[HN Gopher] Dell Adding Hardware Privacy Driver for Linux
       Dell Adding Hardware Privacy Driver for Linux
       Author : reddotX
       Score  : 187 points
       Date   : 2020-11-04 12:51 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.phoronix.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.phoronix.com)
       | throwawaymanbot wrote:
       | why do they do dumb stuff like this to begin with?
       | raimue wrote:
       | This seems a lot similar to hardware switches for Wi-Fi and
       | Bluetooth devices, which are handled by rfkill. Of course, this
       | adds support for microphone and webcam now, but wouldn't it make
       | sense to extend rfkill? To me the purpose of these hardware
       | switches seems close enough to be handled by a generic framework.
       | LeonM wrote:
       | I see a lot of concerns here that the LEDs are software
       | controlled. Judging from the source code of the privacy driver
       | [0], it doesn't look like it.
       | I'm not too familiar with the kernel interface for LEDs, but as
       | far as I can understand stubs are added to read back the LED
       | status, but not so much setting it.
       | Phoronix's description of 'manipulating the relevant LEDs' seems
       | to be misleading.
       | [0]
       | https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20201103125542.8572-1-Perry_Yua...
         | slezyr wrote:
         | It looks like `micmute_led_set` does exactly this.
           | LeonM wrote:
           | I don't think it does. It doesn't look like the method is
           | actually using the 'brightness' argument.
           | It's just reading the ACPI status bits to update the current
           | state. It doesn't set anything.                 static int
           | micmute_led_set(struct led_classdev *led_cdev,
           | enum led_brightness brightness)       {         acpi_status
           | status;              status = acpi_evaluate_object(NULL,
           | ACPI_PRIVACY_EC_ACK, NULL, NULL);         if
           | (ACPI_FAILURE(status)) {             dev_err(led_cdev->dev,
           | "Error setting privacy audio EC ack value: %d\n",status);
           | return -EIO;         }         return 0;       }
             | slezyr wrote:
             | I've assumed that there is a kernel voodoo magic happens,
             | but it seems that the reviewer is also confused by this.
             | https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20201104014915.45tbmnrqvccbrd2
             | k...
             | Might be copy/paste from another driver or they will
             | implement it later.
         | adrianmonk wrote:
         | If I'm reading it right, another LKML message seems to confirm
         | that the muting LED is hardware controlled.
         | From https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/11/3/904:
         | > _I don 't think it came through in the commit message, but I
         | wanted to mention in the system that prompted this software
         | does not control the LED. The LED is actually controlled by
         | hardware, but has circuitry to delay the hardware mute until
         | software mute is complete to avoid any "popping noises"._
         | That's followed by someone asking about a timeout in case
         | software mute never happens (so that hardware mute still does),
         | and the same person confirms there is a timeout.
       | nazgulsenpai wrote:
       | Not necessarily directly related to this article, but with Linux
       | adoption among OEMs exploding recently, doesn't this just
       | continue to grow the size of the kernel? What keeps it from
       | becoming an even bigger monolithic behemoth than it is now?
       | Trimming out old/unmaintained drivers?
       | This is just something that's never crossed my mind until
       | glancing at this article and thinking back to Microsoft adding
       | all of their Hyper-V/DX12 stuff.
         | tenebrisalietum wrote:
         | Drivers are typically built as modules in Linux. Under a
         | running kernel, they don't exist in RAM unless loaded. They
         | aren't typically loaded except by a hardware detection process
         | or manually.
         | m463 wrote:
         | When I first played around compiling the linux kernel, I found
         | that most of it is like a suburban garage, with a kayak and a
         | brake bleeder and a hoe and golf clubs.
         | Except the kernel puts the suburban garage to shame.
         | My kernel config shows:                 CONFIG_HAMRADIO=y
         | CONFIG_BAYCOM_SER_FDX=m  (from AX.25 network device drivers)
         | CONFIG_CAN_SJA1000=m  (from CAN device drivers)
         | CONFIG_NFC_MRVL=m    (from Near Field Communication (NFC)
         | devices)
         | after a while I just scroll faster and faster zooming past:
         | ...and loadable module support for 4 heart rate monitors, 18
         | inertial measurement units and 18 magnetometer sensors. Even 2
         | VME bridge drivers.
