that Microsoft and Apple et al do, i.e. "This thing is going to
       | change, so get over it."
       | I appreciate that there is work being done. I'm willing to trust
       | that there is a point to Wayland (I literally don't get it at
       | this stage; trying to use it presently creates FAR more problems
       | than it solves) -- but it seems like it should be axiomatic that
       | the project works harder to preserve the space than it appears to
       | now.
         | wmf wrote:
         | For whatever reason, people who follow the classic Unix/Linux
         | philosophy no longer write much code. The people who are coding
         | the desktop are all using a more Mac-like philosophy.
           | jrm4 wrote:
           | Right, though I don't think that's quite it -- I think that
           | the "Mac-like" projects/philosophies are more visible because
           | of spaces like Hacker News and Reddit et al, plus perhaps the
           | greater level of PR that bigger projects like Gnome and KDE
           | (and Ubuntu, Mint, PopOs, etc) get.
           | I have to remind myself to try to dig a bit deeper around to
           | find out about the things I'm more into; what matters more to
           | me than "the desktop" is "applications/programs" -- and that
           | seems to be harder to seek out these days.
         | sergeykish wrote:
         | You see, we have a lot of interchangeable parts. We have
         | bash/zsh/sh, glibc/musl, apt/pacman/yum, systemd/runit/OpenRC,
         | GNOME/KDE/XFCE, i3/wmii/xmonad, chromium/firefox etc etc. Even
         | kernel is interchangeable - HURD [1], kFreeBSD [2].
         | Distribution is a collection of such parts, you may think of it
         | as "proprietary top-down control attitude" but it is just a
         | collection that suits someone needs. It may not suit you, you
         | may replace parts, you may create another distribution. For
         | example as Arch Linux user my install does not include
         | graphical system, no one forces me.
         | The point I see is that Wayland got something useful. So useful
         | that distributions started to switch their default. If anything
         | it conforms that X11 has some problems, that it was harder to
         | achieve same result there. Maybe it does not cover your needs
         | but it covers someone needs better.
         | [1] https://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/
         | [1] https://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/
         | kllrnohj wrote:
         | On the contrary, Wayland is very much in the spirit of Unix &
         | Linux philosophy, while X11 isn't. Wayland is an attempt to do
         | one thing and do it well, hence why it doesn't have solutions
         | for things like clipboard management. Because that's not part
         | of display management & composition. Wayland only does that one
         | thing.
         | By contrast the common complaint about Wayland is that it
         | doesn't have the vast variety of unrelated features rammed into
         | it like X does.
         | Part of the problem here then is that there's A) no big pushes
         | for 'does one thing & does it well' for all the _other_ X
         | features (like clipboard or global keyboard shortcuts), and B)
         | fragmented implementations of the wayland protocol. There
         | really should have been a much better, and more singular,
         | reference implementation that Gnome, KDE, etc... all just
         | embedded instead. Which means the  "does it well" part is
         | taking a really long time, as developer communities are split
         | up.
       | albertgomariz wrote:
       | ugjg
       | pmoriarty wrote:
       | It's a couple of years old, but this post on _" Why I'm not going
       | to switch to Wayland yet."_[1] summarizes some of the concerns I
       | have about switching to Wayland:
       |  _" at the moment there are several types of applications that
       | not only don't work in wayland, but would be very difficult, or
       | impossible to work natively in all major wayland compositors._
       |  _Examples (in order of importance to me):_                 *
       | Programmatic output configuration (xrandr, arandr, etc.)       *
       | CLI clipboard access (xsel, xclip)       * Third party app
       | launcher/window switcher (rofi, dmenu, albert, docky).       *
       | Clipboard managers (parcellite, klipper, Gpaste, clipman, etc.)
       | * Third party screen shot/capture/share (shutter, OBS, ffmpeg,
       | import, peek, scrot, VNC, etc.)       * Color picker (gpick,
       | gcolor3, kcolorchooser)       * xdotool
       | Until Wayland has all these (and more) and they are as stable and
       | feature-rich as the existing apps on X, I will not willingly
       | switch to Wayland.
       | [1] -
       | https://old.reddit.com/r/wayland/comments/85q78y/why_im_not_...
         | heinrichhartman wrote:
         | I would not consider this examples "Applications", but more
         | configuration tools. I would also not expect to be able to port
         | the OSX Clipboard manager to Windows or the "Displays" utility.
         | From a new window server I would expect to have some ways to
         | configure output, switch applications, manage clip-board but I
         | would not expect to have my existing tools continuing to work.
         | If you are re-architecting a system from the ground-up there is
         | always some fallout expected.
         | CarelessExpert wrote:
         | Hell, I'd be happy if there was just fewer bugs.
         | Case in point: Gnome + Wayland + guake. If you configure guake
         | to use anything less than 100% of the width of the screen, then
         | it suddenly appears in the wrong position.
         | But wait, maybe that's a guake bug, right?
         | Wrong. I tried a couple of other options for similar
         | functionality and they demonstrated the same issue. So odds are
         | it's actually a bug in the compositor.
         | And that's ignoring that basic things like global keybinding
         | don't work (edit: ya ya, the Wayland proponents will tell you
         | that's by design, but it's a) user hateful b) totally different
         | than literally any other desktop OS out there today, and c)
         | breaks apps, right now, in ways that will require major code
         | changes to fix) so I have to put a hack in place to allow F12
         | to open guake up in the first place.
         | Meanwhile, we only _just_ got the  "official" solution for
         | screensharing (what Zoom does is an incredible hack: they just
         | take lots of screenshots! No, I'm not kidding, that's actually
         | how it works, which is why the framerate is so bad) and it
         | involves yet more new stuff (pipewire, et al) that I'm sure
         | will be a source of its own raft of bugs.
         | I'd say "maybe in a year or two", but we've been saying that
         | for a long time, now...
           | d4rti wrote:
           | I think pipewire broke my audio when I upgraded to Kubuntu
           | 20.10. Removing it fixed it and seems to have had no ill
           | effects.
           | djsumdog wrote:
           | The trouble with your guake bug is it might be Gnome +
           | Wayland specific. With the separation between the server and
           | composer, bugs might need to be fixed in multiple places.
           | Some window managers use wlroots, so maybe some bugs can be
           | fixed there, but others have their own forks and
           | implementations.
           | The hotkey thing is big and it's annoying because it's
           | another thing that might need to be implemented/fixed in each
           | and every composer and environment (and it could be different
           | in every environment).
           | I've seen the X11/Wayland talks and I agree Xorg has tons of
           | old crufty garbage in it, and screen locking in Xorg is not
           | very secure. But the Wayland team seems to have made little
           | effort in addressing even the most basic things like hotkeys,
           | screenshots, etc.
           | I'm not sure if "user hateful" is the right term, but they
           | don't seem to be prioritizing the most basic things people
           | are asking for.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | It's not that they're user-hateful it's just that they're
             | (I think rightfully) being aggressive about scoping Wayland
             | to things related to drawing surfaces and handling input
             | events. If people started treating as _one_ domain specific
             | protocol that display servers use for drawing stuff on the
             | screen and not  "everything a desktop app might want to do"
             | protocol there would be less conflict.
             | I'm glad they're leaving all the "desktop" stuff out and
             | letting desktops agree on dbus interfaces. I doubt people
             | writing little CLI utilities want to have to create dummy
             | Wayland surfaces to do interact with the display server
             | which is how wl-clipboard works.
               | CountSessine wrote:
               | Exactly. What we're really seeing here is technical debt
               | from the fact that we have so many different desktop
               | environments. Much of the cost of having Gnome and KDE
               | was hidden by the fact that a lot of the job of putting
               | pixels on the screen and handling keyboard and mouse
               | events was done (very badly) by X in one way or another.
               | Now the compositor/screen manager isn't doing that
               | anymore because it never should have and it was a
               | terrible division or responsibility in the first place.
               | But we have devs pushing forward on multiple different
               | fronts with different DEs and development is painfully
               | slow.
               | nerdponx wrote:
               | So what does a Wayland-only future look like? Your
               | clipboard, keyboard hotkey daemon, app runner, etc. all
               | communicating happily over D-bus?
             | horsawlarway wrote:
             | I mean, from my perspective, they're literally prioritizing
             | the things that I want my display manager to do well
             | - Handle rendering things to screen
             | - Handle user input
             | My issue is that while X has a LOT of other things it also
             | happens to do, it just doesn't do those two primary things
             | very well on modern hardware.
             | As an aside -
             | This reminds me of the systemd arguments all over again,
             | but the same crowd that was ready to crucify systemd for
             | all the things it does are now bemoaning all the things
             | Wayland doesn't do.
             | But really, I think there are just a lot of folks who
             | aren't willing to try something new, or to re-evaluate some
             | of the toolchains they've made for themselves.
             | Now - I'm not going to blame them for that, having a
             | working system change under you isn't fun, and it eats up
             | time and resources some people don't have. But it also
             | doesn't stop the new thing from replacing the old thing.
             | Particularly if the new things happens to be genuinely
             | better in many respects.
             | And while I can certainly understand the pain point of
             | missing features in Wayland, The way it gets user input and
             | display output _right_ are just delightful.
             | So delightful that I actually prefer it to my work macbook,
             | which is not something I could _ever_ say about X.
               | oconnor663 wrote:
               | > the same crowd
               | It might not be the same crowd. There are many crowds on
               | Hacker News, and the voting mechanism tends to select for
               | whichever crowd is angry at any given time.
               | Which is, like, super frustrating. I want to feel like I
               | have a relationship with the people I'm talking to, but I
               | don't really. It's always different people, and they're
               | not consistent with each other.
               | forgotmypw17 wrote:
               | You bring up a good point, it's something to think about.
               | I try to address this with completely transparent and
               | public voting, and also non-numerical voting, meaning
               | every vote has to also be a "tag", like on Slashdot:
               | insightful, interesting, troll, flamebait, offtopic, etc.
               | But not only that, you also get to see who tagged you,
               | and this tells you whether it's someone you know or just
               | some random.
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | Entirely fair.
               | I almost wrote out an aside in the above comment, because
               | the person I was replying to certainly didn't mention
               | systemd.
               | I do think there are some interesting echoes between the
               | two conversations, though. Namely that the "angry" that
               | happens to be getting selected for has nothing to do with
               | the merits of either piece of software, and a lot more to
               | do with the fear of having to learn something new to
               | replace something familiar.
               | mindcrime wrote:
               | _Namely that the "angry" that happens to be getting
               | selected for has nothing to do with the merits of either
               | piece of software,_
               | What, you don't think people have legitimate criticisms
               | of Systemd, or Wayland?
               | pmontra wrote:
               | I can work with a system running on systemd, upstart or
               | old good init but I cannot work without screen sharing
               | especially now that everybody is working remotely. I can
               | probably survive with all the other missing features but
               | not this one. I'll consider Wayland only when all the
               | different softwares my customers and friends use will
               | work on it as they do on X.
           | roenxi wrote:
           | > Hell, I'd be happy if there was just fewer bugs.
           | There are strategic and tactical issues here.
           | Tactical issues are obvious. Wayland's problem with
           | screenshots and all the bugs from not having a decades long
           | lineage.
           | Strategic issues are less obvious. As this blog pos alludes
           | to the standard X server is reaching a maintainability crisis
           | where long term devs don't think the project is a good idea.
           | I think Wayland is a tactical mis-step myself for reasons you
           | and GP mention, but I think now that the bad has been covered
           | someone needs to mention the good:
           | The reference X server cannot practically be replaced. The
           | reference Wayland compositor quite possibly isn't ever going
           | to get established before being replaced. This is an
           | excellent thing - it beings evolutionary pressure to the
           | display system.
           | Wayland has problems, but unlike the current X ecosystem the
           | problems can be fixed by replacing bits of software. The
           | Wayland protocol seems light enough that Wayland+1 can
           | implement it as a compatibility layer. When the dust settles,
           | leaving X will have been a good idea.
         | phkahler wrote:
         | >> Until Wayland has all these (and more) and they are as
         | stable and feature-rich as the existing apps on X, I will not
         | willingly switch to Wayland.
         | Every time this topic comes up, a bunch of people bring up the
         | things X has that Wayland doesnt yet have, or have in the form
         | they think it should.
         | I'm not sure if it's just me but these comments come across as
         | some combination of defiant, demanding, or I dont know what.
         | It's like they don't understand that the world is moving on and
         | doesnt really give a $h!t about them and their love of X. I
         | mean here is a post from "the guy" whose been keeping X going
         | for a long time saying "this shit is done" and people keep
         | complaining about that as if they have some say in it without
         | actually contributing to the code. It reads like entitlement -
         | some kind of expectation that other people exist just to make
         | things the way they want them to be.
           | chaorace wrote:
           | Features drive adoption. I might be more inclined to believe
           | in Wayland if other secured platforms adopted similar
           | constraints. Unfortunately for Wayland, other comparable
           | platforms _have_ consistently found security-conscious
           | solutions that don 't compromise on added value.
           | clusterfish wrote:
           | The comment you're responding to lists very concrete issues.
           | Try accepting constructive criticism instead of accusing
           | people of entitlement just because they dare to disagree with
           | you.
           | Entitled developers who think their work is above criticism
           | just because it's open source are just as annoying as
           | entitled users who think they are owed something.
             | izacus wrote:
             | They also seem to "dare" to disagree with major Linux
             | distribution direction so perhaps it's not the responders
             | opinion that's in the minority?
             | I mean, this really sounds very similar to systemd and
             | pulse audio type gnashing of teeth where the new solutions
             | added plenty of widely required features while compromising
             | on niche use cases which had other workarounds.
               | The_rationalist wrote:
               | So non laggy screensharing is niche use case? Such
               | statement does not make any sense to someone that live in
               | the reality, especially since covid.
               | Wayland bring the risk of having critical bugs on
               | compositor Y and critical missfeatures/missoptimizations.
               | Staying on X does not have any major user facing issue.
               | Therefore choosing to use Wayland right now is an
               | irrational action which pros does not offset the cons.
               | Maybe that it'll make sense in the next 5 years, then I'd
               | reconsider
               | izacus wrote:
               | I've never seen non-laggy screensharing with X either
               | (especially since most modern apps draw directly and
               | don't use X commands) so that's a really facetious
               | argument to make. Even with NX and Xpra.
               | State of the art has moved to image compression based
               | screen sharing even on Linux and demanding that we stay
               | on an obsolete stack which falls apart as soon as you
               | connect a modern monitor to modern laptop due to some
               | 1990s usecase is the crux of all these neckbeard
               | complaints. Just like with Pulse, SystemD and bunch of
               | others.
               | Linux distros want to stay competitive in the now, not in
               | 1990s. Which is why they're gaining market share.
               | dfox wrote:
               | I see major difference in there: both systemd and
               | pulseaudio do things differently but in fact do not break
               | any existing usecases. For both these "modern" solutions
               | all the super niche things that get broken are still
               | possible. While Wayland outright does not provide
               | solutions for things that are decidedly non-niche.
               | izacus wrote:
               | PulseAudio certanly broke a lot of existing use-cases.
               | But it also brought some very clear advantages.
               | Same with Wayland - it's a way to drag Linux desktop into
               | a world where mixed DPI displays exist and where HW
               | acceleration of desktop is a norm. That seems to be
               | signifiantly more useful in 2020 where most displays need
               | some kind of scaling.
             | phkahler wrote:
             | >> Try accepting constructive criticism instead of accusing
             | people of entitlement just because they dare to disagree
             | with you.
