[HN Gopher] Notion Timeline View
       Notion Timeline View
       Author : AlphaWeaver
       Score  : 155 points
       Date   : 2020-11-11 19:15 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.notion.so)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.notion.so)
       | lordleft wrote:
       | Notion is a great tool and I recommend it as a solid "all-around"
       | personal-wiki / notetaking tool.
       | That being said, the fact that it's electron-based means it's not
       | always as snappy as I'd like it to be when I want to quickly
       | capture a thought -- sometimes the "page" has to reload, even
       | when I'm using the desktop app. I also notice that like slack, it
       | suffers from the same in-line text formatting woes, which can be
       | infuriating if you're trying to escape out of a code block or
       | something.
       | Still, it's a good tool, and this is a neat feature I'm excited
       | to try.
         | aidos wrote:
         | I find the same. For my workflows the performance gets in the
         | way. I saw another similar tool the other day by the same guys
         | that did Linear (which I _love_ ) that looked awesome. If we
         | weren't deeply embedded with Notion now I'd give it a try.
         | https://www.getoutline.com/
           | nsriv wrote:
           | Was curious about Linear, assuming you meant
           | https://linear.app/ ?
             | aidos wrote:
             | Indeed. We switched to it a few months back and I couldn't
             | be happier. The interface is lovely, especially for a power
             | user. Performance is killer. We actually had a call with
             | them about their architecture and borrowed some ideas for
             | our own product.
         | baron816 wrote:
         | Always a complaint about Electron on here. Frankly, Notion and
         | it's ilk would not be nearly has great or feature rich without
         | Electron. It perhaps wouldn't even exist. Trust, it being an
         | Electron app is a good thing for you, despite its limitations.
           | testnew2 wrote:
           | You're absolutely right. If the performance boost afforded by
           | native apps was more important than the feature set provided
           | native would be winning over electron. But it's not. If you
           | think I'm wrong you should be excited because there is a
           | massive market opportunity for you.
             | jeromenerf wrote:
             | > You're absolutely right ... If you think I'm wrong ...
             | Is there really a right and wrong yet? There are so many
             | note taking and project management apps, it's unclear there
             | is yet a dominating leader in usage or tech design.
             | Moreover, native seems to be losing some traction on the
             | desktop, but on mobile?
           | tomjen3 wrote:
           | You don't get a productivity boost with electron over
           | something like XAML. What you get is the ability to reuse
           | your web code in an app, access a few more APIs and call it
           | "native".
           | Most apps today are so bloody slow they are unworkable.
           | Remember your program absolutely positively have to respond
           | in under 100 milliseconds or won't be perceived as instant
           | and will thus be a hindrance to thought, rather than a
           | benefit to it.
           | guessmyname wrote:
           | > _Frankly, Notion and it's ilk would not be nearly has great
           | or feature rich without Electron. It perhaps wouldn't even
           | exist. Trust, it being an Electron app is a good thing for
           | you, despite its limitations._
           | Google Mail (Gmail) is very successful despite not having an
           | official desktop application, even though Electron and other
           | web wrappers exist. I am confident that Slack, Discord,
           | Messenger, WhatsApp, Notion, among other web applications,
           | would exist without Electron, and the features would be the
           | same.
           | If you are a macOS user and want to have a better experience
           | with hybrid web applications, I highly recommend Fluid [1] or
           | Unite [2]. They both create wrappers for web applications
           | using WebKit, which performs several times better than
           | Chromium on macOS.
           | [1] https://fluidapp.com
           | [2] https://www.bzgapps.com/unite
           | hackerbob wrote:
           | Discord is also an Electron app and I see few complaints.
           | Sometimes it just the case that some apps give the rest a bad
           | name.
         | guessmyname wrote:
         | > _That being said, the fact that it 's electron-based
         | means..._
         | At my current job, management jumped into the Notion wagon some
         | time ago, then told IT to force-install the desktop web
         | application in every computer. The moment I realized it was an
         | Electron app, I stopped using it. Nowadays, I sporadically open
         | the web application, which is one click away from my browser
         | bookmarks.
         | Safari executes JavaScript code much faster on my computer than
         | Chromium, so the experience of typing and navigating Notion is
         | much better on the web (native browser) than on the other web
         | (hybrid Electron). The same thing with Slack. It is much more
         | reliable in the native-web than in the hybrid-web/desktop
         | Electron wrapper, which continuously restarts and consumes an
         | unnecessary amount of memory that other more essential
         | applications (Docker, IDE, debugger) could use.
           | rattray wrote:
           | That's interesting! Anything special about the computer
           | you're on?
