[HN Gopher] Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys
       Ok Google: please publish your DKIM secret keys
       Author : Reventlov
       Score  : 311 points
       Date   : 2020-11-16 16:22 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.cryptographyengineering.com)
       | 7ewis wrote:
       | Repudation - "denial of the truth or validity of something."
       | FrozenVoid wrote:
       | A novel type of cryptographic attack "Begging Google to release
       | their secret keys on HN"[2020]
         | rurban wrote:
         | So I thought Google was already CIA for a long time. But now a
         | CIA shill (or NSA) has to resort to a public plea to remove
         | email authentication, so that future embarrassing email leaks,
         | probably proving corruption and other criminal activity, can
         | easily be plausibly denied. Wtf. Even for old emails, gmail
         | break-ins. They are getting more and more laughable.
         | What about a public plea for justice? Accountability?
           | FrozenVoid wrote:
           | Equating something to a CIA front company is too
           | simplistic(like Zuckerberg's Facebook and Lifelog project),
           | the companies, projects and frameworks grow out of their
           | sponsors reach and evolve into large, complex systems like
           | the Internet(a spin-off from ARPANET created by Advanced
           | Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States
           | Department of Defense ).
         | elaborant wrote:
         | Key disclosure by cryptographic shaming[2020]
       | 867-5309 wrote:
       | even after spending countless hours configuring SMTP, SSL, TLS,
       | SPF, DMARC, DKIM, IP address pools, white/blacklists, etc. there
       | is still a 99% chance secure, authorised, authenticated,
       | "signed", sealed email will be delivered to a spam folder
       | so what's the point?
       | tptacek wrote:
       | I know threads change over time, and it's dangerous to write a
       | comment in response to the perceived gestalt of an HN thread,
       | but, I have to say, it's pretty wild reading a thread on this
       | site arguing so strenuously against the premise of secure
       | messaging.
       | In messaging cryptography, non-repudiability has for almost 2
       | decades been considered a vulnerability, not a feature. The OTR
       | protocol[1] takes the step of publishing its used MAC keys --- it
       | releases private key material! --- to ensure that random people
       | can forge messages once participants have authenticated them.
       | Signal came up with a novel deniable AKE[1] that is one of the
       | more famous parts of the protocol; by design, you can forge a
       | Signal conversation from someone's private key even if you've
       | never talked to them before.+
       | When you think about it in the abstract, it's easy to understand
       | what's going on, even if you don't take the time to read the OTR
       | paper. Once counterparties have authenticated each others
       | messages, authentication has served its purpose. To allow a
       | stranger to authenticate a messages is to concede information to
       | them, and avoiding concessions is the point of messaging
       | cryptography.
       | If you believe non-repudiable messages are necessary for public
       | policy, it's hard for me to understand how you'd support the rest
       | of secure messaging. Most secure messengers also have
       | "disappearing messages", which have an even more powerful impact
       | on the public's ability to read your (or some disfavored other's)
       | messages. In fact, keeping the public from reading stuff is...
       | kind of the obvious point?
       | Maybe it's just email, and the belief that email should not just
       | be insecure, but be deliberately insecure? But, you all get how
       | weird it is for me to read that after getting yelled at for
       | writing a blog post about avoiding secure email, right? 547
       | comments[3]! Many of them very angry!
       | [1]: https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/otr-wpes.pdf
       | [2]: https://signal.org/blog/simplifying-otr-deniability/
       | [3]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22368888
       | + _I 'm always looking for this triple-DH blog post and never
       | able to find it, because it doesn't contai the word "triple", and
       | it never occurs to me to search for "deniable", only
       | "repudiability" (which also doesn't occur in the blog post) so I
       | guess I can thank this thread for fixing my bookmark._
         | moyix wrote:
         | Has this kind of repudiation ever been tested in the real
         | world? It's hard to imagine a court throwing out email evidence
         | because it lacked a DKIM signature. And on a personal level
         | seeing a chat transcript that had cryptographic non-repudiation
         | would make me likely to believe it, but seeing one that
         | _lacked_ it would probably not weigh heavily in how I came to
         | that determination.
           | some_furry wrote:
           | > Has this kind of repudiation ever been tested in the real
           | world? It's hard to imagine a court throwing out email
           | evidence because it lacked a DKIM signature.
           | They're more likely to ask their expert witness to testify
           | about the evidence, and the deniability of the DKIM signature
           | could be brought up by the expert witness as a reason to
           | distrust the evidence. I wouldn't expect lawyers to discover
           | this argument from first principles.
           | Has it ever happened? Not that I know.
             | moyix wrote:
             | The success of the "trojan defense" is encouraging on this
             | point, I guess:
             | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trojan_horse_defense#Cases_in
             | v...
             | I'm sure defense lawyers would love it :)
         | syrrim wrote:
         | It's easy to see why there are divided opinions on this. When
         | someone sends an email, the recipient often wants to be able to
         | prove that they did so. We think of email as something capable
         | of leaving a paper trail, proof that certain people sent
         | certain emails. It's reasonable for secure messaging to want to
         | fill a different niche, more like private conversation. I've
         | seen messaging apps advertised on the basis that they will
         | delete all messages after a certain time, making them basically
         | equivalent to talking to someone, in terms of non-repudiation
         | and being ephemeral by default. But people frequently want
         | email to be more like letter writing than private conversation.
         | The tradition with letters was to sign your letters to prove
         | that you sent them. People talk about having a certain thing
         | "in writing", so that they can use it in litigation. Insofar as
         | email is supposed to fill that niche, its reasonable to expect
         | it to provide repudiable messaging.
           | tptacek wrote:
           | My problem isn't that people have divided opinions on this.
           | My problem is that people who oppose it write as if they're
           | just now discovering that the opposite opinion exists --- in
           | one case on this thread, someone suggested that the only
           | reason Matthew Green held this opinion at all was political.
           | A serious argument against deniable messaging would start by
           | acknowledging deniability as one of the shibboleths of the
           | field of messaging cryptography, and _then_ tackle the idea.
           | Nobody on this thread has done that, and I think the reason
           | why is that they 're simply not aware that there is such a
           | field.
           | tigger0jk wrote:
           | I appreciate the re-framing of this comment and its parent.
           | Personally I found the original article's argument to feel
           | more like "people shouldn't be accountable for their
           | correspondence" than "the default mode of email should be
           | more of private secure messaging". Both are advocating for
           | the same changes but only one seems reasonable to me. That
           | may just be my flawed reading of the blog post, but
           | regardless, I can better understand the positions now.
         | [deleted]
         | mehrdadn wrote:
         | > Once counterparties have authenticated each others messages,
         | authentication has served its purpose.
         | Except this is easier said than done if you're publishing your
         | keys. If Google publishes its keys, how would a third-party
         | hosting service prove to its user that it hasn't tampered with
         | the message in transit?
         | How can that _user_ even authenticate that the message and
         | verify it was sent by Google?
         | They can checking the timing (that they received it before the
         | keys were rotated), but this will fail for the emails sent
         | around the same time as the rotation. And without saving a
         | local copy at that time (ensuring physical security), they will
         | no longer be able to verify it _themselves_ , let alone prove
         | it to anyone else.
         | Moreover, they have to trust that their hosting provider
         | doesn't tamper with messages (which normally it wouldn't, but
         | with high stakes it might), and they also have to trust that
         | their inbox will never get hacked.
         | In other words, this seems to weaken the security of DKIM
         | authentication for the counterparties parties themselves
         | considerably--not just for third parties.
         | FrozenVoid wrote:
         | The problem of deniability and "disavowing keys" is subjective
         | and requires technical skill to understand, that average person
         | will not find this "equalization of legit and forged data"
         | intuitive and will believe that keys/signatures/encryption on
         | content adds authenticity on equal level with "legit data" -
         | instead of "repudiation" you have a 'weak proof of
         | authenticity' that _could_ be disproved later(the burden of
         | proof shift here is important psychologically since keys
         | /encryption are perceived as legitimizing content).
         | sethgecko wrote:
         | Excuse my ignorance but how does someone else signing my
         | message prove that I sent the message? Moreso if the body of
         | the message is not being signed at all?
           | shinigami wrote:
           | Good luck arguing that Gmail forged and signed an email from
           | you.
       | speedgoose wrote:
       | I doubt Google will publish old private keys that were not
       | designed to become public later. I would guess that it's too
       | dangerous or cumbersome to do the security analysis.
       | What if someone realizes that Google uses a broken
       | cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator (CSPRNG) a
       | la Debian ? Unlikely but the risks exists, so not going to happen
       | in my opinion.
         | toast0 wrote:
         | It's also quite possible that they simply deleted the private
         | keys after cycling to new keys.
       | benlivengood wrote:
       | Only the recipient has access to the DKIM signatures. If
       | something is politically worth leaking then it's worth signing
       | and time-stamping. At least then there's no question that it's
       | the legitimate email and not falsified.
       | xbar wrote:
       | I think this is a shameful argument. Non-repudiation over time is
       | a truly powerful property of DKIM'd email for a great many uses
       | outside of blackmail.
       | Calling for the ability to remove it during the years 2016-2020
       | in order to "protect politicians from blackmail" is not only of
       | deeply questionable value but of suspect motivation. Who is the
       | author interested in protecting?
         | bluu00 wrote:
         | your arguement seriously makes the whole _privacy arguement_
         | seem futile.
         | what about a _telegram_ message?
         | hyperpape wrote:
         | "An accident of the past few years is that this feature has
         | been used primarily by political actors working in a manner
         | that many people find agreeable -- either because it suits a
         | partisan preference, or because the people who got "caught"
         | sort of deserved it.
         | But bad things happen to good people too. If you build a
         | mechanism that incentivizes crime, sooner or later you will get
         | crimed on."
           | tigger0jk wrote:
           | People who are protected from blackmail by email repudiation
           | are by definition people who have incriminating emails. Maybe
           | everyone had skeletons in their closet, but if you have email
           | proof of skeletons I'm starting to wonder if you're such a
           | good person.
           | Also there's an argument that "good people" can be
           | blackmailed for INVENTED misconduct, but wouldn't such fake
           | emails be more convincing without the ability to verify their
           | origins? Making real emails and fake emails more similar
           | protects people who have their incriminating emails leaked,
           | but it also harms the defence of people who have fake emails
           | targeting them "leaked".
           | There's a high bar for obfuscating truth and I don't believe
           | this argument meets it.
             | thinkharderdev wrote:
             | I don't think the implication that only "bad" people can be
             | blackmailed is valid. You could be blackmailed for being a
             | homosexual in many parts of the US still or doubting the
             | existence of god or having unacceptably conservative
             | political views. We do all sorts of things that are not at
             | all wrong but may carry a significant social or economic
             | cost if they were to be exposed publicly.
             | scarmig wrote:
             | The world isn't entitled to knowing whether something I'm
             | alleged to have said or done really happened or not.
             | For the people who lack imagination: suppose I'm a public
             | official, and a photograph comes out depicting me doing
             | some kind of "dirty" sexual act. Maybe it's real; maybe
             | it's a deepfake; but if confirmed to be real it certainly
             | would do reputational damage. Non-repudiation by definition
             | prevents me from disavowing it, to no social benefit, and
             | it's an anti-feature, in the sense that the large majority
             | of users would prefer to have the ability to repudiate
             | certain message contents than not.
             | Non-repudiation should be opt-in.
             | avianlyric wrote:
             | Ah yes, the good old, "If you haven't done anything wrong,
             | you've got nothing to hide" argument. The authoritarians
             | favourite argument for a police state.
             | I guess you're the type of person that would happily hand
             | over all your personal files to the police on a regular
             | basis as you have nothing to hide.
               | zo1 wrote:
               | Not OP. But I _would_ give all my data to the police
               | /government... in an encrypted manner that has guarantees
               | in place that only valid criminal investigations can
               | decrypt. Heck, we do it on some level all the time
               | anyways when it comes to things such as filing taxes,
               | getting married, running companies, enforcing contracts
               | and various other day-to-day benign interactions.
               | At this point, I'm more inclined to believe that
               | "democratic" and "noble" governments and agents are the
               | ones maliciously pushing for "privacy" because it suits
               | their power-maintaining agenda. I'm struggling to find
               | compelling and valid reasons why we can't pursue a
               | general solution that involves us giving all this
               | "private" data to a government entity for legitimate
               | investigations, fraud prevention and crime-solving whilst
               | keeping that data free from abuse.
               | int_19h wrote:
               | Because we don't trust the government agents to provide
               | such guarantees, or to honor them if they do?
               | earthboundkid wrote:
               | > I'm struggling to find compelling and valid reasons why
               | we can't pursue a general solution that involves us
               | giving all this "private" data to a government entity for
               | legitimate investigations, fraud prevention and crime-
               | solving whilst keeping that data free from abuse.
               | Because that's not logically possible. It would be nice
               | if it were, but just think about it: if you give data to
               | the government, humans can look at it. Can we ensure that
               | the humans who look at it are good humans? No. Is there
               | some mathematical way of signing and encrypting such that
               | only good humans can look at it? No.
