[HN Gopher] Graphics for JVM
       Graphics for JVM
       Author : agluszak
       Score  : 497 points
       Date   : 2020-11-17 09:29 UTC (13 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (tonsky.me)
 (TXT) w3m dump (tonsky.me)
       | tomcam wrote:
       | First of all... WOW! This is an exciting project. Second of all,
       | the blog is beautifully designed and has a hilarious author
       | portrait at https://tonsky.me/projects/. He appears to be from
       | either Florida or Okinawa, not sure which.
       | mtnygard wrote:
       | I'll take a minute here to plug Defold (https://www.defold.com).
       | It's a game engine with a dedicated IDE for building games. The
       | IDE is built mostly with Clojure and JavaFX.
       | Of course I'm biased, because I helped build the IDE, but I think
       | it looks and feels great. It has a 3d modeling view that does
       | pan, rotate, dolly, all at somewhere between 30 and 60 fps.
         | vips7L wrote:
         | It looks good, but the pictures are a bit hard to see :)
       | cjohansson wrote:
       | PR for JetBrains? I think there are plenty of good looking JVM
       | desktop apps which are equally or more good looking as JetBrains
       | stuff. Electron and JVM is bad because they require a lot of
       | resources and that occasionally JVM has security issues
       | munro wrote:
       | I love the night mode setting on the top right of this site.
       | Totally useless, but amazing lol. It feels like I'm reading the
       | site in the dark with a flashlight.
       | outadoc wrote:
       | I'm glad to see this and Compose arrive on desktop. It feels like
       | a potential good middle-ground between a fully native OS toolkit,
       | a cross-platform native toolkit, and an embedded web app. I don't
       | think Java is inherently bad for the job, just that the previous
       | UI toolkits were not what we needed.
       | jmartrican wrote:
       | This is a great idea. Can't wait to try it out.
       | In a past life I created a video game in JavaFX. Its on Steam. It
       | was hard to do, but I really didn't know what I was doing when I
       | started. I also do not know if JavaFX was missing any features
       | that would be desired for video games, that maybe other libraries
       | have. Nonetheless, for selfish reasons more libraries in this
       | space is welcomed.
       | touisteur wrote:
       | "Why hasn't it been done yet?
       | Patience, I think. We are so used to things we can hack together
       | in a week, nobody is thinking in terms of years. And good UI
       | requires years of work. It's a big commitment."
       | That's quite an observation, thinking of the hundred thousands of
       | man-hours probably spent on both Swing and JavaFX and SWT, and
       | they power a huge lot of high-quality, highly polished
       | applications, including real-time graphics.
       | I'm sure this work is great, but no need to put the competition
       | down...
       | agumonkey wrote:
       | Ah I wished for something like this for so long. Very nice
       | surprise.
       | pier25 wrote:
       | > _The first reason is performance. JS is a great language for
       | building UI, but it is much slower than JVM._
       | Is it?
       | Looking at these benchmark they seem to be in the same ballpark
       | for most results:
       | https://benchmarksgame-team.pages.debian.net/benchmarksgame/...
         | mumblemumble wrote:
         | The picture I'm seeing is that it would seem that they're in
         | the same ballpark, and v8 may even be a smidge faster, for
         | general purpose business object flogging type stuff, but Java
         | is significantly faster for straight-up number crunching. The
         | one where there's the starkest difference, k-nucleotide, Java
         | gets to take advantage of a fastutil collection. I don't think
         | an equivalent to that hash map could be built in JavaScript.
         | Those benchmarks don't cover this, but I wouldn't be at all
         | surprised to discover that Electron can does actual UI drawing
         | more efficiently than Java can. In Electron, that whole layer
         | is a bunch of (presumably) carefully optimized C++ code, while
         | in Java the bulk of it's still going to either be managed code,
         | or be taking a lot of marshalling hits if it's calling into OS
         | APIs.
         | Long story short, it would appear that, based on those
         | benchmarks (which, we all realize benchmarks are a lie, but
         | still) the only spot Java clearly beats JavaScript is in
         | applications where someone who cares all that much about
         | performance would choose neither Java nor JavaScript, anyway.
           | pier25 wrote:
           | I agree.
           | Also, when you look at UI benchmarks for web frameworks
           | replacing/updating thousands of DOM elements per second, I
           | have serious doubts the problem of web-based UIs is
           | performance.
           | I agree Electron is a cancer, but not because it uses web-
           | based UIs, but because every app ships its own version of
           | Node + V8.
           | A couple of years ago I built a cross platform app using the
           | native web view on each platform (WKWebview on macOS/iOS,
           | WebView on UWP, Chrome web view on Android and ChromeOS). The
           | app for macOS was like a 4MB download from the Mac App Store
           | and it consumed like 15-20MB or RAM.
       | altrunox wrote:
       | "Wasm can be fast but implies C++ or Rust."
       | Oh BTW, you can do WASM with Blazor (C#) now.
       | https://dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor
       | x87678r wrote:
       | There was a thread on /r/Java about Java GUIs. Seems Jetpack
       | Compose is a potential new player that looks promising. No one
       | seems to know if JavaFX or Swing is the recommended route.
       | https://blog.jetbrains.com/cross-post/jetpack-compose-for-de...
       | https://www.reddit.com/r/java/comments/jrqjex/whats_being_us...
       | lewisjoe wrote:
       | I'm studying how to rewrite our online word-processor in a stack
       | that allows us to render documents to android/iOS/desktop
       | natively.
       | Skia stands out as the obvious choice as a rendering library, Our
       | team though is essentially a JS/Java workshop and writing C++
       | will be shooting our own foot.
       | I found Skija a while back but it looks like we need JVM and the
       | JVM story on iOS is complicated (non-existent even?)
       | Fluttter does a good job at abstracting away Skia and exposing
       | Dart APIs that is truly cross platform (Web/Desktop/iOS/Android)
       | - but Flutter will never expose low level Skia APIs because
       | that's not their goal. The abstraction is too high to write a
       | word-processor.
       | I'm yet to find a reasonably iOS friendly abstraction over Skia
       | that targets both iOS/Android and desktop platforms.
       | Darmody wrote:
       | I've been using Java mostly for stuff that runs from the terminal
       | and I always wondered why there are almost no games developed
       | with it. I know this submission is not about games but it's
       | related.
       | The very few games that run on the Java platform are very
       | resource hungry, even more than some alternatives made in JS
       | which is supposed to have a worse performance.
       | All that while C# is booming on indie game dev.
         | lasagnaphil wrote:
         | C# is better for gamedev for quite a lot of reasons, but most
         | importantly because it has value types (structs) that aren't
         | boxed. In gamedev you use a lot of small-size types such as
         | Vector3 or Vector4 for all sorts of math, but if you implement
         | them naively in Java you have to always heap-allocate them,
         | which brings severe penalties in terms of cache locality and
         | GC. Modern Java gamedev libraries like JOML tries to avoid this
         | by using NIO buffers (JVM provides some utilities to manually
         | alloc/dealloc memory), but the API is quite finicky as a
         | result. (Plus, there is no operator overloading in Java, which
         | is another bummer.) Project Valhalla is trying to add proper
         | value types to the JVM, but sadly as of today the project seems
         | a bit abandoned... (See
         | https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/valhalla/Main)
           | djhworld wrote:
           | > Project Valhalla is trying to add proper value types to the
           | JVM, but sadly as of today the project seems a bit
           | abandoned...
           | The repo seems to have very recent activity, has commits from
           | today! https://github.com/openjdk/valhalla
           | didibus wrote:
           | Agree, and not just gamedev, I think for desktop apps this is
           | an issue as well. The memory profile of a Java app suffer
           | from lots of unnecessary boxing. Also, the GCs are not
           | designed and tuned to desktop apps, but to backend services.
           | So they'll exhibit behavior like never releasing memory back
           | to the OS and hording 100% memory.
         | skocznymroczny wrote:
         | As lasagnaphil mentioned, lack of value types (structs),
         | operator overloading makes it trickier.
         | Also, Java doesn't have as many bindings to gamedev C
         | libraries, so it's harder to get started, and the interop with
         | C is harder in Java than in C#. C# has some cool features like
         | sequential StructLayouts.
         | C# is actually rarely used for making game engines, but it's
         | popular as an embedded scripting engine for games. I think C#
         | has a better embedding story, because I've never heard of any
         | projects embedding Java (I am sure they exist though).
         | Lastly, Java has a bit of a stigma for being a low performance
         | language. While that may or may not be true, and there's been
         | many popular games written in Java, such as Minecraft or most
         | of the Android games, the stigma still remains and jokes about
         | Java being slow are very popular.
       | lvh wrote:
       | Happy to see new developments here, though FWIW, I've mostly had
       | a good time with JavaFX, especially in Clojure, where there's a
       | neat Reagent-style (a React wrapper) library called cljfx[0].
       | It's true that Oracle has mostly divested here but I'm excited to
       | see what teams like Gluon do with it, especially for mobile
       | development. It's nice (though perhaps a mixed blessing) to be
       | spoiled for choice in Clojure land, since you also have great
       | access to the React Native ecosystem.
       | [0]: https://github.com/cljfx/cljfx
       | vijaybritto wrote:
       | I am a web developer and I'm only used to developing in
       | JavaScript and a complete beginner in Java.
       | I had an idea for a desktop app and wanted to try out something
       | in javafx as that's what google pointed me to. The build setup
       | for java projects seems to be incredibly complex and I don't find
       | any sort beginner friendly tutorials related to javafx that work
       | on windows without any issues. Then I looked at Android
       | development setup and it's even more insane in size and
       | complexity.
       | I think if the entry into java app development was as easier as
       | electron it would be amazing! I get that it's a well mature
       | platform with a massive ecosystem but it needs to be have
       | something like npm or yarn for javascript development.
       | And importantly are there any thin and light JVMs that can be
       | bundled with this? I'm thinking AdoptOpenJDK openJ9. It seems to
       | be well suited for this use case. would it be efficient in the
       | RAM and CPU usage? If not I'm not sure why this would be any good
       | since we can develop stuff much faster with electron at the
       | moment.
       | LandR wrote:
       | > C# would do, too, but it doesn't have Clojure.
       | Do you mean .NET would do too?
         | spacemanmatt wrote:
         | Probably means CLR. And there is technically some Clojure for
         | CLR but it's not as regularly maintained.
           | joppy wrote:
           | Some Clojure libraries have a hard dependency on Java (or
           | JavaScript, in the case of libraries supporting
           | ClojureScript) - Clojure does not cover all use cases. For
           | example, if you want to do anything more complicated than
           | find-all-matches with a regular expression you need to call
           | the underlying Java classes from Clojure. I expect this is
           | probably the biggest obstacle to getting Clojure on CLR
           | working properly: the language is not the issue, the
           | libraries are.
           | harperlee wrote:
           | I have not used CLR but last time someone said here it was
           | abandoned (I know, not what you said!), Alex Miller response
           | was that it was up to date with the JVM version:
           | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21192321
           | Admittedly this was a year ago! Time flies...
             | nlitened wrote:
             | I am pretty sure Clojure is "stable" so nothing changed in
             | the past year.
               | harperlee wrote:
               | This is only incidentally correct (last stable release
               | was June 6, 2019), because clojure is still evolving,
               | just slowly and stably. A new prerelease was announced
               | September 4, 2020 at https://insideclojure.org.
       | mhd wrote:
       | Java had the issue that it was hard to build a consumer desktop
       | app, because Swing etc. were a bit removed from native (L&F,
       | behavior etc.). Those didn't matter as much for desktop apps,
       | which always looked gross. (The issue that they were less usable
       | than the terminal apps they sometimes replaced is another issue)
       | These days, I'm not sure if fixing that is enough. I long for the
       | days when minor UI inconveniences like Borland-ish button icons
       | or that weird Basic thing in the early days of OS X were the
       | worst offenders. Quite often it's _required_ that you deviate
       | from your platform quite a lot, as we've embraced form over
       | function with mobile- and web-like "experiences". Whitespace
       | everywhere, mystery meat navigation and non-conformant widgets
       | and shortcuts that make you long for the skeuomorphic mistakes of
       | the late 90s. Neither Apple nor Microsoft seem to be too much
       | into HIGs these days, and Linux never was.
       | So if this delivers the bricks, what kind of houses would we
       | build with it?
         | quanticle wrote:
         | "Those didn't matter as much for desktop apps, which always
         | looked gross."
         | I don't understand what you mean by this. I don't think desktop
         | apps "look gross" at all. Or did you mean that _Swing_ desktop
         | apps looked gross because they didn 't conform to the native
         | look and feel of the platform they were running on?
           | mhd wrote:
           | Ooops, very bad typo, totally obscuring my whole point, I
           | meant to say "enterprise apps". Where looking good wasn't a
           | selling point.
       | Cloudef wrote:
       | >People crave for native apps. Nobody wants to work from the
       | browser.
       | Ah the irony
         | Cloudef wrote:
         | Not sure why this is getting downvoted, but JVM is just as
         | native as browser is. The jetbrains IDE mentioned in the
         | article is especially very clunky and slow resource hog. In
         | fact so much, that I would actually prefer using electron app
         | over it.
           | kaba0 wrote:
           | Whaat, I would not call intellij unbelievably fast, but it is
           | a resource hog because it does a million thing at once.
           | Compare it to visual studio, which is something that barely
           | works and has inferior auto-complete, etc.
           | An electron app of that complexity would require a
           | supercomputer to even start
             | [deleted]
             | maynman wrote:
             | For sure. In the case of IntelliJ resource usage, you get
             | what you pay for.
           | PedroBatista wrote:
           | Do you have any idea the complexity and amount of stuff
           | Intellij does behind the scenes?
             | Cloudef wrote:
             | The complexity of getting in the way, melting your computer
             | and not allowing you to write single line of code at the
             | end of the day?
       | masa331 wrote:
       | > People crave for native apps. Nobody wants to work from the
       | browser.
       | Some do, some quite the opposite. Me personally i want to have as
       | few desktop apps installed as possible. They are warranted only
       | in few special cases - browser, video & music player, Excel.
       | Other than that there really is no need to have any desktop app
       | nowadays.
       | > Both of them were recording it on a desktop, in a desktop
       | application, while having a call over another desktop
       | application.
       | Yeah this can be easily done from browser also
       | > it's hard to select text, hard to search on a page, hard to
       | have multiple tabs, hard to move data between apps
       | excuse me? It's harder to select text or search text in browser
       | than in desktop apps? What? Text search is one ctrl-f away on ANY
       | web page. Switching between tabs in a browser is alt-num.
       | Desktop apps have no tabs and a lot of times you switch between
       | completely different UIs.
       | Moving data between apps depends completely on the app itself. It
       | either offers some kind of data export or does not. It doesn't
       | have to do anything with desktop apps or web apps in general
       | > For example, you are adding an event to the calendar. You need
       | to lookup an address for the event in the mail, which has a link
       | that opens a browser.
       | Yeah in a web apps you at least have some unique link to it.
       | Linking to something on your local computer in some desktop app
       | isn't even possible
       | > Ability to have multiple windows open at the same time is the
       | desktop's superpower.
       | You know you can have multiple tabs open in one browser right?
       | I like Nikita's articles and if he or anybody prefers desktop
       | over web that's fine. Also the library he is starting - great.
       | But the announcement could really omit the nonsensical
       | comparisons and generalisations of web vs desktop
         | tleb_ wrote:
         | I believe he talks about mobile platforms:
         | > And I've been on both sides. I lived without a desktop for a
         | few weeks once.
         | Mobile platforms, on which selecting and searching text is
         | hard, switching between tabs is slow and multitasking between
         | apps is made complicated by:
         | > By the time you found what you needed and returned to the
         | calendar, it has been unloaded from memory and all context is
         | lost
         | d3nj4l wrote:
         | > > it's hard to select text, hard to search on a page, hard to
         | have multiple tabs, hard to move data between apps
         | > excuse me? It's harder to select text or search text in
         | browser than in desktop apps? What? Text search is one ctrl-f
         | away on ANY web page. Switching between tabs in a browser is
         | alt-num.
         | That is clearly about mobile in contrast to Desktop.
           | masa331 wrote:
           | Ah ok, thanks. This makes more sense now.
           | But on a seconds thought - there are people who really "work"
           | on phone? I just can't do anything serious from phone be it
           | native app or web app. The experience is so much worse for me
           | that it didn't even cross my mind it's about phones.
             | d3nj4l wrote:
             | Not all the incredible, to be honest. Apple has pushed the
             | iPad as a laptop replacement, and that was well before it
             | got the desktop-ish features it has now.