         | There are 11,018 lines of this.
         | =y means it's compiled into the kernel
         | =m means it's a loadable module (but still takes up some kernel
         | memory and more on disk as a .ko)
           | jnurmine wrote:
           | There's a lot of stuff.
           | And the reason is that distributions usually build in support
           | for a large amount of diverse hardware. These are modules
           | (=m) where possible.
           | The motivation for this is: when you have that heart rate
           | monitor, intertial measurement unit, magnetometer or
           | something else, you just plug it in, the module gets loaded
           | and the device just works.
           | Some things have to be =y and are unable to support =m.
           | To tidy up the garage, build a custom kernel and be loose
           | with the use of =n.
           | duskwuff wrote:
           | > =m means it's a loadable module (but still takes up some
           | kernel memory and more on disk as a .ko)
           | Loadable modules are not present in memory, in any form,
           | until they are loaded. Building them has no impact on kernel
           | memory usage.
           | (Consider that it's possible to build the kernel with all the
           | modules set to "n", then switch the modules to "m" and build
           | them afterwards. The resulting kernel is identical, save for
           | having a slightly different embedded .config.)
       | gigatexal wrote:
       | Are there not hooks to turn off power in the kernel to such
       | devices?
       | ReptileMan wrote:
       | I prefer a switch that physically disconnects the wire. Thanks.
       | rmrfstar wrote:
       | The #1 feature of Dell laptops is the repair manual which allows
       | you to, among other things, physically remove the camera and
       | microphone without damaging the hardware.
       | Would be nice if they would release signed, flashable firmware
       | images for remediating compromise.
         | robocat wrote:
         | I believe that having no camera and no microphone is necessary
         | for some controlled security environments (especially
         | government). Dell is big enough to consider that use-case?
         | PS: very happy with Dell's Linux support for XPS laptops (still
         | getting Linux specific Bios updates long after purchase).
         | m463 wrote:
         | This is fascinating to know.
         | I also have a dell monitor - I downloaded all the pdf manuals
         | including one that said:                 "Statement of
         | Volatility - Dell U3219Q Monitor            The purpose of this
         | document is to certify that the Dell       U3219Q monitor will
         | not save, retain, or reproduce a signal       to any internal
         | or external component after power has been       removed and
         | reapplied to the unit.            The Dell U3219Q monitor
         | contains both volatile and       non-volatile (NV) memory ICs.
         | Volatile memory(s) lose their       data immediately upon
         | removal of power. Non-volatile memory       ICs continue to
         | retain their data even after the power has       been removed.
         | However, no input video data is written into       these memory
         | ICs during operation.            List below contains volatile
         | and non volatile memory ICs       used in the Dell U3219Q
         | monitor."
         | Then it had a table for each storage chip within the monitor
         | with its purpose and characteristics including:
         | - system eeprom       - hdmi edid eeprom       - system flash
         | rom        - usb hub eeprom       - pd controller flash rom
           | moftz wrote:
           | These sort of documents are usually necessary when bringing
           | in devices with memory in them into secure areas. Security
           | likes to know what is in a device and if there is any special
           | procedure that needs to happen to wipe any non-volatile
           | memory. If there's no way to zero out or replace any memory
           | that may have stored sensitive data, the device cannot leave
           | the area.
       | shalabajser wrote:
       | if (privacy_button == 1) { set_blinkenlights(0);
       | forward_all_traffic_to_NSA(); }
       | grovellogic wrote:
       | Sure hope it is actual hardwired, and not hardware with an
       | updatable firmware chip controlling the LED like apple used to
       | do.
       | https://grahamcluley.com/webcam-spying-without-turning-led-r...
       | tbrock wrote:
       | Looks at thinkpad X1, has this already, shrugs.
         | caymanjim wrote:
         | I have a ThinkPad X1 and it doesn't have any hardware switches.