               | Okay, so it's logically impossible to keep bad people out
               | mathematically, but maybe it's a practical problem and it
               | doesn't matter in practice? Except no, there are tons of
               | evil governments (CCP being the most obvious, but pick
               | your poison), and even good governments are subject to
               | the problem that people can bribed and secrets can be
               | stolen if there is sufficient motivation. It's just not
               | compatible with human nature to say "collect all this
               | information on people, but only use it For Good
               | Purposes."
             | harikb wrote:
             | Please read the whole article. If it only takes a "few
             | hours" to create incriminating "evidence" (read, something
             | that didn't exist) - it must be clearly proclaimed as such
             | to the world.
               | tigger0jk wrote:
               | I believe you are referring to this quote (correct me if
               | not): "In fact, in the early DKIM configurations were
               | kind of a joke: mail providers chose DKIM signing keys
               | that were trivial for motivated attackers to crack. Back
               | in 2012 a security researcher named Zachary Harris
               | pointed out that Google and several other companies were
               | using using 512-bit RSA to sign DKIM. He showed that
               | these keys could be "cracked" in a matter of hours on
               | rented cloud hardware, and then used these keys to forge
               | emails from Larry and Sergey.
               | Providers like Google reacted to the whole "Larry and
               | Sergey" embarassment in the way you'd expect. Without
               | giving the implications any serious thought, they quickly
               | ramped up their keys to 1024-bit or 2048-bit RSA. This
               | stopped the forgeries, but inadvertently turned a
               | harmless anti-spam protocol into a life-long
               | cryptographic authenticity stamp -- one that can be used
               | to verify the provenance of any email dump, regardless of
               | how it reaches the verifier."
               | Note that the "few hours" attack here is only relevant if
               | they were using easily crackable 512-bit keys. The author
               | of this article suggests (and I agree) that the 1024 or
               | 2048 bit RSA keys are not easily crackable. (see
               | https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/42830)
               | Maybe you are suggesting that someone could sign emails
               | using the old crackable 512-bit keys. And they could,
               | although we should disregard this as "not verification"
               | given the weak keys. The article links to
               | https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/hunter-dkim#short-
               | dkim-... - which verifies an email using a since-rotated
               | 2015 key (which was 2048 bits), although that github
               | erroneously states that Google was using 1024 bit before
               | that (they were using 512).
               | I would concede that the notion of "sometimes we should
               | disregard some DKIM verifications based on the key
               | length" is not easy to grasp and that email verification
               | stories in the media could become muddier and harder to
               | present. I would hope that interviewing experts gets you
               | a reasonable estimation of how likely an email is to be
               | legitimate.
         | kmeisthax wrote:
         | This fails the role-reversal test. If Donald Trump had his
         | e-mails leaked in 2016, the blackmailer would likely have
         | extorted a ransom payment from then-candidate Trump. He paid
         | off Stormy Daniels, after all. Nobody would have gotten any
         | juicy e-mail dumps, and some criminals would have had actual
         | leverage over politicians. Just because Hillary Clinton was
         | less shrewd than Donald Trump does not mean that blackmail
         | material is good for us as citizens just because some
         | politicians don't pay ransoms on principle.
         | If you want transparency from your politicians, then you should
         | demand unconditional archival and publication of campaign
         | e-mails. Build transparency into the system. Leakers are not
         | archivists, nor are they journalists. They are leakers, with an
         | entirely different set of motivations and incentives which only
         | sometimes align with journalistic or archival motivations. You
         | as a member of the public will not hear about leaks if the
         | person in possession of those leaked files has successfully
         | extorted or ransomed the politician they came from. In this
         | particular threat model, DKIM does not provide a social benefit
         | to you as a citizen, it provides a monetary benefit to the
         | leaker.
         | maest wrote:
         | A counter to the non-repudiation of old emails is the fact that
         | people who own their own mail servers can rotate their DKIM
         | keys. So it's already possible for e.g politicians to have
         | their email set up in such a way that they're insulated from
         | leaks.
         | The argument here is more that customers of gmail and other
         | email services are not offered repudiation as a feature.
           | gowld wrote:
           | "Rotating keys" isn't the important part. "Publishing keys"
           | is the important part. "Rotating keys" is an implementation
           | requirement of "DKIM with repudiability via eventually-
           | published keys."
             | londons_explore wrote:
             | OP's argument is if you care about this enough, you can set
             | up your own mail server, rotate and publish your own keys
             | on whatever schedule you like.
         | harikb wrote:
         | Please read the whole article before jumping into a conclusion
         | about the author, Matthew Green. He sighted two examples where
         | incorrect crypto science affected both a Democrat and a
         | Republican. He is not trying to protect any particular side. He
         | is simply articulating a method by which the key can be
         | invalidated after its intended life time. If you have a
         | technical argument, please explain that.
         | simias wrote:
         | I don't know how I feel about it but I do think it's an
         | interesting argument. The point of DKIM is, first and foremost,
         | to fight spam. The non-repudiation aspect is, as far as I'm
         | concerned, a side effect of DKIM, not a core feature.
         | The more I think about it the more I inch towards agreeing with
         | TFA. If I need my email to be authenticated I can sign them
         | with GPG. If the law enforcement needs to see if I did or did
         | not send an email they can subpoena Google.
         | >Non-repudiation over time is a truly powerful property of
         | DKIM'd email for a great many uses outside of blackmail.
         | Can you expand on this? I can't really come up with a use case
         | that wouldn't be about associating somebody with an email they
         | may want to distantiate themselves from.
         | ChuckMcM wrote:
         | Except, as pointed out in the article, over time the ability to
         | crack the underlying key and thus forge such emails becomes
         | very practical. By disavowing the keys it prevents someone from
         | taking a cracked key, forging an email and then "discovering
         | it" for nefarious purposes.
           | tzs wrote:
           | Disavowing also protects against key theft or leaks. I'd
           | guess that theft or leaks are probably more likely than
           | cracking, now that the major providers are using long keys.
         | zajio1am wrote:
         | > Non-repudiation over time is a truly powerful property of
         | DKIM'd email for a great many uses outside of blackmail.
         | Exactly. If one enters into an contract using an e-mail, then
         | DKIM can be used as a proof to the court of law that the
         | contract was accepted by both sides.
           | chimeracoder wrote:
           | > Exactly. If one enters into an contract using an e-mail,
           | then DKIM can be used as a proof to the court of law that the
           | contract was accepted by both sides.
           | It would make a good TV drama plot, but courts don't work
           | this way in real life. If that were the case, courts wouldn't
           | be able to enforce contracts with wet signatures (which are
           | straightforward to forge), or verbal contracts (which are
           | valid contracts and regularly enforced).
           | In practice, you don't need to check DKIM in order to use an
           | email as evidence of a contract, because the courts would
           | more likely just use the many other threats and tools at
           | their disposal to ensure that the email is not fabricated.
           | This is why, even though most contracts are _not_ executed in
           | a cryptographically secure manner, most contract disputes
           | that land before the courts hinge on matters like breach of
           | contract ( "we agree on the original terms, but disagree on
           | whether our actions upheld them") or disputes over the
           | intended vs. actual meaning of the contract ("we agree on the
           | text we both signed to, but disagree on the correct
           | interpretation of that text").
           | Disputes over whether the text of the executed contract is
           | authentic are rare in real life.
             | thinkharderdev wrote:
             | Not to mention that DKIM only validates that en email was
             | sent with particular content from a particular email
             | address. It cannot ensure who was actually sitting at the
             | keyboard composing the email.
             | amadeuspagel wrote:
             | > If that were the case, courts wouldn't be able to enforce
             | contracts with wet signatures (which are straightforward to
             | forge)
             | I'm pretty confident that I could sign an email with a DKIM
             | key if that were published, however, there's nothing that
             | would give me the confidence that I could forge a pen
             | signature in such a way that not even an expert could
             | detect the forgery.
             | > or verbal contracts (which are valid contracts and
             | regularly enforced).
             | I'm not a a lawyer, but according to the first google
             | result "the Uniform Commercial Code [...] requires that
             | contracts for the sale of goods over $500 to be in
             | writing".[1]
             | > Disputes over whether the text of the executed contract
             | is authentic are rare in real life.
             | Maybe they are rare precisely because it's hard and risky
             | to forge signatures.
             | [1] https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/are-verbal-
             | agreements-bind...
               | pdonis wrote:
               | _> the Uniform Commercial Code [...] requires that
               | contracts for the sale of goods over $500 to be in
               | writing_
               | Yes, but not all contracts do that. For example, any
               | contract for _services_ is not covered by the UCC.
           | shinigami wrote:
           | Entering an contract via an email is a ridiculous idea from
           | the start.
             | xyzzyz wrote:
             | That's right, we need more travel and in-person meetings
             | now.
             | bartvk wrote:
             | I don't know about your country, but in mine (The
             | Netherlands), it is a completely and utterly valid way to
             | enter a contract.
             | Actually, you are free to enter a contract in any way
             | possible. It is vormvrij (translated: form-free). Excluded
             | is the purchase of a house, as far as I know. But for the
             | rest, you are free to come to an agreement via WhatsApp,
             | Facebook, email, or a scrawl on a piece of paper.
               | schoen wrote:
               | In the U.S., many contracts (but not all) can in
               | principle by default be oral and still be enforceable by
               | law.
               | https://smallbusiness.findlaw.com/business-contracts-
               | forms/w...
               | anticristi wrote:
               | Same in Sweden. "Are you okey with paying extra for X?"
               | "Yes, please go ahead."
               | And that's how a new contract gets signed! No need to fly
               | someone 1500km just for that.
             | icedchai wrote:
             | Would you prefer we use fax machines instead?
             | Quarrel wrote:
             | wtf? it happens all the time.
             | I've raised VC money based on emailed contracts, bought
             | businesses based on them, bought domain names.
             | It is incredibly standard and legal (in almost all of the
             | jurisdictions I've worked in, which is a lot).)
           | avianlyric wrote:
           | If non-repudiation is important to you, then both parties
           | should consent to it and use a platform that explicitly
           | supports it.
           | It shouldn't be sprung on people without consent. It would be
           | like saying it's fine to keep a recording from someone else's
           | webcam because it might prove a crime later.
           | There's a reason why justice systems have statues of
           | limitations. People should need to look over their shoulders
           | for the rest of their lives because of one poorly written
           | email.
             | quit32 wrote:
             | It is not really being sprung on them with how long it has
             | existed. Not at all like continuing recording on a webcam
             | where you might say things never intended for the party
             | receiving it.
             | Are ppl who don't even know DKIM exists but know they have
             | shady emails saved in the cloud or on their personal really
             | just banking on repudiation and thats why they take no
             | other action like deleting the email or putting more
             | thought into emails they send? Seriously doubt it.
             | Exactly bc of statute of limitations, they would not have
             | to look over their shoulders for the rest of their lives
             | because of one poorly written email.
               | thinkharderdev wrote:
               | I think it is less about user behavior and understanding
               | than it is about the incentives it creates for nefarious
               | actors. Basically, if emails can't be cryptographically
               | verified then stealing a bunch of emails and anonymously
               | dumping them somewhere is pointless since most people
               | would probably not consider them authentic.
           | quit32 wrote:
           | Yes. I have seen first hand where it was used to help
           | accelerate out of court agreement without needing a lawsuit.
           | Basically a 3rd party had one of their outlook user accounts
           | compromised by a bad actor who used it to tell another
           | company new instructions for something.
           | The 3rd party tried to say other company fell for a phishing
           | email and it was their fault but because of DKIM it was
           | immediately provable that instead 3rd party was compromised
           | and email legit sent from their o365 and they were pretending
           | like they didn't know this. This all got disputed maybe a
           | year after email sent.
           | Love Matthew Green but I personally am not a fan of this
           | proposal. It doesn't fully achieve what he wants bc its only
           | gmail and timing of compromise would be key. Most of the
           | email hacks have actually been very much in the public
           | interest despite being unethical. Breaches also lead to more
           | productive work by companies in better securing accounts and
           | better protecting sensitive information which google has been
           | doing with account security and adding expiring messages.
           | Like do we really want companies to just continue sloppily
           | sending customer info in email bc they can deny its legit or
           | should they focus on not getting this info compromised to
           | begin with?
           | Also, for ransomeware groups that now post data when not
           | paid, it is not really seeming like too big of a disincentive
           | that there is repudiation regarding the files they post.
           | [deleted]
         | secondcoming wrote:
         | I think he's referring to this?
         | https://www.trumpaccountability.net/
           | gowld wrote:
           | That website's owners already abandoned the project under
           | suspicious pretenses of "unity".
         | tptacek wrote:
         | Among messaging cryptographers, it's not even an argument.
         | Serious secure messengers have been designed to avoid non-
         | repudiation since OTR. Non-repudiation is a vulnerability: once
         | counterparties have authenticated each other's messages, the
         | legitimate need for authentication is gone; allowing random
         | strangers to authenticate messages concedes information to
         | them.
         | Here, have a link, from 2004:
         | https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/otr-wpes.pdf
           | EGreg wrote:
           | I do have a question though, as a relative amateur. It's more
           | on a sociological level.
           | Suppose you are in an organization, and it needs to figure
           | our whether an employee was saying a Bad Thing such as giving
           | out company secrets or cursing people out "off the record".
           | Yes, even with end to end encryption, Facebook and others can
           | still let you prove the other person sent the messages when
           | you need. The question is whether that is a good thing:
           | https://facebook.com/help/messenger-app/1165699260192280
           | My personal feeling is yes, yes it is. I make a more
           | extensive analysis here:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25030085
           | brightball wrote:
           | Why not just rotate them frequently? Like weekly? Or daily
           | even?
           | ProtonMail makes you setup 3 CNAMEs for DKIM just so they can
           | frequently rotate without your intervention or disruption.
           | Sendgrid uses 2 for the same thing.
             | tomc1985 wrote:
             | What's stopping someone from recording each public key as
             | it is entered into service and providing a DKIM
             | authentication service with it?
           | baobabKoodaa wrote:
           | > once counterparties have authenticated each other's
           | messages, the legitimate need for authentication is gone;
           | allowing random strangers to authenticate messages concedes
           | information to them.
           | As you know, there are many legitimate needs to authenticate
           | messages of strangers.
           | For example, when you order products over the internet, an
           | e-mail of your purchase is often the only proof of what was
           | agreed in the purchase. If there is later a dispute between
           | the buyer and the seller, the email can be used to repudiate
           | lies. In particular, if a third party (like a court) can
           | authenticate the message, the honest party can convince the
           | third party that the dishonest party is being fraudulent.
           | You are exaggerating when you claim that there is no
           | legitimate need to authenticate messages as a third party.
             | tptacek wrote:
             | No, you have confused messaging cryptography with "all of
             | cryptography".