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | What's wrong with Java 2D, Swing, and SWT _specifically_ , rather
       | than being old? Saying that IntelliJ IDEA is the only Swing app
       | that doesn't suck isn't really an argument to fragment the Java
       | desktop space even further when new desktops apps (Java or
       | otherwise) haven't been developed for well over a decade.
         | LoSboccacc wrote:
         | SWT had a lot of weird cross platform quirks which were
         | unbearable to diagnose, it's been 10+ years now so I can't
         | recall all details, but every time I tried under the premise of
         | the better components, as the UI got complex, there was no
         | other solution but escape back to Swing, where the tooling and
         | facilities around where miles better.
         | AshamedCaptain wrote:
         | SWT is not even mentioned, being literally the other big
         | elephant in the room (Eclipse). Grosso modo it does not look
         | like due diligence has been done...
         | Debug_Overload wrote:
         | The author also lumps AWT, Swing and JavaFX together. They're
         | different, and some were created to solve issues others didn't
         | address, and/or improve them (never mind that JavaFX is its own
         | beast, and is quite different from the other two, which are
         | relatively close). But they're all GUI toolkits, and they all
         | suck doesn't make sense.
       | blablabla123 wrote:
       | I really liked Processing [1] It's possible to create practically
       | every thinkable visualization from scratch with surprisingly
       | little design knowledge/programming effort. Not only is it far
       | more intuitive and flexible than d3.js but also it can be
       | directly called as Java program. Apparently the Arduino UI is a
       | fork of its editor. FWIW it's hard to tell that the Arduino IDE
       | is not a native app.
       | [1]
       | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Processing_(programming_langua...
         | suyash wrote:
         | Processing is getting an update Processing 4 and it would be
         | nice if they incorporate this library.
       | dimitar wrote:
       | There are lots of fast, usable JVM gui applications.
       | Some OSS examples:
       | http://www.sweethome3d.com - This one has been the one app I've
       | recommended to people outside the tech bubble! It also focuses on
       | graphics and 3d.. really deserves to be showed off more often
       | http://xmind.net
       | https://dbeaver.com/
       | http://www.mucommander.com/
       | http://www.jedit.org
       | What they have in common is that they are old project - often
       | more than 10 years old and are not on Github. Goes to show how
       | important hype and trendiness is in our industry.
       | edit: fixed formatting
         | jmnicolas wrote:
         | Dbeaver is certainly not fast. It requires several seconds to
         | start on a machine with a Core i5, 32G ram and a NVME SSD!
         | In fact VSCode starts faster.
           | fayten wrote:
           | Start time is not a great measure of overall performance.
           | Also you are comparing two very different types of
           | applications.
           | A text editor that can be extended vs a platform application
           | is the same argument we've been having about vim vs emacs for
           | years.
           | DBeaver is an incredibly powerful application that had
           | allowed me to work in Postgres, Teradata, and Oracle
           | databases for years. Could I do the same kind of work in
           | VSCode? Absolutely not, unless I wanted to build out an
           | entirely new interface on top of VSCode. By the time that
           | work is done it could be equally slow to start up. DBeaver
           | has an absolutely massive feature set tailored for database
           | work and it has to load all those plugins at some point.
           | Another counter point is VSCode with java-lsp could never
           | handle the 300k loc code base we developed on, where intelij
           | and eclipse do just fine. Yes, they startup slowly, but at
           | least they provided meaningful and fast autocomplete without
           | the need to wait for the language sever or VScode to
           | unfreeze.
           | Again these are purely anecdote, but please don't purely
           | judge an application by it's startup time if it saves you
           | time in the end.
             | InfiniteRand wrote:
             | One thing I've noticed is I don't care about start time if
             | I'm going to be in one app for several hours, but if I'm
             | doing a lot of switching between apps, without one app
             | taking my primary focus, I become very sensitive to start-
             | up time.
             | I also think the optimizations for high performance with a
             | relatively small amount of data are fundamentally different
             | than the optimizations for high performance with a very
             | large amount of data, I have not really seen any GUI
             | approach that scales smoothly from small amounts of data to
             | large amounts of data without some complexity on the back-
             | end
             | jmnicolas wrote:
             | I talked about speed not usefulness or features since
             | parent said:
             | > There are lots of fast, usable JVM gui applications.
             | I used VSCode as an example because it's touted as the
             | fastest electron app.
             | Now I have no idea how to benchmark DBeaver once it's
             | running but since my use case is to launch it once in while
             | to run a quick SQL query, startup time is important for me.
             | For years I have said I need a kind of SQL pad: a native
             | app, that launches ultra fast, directly shows me the tables
             | once connected (hide all the complexity of the DB) and let
             | me run some SQL immediately. I guess I'll probably have to
             | scratch my own itch once I find the time.
               | nicoburns wrote:
               | Table Plus has native versions for macOs and windows
               | https://tableplus.com/
               | e12e wrote:
               | I recently came across Beekeeper Studio in a comment here
               | on hn, and I really like it so far.
               | I generally use pgcli for talking to postgres, and I
               | occasionally need sql developer for Oracle - but with Bk
               | i might standardize on it for ms sql server, postgres and
               | sqlite.
               | It's foss and electron. That it's snappier than sql
               | developerto start isn't saying much... I guess.
               | https://www.beekeeperstudio.io/
               | https://github.com/beekeeper-studio/beekeeper-studio
               | https://www.pgcli.com/
               | I tried ms azure data studio or what it's called, and I
               | think Beekeeper is a good alternative. It doesn't do all
               | that sql server mgmt studio does - but then it also
               | doesn't need to run in a windows vm..
               | fayten wrote:
               | A co-worker that lived in his terminal used jsqsh[1] for
               | simple queries to an Oracle DB when he did not need
               | DBeaver. Jsqsh appears to no longer be maintained and I'm
               | not quite sure how fast it is, but it still might be
               | worth looking into. There is also usql[2] that you might
               | be able to build something on top of.
               | [1]https://github.com/scgray/jsqsh
               | [2]https://github.com/xo/usql
         | bballer wrote:
         | The JetBrains suite (ie IntelliJ, Datagrip etc) while not open
         | source, are a testament to what can be done with JVM based GUI
         | applications.
         | Have you ever used the merge tools? So dang cool.
           | orybak wrote:
           | IDEA Community edition is opensource:
           | https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community
           | scaladev wrote:
           | https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community
           | anentropic wrote:
           | The JetBrains merge tools are the best ones I've found!
           | I have it configured as my git mergetool
           | The only problem is it takes absolutely ages to start up,
           | which is maybe a JVM thing
           | I wish there was a way to have git pass all of the
           | conflicting files in a merge to the mergetool at once.
           | Instead of having to wait for JetBrains to load up for each
           | individual file and close after each one :(
             | chrisseaton wrote:
             | > I have it configured as my git mergetool
             | How are you doing this? I haven't seen any merge tool, let
             | alone a standalone one, in the JetBrains toolbox. What am I
             | missing?
               | cataphract wrote:
               | You invoke it with "idea.sh merge <left> <right> <base>
               | <out>". TBH, I don't think it's anything special; I've
               | been using p4merge for years.
               | anentropic wrote:
               | By the steps here
               | https://stackoverflow.com/a/47712453/202168
             | thu2111 wrote:
             | JVM apps can start in <100 msec, and IDEA has a 'lite' mode
             | now where it's more like a text editor. That starts very
             | fast.
             | IDEA is slow(ish) to start because it's an IDE so it's
             | loading tons of plugins, a project database etc. Though
             | actually recent versions only take a few seconds on my
             | admittedly high end MacBook.
               | CountHackulus wrote:
               | There's also some AOT options for the JVM to get a faster
               | startup, along with -Xquickstart. I definitely agree with
               | the "you're loading an entire IDE" statement.
               | anentropic wrote:
               | I wish I could launch just the diff interface without all
               | those plugins then
               | TBH I never got on with PyCharm and still use Sublime
               | Text... but I keep PyCharm installed just for the
               | mergetool!
             | funcDropShadow wrote:
             | I do it the other way around, I let git write the default
             | conflicting files. And then switch to IntelliJ, press
             | Ctrl-a and type "resolve", press enter. And voila I am in
             | IntelliJ's git resolution windows where each conflicting
             | file is listed.
           | ubercow13 wrote:
           | IDEA still has a horrible GUI in my opinion. All sorts of
           | weird subtle bugs relating to the very fundamental UI
           | interactions that make the whole experience very frustrating.
           | The main one I remember is that certain buttons in the UI are
           | simply unreliable - depending on what processing is going on
           | (sometimes if nothing heavy is being processed), certain
           | buttons in the UI will not respond when clicked. I used IDEA
           | for years and very often had to click a button 4-5 times
           | until it would activate, especially while using the debugger.
           | If the UI toolkit can't get a button right, it is completely
           | broken IMO. Even including intelliJ products, I have never
           | used a Java GUI which was good.
             | twic wrote:
             | The stop/run button in the Run pane often doesn't work for
             | me - i mouse over, it doesn't highlight, and clicking it
             | does nothing. Minimise and maximise the pane, and it works
             | fine.
             | whizzter wrote:
             | Sounds more like an IDEA bug rather than a Swing bug. I've
             | implemented an editing tool (realtime video generation
             | parameter editing w/ feedback from the generator) that
             | really has a lot of issues.
             | Part of them because i didn't fully understand Swing when i
             | began the project and partly because synchronizing GUI's to
             | another live process is a quite error prone task.
             | A debugger process is almost certainly not living in the
             | same thread as the Swing UI of IDEA so this almost surely
             | more of a thread synchroniztion issue rather than Swing
             | issue. (You really don't watch to do any cross-thread
             | touching with Swing apart from for a very limited set of
             | components built for this).
               | ubercow13 wrote:
               | Yes it's certainly something to do with threads. Still
               | the way it manifests is weird. For example sometimes in
               | apps like Chrome or Firefox the tab bar will freeze
               | momentarily while the UI is hung waiting for something,
               | however if you click something like a tab close button
               | during this period your click will be processed once the
               | UI un-hangs.
               | In intelliJ it was like whenever the UI was not
               | immediately responding to mouse events, it would often
               | just lose the event instead of it being correctly
               | processed once the UI thread was freed up.
               | whizzter wrote:
               | Chrome/FF in this case has an UI thread that becomes
               | unresponsive for whatever reason and doesn't empty it's
               | message-queue (that contains the mouse/keyboard/etc
               | events).
               | In the case of IntelliJ there is probably some of their
               | code accepting the event and then probably has some ad-
               | hoc message passing by setting a field that is polled by
               | the receiver thread under the assumption that the
               | receiver always runs faster than a human can act, however
               | as soon as that assumption is broken by some pause you
               | get what you describe.
             | chinhodado wrote:
             | I've never experienced anything like that in IntelliJ, and
             | I've used it everyday for years now. Granted there are bugs
             | especially around big releases, but I've never seen any UI
             | bug like you described. Everything is always smooth and
             | responsive.
               | ubercow13 wrote:
               | I just fired it up to see and it's still kind of there.
               | For example when loading a project, there's a popup
               | progress bar and the UI kind of janks around while it's
               | loading. If you click anything in the UI while that's
               | happening like a menu, the event is lost.
               | OK - it's loading so that's not unexpected. However my
               | previous experience was that the same thing would happen
               | to the UI at all sorts of surprising moments when other
               | processes were ongoing, such as linting or using the
               | debugger. Kind of hard to reproduce without a large
               | project at hand though.
               | Then I had to stop testing and SIGKILL it because the
               | whole application got into an infinite loop of NPEs in
               | the UI event loop of all places!
               | I too experienced using intelliJ for many years and this
               | seems largely in line with what I remember.
           | vijaybritto wrote:
           | Most of the hate towards electron is only because of its
           | resource usage problems and not because of its capabilities.
           | Vscode is it's testament for capabilities. Jetbrains suite is
           | great but they're not resource efficient in any way!
           | If the JVM based apps do not yield a significant performance
           | benefit then there is no point in going after that.
             | levosmetalo wrote:
             | It's not only resource usage, but performance in general. I
             | can feel lagging when typing slowly in VSCode editor, even
             | in plain text files without even trying autocomplete or any
             | IDE feature. IntelliJ IDEA doesn't have any lag, Eclipse
             | too, and both offer more IDE capabilities than VSCode.
             | dathinab wrote:
             | And the DOM, and the size overhead and it's JS/TS and some
             | other parts from dev (i.e. not user) perspective.
             | Through tbh. I don't see much reason to spend time for a
             | Java UI framework, Java for desktop is just kinda annoying
             | and somewhat even more dead then Java for servers (which
             | isn't really dead tbh).
             | Through I guess idea/Intellij would love to replace the low
             | level parts with something which works more reliable.
               | vijaybritto wrote:
               | Yeah the reasons for choosing JS/TS don't have to be
               | stated from developers' perspective because its the goto
               | tool for new products nowadays.
               | Also I don't think the desktop app market for java is
               | small in any way. But if there's no difference between
               | electron and JVM UIs then there is no incentive for teams
               | to switch.
               | funcDropShadow wrote:
               | But what about the teams coming from classical desktop
               | application development. Perhaps they don't want to
               | switch to Electron-based web development.
             | barnacled wrote:
             | The article covered another factor:
             | >The second is the DOM. It is a horrible collection of
             | hacks that make simple things hard and hard things
             | impossible. I have thought many times "if only was I
             | drawing this control/layout directly, I would've finished
             | hours ago."
             | As a user of electron apps there are clearly limitations on
             | what the UI can do as a result and the style of rendering
             | it is clearly webish.
             | Another issue I keep on seeing with web based apps, moreso
             | on android, is they seem utterly incapable of dealing with
             | the slightest network non-connectivity. The UI tends to
             | freeze.
