[HN Gopher] Servo's new home
       Servo's new home
       Author : gbrown_
       Score  : 754 points
       Date   : 2020-11-17 16:04 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (blog.servo.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (blog.servo.org)
       | exikyut wrote:
       | Wow, this is awesome.
       | - Mozilla engineering finally gets the green light to beat Chrome
       | through a from-scratch rendering stack
       | - This skunkworks initative popularizes the world's first viable
       | C++ contender and interesting "mainstreamable" programming
       | language
       | - Manglement suddenly lays off the teams responsible for both
       | projects (Rust and Servo)
       | - Some awesome person from the trenches convinces said manglement
       | to release governance of the rendering engine so it can be
       | developed independently ((of said manglement))...
       | - ???
       | - Profit...?
       | This is real engineering and strategic problem solving. It's
       | inspiring to see.
       | What _is_ very annoying is that a Mozilla-branded web browser
       | already took the  "Phoenix" product name. :(
         | pqoek wrote:
         | Why is Mozilla not betting on Rust anymore?
           | untog wrote:
           | It seems like they're just not placing big bets now. Creating
           | an entire new programming language is a big bet, one that I'd
           | argue already looks like it's paid off, but Mozilla has
           | decided their future is as a much leaner company that does
           | fewer experiments. It really is a shame.
           | baq wrote:
           | the CEO needs a new house.
             | satyrnein wrote:
             | She's hardly the most overpaid CEO in tech, but she seems
             | to come up pretty often for some reason.
               | simias wrote:
               | Some people have an axe to grind with Mozilla since that
               | whole Brendan Eich thing, and on top of that there's just
               | good old sexism.
               | This all contributes to create a very toxic subject that
               | I generally tend to avoid, but I think that it's fair at
               | this point to question Mozilla's execs results at this
               | point. These past few years have been pretty brutal for
               | Mozilla, and there's no clear path ahead from where I
               | stand.
               | pqoek wrote:
               | > good old sexism
               | The only comment mentioning her gender was someone
               | defending her, you're pulling hair here
               | jamienicol wrote:
               | yes because one can only be sexist by explicitly
               | mentioning gender
               | MaxBarraclough wrote:
               | > for some reason
               | This isn't a mystery. Mozilla accept donations. It isn't
               | an ordinary for-profit corporation.
               | Yes, they separate Mozilla Corporation from Mozilla
               | Foundation, but the point stands. If Mozilla are going to
               | claim to _make browsers, apps, code and tools that put
               | people before profit_ , [0] they should expect backlash
               | when they lay off engineers while continuing to overpay
               | their leadership, despite continuing poor outcomes under
               | their stewardship. [1]
               | [0] https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/
               | [1] http://calpaterson.com/mozilla.html
           | vorpalhex wrote:
           | Mozilla has decided to move to a different mission less about
           | improving the web and more about enacting things that make
           | them money, so they can continue to pay a large CEO salary
           | and push policy objectives against free speech.
           | Unfortunately Mozilla seemed to go from "awesome" to really
           | disappointing in a very short time window.
             | wizzwizz4 wrote:
             | Mozilla currently cares more about surviving than its main
             | mission. And yes, it can't accomplish its mission if it
             | dies, but don't they understand? If Mozilla falls, another
             | will take its place.
             | The way to kill Mozilla is from the inside: to quash its
             | soul.
               | The_Colonel wrote:
               | > If Mozilla falls, another will take its place.
               | Yes, another chrome skin perhaps?
               | munificent wrote:
               | _> Mozilla currently cares more about surviving than its
               | main mission._
               | In the open market, any organization that doesn't cares
               | more about its survival than its mission will eventually
               | be replaced by one that does. This is fundamental to the
               | definition of "survival".
               |  _> If Mozilla falls, another will take its place._
               | The one that will take its place will be an organization
               | that prioritizes survival, not its mission.
               | wizzwizz4 wrote:
               | Organisations are made of people. There are enough people
               | who care about Mozilla's mission that they'd do the
               | things even if Mozilla didn't, and if they got together
               | they could get at least 10% of the funding from non-
               | Google people who currently donate to Mozilla, if Mozilla
               | ceased to exist.
               | The only real downside is that they wouldn't have a seat
               | on the WHATWG.
             | runarberg wrote:
             | > _pay a large CEO salary_
             | Sure, I'll buy that.
             | > _push policy objectives against free speech_
             | Can people please stop this latent homophobia? Mozilla
             | fired a person who donated money to a deplorable cause. You
             | can try to hide behind free speech, but we all know what
             | this is about.
               | BearOso wrote:
               | > Can people please stop this latent homophobia? Mozilla
               | fired a person who donated money to a deplorable cause.
               | You can try to hide behind free speech, but we all know
               | what this is about.
               | He quit. And I don't agree with it, but I wouldn't
               | exactly call his cause deplorable. People with those
               | views can believe they're being completely ethical. That
               | was also in 2008, a different political climate, and
               | nobody allowed him to learn from it or to restitute.
               | Of course, I agree that wasn't their downfall--it was
               | simply misdirected goals and funding.
               | dralley wrote:
               | >He quit. And I don't agree with it, but I wouldn't
               | exactly call his cause deplorable.
               | The purpose of Proposition 8 was to remove the right to
               | marry from gay couples - yes remove - because the courts
               | had already granted them that right.
               | If I was a gay Mozilla employee and I learned that my CEO
               | wanted to remove rights which the legal system had
               | already granted me, I would be so incredibly demoralized
               | and pissed.
               | Regardless of personal beliefs, it's a bad thing for a
               | leader of a tech company to be doing if they want to
               | retain talent.
               | nnethercote wrote:
               | It was a really weird and messy situation, and unpleasant
               | to live through.