             | That's valid, and I did say I'm not sure if it's just me -
             | meaning my (possibly wrong) interpretation. A list of
             | specific things missing is fine, but the I'm-not-switching-
             | until sounds different than a simple valid criticism or an
             | inquiry as to weather those are being addressed.
             | I probably should not have responded to a particular
             | comment with my comment though. It wasn't too bad as those
             | things go. Some of them _really_ do come across the way I
             | described.
           | yyyk wrote:
           | >Every time this topic comes up, a bunch of people bring up
           | the things X has that Wayland doesnt yet have, or have in the
           | form they think it should.
           | Every time this topic comes up, a bunch of people remind that
           | Wayland doesn't yet have an accepted standard for basic
           | features. Wayland is very good at some niche features like
           | HiDPI or fractional scaling* , but more people (at least two
           | orders of magnitude more) need screensharing these days when
           | companies move to WFH.
           | * Yes, these are relatively niche features right now. e.g.
           | Look at the Steam hardware survey: more people run
           | resolutions below 1080p than above it - and that's in a
           | biased sample, since gamers are more likely to have high
           | resolution monitors! Now, it's nice to be future proof, but
           | these features should not be prioritized over basic features.
         | app4soft wrote:
         | > _Examples (in order of importance to me):_                 *
         | Image editor, with own modern looking GUI-toolkit built on top
         | of X11 (AzPainter)[0]
         | > _Until Wayland has all these (and more) and they are as
         | stable and feature-rich as the existing apps on X, I will not
         | willingly switch to Wayland._
         | Same thing actually decided by AzPainter developer: they
         | already tried to add Wayland support to its GUI-toolkit
         | (additionally to already supported X11), but postponed it due
         | to Wayland still is not fully usable.[1,2]
         | [0] https://github.com/Symbian9/azpainter
         | [1] https://aznote.jakou.com/prog/wayland/index.html
         | [2] http://azsky2.html.xdomain.jp/memo/index.html
         | mFixman wrote:
         | This is a good time to ask a question I wondered for a long
         | time: why is does the clipboard depend on the window manager at
         | all?
         | Wouldn't it be easier to make it a separate service instead of
         | having X or Wayland deal with it?
         | pkulak wrote:
         | You kinda just need to use new stuff when it's all so heavily
         | dependent on an X server.                   * swaymsg (no idea
         | what Gnome or KDE do here)         * wl-clipboad         *
         | wofi, or a Wayland fork of rofi (https://github.com/lbonn/rofi)
         | * I don't use a clipboard manager, so I'm gonna skip this one.
         | :D         * slurp, grim, wf-recorder, mpv (OBS and ffmpeg work
         | fine, not sure about the others)
         | I think I was lucky to get back into Linux this year because I
         | didn't have to unlearn anything to use Wayland. You mention a
         | dozen tools I've never heard of! If I had some X flow I'd been
         | using for years with 10s of tools that no longer work on the
         | other side, that would be overwhelming.
           | mikenew wrote:
           | clipman, for a clipboard manager.
           | Also here's a oneliner for color picking:
           | grim -g "$(slurp -p)" - -t png -o | convert png:- -format
           | '%[pixel:s]\n' info:- | awk -F '[(,)]'
           | '{printf("#%02x%02x%02x\n",$2,$3,$4)}'
             | falsaberN1 wrote:
             | May I recommend CopyQ as well? I moved to it when Plasma
             | changed Klipper some time ago and I am quite glad I did.
             | Can even install it on Windows in a portable fashion. I
             | can't shake the feeling that I can do so much with it yet
             | I'm barely scratching the surface as user, it's quite
             | powerful.
               | mkhnews wrote:
               | +1 for CopyQ from me, it is awesome.
         | emersion wrote:
         | I can find Wayland equivalents for my compositor for all of
         | these tools:
         | https://github.com/swaywm/sway/wiki/i3-Migration-Guide#commo...
           | jancsika wrote:
           | And I can develop on an ancient Thinkpad if I want. But I'm
           | not going to claim that's the best UX.
           | From the article, about X:
           | > But using it to drive your display hardware and multiplex
           | your input devices is choosing to make your life worse.
           | This is a weird conflation of this developer's experience
           | after being burned out on development, and the user's
           | experience running a modern distro.
           | If as I user I confuse those two things, then I'm going to
           | click the button to choose Wayland when I log in. And I
           | guarantee you my experience as a user will be _worse_ on
           | Ubuntu, Debian, and probably any other modern distro by
           | making that choice.
           | I can work around that worse user experience by choosing
           | alternative to what doesn't work, but that's a separate issue
           | from the default UX under Wayland making my life easier.
           | magicalhippo wrote:
           | Ok so I've mainly used Windows, but I got a secondary machine
           | with Linux, which for the last few years has been running KDE
           | Neon which I rather enjoy.
           | This whole "desktop stack" on Linux always makes my head
           | hurt, so these might be really dumb questions:
           | If I install some distro, Arch say, and I wanted to use Sway,
           | and I then want to run Kile, will Kile then run through
           | XWayland? Will it work just as well as Kile on KDE Neon?
           | I understand KWin has some Wayland support but it also seems
           | not quite ready for prime time the times I've tried it. So
           | was curious about alternatives, just for curiosities sake.
             | josefx wrote:
             | > Kile
             | Since Kile is a KDE application it should run using Qts
             | wayland backend.
             | > Will it work just as well as Kile on KDE Neon?
             | Depends, do you need anything more fancy than mouse and
             | keyboard? No? Then great.
             | Power user functionality like copy paste on the other hand?
             | https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/4007 might want to
             | pray before using that.
             | chungy wrote:
             | Kile most likely runs as a native Wayland application.
             | Though for any legacy apps/games that use X, yeah they'll
             | run in XWayland and should be seamless.
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | Right... seamless...
               | https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/1065
             | emersion wrote:
             | >If I install some distro, Arch say, and I wanted to use
             | Sway, and I then want to run Kile, will Kile then run
             | through XWayland?
             | Kile seems to use Qt5, so should work without Xwayland.
             | > Will it work just as well as Kile on KDE Neon?
             | It should, yes. I don't use Kile though, so I haven't
             | checked.
           | pmoriarty wrote:
           | Just to take a couple of examples from that list:
           | ydotool is listed there as an equivalent of xdotool, but
           | ydotool has only a tiny fraction of the features of xdotool.
           | And it's unlikely that it'll get much better any time soon,
           | as its README says:
           |  _" Since Jun, 2019, I have little time to maintain this
           | project"_
           | wtype is listed as another equivalent to xdotool, but it has
           | even less features than ydotool.
           | If the rest of the X equivalents on that list are as feature
           | poor as these, I don't hold out much hope for Wayland in the
           | near future.
             | cycloptic wrote:
             | I said this last time, but ydotool probably won't ever have
             | the same features as xdotool because the scope isn't the
             | same. A lot of the X commands in xdotool don't even make
             | sense in the context of wayland, so it would be
             | unreasonable for them to have the same scope.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | As an end-user, the fact that Wayland can't do what I
               | need while X can is a black mark against Wayland.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | I don't understand where you're getting this idea that
               | Wayland is or was supposed to do all the same things as X
               | in exactly the same way. It's not, that's the entire
               | point. As an end-user you can continue to use what works
               | for you. Yes X is much more flexible at some things (and
               | Wayland is more flexible at others) but it comes at a
               | cost which is expounded on by the article.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | _" it comes at a cost which is expounded on by the
               | article."_
               | I would appreciate it if you could quote the article
               | where it expounds on the cost.
               | I've read through it a few times, and could only find two
               | very brief, vague, handwavy complaints against X:
               | 1 - _" the code happens to implement an unfortunate
               | specification"_
               | 2 - _" You can only apply so much thrust to the pig
               | before you question why you're trying to make it fly at
               | all."_
               | As an end-user, I don't find these to be particularly
               | convincing.
               | Moreover, X works for me now and does everything I need.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | Those are all quotes that are referring to it, as well as
               | this one:
               | >But using it to drive your display hardware and
               | multiplex your input devices is choosing to make your
               | life worse.
               | If X continues to work for you and you don't find it
               | makes your life worse, then... keep using it?
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | > I don't understand where you're getting this idea that
               | Wayland is or was supposed to do all the same things as X
               | in exactly the same way. It's not, that's the entire
               | point.
               | Ahh, classic: blame the user.
               | You are wrong for expecting things to work in a way
               | that's familiar!
               | Global hotkey bindings? Sure, that works on Windows,
               | macOS, and X, but it doesn't on Wayland and its your
               | fault for expecting it.
               | The beatings will continue until morale improves!
               | > As an end-user you can continue to use what works for
               | you.
               | LOL, Wayland is literally being marketed as the
               | replacement for X. It's even the default display server
               | in Debian, Ubuntu, and (I think?) Fedora.
               | Why are you surprised that people therefore expect stuff
               | that works in X to work in Wayland?
               | bitwize wrote:
               | > Global hotkey bindings? Sure, that works on Windows,
               | macOS, and X, but it doesn't on Wayland and its your
               | fault for expecting it.
               | It's not that. It's that global hotkey bindings are out
               | of scope for a Wayland compositor. But don't worry. An
               | API for such things for the crufty d-bus broker should be
               | dropping aaaaaaany minute now... then all you have to do
               | is wait for your compositor to support it!
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | Please tone down the rhetoric, I'm not blaming anybody. X
               | is still included on those distros as a fallback option
               | in case you have something that doesn't work.
               | Re global hotkey bindings: Can you please describe your
               | setup to me? I honestly have no idea what you're talking
               | about, global hotkeys were supported in all the Wayland
               | implementations I tried recently. (KDE, GNOME, Sway,
               | Wayfire)
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | > Please tone down the rhetoric, I'm not blaming anybody.
               | I understand that's not your intention, but that's
               | effectively what you're doing.
               | I'm a former developer who moved into product management
               | a long time ago, and I've seen the syndrome.
               | "I understand what you want, but we didn't build it that
               | way, so you need to change your expectations" places the
               | onus on the user to change their behaviour, instead of on
               | the developer to build the thing the user actually wants.
               | > X is still included on those distros as a fallback
               | option in case you have something that doesn't work.
               | The trouble is, a neophyte will a) have no idea what the
               | difference is between Wayland and Xorg, and b) not
               | realize that switching might fix whatever issue they're
               | encountering.
               | And BTW, this all presumes that a distro installs Xorg at
               | all. If not, you've gotta dive into the package manager,
               | which adds an additional barrier since you need to know
               | what to look for and install.
               | > Re global hotkey bindings: Can you please describe your
               | setup to me? I honestly have no idea what you're talking
               | about, global hotkeys were supported in all the Wayland
               | implementations I tried recently. (KDE, GNOME, Sway,
               | Wayfire)
               | It certainly doesn't.
               | Two examples that immediately spring to mind:
               | Guake, a handy pop-up terminal. In X I can press F12
               | anywhere and it opens. Super handy for quick terminal
               | interactions, always-on commandline tools, etc.
               | Gnome Do or equivalent. Basically Quicksilver for Linux.
               | Fast search, command execution, etc, from the keyboard.
               | Hit a hotkey and it pops up.
               | Right now the way this works is that the compositor binds
               | the key and then... does stuff. But that requires these
               | applications to be redesigned to support that. For
               | example, guake added a whole separate binary, 'guake-
               | toggle', and it's only job is to toggle visibility.
               | Unfortunately, that requires the user to know that they
               | need to go into their compositor settings, bind the key,
               | and set it to run that application.
               | Meanwhile, on literally any other OS, this would be
               | handled with a config setting right in the application.
               | Maybe eventually be addressed with yet-another-dbus-
               | protocol, but right now it's just a gaping functional
               | regression.
               | amaccuish wrote:
               | > The trouble is, a neophyte will a) have no idea what
               | the difference is between Wayland and Xorg, and b) not
               | realize that switching might fix whatever issue they're
               | encountering.
               | But they're definitely clever enough to be using xdotool.
               | Lol.
               | Wayland may not fit with everyone, which is fine, no one
               | is taking X away from you. But allow the vast majority of
               | users to have their scaling displays and multiple monitor
               | setups, which is far more common than your requirements.
               | I'm sorry Wayland hasn't come far enough yet to cover you
               | as well, but it's far enough for the vast majority of
               | users. You bring up xdotool in everything thread as if
               | it's something that Grandma uses Linux for. It's not.
               | > And BTW, this all presumes that a distro installs Xorg
               | at all. If not, you've gotta dive into the package
               | manager, which adds an additional barrier since you need
               | to know what to look for and install.
               | So be honest what you're arguing for. You, as an
               | accomplished unix user, want distro defaults to be
               | tailored to your use case. That's not what distro
               | defaults are there for.
               | ubercow13 wrote:
               | And regarding global hotkeys? Something which before
               | would involve going into an application's settings and
               | seeing "Choose hotkey for X", a la Windows, now involves
               | going into the compositor's settings, adding a hotkey,
               | knowing what the command line is and how to achieve X via
               | the command line, understanding how launching commands
               | can affect already-running instances of applications,
               | adding a hotkey there...
               | That seems distinctly anti-grandma.
               | dylan-m wrote:
               | I think we should acknowledge many people have grandmas
               | who build desktop operating systems, so this is perhaps a
               | source of misunderstanding :b
               | What kind of global hotkeys are we talking about that
               | casual everyday users need, as opposed to people who
               | build their own desktop OS from parts?
               | We all tried the universal frictionless global hotkeys
               | thing. It was a really bad idea for a general audience
               | [1]. That's why we have MPRIS for global media player
               | controls (Firefox supports it now, which is awesome!),
               | and stuff like the keyboard shortcut inhibit protocol for
               | VMs and the like. It's unfortunate for the building an OS
               | from parts thing, but unlike cars and smartphones, at
               | least it is still all open source.
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keystroke_logging
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | >I'm a former developer who moved into product management
               | a long time ago, and I've seen the syndrome.
               | I'll repeat: please tone it down, this is not the way to
               | contribute to open source. I'm not a developer on any of
               | these projects and you aren't my project manager. If you
               | intend to try to step up to manage this as a work project
               | then that's fine but this is not the place to do it. Save
               | it for your own employees that you're hiring.
               | Re user confusion: If you know enough to write scripts
               | using xdotool you can probably figure out how to use a
               | package manager and switch a machine over to X.
               | Re global hotkeys: I still don't understand your
               | complaint. You just described two applications that
               | didn't work and then went on to explain how one of them
               | was made to work on Wayland. Yes, applications need to be
               | ported, no solution on the Wayland side will ever change
               | that. If the complaint is that the chosen method adds
               | latency, or that the config setting has moved, those are
               | vastly different than your original complaint which is
               | that it doesn't work.
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | Please don't tell other users repeatedly to shut up even
               | if you phrase it in a slightly more passive formulation.
               | I have a tendency to want to write little phrases into my
               | response like "as I already said" "if you would just pay
               | attention" "If you bothered to look". Note that none of
               | the above actually add information to the discussion they
               | are basically little ways of poking someone in the chest
               | verbally for the benefit ones own ego. I try to delete
               | such things from my posts which as are complete and
               | better written without them. You would do well to strike
               | "I'll repeat" from your vocabulary it is very much in the
               | same vein as the above.
               | [deleted]
               | sokoloff wrote:
               | > I'll repeat: please tone it down, this is not the way
               | to contribute to open source.
               | I don't have a dog in the Wayland-X fight, but I don't
               | see any excess or unproductive rhetoric in GP's
               | contributions here. They seem factual and specific with
               | some background thrown in. When you twice asked for it to
               | be toned down, I went looking to find offense and
               | couldn't.
               | Contributing to open-source by stating concerns as a user
               | of the system is a minor positive way to contribute.
               | Writing docs for workarounds is a greater positive.
               | Contributing code patches is a yet greater way, but those
               | don't take away from the fact the filing bugs (literally
               | or conversationally) is still a positive action.