           | SamuelAdams wrote:
           | My thinkpad T490 has a "think shutter" which is basically a
           | killswitch / cover for the webcam. Not sure if it mutes the
           | mike or not. AFAIK, this is an optional feature that might
           | not exist on all models.
           | Of course, you can always disassemble the laptop and unplug
           | the webcam and microphone from the motherboard.
           | https://www.cnet.com/news/lenovo-thinkpad-laptops-now-let-
           | yo...
             | caymanjim wrote:
             | If you get an X1 with the 4k touch screen, there's no
             | camera cover or switch.
       | everdrive wrote:
       | This is nice, but I'd rather just have a physical switch. One
       | that physically breaks the connection. For a camera, a built-in
       | cover seems like a fine idea.
         | Nursie wrote:
         | It sounds like they have a physical switch. This module is able
         | to read the switch state and set some indicator LEDs
         | accordingly.
         | But the kill switch itself is physical.
         | fsflover wrote:
         | Here you go: https://puri.sm/products/librem-14
         | eumoria wrote:
         | The Lenovo P52 models I ordered for my company have a physical
         | slider that covers the camera. This is the 100% sure way
         | nothing can see out of it. Too bad the microphone doesn't have
         | the same level of assuredness. But it's also Lenovo who's
         | already been caught doing hardware spying so...
           | m463 wrote:
           | it's ok, I thought the lenovo service engine would quietly
           | uninstall itself after a few months. :)
       | shalabajser wrote:
       | if privacy_button ON set_blinkenlights_ON
       | forward_all_traffic_to_NSA
       | pavon wrote:
       | The privacy screen that can limit the viewable angle on demand is
       | pretty cool. I hadn't heard about those before, but it is now
       | definitely something I'll be looking for in my next laptop.
       | davidw wrote:
       | I've been happily using Dells with Linux for... 15 years or so?
       | It's a great option as it comes out of the box working pretty
       | well. Happy to see this.
       | zeveb wrote:
       | > The Dell privacy driver sent out on Tuesday for the Linux
       | kernel is about manipulating the relevant LEDs and tracking the
       | status of the hardware-based controls where as the actual
       | toggling of the audio/video support is handled by the hardware.
       | This is incorrectly designed: the LEDs _must_ be hardware-driven,
       | not software driven. Otherwise malicious software could turn off
       | the LED when the camera and microphone are running.
         | lultimouomo wrote:
         | > the actual toggling of the audio/video support is handled by
         | the hardware.
         | It's right in the line you quoted.
           | donatj wrote:
           | But the LED indicating the state isn't. That's a problem. All
           | you really need to do is make the LED a liar and the user has
           | no idea if their mic is on or not.
             | jaywalk wrote:
             | Yeah, that's not a good scenario. But they could also just
             | check the physical switch, which cannot lie.
           | zeveb wrote:
           | I think that you (and others!) must have misread: I did not
           | write that malicious software would turn on the hardware -- I
           | wrote that it 'could turn off the LED when the camera and
           | microphone are running.'
           | What I mean is that a user could leave the hardware switches
           | in the microphone- or camera-on positions, but malicious
           | software could turn off the LEDs, so that the user would
           | think he had privacy but in fact did not.
       | devenblake wrote:
       | "These new Dell privacy buttons are basically hardware kill
       | switches for the microphone and web camera video stream. The Dell
       | privacy driver sent out on Tuesday for the Linux kernel is about
       | manipulating the relevant LEDs and tracking the status of the
       | hardware-based controls where as the actual toggling of the
       | audio/video support is handled by the hardware."
       | Why not just wire the LEDs up to the same power line that goes to
       | the camera?
         | mastax wrote:
         | > Why not just wire the LEDs up to the same power line that
         | goes to the camera?
         | It's just difficult enough to not bother considering the market
         | doesn't care.
         | Webcams are typically USB 2.0 devices using generic drivers
         | from the operating system or manufacturer. It's easy from a
         | hardware and software perspective to send a command to the
         | webcam to disable itself and turn off its LED. If you want to
         | completely cut power then you need to add power switching
         | circuitry.
