[HN Gopher] Anki Cards for Fast.ai
       Anki Cards for Fast.ai
       Author : tosh
       Score  : 69 points
       Date   : 2020-11-11 12:47 UTC (10 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | nullandvoid wrote:
       | For anyone looking to start their Anki journey, or extend on
       | existing knowledge, I recommend the following read
       | http://augmentingcognition.com/ltm.html
       | It's worth noting, the author actually suggests against using
       | others anki packs. They should be a personal experience.
       | None the less I think these kind of things, are useful to find
       | any gaps, and provide inspiration on how to structure your own
       | collection.
         | dotancohen wrote:
         | > It's worth noting, the author actually suggests against
         | > using others anki packs. They should be a personal
         | experience.
         | I've been using Anki since 2009, and after about 2014 or 2015 I
         | stopped using other people's decks. I find that the information
         | that I put into Anki is much better retained, as it forces one
         | to comprehend, not just memorize.
           | anitil wrote:
           | I find that the process of creating and curating the cards is
           | as much (if not more) important than the cards themselves. My
           | practice with anki then has some ''meat' to hang my memory
           | off.
       | raidicy wrote:
       | This perfect thank you. I love the concept of anki but always
       | neglect adding more comprehensive card sets because having rsi
       | means limited use time with my hands and thus needing to
       | prioritize other things over flash card creation.
       | deeeeplearning wrote:
       | Not sure I see the utility of these. I don't think the point of
       | the Fast.ai course is to be able to answer Deep Learning trivia.
       | It's heavily hands on and generally being able to answer these
       | questions seems very low value compared to being able to
       | implement a fine-tuned VGG model for example.
         | mindhash wrote:
         | I think both have different goals.
         | When you are self taught, questions from others really can help
         | build your thinking and confidence.
         | I got better only when I had to answer questions to clients,
         | friends and x colleagues who were just curious how things work
         | or what can work.
       | justicezyx wrote:
       | What tool can import this deck?
       | My android app AnkiDroid does not seem have the option.
       | lghh wrote:
       | I am working through fast.ai v4 right now and was actually in the
       | process of making a deck for it. I'd imagine this is better than
       | what I would have ended up with. Big thanks!
       (page generated 2020-11-11 23:03 UTC)