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | In their defense, my first comment in this subthread
               | wasn't great. I'll own that.
               | In the second one, the one phrase I probably could've
               | phrased differently was "I've seen the syndrome". I could
               | see reading that as a personal attack.
               | I have good days and bad. This hasn't been one of my
               | best. But I appreciate your being generous to my
               | motivations.
               | jlokier wrote:
               | About global keybindings.
               | Interesting, I just noticed MacOS allows normally global
               | keybindings to be overridden by applications that really
               | want to override them.
               | So for example, doing Command-Tab in the VNC viewer will
               | tab through applications on the VNC server you're
               | connected to, which makes sense because you feel like
               | you're using that other desktop. But everywhere else,
               | Command-Tab is intercepted by the window manager and tabs
               | through the local applications.
               | Same for other hotkeys that are usually universal, like
               | the one that takes screenshots and screen recordings
               | (which are both done really nicely in MacOS by the way),
               | or the one that lets you search for anything.
               | umanwizard wrote:
               | Wayland is not currently the default on Ubuntu.
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | Doh, my bad, you're right. I... think? they were planning
               | to make it the default in 20.04 and then they backed off.
               | jolmg wrote:
               | > I don't understand where you're getting this idea that
               | Wayland is or was supposed to do all the same things as X
               | This entire post is about Xorg becoming abandonware.
               | People are expressing why they're not willing to switch
               | to Wayland, citing lack of features they use.
               | > As an end-user you can continue to use what works for
               | you.
               | Until Xorg becomes unmaintained and eventually breaks.
               | Wayland is _not_ being put forth as an option. The idea
               | is that X _will_ eventually be unsupported.
               | cycloptic wrote:
               | The article also includes a call for developers that want
               | to help support X.
               | jolmg wrote:
               | Yes it does, but that's not going to stop people from
               | expressing themselves online or discuss the disadvantages
               | of what's coming.
               | Besides, realistically speaking, not everyone is capable
               | enough to do that. Their only way to contribute is to let
               | the web know that not everyone prefers Wayland and why.
               | Discussions like these are like feature requests and bug
               | reports, only broader, encompassing multiple projects.
               | Some people might interpret that as entitled b____ing,
               | but then apparently so are feature requests and bug
               | reports sometimes.
               | hapless wrote:
               | Yes, the missing scope is the problem!
             | horsawlarway wrote:
             | I find this comment _deeply_ ironic.
             | You're here complaining that a maintainer isn't around to
             | add features in a thread that's literally a major
             | maintainer of X server telling you he's not going to work
             | to maintain the project anymore.
             | ---
             | Here's my take on your position - I absolutely agree that
             | if you have processes and tooling in place that you
             | currently depend on, and can't replace, you should stick
             | with X.
             | That said - As a way to manage input and output on my
             | system (MY system, with my preferences and my requirements)
             | I've found Wayland to be a delightfully better experience
             | than X.
             | So to come back at your list of requirements, mine looks
             | like
             | - Multimonitor support, including mixed scaling ratios
             | - Touchpad input with gestures, approximately in line with
             | the experience on OSX
             | - A sane "default" that does not constantly require that I
             | manually edit settings or xconf files on _EVERY_ system I
             | touch
             | - No screen tearing or flickering. Seriously - NO!
             | ---
             | The difference between the two lists, is that I believe
             | Wayland can eventually replace the tools you need. I no
             | longer have _any_ faith that X will be able to solve my
             | requirements. Wayland does.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | _" You're here complaining that a maintainer isn't around
               | to add features in a thread that's literally a major
               | maintainer of X server telling you he's not going to work
               | to maintain the project anymore."_
               | The difference is that a huge number of essential
               | features both _exist_ and actually _work_ in X, but not
               | in Wayland.
               | That particular X developer might have abandoned X, but X
               | itself is still here, still works, and still does what I
               | need. Can't say the same about Wayland, yet...
               | bitwize wrote:
               | s/That particular X developer/All X developers, except
               | maybe for Keith Packard/g
               | The X development community has decided, almost
               | unanimously, that Wayland is the way forward. More
               | powerful and knowledgeable forces than you have cast this
               | die for you. It is now upon you to either adjust, or step
               | up and contribute where Wayland is lacking.
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | This is an interesting dichotomy. Alternatively just keep
               | using X until 2030-2040. If X does everything you
               | presently care for well and major apps like gimp and
               | firefox are apt to support X for the next decade+ an
               | alternative contribution might be bug fixes for X or
               | packaging for distros that opt to continue to support it.
               | When about do you think firefox will no longer build for
               | X?
               | Python 3 was ready in 2008 but 2 will be supported by
               | RHEL until at least 2024 16 years later. I will be
               | surprised if in 2030 I can't simply pick distro with X
               | and fire up firefox. Its kind of silly to expect users
               | who are disinterested in using foo to pitch in to make
               | foo acceptable when said users really want bar because
               | you tell them that bar is now the standard "get over it".
               | mixedCase wrote:
               | Or, we could just use X if it still works for us. I don't
               | need any "more powerful and knowledgeable forces" to tell
               | me what works for me and what doesn't.
               | I'd like to use Wayland. But there's no replacement to my
               | bspwm+picom setup that works with a little configuration.
               | Tough luck, guess I won't be using Wayland for now.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | Yeah, except what happens when the apps and toolkits you
               | use drop X support because they consider X a dead end?
               | What will you do then?
               | This is NOT a hypothetical. Projects have dropped ALSA
               | support and adopted a policy of PulseAudio or GTFO -- and
               | ALSA has more commitment to its long-term maintenance
               | than Xorg now does. And I suspect the next phase will be
               | Wayland maintainers putting pressure on toolkits to drop
               | X support, much like Lennart pressured the GNOME
               | community to hard-depend on systemd.
               | bluGill wrote:
               | The other option is to maintain X. I'm not interested in
               | that, and since thise who have done that in the past
               | agree Wayland is the future I'm cautiously going to trust
               | them and so I'll transition my systems to Wayland (if
               | they are still x).
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | This is an interesting dichotomy. Alternatively just keep
               | using X until 2030. If X does everything you presently
               | care for well and major apps like gimp and firefox are
               | apt to support X for the next decade an alternative
               | contribution might be bug fixes for X or packaging for
               | distros that opt to continue to support it.
               | When about do you think firefox will no longer build for
               | X?
               | Python 3 was ready in 2008 but 2 will be supported by
               | RHEL until at least 2024 16 years later. I will be
               | surprised if in 2030 I can't simply pick distro with X
               | and fire up firefox.
               | emersion wrote:
               | Nobody is forcing you to use Wayland. Nobody is arguing
               | that X.org's server will disappear from the face of the
               | earth.
               | bitwize wrote:
               | That's precisely what people are arguing. That's
               | precisely what Kristian Hogsberg wanted from the get-go:
               | for X to simply go away, except as a compatibility layer
               | for "legacy applications". (And I bet Xwayland will
               | eventually be deprecated and unsupported, except for Red
               | Hat's government clients or something.) X has been quasi-
               | officially deprecated for years now, with Wayland offered
               | as its replacement.
               | jolmg wrote:
               | > Nobody is arguing that X.org's server will disappear
               | from the face of the earth.
               | Actually, that's exactly one of the major reasons put
               | forth for switching to Wayland. The very comment you
               | replied to quotes it:
               | >>> a major maintainer of X server telling you he's not
               | going to work to maintain the project anymore
               | If the project ends up truly unmaintained, it really
               | would end up disappearing from the face of the earth as
               | the platform under it (the hardware, the kernel, etc.)
               | changes to the point that it becomes non-functional.
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | I'm sorry, this sounds like some strange mix of
               | entitlement and unwillingness to explore new solutions.
               | You don't want people to use a new thing because it might
               | siphon off resource you're benefitting from now?
               | If you love X, go work on it, or pay people to.
               | Otherwise... what possible point are you trying to make?
               | jolmg wrote:
               | > ... entitlement and unwillingness ... You don't want
               | ...
               | Did I express any want in my comment? I didn't even say
               | anything about my preferences. I wonder if perhaps you
               | replied to the wrong comment?
               | > what possible point are you trying to make?
               | To correct emersion about Wayland being an option. Do you
               | think what I said was incorrect?
               | Joeri wrote:
               | X disappearing from the face of the earth would be a
               | great thing for wayland, because people would be forced
               | to fix the remaining issues.
               | I've seen this happen multiple times with replacement
               | systems: as long as people can escape back to the old
               | system the new one remains rough around the edges, but
               | once the old one is turned off the new system rapidly
               | improves to production level quality.
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | Why would they be forced to fix the remaining issues
               | instead of telling users they don't really need the
               | features that they have deprecated?
               | jolmg wrote:
               | > people would be forced to fix the remaining issues.
               | The problem is that they _can 't_ be fixed, as I
               | understand. People are asking for things that some see as
               | features and others see as bugs.
               | The only way to keep everyone happy is for both to
               | continue co-existing, but unless something changes, it
               | doesn't seem like that's going to happen.
               | sjy wrote:
               | The issues can't be 'fixed' in the Wayland protocol, but
               | have been addressed by individual compositors and
               | libraries like wlroots. The difficulty is not in building
               | a decent Wayland desktop from scratch (GNOME, Sway and
               | ChromeOS have all done this), but in rewriting X11 window
               | managers, screen sharing apps and automation tools that
               | perform functions that are the compositor's
               | responsibility under Wayland.
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | > You're here complaining that a maintainer isn't around
               | to add features in a thread that's literally a major
               | maintainer of X server telling you he's not going to work
               | to maintain the project anymore.
               | I... think you already understand why this is a
               | disingenuous argument, but I'll explain anyway:
               | The difference is, for most folks, X works, right now,
               | today, while its maintainership is in question. For
               | example, of the four items you listed, none of them
               | particularly matter to me.
               | ydotool, as an example, doesn't work _and_ it 's not
               | maintained.
               | Does that make sense?
               | > I believe Wayland can eventually replace the tools you
               | need
               | Alright, well, ten years from now we should revisit this
               | conversation!
               | Unfortunately, at this point, the Wayland ecosystem is
               | looking a bit like Zeno's Paradox...
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | My opinion - today - is that X doesn't work on laptops
               | where the user expects to use a touchpad. Nor does it
               | work on a laptop with a resolution that requires scaling
               | (at least not the second you plug in another display).
               | It also takes a _hell_ of a lot more configuration to
               | reach that state.
               | It's also not maintained.
               | So no disrespect, but it really sounds like your argument
               | has boiled down to "I won't acknowledge issues unless
               | they personally impact me and my daily workflow".
               | Now - I'm fine with that when you're making an argument
               | for the machine you should use personally (hell, I agree
               | with you, if X works and you like, rock on). But that's a
               | pretty disingenuous take to make while discussing the
               | merits of the platform with other folks.
               | pmontra wrote:
               | > My opinion - today - is that X doesn't work on laptops
               | where the user expects to use a touchpad.
               | My touchpads work very well with X, out of the box (any
               | Ubuntu I used.) HP ZBook 15 from 2014 and a HP nc8430
               | from 2006.
               | > Nor does it work on a laptop with a resolution that
               | requires scaling (at least not the second you plug in
               | another display).
               | I can't comment on this. The few times I added another
               | display it wasn't larger than the usual 1920x1080 px.
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | > My opinion - today - is that X doesn't work on laptops
               | where the user expects to use a touchpad. Nor does it
               | work on a laptop with a resolution that requires scaling
               | (at least not the second you plug in another display).
               | None of those issues actually make X unusable. And I say
               | that while writing this on an X1 Carbon running Debian
               | testing using X in a multi-monitor setup (and yes, this
               | is a totally plug-and-play setup with zero monkeying
               | around in config files... a fact that, frankly, amazes
               | me, having grown up hacking X modelines).
               | Wayland, by contrast, is _literally_ unusable (as in, it
               | lacks fundamental features that make it something people
               | can 't use) in many circumstances due to either
               | compositor bugs, features that don't work by design, or
               | features that don't work due to a lack of solutions or a
               | lack of adoption of those solutions.
               | And I know this because I've _tried_ to use it. I really
               | _like_ the possibilities it opens up.
               | But it's so far from mature, at this point, that it
               | simply cannot act as an X replacement for most people.
               | Frankly, I'm a little shocked distros are making Wayland
               | their default display server ecosystem, as it's an
               | objective step backward for desktop Linux and I expect
               | will scare a lot of neophytes away who wonder why the
               | hell basic features like screensharing still don't yet
               | work in their favourite application.
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | Funny, I'm writing this on a Arch/Gnome/Wayland XPS
               | machine, that I use as my daily driver. So clearly it's
               | not "literally unusable".
               | > Frankly, I'm a little shocked distros are making
               | Wayland their default display server ecosystem
               | They're making it the default because it work better for
               | most people.
               | You may not be most people, but I can at least concede
               | that X is probably still the right choice for you.
               | You seem to be unable to have a good faith conversation
               | about the merits of Wayland.
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | > You seem to be unable to have a good faith conversation
               | about the merits of Wayland.
               | Actually, we haven't talked about the merits, yet!
               | Unfortunately, when I was playing around with Wayland, I
               | struggled a bit to find the benefits that would make it
               | so irresistible that I'd put up with the downsides.
               | Tear-free? Eh, I have that with X thanks to Intel's
               | drivers. Though I absolutely understand that's not a
               | universal experience.
               | Different display DPIs? Anything that falls back to
               | Xwayland (which unfortunately is still a lot of
               | applications) look like blurry garbage for obvious
               | reasons, which means it's actually unusable in a lot of
               | circumstances. And that's assuming solid application-
               | level support (I seem to recall Firefox had mixed DPI
               | regressions that were recently resolved, but that's only
               | a vague recollection).
               | TBH, I was really _really_ rooting for this feature as it
               | could be really nice, and I was deeply disappointed when
               | it didn 't work out.
               | Touchpad gestures? Okay, legit these are really nice!
               | Three-finger workspace switching in Gnome is pretty
               | slick. OTOH, the lack of that feature isn't a
               | dealbreaker, either.
               | General touchpad improvements? Funny thing is, libinput
               | is being backported into Xorg, which means that you can
               | get a lot of those benefits without switching. For
               | example, I'm using Firefox with libinput2 and it's a
               | fantastic improvement!
               | Honestly, I'd love a killer feature that'd push me to
               | Wayland and cause me to put up with all the functional
               | regressions. But I simply haven't found one... :(
               | So, at this point, I'm waiting for the regressions to be
               | resolved. Hopefully we'll get global hotkeys, broadly
               | supported screencasting, better application-level support
               | for things like mixed DPI, and lots of bug fixes so I can
               | finally make the switch!
               | horsawlarway wrote:
               | Honestly - It sounds like it's been a minute since you've
               | tried it.
               | I can say that 4 years ago I was firmly in the "it isn't
               | ready" camp.
               | 2 years ago, touchpad support was my "killer feature"
               | (I'm left handed and have issues with RSI in my right
               | wrist).
               | Global hotkeys work pretty much everywhere I've tried in
               | the last year or so (including being able to configure
               | global hotkeys in an electron app I have to maintain for
               | work, which was a nice plus). I also actually tend to
               | like that they're centralized and apps aren't able to
               | just stomp all over the configured hotkeys.
               | Screencasting is still a pain point, but I actually
               | appreciate the security model that makes it painful, and
               | pipewire is functional enough that I can pretty easily
               | share a screen on anything that can run in a browser
               | (Zoom, Discord, Hangouts - Slack is still a pain).