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | You said "there is never a legitimate need to do X".
               | I gave an example of a legitimate need to do X.
               | Your rebuttal is that... I'm confused? Yeah, you're gonna
               | have to be more specific than that if you want to
               | convince anybody.
               | ska wrote:
               | The point was that you pointed out a use case for some
               | sort of cryptographic signing, not for (ab-) using DKIM
               | for this purpose rather than what it was designed for.
               | I don't understand enough about all the issue to really
               | know how I feel about it, but clearly there are trade-
               | offs here that at least argue against expanding the
               | scope.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | > His point was that you pointed out a use case for some
               | sort of cryptographic signing, not for (ab-) using DKIM
               | for this purpose rather than what it was designed for.
               | First, thank you for the clarification.
               | Second, to answer tptacek's point, I understand that
               | authenticating emails as a third party is an unintended
               | side effect of the DKIM protocol. I understand that
               | cryptographers would like people to move onto using other
               | protocols for purposes like this. However, the suggestion
               | that Google should periodically publish and rotate their
               | secret keys, does not achieve this goal in any way. If
               | Google were to do this, the webstore that you purchase
               | items from, would not suddenly start using different
               | protocols to authenticate purchase receipts, they would
               | continue to send regular email... but those emails could
               | no longer be authenticated. Or if we go back to the
               | example in OP, the politician that's admitting to crimes
               | over email, they're certainly not going to switch over to
               | another method of documenting their crimes.
               | Edit: I was incorrectly using GPG as an example. I
               | removed the incorrect example and let the point stand
               | without it.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | It's just really clear that people in this thread are
               | trying to approach this from first principles without any
               | engagement in the field that they're discussing. That's a
               | fun thing to do as, like, a game or a way to pass the
               | time, and I guess that's what HN is, but it's still
               | crazymaking, because essentially every paper written
               | about messaging cryptography refutes this comment.
               | Cryptographers would like to move people onto GPG? The
               | fact that GPG is non-repudiable and shouldn't be is one
               | of the 2 motivating use cases for OTR, and later Signal.
               | Nobody is trying to get people to use GPG.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | Ok, my GPG example was wrong. And yes, you got me, I'm
               | not a professional cryptographer. But can you address the
               | point? You said "once counterparties have authenticated
               | each other's messages, the legitimate need for
               | authentication is gone". I provided a counter-example to
               | demonstrate that your statement was an exaggeration. You
               | clearly dispute some part of this, but it's unclear to me
               | what the disputed part is.
               | Edit: Hacker News doesn't allow me to post replies to the
               | posts under this post, so I will answer by editing this
               | comment. I'm addressing the following comment:
               | > Which counterexample is that exactly? Your
               | counterexample involving a store is incorrect -- the
               | store's email would still be authenticated for a smaller
               | amount of time which would allow your server to verify
               | that it is a valid email that came from the store's
               | servers.
               | If you actually read my counter example, you will see
               | that I wrote: "if a third party (like a court) can
               | authenticate the message".
               | Yes, my email server can authenticate the email when it
               | arrives, but that will be of little help later when I try
               | to dispute claims in court. If the court can authenticate
               | the email, that will be helpful to the honest party in
               | the dispute.
               | hamburglar wrote:
               | > Ok, my GPG example was wrong. And yes, you got me, I'm
               | not a professional cryptographer. But can you address the
               | point? You said "once counterparties have authenticated
               | each other's messages, the legitimate need for
               | authentication is gone". I provided a counter-example ...
               | I think the person you're talking to thinks this is very
               | obvious and thus isn't stating it explicitly, but in the
               | special case where you want an email to include non-
               | repudiation, such as for a purchase receipt, the sender
               | should just _add non-repudiation_ to it in the form of a
               | signature that 's intended for that. Simple.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | > the sender should just add non-repudiation to it in the
               | form of a signature that's intended for that. Simple.
               | Ok, but this does not magically happen if Google
               | publishes and rotates their DKIM keys. People will
               | continue to use email for everything, but now emails can
               | no longer be authenticated by third parties.
               | hamburglar wrote:
               | I think the entire point is that non-repudiation
               | shouldn't just magically happen unless intended, so yes,
               | this is by design, and anyone who wants to send a signed
               | email should explicitly send a signed email.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Start by reading the first sentence of my comment.
               | feanaro wrote:
               | > I provided a counter-example to demonstrate that your
               | statement was an exaggeration.
               | Which counterexample is that exactly? Your counterexample
               | involving a store is incorrect -- the store's email would
               | still be authenticated for a smaller amount of time which
               | would allow your server to verify that it is a valid
               | email that came from the store's servers.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Non-repudiability makes perfect sense in a bunch of
               | different financial cryptography settings. People really
               | have trouble with the idea that all cryptography isn't
               | the same, and that it's specialized to different problem
               | domains. It's part of the reason we still have janky old
               | PGP.
               | feanaro wrote:
               | Yes, I'm not disagreeing with you. Non-repudiability
               | should be an explicit design point in protocols that need
               | it.
               | mirashii wrote:
               | > You said "there is never a legitimate need to do X".
               | No, he didn't, and to use quotes to claim someone said
               | something that they didn't say is extremely disingenuous.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | Here is the actual quote: "once counterparties have
               | authenticated each other's messages, the legitimate need
               | for authentication is gone". Yes I used quotes in the "do
               | X" sentence, but nobody will mistake it for a literal
               | quote, because it contains "X" in place of the actual
               | thing. Anyway, do you think there is something wrong with
               | my characterization of that statement?
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Yes, because it ignore the sentence that precedes it,
               | which at this point you're doing wilfully.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | > Yes, because it ignores the sentence that precedes it.
               | This sentence? "Serious secure messengers have been
               | designed to avoid non-repudiation since OTR." I don't see
               | how this sentence supposedly alters the meaning of the
               | sentence that comes after it? At this point it seems like
               | you just want to sow confusion. If I had misinterpreted
               | your words in some way, you could have clarified the
               | misunderstanding like 10 times by now. Instead, you
               | choose to reply in snarks like saying I'm confused, or
               | asking me to read your comment again. I don't think
               | there's any misunderstanding. You took an extreme
               | position that didn't hold up to scrutiny, and you don't
               | want to defend your position or back down, so you just
               | reply in snarks instead. If there is some kind of
               | misunderstanding, please do go ahead and explain what the
               | misunderstanding is.
               | a1369209993 wrote:
               | You gave a example of a 'need' to do X that is
               | specifically _not_ legitimate. I 'm not sure (and decline
               | to speculate) whether you're confused or malicious or
               | some other problem entirely, but you _are_ wrong.
             | hyperpape wrote:
             | As you know, there are many legitimate needs to publish
             | naked pictures of your body to the entire internet, but
             | most people want to keep them private. Defaults matter.
             | What makes this hard is that email is responsible for too
             | much crap. No single user interface should carry:
             | 1. Party invites
             | 2. Private messages to your spouse, therapist, pastor, etc.
             | 3. Marketing messages
             | 4. Password recovery requests
             | 5. Financial transactions
             | We've just shoved them all into email because it's there.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | I agree that e-mail is horrible, and I would prefer if
               | contracts (like purchase receipts) moved off e-mail to
               | something else, but that's tangential to the point. If
               | Google started to publish and rotate DKIM keys, the world
               | wouldn't suddenly move away from email.
             | red_trumpet wrote:
             | > As you know, there are many legitimate needs to
             | authenticate messages of strangers.
             | I agree with you here. However, EMail was never designed to
             | do this. Eg if you order products over the internet, how do
             | you know that your opposing party keeps their DKIM key
             | safe?
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | > I agree with you here. However, EMail was never
               | designed to do this. Eg if you order products over the
               | internet, how do you know that your opposing party keeps
               | their DKIM key safe?
               | I get that email and DKIM was never designed for this,
               | it's a side effect. Fingers were not designed for finger
               | print evidence, but it's still nice to have evidence from
               | finger prints, as a side effect from touching things. And
               | the problem of key storage / keys leaking will not
               | disappear even if you change to some different protocol.
               | pwlb wrote:
               | This sounds like a Law&Order mindset. No, its generally
               | not a great idea to get fingerprints of everything.
             | lxgr wrote:
             | > As you know, there are many legitimate needs to
             | authenticate messages of strangers.
             | Absolutely, but this should be an opt-in feature.
               | Red_Leaves_Flyy wrote:
               | >this should be an opt-in feature (and not provided
               | server-side, at that).
               | Why?
               | lxgr wrote:
               | It just feels like the baseline expected behavior of a
               | communications system to me that makes no explicit claims
               | otherwise.
               | Legal signatures are heavily ritualized (blue/black ink
               | only, initial here and sign there etc.) in most societies
               | for good reason - it makes the signer stop for a moment
               | and reconsider what they are doing, if the document they
               | are signing is truly aligned with their intentions and so
               | on.
               | As another analogy/food for thought: We have the
               | technical means to record every conversation we ever
               | have, digital or analog, public or private. Should we? If
               | not, why not?
           | saurik wrote:
           | FWIW, I am pretty sure I agree with you/OTR, but the IETF
           | Messaging Layer Security (MLS) people disagree for not-
           | always-trivially-dismissible reasons (indirect link because I
           | am lazy).
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25101825
             | tptacek wrote:
             | (a) I wasn't aware of this.
             | (b) Thanks for the link!
             | (c) The IETF is such a shitshow for cryptography.
           | upofadown wrote:
           | Cryptographers don't have some sort of monopoly on what is
           | right or what makes sense. The idea of deniability as some
           | sort of desirable feature in messaging came out of nowhere.
           | It wasn't anything that anyone asked for or worried about
           | before the OTR proposal suggested it.
         | dannyw wrote:
         | Cryptography should benefit the users.
         | Alex3917 wrote:
         | > Non-repudiation over time is a truly powerful property of
         | DKIM'd email for a great many uses outside of blackmail.
         | This. Publishing the DKIM keys would be a huge loss for email
         | archivists and historians in general. E.g. a couple weeks ago
         | Donald Knuth published all of the emails he's sent and received
         | over the last 20+ years of his career[1], without DKIM how
         | would we know that they are authentic?
         | [1] https://library.stanford.edu/blogs/special-collections-
         | unbou...
           | tptacek wrote:
           | You can say the exact same thing about all secure messaging,
           | which, after all, has the essential function of keeping
           | documents out of the hands of third parties, including
           | activists and historians. If DKIM upsets you, how do you get
           | your head around disappearing messages?
             | Alex3917 wrote:
             | > how do you get your head around disappearing messages?
             | I mean I try to publish most of my interesting email
             | conversations on the web, because every time you have a
             | good email conversation that isn't public it's like taking
             | a $100 bill and lighting it on fire. So I wouldn't ever
             | personally use disappearing messages.
             | Literally the first rule of email is that if you wouldn't
             | want it on the front page of the NYT then you shouldn't
             | send it. The first national scandal involving email was
             | Iran Contra in 1986. People should know by now not to put
             | anything into an email that they wouldn't be comfortable
             | with the entire world knowing. And while privacy is hugely
             | important to individuals and essential for a healthy
             | society, to me rotating DKIM keys feels like it's
             | incentivizing people to use email incorrectly.