             | I do take your point entirely on the fact that perhaps
             | java's inherent performance limitations might result in a
             | fairly comparable poor experience however.
           | maynman wrote:
           | I use IntelliJ for work every day and I agree, so many of its
           | features make work so much better.
           | dathinab wrote:
           | Yes, but they are also an example of why people don't like
           | Java UIs.
           | I.e. the amount of UI problems you have with it when using a
           | tiling wm or wayland (or both) are just sad and make it
           | unusable. Other widely used UI's might also have problems but
           | at least are somewhat usable under wayland and/or tiling wm.
           | Ironically many of this problems go back/are rooted in to
           | AWT...
           | In the past Intellij did work if started directly by x
           | (without a wm) which was pretty cool for some very very neach
           | use cases, but sadly (through reasonably) this isn't the case
           | anymore.
             | wtetzner wrote:
             | Just out of curiosity, what issues do you run into using
             | them in a tiling WM?
               | dathinab wrote:
               | Context menues not being at the right position, directly
               | closing after opening (so fast that you can't really see
               | it) as well as menu items sometimes not being selectable.
               | Especially the quick command/search menues doesn't work
               | at all and context menues sometimes don't work either.
               | (Edit: And context/popup menues not working is _the_ main
               | theme of problems with Java GUIs, hence my parent post,
               | also setting the  "magic" no-reparenting env variable
               | doesn't fix it)
               | _bin wrote:
               | I can second these issues using i3 and arch. I've had
               | subtle issues like these in Ghidra and when I once tried
               | Armitage (I wanted the Hail Mary feature), it was so
               | messy I've never used it since.
           | fnord123 wrote:
           | Skija (the graphics library in TFA) is in the JetBrains
           | organiation... https://github.com/JetBrains/skija/
         | anthk wrote:
         | >There are lots of fast, usable JVM gui applications.
         | Debatible, argueable.
         | darkwater wrote:
         | Big plus for SweetHome 3d, I designed my new bathroom with it
         | (nothing fancy, just some render to get the idea of how various
         | options could look like, but given how bad I am at those things
         | it was a great success!)
         | tealpod wrote:
         | Tealpod Image Compresssor for MacOs is built using JavaFX.
         | https://www.tealpod.com/compressor/ Windows version is built
         | using .NET, C#.
           | wtetzner wrote:
           | Interesting that they have two versions, when the JavaFX
           | version should be cross-platform. Is it because they built
           | the .NET version first?
         | 0x445442 wrote:
         | mucommander is on Github
         | rodamaral wrote:
         | Dbeaver is really ugly, though. To the point of being unusable
         | due to aesthetics, like many Java apps.
           | nevertoolate wrote:
           | How aesthetics make it unusable?
       | loxs wrote:
       | The main reason (JVM apps are not more popular) is that the
       | average JVM desktop app does not perform better (or use less
       | resources) than the average Electron app. I know this is not
       | supposed to be that way, but one way or the other, it is. On top
       | of this the web UI developer community is orders of magnitude
       | larger.
         | eythian wrote:
         | I don't think that's really true. Years ago, I maintained a
         | Java desktop application, using SWT as the graphics library
         | (not even mentioned by the post author which is weird.) It
         | wasn't a big application, but also not stupidly trivial. It
         | would start fast, run fast, and didn't need much RAM at all.
         | There are of course examples of slow, heavy java applications,
         | but I don't think it has to be that way. I'm not totally sure
         | what I did differently aside from consider my dependencies
         | (e.g. using a lightweight dependency injection framework rather
         | than something like Spring), but it's definitely not a given
         | that Java desktop applications have to use a bucketload of RAM.
           | loxs wrote:
           | Of course it's not "really" true and of course it's not
           | "given"... it's just the sentiment. And the sentiment affects
           | decision making a lot.
         | suyash wrote:
         | Java is way faster than JavaScript and the benefits of Java
         | ecosystem including libraries puts it above electron. Native >
         | Web for UX.
       | munro wrote:
       | > Patience, I think. We are so used to things we can hack
       | together in a week, nobody is thinking in terms of years. And
       | good UI requires years of work. It's a big commitment.
       | Lol what? After years, Apple is already on to the next user
       | interface. All the "good UI" happens in Figma, you're just
       | programming it, hopefully fast & without bugs, what is taking so
       | long? And as a fellow programmer, no thanks, I would not like to
       | spend years developing a UI that could be done in weeks.
       | We had an engineer that said it was going to take 3 months to add
       | a sticky header to the site, because he needed to do it "right",
       | using his home grown state machine library on Github with 3
       | stars. He was shortly let go.
         | vonnieda wrote:
         | The author is referring to writing a UI library, not writing an
         | application or UI using an existing UI library.
           | munro wrote:
           | Yea I hope so, I can see how you're interpreting it like
           | that. It's really hard to comprehend the true meaning, the
           | more I reread it.
       | grandinj wrote:
       | We build all our desktop products using Swing, and it works
       | pretty well. Looks pretty native (if you want it to), is
       | thoroughly battle-tested, reasonably performant, and has a
       | bazillion open-source extras floating around (of varying
       | quality).
       | If you need 3d, we drop into OpenGL and use that (e.g. when
       | integrating WorldWind).
       | Sometimes I feel bad about how easy it is to write desktop UIs in
       | Java - the API is stable, nobody keeps changing it under me, I
       | don't have to wonder what Microsoft is pushing this year, it is
       | (mostly) easy to debug, has open source forms designers
       | (Netbeans), etc, etc.
         | swiley wrote:
         | You would have thought after 40 years there would be some
         | standard GUI toolkit all the major OSes would adopt but stuff
         | like swing, html, and TCL/tk are all we have...
         | and of course vt100 escape sequences for some reason.
           | barnacled wrote:
           | I guess not globally adopted but Qt to me is a pretty
           | workable cross platform solution, nicely performant and
           | reasonably easy to work with with great community support and
           | problem googleability as well as pretty damn nice docs.
             | ta988 wrote:
             | Unfortunately not easily usable with the JDK...
               | bmn__ wrote:
               | https://github.com/tilialabs/qtjambi5 exists.
           | coldtea wrote:
           | Well, the idea between "major OSes" is that they try/do/offer
           | different things. And the UI is large part of that. If they
           | all have adopted the same, we might as well use a single OS.
           | That said, there should have been one, good, cross platform
           | GUI toolking, and Qt, for various reasons, isn't it. The best
           | we have is Electron...
           | CyberDildonics wrote:
           | > stuff like swing, html, and TCL/tk are all we have...
           | They are all you have if you don't know about FLTK, QT, Juce,
           | GTK, wxWidgets and many others.
           | mmm_grayons wrote:
           | I think an option could be GPU-accelerated drawing. It won't
           | look native, but one can create a UI that performs well on
           | just about any platform. Vulkan greatly improves the
           | portability of such applications (compared to the OpenGL vs.
           | OpenGL ES mess), and Skia has a nice set of primitives on
           | which one could build.
           | It's also worth pointing out that creating a cross-platform
           | API is better for new players than for entrenched ones.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | You're just inventing your own toolkit, which is going to
             | end in tears for everyone since you will have to recreate
             | every component from scratch, rediscover all the
             | interesting edge cases thereof, fail to reimplement some
             | expected behaviors (triple-click text selection, drag-
             | scroll, whatever), and break every accessibility tool in
             | the process.
               | zepto wrote:
               | This is exactly what the linked article is proposing.
         | ptx wrote:
         | My issue with Swing is the glitchy-looking result, the opposite
         | of Wayland's "every frame is perfect" motto. When I tell Swing
         | to display a simple window with some simple widgets, Swing will
         | 1. First display the windows in some random place on the
         | screen,
         | 2. Then move it to the position I actually specified.
         | 3. Draw all the widgets with a slightly wonky layout,
         | 4. Then erase all the widgets and redraw them with the correct
         | layout.
         | This happens in every Swing app I've ever used when you open a
         | new window, even IntelliJ. (The moving window position is not
         | always observable.)
         | hutzlibu wrote:
         | Well, the author did not say, Swing etc. does not work. But
         | that it is incredibly hard to make a UI with it, that looks
         | good and is performant. And this matches my experience with
         | java 10+ years ago, when I tried it out and left in horror ...
         | for: flash.
         | (Flash had many, many drawbacks: proprietary, security, ... but
         | it was really easy, to make something nice looking, that also
         | run smooth - it was designed for that and later taken to higher
         | level with flex)
           | grandinj wrote:
           | Yeah, your mileage may vary.
           | I was writing UIs in Swing 10 years ago, and we managed fine
           | even back then, but our target customer is technical people
           | so maybe our definition of "looks good" is somewhat easier.
             | ksec wrote:
             | I remember how horrible Swing was 10+ years ago I ran to
             | SWT. Along with GCJ trying to compile everything into
             | native executable.
             | And even SWT was far from perfect. It is one of those thing
             | you can immediately tell by its looks, SWT, Swing, Linux,
             | Mac , Windows. While the looks has been vastly improved, it
             | still remain mostly true today.
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | "so maybe our definition of "looks good" is somewhat
             | easier."
             | Yup, there is the difference. My target audience are common
             | people, so I have to care more.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | You really don't. I interact with "common people" every
               | single day and they couldn't give less of a shit how the
               | UI looks as long as they can do their job or whatever it
               | is they need the program for.
               | The people who care about "looks good" are managers and
               | designers because they never actually have to use the
               | damned thing.
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | Depends, if you have people needing to do a (unpleasant)
               | job, sure, they also care more about functionality, than
               | form. Nobody cares about a smooth animation, if he cannot
               | get his job done.
               | But given the choice, they prefer the better looking one.
               | In consumer facing apps much more. Especially younger
               | people, used to shiny websites/html point out quickly,
               | how ugly something looks. And then not use it.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | > In consumer facing apps much more. Especially younger
               | people, used to shiny websites/html point out quickly,
               | how ugly something looks. And then not use it.
               | As far as I can tell, this is a narrative that only
               | exists in the heads of people who never have to use the
               | thing they are insisting "look good". Sales people,
               | managers, developers, etc.
               | I will accept that I'm wrong when I either experience it
               | in the real world for myself or see some actual evidence.
               | ywei3410 wrote:
               | Anecdotally, a significant number of recent criticisms
               | towards Emacs and vim are that they're ugly compared to
               | VS code -- that seems to be a solid counterpoint to your
               | argument that among users, aesthetics don't matter.
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | "I will accept that I'm wrong when I either experience it
               | in the real world"
               | Well, here in the real world, (because of the need of
               | Windows) I just recently started to use Notepad++ again.
               | It really pains me to do so. The only way to tolerate it,
               | is by removing all UI and only keeping the text. But even
               | then some ugly, contrast breaking window pops up, when I
               | use search etc.
               | So I will likely switch to sublime text (even though I
               | only have to work on windows sometimes). Simply because
               | of aesthetics I choose a solution nicer for my eyes, when
               | I have the choice, which I do.
               | JackFr wrote:
               | There is a certain level of professionalism your UI has
               | to reach for people to trust it. If your product looks
               | sketchy, people will treat it as a sketchy product. And
               | if you lock into a look and feel that is 10 years old,
               | people may use your product but they're going to be
               | surprised if it behaves in the most up to date fashion.
               | 0x445442 wrote:
               | One of the best examples of this are old POS systems,
               | which are mostly ncurses type applications. The people
               | that use these fly around the interface so efficiently
               | and are very productive.
               | thequux wrote:
               | Most of those old POS systems were actually either 3270
               | or (more likely) 5250 applications; i.e., block mode
               | terminals instead of character mode terminals. While the
               | difference between block mode and character mode
               | terminals is a fundamental technical difference, that
               | difference impacts the UI in two major ways: 1) Most
               | interaction is local, and therefore quick. All of the
               | editing, jumping between fields, and even basic
               | validation happened on the terminal itself. It was only
               | when you submitted your changes or loaded a new screen
               | that the server would even get involved (much like a web
               | form without Javascript); therefore, even in an
               | installation with a lot of active terminals, these green
               | screen applications would be incredibly responsive. 2)
               | Every screen and application had exactly the same user
               | interface. Even function keys were mostly standardized
               | (ever wonder where F1=Help came from?), so what you
               | learned in one place in the UI would trivially generalize
               | to everywhere else in the UI.
               | 0x445442 wrote:
               | > Every screen and application had exactly the same user
               | interface.
               | IMO this is an extremely important idea and where I think
               | the modern GUI went off the rails. I also, think it's
               | gotten much worse with web applications.
               | I agree with the Raskins' that the fundamental issue with
               | modern HCIs are applications. A common UI context in
               | which to run commands would be more preferable in most
               | use cases. I'm thinking of some mashup of the normal
               | social media timeline with Emacs M-X functionality to run
               | commands.
               | formerly_proven wrote:
               | Well many of these do come with their own specialty
               | keyboards, so there's that. The display is really just a
               | display for these: all buttons are actual physical
               | single-purpose buttons. No mouse.
               | breakfastduck wrote:
               | The people who care about "looks good" are also usually
               | decision makers and funders, so yes, it does matter -
               | regardless of your opinion on whether it should or
               | shouldn't.
               | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
               | If we're talking about appeasing the bullshit gods, sure,
               | there might be something to that but my experience is
               | that they talk about "looks good" a lot but when push
               | comes to shove they'd rather have something that works.
               | Case in point: people still use Windows, and I've never
               | had anyone tell me it's because it looks good.
               | breakfastduck wrote:
               | Certainly a good counterpoint! Now that I think of it,
               | I've never heard a single person tell me they use Windows
               | because of good looking UI!
               | Unfortunately the bullshit gods usually have more
               | influence than should be allowed. But making something
               | 'look good' in a sprint demo where the CEO is present
               | potentially releases a lot of pressure and gives the team
               | _more time_ to build something that works.
           | vbezhenar wrote:
           | When I wanted to write application, I used Swing and I didn't
           | find it horrible. Quite the opposite. I didn't care about the
           | looks, though, it was not a major concern. That was before
           | Java 8. I could imagine that writing callbacks would be even
           | easier with lambdas.
           | When people don't laugh at Electron applications, I don't
           | know what could be wrong with Swing. Nobody cares about
           | native toolkits anymore (what is native toolkit for Windows
           | or Linux?).