         | You could use one of your CPU's limited GPIO pins to control
         | the switching but now you probably need a smart power switch
         | (~$0.30, which is significant) since the low voltage (1.2V?)
         | GPIO can't handle switching a regular mosfet gate. GPIO writes
         | are usually easy (just write to a memory address), but you'd
         | still need to modify the vendor driver to do this and then
         | distribute the driver.
         | Motherboards typically have embedded controllers which have
         | GPIO - on desktops there is a SuperIO chip, I believe laptops
         | typically use a regular microcontroller. Now you have some 3.3V
         | GPIOs that can handle gate switching so you can use a regular
         | MOSFET (~$0.10). You still need to modify and distribute the
         | webcam driver, and now it might have to communicate with
         | another driver which is handling the embedded controller.
         | Now you have to deal with the webcam disconnecting and
         | reconnecting as you switch power to it. You want the device to
         | always be present even if it's not enumerating on the USB bus,
         | so you can select the webcam in zoom and turn it on and so
         | you're not constantly playing the hardware connect/disconnect
         | sound - even more driver changes. Maybe the webcam takes
         | significantly longer to turn on now because it has to boot and
         | enumerate.
         | That was all somewhat informed speculation, but I think it
         | illustrates how a seemingly simple thing gets complicated. The
         | electronics industry could easily solve these issues if there
         | was motivation, but there just isn't.
         | Edit: Well, I'm posting this on an article talking about a
         | vendor which _is_ doing the work to make this happen. I guess I
         | should say there 's just enough motivation to eventually get
         | around to solving this problem in a mature market.
           | m463 wrote:
           | False.
           | The market does care.
           | People want: hardware kill switches.
           | They want to cut their camera. (I've seen tape many times)
           | They want to mute their microphone for real.
           | Even non-nefarious "on-screen" mute buttons are subject to
           | abuse.
           | For instance, in webex the conference host can unmute one or
           | all of other people's mute buttons remotely. (To be clear
           | there is a use case for this)
           | I wonder how many apps are listening even while mute is on. I
           | would expect many of them.
           | and then there are exploits, which are lower probability but
           | can do much more damage.
           | sojuz151 wrote:
           | Connect the LED via current mirror to webcam power line? You
           | will know when webcam is recording because it draws far more
           | power.
           | bayindirh wrote:
           | Or you can just bake the functionality into the webcam itself
           | (like apple) and a cheap commodity item becomes complicated
           | and expensive.
           | You'll need a special firmware for the cam (like apple
           | device), need to ensure integrity of the said firmware and
           | also need a customized driver which needs maintenance work.
           | I have an old Logitech Pro 9000 camera with a lot of bells
           | and whistles but, when I found out that its light can be
           | managed by the driver and the UVC client in Linux AND it can
           | turned off while it's recording, I've never kept it connected
           | longer than it should be.
           | So yes, custom and secure hardware is hard.
         | surround wrote:
         | That seems to be an issue with most webcams - the indicator
         | light itself can be compromised and disabled.
           | mnahkies wrote:
           | I remember having a usb Logitech webcam that included
           | disabling the indicator as a first class option in their
           | control panel - not a big leap to imagine malware doing it
           | LeonM wrote:
           | Third party webcams, yes.
           | Basically any modern laptop with a build-in webcam has a
           | hardware controlled LED, not software controlled.
             | m463 wrote:
             | I don't see that this is necessarily true or easy to figure
             | out.
         | discreditable wrote:
         | They may be wired to the power line. I think the goal is more
         | to give the kernel some way to know the mic/camera is
         | explicitly disabled and not disconnected/missing/broken.
           | varispeed wrote:
           | Wouldn't that tell any spy device / software that the subject
           | has switched off the means he or she can be surveiled by? I
           | cannot see how this could help with anything. They should
           | rather do a physical switch that would 0 the data lines from
           | these devices, so that camera or the microphone would be seen
           | as working, but not sending any signal. Even better if you
           | could pre-program some kind of ambience sound and pre-
           | recorded cam video, so that once you turn it off, the
           | perpetrator will think that they are still getting something.