               | harikb wrote:
               | Then why don't we design such a system first with a
               | higher level of guarantee first and inform users that
               | this the goal.
               | Alex3917 wrote:
               | We did, it's called email. The phrase "like a postcard"
               | is how email has been described for decades -- by our
               | school systems and the media when educating the general
               | public, in corporate training, and in the court system.
               | gowld wrote:
               | This is an absurd claim.
               | There is not a popular email system in existence that
               | says
               | "To: myfriend@mailserver.com CC: Everyone [NON-EDITABLE]"
               | Quite the opposite is true. Gmail, for example, says
               | "Google.com Mail protects your message during delivery As
               | you add people to this message, this icon will let you
               | know your message is secure."
             | sbierwagen wrote:
             | >how do you get your head around disappearing messages?
             | I get my head around them by thinking they are bad? As in,
             | not good. An undesirable property.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | I mean, I guess you'd have to think that, to think that
               | ensuring deniable emails is "shameful", as this thread
               | suggests. I just wonder what the boundary of that
               | thinking is. Message encryption also impedes activists!
           | microtherion wrote:
           | That just proves that he did send the mails he published. But
           | since he did not put the mails on a block chain, we'll never
           | know whether he was e.g. exchanging steamy e-mails with Grace
           | Hopper or arranging weed deals with E.W. Dijkstra (or vice
           | versa) on the side and decided to omit them from his
           | published correspondence >:-)
           | jamie_ca wrote:
           | Do you mistrust the unsigned emails from 10+ years ago
           | because they were sent prior to DKIM?
           | As for authenticity, you could contact him, or his
           | correspondents?
             | Alex3917 wrote:
             | > Do you mistrust the unsigned emails from 10+ years ago
             | because they were sent prior to DKIM?
             | Yes.
             | > As for authenticity, you could contact him, or his
             | correspondents?
             | Correspondents aren't necessarily going to tell the truth
             | about the authenticity of their own email. And that's
             | assuming they're alive, reachable, and willing to talk, all
             | of which may not be the case now and will be the case with
             | 100% certainty in the future.
         | codebolt wrote:
         | Might have something to do with this:
         | https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/the-hunter-biden-...
       | bjornedstrom wrote:
       | As a security professional I 100% agree with the author.
       | The comments here on Hacker News seem to have tripped on the
       | examples given (keywords: politicians, journalists) and turned
       | this into the more generic and politically loaded discussion
       | whether it's desirable to "cryptographically verify" what
       | politicians write.
       | But that's not the point! The point is that DKIM is technically
       | not designed for this use case and the way people misuse DKIM for
       | this unintended purpose is highly problematic from a
       | cryptographic and engineering perspective.
       | I think the best way to think of DKIM is that it's a
       | "cryptographic protocol" in the sense that git is a
       | "cryptographic protocol" because it uses SHA1. If you think "PGP"
       | (not the best example :-)) or "Telegram" you have the wrong idea:
       | DKIM is a bunch of cryptographic primitives haphazardly bolted on
       | email to solve a specific problem. It's not good cryptographic
       | design because good cryptographic design anticipates unintended
       | usecases and deal with them appropriately.
       | 1) Read the DKIM RFC.
       | First of all the only field that it's required to sign is the
       | From: header (see RFC, section 5.4). So you could still forge an
       | email but have it pass a DKIM signature check.
       | If people believe that DKIM "cryptographically signs" e-mails in
       | the sense of PGP, then that's a problem, because that's not true.
       | A DKIM signed email doesn't actually say anything: you have to
       | look at the signature which part of the message are signed, which
       | is not standardized.
       | So you could have this situation when people, like journalists or
       | even people on Hacker News, think a forged email is valid because
       | it has a valid DKIM signature (but the signature is over the
       | From: header only). E-mail is complicated as it is without having
       | to explain to people who have binary classified an email as
       | "forgery" or "not forgery" based on a specific combination of
       | email-headers and DKIM signature specification. Let's not do
       | that.
       | 2) Look at what mail providers actually do with their DKIM keys.
       | For legacy reasons due to DNS providers and length of TXT
       | records, many large internet providers use DKIM keys that are
       | 1024 bit RSA.
       | Already 10 years ago, most standard bodies started to recommend
       | against the use of 1024 bit RSA. It's deprecated. Like
       | MD5-deprecated.
       | The fact that many service providers use the same key for all
       | emails for all customers and reuse that key for years, increasing
       | the likelihood of the key being leaked, is another case against
       | trusting DKIM for this purpose.
       | megous wrote:
       | Can't you just set up your mailserver so that it drops all the
       | crypto headers (DKIM-Signature, ...) after verifying them and
       | storing the result in Authentication-Results? Only your server's
       | Authentication-Results header is really relevant to spam
       | filtering, anyway.
       | Unless you're debugging something those headers seem irrelevant
       | anyway, and they bloat the messages very much. (often times they
       | are 3-4x the size of actual email)
         | some_furry wrote:
         | > Can't you just set up your mailserver so that it drops all
         | the crypto headers (DKIM-Signature, ...) after verifying them
         | and storing the result in Authentication-Results?
         | Matthew Green's ask isn't about protecting users that are tech-
         | savvy enough to _just_ set up their own mailserver and
         | configure it a special way.
         | It's about protecting the billions of users that aren't.
           | adrianmonk wrote:
           | Gmail (and other email providers) could also protect these
           | billions by making the header-stripping change at the server
           | level for everyone.
           | After all, Green is proposing for them to change their
           | servers anyway, so either way it requires some kind of server
           | change.
           | The advantage of Green's approach is it gets results quickly
           | because with one change they can protect a lot of emails.
           | But, while quick results are nice, is this problem really so
           | urgent that only the fastest solution should be considered?
           | Another difference is the set of users who are protected. If
           | you rotate DKIM keys, you _protect Gmail users against non-
           | repudiation risks_ because their outgoing emails become more
           | deniable. But if you strip headers from Gmail users '
           | inboxes, you _protect Gmail users against hacking_ , because
           | now hacking a Gmail account gets you less-valuable data.
           | Also, publishing old DKIM secret keys will require some
           | distribution method. Where do you actually put them? For a
           | given email provider, where do you go look to find them? It's
           | a solvable problem but it's one that doesn't exist with the
           | header-stripping approach.
             | hamburglar wrote:
             | Yes, the call isn't for GMail to kill non-repudiation
             | protections on mail they _receive_ (and was signed by
             | others), it 's to kill it on emails they've _signed_ and
             | thus are sitting on someone else 's server.
         | TheCoelacanth wrote:
         | That only protects the people who send email to you. It does
         | nothing to protect you.
           | megous wrote:
           | Hmm. Right. So the only option on sender side is to not use
           | DKIM at all, or rotate the keys as suggested.
       | hammock wrote:
       | Perversely, this solution could result in MORE emails being
       | hacked MORE OFTEN. Allow me to explain.
       | If a hacker were to retrieve some emails before the DKIM key was
       | made public, they could then sign their hacked emails with their
       | own timestamped signature, proving that they are in fact
       | authentic (since the signed timestamp shows that they were
       | retrieved before the DKIM key was released).
       | Therefore, by rotating the DKIM keys "every few weeks" you are
       | giving the would-be hackers a deadline to retrieve the target
       | emails - a few weeks - which could lead to hackers preemptively
       | hacking as many _possibly useful_ accounts as possible (not just
       | the ones they know they want at a given moment), every few weeks.
       | (The merits of OP's argument notwithstanding)
         | hyperpape wrote:
         | Your threat model appears to be that most email providers are
         | hacked a substantial percent of the time, right? What defenses
         | of anything are going to work with that threat model?
           | adrianmonk wrote:
           | You don't necessarily have to hack the provider. You can hack
           | the user's laptop and siphon the data out of their email
           | client. If they use a web client, you can read the files it
           | caches. Or maybe you can set up IMAP and have your malware
           | read a copy of everything. To the email provider, all of this
           | just looks like the user is reading their email.
             | hyperpape wrote:
             | Fair, though I think it's still true that it's a very
             | difficult threat model.
             | Also worth noting that email clients typically tell you
             | about new logins/clients (though I don't think their way of
             | doing it is particularly robust).
         | lolc wrote:
         | If crackers could justify the resources, they would already now
         | be doing more cracking. It's not like they can just scale their
         | operations ten times all else staying equal. The proposed
         | change in key rotation and publication makes fresh mails only
         | more valuable relative to old messages, not more valuable in
         | general.
         | If we're looking at cracking-activities from an economic point
         | of view, publishing DKIM keys makes the cracking harder:
         | 1. More accounts need to be cracked fast
         | 2. Timestamped signatures must be published in a timely way
         | 3. Results must be stored until they become useful
         | These things not only increase cracking expenses, they also
         | increase the threat of detection.
       | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
       | Two questions:
       | Have there ever been any Gmail design decisions where users were
       | consulted first?
       | I was recenty informed by another HN commenter that "99% of
       | users" are "not qualified have opinions" on something like the
       | new MacOS behaviour,[FN1] or in this case Gmail's behaviour. If
       | this is true, can/should "99%" of users be given the choice not
       | to use DKIM when they are "not qualified" to have an opinion on
       | DKIM?
       | 1. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25100342
       | blibble wrote:
       | > Google could launch the process right now by releasing its
       | ancient 2016-era private keys. Since the secrecy of these serves
       | literally no security purpose at this point, except for allowing
       | third parties to verify email leaks, there's no case for keeping
       | these values secret at all.
       | I've used Google's DKIM signatures to timestamp call recordings
       | for years by putting a sha256 of the attached recording in the
       | subject, so "literally no security purpose" isn't true!
       | (though I should probably go through and timestamp those
       | signatures right now them using another method, just in case this
       | guy's idea gains any traction)
         | thinkharderdev wrote:
         | If you have a specific use case where you need non-repudiation
         | then there are numerous other tools you can accomplish that
         | with. I think the author is arguing that it shouldn't be on by
         | default.
         | taldo wrote:
         | The answer to every problem: blockchain!
       | nisuni wrote:
       | DKIM might have non-repudiation as unintended side effect, but I
       | am totally fine with it!
       | tarkin2 wrote:
       | I'm torn.
       | But someone could threaten to speak to your insurer about a
       | medical condition mentioned in an email.
         | yobert wrote:
         | To me this indicates a failure in the healthcare system--- a
         | much more important problem to fix.
       | egberts1 wrote:
       | One could always add a "CC:" before the DKIM-start "From:" and
       | still pass DKIM, no?
       | jmnicolas wrote:
       | I treat emails as postcards: I assume anybody can read them.
       | gojomo wrote:
       | We've backed into a particular default, more via path-
       | dependencies than conscious choice, that:
       | * emails between major email providers have this lingering semi-
       | authenticity indicator that authors didn't explicitly choose
       | * to the extent the providers keep their DKIM keys non-public,
       | only those providers (or those who exfiltrate such keys) can
       | forge old emails
       | Both of these have problems if considered from 1st principles:
       | * Users should be able to control if they're creating non-
       | repudiable messages.
       | * No one, not even Google, should have the power to create
       | authentic-seeming forgeries.
       | This article's author, Matthew Green, suggests rapid expiration &
       | disclosure of DKIM keys to narrow the window of time the user is
       | subject to a non-repudiation they didn't choose. (Green here only
       | specifically requests disclosure of years-old keys to invalidate
       | older message archives, but conceivably a rigorous expiration-
       | and-disclosure schedule could be chosen to limit the risk to
       | weeks or days.)
       | And via public disclosure, Green intends to indirectly address
       | the risk of privileged parties forging emails, by giving
       | _everyone_ the same power-to-forge older emails - so no
       | particular forgery can be too convincing.
       | But these new defaults are nearly as ad-hoc - reactive without
       | conscious design - as the DKIM problem they purport to solve.
       | Many would prefer that their emails, or at least some of them, be
       | non-repudiable for a while or indefinitely. Many recipients would
       | like to maintain their own private authenticity records - which
       | as Green notes, can be bootstrapped into existence (even with
       | rapid-expiring DKIM keys) by secure-timestamping messages &
       | current DKIM keys at the time they're received.
       | (To the extent Google & other providers have internally-trusted
       | tamper-proof logs, they may already have de facto secure
       | timestamping happening on all inbound/outbound email. Thus any
       | amount of DKIM key fouling wouldn't stop _their_ unique internal
       | ability to authenticate older messages, for their own forensic or
       | political purposes.)
       | I'd prefer users be given some visibility into, and choice over,
       | how much durable authentication is added to their email messages
       | - before adopting either Green's quick fix (publish old keys
       | ASAP), or defaulting all users to his potential longer-term
       | solution of explicitly "non-attributable email" (per his KeyForge
       | paper or other schemes).
       | advisedwang wrote:
       | If Google did rotate the keys, it's quite likely some
       | enterprising people would log observed keys. With access to a log
       | of keys (that you don't believe has been tampered with) then
       | rotating keys doesn't prevent non-repudation.