           | Would the apps be just as fast if they used a cocoa web view,
           | or is Safari faster?
             | rattray wrote:
             | Self-answering to some degree, it looks like WKWebView on
             | macos is similar to safari but may be behind on version
             | number (presumably updated only when the OS is updated) and
             | thus slower.
             | You can also embed an actual safari view, but it doesn't
             | let your control things, so it'd have to be more strictly a
             | "dumb shell": https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=trjs0tcd
             | Of course, I'm not sure how either compares to electron,
             | and I'm sure it depends on the app.
       | dmix wrote:
       | That's some great web design. Both in the app screenshots and the
       | guide/marketing website.
       | Closi wrote:
       | Any plan to add dependencies? It seems to be missing from lots of
       | platforms that have this sort of view.
       | stevenalowe wrote:
       | it's... a gantt chart without the dependency lines?
       | [deleted]
       | krono wrote:
       | I have some serious data privacy concerns with Notion. The
       | excruciating slowness of the platform in all its forms and
       | iterations is also completely unworkable.
       | A real shame as I really need something like this in my life -
       | both personal and professional.
         | threatofrain wrote:
         | While this has become a thread for talking about alternatives,
         | has anyone found a solution with a premium Latex + markdown
         | experience? So far I've found VSC to be the best experience.
           | CryingSofa wrote:
           | I'm a huge fan of obsidian.md. It should tick all your boxes.
             | bosie wrote:
             | what do you use on ios in your workflow?
           | iamacyborg wrote:
           | Zettlr.
         | aidos wrote:
         | I mentioned https://www.getoutline.com/ below that I haven't
         | tried but looks great. Would be interested in hearing from
         | anyone who's tried it.
           | krono wrote:
           | Nice try, Outline marketing team ;)
             | aidos wrote:
             | Haha. I'm definitely sounding a bit that way. Though, it's
             | opensource, so nobody needs to be sold on it.
             | We're too deep in Notion internally to jump to something
             | else now, but if was going to try anything else, given the
             | Linear.app team's track record, this would definitely be my
             | first evaluation.
               | krono wrote:
               | I've checked out Outline but that was some time ago. Its
               | featureset seems limited to just regular notes.
               | Definitely well put together, but the version I tried
               | really wasn't a replacement for something like Notion.
         | alexh1 wrote:
         | Take a look at Portabella (https://portabella.io), we're not
         | feature complete with Notion but making serious progress!
           | hrktb wrote:
           | Looks nice ! Sorry I couldn't find the help, is there a way
           | to format tables in the documents ? (sadly for me "portobella
           | table" is basically impossible to web search...)
             | alex_portabella wrote:
             | Not yet, need to add that component. We're using Slate.js
             | under the hood so it doesn't come out of the box.
           | Osiris wrote:
           | From the website it looks like Portabella is a more focused
           | application, while notion is anything from a wiki to a Kanban
           | board.
           | My company is evaluating Notion as a replacement for
           | Confluence mostly, though we are looking at it's Kanban
           | features also.
           | jczhang wrote:
           | Well that's very different and not comparable to Notion
           | because Notion is first for documentation and only secondly
           | for project management
           | scrollaway wrote:
           | I don't see a way to self host it. Are you willing to
           | consider it? It seems like you're targeting a particular
           | niche and not having it open source or self hostable seems
           | like a mistake.
             | alex_portabella wrote:
             | No way right now. I do think that self hosting takes away
             | most benefits we provide.
             | Hopefully open source soon!
           | krono wrote:
           | I actually will.
           | Am also keeping an eye on https://anytype.io but I still
           | haven't been drawn for their closed alpha grrrr
         | icu wrote:
         | I share your concerns, that's why I made sure they are GDPR
         | compliant before becoming a subscriber. If you're not based in
         | the UK or EU, say you're in the US... well good luck. Swiss
         | cheese has fewer holes than US privacy laws!
         | Having said all that, as a user of Notion I've been incredibly
         | impressed. Their support staff seem friendly and responsive and
         | they keep making the product better and better.
         | My only gripes are the weird password email confirmation of the
         | mobile app login, and that I can't use it as a Zettelkasten.
         | Other than that, it really is fantastic. The Kanban and other
         | features meant that it's replaced other apps I was using for
         | both work and personal. It really is worth a try.
           | krono wrote:
           | GDPR Compliance is nice and all, but as long as their staff
           | has the ability to access my data, I just can't legally host
           | most of my business data on that platform.
