[HN Gopher] Piipcam - 1080P IP Camera on a Raspberry Pi Zero W
       Piipcam - 1080P IP Camera on a Raspberry Pi Zero W
       Author : mattcourant
       Score  : 153 points
       Date   : 2020-11-01 13:35 UTC (9 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | pedrocr wrote:
       | IP cameras need their Linksys moment. The hardware has advanced
       | immensely but the software is terrible.
         | arminiusreturns wrote:
         | I highly reccomend Motion, check it out if you haven't. I've
         | ripped out and replaced subpar proprietary vendor crap with it.
         | (keep the cameras depending on model, ditch the included DVR
         | systems)
         | [1] https://motion-project.github.io/
           | pedrocr wrote:
           | I've used motion and it's fine as the DVR part with MJPEG
           | cameras. Something else is needed for modern h264/h265/av1
           | stuff. I've started coding on it a few times but have never
           | gotten it functional. But my point is about the software that
           | runs in the cameras themselves.
           | squarefoot wrote:
           | Motion is great, but most (all?) consumer IP cameras and
           | DVRs/NVRs are Swiss cheese security wise, they routinely
           | phone home or make connections with servers in China, some
           | even contain hardcoded passwords etc. so that the only way to
           | use them reliably would involve a firewall only accepting
           | connections from trusted sources while preventing the cameras
           | subnet to send anything to the outside world.
           | What we need is some alternative firmware just like OpenWRT,
           | but aimed at IP cameras. That would be a real challenge,
           | therefore it is probably better to build the IP camera from
           | ground up with security and trust in mind. The PineCube from
           | Pine64 seems a really good step in this direction. Just like
           | their PinePhone, being so hard to liberate an existing phone,
           | it's actually easier to design and produce from scratch one
           | that is really free and open and therefore trustworthy.
           | Some interesting options also from Friendlyarm to make small
           | Linux driven embedded boards with cameras. https://www.friend
           | lyarm.com/index.php?route=product/product&...
             | azinman2 wrote:
             | Why isn't motion + motionEye + raspberry pi just that?
       | KaiserPro wrote:
       | I have used this https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer for
       | a number of years to great success.
       | However a word of warning:
       | Wifi streaming video can really degrade your wifi for other
       | devices. especially if the streaming device is at the edge of the
       | range of the wifi.
       | Ethernet streaming is really the way forward.
         | djmips wrote:
         | Why not dedicate a WiFi channel to the video then? WiFi routers
         | are inexpensive.
           | folkhack wrote:
           | Because it's still not a great solution.
           | I've done a TON of work in this for reasons and can tell you
           | that streaming over 2.4Ghz especially is an anti-pattern
           | unless you're dealing with super low-quality streams and/or
           | only dealing with 1-2 devices. Even 5Ghz can get froggy with
           | traffic contention. Working against a 15fps 1080p stream on
           | 5Ghz is actually how I test streams with poor health and
           | unpredictable behavior. Throw streaming over TCP into the mix
           | and oof.
           | Also throwing another network component into the mix may not
           | work for most folks.
           | ---
           | PS: Before someone yells at me for saying "TCP streaming"
           | because "clearly UDP is the right tool for the job!": nope.
           | TCP is the use-case.
       | mkarliner wrote:
       | How do I create this from a stock Raspbian install?
         | iampims wrote:
         | The pi configuration is at:
         | https://github.com/sepfy/piipcam/tree/master/bsp/meta-piipca...
         | You'd have then to compile the source.
       | ausjke wrote:
       | 720p or 1080p wireless/wired/PoE IPCamera with FCC-certification
       | has been on the market for a few years, at the price range of
       | 30ish dollars, you can buy IPCamera modules for about $10 from
       | vendors(mainly in China) and reprogram with your firmware as
       | well.
       | RPI-based camera is great to learn stuff, but to make a product-
       | like devices, there are too many to choose on the market already,
       | cheap and easy and most likely more robust.
       | Isn't ip-camera a solved problem?
         | mschuster91 wrote:
         | > Isn't ip-camera a solved problem?
         | Not if you care about:
         | - image quality, most of these 10$ camera modules have
         | "sensors" that only work halfway decent with good lighting and
         | are little more than static noise at night
         | - general build quality, expect issues with the power supply or
         | at temperature extremes
         | - security, there's no OpenWRT or equivalent for these, so even
         | if you make your own firmware you're still responsible to keep
         | it up to date yourself
         | - no "advanced" features such as a back-up battery, durable (!)