       | An alternative would be for email servers to strip the DKIM
       | headers on inbound emails after recording that the email was
       | validated. The email stored at rest then no longer provides non-
       | repudation. Nothing is stopping you doing this today.
         | arkadiyt wrote:
         | > rotating keys doesn't prevent non-repudation
         | That's why he says Google also needs to publish the private
         | keys.
         | [deleted]
         | kennywinker wrote:
         | I'm not a fan of offloading that trust onto my email host. Not
         | that I validate dkim headers, but the fact that I have access
         | to them keeps my email host honest.
       | bawolff wrote:
       | I don't see non repudation as that bad a thing. Are people any
       | less likely to be blackmailed due to technical deniability of
       | email contents? I feel that for most, that wouldn't matter.
       | busterarm wrote:
       | No, this post has absolutely nothing to do with Hunter Biden's
       | emails having valid Google DKIM.
       | Nothing at all.
         | gnarbarian wrote:
         | What would that accomplish though for either side?
         | Have the signatures been validated? You don't need the private
         | key to do so.
         | Assuming the keys are valid; either the emails are real, or the
         | keys were stolen and the emails forged.
         | I suppose if keys are released it gives plausible deniability
         | for any leaked emails that occur AFTER the key release. So I
         | can see why people sending incriminating emails would support
         | this.
         | [deleted]
       | arkadiyt wrote:
       | Interesting/educational read but I'm still not convinced that
       | this unintended side effect is a bad thing - it seems like a
       | desirable property to have authenticated emails. Matt argues this
       | might lead to regular folks (as opposed to politicians) getting
       | blackmailed, but:
       | 1) it seems unlikely this cryptographic proof is needed (he
       | acknowledges this criticism in the post), and
       | 2) what seems more likely to me is that politicians would
       | intentionally _not_ opt in to any alternate solution and use that
       | deniability for their own advantage. (Also as an alternate he
       | proposes GPG, which I know Matt knows is laughable).
         | n0nc3 wrote:
         | Put the company you work for in your threat model, and this
         | becomes relevant to you.
         | The corporate world is mired in zero-sum competition, and some
         | of your colleagues are willing to do things that will shock and
         | appall you if it increases their chance of "winning".
         | Try working in defense, finance, or security as a closet
         | anarchist. Have a few Chomsky books in your Amazon purchase
         | history? Good luck climbing the Amazon corporate ladder.
         | CodesInChaos wrote:
         | You can authenticate messages in a way that only the recipient
         | can verify (Diffie-Hellman plus MAC).
           | arkadiyt wrote:
           | If you had access to a public key for every email address
           | then why stop at authentication - you could encrypt all email
           | on the web. But we don't, so we can't.
             | CodesInChaos wrote:
             | Authentication in this context doesn't need to be end-to-
             | end. Instead of a custom protocol, we could probably just
             | use SSL client certificates authenticating the sending
             | domain to achieve the same effect.
             | tomrod wrote:
             | Maybe we should.
         | busterarm wrote:
         | You might want to validate your emails more than a few months
         | out.
         | Regardless of if your emails are valid or not, blackmail is
         | still a crime. Not being able to have your emails validated
         | doesn't protect you from blackmail. The power of blackmail is
         | often in the social cost of the accusation itself. The thing
         | that protects you from blackmail is not getting involved in
         | things you can be blackmailed for.
         | This is like saying don't lock your doors so that nobody can
         | break and enter into your house.
           | vorpalhex wrote:
           | > The thing that protects you from blackmail is not getting
           | involved in things you can be blackmailed for.
           | This is incorrect, because the things that someone can be
           | blackmailed for is not the same as the set of immoral or
           | unethical acts. You can be blackmailed for being gay, or for
           | having a serious medical condition that's undisclosed.
           | Neither of those situations is a "well just don't do that"
           | kind of thing.
           | The defense against blackmail is to make blackmail difficult
           | (eg release DKIM keys), severely punish people who engage in
           | blackmail, and guard your secrets effectively.
           | > This is like saying don't lock your doors so that nobody
           | can break and enter into your house.
           | This is like saying the latch on your fence is a security
           | mechanism. Nobody intended that fence latch to keep your safe
           | or secure and hiding behind it won't make you safer. Rip away
           | the false pretense.
             | busterarm wrote:
             | Nobody is telling you to not be gay. If you being gay is a
             | secret, then don't send that secret over _plain fucking
             | text email_.
             | Do you send your social security number to people in
             | emails?
             | Email has never been privileged communication and the
             | problem isn't one of validation but one of not
             | understanding one's level of privacy and risk. It uses
             | relays without end-to-end encryption and there's no
             | guarantee that what you sent is not totally out in the
             | open.
               | lxgr wrote:
               | If a global infrastructure provider can, without
               | downside, offer non-repudiability - why shouldn't they?
               | Not everyone is tech savvy. Not everyone understands
               | encryption. Not everyone makes rational choices all the
               | time.
               | Does that mean everybody should suffer the consequences
               | of an arguably unintentional side effect of the technical
               | implementation of DKIM?
               | RyanCavanaugh wrote:
               | This is every bit as much about email you _receive_ as
               | email you _send_ , and you are not in control of email
               | you receive.
               | If your doctor slips up and emails you about your AZT
               | prescription, it doesn't matter how careful you were
               | about not disclosing your HIV status over email you sent.
               | busterarm wrote:
               | yes, my point is that we should make sure that _no one_
               | is stupid enough to secrets in plain text.
               | with criminal repercussions
               | Or better: don't use email and don't give an email
               | address out to people who hold your secrets.
             | ars wrote:
             | Blackmail existed long before DKIM was a thing.
             | Being able to say "no I didn't say that" is far more
             | powerful than the reverse because the reverse has existed
             | for thousands of years.
             | But being able to definitively prove that you did not say
             | something is brand new and very powerful.
             | michaelmrose wrote:
             | Doesn't DKIM make it harder to blackmail or destroy someone
             | with fake emails because they can show their lack of
             | authenticity?
             | Shouldn't we privilege protecting people from lies vs
             | protecting people from the truth?
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | No because it's not on us to make moral distinctions
               | between someone who is gay and doesn't want to make that
               | information public, and someone who isn't gay and is
               | being falsly blackmailed.
               | Publishing the DKIM keys makes both cases harder because
               | you no longer have authenticity claims. Neither claim has
               | authenticity value and instead is just a "their word
               | versus yours" situation.
               | Humans are terrible moral adjudicators, and acting off of
               | universals leads to repugnant ends. The truth can
               | absolutely do terrible damage and still be the truth, but
               | being the truth doesn't remove value from privacy. Put
               | another way - would it be moral to publish your full
               | medical records in the public? After all, they are the
               | truth...
               | michaelmrose wrote:
               | It is on us to make moral choices. You are suggesting we
               | do so by making email repudiatable in order to protect a
               | hypothetical person from being outed via stolen email
               | verified with dkim.
               | So far as I can tell this has never happened in history
               | and logically neither blackmail nor public harm via
               | exposure of sexual orientation particularly requires dkim
               | verification.
               | It looks like you are asking us to give up DKIM
               | verification which could and has aided us to verify
               | politicians leaked emails in search of a purely
               | hypothetical gain that may never materialize by
               | suggesting that we both must and must not make moral
               | determinations.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | When an angry mob goes after suspected homosexuals, do
               | you think they stop to authenticate DKIM signatures of
               | emails? I'll give you a hint: no. In fact, it's hard to
               | imagine any scenario where anybody goes through the
               | trouble of authenticating e-mails of a "normal person"
               | who is persecuted of something other than crimes.
               | lxgr wrote:
               | Homosexuality is considered a crime in quite a few
               | countries.
               | busterarm wrote:
               | Well, then if you live in one of those countries or plan
               | on traveling through them, you're probably at risk if
               | you're an open homosexual.
               | You wouldn't tape your key to your front door. Don't send
               | secret information out in plain text.
               | baobabKoodaa wrote:
               | > Shouldn't we privilege protecting people from lies vs
               | protecting people from the truth?
               | Indeed! I couldn't have put it better myself.
           | mthoms wrote:
           | Sounds like the "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got
           | nothing to fear" argument. Not very compelling.
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_to_hide_argument
             | busterarm wrote:
             | See response here:
             | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25114692
               | mthoms wrote:
               | Okay, but what about a topic that is legal and acceptable
               | in today's society but not in the society 20, 30 or 40
               | years down the line? What if being gay becomes socially
               | unacceptable again? Or supporting the second amendment?
               | Or [literally anything]?
               | The problem is that what is socially and legally
               | acceptable _changes over time_. Just 30 years ago, the
               | standard for social acceptable commentary was wildly
               | different in the areas of gender identity, sexuality, and
               | race for instance.
               | busterarm wrote:
               | Yes, you should absolutely think about everything that
               | you commit to public record.
               | Yes, you might be totally fine now. You might be hanging
               | out and get photographed with this creepy billionaire
               | named Jeffrey Epstein who is just another creepy
               | billionaire at your creepy billionaire parties. Then 20
               | years from now we find out he's running pedophile island
               | and people start looking into your associations.
               | We are not teaching people to be cautious about their
               | public data and in fact there's an entire industry out
               | there encouraging everyone to detail their whole lives in
               | public record.
               | Get off of social media _today_. Yes, it's probably too
               | late. The other option is to be such a big celebrity that
               | your entire life is public and you have the defense of
               | scrutiny.
               | Side note: Somebody from my high school class is a famous
               | criminal. I regularly receive requests for interviews on
               | the basis of that association alone despite having
               | nothing to do with the person for decades.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | Using the billionaire pedophile example is a disgusting
               | trick. You're trying to set me up for appearing to
               | support that.
               | Why not use more neutral examples? Like being gay or
               | supporting certain political causes? What if those later
               | become controversial or illegal? What then?
               | Do you want to live in a world where you have to guard
               | everything you say in semi-private conversations, just in
               | case it one day becomes controversial? That sounds like
               | an oppressive nightmare.
               | The social media argument is tangential but I do agree
               | with you there.
               | busterarm wrote:
               | I'm not setting you up as supporting anything.
               | I'm illustrating the severity of the public record.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | >I'm illustrating the severity of the identifiable public
               | record.
               | This is an argument _in favor_ of emails being non-
               | verifiable, so now I 'm confused.
               | Previously you seem to be supporting the idea that email
               | _should be_ verifiable. Now you seem to be arguing the
               | opposite. Everything you wrote above correlates with the
               | opinions I 've expressed so far.
               | You also wrote:
               | > If you live in a [country where homosexuality is
               | illegal] and secretly a homosexual, do not send emails
               | indicating that you're a homosexual.
               | As if that's an acceptable state of affairs and a
               | reasonable compromise for the purpose of catching the
               | occasional bad actor. It isn't.
       | Paul-ish wrote:
       | The piece seems to be arguing from a general principle. Non-
       | repudiation is a feature of most secure messaging applications
       | and it is a feature that should be introduced to GMail. This
       | argument doesn't fully address how technologies are actually used
       | today.
       | As far as I can tell, people who need non-repudiation are already
       | using apps that have non-repudiation (eg Signal), because they
       | know they are in a vulnerable position. The people who need non-
       | repudiation already have it. So far we have seen DKIM
       | authentication used against individuals in positions of power.
       | With things as they are, cryptography is leveling the playing
       | field by empowering the vulnerable while holding those in power
       | responsible. If this situation or balance were to change perhaps
       | it would make sense to rethink DKIM non-repudiation. I understand
       | this is an opinionated/political take on cryptography that not
       | everyone would share.
         | lxgr wrote:
         | > The people who need non-repudiation already have it.
         | Can you really not think of a scenario where non-repudiation
         | could be important even to people "not in power"?
       | punnerud wrote:
       | DKIM secrets should also be added to GDPR-dump/export, and
       | releasing keys in the same way after a while. Would make imports
       | into other services possible, by trusting the legitimacy of
       | export.
       | jedberg wrote:
       | It's interesting that he asks for this solution but not the more
       | easy to implement solution to the other side of the problem
       | (which you can do if you run your own server): remove the DKIM
       | signatures upon delivery to your inbox. Google can just add in a
       | tag in their database that says "this message was verified". Or
       | at least make it an option for users if they want that ability.
       | In the case of Podesta, the emails were stolen from his gmail
       | account. If the headers weren't there, the messages would have
       | been unverifiable.
       | landryraccoon wrote:
       | Wow. This blog post is appalling. I completely disagree with it.
       | Consider this excerpt from the blog post:
       | > But DKIM authenticity is great! Don't we want to be able to
       | authenticate politicians' leaked emails?
       | > Modern DKIM deployments are problematic because they
       | incentivize a specific kind of crime: theft of private emails for
       | use in public blackmail and extortion campaigns. An accident of
       | the past few years is that this feature has been used primarily
       | by political actors working in a manner that many people find
       | agreeable -- either because it suits a partisan preference, or
       | because the people who got "caught" sort of deserved it.
       | > But bad things happen to good people too. If you build a
       | mechanism that incentivizes crime, sooner or later you will get
       | crimed on.