               | I don't have issues with XWayland being blurry - although
               | I do have issues with Xwayland windows having the same
               | scaling restrictions as X (If you move a window from a
               | scaled screen to a non-scaled screen, it won't re-
               | adjust). Fortunately, most of my daily apps are now
               | Wayland native, including my editor, my terminal, and my
               | browser (Chromium build with ozone enabled).
               | ---
               | Now, all that said, if you've tried recently and it's
               | still not there, I absolutely get it. But I think it'll
               | move faster than you expect. 4 years ago I certainly
               | wouldn't have believed you if you'd told me I'd like
               | Wayland enough to bother writing out this whole comment
               | chain :D
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | > Global hotkeys work pretty much everywhere
               | To be clear you mean that can in your config file or
               | settings menu bind a hotkey to run a particular action if
               | and only if that action can be specified by a particular
               | command line operation.
               | This is indeed my preferred way to specify such things I
               | like that it is centrally managed and if the application
               | developer lets you interact with the program that way it
               | is quite powerful.
               | Is this possible on gnome wayland or just under sway?
               | There is another form of global hotkey configuration
               | wherein the app lets you specify a global command for an
               | operation that may be internally specified and may not be
               | provided via a cli interface and this functionality will
               | never work by design.
               | sjy wrote:
               | The GNOME Settings app allows you to assign global
               | hotkeys under Wayland using the normal GUI [1]. Not sure
               | about configuring those hotkeys in a config file like
               | i3/sway, I assume it's some dconf thing.
               | [1] https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-
               | help/stable/keyboard-shor...
               | CarelessExpert wrote:
               | > Now, all that said, if you've tried recently and it's
               | still not there, I absolutely get it.
               | Unfortunately I tried it... I'd estimate two months ago
               | (I switched back to Debian testing from Ubuntu a couple
               | of months back and decided to give Wayland a shot now
               | that it's the default).
           | anonunivgrad wrote:
           | > _on my compositor_
           | Yikes! So just more fragmentation and half-baked
           | alternatives.
             | CarelessExpert wrote:
             | This is actually an extremely important point.
             | Because Wayland pushes so much logic into the compositor,
             | there's now the very real likelihood that things will work
             | on Gnome but not KDE, or work in i3 but not Gnome.
               | kzrdude wrote:
               | We already see this with global hotkeys/shortcuts - some
               | compositors support it and others not, and how to
               | configure it is not unified. :)
               | Spivak wrote:
               | This is why the org.freedesktop.* namespace exists. Very
               | few people complain about org.freedesktop.Notifications
               | not being portable. The next ones on track are
               | org.freedesktop.Screenshot and
               | org.freedesktop.Screencast.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | Why don't these compositor developers just get together
               | and standardize?
               | emersion wrote:
               | That's what wayland-protocols [1] is for.
               | [1]: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-
               | protocols
               | Spivak wrote:
               | And dbus for things that aren't in-scope for Wayland
               | itself.
               | marcthe12 wrote:
               | That's kinda the full issue in standardizing. Gnome wants
               | dbus for everything while sway wants wayland extension
               | most things as they avoid using dbus code. So stuff like
               | xsettings/xrdb or screensharing replacement has basically
               | has wayland extension and a dbus API.
               | iforgotpassword wrote:
               | It looks like thanks to Wayland being more modular, there
               | is even more room for fragmentation. X had its fair share
               | of extensions, but somehow most WMs and DMs managed to
               | agree on things.
               | And in my opinion the whole isolation and security
               | concept is hot garbage. It hinders so many useful things.
               | My Linux desktop is not a smartphone where I download
               | random, badly screened closed source apps from a play
               | store. I'm downloading open source tools via my distro's
               | package manager. If one of these got backdoored, Wayland
               | preventing it from taking a screenshot of another Wayland
               | app won't exactly save the day anyways.
               | Instead we're now getting clumsy, overly complicated
               | solutions for all these simple use cases. Ultimately I
               | don't care. If people enjoy creating these needlessly
               | complicated monstrosities, fine. It's just that we need
               | to wait ten times as long until we get something usable
               | that way. I guess X needs to keep chugging along a couple
               | more years....
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | _" My Linux desktop is not a smartphone where I download
               | random, badly screened closed source apps from a play
               | store. I'm downloading open source tools via my distro's
               | package manager."_
               | You're forgetting all of the untrusted Javascript (and
               | soon Webassembly) most people are running through their
               | web browser.
               | That seems to be one of the biggest security holes
               | Wayland is designed to plug (to some extent).
               | jolmg wrote:
               | Indeed. I wonder if these alternative tools are
               | guaranteed to work no matter what compositor the user
               | chooses for their computer. In X, the user has complete
               | freedom over their WM and the tools will always work. You
               | can build confidently on top of them. I'm concerned the
               | same can't be said of Wayland.
             | emersion wrote:
             | Correction: on my compositor and all compositors
             | implementing the protocols wlroots pushes forward. This
             | includes Sway, but also all wlroots-based compositors, and
             | for some protocols also KDE and Mir.
         | boogies wrote:
         | > Until Wayland has all these (and more) and they are as stable
         | and feature-rich as the existing apps on X, I will not
         | willingly switch to Wayland.
         | For me it's some of those, dwm, sxhkd, keynav, xcape, the
         | Compose key, and simple highlight + middle click/Shift+Insert
         | copypasta. I'm a bit confused about the extent to which the
         | Wayland devs have changed their minds about the last one.
           | tincholio wrote:
           | xcape and the compose key are really killer tools. Not having
           | them would really screw with productivity
           | simias wrote:
           | Man reading this thread confirmed that I probably shouldn't
           | even attempt to use Wayland in the near future, I basically
           | use every single of the features you've listed.
           | So far I basically kept using X11 because it mostly just
           | works for me, but I didn't expect that Wayland was still so
           | far behind.
         | mkhalil wrote:
         | Wow.
         | I was suprised to read that OBS doesn't work with Wayland. I
         | found some articles [0] on how it runs well using XWayland [1]
         | - which I guess let's you run X-Clients under Wayland - but it
         | seems that the amount of work to get this to work is not
         | trivial, considering the official PR for the work, is on part 3
         | and that has been open since March![2]. Oh, how did it get so
         | bad?
         | ---------------
         | [0]:https://feaneron.com/2019/11/21/screencasting-with-obs-
         | studi... [1]:https://wayland.freedesktop.org/xserver.html#headi
         | ng_toc_j_3 [2]:https://github.com/obsproject/obs-
         | studio/pull/2484#issuecomm...
         | [deleted]
         | nsajko wrote:
         | I agree those features are essential for an Xorg replacement,
         | but you're missing the fact that the Wayland designers excluded
         | them intentionally, so Wayland is intrinsically hostile to the
         | features and the power-users that use them. See my comment at
         | the top level of this thread.
         | shmerl wrote:
         | There are few replacements:
         | * https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard
         | * https://github.com/ReimuNotMoe/ydotool
         | OBS / ffmpeg and etc. should get integrated with Pipewire I
         | think for screen capture and the like? But I'm not sure how far
         | that progressed.
         | creese wrote:
         | I switched to Sway recently. I couldn't believe how snappy it
         | is.
         | Some of your issues are solved:
         | CLI clipboard access: wl-clipboard:
         | https://github.com/bugaevc/wl-clipboard
         | App launcher: bemenu: https://github.com/Cloudef/bemenu
           | horsawlarway wrote:
           | > I switched to Sway recently. I couldn't believe how snappy
           | it is.
           | This is the common refrain I tend to see. I know I was
           | certainly in the "Can't believe it" category, since I'd tried
           | wayland about 4 years ago and ended up moving back to X.
           | That said, I had exactly the same reaction 2 years ago when I
           | gave it a shot on my new machine.
           | It was fast, didn't show any tearing or flickering, handled
           | automatic configuration of most monitors correctly, and made
           | my touchpad genuinely nice to use.
           | Just the touchpad support alone won me over pretty much
           | immediately.
           | I went from "Eh, Wayland isn't ready" to "Holy shit, I'm
           | never going back!"
             | The_rationalist wrote:
             | On what benchmarck can we measure this? Phoronix regularly
             | show that Wayland is slightly slower than X.
               | dralley wrote:
               | It could be mostly subjective - lack of "jank" can go a
               | long way in terms of making UIs feel faster and nicer to
               | use.
               | renox wrote:
               | I'm not surprised: one of Wayland's goal is to produce
               | 'perfect frame' at the very least this has a latency
               | cost..
               | The_rationalist wrote:
               | I have yet to see evidence that Wayland has less
               | artifacts/tearing than X. Wayland does not has such a
               | thing: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&p
               | x=Radeon-T... Also Wayland probably has less support for
               | adaptative sync (which is the biggest feature regarding
               | what you call a perfect frame)
           | djsumdog wrote:
           | > Wayland is only supported by compositors that implement the
           | wlr-layer-shell protocol. Typically wlroots-based
           | compositors.
           | I'm really concerned about Wayland fragmentation. Will some
           | tools work on only wlroot implementations and not others? X11
           | apps generally work across window managers, although the
           | weird ones (tiling window managers like i3) may have some
           | interesting things you have to work around.
           | If wlroots became the standard for all window managers on
           | Wayland and everyone used it, I guess it would be fine. But
           | if not, we're going to see a lot of apps that have to be
           | adapted for each and every composer.
             | Spivak wrote:
             | I don't know why people are so afraid of fragmentation in
             | this respect. There are lots of "de specific" protocols
             | that are well supported everywhere like
             | org.freedesktop.Notifications.
             | If the world can agree on Wayland then desktops can agree
             | on some dbus interfaces for doing stuff like screenshots,
             | screencasts, and automation.
             | Wayland is a shiny new thing and lots of people are writing
             | compositors since it's suddenly possible for people to
             | write them in a way that you simply couldn't with X11. The
             | ecosystem will eventually mature but I think it would be a
             | mistake to recreate the Xorg monoculture with wlroots.
             | People seem to see the value of multiple browser
             | implementations agreeing on standard but not display
             | servers.
               | jcelerier wrote:
               | > There are lots of "de specific" protocols that are well
               | supported everywhere like org.freedesktop.Notifications.
               | except when they aren't - I had a firefox bug for a
               | couple years where the browser showing a notification
               | would completely hang it for at least 15-20 seconds
               | simias wrote:
               | I'm personally concerned because I like to use "niche"
               | tiling WMs (I used Ratpoison then StumpWM for over a
               | decade, then I switched to a rather heavily customized
               | DWM a couple of years ago).
               | Even with a relatively monolithic and "opinionated"
               | protocol such as X11 it's not uncommon to encounter
               | applications that don't play very nicely with alternative
               | paradigms (because they expect a tray to be available, or
               | to be able to place floating windows anywhere they want
               | for instance). Still, overall with a few hacks here and
               | there it works mostly very well. Basically I know that
               | we're 2nd class citizens within the unix desktop world
               | but at least the X11 model gives us enough of preemption
               | to get things working mostly correctly.
               | From what I see of Wayland I'm very concerned in the long
               | run. Not being able to just beat a window into submission
               | X-style seems like it would create a world of troubles.
               | And _because_ tiling environment are fairly niche I don
               | 't expect the ecosystem to organically evolve solutions
               | to all of these problems.
               | And if you think "well just stop using tiling WMs and use
               | whatever else is using you weirdo" please do note that
               | these issues are also often the same that are encountered
               | by people with disabilities who need to rig their UIs in
               | certain ways to make them usable. Also you'll have to pry
               | my tiling WM from my cold dead hands, you heathen.
               | nsajko wrote:
               | What you fear is sadly true. See my top-level comment in
               | this thread for some elaboration.
               | sjy wrote:
               | I tried a bunch of tiling window managers over the last
               | two years, and found that the choice of X11 or Wayland
               | does not make much of a difference with regard to the
               | "second class citizen" effect you described. What finally
               | solved it for me was switching to GNOME (ie. mutter on
               | Wayland) with the PaperWM extension. Fundamentally, I'm
               | running a conventional desktop with no tearing and
               | standard, widely used solutions for keyboard shortcuts,
               | the clipboard, screenshots, and floating windows, so
               | graphical applications look and feel correct even if they
               | are a bad fit for the tiling model. Tiling is implemented
               | by PaperWM at a higher level, in JavaScript, leaving the
               | complexities of hardware accelerated, animated
               | compositing to GNOME. It's a good combination - I'd like
               | to see more tiling window managers designed to take
               | advantage of hardware-accelerated compositing.
               | djsumdog wrote:
               | There are tiling window managers for Wayland. Sway is one
               | that is meant to maintain configuration file
               | comparability with i3. But yes, obscure tiling managers
               | will need to be rewritten for Wayland.
               | simias wrote:
               | I'm looking at sway and it looks promising (although I
               | wonder how it deals with the many weird corner cases that
               | X11 tiling WMs have had decades to fix and work around)
               | but Sway's home page linked to the wlroots project which
               | is:
               | >[...] a modular basis for Sway and other Wayland
               | compositors to build upon
               | I was curious to see what that looked like so I went on
               | the github and the first sentence on the README is:
               | >Pluggable, composable, unopinionated modules for
               | building a Wayland compositor; or about 50,000 lines of
               | code you were going to write anyway.
               | My jaw literally dropped when I read this. It seemed so
               | wild that I actually cloned the repository and ran
               | sloccount myself to check if there was a catch (there
               | isn't, master is at 53k lines). My DWM is 3k lines and
               | it's fully featured as far as I'm concerned.
               | I realize that it just pushes a lot of that functionality
               | (and code) into X but at least it separates the concerns,
               | my WM doesn't ship with half of the X11 source code as a
               | hard dependency. Also X11 has been battle tested for
               | literally decades by now, it's not a fast moving project
               | (well, arguably it's quite the opposite, hence the very
               | existence of this discussion).
               | I haven't looked very deeply at Wayland so I won't say
               | that they're doing it wrong, maybe I'm just missing an
               | important aspect, but the more I learn about it the more
               | it feels like they've thrown the baby out with the bath
               | water.
               | X11 can be hugely hacky at times and some of it is
               | seriously outdated at the conceptual level, but it also
               | does many things amazingly well, arguably better than any
               | other mainstream desktop environment out there. It's an
               | incredibly flexible, if a bit idiosyncratic system.
               | Wayland seems to fix some of its flaws by introducing a
               | brand new system that comes with its own set of
               | drawbacks.
               | pmoriarty wrote:
               | The more I learn about this, the more I start to think
               | that there needs to be some kind of middleware library
               | implementing all these missing features from Wayland that
               | all Wayland compositors are going to to need anyway.
               | Then the compositors could just use this library instead
               | of every one of them duplicating effort and coming up
               | with their own mutually incompatible ways of doing
               | things.
               | In fact, this library could even be protocol-agnostic,
               | and be able to talk to both Wayland and X.
               | Arnavion wrote:
               | >The more I learn about this, the more I start to think
               | that there needs to be some kind of middleware library
               | implementing all these missing features from Wayland that
               | all Wayland compositors are going to to need anyway.
               | >Then the compositors could just use this library instead
               | of every one of them duplicating effort and coming up
               | with their own mutually incompatible ways of doing
               | things.
               | That's what wlroots is, except for...
               | >In fact, this library could even be protocol-agnostic,
               | and be able to talk to both Wayland and X.
               | ... because that's outside its scope. The point of the
               | middleware is to interface with the wayland protocol.
               | It's not "protocol-agnostic".
               | mcguire wrote:
               | Rewritten and add compositor functionality.