             | tw04 wrote:
             | >They should rather do a physical switch that would 0 the
             | data lines from these devices,
             | What exactly do you expect that to accomplish. Anyone
             | actively targeting you getting literally NO SOUND OR VIDEO
             | is going to know that you've flipped the switch just the
             | same.
             | Even the quietest apartment has HVAC that will be picked
             | up. If they're recording for hours they're going to hear
             | people walking by. The camera itself will still provide an
             | image, even if it's black, that looks different than no
             | signal at all.
               | varispeed wrote:
               | That's why the idea of having some pre-recorded stuff on
               | tap, but sending no signal could waste some of the
               | perpetrators resources, which I think is something nicer
               | to have than letting them know it is switched off.
               | tw04 wrote:
               | Sorry but if you're going to those lengths you should be
               | buying a laptop without a camera or mic. Do video calls
               | from your phone and put it in a soundproof/wireless
               | transmission proof box.
               | If a nation state is able to get to your laptop they're
               | going to figure out pretty quickly that you're "feeding
               | something pre-recorded" into the mic and camera every
               | time you have a meeting. Ignoring the insane effort you'd
               | have to put out to feed that in and make it even semi-
               | believable. For starters they are presumably tracking who
               | you're meeting with - are you going to have a meeting
               | before your meeting to pre-record? Hope they don't figure
               | out that you're saying the exact same thing in two
               | different meetings? Somehow have root on your laptop but
               | aren't bright enough to figure out you're feeding data
               | from a local file into your mic and camera?
             | marcinzm wrote:
             | Unless you record infinite video and sound it's pretty easy
             | to check if the video is a loop. Even static video of an
             | empty room would have variations over time while a
             | recording would be identical. Even auto-generated audio and
             | noise would have a pattern which can be matched on. And if
             | an attacker has control over your machine they can
             | trivially correlate it with other activity to detect fake
             | input.
             | It's basically a false sense of security which is generally
             | worse than doing nothing.
               | weehoo wrote:
               | If you can pattern match all auto generated audio you can
               | prove there's no one way functions and that cryptographic
               | hash functions don't exist.
               | Detecting the pattern in a prng stream is equivalent to
               | finding its Kolmogorov complexity. https://en.m.wikipedia
               | .org/wiki/Kolmogorov_complexity#Chaiti...
               | marcinzm wrote:
               | You're not pattern matching all auto-generated audio. You
               | are pattern matching the audio generated by a specific
               | algorithm. An attacker who has access to your microphone
               | will know which laptop you have and what hardware it has.
               | This assumes an attacker is targeting you specifically
               | since otherwise this is all moot (a broad attack could
               | care less as to why your microphone is off).
               | kelnos wrote:
               | You wouldn't be using a PRNG for this, because what would
               | be the point? The idea would be to generate some
               | plausible-sounding audio, not garbage that a listener
               | would obviously know isn't real.
               | Really, though, in general there's just no point to this
               | altogether; just cutting power/data to the mic is fine.
               | There's no need to attempt to fool someone with fake
               | audio, outside of some _very_ edge-case scenarios that I
               | 'm sure Dell (rightly) does not care about.
             | rainingcatndogs wrote:
             | I belive you can blacklist that driver if needed.
             | Vrondi wrote:
             | If it is switched off, then you cannot be surveiled by it.
             | Mission accomplished.
             | coldtea wrote:
             | > _Wouldn 't that tell any spy device / software that the
             | subject has switched off the means he or she can be
             | surveiled by?_
             | And the spy device/software knowing the user has "switched
             | off the means" vs "they are broken" is important because?
             | antoinealb wrote:
             | It might be for usability reasons: having your video
             | conferencing application tell you "Your webcam appears to
             | be disabled by the privacy switch, is that intentional?"
             | probably saves a lot of time in tech support calls.
               | lultimouomo wrote:
               | Also, having your video conferencing application send
               | some prerecorded audio and video data to your colleagues
               | because you inadvertently turned the kill switch would
               | not be a highly desirable outcome.
             | criddell wrote:
             | I believe the switches are there for the user as a simple
             | way of activating or deactivating the microphone and camera
             | and for them to know (via LEDs) the current state.