           | Other than that and the terrible performance I love Notion
           | and I really hope they get this sorted. I'll even keep paying
           | for my personal account (drop in the bucket, I know) in the
           | hopes that they will.
             | icu wrote:
             | For me GDPR was a make or break. I know I'm putting faith
             | in Notion staff to follow GDPR guidelines because if they
             | accessed my information without an extremely good reason it
             | would be a breach.
             | The only other option would be for me to create my own
             | solution, and while I could do that, I don't have the time
             | or the desire to do it.
             | I think you got to be careful and read the TOS and know
             | what you're in for. For example, I stopped using the free
             | version of Grammarly after I found out they weren't GDPR
             | compliant and their support wouldn't confirm if they were
             | going to be GDPR compliant. A year later I evaluated
             | Grammarly again and they were, so I subscribed to Grammarly
             | premium.
             | However some companies are so egregious in their lack of
             | respect of privacy that I will never trust them again, for
             | example Facebook. Others are so impossible to get away
             | from, like Google, that I limit my exposure as much as
             | possible.
             | Bottom line is be aware of how your privacy will be handled
             | and make sure you're conscious of the trade off decisions
             | you're making.
               | krono wrote:
               | For private individual usage this should be enough.
               | In the case of business data governance, though, the
               | legal requirements for storage, security, and privacy go
               | far beyond GDPR. The difficulty there is that even small
               | things such as contact info, appointment locations and
               | dates, timelines, etc. are covered by those contracts.
         | kbos87 wrote:
         | Can you elaborate on what some of those data privacy concerns
         | are? I've centralized more and more in Notion and I'm
         | admittedly a layperson when it comes to really understanding
         | what questions I should even ask to judge the security of
         | something like Notion.
           | krono wrote:
           | The fact that Notion staff technically has unrestricted
           | access to all user and account data legally prevents me from
           | putting the vast majority of my work-related items on there.
           | On top of that there's so much tracking going on that even
           | Facebook would be jealous.
           | And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Check out their T&C
           | and Privacy Policy:
           | https://www.notion.so/Terms-
           | Conditions-4e1c5dd3e3de45dfa4a8e...
           | https://www.notion.so/Privacy-
           | Policy-3468d120cf614d4c9014c09...
             | dvt wrote:
             | Not sure how this is different from something like Dropbox
             | (which stores stuff on S3 iirc). So technically, you can
             | have Dropbox people looking through your stuff, and you can
             | also have Amazon people looking through your stuff.
             | Obviously, if this ever happens without a good reason,
             | employees that do this can get fired and/or sued (and the
             | company itself might also be held liable). Everything is
             | also logged, so there's a paper trail. I skimmed over both
             | the T&C and the Privacy Policy and it doesn't really seem
             | that Notion breaks from this norm.
               | krono wrote:
               | A gentleman's agreement with some foreign entity just
               | isn't good enough.
               | At least on Dropbox, S3, OneDrive, etc. we can encrypt
               | our own data (which I actually do). There is no such
               | option in Notion.
               | dvt wrote:
               | This is an extreme use case. For example, S3 is HIPAA
               | compliant, so I'm sure there's plenty of very private
               | medical data that's not encrypted on S3.
               | SahAssar wrote:
               | All of those are blob/file based, when the service
               | provider needs to offer services like search and ways to
               | make deeper inferences between pieces of data it's pretty
               | much impossible to have all the encryption handled
               | client-side.
               | I'd be interested to see examples/arguments where it
               | works though.
               | misttar wrote:
               | Not sure about DropBox, but AWS has alot of protections
               | around what goes into S3. I have worked with them to
               | address issues that come up in the service, and they
               | couldn't access our data, even when we would have been
               | fine with it. Had to copy it somewhere else for them.
               | All they could access was a service logs.
               | See https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/data-privacy-faq/
               | dvt wrote:
               | These are merely _procedural_ rules (access keys don 't
               | grow on trees), which I'm sure Notion also has in place.
       | capableweb wrote:
       | Fabulous that Notion now have Gantt charts. Only things that are
       | missing for planning heaven now is being able to declare
       | dependencies and timelines moving automatically on schedule
       | change.
         | janlukacs wrote:
         | Notion now has a timeline, it's not a Gantt chart :) What you
         | said next is a Gantt chart.
           | capableweb wrote:
           | A timeline for scheduling is a Gantt chart. Dependencies
           | wasn't part of the first versions of the Gantt charts.