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | >Wayland is a shiny new thing
               | It's 12 years old
               | jhoechtl wrote:
               | It usable since 2 years for my definition of usable.
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | It breaks multiple things for me and does nothing of note
               | I care about. The things I want to work will either never
               | be fixed or will be fixed in the distant future.
               | Since I have no desire to lose functionality or work
               | around issues I will revisit the situation either when
               | every major issue is resolved or within 1 year of major
               | apps like Firefox not working on X even with a a user
               | contributed build.
               | I would be shocked if this was before 2030.
             | emersion wrote:
             | KDE and Mir already implement some wlroots protocols. We
             | (wlroots) try to get as many compositors as possible on
             | board.
               | jordan_curve wrote:
               | Is wlroots still incompatible with Nvidia hardware?
               | nialv7 wrote:
               | Do you try to get them into the official wayland
               | protocols? (if there is such a thing.)
         | mnd999 wrote:
         | I always get downvoted for saying this but anyway. Wayland
         | needs the Nvidia problem to be solved. I don't see how it's
         | sustainable to have to build everything for GBM and EGLStreams.
           | jordan_curve wrote:
           | Yep. People can complain about Nvidia's refusal to comply to
           | standards as much as they want, but at the end of the day,
           | there is never going to be widespread adoption of Wayland
           | until Nvidia hardware is fully supported.
         | markstos wrote:
         | I recently switched to Sway on Wayland. Sway has good dynamic
         | output configuration. `wl-clipboard` and `wl-paste` are there
         | for CLI clipboard access. There's a rofi fork that works on
         | Wayland, and can also emulate `dmenu`. `clipman` is Wayland
         | compatible. I use `grimshot` with `rofi` integration for
         | screenshots. I have a HTML Color Picker script for sway that's
         | launched from `rofi` that I should share. `ydotool` and `wtype`
         | emulate the parts of `xdotool` that I care about.
         | Also, there's no longer tearing when I resize windows!
         | [deleted]
         | DCKing wrote:
         | The problem with Wayland is really that people understand it to
         | be a drop-in replacement of X11, or something close to it. But
         | it's not a replacement of X11. You don't "switch to Wayland",
         | despite what that GDM button seems to indicate. Wayland is just
         | a protocol, whereas X11 is a protocol and entire system around
         | it.
         | So Wayland is not a replacement of X11. Gnome on Wayland
         | _should_ be a replacement for Gnome on X11. KDE on Wayland
         | should be replacement for KDE on X11. Sway on Wayland should be
         | a replacement for i3 and X11. But as you can imagine in this
         | equation, KDE, Gnome and Sway are permitted and required to
         | take on more responsibilities.
         | You might take issue with the fact that a lot more of the
         | display stack gets tied up in specific desktop environments.
         | It's KDE and Gnome and Sway that are not providing you these
         | command line tools/screen recording/clipboard access. I don't
         | mean to say this as nitpicking or that """Wayland""" (whatever
         | that means) is dropping the ball, but this is _really_ the
         | responsibility of the desktop environment (or WM) in Wayland 's
         | design. Wayland is just a protocol.
         | What you're observing as shortcomings in Wayland is really a
         | lock of pace and direction of development for (e.g.
         | Freedesktop) standards that standardize clipboard access/screen
         | recording use cases, and the adoption of those standards. The
         | Linux community seems to have been hit by 1) not realizing
         | Wayland does not replace X11 and 2) realizing that, not being
         | to coordinate standardization well of the pieces of the X11
         | stack that should be replaced as well. If you need to replace
         | X11, you need a lot more than just Wayland. But that seems to
         | keep on catching people by surprise.
         | I think it'd be helpful for the future of the Linux desktop if
         | more people recognized that.
           | nine_k wrote:
           | It looks like a ton of _common_ functionality is not ready
           | yet. It is dispersed among DEs, and this is not convenient.
           | I hope we'll eventually have some "wayland-goodies" package
           | which will implement the common stuff like easy
           | screenshooting, easy hotkey assignment, easy window
           | inspection and control, etc. I _suppose_ this can be
           | implemented based just on the protocol, and not specifics of
           | a compositor.
           | this_user wrote:
           | Maybe the problem is precisely that Wayland is not an X
           | replacement, because that has led to a situation where there
           | is a certain mismatch between the different pieces of the
           | stack. Few people really understand what Wayland actually is,
           | and how it works, and how it all fits together, which means
           | only few people are actively working on the ecosystem.
           | Love it or hate it, but systemd has been around since 2010,
           | and is almost ubiquitous by now. Wayland has been around
           | since 2008, and it still seems more like a tech demo for most
           | use cases rather than something that is production ready.
           | There is clearly an issue with this project.
             | DCKing wrote:
             | > Maybe the problem is precisely that Wayland is not an X
             | replacement
             | For the understanding of all of this by the community,
             | certainly. But Wayland could have never been a direct
             | replacement for X. The problem with X is not that it's old
             | or poor quality. Even if that were so, that is fixable. The
             | problem with X is that its fundamental design principles
             | are not suited to a desktop made after the early 1990s.
             | The reason X is much more entrenched than being a display
             | protocol very much has to do with every X running system
             | having a standardized X server any system process can talk
             | to. That client server principle was fundamentally flawed
             | and Wayland fixes that, but that _very same_ client server
             | principle allowed this X ecosystem to thrive. Any  "X
             | replacement" that did away with X11's core design problems
             | would therefore run into not being able to replace the
             | ecosystem in the same way.
             | If there would have been a coordinated effort to replace X,
             | we would have needed a much broader initiative pop in 2010.
             | An initiative where Wayland is one component, something
             | like PipeWire another, and some Freedesktop IPC standards
             | for e.g. accessing the clipboard and other features
             | provided out of the box by X11, and reference utilities
             | implementing those standards.
             | But coordinated efforts like that are not really how the
             | free software community works! So Wayland just evolved out
             | on its own. It started as a small effort by developers
             | frustrated with X11 the display server protocol. The
             | community then proceeded to take the line "Wayland is a
             | replacement for X.org" and then ran with it, creating
             | confusion everywhere, and stifling progress to replace X11
             | in the process.
             | Systemd is quite unique in the free software world because
             | it's a tremendously coordinated effort and has taken on a
             | broad scope. And just look at the sheer amount of vitriol
             | that ended up getting just for those aspects of the
             | project. It's just not how the community likes to operate,
             | or at least a vocal minority does not like this.
           | ubercow13 wrote:
           | Deprecating Xorg and providing no replacement
           | standard/protocol for almost everything it does and enables
           | is kind of the whole problem, isn't it?
           | mcguire wrote:
           | " _Wayland is just a protocol, whereas X11 is a protocol and
           | entire system around it._ "
           | This statement doesn't make sense to me.
             | DCKing wrote:
             | Wayland is a display protocol.
             | X.org is a display protocol, its own server implementation
             | of that protocol, and many utilities to interface with that
             | server. And even more stuff.
             | To illustrate this: if you run Gnome on X.org, you will see
             | you have an 'xorg' binary running in addition to all the
             | Gnome stuff. That's the X11 server from X.org. If you run
             | Gnome on Wayland, there's no 'wayland' stuff running.
             | There's just Gnome implementing the Wayland display
             | protocol.
             | That's why this "switching to Wayland" talk is just missing
             | the point. You're not really switching to Wayland, you're
             | just switching to a "pure Gnome" stack, or a "pure KDE"
             | stack, or a "pure Sway" stack. These stacks all just happen
             | to implement the Wayland protocol in their own compositors
             | (i.e. Mutter, KWin, Sway) because they're committed to
             | standardization and all want to run
             | GTK3+Qt5+Ozone+XWayland+etc apps built for Wayland.
               | wnoise wrote:
               | Yes, and I don't want to switch to a pure stack from
               | _any_ desktop environment. I want all these things to
               | easily mix and match. And for all these things outside
               | the pure wayland protocol (and some supposedly inside
               | it), they don't.
           | andyjpb wrote:
           | No matter how horrible X may be, it has a lot of value for
           | end users. Almost all of this value is in the ecosystem
           | around X.
           | You can't capture an ecosystem unless you provide that value,
           | _plus_ the activation energy needed to persuade people to
           | change.
           | systemd (as an example of a large, recent, change to the
           | "whole system") touched end-users far less than X so the pain
           | was felt mainly by distributors and sysadmins.
           | Time and again, software that's "better" fails in the market
           | because it doesn't provide the things that users need, want
           | or use.
           | Backwards compatibility is usually key when trying to capture
           | a large, long established user base. ...and that means
           | backwards compatibility even (or especially!) with all the
           | "bad" or "wrong" stuff. This is one of the things that makes
           | software "products" much harder than software "engineering"
           | (which in turn is "harder" than computer science).
           | Science is how it works. Engineering is getting it to work
           | and productisation is getting people to adopt it.
           | Wayland has to solve problems that end-users actually care
           | about rather than just being better in technical ways.
             | DCKing wrote:
             | To be fair to """Wayland""" (again, whatever that means),
             | Gnome on Wayland seems to be a lot better when it comes to
             | the core smoothness of the desktop experience. I have never
             | seen tearing on Gnome on Wayland, and with X11 I saw it
             | every day. I haven't used KDE on Wayland extensively, but
             | in my short time with it it was a lot less glitchy
             | _graphically speaking_ than X11. For all the shortcomings
             | of the  """Wayland ecosystem""", there seems to be true
             | technical merit Wayland has over X11. If only because it
             | fundamentally solves X11's buffer sharing problem.
             | But the writing's on the wall. This change is not coming
             | about through market forces as you're suggesting, but where
             | the developer's interests are. And that's pretty clear
             | X.org's development has slowed down significantly compared
             | to whatever is happening around a Wayland ecosystem.
             | Although sadly not as much effort is put into the stuff
             | that is needed _outside of_ Wayland.
               | 4bpp wrote:
               | I think tearing may be one of those personal preferences
               | where the population is divided down somewhere near the
               | middle, but people on either side can not fathom the
               | existence of the other as anything other than some sort
               | of bad-faith exercise in contrarianism. At least, I for
               | my part could never imagine ever willingly giving up a
               | "real feature" (my perception!) like xdotool for the
               | cosmetic benefits of no tearing (which to me feels like a
               | problem on the importance level of "getting the blinky
               | blue LEDs on your GPU fan to work"), but at the same time
               | there is clearly a large number of people on tech support
               | forums, stackexchange etc. to whom it is of show-stopping
               | significance, as evidenced by the effort and time put
               | into achieving non-tearing and how often it is presented
               | as a self-evident killer feature of systems like Wayland.
         | vidarh wrote:
         | For me the only reason is that my window manager would need to
         | change (bspwm) and I have _no_ compelling reason to switch
         | unless it 's 100% painless.
         | This is the biggest problem. I accept Wayland brings benefits
         | for some people, but I couldn't care less. Since I don't care
         | about the benefits it brings, it needs to be entirely painless.
         | Until the switch is more painless than holding on to Xorg,
         | there will be a good chunk of users with no incentive to make
         | the move.
         | EDIT: I'd also say that the fact that so many of the tools need
         | to change, rather than e.g. get support added to them to
         | support Wayland compositors is a huge indictment of the whole
         | thing. It seems like _no_ thought was put into planning for
         | transition.
       | hacknat wrote:
       | When the last discussion of X being abandon-ware came up one of
       | the things I wanted to say, being the creator of a highly used
       | open source project myself, is that people are ultimately
       | responsible for software. I was going to speculate that the
       | maintainer of X might be burnt out and that none of us have any
       | right to his free labour, and that the people whining should
       | probably step up or shut up.
       | Open source software is also free (as in beer) software.
       | There's a word for people who complain about free things.
         | znpy wrote:
         | You miss the point.
         | The problem is not wayland. I root for wayland and I hope it'll
         | progress steadily to maturity.
         | The problem is getting pushed to drop my well-working Xorg-
         | based setup for some wayland-based setup that can't run the
         | application I use daily and that I've been running for years.
         | I'm okay with wayland, but I have a problem with people telling
         | me "oh just drop that".
           | osobo wrote:
           | I'm fairly sure you missed his point. Entirely.
             | Reelin wrote:
             | No, GGP is saying that we (users) have no right to complain
             | about a FOSS developer abandoning their project since we
             | don't compensate them for it.
             | GP is saying yeah, that's great and all, but _other_ people
             | try to push everyone to switch to Wayland because
             | <reasons>. The Wayland ecosystem simply isn't there yet
             | though; they're hawking a broken solution.
             | It's perfectly fine for a FOSS developer to walk away from
             | any given project. When third parties come along and frame
             | things as though the only option is to switch to a broken
             | "solution" it derails the discussion. We (ie the community
             | at large) should be having much broader discussions about
             | both how to keep maintenance going as well as what's needed
             | to actually make the replacement viable (so we can maybe
             | switch to it later).
               | sergeykish wrote:
               | It is not Waylands fault that it serves same niche as
               | X.Org.
               | People who had objections against systemd maintained init
               | systems [1], created new distributions [2]. I do not
               | pretend there are no problems with systemd but it serves
               | my (quite common) needs. And the way distributions shows
               | some people were burnt out.
               | If you need X.Org (and I do), speak how to help X.Org.
               | Some people needs covered by Wayland. It is not their
               | fault.
               | Distributions default may be questionable, it is
               | distributions problem not Waylands. I use Arch Linux, no
               | default, no problems.
               | [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Init
               | [2] https://devuan.org/
           | [deleted]
         | nullc wrote:
         | I don't see anyone complaining that X isn't being maintained.
         | Only that they'd rather use (unmaintained) X over Wayland due
         | to numerous shortcomings in wayland that are practically
         | unfixable (because they're intentional design choices, or
         | because they're a result of the fragmentation resulting from
         | wayland's design choices).
           | bee_rider wrote:
           | What new features have even been added to X lately?
           | It is fine. It is done. Maybe something better will come
           | along at some point, but we could just keep using it like
           | this indefinitely.
         | bigbubba wrote:
         | Trying to shaming critics into silence _might_ suppress their
         | criticism, but it _won 't_ make them like you.
           | hacknat wrote:
           | I'm not trying to shame anyone into silence. I'm not trying
           | to shame anyone. However, I would like to see people complain
           | less and act more. Being on the other side of open source
           | software is eye-opening. It can be very disheartening to get
           | mostly negative feedback for something done out of passion
           | (even if you might make a bit of money for it).
             | bigbubba wrote:
             | It's good to hear you aren't trying to shame anybody.
             | Incidentally, what is the word for people who complain
             | about free things?
               | hacknat wrote:
               | Well there, I was being a bit prickly... It's not a nice
               | word, I'll leave it to everyone's imagination.
         | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
         | > There's a word for people who complain about free things.
         | The post and comments are free, yet here you are complaining.
         | Consider why you think that's okay, and you'll understand.
           | johncolanduoni wrote:
           | A post and comment today is by necessity an active effort;
           | judging the quality of an ongoing effort on a project and
           | judging why there isn't an ongoing effort on the project are
           | two very different things.
             | pessimizer wrote:
             | What if you write a comment about it?
         | stonogo wrote:
         | Most (almost all) of the X.org and Wayland developers are paid
         | for their work.
           | emersion wrote:
           | Not really. There are hundreds of contributors not paid by
           | anyone. Until 1 year ago I wasn't paid for my Wayland-related
           | work. I'm now very lucky to have a company sponsor my
           | contributions, but that's far from being the case of
           | everybody.
           | Even if all developers were paid, they wouldn't be paid _by
           | users_. It means the developers don't owe the users anything.
             | stonogo wrote:
             | There are hundreds of low-volume contributors not paid by
             | anyone. The project would continue without them. Most
             | regular developers, including you, are paid.