       | The author seems to be arguing that if after a certain point it
       | becomes impossible to verify whether an email was genuine or not,
       | that would somehow be a good thing.
       | This reasoning seems harmful to me. It's incredible that the
       | author treats this moral argument as self evident. Let me state
       | my objections clearly.
       | 1. The truthfulness and reliability of the historical record is
       | important. The fact that politicians are protected from blackmail
       | when they write incriminating emails is utterly insignificant by
       | comparison. Is the principle being defended that protecting
       | politicians from blackmail is stronger than a public interest in
       | having a historical record?
       | 2. Making historical emails impossible to authenticate after a
       | certain period of time makes it more difficult to prosecute
       | crimes. It helps criminals, the very thing the author claims to
       | be trying to avoid. If a politician, or anyone for that matter,
       | sends an incriminating email which is evidence of the intent to
       | commit a crime, why on earth would you want to make it easier to
       | cover your tracks?
       | Seriously, can someone present a moral argument for why this
       | should be adopted? It seems only harmful to me.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | I'm not going to present a moral argument (what is a moral
         | argument in this context?), only two direct rebuttals of your
         | objections:
         | 1. DKIM provides neither truthfulness nor objectivity. It's a
         | signature mechanism used between mail servers to reduce spam.
         | For implementation reasons, most DKIM users sign with RSA keys
         | that are either _currently_ crackable or will be crackable in a
         | matter of years. Consequently,  "signed" emails that are leaked
         | years after their alleged transmission provide a _false_ sense
         | of non-repudiation.
         | 2. Per 1, these emails are _already_ impossible to authenticate
         | after a period of time. This just makes the expectation more
         | explicit. More generally, however, this just isn 't a fruitful
         | (or intended) application of DKIM: if the government wants to
         | obtain evidence of a crime, they're going to subpoena the email
         | provider and retrieve the originals. If the suspected criminal
         | is sufficiently important, they'll use pointier methods. The
         | outcomes of our criminal justice system _intentionally_ doesn
         | 't hinge on the validity of a few DNS-published RSA keys.
           | landryraccoon wrote:
           | If right now DKIM doesn't provide truthfulness or
           | objectivity, then the author's blackmail example already
           | doesn't apply.
           | DKIM signatures, by your argument, are useless in blackmail,
           | since they don't verify the message. So why did the author
           | resort to that as an example?
             | woodruffw wrote:
             | First: I don't think Matthew Green "resorted" to anything.
             | I think he chose the blackmail example because it's easy to
             | understand on a personal level: we all use repudiatable
             | protocols in other contexts (like Signal), so why wouldn't
             | we want it on our emails?
             | Second: That's not how blackmail works. It's contingent on
             | what the extorted party _thinks_ , not the cryptographic
             | integrity of the blackmail material. That's why mass
             | blackmail spam campaigns (that DKIM fails to prevent,
             | ironically enough) are remarkably effective. Publishing
             | DKIM secret keys after their expiry doesn't magically
             | prevent blackmail; it just removes one more tool from the
             | blackmailer's toolbelt for instilling fear in the target.
             | detaro wrote:
             | The problem is that it's not clear about it. It looks like
             | it does quite a bit, and the counter-argument boils down to
             | "someone could have cracked the secret key", which everyone
             | always is told is the thing that is impossible. So you get
             | plenty people believing and claiming DKIM can do that. This
             | would be fixed by obviously breaking it.
         | tptacek wrote:
         | The word "appalling" describes something that creates
         | surprising distress or dismay (itself implying surprise).
         | To be surprised at a cryptographer advocating for deniable
         | messaging is to suggest that you're unacquainted with the field
         | of messaging cryptography, in which deniable messaging has been
         | a foundational goal for almost 2 decades, going back to Ian
         | Goldberg and Nikita Borisov, who once yelled at me on Twitter
         | for giving OTR short shrift and thus ensured I'd always
         | associate his name with OTR and thus, I'm sure to his delight,
         | his name being dropped on this thread.
         | I'd again like to point out how clear it is, the epistemic
         | approach being taken in this thread. You can disagree with
         | deniable messaging as a valid goal (it'd set you apart from
         | cryptography engineers, but that's fine). But you can't be
         | _appalled_ by it in 2020, because the idea is old enough to
         | drink in a bar in Canada, and motivated at least two of the
         | most famous protocols in all of cryptography.
         | Instead, what people are doing here is skimming this post,
         | digging no further, and then calling to mind their
         | understanding of current events. Then, from that tiny thread of
         | information and a bunch of axioms invented, I presume, in the
         | span of just a minute or two, they're deriving an entire first-
         | principles explanation of how messaging security is supposed to
         | work.
         | You can do that, but I think it's more than fair to point out
         | that there are people that have dedicated their entire career
         | to studying this subject and publishing on it, and if
         | commenters are going to make it clear that they haven't even
         | tried to engage with that material, it's unclear why they
         | should be taken seriously.
         | Also, Google should publish DKIM keys.
           | landryraccoon wrote:
           | In the quote I presented above, the author wasn't making a
           | technical argument, but a moral one.
           | If you or the author are presenting an argument why
           | repudiation is necessary on _technical grounds_ , I will
           | admit ignorance and defer to the experts.
           | But my reading of the blog post was that it is not a
           | technical argument. It's an argument about morality, and
           | specifically the author used political examples. If the
           | author did not want lay people to argue about the moral
           | implications, why did they use non-technical arguments?
             | tptacek wrote:
             | I don't know how fair this is but will just say that the
             | first thought that jumps to my mind here is that being
             | surprised at a cryptographer advocating for deniable
             | messages is a little bit like being surprised at a medical
             | researcher advocating for effective antibiotics. It
             | probably never occurs to either of them to question the
             | legitimacy of their moral stance.
               | landryraccoon wrote:
               | I certainly could be wrong. What's the case for
               | repudiation? Is making blackmail harder really the
               | cryptographer's mail argument for why repudiation is a
               | benefit?
               | I didn't see a more convincing argument in the blog post.
               | If there is a technical reason why repudiation is
               | beneficial, I would be grateful for an explanation.
               | tptacek wrote:
               | Read Goldberg, Brewer, and Borisov:
               | https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/otr-wpes.pdf
         | fhrow4484 wrote:
         | > Let me state my objections clearly.
         | > 1. The truthfulness and reliability of the historical record
         | is important. [...]
         | Everybody agrees here, but how does one gets to decide that
         | Google, a private corporation, is the one to decide that a
         | given email is an accurate historical email? An email provider
         | is a defacto certificate authority? Are these dkim keys subject
         | to the same standard of care as private keys that CAs manage?
         | For your regular-person scenario, having a way for a 3rd party
         | private company "certify" an email sent from another private
         | company (example: your online order) may be good enough, but is
         | it good enough in every scenario?
         | shinigami wrote:
         | We could catch a lot of criminals if we every OS had a backdoor
         | that the police could access. So, are you in favor of that?
         | [deleted]
         | some_furry wrote:
         | > Seriously, can someone present a moral argument for why this
         | should be adopted? It seems only harmful to me.
         | Because this isn't just about _politicians_ , or holding
         | politicians accountable. It affects the rest of us too!
         | Instead, imagine what would happen if a hacker accessed the
         | email of a closeted LGBTQIA+ person living in a country where
         | being outed is practically a death sentence, and the DKIM
         | signatures were sufficient proof of guilt.
         | scarmig wrote:
         | In the general case, repudiation is desired by users, and non-
         | repudiation is needed in only very particular cases. Companies
         | serving nontechnical users should make repudiation the default,
         | because if given the choice most users would prefer it to be
         | the default.
         | In the particular case of Google releasing its DKIM keys, I
         | think I would need more context. What kind of repudiation
         | property do users expect when sending emails over GMail? Is
         | non-repudiability currently used by users for legal or business
         | purposes? Probably the way to do it would be to announce a
         | particular date maybe a year into the future that the private
         | keys would be released.
       | 013a wrote:
       | I think there's an angle to the plausible deniability that many
       | people are missing.
       | Email servers get hacked all the time, right? A disgusting
       | amount. Its almost like security is really difficult; in fact,
       | its difficult to secure both the emails _and the DKIM private
       | keys_. They 're usually on the same server, after all.
       | If a DKIM private key gets hacked, and the world relies on DKIM
       | to provide non-repudiation in the verification of email leaks,
       | then a hacker who obtains someone's DKIM private key could forge
       | an email to contain any content they want, sign it with that
       | private key, then leak that. The world says "its DKIM validated,
       | Trump really did kill a litter of puppies twelve years ago",
       | Trump tries to say "no, my email server was hacked, i never did
       | that but they got my DKIM key" and who the hell would believe
       | him? The headlines have already been written, and the argument
       | against it is some crazy technical terminology a hundredth a
       | percent of the population actually understands?
       | Ok, well, maybe you should rotate DKIM keys. Not necessarily make
       | the private portion public, but at least rotate them and totally
       | destroy the old private keys. But, again, if an email server is
       | misconfigured enough to leak data, then its likely the admin is
       | incompetent enough to also not be rotating keys. Moreover,
       | unauthorized access to a server could happen over a period of
       | years, during which hackers collect the rotated DKIM private keys
       | while letting the admins think they're being deleted correctly.
       | The problem here isn't really DKIM; its the public's perception
       | of what it was designed for. Technologists invented something,
       | journalists discovered it, read a wikipedia article, and thought
       | "woah we could use X for Y". So, I think it makes sense that we
       | need a big name like Google to come out and say "Stop, this is
       | not what this was designed for, it has major limitations in being
       | used for that, and we're talking about real-world consequences
       | like ruining potentially innocent peoples' lives."
         | busterarm wrote:
         | If everyone had a proper understanding of email and was not
         | dumb enough to send out secrets via email, or to at least
         | encrypt the content of those emails...then nobody would believe
         | such a leak to be plausible.
         | Sadly that's not the case.
       | creeble wrote:
       | The problem with the author's paper is that his assumption (and
       | that of, apparently, media organizations, Wikileaks, and others)
       | of DKIM "ensuring non-repudiation of emails" is simply wrong.
       | >DKIM provides a life-long guarantee of email authenticity that
       | anyone can use to cryptographically verify the authenticity of
       | stolen emails, even years after they were sent.
       | No, it doesn't. It simply offers an assurance that, at around the
       | time of sending, a given email was mostly likely sent from the
       | server that signed it. It can't prove _anything_ about who
       | actually sent it, because you can't guarantee the ownership of
       | the email account.
       | >For better or for worse, the DKIM authenticity stamp has been
       | widely used by the press, primarily in the context of political
       | email hacks. It's real, it's important, and it's meaningful.
       | There's no _better_ there -- only for worse. It would be better
       | to dispute the validity of using DKIM for non-repudiation of
       | emails than to propagate the lie and ask server operators to
       | publish their expired secret keys.
       | morpheuskafka wrote:
       | It seems like this would also be useful for proving
       | contracts/statements over email in business law. While it may not
       | have been designed for this purpose (and there could still be
       | claims that the sending account was hacked, unlike a personal GPG
       | key which identifies the individual rather than the
       | infrastructure), it seems to be a pretty good thing to have.
       | Google234 wrote:
       | I find it pretty funny that the author wrote this because they
       | are salty that the leaked hunter Biden emails could be verified
       | with DKIM
         | edoceo wrote:
         | This is false. The article pointed to DKIM being used for
         | journalistic verification for multiple parties (persons and
         | organizations) across the political spectrum. It's not salty or
         | overtly political.
           | whereshunter wrote:
           | Their lack of addressing Hunter's emails says the most.
       | epaulson wrote:
       | This would break a cool indieweb "hack" with DKIM - webfistbump,
       | which lets folks participate in webfinger even if their email
       | provider doesn't support webfinger, like gmail:
       | https://www.onebigfluke.com/2013/06/bootstrapping-webfinger-...
       | (I suppose you could just re-opt into webfistbump every time your
       | email provider is about to publish their DKIM key)
       | upofadown wrote:
       | This relies on the problematic approach to deniability of making
       | forgeries possible.
       | To make this work you need to claim a forgery when you know that
       | no such forgery occurred. So you explicitly or implicitly have to
       | accuse someone of a serious crime/offence they did not commit.
       | Most people have a greater sense of honour than that. Those that
       | don't would still have to fear getting caught.
       | If someone actually does forge a message using the old private
       | keys provided by Google then you would have to fight the
       | assumption that you were using the system as it was designed.
       | Everyone would just assume you said it and are now using the
       | possibility of forgery to lie about having said it.
       | You can always claim a forgery anyway should you decide to do
       | that. Perhaps someone got access to Google's relatively poorly
       | guarded DKIM private key. How would you know? You are probably
       | not making a specific claim anyway.
         | avianlyric wrote:
         | There should be no need to make claims of forgery. The mere
         | fact that an email can be forged will substantially reduce the
         | likelihood of email being used, unless clear providence can be
         | provided.
         | At the moment that providence can be proved with DKIM. Remove
         | DKIM and now bad actors need to prove that they actually broke
         | into someone's emails and stole them. A much high bar to pass,
         | especially as it may mean incriminating yourself of a crime.