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | Yeah well, " I didn't care about the looks, though, it was
             | not a major concern"
             | There is the difference. This post is for people who do
             | care about the looks. (or do care, that their users care)
             | Some users don't care, which is fine to serve them, what
             | they want, but most actually do.
             | "When people don't laugh at Electron applications, I don't
             | know what could be wrong with Swing"
             | People do not laugh at electron apps, because they use html
             | which is designed for good looking. In other words, usually
             | much better looking. It is just not performant, unless you
             | use native modules etc.
             | And native toolkits are still a thing. Gtk for linux for
             | example.
             | Personally I also care about the looks, but I prefer
             | function over form, meaning I want a functioning app first
             | and secondly it should look good. But I like to have both.
               | galaxyLogic wrote:
               | > I want a functioning app first and secondly it should
               | look good
               | One thing to keep in mind is that you want a functioning
               | app first with less than great GUI but then you also want
               | an app that is "skinnable" in other words it should be
               | easy to replace the look and feel without having to touch
               | the application code. CSS-stylesheets attempt to
               | accomplish that.
               | sime2009 wrote:
               | > And native toolkits are still a thing. Gtk for linux
               | for example.
               | You mean Qt?
               | _bin wrote:
               | I don't know why you got down-modded so much. There is no
               | official "native" toolkit for Linux; Qt is just as native
               | as GTK.
               | panta wrote:
               | gtk is not native (there are no native widgets on X
               | Window System & family)
               | ptx wrote:
               | It's native to a user's desktop full of Gtk programs.
               | If there were a complete Swing desktop environment, Swing
               | apps would be native to that environment. But even Sun's
               | Java Desktop System was based on GNOME.
               | thu2111 wrote:
               | HTML isn't designed for good looking. The default
               | stylesheet for HTML is impossibly ugly. Heck look at HN,
               | hardly a thing of beauty.
               | However, most people do a lot of work to make web sites
               | and apps attractive. You can do that work with Swing or
               | JavaFX too. I've done it before, it was fine, I ended up
               | with a modern web-ish feel to the UI.
               | hutzlibu wrote:
               | By now, html is totally designed to be good looking. Look
               | at all the amount of work, that went into CSS and co.
               | Things that cost me a line in CSS, like text-shadow,
               | probably would require me to implement a shader libary in
               | swing.
         | abraae wrote:
         | Funny. We just built it new platform in gwt. It's an
         | unashamedly retro approach but there's a lot to be said from
         | using Java on the front end as well as the back. Productivity
         | was really high.
         | splittingTimes wrote:
         | Indeed. JavaFx is not to slow to build RealWorld GUI Desktop
         | Apps. Here is an example of a Desktop CAD/CAM Application for
         | Digital Dentistry written in Java using JavaFx and OpenGL. It
         | is smooth and performant, otherwise noone would use it.
         | https://youtu.be/36dWOXyQWmo?t=124
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | Do you plan on trying JavaFX?
           | grandinj wrote:
           | Sigh. I had such high hopes for it, and then Oracle abandoned
           | it.
           | But we are trying it, and opinions (internal to my company)
           | are varied. Some people like it, but I don't. Because (a) it
           | has missing functionality here and there (b) it still has a
           | long road to go to become battle-hardened (c) I don't see any
           | of the current supporters having deep enough pockets to fix
           | (a) and (b)
           | So we're taking a mostly wait-and-see attitude.
           | But we have an existing deep and wide investment in Swing in
           | our products, so our risk profile is probably somewhat
           | different to yours.
             | apta wrote:
             | > Sigh. I had such high hopes for it, and then Oracle
             | abandoned it.
             | As far as I'm aware, it was only pulled from the JVM into a
             | separate dependency, as did several other components, in
             | order to keep the JVM slim. Are you saying development on
             | it stopped altogether?
               | grandinj wrote:
               | Oracle has mostly disbanded the team that was working on
               | it, leaving only one or two staff to manage community
               | contributions.
               | There are however, a couple of small companies, and some
               | individuals using it, and providing contributions.
               | fayten wrote:
               | Javafx is very much alive at: https://openjfx.io/
               | Gluon also provides builds for LTS and latest here:
               | https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/
               | usrusr wrote:
               | Sometimes a setup like that is the best setup possible,
               | no ambitious team trying to make their mark by replacing
               | something that doesn't require replacing or that they
               | can't replace well enough. I doubt that JavaFX would have
               | more impact if they put a team of dozens on it (or,
               | shudder, hundreds) but they would surely make life harder
               | for those who still build on FX. A larger team might have
               | already declared javaFX dead entirely, urging everyone to
               | port to some exciting new javaFY and losing many of the
               | remaining users in the process, without attracting any
               | new ones. Arguably Swing to FX was already a bit like
               | that.
               | vips7L wrote:
               | As far as I know Gluon has taken over the development of
               | JavaFX.
               | cmiles74 wrote:
               | It's not easy to get JavaFX working for development and
               | it's tricky to get it bundled properly for deployment. I
               | can see why they wanted to split out big parts of Java
               | but I think it does discourage developers from using the
               | library.
         | cashewchoo wrote:
         | I have a long history with Swing and as painful as it is to use
         | sometimes (e.g. "There are Swing developers with _low_ pain
         | tolerances? ") it's astonishing how _productive_ Swing feels
         | compared to React even so many years later. Maybe I 'm just
         | warped but GridBagLayout, while containing a certain base level
         | of frustration, is O(1) for frustration. Whereas CSS are
         | absolutely O(n) or worse. One of the best feelings in the world
         | is replacing a complicated nesting of buggy BorderLayouts et al
         | with one nice (slightly verbose) GridBagLayout that actually
         | works.
         | In my imaginary company that I own where we all run linux
         | laptops that are managed by puppet or something, I think we
         | might make a strong case for building many internal tools in
         | Swing.
         | The biggest hurdle I see nowadays to using Swing is all about
         | distribution: both of the jvm and the program. Imo that's
         | really where the web won - certainly not because of its dev
         | productivity. So it's definitely a no-go for your actual
         | software product.... but for internal tools where you have a
         | lot more leverage over the environment, I think it looks
         | extremely attractive.
         | Regarding JavaFX... Honestly, I really like it. I have a
         | personal project that was originally in Swing and I ported it
         | to JavaFX because HiDPI is in a lot better shape there (though
         | I think Swing has since figured it out?). And it's a lot better
         | in many ways. I love-love-love using SceneBuilder for designing
         | the view layer and the Observable pattern, I think, yields a
         | lot of nice QOL/verbosity-reducing things.
         | That said, I think it did have a slightly higher O() for
         | frustration than Swing's O(1). And I think the community, as a
         | whole, just understands it less (less prior art etc).
         | So if someone said "build a usable high-quality GUI asap or you
         | die" to me, I'd go to Swing immediately.
           | spelunker wrote:
           | GridBagLayout... haven't heard that one in a while. After
           | dealing with CSS madness for years perhaps I should give it a
           | try again.
           | FollowSteph3 wrote:
           | For distribution check out Install4J
           | specialist wrote:
           | My buddy worked on a niche volumetric (voxel) renderer for
           | ages. I helped with some of the OpenGL bindings and plumbing.
           | Java Web Start (JNLP) worked great. It just worked. His
           | customers loved him.
           | I've always wondered why something like desktop JNLP didn't
           | happen.
             | gorjusborg wrote:
             | I owned development of a JNLP app around a decade ago.
             | JNLP did a good job of solving the app distribution/update
             | problem, but required that you already had the JRE
             | installed. Not too much different from assuming a browser
             | is installed, but I found it much less likely that a user
             | would take the initiative to install a JRE than a browser.
             | They just don't understand what they are doing or why in
             | the case of the language runtime.
             | That said, it did work very well, in my experience.
               | monknomo wrote:
               | I'll echo this. I owned a jnlp app, and most of the
               | support we had was around walking people through
               | installing a sufficiently correct jre. Not always easy to
               | do that
               | coliveira wrote:
               | Why apps don't just install a copy of the JRE (I believe
               | it is redistributable).
               | nitrogen wrote:
               | When I was developing a Swing app, I ended up just
               | distributing an NSIS installer that would automatically
               | download and run the JRE installer if Java was old or
               | missing, for that reason.
             | oezi wrote:
             | It failed because,...
             | A.) ...they never figured out a good/unobtrusive update
             | process for the JVM itself.
             | B.)...Sun faltered when they picked up steam. (Remember
             | when IBM threw 1 billion USD at writing Eclipse in Java?)
               | cocoa19 wrote:
               | And Eclipse was hands down the best tool for Java
               | development... Until it was left to rot, and JetBrains
               | came along.
             | goatinaboat wrote:
             | _I 've always wondered why something like desktop JNLP
             | didn't happen._
             | Wasn't that Marimba/Castanet?
             | https://www.wired.com/1996/11/es-marimba/
           | jfim wrote:
           | I'd strongly recommend looking at miglayout [0] if you have
           | to do another UI in Swing (haven't tried it with JFX). It's
           | pretty much the best layout library I've seen, bar none, for
           | developing UIs in Swing. You can think of it of GridBagLayout
           | on steroids, and it even handles things like reordering
           | buttons on a per platform basis (eg. Ok and Cancel on a
           | dialog are in Ok/Cancel order on Windows, Cancel/Ok on Mac).
           | [0] http://miglayout.com
           | manishsharan wrote:
           | Ahh ! Gridbaglayout! I hated it so much ! Then I had to work
           | with CSS and JS and I began to realize the genius of the
           | Gridbaglayout!
           | mmm_grayons wrote:
           | > I think swing has since figured [HiDPI] out
           | I hear Java GUI has supposedly gotten better, but all of the
           | Java GUI apps I see look awful. For instance, try telling
           | that to Ghidra and it's butt-ugly text that shows up super
           | thin on my hidpi display. I like Ghidra, but for a graphical
           | RE tool, Cutter is so much prettier with its QT interface. Of
           | course, r2 is great and works from CLI.
             | spullara wrote:
             | JetBrains products are all Java GUI apps and people love
             | them. Depends on the team building it more than the
             | technology.
               | naikrovek wrote:
               | But they're ugly and impossible to use, for some of us.
               | Just awful and horrible UI and flow... I simply do not
               | get the love for IntelliJ _anything_.
               | patrec wrote:
               | I say that some who likes Jetbrains and buys their
               | products:
               | No one in his right mind loves the UI of Jetbrains Apps
               | and the Linux experience has always been a between a
               | shitshow unless you were using Gnome or KDE. Because
               | Swing does not implement the XWindows protocol properly.
               | So yeah, a great team can still make a functional app
               | with terrible GUI technology -- but there is a world of a
               | difference to something that's really polished, fast and
               | enjoyable to use.
               | ClumsyPilot wrote:
               | I think IntelliJ has the best UI of all IDEs I've seen,
               | it sure as hell beats Visual Studio (the paid one), it
               | beats Netbeans, Eclipse.. What else?
               | VsCode and atom are simpler, but they just don't provide
               | UI, for many setting you have to go to config files, and
               | some functionality is missing outright.
               | Can you think of an IDE with better UX?
               | ptx wrote:
               | We love IntelliJ _despite_ Swing because its other
               | qualities make up for the slightly off-looking Swing font
               | rendering, the glitching Swing layout redrawing and the
               | glitching Swing window focus. Also, the menu bar in
               | IntelliJ was reimplemented from scratch to make it work
               | properly - the Swing menu bar would have been unusable
               | with submenus.
             | scns wrote:
             | Take a look at Bitwig
           | monknomo wrote:
           | I am right there with you on gridbaglayout. And tools like
           | WindowBuilder make it so fast to generate basically
           | acceptable guis
             | naikrovek wrote:
             | "basically acceptable" is such a low bar.
           | Rebelgecko wrote:
           | JavaFX also has much better emoji support IIRC
         | alzoid wrote:
         | I feel the same way. I was writing a desktop Windows/Mac app
         | using swing 10 years ago. The look and feel that came out of
         | the box was fine. At first it was metal. It was a light blue
         | with gradients to white on the buttons. Then they came out with
         | Nimbus - I think that one was based on SVG or something
         | similar.
         | No client complained about either of those. And at the end of
         | the day you could always call a method to get the platform look
         | and feel and it could look like Windows or Mac OS. I had a menu
         | to change this in the app itself.
         | I never found the UI development hard. I was hand coding it in
         | the beginning. I thought the Layouts were pretty straight
         | forward (except grid bag which I never used). Eventually
         | NetBeans had a decent UI designer and I used that.
         | I think the sloppy or slow UI's came from developers who never
         | took advantage of the Observable / MVC aspects of the UI
         | components.
         | specialist wrote:
         | Swing is mostly fine. Ideologically, it's cousins with Qt.
         | I don't think Swing's MVC strategy worked out. It was worth
         | trying. But maybe 40%-50% of the framework could be safely
         | removed.
         | Some kind of DSL would be nice. JavaFX ain't it. In my own
         | noodling, Swing's UI component hierarchy needed to be
         | refactored to be fully composable. By the time I created enough
         | shims to make Swing truly composable, I wish I'd started from
         | scratch. (I haven't done Swing work in ages, so maybe this
         | happened.)
         | An event loop is the biggest thing missing from Swing and other
         | UI toolkits of that era. Meaning all modifications are handled
         | by the framework, no client code (or non event loop threads)
         | can modify the UI. My bestie George Smith's Juipeter (?) took
         | the Win32 API approach, preserving the Swing API and all
         | dispatch was handled under the hood. This is kinda how a
         | browser's event loop is implemented. I much prefer an exposed
         | event loop and Command objects. (It's easier to stepwise debug.
         | Every desktop app I've ever created also had Undo/Redo; so
         | you're gonna do Command objects one way or another.) And then
         | make the framework pretty with some kind of DSL over the top.
         | Sadly, though inspired, I think Swing's LookAndFeel plumbing
         | proved unnecessary. Sun believed everyone who said it mattered.
         | Maybe it did for a while. But the world moved on. I still have
         | no firm opinions on how I'd make an app reskinnable. (I should
         | probably look to see what Qt's doing these days.)
         | Edit: I didn't mention AWT/Swing layout managers. Just peeked
         | at Google/JetBrains Compose. Meh. I like that it uses Kotlin;
         | less syntactic vinegar than Java. Alas, Compose repeats the
         | mistake of not separating out the layout code. After doing way
         | too much layout code -- some Australians did a hysterical
         | GridBagLayout rage meme video, back in the day -- The Correct
         | Answer[tm] is custom layout managers. Still include some stock
         | managers in the JDK. And make the layout hooks API easier to
         | implement and debug.
           | R0b0t1 wrote:
           | >Sadly, though inspired, I think Swing's LookAndFeel plumbing
           | proved unnecessary. Sun believed everyone who said it
           | mattered. It maybe it did for a while. But the world moved
           | on. I still have no firm opinions on how I'd make an app
           | reskinnable. (I should probably look to see what Qt's doing
           | these days.)
           | Well, if they didn't bake LookAndFeel in from the start, all
           | of the work would fall on the application developer to manage
           | these things. Having had to look into doing this the way they
           | chose _is_ the best way, what most people have a problem with
           | is the UI didn 't look fully native on most platforms for a
           | long time.
             | mmm_grayons wrote:
             | Honest question: can someone explain the focus a lot of the
             | HN crowd seems to have on "native"-looking UI? I've used
             | plenty of applications that don't look "native" and it
             | doesn't bother me. Is there a reason to prefer it? I get
             | that performance can be an advantage, but one can easily
             | write a very performant application using something like
             | Skia, or doing one's own GPU acceleration, without having
             | any native look.
               | Bjartr wrote:
               | If an app follows the UI conventions of the system it is
               | running on, there is less cognitive overhead for users.
               | However, with the rise of web apps users have at least
               | become a little more used to interacting with a variety
               | of UIs, though the problem is not entirely eliminated.
               | Daishiman wrote:
               | We've also eliminated a ton of crappy UI conventions and
               | settled on some common paradigms in all platforms. I
               | remember the four-layer-deep right-click context menus
               | and I kinda shudder now.