             | anonunivgrad wrote:
             | "You're not owed anything," from the developers of a
             | flailing project to its users, is a red flag.
             | Those users are the target market that those companies are
             | interested in pleasing. It's not about "owing" or not. It's
             | about delivering something that people want to use or not.
             | If you fail, the users will go elsewhere. You don't have to
             | care; you might develop the software for your own personal
             | gratification. But people are going to share their
             | dissatisfaction and might very well vote with their feet.
             | And it's possible that, even if they don't, your work makes
             | the world a worse place. No, no one can sue you or call you
             | a cheat for doing a bad job, but they don't have to like it
             | either.
               | emersion wrote:
               | > Those users are the target market that those companies
               | are interested in pleasing.
               | Not really, no. My company (SourceHut) has nothing to do
               | with Wayland and is just sponsoring me for working on
               | open-source software (_any_ open-source software). A few
               | other developers are working for Collabora, which mainly
               | focuses on Wayland for embedded use-cases. So, none of
               | these companies have a real interest in pleasing desktop
               | users.
               | Regardless, it doesn't mean that I personally don't care
               | about my users, or that I want to fight against them.
               | It's just that if you don't like something, you need to
               | step up and do something about it to improve the
               | situation, instead of just complaining.
               | Maintainers are scarce.
               | > it's possible that [...] your work makes the world a
               | worse place
               | Always great to hear that...
               | scaladev wrote:
               | Thank you for sway and wlroots. You, Drew, and others
               | have been doing an amazing job. For every complainer
               | there are many more in the silent majority who simply use
               | and enjoy the products of your hard work.
               | cannam wrote:
               | > > it's possible that [...] your work makes the world a
               | worse place > > Always great to hear that...
               | Painful, but it is true.
               | Free Software development is awkward in this respect.
               | Both developers and users feel as if they are doing
               | something virtuous, but it's unclear to what extent the
               | contributions of either party help the other (or anyone
               | else).
               | Meanwhile the presence of this self-conscious feeling of
               | virtue makes transactions difficult, as every party feels
               | they begin by deserving something out of it. So Free
               | Software users are more demanding and aggressive than
               | users of proprietary software, and Free Software
               | developers are more prickly.
               | Loss of ego is absolutely essential here.
               | (More on-topic, this series of HN posts about X and
               | Wayland has prompted me, a long-time holdout X user, to
               | experiment again with switching one laptop to Wayland.
               | It's massively better than the last time I tried it, and
               | I'll probably leave this laptop like this unless
               | something goes awfully wrong. Thank you, unappreciated
               | Wayland developers.)
               | sergeykish wrote:
               | I am surprised. The system I use is someone else work.
               | I've brought nothing, got it for free.
               | Demanding users I see looks like spoiled web users. They
               | expect free services, they pay with privacy or are clever
               | enough not to pay (adblock). But Free Software does not
               | sell their data.
               | Or they compare to Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS,
               | quite profitable companies. But Free Software does not
               | acquire telemetry, does not sell hardware or bundled
               | services. There are some private companies (Red Hat,
               | Canonical, Mozilla), their difference from my industry
               | (web development) is they ship source.
               | dreamer_ wrote:
               | From a fellow maintainer of open source software
               | (currently not being paid for the work at all) - I agree
               | 100%.
               | Users are always demanding things: new features (which
               | sometimes are very bad ideas), merging patches (which
               | sometimes were never tested), expecting answers for
               | questions that were asked and answered thousands of times
               | before...
               | > It's just that if you don't like something, you need to
               | step up and do something about it to improve the
               | situation, instead of just complaining.
               | Exactly. Users who want to say on X (for whatever reason)
               | should start contributing instead of spending time
               | blaming the devs. If they want to switch to Wayland, but
               | are missing something - they should work towards fixing
               | it instead of dragging everyone else back.
               | Veen wrote:
               | But then the only users who get the features they want
               | are programmers, who are a fairly atypical type of user.
               | I understand that you don't owe users anything, but if
               | you don't want to create software that's useful and
               | pleasing to them, why bother creating open source
               | software at all. You could get the same enjoyment from
               | coding for profit or doing logic puzzles.
               | sergeykish wrote:
               | Hire, we have money for that specific reason.
               | > why bother creating open source software at all.
               | I create features for myself, I share it for free, that's
               | gift, not pleasing.
               | dplavery92 wrote:
               | > expecting answers for questions that were asked and
               | answered thousands of times before
               | I don't mean to seem ungrateful for the work that open
               | source maintainers do every day, but I think this sort of
               | complaint is usually a symptom of a problem with either
               | the documentation or the interface being unclear. These
               | pain points are usually an opportunity for improvement in
               | the product. On the other hand, there are probably more
               | such opportunities than there are available
               | maintainers...
         | romanoderoma wrote:
         | > There's a word for people who complain about free things.
         | You don't complain about the weather?
           | hacknat wrote:
           | I don't think I do (I'm generally not easily put out by
           | weather), but I would argue that the weather isn't free. I
           | _have to_ survive and deal with weather (clothes, shelter,
           | etc) no matter where I live or what I do.
             | nextaccountic wrote:
             | Well, it's free as in free beer. I'm not paying for the
             | weather, but I still complain about it.
       | lallysingh wrote:
       | > I don't have any real desire to get there while still
       | pretending that the xfree86 hardware-backed server code is a real
       | thing
       | What does he mean by that? That there isn't really a hardware-
       | accelerated Xorg server?
       | If that's true, is the post indicating that Adam sees the Xorg
       | code as an interface layer to some other rendering system that
       | had hardware acceleration?
       | Is that XWayland? I'm guessing at all this.
         | wmf wrote:
         | He means that running Xorg "normally" without Wayland is
         | abandoned and will begin to bitrot. He's planning to support
         | XWayland indefinitely.
           | bitwize wrote:
           | If the only X driver left were the modesetting driver, I
           | could probably live with that.
           | Xwayland can lick my sack.
         | dyingkneepad wrote:
         | The xserver code base is huge and supports a lot of stuff. It
         | supports drawing through hardware-backed drivers (e.g.,
         | xf86-video-radeon on Xorg), through generic drivers (e.g.,
         | xf86-video-modesetting on Xorg) and even through weirder
         | drivers (e.g., xf86-video-nested). It also supports servers
         | other than Xorg (e.g., Xephyr, Xvfb) and many other things.
         | In an ideal world where everything uses KMS or everybody uses
         | something like Xwayland we would be able to kill million of
         | lines of code from the Xserver. While this doesn't happen,
         | those millions of lines not exercised by these paths remain
         | unmaintand.
         | Remember, Ajax works for Red Hat, which is trying to push
         | really hard for Wayland on Gnome. They don't seem to care about
         | anything graphics-related that's not Wayland+Gnome. Red Hat has
         | much more decision power on the Linux community than people
         | imagine it has.
         | A huge problem here is that a lot of efforts that were
         | previously redirected at X11 are now being done on the Gnome
         | compositor, due to Red Hat. We just won't get to see a solution
         | to the fragmentation power unless someone with a lot of money
         | decides to play Linux Graphics.
           | nerdponx wrote:
           | What do game devs have to say about all this? Or do games
           | bypass X11/Wayland and do some kind of lower-level rendering?
             | dyingkneepad wrote:
             | Quite the opposite: games often just run on GL or Vulkan
             | (actually usually Unity or Unreal which will then use GL or
             | Vulkan), and will abstract input with something like
             | libsdl, so they don't have to care about Wayland or X11.
             | But still, some problems that affect games to have to be
             | solved in the X11/Wayland level. Some are solved by the
             | graphics companies (Intel, AMD, etc), some others are
             | either left or picked by companies with a different kind of
             | interest in the graphics world, like Valve.
             | If only we had more real world money-making products
             | actually relying on the desktop graphics stack to make
             | money, then we'd have a better graphics situation.
       | smabie wrote:
       | So, I need nvidia proprietary drivers, use a window manager that
       | doesn't support wayland (cwm), do I have any options besides
       | using Xorg? I think the answer is no, but I'm not super well
       | versed in these things. Xorg seems to work just great for me, not
       | sure what all the fuss is about. But then again, I'm not an
       | expert, so I'm happy to adopt any other solution, assuming I can
       | get fast graphics/cuda at 144hz and use my favorite window
       | manager, cwm.
         | johncolanduoni wrote:
         | Compositors are starting to implement Wayland EGLStreams
         | support, but it's very shaky at the moment. As always, X works
         | fine in some setups but is hopelessly broken in others (e.g.
         | multiple NVidia GPUs connected to multiple monitors).
           | dreamer_ wrote:
           | AFAIK Gnome and KDE already have EGLStreams support in place,
           | but it does not work for XWayland because incompatibilities
           | in NVIDIA-maintained libraries.
           | babypuncher wrote:
           | Kwin supposedly got it over a year ago, but trying to boot
           | into a Plasma Wayland session on Nvidia still kicks me back
           | to a TTY.
           | I'm not convinced it will ever actually happen.
       | busterarm wrote:
       | How well do fcitx & ibus work in Wayland yet? I need good l10n
       | support.
       | Who is using Wayland without X in Asia right now and isn't using
       | English?
         | Arnavion wrote:
         | fcitx works fine for me under sway. I couldn't get ibus to
         | work, but I used to use fcitx under X as well so I didn't try
         | too hard to get ibus to work.
         | That said, the way fcitx works is to use toolkit integration
         | directly, rather than work with the compositor via the input-
         | methods protocol. So it only works for programs using those
         | toolkits. Thus gtk2, gtk3, qt programs will work, but not
         | something like alacritty. (This is good enough for my use
         | case.)
       | arexxbifs wrote:
       | Funny how Wayland is trying to replace one of the few crucial
       | parts of the *nix ecosystem that _isn't_ fragmented. Everyone's
       | got their own take on everything from basic stuff like kernels,
       | shells, userland, and directory structures to bigger stuff like
       | desktop environments.
       | Except X. X is X and everybody agrees that X is X. It's not
       | perfect, but it's there, and it mostly just works, and all the
       | programs are written for it. Instead of trying to fix the one
       | thing we've all managed to agree upon, we're going to replace it
       | with something completely different.
       | I'm not sure this is a good idea.
       | amelius wrote:
       | I have to disable wayland in gdm3 (on ubuntu), otherwise I end up
       | in a login loop ...
       | djsumdog wrote:
       | Have any of the BSD (FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD) started the
       | transition to Wayland yet? X is more than just Linux? There are a
       | lot of other operating systems out there and many have their own
       | X11 forks they maintain.
         | joshklein wrote:
         | OpenBSD uses and actively supports a customized (not forked) X
         | called Xenocara, which takes the opposite philosophical route
         | from Wayland by putting a wider part of the ecosystem of X
         | features into one coherent project so it can be maintained,
         | improved, and culled (simultaneously, and without committees).
         | You can learn about it on the Xenocara project pages and in its
         | robust manual pages.
         | If you read other comments in separate parts of the threads
         | here, you'll see people describing re-scoping certain elements
         | "out" of Wayland and "into" other layers to fix "broken" parts
         | of X. Those "widely agreed upon" solutions for other layers
         | exclude considerations for the way OpenBSD works in fairly
         | fundamental ways that make it seem (to me, at least) there is
         | no practical purpose in exploring Wayland on OpenBSD beyond the
         | point it has already been explored.
         | I'm speaking about the coherent and supported OpenBSD operating
         | system, not what can be found in packages.
         | If there ever become features fundamental to the current user-
         | developers of OpenBSD that are enabled by Wayland, I would
         | expect them to further modify Xenocara to support those use
         | cases, but it is hard to even imagine what those could be. Most
         | of Wayland's promised future features are anti-features to the
         | OpenBSD approach.
         | I expect that in 5-10 years, many user applications will be
         | Linux-only, and there will be many conversations about how
         | stubborn BSD (and Windows/Mac) designers are for not aligning
         | to earlier decisions made on their behalf.
         | These are just my personal opinions with no inside knowledge
         | from any part of this intellectual territory, and I do not
         | accuse or blame ANY developer on ANY project for working on
         | what they are interested in, but I expect this unified Linux
         | (and Linux-only) outcome is the unstated but express purpose
         | behind promoting Wayland for some of the commercial interests
         | that support it.
         | I want to doubly emphasize that I am talking about the
         | motivations of executives determining the allocation of capital
         | and human resources, not about the motivations of the
         | developers, which are clearly to facilitate cool or useful new
         | things.
           | grandinj wrote:
           | I so glad to see there are still people practicing sound
           | engineering in this world.
           | The driving force behind Wayland appears to be commercial
           | interests that have no interest in the desktop use-case per-
           | se.
           | The linux-only outcome is purely an unintended side-effect.
             | [deleted]
           | kllrnohj wrote:
           | > and there will be many conversations about how stubborn BSD
           | (and Windows/Mac) designers are for not aligning to earlier
           | decisions made on their behalf.
           | Windows & Mac are already on exclusively Wayland-style
           | compositors, they made that transition years & years ago
           | (Vista was Microsoft's transition, for example, which was 13
           | years ago now). Why would they have any issues here?
             | joshklein wrote:
             | > Windows & Mac are already on exclusively Wayland-style
             | compositors
             | Only in a narrow sense; nearly all of the features one
             | might reasonably consider fundamental parts of Windows/Mac
             | are "out of scope" for Wayland. Wayland relies on layers
             | upon layers of other solutions for things like central
             | registries, interprocess communication, and negotiating
             | hardware access.
             | From the Wayland perspective, this is all perfectly
             | reasonable. It's just how software gets made.
             | From the perspective of someone who isn't already running a
             | Linux kernel with evdev + KMS + DRM, we aren't able to even
             | find common language to discuss what being "a compositor"
             | means to Wayland.
         | wahern wrote:
         | https://blog.netbsd.org/tnf/entry/wayland_on_netbsd_trials_a...
         | emersion wrote:
         | The compositor I maintain (Sway) has continuous integration for
         | FreeBSD.
           | merqurio wrote:
           | Thanks for sway!! It's my favorite compositor by far
         | trasz wrote:
         | FreeBSD certainly has:
         | https://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report-2020-07-2020-09.h...
       | cmrdporcupine wrote:
       | My problem with switching from X to Wayland is not that Wayland
       | doesn't do enough of the things that X does. It's that at it's
       | not different enough. I've been waiting for a really good Linux
       | desktop experience and windowing system since I first started
       | using Linux in 1991. I've always found X hacky and awkward in the
       | entire almost-30 years I've been using it -- it's definitely
       | improved from the era of manual modeline and input device
       | configuration, but it's still ... yuck. Especially things like
       | clipboard. But I don't feel like Wayland is the thing that's
       | going to move us towards any world of consistency and usability.
       | It's just another way for very heterogeneous and mismatched
       | applications to draw arbitrary stuff on the screen.
         | nullc wrote:
         | I like the X11 clipboard behaviour a lot better than
         | windows/mac. Having the additional clipboard is well worth the
         | occasional weirdness where a non-natively-x11-thing uses the
         | wrong one.
         | pmoriarty wrote:
         | What specifically do you want to see?
       | acomjean wrote:
       | As a user of desktop linux (PopOS), I wonder what is going on
       | here and how this effects me.
       | I know enough about X, but. What the heck is wayland?
       | wikipedia says (display server using the Wayland protocol is
       | called a Wayland compositor, because it additionally performs the
       | task of a compositing window manager.) Whats the compositor
       | doing? Does this effect local linux or only trying to run windows
       | remotely? Xwayland?
       | I've used X (Xwindows) to run windowing apps remotely (ssh -X)
       | occasionally. It works, excepting that now that I WFH it doesn't.