         | on board storage and a wireless fallback in case there is an
         | attacker who simply cuts the cables
         | ed25519FUUU wrote:
         | Links? I'd love to just buy the modules and stick them on my
         | own boards.
       | mbrumlow wrote:
       | I use Raspberry Piz to do the camera work for my robots. But I
       | have a web interface.
       | http://robot247.io/robot/pibot
       | I think overall these devices are amazing for lifting video from
       | one place to another.
       | One day though, i will work on getting h.264 working.
         | neurostimulant wrote:
         | Very cool robot!
       | pokot0 wrote:
       | Does anyone know if any of these projects capture the h.264
       | stream encoded inside the webcam? I would be interested in
       | setting up something like the nest paid subscription but on a
       | local server (meaning record 100% of the video and build a nice
       | interface to navigate it. No "detection of movement" kind of
       | thing involved unless for tagging).
         | scottlamb wrote:
         | Typically cameras just output the H.264/H.265 stream(s) via
         | rtsp, and optionally a video analytics metadata stream. The
         | part that records video from one or more cameras can be
         | separate and is called a network video recorder (NVR). This
         | split allows you to store several cameras' stuff in one place
         | that is better physically protected and in a better form factor
         | for having a hard drive, access a bunch of cameras' data easily
         | under one UI even if they're made by different manufacturers,
         | etc.
         | I'm working on an open-source NVR:
         | https://github.com/scottlamb/moonfire-nvr that is secure, will
         | run on a Raspberry Pi 4, and has a good recording schema. I
         | wouldn't describe the UI as nice yet, but I'd welcome help in
         | making it so!
         | There are some other open source NVRs (I see someone mentioned
         | Shinobi). Probably a couple reasonably-priced commercial
         | software options (people like Blue Iris, but it's Windows-
         | only). Some commercial NAS devices have NVR support (eg
         | Synology). Dedicated NVRs from manufacturers like
         | Dahua/Hikvision (but my experience is they're awful). YMMV.
         | ed25519FUUU wrote:
         | You can run something local like Shinobi. That just requires
         | any rtsp camera. It can even send you push notifications on a
         | discord channel.
         | https://shinobi.video/
       | fimdomeio wrote:
       | I believe you can do almost the same by just running a vlc
       | command in the pi[1]. A complete disk image might be a bit
       | overkill.
       | [1] https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/23182/how-
       | to...
         | diego_moita wrote:
         | You can, but that solution uses a Raspberry Pi camera, not an
         | USB one. They have completely different hardware interfaces.
           | 542458 wrote:
           | Are you sure? The image in the linked article shows a Pi zero
           | with the Pi camera case (not USB).
             | diego_moita wrote:
             | Sorry, my fault. You are correct.
             | I implemented a similar solution (with http-based
             | streaming), but using Motion with an old USB camera. I
             | assumed this solution would also use an USB camera.
             | I still prefer the Motion solution. Streaming through http
             | opens a lot more possibilities.
       | lostapathy wrote:
       | It amazes me, really, that for as popular as this use case seems
       | to be there isn't a simple, well-packaged way to stream a camera
       | off a pi.
       | I've been trying to get this working lately and nothing works
       | "well". Motion is popular, but is limited to mjpeg rather than
       | h.264. uv4l is closed source and not up to date with current OS
       | versions. None of the various cvlc incantations to do better
       | actually seem to work on my pi zero w, etc.
         | shorts_theory wrote:
         | I'd like to plug my project, APStreamline for just this use
         | case (https://github.com/shortstheory/APStreamline). It
         | supports network adaptive streaming which adjusts the
         | resolution and bitrate of the H264 video streamed from the Pi
         | camera depending on the quality of your network connection. You
         | can then use an RTSP player such as VLC to view the video
         | stream. It works great with other types of cameras too!
           | alphaomegacode wrote:
           | Took a look at your GitHub link, looks like you put in quite
           | a lot of work.
           | Looks very interesting.
           | When you say "works great with other types of cameras", could
           | you explain? You've tested with other cameras and could you
           | tell us which?