         | Emails become just as useful as find a pile of top secret
         | papers on the floor. Unless you can prove the source of those
         | papers everyone is going to ignore you.
       | nevinera wrote:
       | If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear! Privacy
       | schmivacy.
         | nevinera wrote:
         | I personally am absolutely confident that every email I sent
         | during college and my adolescence would merely shine brighter
         | light on the perfection of my soul. It sounds like the rest of
         | you should probably have behaved better.
       | hpoe wrote:
       | So the author's central thesis essentially seems to boil down to
       | that leaked emails were able to be cryptographically verified,
       | because of DKIM and so we should prevent that so people can't use
       | email to blackmail politicians? Ultimately I prefer the more
       | information that we can get on politicians available.
       | It seems to me that especially when an elected official has
       | something they don't want others to know about that it should be
       | public knowledge.
       | After all an efficient marketplace only is efficient if all
       | actors have access to as much information as possible.
       | EDIT: As a follow up, several people point out that it could
       | happen to me or a family member, but this seems even further
       | reason to have DKIM so that if someone attempts to blackmail me
       | based on the contents of my email, checking the DKIM signature
       | makes it even easier to disprove a bad blackmail attempt.
         | mthoms wrote:
         | The threat is not limited to politicians. Anyone (including you
         | and your family members) could be blackmailed or otherwise
         | publicly embarrassed.
           | hashtagmarkup wrote:
           | > The threat is not limited to politicians. Anyone (including
           | you and your family members) could be blackmailed or
           | otherwise publicly embarrassed.
           | ... for what they actually did.
           | You think the solution is allowing people to be blackmailed
           | or otherwise publicly embarrassed for things they didn't do,
           | while removing their ability to verify that they didn't do
           | them?
             | bee_rider wrote:
             | People change over time, and normal human communications
             | have a natural sunset as most people don't remember every
             | conversation in exacting detail. It is worth at least
             | considering the fact that we've signed up to have basically
             | all our communications preserved and cryptographically
             | signed in perpetuity. Most people using these services
             | didn't fully weigh the options.
             | blendergeek wrote:
             | No. Once DKIM keys are published, one can simply deny all
             | emails published "from their account". We currently have a
             | way for an attacker to prove an email's origin years after
             | the fact.
               | hashtagmarkup wrote:
               | Yes. We are saying the same thing.
             | mschuster91 wrote:
             | > ... for what they actually did.
             | Being gay is not a crime, and yet people can be blackmailed
             | with it. It is very easy to open yourself up to blackmail
             | by perfectly legitimate activities.
               | hashtagmarkup wrote:
               | > Being gay is not a crime, and yet people can be
               | blackmailed with it. It is very easy to open yourself up
               | to blackmail by perfectly legitimate activities.
               | Option 1: DKIM keys stay private... "That email was just
               | a joke, I'm not really gay" Option 2: DKIM keys go
               | public... "That email was just someone else's joke, I'm
               | not really gay"
               | Not really a difference, and with option 2 you can't
               | prove you didn't send it (as far as you can prove someone
               | didn't crack 2048 bit RSA and use that power to concern
               | themselves with your sex life).
               | Being able to prove a fascist dictator who was killing
               | people for being gay, was secretly engaging in gay acts
               | themselves, might help your cause of protecting gay
               | people.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | > Being able to prove a fascist dictator who was killing
               | people for being gay, was secretly engaging in gay acts
               | themselves, might help your cause of protecting gay
               | people.
               | How?
               | hashtagmarkup wrote:
               | Because the DKIM keys were not made public, and a message
               | sent from their account could be confirmed to be
               | authentic.
               | If the keys were public, they could claim forgery.
               | Regardless they could claim their account was hacked, but
               | they couldn't deny the message was sent from their
               | account.
               | morelisp wrote:
               | I'm not asking how the technical mechanism proves the
               | messages may be legitimate. I'm asking how you could use
               | that knowledge in the specific situation you outlined to
               | accomplish anything productive.
               | ivanhoe wrote:
               | True, there are things that might ruin someone's life
               | even though there's nothing bad about them, but the list
               | of actual crimes and bad things that people do is WAY
               | longer, and being able to prove it is definitely
               | useful...
               | avianlyric wrote:
               | The same argument can be used to build a police state.
               | But I suspect that you're not in favour that either.
               | We shouldn't be building technical systems that "trap"
               | people, just because they might be doing something bad
               | and might want to prove that one day.
               | Additionally you're also ignoring the whole "people have
               | the right, to not have their emails stolen" argument.
               | DKIM signatures are only useful if the emails are stolen,
               | are you trying to suggest that it's ok to steal emails
               | from people if they're bad?
             | daveFNbuck wrote:
             | You're assuming no one has compromised the old keys. If
             | that has happened, a blackmailer can forge old emails with
             | proof of things you didn't do.
             | mthoms wrote:
             | You're misunderstanding how this works.
             | You can't be blackmailed by someone who has no plausible
             | evidence.
               | beagle3 wrote:
               | They don't have plausible evidence anyway. Gmail has had
               | bugs before with SPF/DKIM and will have some again for
               | sure.
               | Some google employees have direct and indirect access to
               | signing keys or writing emails. Not many, and they have
               | good controls, but still many people with the ability to
               | sign messages.
               | Not to mention a Trojan infiltration or account takeover,
               | of which thousands (if not millions) a day occur.
               | The DKIM evidence is, for legal purposes, a good hint but
               | far from proof.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | In the court of public opinion, the standard is not _"
               | 100% proven beyond any reasonable doubt"_. Hence,
               | blackmail can still be very effective if an accusation is
               | highly plausible.
               | beagle3 wrote:
               | Yes, but it's not DKIM or not DKIM that will make it
               | plausible in the court of public opinion.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | Current events prove otherwise. See Hunter Biden.
               | hashtagmarkup wrote:
               | You're misunderstanding how destruction of evidence
               | works.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | Huh? No one (including yourself), have mentioned anything
               | about "destruction of evidence" so far. If you care to
               | enlighten me about how it's relevant I'm happy to listen.
               | hashtagmarkup wrote:
               | By making the DKIM keys public, you are converting solid
               | evidence of something that was said into something that
               | was either really said, or someone else pretended that
               | they said.
               | Evidence was destroyed.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | This describes _all_ encrypted and short lived messages.
               | Edit: Removed the word "literally" because it was
               | incorrect and caused distraction from the actual
               | argument.
               | hashtagmarkup wrote:
               | It doesn't at all. You're misunderstanding. Or, are you
               | using the word "literally" in the modern sense of "not
               | literally"?
               | mthoms wrote:
               | Are you just nitpicking my choice of words or are you
               | going to explain how auto-disappearing messages aren't
               | potentially destroying evidence in the exact same way
               | you've described?
               | As for for encrypted messaging, yes it is not the same as
               | "literally" destroying evidence. But it is _hiding_
               | evidence.
               | The end result is the same in the context of the claims
               | you previously made. That is: justice is potentially
               | being subverted.
           | whimsicalism wrote:
           | I propose gouging out everyone's eyes, that way they can't
           | see you do anything potentially embarrassing - thus making
           | blackmail harder.
             | hyperpape wrote:
             | This is a helpful comment because not having DKIM is in the
             | same range of bad outcomes as having your eyes gouged out.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | > So the author's central thesis essentially seems to boil down
         | to that leaked emails were able to be cryptographically
         | verified, because of DKIM and so we should prevent that so
         | people can't use email to blackmail politicians? Ultimately I
         | prefer the more information that we can get on politicians
         | available.
         | I don't think Matthew Green is arguing against transparency.
         | What he's observing is that non-repudiation is an
         | _unintentional_ byproduct of DKIM 's design. Because it's a
         | byproduct, DKIM's users have made implementation decisions that
         | make it susceptible to weaknesses in the _unintentional_ non-
         | repudiation property.
         | By 2030, a motivated nation state will probably have the
         | ability to crack the 2048-bit RSA keys that Google is currently
         | using for DKIM. Do you really want someone in 2031 to be able
         | to contrive fake signatures for the emails of politicians in
         | 2021?
           | beagle3 wrote:
           | Well, by 2030 the non-repudiation will be considered lost if
           | that's the case. Maybe even 2027. But today, in 2020, a
           | verified DKIM is strong indication about the identity of the
           | writer, or that the keys weren't safely stored.
             | woodruffw wrote:
             | > Maybe even 2027. But today, in 2020, a verified DKIM is
             | strong indication about the identity of the writer, or that
             | the keys weren't safely stored.
             | Except that we're talking about leaks of emails that date
             | back by years: the earliest Podesta emails are from 2010,
             | back when Google was using 512-bit (!) keys for DKIM. Those
             | were leaked in 2016, at which point _1024-bit_ keys were
             | already considered crackable by a motivated attacker.
             | This isn't to say that those emails were _faked_ , only
             | that "an email written in 2020 that's verifiable in 2020"
             | is not the target of interest.
               | beagle3 wrote:
               | ..... so? That means in 2016, the DKIM was already
               | deniable. And it made no difference whatsoever.
               | The DKIM signature is proof only that whoever signed the
               | email possessed the key, nothing more, nothing less.
               | This, in turn, is a suggestion about the identity of the
               | signer and possibly the author - but not proof.
               | Did DKIM change anything about the podesta emails? Or
               | were they basically acknowledged as authentic regardless,
               | and had a lot of other verifyable info in them?
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | > ..... so? That means in 2016, the DKIM was already
               | deniable. And it made no difference whatsoever.
               | Both journalists and investigative groups (and conspiracy
               | theorists) treat DKIM as a sign of authenticity, even
               | when the key material is long past its prime. Wikileaks
               | still prominently displays a "verified" marker next to
               | their archives.
               | > Did DKIM change anything about the podesta emails? Or
               | were they basically acknowledged as authentic regardless,
               | and had a lot of other verifyable info in them?
               | That's hard to say, but it's also not the point. The
               | point with being able to crack the key is that a
               | motivated party could intersperse _false_ information
               | with otherwise verifiable information. And, well, what 's
               | a conspiracy theorist to do? Only believe the non-juicy
               | parts?
               | beagle3 wrote:
               | I don't understand the fascination with DKIM on this
               | thread.
               | Yes, journalists verified it. But they consider it
               | supporting data, just as they wouldn't automatically
               | ignore any email that had no DKIM signature.
               | Phone calls are never authenticated. Does anyone
               | automatically believe or disbelieve recorded phone calls?
               | I mean, "conspiracy theorists" (in the common usage of
               | that terms) already believe only what they want to
               | believe.
               | woodruffw wrote:
               | I don't think it's a fascination, it's what the OP is
               | about. We're talking about the subject of a blog post,
               | no?
               | I think the point boils down to expectation management:
               | journalists (and ...) _barely_ understand non-
               | repudiation, much less why each of the following
               | scenarios pans out:
               | * 2006 email + 512-bit RSA, leaked in 2006: probably
               | authentic
               | * 2008 email + 512-bit RSA, leaked in 2012: potentially
               | inauthentic
               | * 2008 email + 1024-bit RSA, leaked in 2008: probably
               | authentic
               | * 2008 email + 1024-bit RSA, leaked in 2016: potentially
               | inauthentic
               | ...and so on. In sum: we're making life harder for the
               | people doing _real_ investigative work (since they 're
               | not technical), and we're giving fodder to the people who
               | want to conspiracize. All because we're using a _spam
               | mitigation_ technique to provide properties that it was
               | never intended to provide.
         | blendergeek wrote:
         | > that so people can't use email to blackmail politicians?
         | He mentions the politicians because those were high profile
         | cases. This could be used against anybody, not just
         | politicians.
         | > It seems to me that especially when an elected official has
         | something they don't want others to know about that it should
         | be public knowledge.
         | Is this true of everybody else as well? Should anybody be able
         | to deny an email they sent in the past? If so, we have to take
         | this step.
           | ivanhoe wrote:
           | Other than whistleblowers and activists fighting the
           | dictatorships (and they can work-around this), what is the
           | case where not being able to prove who sent the email would
           | be a good thing?
             | mthoms wrote:
             | -- Example --
             | Dear Ivanhoe,
             | I regret to inform you that your HIV test came back
             | positive. Please contact my office at your earliest
             | convenience to arrange a follow up.
             | Sincerely, Your doctor
               | santraginean wrote:
               | No doctor should be writing that email in the first
               | place; it would be an example of such a flagrantly
               | negligent treatment of PHI that cryptographic signatures
               | and reputability are kind of irrelevant.
               | mthoms wrote:
               | Email is used outside of countries with these kinds of
               | protections. For example, I know someone who had an STI
               | test in Thailand and the results did indeed come via
               | email.
               | Even if this example is imperfect, it's not impossible to
               | imagine a scenario where some type of compromising
               | information is sent to you.