       | Linux moves very slowly, but shouldn't replacing X be a great
       | thing?
         | edent wrote:
         | I use Wayland on Pop_OS. It works flawlessly. Much better than
         | X for rotated displays and fractional scaling.
         | I guess it would be nice to have Wobbly Windows - but there's
         | nothing about it that is missing _for me_.
           | vially wrote:
           | > I guess it would be nice to have Wobbly Windows
           | Wayfire got you covered: https://wayfire.org/
             | ghostpepper wrote:
             | As a user of sway who recently found out about wayfire, it
             | feels a bit strange that I need to switch out sway for
             | something similar but not the same (totally separate
             | codebase?) to get a few additional features (animations).
             | As much as I like sway, this smells like bad architectural
             | decisions when so much code needs to be rewritten many
             | times.
               | ccmcarey wrote:
               | Indeed, and how the answer to this problem always seems
               | to be "use wlroots".
               | The wlroots github page[0] even says so: "about 50,000
               | lines of code you were going to write anyway".
               | Seems to me that if there's a necessary 50k LoC that
               | every compositor needs, it should actually be a part of
               | Wayland.
               | [0] https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots
         | young_unixer wrote:
         | X11 (X version 11) is the protocol that controls most the
         | graphics stuff in traditional Linux systems. It employs a
         | client-server architecture.
         | The windows (clients) send their local framebuffers to the X
         | server, X sends them to a compositor, the compositor joins them
         | together into a big framebuffer that has the different windows
         | in their respective positions and sends them to the X server.
         | The X server then displays them on your screen.
         | There's a relatively new (~10 years old) protocol, called
         | Wayland, which will replace X. The architecture is better and
         | it has some other constraints (vsync is always on, so there's
         | no screen tearing). Some distributions are using it by default
         | (Fedora), but most are still sticking to X, since Wayland is
         | not completely ready yet (in practice) and other projects are
         | still transitioning into Wayland.
         | Maybe I got some technical details wrong, but that's the basic
         | idea.
           | acomjean wrote:
           | Thanks!
           | So basically Wayland replaces the X protocol. (I had to run
           | some things with ssh -X, and windowing on remote machines
           | came back to me..)
           | And Xserver is replaced by another Compositor which is not
           | specified, but poking around Weston seems like the reference
           | one (towns in metro west Boston?)
           | No tearing would be nice (I watch someone weekly on a Manjaro
           | install, tearing linux screen share, it can be unpleasant).
           | I'm assuming a lot this gets abstracted away by QT/KDE ,
           | Gnome/GTK so developers can just Develop. (probably at the
           | expense of alternative desktops..)
             | fhars wrote:
             | Yes, that is basically correct, except that ssh -X working
             | is one of the bugs in X11 that Wayland fixes.
             | nerdponx wrote:
             | Apparently the creator of Wayland was driving through
             | Wayland, MA when he had the idea for the project:
             | http://www.h-online.com/open/features/Wayland-
             | Beyond-X-14320...
             | young_unixer wrote:
             | All of that's correct, as far as I know.
             | Just note that a Wayland compositor must implement some
             | core Wayland protocols and it can also implement its own
             | protocol extensions (for example, it can implement a
             | screen-sharing extension, and efforts are being made to
             | 'standardize' these extensions).
       | Ericson2314 wrote:
       | I like the sentiment....but I don't know a single person who
       | actually uses Wayland. This concerns me.
         | Ericson2314 wrote:
         | Why the downvotes? I generally try to run the latest stuff I
         | can get away with on my laptop in solidarity of the devs who
         | rather not be backporting fixes or putting up with technical
         | debt.
         | But I'm not even sure what to do about Wayland, other than
         | switch to Fedora and meet that people that use it. I'm in a
         | complete we-all-wish-we-were-using-wayland-but-aren't bubble.
         | It's unfortunate.
       | Santosh83 wrote:
       | This ship has sailed for better or worse. The people who take
       | these decisions don't hang out in forums to listen to every
       | complaint and gripe. They work for the main corporations and
       | foundations steering Linux development and they have decided that
       | Wayland is the future, even if the transition is going to be
       | ugly. Linux is no longer the "community" OS that it once was. In
       | a way it has gone more mainstream than even MacOS or Windows, and
       | that means it will cater to the larger market forces than the
       | "community's" wants.
         | ATsch wrote:
         | This makes no sense. The community of people working on Xorg
         | aren't gone, they're just working on wayland now. Wayland was
         | designed by long time Xorg maintainers. This "hostile takeover"
         | narrative is complete FUD.
         | diegocg wrote:
         | Wayland is not corporate policy. It was developed as a side
         | project by some guy from Red Hat, people liked it. Corporations
         | would have likely pressured to keep using X11 to avoid breaking
         | compatibility with applications.
         | emersion wrote:
         | The people who take decisions can take decisions because they
         | contributed a lot to the project. If you want to take decisions
         | too, there's no need to be part of a big company, all you need
         | is getting involved.
         | The ecosystem is still powered by the community. I see a lot of
         | patches coming from hobbyists in many related projects.
       | numpad0 wrote:
       | I wonder what this "only what is current may exist" culture is,
       | whether it's manifestation of survival of the fittest, a baby
       | step towards the machine uprising of 2037; whether it
       | acknowledges a notion, that an environment, where what without a
       | change may sustain, cannot host a life.
         | politician wrote:
         | It's a solution to the trust problem. Without consensus on what
         | good, stable software looks like -- there are zero trustworthy
         | review sites anymore (cf Amazon reviews) -- the only metrics we
         | really have left are (a) backed by large corporation, and (b)
         | is newer than the alternatives.
         | The other problems like environment drift and maintainer
         | interest are secondary to the trust problem.
       | hsbauauvhabzb wrote:
       | On two occasions I've heavily modified WM source (originally
       | ratpoison, now write). Without caring about graphical extensions
       | will I be able to hack similarly under Wayland?
       | nightfly wrote:
       | If Canonical hadn't wasted a few years developing and trying to
       | push Mir I feel like Wayland could be a lot further along now
       | than it is.
       | rhabarba wrote:
       | I love how these blog entries keep ignoring the non-Linux world.
         | wmf wrote:
         | The non-Linux world isn't paying its way. They're just doing
         | the bare minimum (or less) to port Linux desktop code and
         | hoping that doesn't get too difficult.
       | https443 wrote:
       | For someone not familiar with this world, what is X Server and
       | xfree86? What problem does it solve?
         | throwaways885 wrote:
         | It started a long time ago, back in the days of mainframes and
         | thin clients. Mainframe boxes would run the sever side part of
         | "X Server" while clients (ambiguous term in this context, I'll
         | admit) would send commands (e.g. keyboard strokes) and receive
         | graphics back.
         | XFree86 is a free software implementation of the X Window
         | System.
         | The whole server/client thing is a bit outdated now, since
         | almost nobody uses actual thin clients anymore. X forwarding is
         | useful, but it's not a mainstream way to do your computing.
           | bitwize wrote:
           | Not quite. The X server ran on the client only. The
           | "mainframe" (usually a Unix server) had client programs that
           | would connect to your X server, send it display commands, and
           | receive pointer and keyboard events. The client-server
           | relationship was reversed from the usual way, because the
           | server was sitting in front of the user. The end-user
           | computer was providing a service -- access to the user -- to
           | the big machine in the server room.
           | pjmlp wrote:
           | We do use them, it is called browser nowadays.
             | Koshkin wrote:
             | I don't know, web browsers today are almost too powerful to
             | be called "virtual programmable HTTP terminals"...
             | GekkePrutser wrote:
             | I like this analogy... It's very true, and has a lot of
             | local rendering which at the time of X terminals was a bit
             | of a pipe dream. They could just locally render some things
             | like fonts.
             | Sun also tried to get into this game early with the
             | JavaStations. But they were ridiculously slow, so painful
             | to use. In fact they kind of ruined Java for me. I was
             | learning it at the time, and we got a JavaStation on loan
             | from somewhere. Working on it just established this "Java =
             | slow" feeling in my head and really put me off so much I
             | went to do other things.
             | Of course this wasn't really deserved, and Java has gone on
             | to become powerful (though I still consider its poor intra-
             | version compatibility an issue). But I've never been able
             | to quite shake that feeling.
           | StillBored wrote:
           | In the linux world I work on, a very large percentage of the
           | developers are frequently unknowingly running X via ssh
           | tunnels. Its just to convenient to be able to run the
           | graphical version of tools on the remote dev/test machine
           | than to live all day long restricted only to the GUI tools on
           | your local machine and a terminal session.
           | The one place that X could use some updating is all the sync
           | method calls, that unlike RDP become quite slow if the
           | network connection has any real latency.
             | wnoise wrote:
             | > The one place that X could use some updating is all the
             | sync method calls, that unlike RDP become quite slow if the
             | network connection has any real latency.
             | I wouldn't say the one place, but it is a pain point.
             | (And actually, many of the supposedly synchronous things
             | are not synchronous at the protocol level, but at the C
             | library binding level -- xlib. Nowadays there's a much
             | closer to the protocol binding: libxcb.)
           | https443 wrote:
           | Thanks!
         | linguae wrote:
         | X11 is a window system. An X client is an application that uses
         | the X protocol (e.g., Firefox, GIMP, LibreOffice) while an X
         | server is an implementation of the X protocol that handles the
         | rendering. Note that an X server and an X client don't have to
         | run on the same machine; if I log into a remote server and
         | execute LibreOffice, LibreOffice is still the X client and my
         | machine's X implementation is still the X server, despite the
         | fact that LibreOffice is running remotely.
         | XFree86 is a specific X server implementation, though it has
         | been superseded by X.org sometime around 2004 due to a license
         | change from the MIT license to the 4-clause BSD license, which
         | is incompatible with the GPL. X.org is by far the most dominant
         | X server implementation in the free open source software
         | community, but it is not the only implementation; off the top
         | of my head there were proprietary X server implementations for
         | SunOS and NeXT.
           | [deleted]
           | ATsch wrote:
           | While it's true that originally X was network transparent,
           | this hasn't truly been the case for a long time now. All
           | modern applications (including the ones you've listed) render
           | the whole window locally for performance reasons. This does
           | not work over the network. Instead, xorg will transmit a
           | picture of the window, giving you an in many ways worse
           | version of VNC. The only difference is the level of
           | integration with other programs like SSH.
           | https443 wrote:
           | Thanks!
           | asveikau wrote:
           | > though it has been superseded by X.org sometime around 2004
           | due to a license change from the MIT license to the 4-clause
           | BSD license,
           | My understanding is that the scene for the fork had already
           | been set by the time of the relatively late license change. I
           | seem to recall reading at the time that the XFree86 core team
           | was unhappy that a sole contributor was attempting to
           | modernize the system by introducing extensions, without
           | building consensus around them to their satisfaction.
           | So the license change was meant to prevent forks from merging
           | in further work on XFree86.
           | Of course the fork was adding functionality everybody wanted.
           | So the fork survived and upstream languished.
             | dialamac wrote:
             | > I seem to recall reading at the time that the XFree86
             | core team was unhappy that a sole contributor was
             | attempting to modernize the system by introducing
             | extensions, without building consensus around them to their
             | satisfaction.
             | This is a kind of odd retelling/interpretation of events,
             | considering the "rogue" contributor version is the only one
             | that lived and XFree86 is history.
               | asveikau wrote:
               | You may find it odd, but that is what the other, now long
               | forgotten side said at the time, and I'm describing that
               | without taking their side. I noted neutrally as I could
               | that they were "unhappy" and consensus was not built "to
               | their satisfaction", but then that their project soon
               | died because interesting work was going on in the fork.
               | They envisioned a world in which they needed license
               | changes to block the fork from stealing all their work...
               | And worthwhile contributions from their side did not
               | materialize.
             | linguae wrote:
             | Based on my understanding, the license change was "the
             | straw that broke the camel's back." There were already
             | murmurs of a fork due to disagreements among XFree86
             | developers, but the license change was the final push that
             | led to distributions choosing not to adopt XFree86 4.4, the
             | first version with the new license.
         | billsmithaustin wrote:
         | See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System.
         | waynecochran wrote:
         | It provides an implementation for the X Window System (aka X11)
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System
         | It has a long a storied history. The concept of running an app
         | remotely and use a local display server is probably the thing
         | that sets X11 apart from the rest of the pack. This is still
         | really useful in my humble opinion -- I can run X11 apps (e.g.
         | xv) on a headless EC2 server running Linux in the cloud and
         | have the UI/display on my Mac (using Xquartz).
         | This story runs in parallel with the history of Unix itself.
           | https443 wrote:
           | Thanks!
           | Wowfunhappy wrote:
           | The fact that there _is_ an implementation of X on Mac speaks
           | to the power of this system, IMO.
           | However, regarding remote setups, is X forwarding
           | significantly superior to using something like VNC? I've
           | never done a side-by-side myself, but most of what I've read
           | indicates that VNC is usually faster.
           | As a semi-experiment, a few months ago I decided to try
           | running Firefox in a Linux VM, and render it in XQuartz on my
           | Mac host. The experience was not pleasant, to say the least.
           | And that's what I'd think to be the best-case-scenario for
           | latency. Hard for me to imagine using it over WAN.
             | freeone3000 wrote:
             | Depends on the era of apps. If you're doing mostly bitmaps
             | (that is, Qt4+, GTK2+, anything that draws its own UI,
             | anything with HTML incl all electron, anything using GL,
             | anything using composition) then VNC will work better, as
             | it transfers better bitmaps. Working with Xlib, GTK1, or
             | Qt3-era or earlier apps, X will perform astoundingly
             | better. Test with xemacs next time, and you should see your
             | results inverted.
             | mprovost wrote:
             | There was a lot of work done to make X11 work better over
             | low bandwidth/high latency links. [0] But in the end you
             | could get most of the benefits just by forwarding your X
             | session over SSH with compression enabled. Although X11 is
             | old enough that compression would have used too much CPU
             | back when it was developed.
             | The more interesting comparison between X forwarding and
             | VNC is that X is really only displaying a remote
             | application locally, not an entire screen or desktop.
             | (Unless you use xnest to run X inside X which is pretty
             | cool.) I used to have a FreeBSD workstation with a browser
             | window running on a Linux server and a bunch of terminal
             | windows spun up on different Sun servers, and you couldn't
             | tell the difference between your local and remote windows.
             | Remote windows are first class citizens in X11.
             | [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_Bandwidth_X
               | StillBored wrote:
               | A better comparison with X is the RDP protocol, which too
               | is an API level protocol (its basically forwarding large
               | parts of the windows GDI interface).
               | OTOH, the big strength of RDP is the async stream
               | requests. This gives it a much lower apparent latency
               | than X, but it can also do the VNC thing and
               | render/compress parts of the UI on the remote machine.
       | djhaskin987 wrote:
       | I'd love to hear more about Xwayland, a project the OP talks
       | about. It sounds like a way to run X on wayland, or maybe the
       | other way around. It sounds like a really nice way to bridge the
       | gap while wayland is still working out some of its kinks and
       | providing backwards compatibility for X apps.
         | emersion wrote:
         | Yes, Xwayland lets users run X11 applications inside Wayland
         | compositors.
         | sprash wrote:
         | Xwayland is more of a hack if anything. Half of the programs
         | don't work because the security model of Wayland is
         | fundamentally different than that of X11. E.g. Xeyes won't
         | follow the mouse cursor because Wayland developers decided it
         | is a security risk to read out mouse coordinates when the mouse
         | is not positioned above the window. More severe in the age of
         | home office work is the lack of support for XGetImage() that
         | makes using X11 videoconferencing software almost impossible to
         | run on XWayland.