               | There were also some really good ideas that I wish had
               | caught on (I was a huge fan of focus-follows-mouse and I
               | still use the X select-into-clipboard), but the general
               | uniformity of UI patters nowadays is very much calming.
               | nitrogen wrote:
               | I really like the context menus in GIMP. Much less mouse
               | travel than trying to hit the top of the window or
               | screen.
               | specialist wrote:
               | True.
               | Main benefit to me is deflecting spurious input. All that
               | Drive By Management.
               | Instead of explaining the history of ergonomics, the
               | philosophy of ethnography, and our reams of data from
               | usability testing, I'd just point at Apple's Human
               | Interface Guidelines.
               | Like name dropping Aristotle in debate class.
               | More serious actors will try harder, lean in.
               | Daishiman wrote:
               | Back in the day in Unix desktop land there were 4 or 5
               | different UI toolkits and they looked behaved in a
               | _massively_ different way. X looked like ass. QT looked
               | less like ass but had totally overloaded UIs. The
               | differences were even starker on lower-res displays.
               | Also back then browser apps were a novelty instead of how
               | most people interact with computers most of the time, and
               | thus anything that wasn't using a native toolkit stood
               | out pretty bad. A few apps like MP3 players used it for
               | their advantage, but I remember those as being mostly a
               | confusing mess.
               | More importantly, font rendering has improved incredibly
               | and most rendering looks the same across toolkits in the
               | same desktop environment. Back then some toolkits
               | supported antialiasing, some did not, some had godawful
               | rendering that looked like crap, some couldn't render
               | certain symbols correctly, some didn't have good hinting
               | for LCDs, etc.
               | The reality is that very slowly most UI paradigms have
               | converged into a few well-established patterns (no more
               | multiple-window apps, no more focus-follows-mouse, no
               | more deep right-clicked context menus, etc). So now the
               | styling differences are more apparent but most UIs are
               | functionally the same nowadays. The same could not be
               | said 15 years.
               | We have come a long way; despite the different looks, the
               | feel is much more uniform, and there's a better
               | understanding of what makes for good UIs.
               | As I write this, I'm frankly quite thankful that we have
               | reached this state of good-enoughness. Spending hours
               | looking into GTK themes and different fonts was fun, but
               | in a frustrating way in which no exact font-icon-theme
               | combination was entirely satisfactory.
               | twic wrote:
               | I don't think X ever had a toolkit of its own, but i
               | would guess you are thinking of Motif, because your
               | description is spot on:
               | http://www.ist.co.uk/motif/books/vol6A/ch-3.fm.html
               | Daishiman wrote:
               | Indeed. It was about the closest you'd get to a standard
               | X toolkit.
               | fulafel wrote:
               | In addition to Swing also Qt and Gtk spent a lot of
               | effort on this. Not to mention browsers reimplementing
               | look and feel of native controls (not sure if they're
               | still doing it). So it was wider than HN definitely.
               | Other toolkits took the native route from the other
               | direction (eg wxWdigets I think embeds the actual native
               | widgets?).
               | mikelevins wrote:
               | There are a few reasons to prefer a native look and feel.
               | One is that if the look and feel of an app is native to
               | the platform then it can lean on a design language that
               | users of the platform assume, which makes it easier for
               | those users to understand how to use the UI. Affordances
               | look and act the way they expect, which reduces the time
               | and effort it takes them to learn a UI.
               | Another reason to prefer it is that a UI that doesn't
               | look native stands out as different. Noticeable
               | differences are information. If something in a UI gets
               | your attention, it should be because it's telling you
               | something meaningful. Gratuitous differences from the
               | platform's UI standard are not telling you anything
               | meaningful, so they're just noise.
               | A third reason is that native platforms provide their
               | native looks and feels through standard frameworks that
               | also provide substantial whole-system features beyond
               | just making things look alike. For example, Mac users can
               | rely on a common set of keystrokes to do the same things
               | across almost all applications (and the exceptions are
               | badly behaved). UIs built without the platform frameworks
               | must either recapitulate all of these platform-wide
               | conventions or just ignore them. Commonly, they just
               | ignore them, which means that conventions that users take
               | for granted stop working in some apps for no good reason.
               | ClumsyPilot wrote:
               | It's a fantasy problem. Hold on before you downvote folks
               | and count the number of 'native' applications that were
               | written since year 2010.
               | Most consumer applications are now webapps or electron
               | apps. From accounting software to music players, they are
               | not native.
               | If someone botheres to make a desktop app, you either
               | have proffeshionals tools or resource intensive
               | applications like Adobe Photoshop, Blender3D, 3Dmax,
               | IntelliJ IDE's and Games. None of them look native
               | either!
               | Almost noone bothers to develop platform spesific apps,
               | and native applications are dying. If we don't stop
               | squabbling about native look and feel, we will get no
               | native applications at all.
             | specialist wrote:
             | Agreed.
             | I guess what I'm alluding to is something like CSS for
             | desktop apps. I tried to tweak stock L&F a few times (not
             | my choice) and I mostly failed.
             | Back in the day, there was a guy, Sven?, that crafted
             | amazing L&Fs. I dimly recall he had one that was easily
             | customized.
               | tpxl wrote:
               | > I guess what I'm alluding to is something like CSS for
               | desktop apps.
               | JavaFX supports CSS styling.
               | specialist wrote:
               | Right you are. Wiki says since 1.2. It looks pretty good.
               | I just spotted JavaFX Script. Huh. This is _almost_
               | directionally correct. So of course it got killed.
               | If you're curious what The Correct Answer(tm) is, imagine
               | VRML-97 reimplemented using JavaFX Script like syntax.
               | Its wiki has a link to the Curl (programming language).
               | That syntax is also directionally correct. But is also
               | missing most of VRML's semantics.
               | There's also a link to the F3 programming language, aka
               | "form fits function". Great slogan. Alas. Looks like a
               | misunderstanding of Conal Elliot's Fran functional
               | reactive programming language.
               | Oh well.
               | Thanks for the tip. JavaFX's Script w/ CSS was about 1/2
               | the solution. Maybe someday someone will loop back and
               | harvest the good bits.
               | ptx wrote:
               | Didn't they introduce something like that with the Synth
               | look and feel[1] in Java 7? Although with more XML.
               | [1] https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/looka
               | ndfeel/...
               | cmiles74 wrote:
               | I remember Karsten Lentzch working in this space on the
               | JGoodies project. I used some of his custom look-and-
               | feels in a couple of projects... I think the had some
               | tools to make layout easier as well.
               | http://www.jgoodies.com/home/about/
               | specialist wrote:
               | Bingo! Thank you.
       | sgt wrote:
       | Skia works really well for Flutter so I think basing it on that
       | is a brilliant choice. Will follow this project.
         | oscargrouch wrote:
         | Flutter is what it is because of the quality of the engineering
         | team behind the Dart language.
         | My point being that, Skia is great but is not the most
         | important ingredient at play for Flutter achievements.
         | Also being a good choice will not pay for the bad choice that
         | is choosing JVM as a primary platform for this which targets UI
         | application consumers.
       | fotad wrote:
       | Is there any benchmark between Graphics2D vs Skia?
       | viach wrote:
       | When one wants to implement a new desktop UI framework there is
       | an elephant in the room - the rich text editor. You can implement
       | your own layout engine, styling, fonts rendering but production
       | quality feature-rich text editor is another level of complexity.
         | rmorey wrote:
         | evidenced by Raph Levien running out of steam on xi :(
         | https://raphlinus.github.io/xi/2020/06/27/xi-retrospective.h...
           | vamega wrote:
           | I don't believe xi was a rich text editor. Just a regular
           | text editor, with some interesting design decisions.
       | uDontKnowMe wrote:
       | I'm continually impressed by the stuff that comes out of the
       | Clojure community. They really seem to punch above their weight
       | in terms of useful output, novel ideas, interesting
       | projects/products. Much more so than say Scala or Kotlin which
       | enjoy a lot more industry adoption.
       | gosukiwi wrote:
       | I don't normally comment on the website design but my god, that
       | yellow background burned my eyes. I literally couldn't finish
       | reading the article.
         | tasuki wrote:
         | Is it burning your eyes more than a white background would? Can
         | you explain how?
         | I like yellow, and I like this website: it is simple and to the
         | point.
         | acomjean wrote:
         | If you are running firefox, there is a little icon at the right
         | side of the url bar "reader mode?" that fixes it.
         | Though did anyone else notice the little "sun" slider at the
         | top of the page for the spotlight in html? Useless but fun.
         | suyash wrote:
         | interesting, I found it refreshing and with enough padding, the
         | focus was right on the content (text).
       | unnouinceput wrote:
       | Thank Mozilla for Firefox reader mode. This site is horrible to
       | look at. And because of that, dear Nikita, I haven't looked at
       | your repository. Remember the rule "first impression matters"?
         | therealasdf wrote:
         | Your loss
           | unnouinceput wrote:
           | Nah, I'm good. Java and its related technologies can die for
           | all I care. I really hate Java. I use it every day because
           | that's where my money come from, supporting legacy crap from
           | 90's but I really hate it.
         | vijaybritto wrote:
         | Looks like some css issue. But the content was great
       | [deleted]
       | acomjean wrote:
       | How does this compare with what the "processing" language does
       | with a javalike language that seems to use JVM and a display
       | layer?
       | Its pretty fun. Also its javascript cousin p5.js
       | https://processing.org
       | smarx007 wrote:
       | > Like any other JVM library, it's cross-platform. It runs on
       | Windows, Linux and macOS. It's as simple to use as adding a JAR
       | file.
       | Well, not exactly. https://github.com/JetBrains/skija/ is 30% C++
       | and of course requires native builds:
       | https://packages.jetbrains.team/maven/p/skija/maven/org/jetb....
       | If you are lucky, Maven simply hides it from you.
       | UPD: no, it doesn't hide it. See
       | https://github.com/JetBrains/skiko/blob/master/skiko/build.g...
       | and search for 'lin'/'mac'/'win' and see for yourself.
       | UPD2:                 @-moz-document domain("tonsky.me") {
       | body {           /* surovyi background color off */
       | background-image: none;           background-color: hsl(0, 0%,
       | 85.9%);       }       }
         | vbsteven wrote:
         | Is this a problem? We're always going to need native blobs to
         | interface with the OS. The JVM can package these native
         | libraries within the jar so for the application developer it is
         | indeed as simple as adding the jar file to your project.
           | chrisseaton wrote:
           | > We're always going to need native blobs to interface with
           | the OS.
           | Ideally we won't when the JVM gets an FFI built-in.
             | shock wrote:
             | https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Native_Interface
               | abollaert wrote:
               | ... which is why we want to use FFI instead ;-) Now you
               | already can using JNA though. JNI still requires you to
               | write native code and compile it for your target
               | platform, FFI eliminates that need.
               | [deleted]
               | chrisseaton wrote:
               | I think you're possibly confused about what JNI is or
               | what the discussion is about.
               | JNI needs binary blobs. The new FFI won't. So we will not
               | need binary bobs when we get the new FFI.
               | See?
           | smarx007 wrote:
           | Not at all! Desktop apps require platform-specific
           | executables and installers so this is unavoidable. But the
           | author made it sound like a piece of cake for developers used
           | to making JAX-RS services.
       | speps wrote:
       | Instead of Skia bindings, probably the effort of building a C++
       | UI toolkit that has the features he needs and THEN do Java
       | bindings for it would prove more useful for the community instead
       | of tying the UI toolkit to Java. That's kind of what's missing in
       | my opinion, something that does the hard part of UI, integration
       | with native OS controls (eg. open dialogs, etc.), accessibility
       | even with custom UI drawn using 2D primitives, etc. and that
       | would be a great project that would also benefit the author as
       | long as it has Java bindings.
       | ajuc wrote:
       | I just want qt on java working as well as pyqt.
       | cromwellian wrote:
       | > WASM implies Rust or C++
       | Nope, there are lots of languages that compile to WASM. In fact,
       | Kotlin compiles to WASM, and you get the best of both worlds,
       | able to interop with the JVM, and compile to WASM (and C++/ObjC,
       | and JS)
         | oscargrouch wrote:
         | Your comment makes me think how WASM will go through this hype
         | phase where people will think is a panacea to build things for
         | the browser.. Hype gold rush all over again, but applications
         | built on native or even javascript ones in the web or Electron
         | will perform better in most cases. Of course companies will
         | think its great for them to have only one codebase for every
         | platform, but applications built with Javascript or Typescript
         | for the web, with eventual WASM module here and there will be a
         | better fit, so it will be risky to try to cut expenses and
         | development there.
         | WASM will be awesome to bring great tech that is only available
         | in native platform to the web, like FFMPEG, or to accelerate
         | some code that uses a lot of math. But i think that people that
         | are going way down into this WASM rabbit hole will have a wake-
         | up call pretty soon.
         | WASM will open some blue-seas for sure, but they are limited to
         | some niche scenarios and using WASM for application development
         | for the web, desktop and mobile wont be one of them.
           | cromwellian wrote:
           | I don't think of WASM as web specific, I think of it as a
           | portable compiler IR format, and from an untrusted third
           | party code, isolation standpoint, running code in WASM has
           | nice security properties.
           | This is why you see it starting to be used for "serverless"
           | deployments.
       | suyash wrote:
       | sounds pretty bold, I'd love to try, how about integrating with
       | openGL, is that a possibility, specially running GL/SL shaders ?
       | MaxBarraclough wrote:
       | > They were so significant that only one company managed to build
       | a decent-looking app in Swing [IntelliJ IDEA]
       | Also NetBeans.
       | I'm not convinced that JavaFX is too slow for use in real-world
       | GUIs. The article doesn't really back up this claim. It also
       | ignores the SWT toolkit, used by Eclipse.
         | usrusr wrote:
         | The omission of SWT made it very hard to read for me. It's
         | really only relevant for the introduction (on the low level
         | that a skia binding is, SWT is surely just going through AWT),
         | but echoes of the omission still bounced around in my head in
         | the later bits, distracting me. A quick dismissal (good or not)
         | would have made the rest much easier to read.
         | Unfortunately I find the last part a bit confusing: is this the
         | lower level of the stack that beneath Compose Desktop? How is
         | skiko related, or is it unrelated? Apparently Compose Desktop
         | is built on Skijo (the github readme is much less confusing).
         | Apparently the skiko build is also consuming skija as a
         | dependency (in some very interesting ways, apparently planet
         | kotlin still does enough java to lombok it), but the
         | presentation on the blog would benefit a lot from a healthy
         | dose of clear "that uses this" bragging.
         | All in all as a slowly greying java guy, it's amazing to see
         | this entirely unexpected breath of fresh air for the JVM. In
         | this age of new desktop apps having been given up completely to
         | electron and the like, desktop JVM could see a surprising
         | renaissance as a lesser evil.
           | MaxBarraclough wrote:
           | > SWT is surely just going through AWT
           | Not so, SWT uses its own bindings to the OS's native GUI
           | toolkit, using JNI.
