[HN Gopher] Pure destination-passing style in Linear Haskell
       Pure destination-passing style in Linear Haskell
       Author : lelf
       Score  : 51 points
       Date   : 2020-11-12 22:03 UTC (1 days ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.tweag.io)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.tweag.io)
       | whateveracct wrote:
       | Lots of low-level fun in Haskell's future :)
         | WJW wrote:
         | A really underappreciated part of Haskell is innovation in
         | things other than the type system. Linear types is one of them,
         | but STM and lightweight threading were in Haskell long before
         | they became popular in other languages.
       | kevincox wrote:
       | > C programmers don't appear to have a name for it. So it is
       | likely that you have never encountered it.
       | The common name for this is "out parameters"
         | masklinn wrote:
         | Out parameter would generally be possibly uninitialised memory
         | in which the function will put the output data, rather than
         | allocated memory which the function will fill.
         | Out parameter is literally just a workaround for the lack of
         | MRV, the callee still controls the allocation.
         | For instance `pthread_create` uses an out parameter:
         | pthread_t threadId;         int err = pthread_create(&threadId,
         | NULL, &threadFunc, NULL);
         | the first parameter is uninitialised memory, it's only _written
         | to_ by the function. If C had tuples  / MRV you'd say
         | (int err, pthread_t threadId) = pthread_create(NULL,
         | &threadFunc, NULL);
         | instead.
         | But might still use a "destination passing" function, because
         | the point of destination-passing is to make the caller control
         | the allocation, and allow amortisation. "Destination passing"
         | is pretty common in low-ish level Rust APIs for instance, while
         | "out" parameters is largely forbidden (you'd need a function
         | taking a reference to a MaybeUninit or such nonsense).
           | kevincox wrote:
           | I've commonly seen it used for both. Really anything that the
           | function will write to.
             | masklinn wrote:
             | > I've commonly seen it used for both
             | That's a good reason to rename one of them because they're
             | completely different semantics and behaviour, and confusing
             | one for the other is a direct route to segfault city.
               | comex wrote:
               | From another perspective, they're both performing the
               | same operation on different types. With what you'd call
               | "destination passing", like                   char *buf =
               | malloc(128);         snprintf(buf, 128, "hello");
               | the function is accepting a pointer to an uninitialized
               | array of char, and initializing the array of char. With
               | what you'd call an "out parameter", like
               | char *buf;         asprintf(&buf, "hello");
               | the function is accepting a pointer to an uninitialized
               | _pointer_ to array of char, and initializing the pointer.
               | The caller still controls the allocation of storage for
               | the pointer itself.
       | nextos wrote:
       | A bit off-topic, but I see places like Tweag claim to use Haskell
       | in production for lots of things, including domains where I would
       | never consider this language a good fit like statistics & machine
       | learning.
       | I'm very familiar with the Lisp family of languages (Scheme,
       | Common Lisp, Clojure, Dylan, Julia...) and with some from the ML
       | as well (SML and Scala).
       | Is Haskell worth the effort for a small organization like a
       | startup or a research lab? If so, in what domains? If one wants
       | to have strict guarantees why not using Agda or Idris instead?
         | klodolph wrote:
         | My experience with Haskell is less "strict guarantees with
         | proofs" and more "changes to state are exposed in the type
         | system." I also think that Haskell has a much larger ecosystem
         | than Agda or Idris, so if you need libraries you can find them.
       | dllthomas wrote:
       | I may well be missing something, but IIUC the linearity in
       | Haskell is on the arrows - the function promises to use that
       | argument exactly once (if it terminates - and never more than
       | once).
       | I think this means `splitDArray` is broken. It consumes the
       | linear argument, but then gives us two DArrays that we can forget
       | to fill (or, probably not as bad, fill multiple times).
       | If that's the case, we probably want something more like
       | splitDArray :: Int -> DArray #-> (DArray #-> DArray #-> a) -> a
       | Please someone correct me if I've missed something :)
         | danidiaz wrote:
         | The only way to get hold of a DArray is inside the callback of
         | the "alloc" function:                    alloc :: Int ->
         | (DArray a [?] ()) [?] Array a
         | According to the linear Haskell paper: "f :: s [?] t guarantees
         | that if (f u) is consumed exactly once, then the argument u is
         | consumed exactly once. "
         | Also:
         | "To consume a pair exactly once, pattern-match on it, and
         | consume each component exactly once"
         | So, if we call splitDArray inside that callback, then we are
         | obliged to consume each of the resulting (DArray a, DArray a)
         | exactly once to satisfy the constraint that the input is
         | consumed exactly once.
         | It seems that linear Haskell will resort often to this
         | continuation-passing idiom.
       | ghayes wrote:
       | It's worth comparing this to linear types being a first-class
       | feature in Idris 2 [0]. It's a hugely exciting direction for FP
       | in general.
       | [0] https://www.type-driven.org.uk/edwinb/linearity-and-
       | erasure-...
       (page generated 2020-11-13 23:01 UTC)