       | opdahl wrote:
       | This is such a phenomenal update! I've been waiting for this
       | feature for ages. Our company uses Notion for managing objectives
       | in a hierachical structure that all need to be looked at in
       | different timeframes. Our Campaigns are measured in years,
       | missions in months, projects in weeks, milestone in days and
       | tasks hours. Being able to easily change the granualirity of the
       | timeline views make it so we can actually use it for all levels
       | of our system.
       | Now if only Notion could add the option on adding
       | requirements/logic to parameters I will have very little I feel I
       | can't do in Notion.
       | FirstLvR wrote:
       | still no 2FA? or encryption?
       | Notion is amazing, but lack of security/privacy options for me
         | thom wrote:
         | You can technically hook it up to SAML and so enforce 2FA
         | elsewhere but I assume that'd be absurd levels of overkill for
         | most people.
       | niels_bom wrote:
       | I've been using Notion quite a lot the last 1.5 years at work and
       | I've got similar gripes as others have already written about.
       | My major wish, and this has been on their roadmap for a while
       | now: an API.
       | Question: how many of y'all use Notion in the desktop client
       | version (which seems a bit faster) vs. in the browser where you
       | can have multiple tabd open?
       | xrisk wrote:
       | My only problem with Notion seems to be that it doesn't play well
       | at all with SEO. Google doesn't index my blog which is hosted on
       | Notion; presumably because it's all rendered client-side.
       | tomasreimers wrote:
       | Notion seems to be one of those companies going wide before they
       | go deep. By my count, they want to be a:                 * Todo
       | list / task manager / long-term planner       *
       | Blogging/publishing platform       * Internal wiki       * Note-
       | taking app
       | One of the more cynical takes I've heard is that this is the
       | result of an incredible product sense without the necessary
       | direction to support it. Regardless of the reason, they seem to
       | be releasing features without a coherent narrative of how they
       | grow the company's placement and who their target user is.
       | Previous companies which have done this (e.g. Evernote) grow
       | really quickly with a lot of user-love and then stagnated in
       | growth without a clear sense of what to do next.
       | With all that said, I'm a happy notion user, so maybe they're
       | onto something...
       | I wonder if internally they have that sense of direction (e.g.
       | they want to compete head-on with Monday) and, if so, how scoped
       | it is (e.g. do they want to replace ALL internal tools / do they
       | think that's tractable)?
         | tmpz22 wrote:
         | They've raised $68.2m they no longer have the option to make a
         | really great product that follows the unix philosophy. They
         | have to do anything they can to attract enterprise customers
         | which is where the real investment-justifying money will be,
         | and for the most part that means having an infinite list of
         | features at a competitive price.
         | Granted, for selling out to VC they've still done a good job
         | with design and product. But they have one path through their
         | self-imposed blizzard and the footprints leading the way are
         | clearly marked "Evernote".
           | tomasreimers wrote:
           | Yes, and I believe a lot of startup advice is to do one thing
           | well (serving a specific market) before trying to branch out.
           | Or are you saying they're trying to throws things at a wall
           | to see what sticks with enterprise customers?
             | tmpz22 wrote:
             | On paper they've already done the whole MVP/product-fit
             | phase and are using the money to fast-forward into
             | $100m-$1B ARR territory. This thread is talking about a
             | relatively minor update as part of that phase, and leading
             | people to point out the various flaws in their product with
             | the corollary that they aren't really worth $100m-$1b
             | territory in the first place.
             | Then again who knows, surveymonkey is an example of a
             | company that nobody thought would "get there" and yet they
             | did.
           | systemvoltage wrote:
           | Equating Notion to Unix - I don't follow. In what sense? Unix
           | philosophy is hardly relatable to Notion.
           | For one, I can't stand their frivolous design - emojis
           | everywhere.
             | evanpw wrote:
             | Unix philosophy meaning tools that do one thing
               | tmpz22 wrote:
               | By my definition in a platform/product sense unix
               | philosophy = not trying to do all the things and being
               | happy about it. But yeah, same idea basically.
       | [deleted]
       | alexh1 wrote:
       | Anyone have insight into how they built this? Custom Gantt
       | solution or you think they bought one?
       | There are no good and free JS gantt libraries, but many, many
       | paid ones. I've been trying to find a good one for Portabella
       | (https://portabella.io) as they're an essential part of project
       | management platforms, but no luck yet.
         | ConcernedCoder wrote:
         | we use https://www.bryntum.com/
         | the_arun wrote:
         | We use smartsheets. It has Gantt chart
         | jitl wrote:
         | We build this ourselves. It's React with little in the way of
         | 3rd-party "magic".
         | daltonlp wrote:
         | You're right, there are no good and free JS libraries for gantt
         | charts (or even timelines). It is a non-trivial problem domain.