           | > desktop JVM could see a surprising renaissance as a lesser
           | evil
           | I'm not convinced that a whole new toolkit is the solution,
           | with all the challenges that brings (lots of widgets to
           | create, internationalisation, accessibility, multiple
           | platforms to test on, etc). I figure the better move would be
           | to work on improving JavaFX. As far as I can tell it's a
           | pretty solid GUI toolkit, albeit one with little adoption.
           |  _edit_ Also, I suspect one of the things holding back Java
           | desktop GUIs might be that they 're often clumsy to
           | distribute. Expecting the user to install the JVM isn't good
           | enough, the application should bundle a JVM, or use ahead-of-
           | time compilation. The user should never be made aware of what
           | language you built the program in. As I understand it,
           | OpenJDK has been making solid progress on the latter option.
           | (And Excelsior JET no longer exists.)
             | jspaetzel wrote:
             | JavaFX might turn out to be a winner but it's still partly
             | proprietary and is still transitioning from Oracle to the
             | OpenJDK community. There's good reasons for it having
             | little adoption.
             | usrusr wrote:
             | And about your edit, it's true of course, this is an issue.
             | If you bundle the JRE feels wasteful and if you don't it
             | feels uncaring for the less technical. Didn't JavaFX,
             | beside being "Swing 2", consist of some native launcher
             | component that would connect with an installed JRE if
             | available (and sufficiently modern) and guide the user
             | through download/installation if not? Memories are faint.
             | Many similar approaches have been done, but none became a
             | conveniently dominant go-to solution. Perhaps AOT
             | compilation will finally bring a JRE bootstrapper component
             | that is sufficiently "java" to find a wide footing in the
             | java dev community and sufficiently friendly to end-users
             | to end all "but maybe that other tool is even better" that
             | kept all existing approaches niche.
             | usrusr wrote:
             | > Not so, SWT uses its own bindings to the OS's native GUI
             | toolkit, using JNI.
             | A right, I forgot that, thanks. What's the SWT approach to
             | use cases where you basically want a pixel canvas? Falling
             | back to AWT on a surface allocated from the native API or
             | its own facade for native APIs?
             | In any case this property of SWT kind of explains the
             | omission, SWT happens on a level that is two layers away
             | from skija in the stack Jetbrains are building for Compose
             | Desktop.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | > What's the SWT approach to use cases where you
               | basically want a pixel canvas? Falling back to AWT on a
               | surface allocated from the native API or its own facade
               | for native APIs?
               | I don't think SWT makes any use of AWT, I believe it does
               | the latter.
               | > SWT happens on a level that is two layers away from
               | skija in the stack Jetbrains are building for Compose
               | Desktop
               | The article is making the case for a whole new GUI
               | toolkit for Java, without making a persuasive case
               | against JavaFX (I'm not convinced that its performance is
               | a problem), and without mentioning SWT, the foremost
               | 'unofficial' desktop GUI toolkit for Java. Skija may have
               | its merits as a platform for 2D graphics, but that's not
               | the point.
               | Incidentally, the article's title is misleading. It's
               | about GUI toolkits, not graphics libraries.
               | usrusr wrote:
               | The whole new GUI toolkit in question is Compose Native
               | and that's not entirely new (only the desktop part is).
               | Literally millions of Android devs would already feel
               | more at home with it than with any other desktop UI
               | toolkit.
               | Maybe it's a bit dishonest to present Skija as if it was
               | made for any other reason than to enable Compose Desktop,
               | but it's very laudable to have the ambition to be more
               | than an enabling component of that.
             | ksec wrote:
             | >Also, I suspect one of the things holding back Java
             | desktop GUIs might be that they're often clumsy to
             | distribute.
             | I just download Netbeans, this is 10+ years since I touch a
             | Swing / Java apps. And nothing has changed, it still looks
             | Java. It is still heavy, although start up speed are now
             | better. But generally speaking an Electron Apps ( VS Code )
             | looks and works better than that.
             | Eclipse is still better look wise, as it was 10+ years ago.
             | That was basically the reason why I choose SWT back then.
             | But it is still not perfect.
             | So I decide to check out another consumer Desktop App from
             | similar era, Vuze, or used to be called Azureus. And it is
             | the same, Desktop Java Apps. And yes that was the reason
             | why no many were using Consumer Desktop Java Apps. They
             | dont look good, heavy on resources, need JDK etc....
             | As if nothing has changed in the past 15 years. I remember
             | I was trying to use GCJ and SWT for Desktop Apps then, it
             | was just too hard. I gave up. And it seems no one cares
             | about decent, java desktop apps.
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | > it still looks Java
               | I think the _Nimbus_ look is ok. [0]
               | > It is still heavy, although start up speed are now
               | better.
               | It's certainly heavy. iirc NetBeans spins up over 20
               | threads even if you're not doing anything. As for startup
               | times, is this on the same hardware? I imagine SSDs must
               | help with NetBeans startup.
               | > trying to use GCJ and SWT for Desktop Apps then, it was
               | just too hard.
               | There was a proprietary payware alternative to GCJ called
               | _Excelsior JET_ but it was discontinued 2 years ago. [1]
               | [0] http://wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/images/b/b2/Vista_Nimbu
               | s_Scree...
               | [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excelsior_JET
         | floriol wrote:
         | Not my project but this video seems to imply that it has no
         | problem with performance whatsoever:
         | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hai7cavmUY
         | Cthulhu_ wrote:
         | > I'm not convinced that JavaFX is too slow for use in real-
         | world GUIs.
         | I would like to have an opinion on this myself but I've yet to
         | find a JavaFX application in the wild.
           | [deleted]
           | radomir_cernoch wrote:
           | We do use JavaFX in an app for our customer. The application
           | is not public, however.
           | There are many aspects to UI performance. Unlike IntelliJ,
           | our app has only tens of widgets displayed at once - I can't
           | compare in this regard.
           | However, we have very big models, namely tables with >100000
           | of rows. Scrolling is smooth and initialization as well. From
           | my experience, JavaFX allows you to write elegant code which
           | still caches a lot of components. This is a strong
           | performance benefit.
           | My issue with JavaFX is a very well thought-out philosophy,
           | translated into an API which is far from perfect. Once you go
           | beyond "hello world" examples, you e.g. have to start type-
           | casting. I'd love to see JavaFX v3 where these things would
           | be sorted.
             | ta988 wrote:
             | My experience as well. JavaFX proved to be really fast for
             | us (internal tools as well). Used to control equipment
             | (live) or do calculations. And we distribute in a <200MB
             | package jre included (modular builds), installs on a fresh
             | windows or linux with no other download. For people that
             | already have a jdk installed, i think we are around 100MB.
             | There has been a lot of work on making "small"
             | distributable java apps in the recent JDKs.
           | geokon wrote:
           | I wrote a JavaFX application in Clojure using CLJFX. It's
           | fantastic and native-speed when you do things right
           | https://github.com/geokon-gh/corascope/
           | I even managed to make a little SVG backend for it
           | That said - this seems to be more of a " graphics library "
           | while JavaFX is more of a " user interface library ". I'm
           | sure there is a ton of overlap - but I wouldn't be making
           | funky creative coding displays directly in JavaFX
           | My minor annoyance is that it's nearly impossible to make
           | something that runs on Android out of that - which seems like
           | a giant shame given it's all JVM
             | jb1991 wrote:
             | The end of the article points out how this graphics library
             | is getting used as part of a UI kit. The article goes full
             | circle, it talks about the three different components of UI
             | technology up front, and then shows the other two
             | components near the end.
           | frou_dh wrote:
           | I tried JavaFX recently and within seconds all I could notice
           | was jacked up font rendering.
           | By this point, it should be table-stakes that any GUI
           | framework must always be tapped into identical font rendering
           | to native apps on the host platform.
             | shock wrote:
             | Different JVMs have different font rendering settings. Try
             | Zulu.
       | chucky wrote:
       | > The second is the DOM. It is a horrible collection of hacks
       | that make simple things hard and hard things impossible. I have
       | thought many times "if only was I drawing this control/layout
       | directly, I would've finished hours ago."
       | I think this betrays a lack of understanding on the part of the
       | author of how to write good web components. Yes, the DOM is
       | tricky at first, but that's because it's trying to support things
       | like resizing windows to arbitrary sizes.
       | I don't even understand what he tries to say with "draw the
       | control directly". In component-based library, this is exactly
       | how you would work. Put your component where it needs to be, and
       | boom, you're finished (just like in all frameworks this is a lie,
       | you probably still need to tweak).
       | I don't in general buy the argument that the DOM is low-
       | performant and low-quality. Lots of great and performant UIs have
       | been built on the web platform.
         | dmitriid wrote:
         | > I think this betrays a lack of understanding on the part of
         | the author of how to write good web components. Yes, the DOM is
         | tricky at first, but that's because it's trying to support
         | things like resizing windows to arbitrary sizes.
         | This statement betrays the commenter's lack of understanding
         | understanding of both limitations of the Web model and the
         | freedom afforded by almost every single one of UI libs and
         | frameworks.
         | > I don't even understand what he tries to say with "draw the
         | control directly".
         | Aaand here it is: "I don't understand".
         | In a GUI framework/lib you usually have the ability to skip the
         | provided primitives and draw whatever you want directly. A
         | framework/library doesn't provide a control you need? You just
         | draw it yourself.
         | So, instead of re-inventing, poorly, a virtual list, or a
         | calendar, or a customisable drop-down with a few thousand divs,
         | z-index issues and layout thrashing, you can (relatively)
         | easily implement those controls yourself. At easy 60 or 120
         | fps.
         | > I don't in general buy the argument that the DOM is low-
         | performant and low-quality. Lots of great and performant UIs
         | have been built on the web platform.
         | Name a few, please. And when you look into those "performant
         | UIs", you'll see on or more of:
         | - skipping the DOM entirely and building everything on top of
         | canvas or webgl
         | - going through great pains to: avoid mutating DOM, avoid
         | repaint/reflow (which can happen by simply querying the DOM
         | [1]), reducing the already laughably small amount of updates
         | even further to prevent DOM updates, layout thrashing, JS GC
         | pauses etc. etc.
         | And this will still not come even close to, lets say,
         | displaying a million objects on screen at 120fps (any modern
         | game engine), or any significantly complex UI layout (any
         | professional app).
         | [1] https://csstriggers.com and
         | https://gist.github.com/paulirish/5d52fb081b3570c81e3a
           | fctorial wrote:
           | > In a GUI framework/lib you usually have the ability to skip
           | the provided primitives and draw whatever you want directly.
           | HTML5 canvas?
           | iovrthoughtthis wrote:
           | I don't think you're wrong just that the discussion warrant
           | more nuance and less ego. On the the comment...
           | > You just draw it yourself.
           | This is disingenuous. It might be ok in Games not to have
           | decent interop with the OS but for productivity tools, it is
           | a requirement.
           | Which means you need to implement OS native interop (for
           | multiple DE's in linux perhaps), accessibility for screen
           | readers and you need to be smart with your rendering because
           | having a function called 60+ times a second is a surprisingly
           | big foot gun. All this across 2-3 very different (and
           | currently diverging) operating systems.
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | > Which means you need to implement OS native interop (for
             | multiple DE's in linux perhaps), accessibility for screen
             | readers and you need to be smart with your rendering
             | because having a function called 60+ times a second is a
             | surprisingly big foot gun. All this across 2-3 very
             | different (and currently diverging) operating systems.
             | Yes, you have to do all of that, and I never said it was an
             | easy task. That is, it's relatively easy compared to the
             | web. This task is close to impossible on the web,
             | especially if you want decent performance.
             | lasagnaphil wrote:
             | Rendering something natively in OpenGL (or using a lightly-
             | wrapped framework around it) is usually much more
             | performant than fiddling with canvas elements or CSS, so I
             | don't think it's a footgun. (And OpenGL is quite cross-
             | platform if you stick with older versions.) And since
             | browsers these days also have all sorts of incompatibility
             | issues, the merit of "write JS once" seems to be dwindling
             | a bit... (although that's becoming less of a problem when
             | Chrome is becoming the de-facto browser)
         | AnIdiotOnTheNet wrote:
         | > Lots of great and performant UIs have been built on the web
         | platform.
         | This must be some strange usage of the word 'performant' I
         | wasn't previously aware of.
         | simion314 wrote:
         | Let me give you an example, the DOM is missing a decent
         | dropdown component. Some will say that they can make a cool
         | dropdown in 2 minutes with 20 divs and some js and css, the
         | issue is this 2 minutes components have lot of bugs and missing
         | features (accessibility, keyboard supports, missing events) and
         | then if you need the same dropdown in other section but you
         | need to add 1 small thing you duplicate it again.
         | For comparison in GUI toolkits you use the existing feature
         | complete dropdown. And if you need more customization you
         | extend the dropdown and override it's render/paint function and
         | you can painted as you want. What I liked about this powerfull
         | GUI toolits is that most of the time you used the built in
         | stuff so all application look consistent and only special apps
         | would create custom stuff.
         | I wish browser makers would focus on improving the existing DOM
         | elements and adding a few more so we could use native ones
         | instead of having to implement custom shit because the designer
         | wants the component to look in a specific way but you can't CSS
         | the native element to get the result.
           | t0astbread wrote:
           | If you override the render/paint function somewhere, would
           | you not have to do extra work to improve accessibility again?
             | thu2111 wrote:
             | No, desktop accessibility APIs are basically about
             | exporting a labelled semantic tree to screen readers. As
             | long as your dropdown is still semantically a dropdown with
             | items, etc, and responds to basic commands, it doesn't
             | matter what it looks like.
             | simion314 wrote:
             | It depends. Say there is a Label that should show some text
             | and a crazy designer asks me to have the text rotating and
             | jumping and also be super light gray and ahrd to read, the
             | component could still report back to accessibility
             | framework the actual text and you could have a better
             | experience then a regular user.
             | Custom rendering is not most of the time painting on a
             | canvas. A simple example , you have a Dropdown, each item
             | is rendered with a simple component that is something like
             | <text>item.text</text>
             | and you might want to change the render function to be
             | <icon>item.icon</icon><text>item.text</text>
             | I think ATM you still can't use the HTML select to have a
             | dropdown with the countries and the flags or a dropdown
             | with the fonts and each font it is painted with it's own
             | font family, or customize the numeric spinner arrows or
             | scroll bars colors.
             | Again , I prefer using native widgets, but I am forced to
             | implement designs and I have to replace a native component
             | with a pile of netsted divs,js and css.
               | t0astbread wrote:
               | Oh, I see what you mean. I was thinking about the case
               | where you're painting something completely different than
               | the semantic information but I guess that's rare.
               | You're right, in HTML you have to fall back to elements
               | without accessibility features pretty quickly if you
               | wanna customize a native component. There are some
               | features that one can use to restore accessibility like
               | ARIA but yeah, it's not great.
             | lmm wrote:
             | Not if you're just making it look different, because the
             | component already hooks into the right APIs to expose
             | itself to screenreaders etc.. Of course if you're doing
             | something completely radical you need to implement
             | accessibility yourself, but there's more flexibility to
             | customise existing components as little or as much as you
             | like.
           | nxrabl wrote:
           | It's good that you mention accessibility, because TFA does
           | not. Nor does the Skaija repo, and nor does the repo for
           | Jetpack Compose for Desktop [0], JetBrains' higher-level UI
           | kit based on it. I think it's a mistake to suggest that
           | "native UI toolkit" implies "feature complete".