         | qwerty456127 wrote:
         | > limited to mjpeg rather than h.264
         | In fact I had a hope it can stream h.265 to save bandwidth.
         | I've heard it was supposed to have hardware h.265 encoding.
           | opencl wrote:
           | The hardware supports h.265 decode but not encode.
             | qwerty456127 wrote:
             | What about Raspberry Pi 4?
               | opencl wrote:
               | I should have been more specific: the 4 supports h.265
               | decode but not encode, none of the other Pi hardware has
               | either.
         | joosters wrote:
         | RPi Cam is very good: https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface
         | But it only works with the pi webcam, not with usb cameras
         | 01100011 wrote:
         | Gstreamer? I've used it in the past, both professionally and
         | personally, to generate rtsp/rtp and it worked great.
           | joefourier wrote:
           | I second this, using gst-launch, you can run a gstreamer
           | pipeline in one line in the terminal that generates a
           | hardware h264-encoded stream that you can tune to any
           | bitrate. Something like this:                 gst-launch-1.0
           | rtpbin name=rtpbin rpicamsrc preview=0 bitrate=4000000 do-
           | timestamp=1 ! 'video/x-h264, width=1920, height=1080,
           | framerate=30/1,profile=high' ! h264parse ! rtph264pay config-
           | interval=1 pt=96 ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_0
           | rtpbin.send_rtp_src_0 ! udpsink host=YOUR_IP port=YOUR_PORT
           | rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 sync=false async=false
           | Gstreamer should include rpicamsrc directly nowadays for your
           | convenience.
         | phoboslab wrote:
         | It's not that "well-packaged" but last time I tried it, JSMpeg
         | worked nicely when streaming from an RPi3. It has very low
         | latency (~70ms), reasonable quality/bitrate (MPEG1, rather than
         | MJPEG) and is viewable in any browser.
         | https://github.com/phoboslab/jsmpeg#example-setup-for-stream...
         | pauldickwin wrote:
         | There are several entire companies whose core product is a
         | security camera that cannot get a security camera to work
         | "well". At least 50% of it is making the user experience smooth
         | and loading times extremely low. You would think that the
         | product managers are responsible for this would take
         | responsibility for it and make sure it works perfectly.
         | However, there are very few great product managers out there.
         | Most of them fail miserably and end up giving even the good
         | product managers a bad reputation. At the end of the day, the
         | guy who wrote this could possibly be just a single poor plonker
         | in his mom's basement who never stood a chance against the most
         | discriminating of users like us.
         | rb2k_ wrote:
         | This is sadly 'just' homekit, but I was pretty impressed with
         | the polish of the solution:
         | https://hochgatterer.me/hkcam/
         | I agree on the comment for rtsp though. Most solutions have
         | multiple seconds of latency which is a bit suboptional.
         | numpad0 wrote:
         | Is it that there is no way to "just" run a small custom built
         | daemon script on a Linux box, not just in terms of camera apps
         | but in general?
         | Like I have this 10 line bash script, that I want it to run for
         | a few years, with no maintenance, that don't get corrupted from
         | power loss, or lock up from memory leaks, that auto restarts
         | when necessary, but not bring down network either.
         | And it requires 10+ years of experience in managing and
         | developing on GNU/Linux, a few notable certificates maybe, a
         | bit of embedded background being a plus, to do it right enough,
         | in about 0.25-1.0 man-month.
         | I've tried something like that on Alpine Linux, and it didn't
         | work always. Mostly due to proficiency issues on me, but it
         | definitely was unnecessarily hard.
           | stevepike wrote:
           | There are fancier modern things but
           | https://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html still works great for
           | keeping a simple script running.
           | johnchristopher wrote:
           | Something like that ?                   [Unit]
           | Description=auto start script         After=multi-user.target
           | [Service]         Type=simple
           | ExecStart=/home/pi/script.sh         User=pi
           | WorkingDirectory=/home/pi         Restart=on-failure
           | [Install]         WantedBy=multi-user.target
           | mschuster91 wrote:
           | If I had to do that, I'd go for a read-only rootfs (which
           | IIRC the latest raspbian/raspi-config version supports to set
           | up for you) combined with a systemd unit file that takes care
           | of auto restarts.
           | The only thing I don't know how to deal with is a memory leak
           | but as long as it's an easy simple script and no Java app,
           | there should not be anything running that could leak memory.