             | If you have a spy device connected to your computer or have
             | malware running, you are very screwed in a million
             | different ways already. Limiting knowledge of hardware
             | state to malware doesn't buy you much.
             | crote wrote:
             | Why would you care about fooling surveillance? The goal is
             | to prevent a potential adversary from getting any
             | video/audio footage, them being aware of you actively
             | blocking any attempts is not really relevant.
             | Besides, the vast majority of users will not be under
             | active attack. Having an on-screen popup when you try to
             | use the webcam telling you that it has been hardware-
             | disabled is quite a must-have. If you don't have something
             | like this, you'll get a lot of support calls which boil
             | down to "you accidentally pressed the kill switch, press it
             | again to re-enable".
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | > If you don't have something like this, you'll get a lot
               | of support calls which boil down to "you accidentally
               | pressed the kill switch, press it again to re-enable".
               | Yep. This was an _extremely_ common issue in the
               | mid-2000s, when laptops started integrating wireless
               | hardware with hard power switches, often on the side of
               | the laptop where they could easily be toggled by
               | accident.
               | jakobdabo wrote:
               | > Why would you care about fooling surveillance?
               | For example, when you are "required" [1] to run
               | surveillance software on your computer.
               | [1] https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7wxvd/students-are-
               | rebellin...
               | Vrondi wrote:
               | These exam proctoring softwares are only required to be
               | run during the time you are actively taking an exam. The
               | rest of the time, there would be zero issue for a student
               | with hardware disabled camera and microphone.
               | matheusmoreira wrote:
               | The invasive proprietary software used to prevent
               | cheating cannot be trusted to work only when the students
               | want it work. Its purpose can and will be twisted to fit
               | the agendas of whoever owns the software. It probably
               | introduces several security vulnerabilities into the
               | system just by being installed.
               | jackvalentine wrote:
               | It's a Chrome extension.
               | fouric wrote:
               | ...then you just cover the camera and/or mic with a
               | physical cover, such a piece of tape.
               | boogies wrote:
               | > and/or mic
               | How well would tape work on that?
         | ArnoVW wrote:
         | Perhaps because all it takes is 1/24th of a second to make a
         | picture?
         | Or because once the light is on, it's too late?
         | Or because I don't want to risk missing the light being on,
         | just because the computer is on but I m not behind it?
         | colejohnson66 wrote:
         | A "kill switch" is more preferable because it _prevents_ an
         | attack, whereas wiring the LED to the power line only
         | _notifies_ you when you've been attacked; by then it's too
         | late; you've already been compromised.
         | absolutelyrad wrote:
         | > _Why not just wire the LEDs up to the same power line that
         | goes to the camera?_
         | You know why.
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | Lovely; care to enlighten the rest of us?
             | hedora wrote:
             | It's a rhetorical question. There's no good reason not to
             | do it.
             | The main reason is cost and hardware complexity, which
             | would be negligible if the camera asic simply had an "I am
             | on" pin to drive an LED. Laptop manufacturers clearly don't
             | care about this issue enough to insist that camera and
             | audio hardware manufacturers include such a pin on future
             | models.
           | [deleted]
         | dastx wrote:
         | It would be super nice for manufacturers to start doing that,
         | but this is not a silver bullet. There's been so many times
         | where I've just had my laptop stay open and on for different
         | reasons. If in such scenarios the webcam comes on, the
         | likelihood of me seeing the camera light on is quite low. I'm
         | sure I'm not the only person either. Hardware switch is still
         | the best solution.
         | My lenovo laptop has basically a builtin webcam cover, and I
         | absolutely love it.
           | d33 wrote:
           | ...Another LED for the data wire then?
         | Kuinox wrote:
         | I remember a hack were basically if you just light up the
         | camera, take a pic, and power off it, the led don't have enough
         | time to emit light.
         | sschueller wrote:
         | So the NSA/CIA/FBI can enable the camera/mic without you
         | knowing.
       | tscolari wrote:
       | Well, we're still waiting for the fingerprint driver :p
       (page generated 2020-11-04 23:01 UTC)