         | I know, because I helped build a product
         | (https://peachyplan.com) much like Notion's timeline view :)
         | The notion team did a phenomenal job. This is one of the best
         | timeline views I've seen, and I've looked at hundreds.
       | Lazare wrote:
       | I love the idea of Notion, and I love what the team is trying to
       | do, and I love almost all of Notion.
       | Unfortunately, it's _too slow_ , at least for me. For a tool like
       | that I need it to be a frictionless as possible, and Notion (for
       | me!) is just a bit too annoying for me to put up with after
       | extended usage.
       | If you value features over snappiness, Notion may be great for
       | you though. It's an amazing concept! And I certainly understand
       | why they'd choose the tech stack they did...
       | ...but I'll stick with Joplin. :)
         | arnaudsm wrote:
         | I don't understand how Notion pages take 2+ seconds to load on
         | 12-core machine with a gigabit connection.
         | And you can't load multiple pages at once, it has to be in
         | focus!
         | chpmrc wrote:
         | I've been waiting for their apps to be snappier and have better
         | offline support for almost 2 years. I'm so glad to have found
         | Joplin. It also supports E2E encryption so damn well. Support
         | for plugins was also recently added and that's a _big_ plus.
         | rattray wrote:
         | I don't use notion, so I'm curious - what kind of slow? UI lag?
         | Page load? API responses?
           | ryanSrich wrote:
           | Page load, painting, uploading, everything. It's all very
           | very slow. I use Notion very heavily at work, and until March
           | of this year personally. In early 2020 I switched to Roam and
           | I can't go back now. Roam is so amazingly fast it's like
           | they're cheating or something. I wish every app would adopt
           | the way Roam does it. Load everything up front.
           | But, everything is slow these days. Aside from Roam, HN and
           | maybe a handful of native iOS apps, I can't really name any
           | app/site that I use on daily basis that isn't painfully slow.
         | thom wrote:
         | As someone who wants to replace a bunch of stuff in Jira with
         | Notion I have never really perceived performance problems, but
         | I guess it isn't the snappiest.
         | eropple wrote:
         | First time I've seen Joplin--can it handle multiple users
         | partying on the same pages at the same time?
         | EDIT: apparently not, according to [
         | https://joplinapp.org/conflict/ ] -- that's a bummer, it rules
         | it out for my use cases :/ I really don't think a filesystem-
         | based sync mechanism works great for a collaborative tool,
         | which is much of the value of Notion to me. It seems really
         | cool for single-user, never-shared stuff, though.
         | Scarbutt wrote:
         | _For a tool like that I need it to be a frictionless as
         | possible_
         | This is way so many just try to fit their the
         | note/task/wiki/etc.. flows to their text
         | editors(vscode,emacs,vim)
         | jeromenerf wrote:
         | Notion is indeed slow. Slack is slow. Google drive is slow.
         | Trello is slow. Some local/native alternatives can be snappier.
         | Speed and snappiness don't always come together, but when they
         | do, there is no going back to something even a little slower or
         | less reactive.
         | That's why I don't test nor try new hardware until I actually
         | need more than what I have. It's too strong to resist ;)
           | dilap wrote:
           | Haven't used it in a while, but I always found Trello to be
           | extremely snappy. Once of the things I really liked about it,
           | and that competitors like ClickUp and (more tangentially)
           | Notion are missing.
           | BenGosub wrote:
           | I think that Trello is pretty fast on all platforms and
           | notifications are sent instantaneously
         | pwython wrote:
         | I had no doubt the top few comments would be critical of post.
         | But Joplin? I'm not sure I even understand this one. I have
         | used Joplin for years and I can't figure out how it would
         | replace Notion.
         | mrlala wrote:
         | Have you ever tried using that Wiki inside of Microsoft teams?
         | If you want to talk about slow.. dear lord, it's like every
         | action I do is manually being forwarded to a country with cheap
         | labor to approve my action before it's approved in the dtabase.
       | iKlsR wrote:
       | Notions needs basic analytics, if I share a page I'd like to see
       | the amount of hits it gets at least.
         | grinnick wrote:
         | You can hack the embed blocks to get basic analytics:
         | https://apption.co/apps/2
         | Spivak wrote:
         | Your best bet for that at the moment is to use one of the
         | unofficial Notion APIs and write an article-to-static-HTML
         | converter and host it on your own site.
         | https://presstige.io/ is an IRL implementation of the idea.
         | carolus4 wrote:
         | I've seen reference to https://super.so/ used for this also.
       (page generated 2020-11-11 23:00 UTC)