         | ATsch wrote:
         | This has been working by default in all compositors for a while
         | now, it is not a new feature or project.
       | hapless wrote:
       | It's worth noting this is not the first time that X has become
       | abandonware.
       | It's not even the second time.
       | This is the _third_ time X development has been abandoned. And
       | yet, millions of us use X11 every day.
       | Don't hold your breath for Wayland to replace X11.
         | iso8859-1 wrote:
         | I am curious, what are the others?
         | When XFree86 was forked to X.org, is that what you call the
         | first?
           | rjsw wrote:
           | XFree86 was itself a fork.
             | na85 wrote:
             | What's the difference between X11 and xfree86 (and I guess
             | Xorg)?
               | kstrauser wrote:
               | XFree86 was an implementation of the X11 protocol. X.org
               | is a fork of the XFree86 project (short version: XF86
               | license changed, and a huge chunk of the core
               | contributors saw that as the final reason to take their
               | work elsewhere).
               | rjsw wrote:
               | XFree86 was a fork of X11R5.
               | mcguire wrote:
               | I thought it was R6.
       | adobecs3 wrote:
       | This is what happens when the losing player is humble enough to
       | say GG because this was just a game. Nice RE at the end there.
       | That said- Wayland might be the only future but I'm not convinced
       | it is the present. It still misses a specified way to handle
       | shortcut keys and screenshots.
         | emersion wrote:
         | Shortcut keys are configured in the compositor, and
         | screenshots/screencasts work in a cross-compositor fashion via
         | xdg-desktop-portal.
       | jandrese wrote:
       | Reading this post, it strikes me that there could have been
       | standalone monitors with an Ethernet port that had just enough
       | compute power to run an X server.
         | jlokier wrote:
         | There were, and they worked very well. I used them for a while.
         | You could sit down at any of the terminals on campus, select
         | the server you wanted to log into, and log into your own
         | account.
         | It would bring up a fresh instance of your desktop, much like
         | when you boot up your own computer. Except all the files and
         | configuration were on a shared server.
         | The experience was almost as good as running applications
         | locally, with the added benefit that the applications ran on a
         | big, shared, beefy computer somewhere else, much more powerful
         | than could be placed at each desk.
         | And you could sit down wherever was convenient to do your work,
         | and have all your files and familiar configuration available.
         | Back then, most people didn't have their own laptop to work
         | with so that wasn't an option. Those that did, their laptop
         | would be much slower and have a poorer quality screen.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | You're right, this is how I studied computer science. A
           | laptop was simply unaffordable for a student in those days
           | (mid-90s). I remember one of my friends bought an IBM
           | "Butterfly" laptop really cheaply at an auction. We were all
           | amazed at it. Imagine, your own computer in your backpack! :D
         | PAPPPmAc wrote:
         | There were. They were called X terminals (
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_terminal ) and there were quite
         | a few of them on the market around the early 90s, supplanting
         | the traditional terminal protocols. Then there were quite a
         | number of Thin Client (
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_client ) devices that were a
         | hair more independent than dumb X terminals, from players like
         | Sun (Sun Ray) and Wyse (Now part of Dell).
         | There was an inversion from "Users per to Computer" to
         | "Computers per User" and that model mostly fell out of favor.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | Yes and those X-Terminals were exactly what X was invented
           | for. This is why the net transparency is not great over high-
           | latency connections, it was never designed for that. In those
           | days companies only had a handful of "computers" and people
           | worked on terminals. Usually shared over a 10 megabit shared
           | ethernet bus, which was surprisingly responsive!
           | However they were more than a simple terminal. Most of them
           | were basically small Unix computers (like the SPARC
           | X-terminal which was just a diskless low-powered
           | SPARCstation, it could actually run full Solaris). HP's
           | EnvizeX stuff was similarly complex though I don't think they
           | could run HP-UX. But they weren't nearly as 'dumb' as the
           | text terminals of the days.
           | I still have a few Sun Rays here but they used a very
           | different protocol that only worked with their proprietary
           | software.
           | However I do expect a return of this model. Now with the
           | cloud, a lot of computing is once again shifting to a central
           | model rather than on the endpoint.
           | erik_seaberg wrote:
           | There are third-party X servers for Windows, but almost
           | nobody has heard of them, while everyone has a browser. So
           | we're abusing Javascript and HTML to replace X as a remote UI
           | protocol for desktops/laptops that barely have any installed
           | software.
         | shirro wrote:
         | Typical X terminals ran xclock and xterm back in the day and
         | not much else. Pretty cool for the time though. I remember lan
         | gaming with friends in the 90s sometimes turned into hacking
         | sessions. I would sometimes have a few Mosaic browsers run
         | remotely off my system over 10Base2. Given how slow the dialup
         | modem was downloading html X wasn't the bottle neck.
         | Todays modern desktops with compositing and rendering libraries
         | that can target hardware acceleration and run games and
         | visualisation software on opengl or vulkan aren't well served
         | by network transparency and the X extension model.
         | The sad truth about X network transparency is that it generally
         | worked better to write to a local screen and then send the
         | screen updates over some other protocol like vnc or nx.
         | Koshkin wrote:
         | A Raspberry Pi 1 makes for a good X terminal.
       | sprash wrote:
       | Good! Xorg needs to become a community project again. The current
       | maintainers are almost without exception full time paid employees
       | and act solely in the interest of their employers and NOT in the
       | interest of the FOSS community. Their employers have decided to
       | sabotage the ecosystem by breaking established community
       | standards. Maintaining backwards compatibility is the most
       | important thing to keep any ecosystem alive. This means the
       | community should abandon their software (e.g. Wayland) and put
       | people in charge of X11 that start acting in their interest.
         | dyingkneepad wrote:
         | Just because Red Hat is moving resources away it doesn't really
         | mean it is sabotaging the project, just that it's realigning
         | the priorities. Instead of blaming them for not caring anymore,
         | we should blame ourselves for empowering them so much?
         | Ajax seems pretty open in his invitation for people to come and
         | help maintain the things RH doesn't care about anymore...
           | sprash wrote:
           | I'm blaming nobody. I'm just saying that there is a chance
           | for X11 to become a real community project again. Never waste
           | a good crisis.
           | nsajko wrote:
           | > Just because Red Hat is moving resources away it doesn't
           | really mean it is sabotaging the project
           | I think you may have misunderstood the commenter you replied
           | to: they were probably referring to the careless breaking of
           | backwards compatibility that was being done while Xorg was
           | still nominally being maintained. I think a good example is
           | refactoring the Server while _silently_ breaking extensions
           | they don 't care about.
           | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-
           | server/+bug/3...
       | nsajko wrote:
       | > we can finally abandon xfree86
       | The trouble here for those who use Unix-likes as graphical
       | programming environments is that Wayland is the intended
       | replacement for Xorg, and the quoted statement comes from the
       | perspective of making products for non-technical end-users
       | instead of something power-users (like many of us here) can use
       | efficiently. I will not claim here that it is theoretically
       | impossible for efficient graphical programming environments to be
       | based on a Wayland compositor, but the facts are firstly that
       | currently Wayland based systems are a downgrade compared to Xorg
       | (I think the Wlroots/Sway is currently the only compositor that
       | tries to cater to power users, and the issue with Wayland is also
       | that support from the compositor is necessary and difficult for
       | almost any feature), and secondly that the Wayland design is
       | hostile to features that power users are already accustomed to
       | from X Windows. More broadly, Wayland is actually hostile to
       | features like screenshots that _all_ users of other operating
       | systems are accustomed to, meaning that Wayland is actually
       | causing an unnecessarily ugly image of Linux systems among users
       | of other systems. Causally related to the above is the fact that
       | the Wayland design necessitates great duplication of effort for
       | both compositor implementations and applications that want to be
       | able to use more than one incompatible compositor.
       | Three days ago there was a discussion here on basically the same
       | topic, and because my comment there[1] is completely relevant,
       | I'm going to mostly just copy it here:
       | A too common complaint about Wayland (or Wayland compositors,
       | more specifically) is that it is taking a long time to catch up
       | to X11. The elephant in the room is that this situation stems
       | from a deeper issue: Wayland has a horrible design, for an X11
       | replacement, a design that leads to massive fragmentation issues
       | across the graphical part of the Linux ecosystem. Implementing a
       | Wayland compositor requires much more effort than implementing an
       | X11 window manager and each new compositor implementation
       | reinvents the wheel many times, leaving users with less options
       | for a desktop environment than on X11. Even worse, Wayland does
       | not standardize on or is hostile to some essential features,
       | meaning that users need to rely on compositor specific behavior
       | for those features, if they are even available. E.g., an
       | application that needs to grab the entire screen will need
       | separate code for each compositor it supports screenshots on, or
       | it must use a protocol outside Wayland to get the screenshot.
       | Quoting Red Hat: > Furthermore, there isn't a standard API for
       | getting screen shots from Wayland. It's dependent on what
       | compositor (window manager/shell) the user is running, and if
       | they implemented a proprietary API to do so.
       | An xdotool (an input event automation tool, imagine wanting to
       | inject or intercept input events) replacement is not possible on
       | Wayland (without having separate support for each compositor, of
       | course). These seem to be intentional design decisions (marketed
       | as being necessary for security, but really being power-user
       | hostile), this[0] Reddit comment puts it nicely:
       | > It has been almost a decade, why does Wayland not have a
       | protocol definition for screenshots?" - answer - "Because
       | security, dude! Wayland is designed with the thought that users
       | download random applications from the interwebz which are not
       | trustworthy and run them. Wayland actually makes a lot of sense
       | if you don't think of Linux desktop distributions and desktop
       | systems, but of smartphones. But for some reason we absolutely
       | need this technology on the desktop, like we had not enough pain
       | and lose ends over here without it.
       | But the lack of these features AFAIK also causes big trouble for
       | users with special accessibility needs. Wayland is also, with its
       | forced composition, hostile to interactive applications requiring
       | low latency, e.g. video games.
       | [0]
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/7lb5l7/new_screensho...
       | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24886074
       | speeder wrote:
       | Seemly people want badly to abandon X Server (not the protocol, I
       | mean the server).
       | Assuming they do.
       | Is there any software that can replace the server part of it?
       | For example in my current work I SSH -X to another machine, and
       | use X apps installed on that machine, any other software can do
       | that?
         | GekkePrutser wrote:
         | Replace, no. But there are many implementations of it. It won't
         | go away.
         | Windows has Xming and Cygwin. Mac has XQuartz. Linux, well, has
         | Xorh and Xwayland. Even on iOS and Android there's X servers.
         | jlokier wrote:
         | The trend for now is to use remote desktops instead. VNC, RDP,
         | that sort of thing. Use Xvnc or Xrdp on the remote machine, so
         | the apps on that machine have something to connect to.
         | Although X was remote-capable from early on, it was never
         | especially well designed for remote uses. For example you can't
         | easily detach from a display and move an app to a different
         | display. And it's not very good at latency on a high-latency
         | network. Partly that's because of how it assigned XIDs in the
         | protocol; they should have been client-assigned. It would still
         | be possible to make that change (as an extension) but it hasn't
         | been done.
         | It would be great if there was a modern remote desktop
         | application protocol, that works well over all kinds of
         | networks and allows application windows be moved between
         | different display clients easily (e.g. from your laptop to your
         | desktop at work). Or even better, let the application move as
         | well, for ideal responsiveness everywhere.
         | I think we will get that eventually, because it's such a
         | natural evolution of all the distributed things we're building.
         | But I think it will be a long time coming.
           | GekkePrutser wrote:
           | That's not a great trend though. Having actual programs
           | rather than entire desktops run remotely is amazingly handy.
           | A desktop inside a window has never been a great experience.
           | Indeed it's not great at high-latency, it was invented for
           | rooms full of local X-terminals (that were on constantly so
           | connection loss wasn't an issue either, unless someone messed
           | with the cable terminators :P )
           | I would love for this to continue being developed though, as
           | there is still a great usecase for it IMO. But the protocol
           | could really be cleaned up removing a lot of round-trips with
           | locally cached variants (basically what NoMachine NX and X2GO
           | are doing).
           | I do agree it makes sense in this increasingly cloud-centric
           | world.. I hope it will eventually come too!
       | jll29 wrote:
       | The X Window System (X11 for short) looks and feels the same on
       | my Intel Ubuntu Linux laptop and on my HP 9000 UNIX workstation
       | running HP-UX 11 on PA-RISC.
       | X11 is ancient (1987), but it's brilliant. Its designers even
       | anticipated having 16 mouse buttons, and (more importantly)
       | opening a window on a remote system.
       | The system is flexible, programmable, customizable; I've got all
       | development manual volumes here on my shelf.
       | While I'm open and sympathetic to any new ideas and improved
       | software systems, including novel windowing concepts, personally,
       | I don't have any unmet window manager needs at present. Any new
       | system shouldn't just replicate a subset of X11, they should go
       | beyond the state of the art to justify the time investment.
         | GekkePrutser wrote:
         | Indeed, this network transparency, I use it every day... It is
         | the #1 feature I couldn't do without on Wayland.
         | But X11 has been stale so long it would really benefit from a
         | back-to-the-drawing-board approach. From many points of view.
         | Network latency, security etc.
         | But Wayland isn't it for me... It's too desktop centric IMO.
       | victor9000 wrote:
       | X Server made my Dell XPS 13 suffer from horizontal tearing. Each
       | Ubuntu release came with its own set of tricks to circumvent the
       | issue until the release of Ubuntu 20.04, when nothing seemed to
       | work. Switched to Wayland and the issue went away without doing
       | anything at all. Never looked back.
       | entropy1111 wrote:
       | Where can I find a list of protocols and standards, and what
       | compositors have implemented them? I don't want to dig between
       | issues and thousands of repos or docs. I imagine commercial
       | software have even less patience, maybe that's why Zoom used the
       | proprietary GNOME thing instead of the open standard.
       | Wayland works really well, I think people who can't use it yet
       | because of features they miss should just use x.org and stop
       | complaining and harassing open source developers. I'm using sway
       | and wayfire but I have no clue how they work behind the scenes or
       | wayland itself.
         | ywei3410 wrote:
         | Here's a link with a (partial) [1] answer.
         | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24889703
         | dyingkneepad wrote:
         | The X11 protocol is highly documented. There are many decent
         | books about it. The Xlib and XCB are small wrappers around the
         | protocol. Once you learn one, jumping to the protocol bits is
         | easy.
         | Wayland is also a protocol and also documented, somewhere. I
         | heard it has support for extensions and they are also in some
         | repo. Search: https://cgit.freedesktop.org/
         | A big difference between the Wayland and X11 protocols is that
         | X11 covers a lot more things, like drawing. Also, X11 has the
         | concept of a client that is also a compositor and tons of
         | interfaces for clients and compositors and the Xserver to
         | interact. Wayland has none of those things, because the entity
         | that implements the protocol is the compositor, unlike X.
         | Everything that's not covered by the Wayland protocol or
         | extensions has to be defined/implemented by the Compositor, and
         | that's where Fragmentation is killing us. Each compositor is
         | allowed to implement whatever it wants to deal with those
         | things. I am not aware of any standards here, although I would
         | recommend trying to look if any XDG standards exist for those.
           | [deleted]
       | ineedasername wrote:
       | I've never used Wayland. Are there inherent advantages that make
       | it preferable, even if the community could successfully revive X?
       | (And assuming Wayland's deficiencies were addressed-- speed as an
       | example, from other comments I've seen)
       (page generated 2020-10-28 23:00 UTC)