         | cptskippy wrote:
         | Check out rpos (https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos), it turns your
         | Pi into a compliant enough Onvif camera that you can use for
         | NVRs.
         | Both rpos and piipcam serve h.264 RTSP streams that you can
         | pull into OBS and turn into a virtual webcam.
         | almog wrote:
         | Same, have been looking for a slightly different use case:
         | Using RPi as a video capture card that takes an HDMI input and
         | outputs H.264. Even better would have been to implement it as a
         | UVC device that can be plugged in as a video source.
         | I was surprised that gamers haven't implemented this yet as a
         | DIY Elgato project.
         | mindslight wrote:
         | I ended up running                 raspivid -l -o
         | tcp:// --mode 2 -b 3000000 -t 0 --drc off --flush
         | looped in a screen session on the rpi (running raspbian), and
         | mpv --profile=low-latency tcp://
         | on the client whenever I wanted to see the camera. It wasn't
         | polished, but it got the job done. It died probably due to SD
         | card flakiness, and then I had to move the camera anyway. Next
         | incarnation will be nfsroot.
         | johnchristopher wrote:
         | > I've been trying to get this working lately and nothing works
         | "well". Motion is popular, but is limited to mjpeg rather than
         | h.264. uv4l is closed source and not up to date with current OS
         | versions. None of the various cvlc incantations to do better
         | actually seem to work on my pi zero w, etc.
         | Since you use motion, I suppose you want to have some kind of
         | detection going on.
         | I was toying with 2 pi0+cam and one pi4 some weeks ago.
         | Here's my conclusion (I should write a blog post about it):
         | - use a pi0+camera dedicated to live streaming ; that's the one
         | you want to connect to to see what's going on (fixed IP, RTSP
         | stream)
         | - use another pi0+camera or add an IR sensor to the first pi0,
         | in the same spot, to detect motion events (either through
         | motion installed on the pi or the IR sensor)
         | - use a third connected pi4 for continuous recording of the
         | live stream (in chunks of 5 minutes) to HDD/SSD and/or
         | recording of the live feed once a motion is triggered (you can
         | use motion hooks to trigger API on this pi from the pi0)
         | - you could also simply do motion detection on the pi4 but you
         | are at the mercy of artifacts in the stream and they WILL
         | trigger motion detection ; that's why you want to do motion
         | detection closest to the source
         | Motion introduces too much latency to use as a two-ine-one
         | "detect and live stream" (MJPEG conversion takes a lot of CPU
         | clock and adds artifacts).
         | Most motionEyeOS tutorials I read are PoC that makes you
         | install motionEyeOS on every pi and use the motion MJPEG stream
         | instead of an h264 feed from the camera. It also introduces a
         | lot of CPU bottlenecks and unreliable network connectivity.
         | I found that motion web UI is now enough for live streaming of
         | what motion "sees" but motionEyeOS helps understanding many of
         | motion options. It's especially useful to draw masks. And then
         | you move on to building your own infrastructure with those
         | bricks (http API, live streaming, hl264 streaming, etc.).
         | colordrops wrote:
         | Can ffmpeg work? I've used it with IP cameras before with much
         | success.
         | comboy wrote:
         | https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos
       | fartcannon wrote:
       | I've been using https://elinux.org/RPi-Cam-Web-Interface. It has
       | an interesting motion detection and record function.
         | diego_moita wrote:
         | It does have a lot more functionality, but it doesn't support
         | USB cameras. It only works with the Raspberry PI camera.
           | julian_adams wrote:
           | Yeah, I have experienced it too.
           | gambiting wrote:
           | I do distinctly remember someone changing some config files
           | to make it work with a USB camera. Not exactly plug-and-play
           | but it can be done.
       | cptskippy wrote:
       | There's a project call rpos that turns a Raspberry Pi into a
       | Onvif Compliant-enough camera that most NVRs can use. Onvif uses
       | RTSP streaming just like this.
       | https://github.com/BreeeZe/rpos
       | Either way, OBS supports RTSP so you can pull feeds in and
       | surface them as a virtual webcam to the rest of your OS.
       | tmzt wrote:
       | This might be another option:
       | https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php?title=PineCube
       | dheera wrote:
       | Is it possible to make an IP camera appear on the other end as
       | /dev/videoX with near zero latency? Even with LAN ping times of
       | <2ms I routinely get >200ms of latency with IP cameras, sometimes
       | as much as 1000ms, and can't figure out a good solution.