           | [0]: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb
             | Phrodo_00 wrote:
             | Skaija wouldn't really be the place for accessibility
             | features (except for maybe provide access to color-blind
             | filters?). It's an important feature, though, and I hope
             | Jetpack Compose gets better at it.
             | vips7L wrote:
             | Desktop Compose is in alpha. I don't think it's appropriate
             | to use that as evidence of feature completeness.
           | pier25 wrote:
           | > _then if you need the same dropdown in other section but
           | you need to add 1 small thing you duplicate it again_
           | Not really. That's the point of making components in
           | React/Vue/Svelte/etc, you can create reusable modular parts.
             | simion314 wrote:
             | Can you today make a component, use it in 10 places in your
             | project and now if you need to add one extra thing for the
             | 11th place can you "extend" the existing component so if
             | you fix a bug or add some new event in the old component
             | the extended one inherits it? I know in OOP toolkits you
             | can override any public and protected functions and add
             | your little stuff on top but I am not sure if you can do it
             | in React without cloning the code and modifying it.
             | As an example you say have a DataGridView , a giant
             | component with a lot of features and you need to modify
             | something, can you do it in React using inheritance like
             | functionality and not risking breaking anything where the
             | component is already used ?
               | pier25 wrote:
               | Instead of using inheritance you'd use composition, but
               | yeah you can do exactly what you're describing.
               | Just right now I'm building a component that abstracts
               | filtering and sorting for lists of items in Svelte.
               | simion314 wrote:
               | If a designer gives you 2 images to use for a radio
               | button can you do a correct radio button in 1 minute (no
               | third party libs?)
               | By extending a RadioButton and overriding the paint
               | method I can do it in 1 minute. The component would still
               | be a radiobutton, same interface, same events,same
               | keyboard shortcuts, same accessibility, focus/tab-order
               | behaviour.
               | In React you would start with a div, put 2 img inside it
               | and implement the toggle logic, After that you need to
               | add the events, the keyboard shortcuts, the tab ordering,
               | focusing, accessibility.
             | funcDropShadow wrote:
             | I think the point was: Chrome has as much lines of code as
             | Linux with all its drivers and still has no decent dropdown
             | built in. Not that it cannot be built.
           | galaxyLogic wrote:
           | Another example is trying to implement a text-editor in the
           | browser. Yes it can be done, but the standard component for
           | text-editors is TextArea which is not much to write home
           | about.
           | An example big issue I faced creating my own editor was
           | getting the caret follow my mouse-clicks and key-presses.
           | Then trying to highlight matching parenthesis. I know it is
           | doable because I did it but I had to spend a lot of time on
           | it and I'm not quite happy with the end-result. A standard
           | high-quality text-editor component should be part of the web-
           | platform but is not.
             | simion314 wrote:
             | Yes, I had to do something similar using the
             | contenteditable, a giant issue is that the browsers differ
             | a lot(I had a lot of issue with the selections/ranges
             | differing a lot)
           | ta34545734 wrote:
           | > Some will say that they can make a cool dropdown in 2
           | minutes with 20 divs and some js and css
           | Isn't there already JS libraries to do that? If so, doesn't
           | it boil down to the same issue as traditional OO UI toolkit,
           | where the abstraction must be extremely precise to allow for
           | any sort of customization?
           | > For comparison in GUI toolkits you use the existing feature
           | complete dropdown.
           | Aren't you making the assumption here that GUI toolkits
           | necessarily bundle a perfect implementation of this widget?
           | Why would that be only possible for native GUI and not for
           | Web UI?
             | simion314 wrote:
             | The problem with existing libraries that give you a
             | dropdown is that you have not one but many such libraries
             | and some will not be compatible with what your project
             | uses, some are missing the feature you need, some are
             | bugged. As an example the Search input in YouTube has a
             | dropdown with suggestion, that dropdown got stuck on for me
             | a few times , clicking outside it did not make it hidden, I
             | had to reload the page. So google developers are incapable
             | of creating a basic dropdown that has the feature where you
             | can type and shows you some options. If there was a built
             | in powerful enough dropdown then YouTube could have used
             | that and not invent it's own broken version. My point is
             | give us native components as powerful as Qt,Flex,WPF ,
             | React, Agnular and others could use those or if they want
             | can use DIVs or canvas , I don't want to remove you the
             | option to use React or whatever.
             | The existing toolkits are not as limited as you think
             | because you can most of the time override them and do
             | whatever change you want , most of the time though you have
             | enough built in customization that you don't need to do
             | advanced overrides (I do not mean only visual
             | customization, for example a dropdown can give you the
             | option on how many items would be visible on the dropdown
             | at once, a DataGrid can give you option about what columns
             | are resizable, sortable and you can specify if you want a
             | sort function for a column. And about DataGridView
             | components, the native ones are implemented smart and can
             | hold a million rows and have no performance hit because are
             | smart enough not to create million GUI elements.
             | >Aren't you making the assumption here that GUI toolkits
             | necessarily bundle a perfect implementation of this widget?
             | Why would that be only possible for native GUI and not for
             | Web UI?
             | Desktop toolkits are not perfect so if your designer asks
             | you for super extra fancy stuff you can either extend and
             | existing one or you can create it from scratch but for
             | visual stuff just changing the paint/render function would
             | be enough.
             | For WebUI, let's say I need a good dropdown, calendar, and
             | DataGrid where do I go and get this components? If you say
             | bootstrap those are too basic, if you say some React stuff
             | maybe I am not suing react, if you link me to some Angular
             | version N stuff maybe I am using N-1 version etc.
             | I think if you ask 3 developers to go and find me an X
             | component for my framework Y I would get back at least 3
             | different results.
             | Other issue with non native components is that if you do
             | not read the code you might not notice bad quality,
             | components that do not clean after themselves or that run
             | code each time you move your mouse around the page.
           | [deleted]
         | millerm wrote:
         | I will just say I agree in my own words "the DOM sucks for user
         | interface development". I don't know why people are always so
         | quick to defend it, or insist on being ardent apologists for
         | it. It's a crap foundation for what we've been building on it
         | for decades. It was never intended for this.
         | Yes, I am forced to use is, as we all are. But, I tell you, I
         | miss Swing and actual GUI component libraries that were
         | designed, and implemented, from the ground up to be used as
         | GUI.
         | I could rant until the end of my career for this mistake of a
         | path we all took in the 90s. HTML/Hypertext was a game changer.
         | But, bastardizing this implementation into what we have to deal
         | with today was a total and utter mistake.
           | mtrovo wrote:
           | Could you give some examples of what are the problems with
           | DOM and how do alternatives look like?
           | It's been some years that I don't do anything web so I'm not
           | sure if I'm familiar with its problems.
           | dathinab wrote:
           | I wouldn't say it's a crap foundation but it's the wrong
           | foundation.
           | DOM, CSS and the way they interact with JS where designed for
           | mostly immutable "documents" with mostly but to complex
           | design.
           | Then it was bend and extended to somewhat extend somewhat
           | more complex designs and more interaction.
           | That step was repeated again and again until now where is
           | used for application graphical user interface instead of just
           | displaying documents with some forms in them.
           | The foundation is fundamentally unsuited for the task it's
           | used for by now.
           | CSS might seem simple but has crazy amounts of hidden
           | complexity and until recently lacked trivial/simple ways to
           | do some layouts common for GUIs but unnecessary (and bad) for
           | displaying documents.
           | In recent years thinks have gotten better, e.g. CSS grid
           | makes GUI layouts SO much simpler, but still the foundation
           | is broken.
           | As consequence many of the promises the foundation gives are
           | in practice often broken, too (like accessibility, like free
           | resizing and zooming which often doesn't work correct, like
           | cross platform as web apps are often designed for chrome
           | relying accidentally on chrome specific behavior especially
           | wrt. CORS, ...)
         | jcelerier wrote:
         | > Lots of great and performant UIs have been built on the web
         | platform.
         | still waiting to see them, at least for performance levels
         | comparable to 2007 desktop apps
         | iovrthoughtthis wrote:
         | Yeah, the whole of the bottom of the post strikes me as off
         | base.
         | I think the author is trying to get to a wonderful future but
         | their heading in totally the wrong direction.
         | [deleted]
         | oblio wrote:
         | With the DOM, can you extend the default text input component
         | while keeping the default behaviors, like when
         | inheriting/subclassing a component for normal GUI toolkits? For
         | example accessibility.
         | Also, does the DOM have a ListView/TreeView?
         | MaxBarraclough wrote:
         | > Lots of great and performant UIs have been built on the web
         | platform.
         | At the risk of simply mirroring dmitriid's comment, and without
         | wishing to come across as snarky: which ones?
         | I don't think I've ever seen an Electron app that couldn't have
         | been implemented in C++ to run appreciably faster and use at
         | most a quarter of the memory.
       | marktangotango wrote:
       | The author totally misses the real problem with jvm desktop apps,
       | deployment. Either the jvm is bundled with the app or some other
       | (platform dependent) hack has to be employed to ensure a correct
       | version of jre is on the machine. Microsoft manages this nicely
       | with .net btw.
         | _old_dude_ wrote:
         | The author is an employee of JetBrain. I believe JetBrian is
         | using jlink [1], a tool that let you embed the modules of the
         | JDK you need with your application, for all their products
         | since they have migrated to JDK 11.
         | [1] https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/11/tools/jlink.html
         | hderms wrote:
         | Is bundling the JVM with the app really such a huge deal on
         | desktops? I know it would add a bunch to the binary size but
         | what are the other issues?
           | krzyk wrote:
           | It is the recommended way since Java 11 (no JRE there) -
           | using jlink can build smaller packages and app developer
           | doesn't depend on the JDK/JRE on the system.
       | diegof79 wrote:
       | The article doesn't mention SWT :(
       | I used SWT to create desktop UI prototypes. The biggest issue of
       | SWT is the distribution channel: to use the usual Maven repo you
       | need a non-official package (this was around 2017). But other
       | than that is a decent UI lib: it uses native widgets, it supports
       | HiDPI, the layout using attachments are easier than Swing.
       | I wonder why SWT is not popular in the JVM (my guess is the
       | decision to distribute it using Eclipse p2 by default, and the
       | lack of visibility outside Eclipse)
       | znpy wrote:
       | There used to be qt Jambi...
       | geokon wrote:
       | Errr, is there some example I can compile both into a Desktop app
       | as well as Android app easily? I never got why we never got
       | convergent Java apps that run everywhere... It's seemingly almost
       | easier to do that with Qt than with Java
       | If I could get an example written in Clojure that'd be even
       | cooler :)
       | I noticed they have this:
       | https://github.com/JetBrains/skija/blob/master/shared/src/ma...
       | Is rendering SVG in the pipeline? It seems within the scope of a
       | graphics library.. or maybe not?
       | saagarjha wrote:
       | Ok, so this starts off as "Graphics for the JVM" which sounded
       | promising, but then the first line starts talking about desktop
       | apps and warning bells start going off. If you read the post,
       | it's totally fine...if you are trying to do fast drawing or
       | something. But no, we're making desktop apps, with circles and
       | triangles and squares. This just isn't how it works, and the
       | reason is the same as it always has been: a drawing toolkit is
       | not a GUI toolkit.
       | If you want people to make good apps, you need to give them
       | buttons and checkboxes and text fields. If you don't, we'll,
       | they're going to do it wrong. Time and time again people have
       | tried doing this and the best we've gotten out of it are game UIs
       | and Flutter, which are a solid "mediocre" in the UI department.
       | The former probably gets a pass because it's allowed to be
       | quirky, but the latter is literally run by a megacorp and it's
       | still struggling to get basic things right.
       | Heck, even Swing and HTML are better than this; at least they
       | give you components that someone actually spent time on
       | implementing and making half-decent. Maybe they suck, but they
       | suck _together_ in a consistent way that is at least partially
       | battle-tested, a must for any GUI toolkit. They've gotten to the
       | point where they're no longer just a middle finger to people with
       | accessibility needs.
       | Look, I don't want to rain in this author's work. If you're going
       | to treat it as an accelerated Graphics2D, go right ahead, this
       | seems like it would be an excellent solution for you. JVM
       | bindings to Skia seem _awesome_. Just don't, like, draw something
       | that looks like a GUI in it.
       | (I could go longer about the characterization of mobile apps as
       | constantly being purged from RAM and losing your work and
       | IntelliJ being a good Java UI, but that would probably make this
       | divisive comment longer than it already is.)
         | smarx007 wrote:
         | Ehmmm, did you actually explore any links?
         | https://www.jetbrains.com/lp/compose/ shows a code editor
         | prototype.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | I know Compose exists, and it's exactly the concern I have:
           | look at the example apps, and compare them with true native
           | desktop apps. Can you really call the result a good desktop
           | UI? Is it not just a mobile UI that was blown up? Actually,
           | it's difficult to even call it a good mobile UI, because at
           | the moment it certainly falls on the side of "bunch of shapes
           | put together" rather than "UI toolkit". Of course, while UI
           | is just a bunch of shapes on the screen, it needs to be
           | cohesive, and familiar, and accessible; not to mention the
           | many, many behaviors under-the-hood that don't show up in a
           | screenshot.
             | dmitriid wrote:
             | > I know Compose exists, and it's exactly the concern I
             | have: look at the example apps, and compare them with true
             | native desktop apps. Can you really call the result a good
             | desktop UI? Is it not just a mobile UI that was blown up?
             | Because the project is in alpha? And it says so on the
             | page?
             | To quote from the article on skia:
             | --- start quote ---
             | We are so used to things we can hack together in a week,
             | nobody is thinking in terms of years. And good UI requires
             | years of work. It's a big commitment.
             | The road to high-quality UI on JVM is a long one. We'll
             | need:
             | - a graphics library,
             | - a window/OS integration library,
             | - a UI toolkit.
             | --- start quote ---
             | sooheon wrote:
             | Is your central complaint that a "graphics for the JVM"
             | library is not a full featured "UI toolkit for the JVM"
             | library?
               | thu2111 wrote:
               | A bit of context may help.
               | The author of the blog post works for JetBrains (I
               | think). JetBrains are interested in moving away from
               | Swing for their product line. Their intended replacement
               | is a port of JetPack Compose to the desktop, perhaps
               | because it's a Kotlin-centric framework and Kotlin is
               | their baby, perhaps because Google is funding Compose and
               | they hope that it'll have more money invested in it than
               | Swing/JavaFX did.
               | Compose renders with the Skia graphics library. Hence,
               | Skija and Skiko, bindings to Java and Kotlin
               | respectively. And hence their Compose for Desktop effort.
               | The grandparent comment is questioning whether a mobile
               | toolkit ported to desktop is really going to become
               | competitive with Swing anytime soon, given that although
               | Swing is admittedly by now a very old API, it's been
               | continuously developed for 20+ years and is thus by now
               | one of the most battle tested and matured frameworks in
               | the world.