             | bee_rider wrote:
             | Toward the end of the blog post, the author points out that
             | while it often is nice to have the ability to authenticate
             | who sent an email, nobody asked for this feature to be
             | enabled by default on all their communications. It seems
             | like a matter of preference, and it isn't clear that people
             | thought about it at all.
             | People change over time and normal human communications
             | have a natural sunset built in as people forget exactly who
             | said what.
             | thinkharderdev wrote:
             | It could (at least according to the author) reduce the
             | incentive to steal people's emails for blackmail purpose to
             | begin with. The target of blackmail can simply deny they
             | are authentic and it would be extremely hard for the
             | blackmailer to provide evidence of their authenticity
             | without revealing their own identity.
         | LinuxBender wrote:
         | I am not a lawyer, but I do not believe that DKIM provides
         | repudiation specific to an individual. DKIM provides evidence
         | that email originated on an email provider. The users neither
         | own nor control the server and user accounts get compromised
         | all the time as well as fake accounts created all the time.
         | Google battles this daily. DKIM might be one piece of
         | information, used in combination with a client IP address and
         | some method of proving who was at that client IP address at the
         | time, but I do not believe that DKIM could stand on its own.
         | For example, I have servers that DKIM sign emails. If a person
         | uses my servers to send a death threat, the FBI is going to
         | want web access logs and smtp logs.
           | beagle3 wrote:
           | It is even weaker than that. DKIM keys themselves can be
           | stolen - most servers don't store them in HSMs (and HSMs are
           | also not infallible).
           | Or factored - Debian had a bug 12 years ago that caused weak
           | SSH keys, a similar thing could happen to DKIM key generation
           | (or has happened, but not yet discovered).
           | Some study showed many RSA keys in the wild had a common
           | factor. A weakness of this family might be discovered with
           | DKIM keys.
           | It is supporting circumstantial evidence, not proof of
           | identity.
         | mthoms wrote:
         | Correct me if I'm wrong but elsewhere you to claim to be a
         | conservative who has at least some mistrust in the recent
         | election results. This seems like a paradox. Do you trust the
         | government and its systems or not? Because the _" I've got
         | nothing to hide"_ [0] argument doesn't work if you recognize
         | that governments can and do go bad. Once that happens, they can
         | retroactively change what is acceptable thought.
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nothing_to_hide_argument
         | Edit: Already at -1 votes with no explanation. To be clear I
         | don't want to bring the election/politics into this. I only
         | want to point out that "I've got nothing to hide" is a strange
         | argument if you explicitly distrust the democratic systems in
         | place around you.
         | feanaro wrote:
         | A _good_ blackmail attempt could then be devastating for you,
         | on the other hand.
         | 013a wrote:
         | > As a follow up, several people point out that it could happen
         | to me or a family member, but this seems even further reason to
         | have DKIM so that if someone attempts to blackmail me based on
         | the contents of my email, checking the DKIM signature makes it
         | even easier to disprove a bad blackmail attempt.
         | I think his point is that the DKIM signatures could be used to
         | verify that you did, in fact, send something worth being
         | blackmailed over, rather than having the plausable deniability
         | of saying that your DKIM private key from that period is
         | already public and thus could be forged.
         | Which, to me, sounds similar to the classic XKCD
         | "Theoretically, I use 2048bit RSA encryption and the hackers
         | can't get my data. In Reality, they just beat me with a hammer
         | until I give up the password." Maybe a public DKIM argument
         | would hold up in court, but if we're just talking reputation
         | blackmail among family and friends, it aint it chief.
       | RcouF1uZ4gsC wrote:
       | One thing that Google publishing their DKIM rotated keys is take
       | fake news to a new level.
       | Basically anybody could use those signing keys to fake email from
       | a politician or celebrity. Imagine the headlines "Celebrity X
       | account hacked, here are the emails, cryptographically verified
       | by Google"
       | Of course, informed people will know that anybody could have
       | faked them, but I would guess normal people would be fooled. In
       | addition, there is no way to say the emails are definitely fake.
       | At least now, we can tell between actual leaked emails and fake
       | emails.
         | woodruffw wrote:
         | > Of course, informed people will know that anybody could have
         | faked them, but I would guess normal people would be fooled. In
         | addition, there is no way to say the emails are definitely
         | fake. At least now, we can tell between actual leaked emails
         | and fake emails.
         | No, you can't. Google used to use 512- and 1024-bit RSA keys
         | for DKIM signatures, both of which are comfortably within the
         | means of small-to-medium-sized nation states. They currently
         | use 2048-bit keys, which will probably be crackable within the
         | next decade.
         | DKIM is providing a _false_ sense of non-repudiation here, one
         | that it was never designed (much less correctly implemented) to
         | provide.
       | devit wrote:
       | This seems like a feature, not a bug.
       | mattbeckman wrote:
       | As we head into the post-truth era, we already know videos are
       | going to become far less trusted due to deep fake tech. Finding
       | grains of truth through cryptography, like DKIM, is so refreshing
       | that it hurts to think some people want to cripple it.
       | The Hunter Biden email is a good example.
       | I initially thought it was a garbage tabloid drop, but once I
       | read Rob Graham's analysis, it felt very refreshing to have a
       | real nugget of truth based on math. While the context of that
       | content is up for debate, the truth was essentially undeniable
       | (unless you subscribe to the 2016 private key being stolen).
       | We need nuggets of truth.
         | davewritescode wrote:
         | The Hunter Biden email is a terrible example. It's very likely
         | that what's been found on "Hunter Biden's" laptop is just
         | hacked material which has been stuffed on a laptop to disguise
         | the original source of the breach. In this case the DKIM
         | signatures are being used to lend credibility to the story that
         | the laptop was mysteriously left in repair shop, never to be
         | reclaimed.
         | DKIM is not meant to validate conversations, it's meant to
         | validate single messages for the purposes of spam prevention.
         | Just because I can cryptographically validate selectively
         | chosen messages from someone's mailbox, I don't have any proof
         | that the conversation happened as presented.
         | There's a good reason why eliminating non-repudiation has been
         | a goal of messaging protocols since OTR in 2004.
           | [deleted]
           | rabuse wrote:
           | It's not farfetched to believe a crack-addicted wealthy
           | individual who seemed to live a very "promiscuous" lifestyle,
           | would have forgotten some cheap laptop at a repair shop.
           | These people are humans, at the end of the day.
       | buraktamturk wrote:
       | Hey Google. Please never do this. This would throw thousands of
       | evidence about how Erdogan regime worked with terror
       | organisations, including the e-mails that tried to ban social
       | media to stop these evidences be available to public. And also
       | how they declared innocent people as terror organisations with
       | some companies that offered law support. For example, this one
       | https://wikileaks.org/berats-box/emailid/35540 especially
       | verifies a crime - Turkish Airlines Nigeria Weapon transfer as it
       | marks the event as "Government Secret"; The evidence that they
       | talk on this e-mail involves a call where the ministers talk "I
       | don't know if they will use it to kill Muslims or Christians".
       | That specific e-mail does not have DKIM signature (maybe because
       | it was sent his own gmail address? or to an gmail address in
       | general?).
       | I am aware that even if they publish the DKIM secrets, these
       | e-mail will not lose any value since these e-mails was posted
       | before the secrets.
       | But I think using e-mails as evidence should be a thing in
       | general. As you could receive them to your personal e-mail server
       | and want to authenticate and use it on a court, even years after.
       | If they publish the keys, it would not be possible as you could
       | be the one who forged the e-mail as it were received from
       | somebody else and has been put to your IMAP server manually.
         | yholio wrote:
         | In reality, that would throw forgery of such evidence in the
         | hands of regular people, as opposed to those politically
         | connected, the secret services, and nation-state hacker squads.
         | While I sympathize with your political plight, I don't really
         | understand why you would think that is a good thing in general.
         | For all intents and purposes, it seems even worse, leaving the
         | ability to weaponize public opinion in the hands of those who
         | should most fear it.
           | buraktamturk wrote:
           | Except if you are the actual victim of these e-mails and the
           | politicans who control 95% of the media are able to trick
           | people either making them belive it was fake or it had
           | "national interests" and they did it because of "country".
           | At least these e-mails are believed to be true in other
           | countries. So does Authenticity of thes e-mails can easily
           | help you when you seek asylum in country from a country where
           | they declared you as a terrorist - internationally.
       | nullc wrote:
       | Meanwhile, the IETF is speccing more messaging protocols with
       | non-repudiation and HN users seem to be cheering that shortcoming
       | along: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25100316
       | I think it's kind of unfortunate that there are many people that
       | suddenly care when its powerful people or their families that are
       | getting caught out by DKIM, these aren't the people who need
       | protection from it the most. No one would even care if the Hunter
       | Biden related emails passed DKIM except for the widespread
       | allegation that they were fake, and no one still cares because
       | conversation about them passing DKIM is widely suppressed
       | (including on HN, unfortunately, where a post about it was
       | immediately flagged). Oh well, I suppose it's like when the ACLU
       | used to defend awful speech for the sake of defending free speech
       | because those were the cases available which could make an
       | impact.
       | Unfortunately publishing DKIM secret keys only goes so far
       | towards avoiding accidental non-repudiation: Recipients can
       | cryptographically timestamp the signatures before the keys are
       | published. ... and doing so already makes sense independent of
       | DKIM. In fact, one of the ways that the public was able to prove
       | that the outdated google DKIM key was a real key was that we were
       | able to find cryptographically timestampped google signed emails
       | from back when that key was still in use.
       | Better than key publication is to avoid having a non-
       | repudiateable stamp to begin with. This is much easier in the
       | context of end-to-end two-party interactive protocols, but I
       | believe is still possible for multiparty protocols.
       | The analog for DKIM wouldn't work so well unfortunately, because
       | DKIM isn't end to end. E.g. DKIM could be changed so that the
       | signature demonstrated that either the sending server or the
       | recipient server signed the message-- this would be just as good
       | for anti-spam, but really wouldn't improve the non-repudiation in
       | most cases. Contrast that with applying the same approach to end-
       | to-end messaging, where it gives you pretty strong non-
       | repudiation.
         | newacct583 wrote:
         | > No one would even care if the Hunter Biden related emails
         | passed DKIM except for the widespread allegation that they were
         | fake, and no one still cares because conversation about them
         | passing DKIM is widely suppressed (including on HN,
         | unfortunately, where a post about it was immediately flagged).
         | Uh... no RFC822 headers from the Hunter Biden emails were ever
         | released, certainly none with a passing DKIM signature. I read
         | that Post article with a microscope. This never happened.
         | And in fact, the transparent truth that these appeared to LACK
         | the trivially producible authentication layer is one of the big
         | reasons that the more right-leaning entities among the tech
         | community stayed far away from this subject.
           | drewbug wrote:
           | https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/hunter-
           | dkim/blob/main/M...
             | newacct583 wrote:
             | Interesting, thanks. Odd that this data was never part of
             | the published record from the post, and that Graham's
             | source is apparently secret? Curious what you make of that?
             | If the Post had it, they'd surely have released it. I guess
             | it's sort of academic at this point, but it does point to a
             | few different actors pushing this story in different
             | directions.
               | nullc wrote:
               | > If the Post had it, they'd surely have released it.
               | It's extremely rare for journalist in traditional media
               | to publish email headers, even when people are accusing
               | messages of being inauthentic and the DKIM would go a
               | long way towards certifying them and when people are
               | begging for them. I think I'm aware of only one other
               | instance.
               | From the perspective of protecting sources it's probably
               | good advice to avoid publishing any kind of opaque
               | header-stuff. But also, most readers wouldn't know what
               | to do with the information and -- less charitably--
               | publishing evidence moves away from the framework where
               | readers accept the reporters word on blind faith.
               | Your position was entirely understandable: I declined to
               | link to the repo or the two flagged HN threads about it,
               | though I considered it, because I thought it would
               | increase the risk that my comment would get flagged. I
               | think your reply had the surprising consequence of making
               | a really good example at how effective the suppression of
               | info like this is at distorting the public discourse.
         | stefan_ wrote:
         | I think you are missing part of the irony here. A good number
         | of those Hillary emails should have been on a government server
         | in the first place, signed for entirety by the government for
         | archival. Non-repudiation is an explicit design goal for the
         | communication of public officials.
           | newacct583 wrote:
           | I think you're confused. Very few Clinton emails were ever
           | leaked or released. The major leak people like to talk about
           | was of John Podesta's emails. Podesta was a private employee
           | of the Clinton campaign, he never worked at the state
           | department. And of course being the campaign manager, having
           | his email be provided by a government agency would have been
           | a huge campaign finance violation to begin with.
       | js2 wrote:
       | I just realized after reading this that even though I host my
       | personal domains with Fastmail, I'm delegated to their DKIM keys,
       | so I can't rotate DKIM for my personal domain.
       | Edmond wrote:
       | I like the idea of non-repudiation, let the chips fall where they
       | may when such authentic email is maliciously dumped.
       | Perhaps a simple timestamped based appendage can be added for the
       | sake of email client authentication. In other words reject the
       | email if the signature is older than a few hours/minutes.
       (page generated 2020-11-16 21:01 UTC)