         | xxpor wrote:
         | I have to imagine that's mostly due to encoding, right? I
         | wonder what the cheapest format to get a hw encoder for is.
           | [deleted]
         | 01100011 wrote:
         | You need to tune the buffers on both the sender and the
         | receiver, as well as choose a codec with low latency. It takes
         | some work, but you should be able to get it below a second
         | without too much trouble.
         | omegote wrote:
         | I think you could probably achieve that with v4l2loopback and
         | ffmpeg. I've done something similar in the past and it works.
         | daniellarusso wrote:
         | In the past, w/ Axis cameras, I have enabled two streams, the
         | high quality, high res. h.264 with high latency, and a lower
         | resolution mjpeg stream with much lower latency.
       | asutekku wrote:
       | It's a neat project, but doesn't having to connect my computer to
       | the zero's wifi-hotspot mean I can't actually use my own network
       | since I would not be routing my connection through a zero. That
       | would then make this kind of device kind of useless unless I have
       | a dedicated device to watch the stream from? Or am I missing
       | something?
         | coder543 wrote:
         | I haven't looked at the project yet, but... your comment
         | precludes the possibility of your computer having a wired
         | ethernet connection to the internet.
         | Then the camera could be placed anywhere as long as it can get
         | power, and your computer could connect to both the camera and
         | the internet.
         | But, I don't understand why the project would really benefit
         | from the Pi Zero hosting a wifi hotspot... it seems like it
         | would be better for it to just join an existing wifi network.
         | pengaru wrote:
         | I use Pi Zero W camera kits for security cameras, and they just
         | associate with their own dedicated wifi AP, which puts them
         | behind a NAT firewall and routes to the internet in the usual
         | fashion.
         | Accessing the cameras then is no different than accessing
         | anything behind NAT on a home network. The AP can have holes
         | punched for port forwarding to the cameras, some kind of dyndns
         | solution could be used to give them a persistent name if the
         | AP's public network address is dynamic. There are other
         | solutions in this space as well...
         | My preference however is to not punch any holes and not bother
         | with supporting external connections at this layer. Instead I
         | have the cameras establish and maintain ssh connections
         | w/reverse tunnels on an external server having a static IP on
         | the internet. Those reverse tunnels only listen on localhost
         | ports at the server, requiring a locally executed process to
         | reach the camera tunnels. In the case of my server's
         | configuration, that basically requires logging into the server
         | via ssh to reach the camera tunnels. For an authorized user
         | with ssh access to the server, it's trivial to access the
         | tunnels with a web browser by establishing a SOCKS proxy via
         | ssh and configuring a web browser to use it.
         | I've ~reproduced this setup for some friends/family members,
         | using extremely cheap VPS instances strictly for terminating
         | the ssh tunnels and providing a self-signed cert https proxy
         | w/basic auth to reach the camera tunnels more conveniently
         | using a smartphone's browser. It seems to work fine for them
         | once they get the self-signed cert permanently accepted in
         | their phone's browser, and is more convenient since they're not
         | IT people and won't be running an ssh client anytime soon. The
         | main problem that's come up is reconfiguring their cameras wifi
         | when they upgrade their home network. They forget about the
         | cameras wifi dependency, and by the time they discover the
         | problem it's too late and we're talking usb2serial GPIO console
         | to reconfigure wpa_supplicant time.
         | INTPenis wrote:
         | That step should only be to test and configure the camera.
         | While you're connected you login and configure your own wifi on
         | it.
         | Preferably that web tool should do it for you.
         | Either way, a lot of consumer products have that one step.
         | diego_moita wrote:
         | This is the biggest issue I have, too.
         | Motion[1] has a lot less resolution and it's video is not good.
         | But, at least, I can access the video stream through http. That
         | makes an huge difference when implementing a solution. For non-
         | tech users you can just stick the camera's streaming webpage to
         | a phone home screen and give instant access to the video
         | stream.
         | [1] https://motion-project.github.io/
       | intricatedetail wrote:
       | This is great but why people don't post something more complex
       | than connecting two things together? No disrespect but even basic
       | Lego set would have more than two parts.
       (page generated 2020-11-01 23:00 UTC)