               | Now you might ask, but aren't Skia bindings useful in and
               | of themselves? Well sure, maybe, but bear in mind Java
               | has had a Skia equivalent for a very long time via Java2D
               | as used in Swing, and JavaFX also has a Skia-type
               | subsystem where you can issue drawing commands and they
               | get hardware accelerated. So to understand the value of
               | this new library you very much need to be able to do an
               | in depth comparison of Skia vs Java2D vs the JavaFX
               | Graphics subsystem. Very, very few people have the
               | expertise to do this and the blog post doesn't really
               | try.
               | I've actually looked at this topic in the past few months
               | for various obscure reasons. I'll say that:
               | * Skia is the core of Chrome so it's actively maintained,
               | which is good. On the other hand so is Java 2D.
               | * Skia seems to have some support for playing animations
               | exported by a visual animation builder called Lottie,
               | which is nice. Java 2D doesn't have that.
               | * You can partly embed Skia in a web page via
               | WebAssembly, which I guess is neat. You can embed Java2D
               | in a web page via stuff like TeaVM too though.
               | * There are no benchmarks comparing these libraries, as
               | least not as far as I know.
               | * They are both hardware accelerated via OpenGL /
               | Direct3D. Skia also has experimental support for Vulkan.
               | * Skia is a C++ lib that therefore requires manual
               | bindings to other languages. Java2D/JFX are JVM APIs that
               | can be automatically bound to a wide variety of
               | languages, e.g. JavaScript, Python, Ruby, etc.
               | * Skia's documentation is rubbish. Check out this excuse
               | for a website: https://skia.org/ - a 2D graphics lib is a
               | complex thing. Where are the docs? E.g. click on the main
               | API objects and you get a handful of semi-random examples
               | with one line of explanation for each.
               | Basically, Skia is a component of Chrome that happens to
               | have its own website. There is some vague attempt to make
               | it into a real, production quality API but when internal
               | docs for Skia developers drastically outnumber API docs
               | for users, you know what you're dealing with. Java2D and
               | JavaFX are designed to be APIs consumed by lots of
               | developers, in a large variety of languages.
               | sooheon wrote:
               | You're right, that does help, alot.
               | Sounds like in principle, Skija is an attempt to take the
               | benefits of Skia and bring the shortcomings (for this use
               | case) up to par. What's taken for granted is 1. Skia is
               | better/more/performant/nicer than javaland status quo,
               | and 2. Jetbrains has the resources/experience to "hand-
               | craft" a nice Java API over it. And then on to all the
               | other steps.
               | > So to understand the value of this new library you very
               | much need to be able to do an in depth comparison of Skia
               | vs Java2D vs the JavaFX Graphics subsystem. Very, very
               | few people have the expertise to do this and the blog
               | post doesn't really try.
               | This is the main point, which I can only assume JB have
               | answered internally. They are probably the biggest Java
               | GUI shop in terms of users and revenue (at least that I
               | know of), so I'm not too too skeptical when one of their
               | developers with some clout says "AWT, Swing, and JavaFX
               | came with a lot of quality and performance drawbacks"
         | chrisseaton wrote:
         | > Just don't, like, draw something that looks like a GUI in it.
         | I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. The author isn't
         | suggesting anyone do this.
         | But most apps need to do some drawing of their own - if they're
         | a charts library, or a CAD program, for example. Then you need
         | a library like this.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | No, I read the post, the author mentions that this isn't a
           | GUI toolkit. But the reason I made the comment is that like
           | 90% of the post is "we need desktop apps and Swing sucks and
           | let's not use Electron" so I think regardless of what it says
           | in the middle it really seems like it's selling "use this to
           | make your desktop app" rather than "this is a general-purpose
           | graphics library".
         | pwdisswordfish0 wrote:
         | The author is exhibiting heavy denialism. The first indicator
         | was gesturing towards IntelliJ IDEA as an example of a good
         | desktop app. And whaddaya know, it turns out the author is
         | affiliated. This isn't to say there's any intentional deception
         | here--it's somewhere between self-deception and simply being
         | unaware of one's own blindspots.
         | Without going through the effort of installing and running it,
         | it's easy to see that IDEA looks just as good as it did 5 years
         | ago--which is to say not great. And without any evidence saying
         | otherwise, it's reasonable to assume that it hasn't gotten any
         | more lightweight or nimble since then, either.
         | People writing JVM apps who tout their quality never seem to
         | understand that their firsthand experience does not translate
         | to other machine/system configurations that other people are
         | running. It very well may be the case that those apps look and
         | feel _worse_ than an Electron app. (And one doesn 't have to be
         | a fan of Electron apps to admit this.)
           | thu2111 wrote:
           | It has actually. It starts a lot faster, and has a "lite"
           | mode where it's more like a text editor.
           | As for how it looks, well, it's an IDE. It looks fine to me.
           | There's a dark mode if you want it, the look is modern yet
           | dense: sparsity being a common issue with web apps. Plenty of
           | people use and like it.
             | sooheon wrote:
             | The point about information density cannot be stressed
             | enough for a "pro" tool.
             | Its keyboard friendliness is also highly underrated due to
             | being a GUI -- I found it's rivaled only by emacs/vim in
             | that I can go an entire work day without clicking around
             | with a mouse.
             | pwdisswordfish0 wrote:
             | It has nothing to do with dark mode. Dark mode screenshots
             | are the first thing you'll see when you go looking for how
             | IDEA looks today. It looks like a dark version of the UI
             | from 5 years ago, unsurprisingly. Which means it still
             | looks about as out of place as any Electron app. Although
             | one would hope they've dealt with the bad antialiasing by
             | now. Hard to say without downloading and running it, but
             | the continued lack of polish and past propensity to pass
             | the buck makes one question, "why bother?"
             | > As for how it looks, well, it's an IDE.
             | Not sure what this is supposed to mean. There are good
             | looking IDEs. There's not something inherent to them that
             | makes one look the way IDEA looks. It's the aforementioned
             | blindspots and the "I don't see anything wrong with it"
             | attitude that causes that.
         | johnnycerberus wrote:
         | I think you misinterpreted what the author aims to do. He
         | states in the beginning that the main reason for why we don't
         | have a good UI toolkit on the JVM is because every existing
         | solution is bringing its own drawing library and with it their
         | very own limitations. He advocates for a drawing library that
         | will be supported community-wide, something like Spring is.
         | React Hooks, SwiftUI and Flutter are modern choices that
         | popularized the declarative approach and the author expresses
         | its frustration that until now there was no interest in
         | developing one for the JVM, which has all the pluses that it
         | needs to create an ecosystem around one. Java, Kotlin, Scala
         | and Clojure will all benefit from it. I think he is right,
         | there is no modern graphics API on the JVM right now to do an
         | UI toolkit or 2D/3D visualisations.
         | hutzlibu wrote:
         | From the article:
         | "The road to high-quality UI on JVM is a long one. We'll need:
         | a graphics library, a window/OS integration library, a UI
         | toolkit. Today I am happy to announce the first part of this
         | epic quest: the graphics library"
         | Maybe you misread a bit? I do not see him suggesting, to use
         | his first step for the UI. The idea is to build the UI kit on
         | top of it.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | I get that, it's just that this is being presented as
           | something that will kill Swing and Electron, which obviously
           | makes it so that many will take away "I should use this to
           | draw my buttons" from it. I'm advocating caution before
           | throwing away Swing right now.
             | mmm_grayons wrote:
             | This is a blog post, not a product launch. It's intended to
             | be a foundation on which a "real" GUI library can be
             | written. The author mentions that it is one of several
             | steps that should allow the Java community to coalesce
             | around a better toolkit in the long term.
             | hutzlibu wrote:
             | Well, his intention is to create something that will
             | eventually kill Swing (and Electron), so he probably got
             | carried away wih his words a bit, but I do not see him
             | missrepresenting.
           | geokon wrote:
           | I think it's confusingly worded b/c they compare to Swing and
           | JavaFX in the first lines - so it sounds like this is aiming
           | to replaces those. But in-effect this is just a first step
           | towards that larger goal. Why the graphics library needs to
           | be rewritten from scratch and they couldn't implement a
           | better UI toolkit on top of what already exists is left
           | unanswered - and that's confusing. All it says is "Java UI
           | progress was blocked by the poor-performing Graphics2D"
         | jb1991 wrote:
         | See the end, the section: What's with the rest of the puzzle?
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | I assure you that I've read the whole thing, and since I've
           | already answered this question a couple times in this thread,
           | I'll direct you to my responses there.
         | vbsteven wrote:
         | This post is only about the Skia JVM bindings and that is
         | indeed only the graphics layer. What you are looking for is
         | Jetbrains Compose which is built on top of these bindings and
         | provides the GUI toolkit.
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | The particular issue I have is that when you look at a
           | library like this, and especially how it's being sold, we're
           | just going to have people go "Wait, I can just draw my own UI
           | toolkit! This is easy!" and they'll end up with something
           | worse than Swing because they don't realize the work that
           | went into Swing even though I'll be the first to admit it's
           | not the best. So I guess what I hope this becomes is that a
           | group of people who actually understand desktop UI come
           | together and take this to make a good toolkit, and I'm trying
           | to caution people who want to just dive in without fully
           | understanding what this would offer them. An analogy might be
           | a blog post announcing LLVM IR, and I advising caution
           | against just going and writing your homebrew language against
           | it and then shipping your software on that. This is just a
           | part of a good UI toolkit, and I think the blog post is
           | looking too far into the future.
             | jb1991 wrote:
             | This is directly addressed inside the article, in the last
             | sections.
               | saagarjha wrote:
               | Ok, so claiming I didn't read the article is actually
               | against the guidelines, and you've done so twice so I'm
               | not particularly in the mood to really entertain it
               | anymore. Like, if you read the comment you just replied
               | to, you'll see why I made the first comment even though
               | the thing it mentions gets a line in the article. But
               | arguing about who read what is not fun so I'd rather we
               | actually talk about the article itself.
               | jb1991 wrote:
               | Sorry if I got the wrong impression. It's an easy
               | impression to make when you keep complaining in multiple
               | comments that the article is omitting key things that are
               | actually discussed in the article.
               | Perhaps it's just the way you were communicating your
               | opinion that is misleading. It's not just me, I can see
               | at least three or four people here who are trying to
               | point out things in the article that you seem to have
               | missed.
               | vonmoltke wrote:
               | > Ok, so claiming I didn't read the article is actually
               | against the guidelines, and you've done so twice so I'm
               | not particularly in the mood to really entertain it
               | anymore.
               | First off, you are responding to two different posters.
               | Second, neither vbsteven nor jb1991 said you didn't read
               | the article, they pointed out things that were addressed
               | in the article. The phrasing they used is explicitly
               | called out as acceptable in the guidelines:
               | > Please don't comment on whether someone read an
               | article. "Did you even read the article? It mentions
               | that" can be shortened to "The article mentions that."
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
       | exabrial wrote:
       | What would make a great Java UI toolkit is CDI integration.
       | Things like event busses and injection would really simplify
       | things and be very powerful.
       | galaxyLogic wrote:
       | I would like to have a JavaScript version of JavaFX, that runs in
       | the browser. Is there such a thing?
       | nahuel0x wrote:
       | So we will see something like Flutter but from JetBrains and
       | Kotlin (native/jvm) based?
       | jillesvangurp wrote:
       | We're currently in an era where UI mostly means doing react type
       | stuff or IOS/Android native, for whatever very loose definition
       | of native you wish to use.
       | A trend that is interesting here is jetpack compose and swift UI,
       | which are both inspired by react but better in the sense that
       | they make full use of their respective type systems to make
       | things like data bindings a lot less painful than they are in
       | react. At least that being painful must be a reason why they keep
       | changing how that works in every major release.
       | Add internal DSLs to the mix and you are basically looking at a
       | nicer way to do UIs. That's only covering mobile currently
       | unfortunately. However, Jetbrains just announced Compose Desktop
       | which brings this to the desktop as well. If they figure out how
       | to target web and IOS with this, they could very well have a
       | winner.
       | For the web there is currently something called Fritz2, which
       | runs via kotlin-js and basically adds very similar style bindings
       | to a react like component framework. It's fully written in Kotlin
       | and I've been meaning to give it a try so I can use my multi
       | platform kotlin libraries there as well without having to figure
       | out react and how to make that play nice with things like co-
       | routines, data classes, etc.
       | For me the trend here is new UI frameworks originating outside of
       | the javascript world gaining traction and eventually ending up
       | running in a browser as well. IMHO it's that that is ripe for
       | disruption.
         | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
         | From TFA:
         | --------
         | Is desktop still relevant?
         | I believe it is!
         | I watched an interview recently, between an Android developer
         | and an iOS developer. One was asking:
         | "Does someone still writes desktop apps?"
         | To which the other answered:
         | "I have no idea... Maybe?"
         | Both of them were recording it on a desktop, in a desktop
         | application, while having a call over another desktop
         | application. Multiple other desktop apps were probably used for
         | post-production. None of those were written by magic elves or
         | left to us by a mighty ancient civilization. The desktop might
         | be less trendy, but only because it's harder to sell useless
         | crap here.
         | -----------
         | "react type stuff" and iOS/Android do not cover this, but you
         | probably knew that.
       | didibus wrote:
       | I've found apps made with JUCE https://juce.com/ always look
       | great and have really good responsiveness.
       | Now on the JVM front, I think one problem it has for desktop apps
       | is the memory usage of the JVM is just terrible for desktop apps.
       | It's clearly optimized for backend services assuming they are the
       | only app running trying to squeeze all performance out. But a
       | desktop app needs to be lean, and currently I'm not sure the JVM
       | is tuned to those use cases, and Java is missing a few features
       | for lightweight objects that could help as well with memory
       | usage.
       | dethos wrote:
       | > The desktop might be less trendy, but only because it's harder
       | to sell useless crap here.
       | There is some truth in this sentence.
         | joseluisq wrote:
         | and also that one:
         | >Why not Electron?
         | > The first reason is performance. JS is a great language for
         | building UI, but it is much slower than JVM. Wasm can be fast
         | but implies C++ or Rust.
         | > The second is the DOM. It is a horrible collection of hacks
         | that make simple things hard and hard things impossible. I have
         | thought many times "if only was I drawing this control/layout
         | directly, I would've finished hours ago."
         | > That means there's a very low ceiling, performance-wise and
         | quality-wise, of what a web app can do. I believe we can, and
         | should, do better.
         | > Electron taught us two good things, though:
         | > People crave for native apps. Nobody wants to work from the
         | browser. People don't care if apps don't look native to the
         | platform as long as they look good.
         | Regarding Electron, I think we "should" start to talking about
         | more like "Browser Apps for Desktop" instead of just "Desktop
         | Apps" which is broad term.
       | bjarneh wrote:
       | > with a lot of quality and performance drawbacks. They were so
       | significant that only one company managed to build a decent-
       | looking app in Swing [Link to JetBrains].
       | Until I found the J-editor, I sort of agreed. I never understood
       | why that project didn't get any traction; very well made IMO, and
       | it looks good too.
       | https://github.com/gnooth/j
         | didibus wrote:
         | Maybe because the repo doesn't even have a readme to tell you
         | what it is?
       | brunoluiz wrote:
       | I wonder where Qt sits today as a desktop framework. I remember
       | it was quite cool to use it and be able to run it in multiple OS.
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