               | I agree that Brendan's Prop 8 donation was bad. But he
               | did it privately, and never (AFAIK) made anti-LGBT
               | comments in public. People who had worked with him for
               | many years were surprised to find he had these views. It
               | was only found out because of political donation public
               | disclosure laws.
               | Some Mozilla employees publicly criticized Brendan for
               | the Prop 8 donation, but some defended him, because of
               | the aforementioned privateness of it. A number of the
               | defenses came from LGBT employees.
               | The pile-on at the time was _intense_. It lasted more
               | than a week. It reached the front page of my local paper.
               | Crazy stuff.
               | Brendan chose to stand down as CEO and also quit Mozilla.
               | He wasn't fired, and Mozilla leadership asked him to
               | stay.
               | All this nuance was lost. Lots of left-leaning people
               | concluded that Mozilla had knowingly promoted a proudly
               | anti-LGBT guy to CEO. Lots of right-leaning people
               | concluded that Mozilla had fired their CEO for his
               | political views. Both conclusions were greatly over-
               | simplified. Almost everyone found a reason to hate
               | Mozilla. Bad times!
             | unethical_ban wrote:
             | Wow, that is a hugely loaded statement. Even if it is 100%
             | true, the level of derision and bias should make any person
             | not familiar with the situation question everything you
             | say.
             | If you're going to be that biased, at least back it up. And
             | by back it up, I mean at LEAST throwing in some statements
             | of fact, if not URLs.
               | coldpie wrote:
               | Every thread tangentially related to Mozilla has a bunch
               | of people who don't understand how non-profits work come
               | in and complain about executive compensation.
               | vorpalhex wrote:
               | I'd say >$2.4M in exec comp[1] isn't just making up for a
               | lack of stock options.
               | [1] - https://www.cnet.com/news/mozilla-cuts-70-staff-as-
               | part-of-p...
               | coldpie wrote:
               | The absolute number doesn't matter. Non-profits
               | participate in the same labor market as for-profit
               | companies. You have to compare it to executive salaries
               | for other similarly sized companies in their market
               | segment to make the argument that she is overpaid.
               | Otherwise you're just arguing against income inequality,
               | which is not a problem exclusive to Mozilla, and
               | crippling Mozilla's ability to participate in that labor
               | market will not fix it.
               | shi314 wrote:
               | Does Mozilla compete with for profit companies for C
               | suite market? Which technology intensive company hire a
               | CEO who is lawyer by profession and hasn't had any
               | redeeming resume for management and technology. If you
               | look at firefox's market share, the only growth it had
               | was when she was not a CEO. Seriously, Mozilla is not
               | competing with for profit companies in C suite labor
               | market.
               | pqoek wrote:
               | > The pay for Mozilla Chair and longtime leader Mitchell
               | Baker in 2018, the most recent year for which the
               | organization released the information, surpassed $2.4
               | million.
               | [deleted]
           | simias wrote:
           | What even is Mozilla betting on at this point?
       | lastontheboat wrote:
       | We've been cagey about this over the months since the Servo team
       | at Mozilla was disbanded, since there were various moving pieces
       | that needed to fall into place. We're excited about the
       | possibility for Servo to continue growing and evolving in its new
       | home, though!
         | vanderZwan wrote:
         | Tangent: is your username in combination with that comment a
         | reference to the Mozilla Lifeboat?
         | webmaven wrote:
         | I don't imagine this is news to you, but just in case, the
         | 'Contributing' link 404s.
         | codys wrote:
         | Can you talk a bit about the "moving pieces" and/or the process
         | here? Interested in the process of doing this type of
         | migration.
         | wiz21c wrote:
         | Hmmm Well, I'm not in the business, but if the team was
         | disbanded, then where's the knowledge gone and who will be the
         | next paid team ? I ask because I guess Servo is not the kind of
         | project you just commit some patch over the weekend...
         | erickt wrote:
         | This is great news! I'm glad Servo found a place to land. Are
         | you planning on sticking with the MPL-2.0 license, or are you
         | also considering relicensing as well?
           | [deleted]
           | lastontheboat wrote:
           | There is no plan to relicense at this time.
         | simias wrote:
         | What's the plan exactly? Will there be a Servo browser that
         | integrates the servo rendering engine with some open source
         | components (for instance from Firefox, WebKit or Chromium) that
         | will let us use the engine stand-alone, or is it "just" going
         | to be an engine for embedding in third-party programs?
         | The former seems like it would be a huge amount of work, but if
         | it's the latter I fear for the long term survival of the
         | project because it's going to be hard to build a community
         | around such a project IMO.
         | Or is there a possibility that Firefox will try to integrate
         | Servo even if it's developed outside of Mozilla? Seems unlikely
         | to me.
           | LockAndLol wrote:
           | The latter would be better, imo.
           | Chromium won because it introduced a sane API before
           | Mozilla's Gecko. That's why you see so many Electron apps.
           | Seriously, we don't need to wrap a whole browser. Just the
           | engine and a debugger would've been fine.
           | The engine could be distributed as a lib and other frameworks
           | could just bind it. Apps could be distributed without an
           | 150MB behemoth just to have a chat client.
           | Making the engine also mobile compatible would mean Android
           | and iOS could maybe have the same base. I also look forward
           | to what this means for Linux phones. Custom browsers could be
           | written for those that don't have to use WebKit or try to
           | launch Chromium or Firefox on a mobile device.
           | Not only for mobile devices, but also displaying things in VR
           | can be made significantly easier if you don't have to write
           | all the UI yourself. Give it an opengl rectangular surface
           | (or vulkan?) and you can then use web technologies to make
           | UIs in VR.
           | All in all, I'm very for an engine. It would definitely allow
           | a competitor with a good name to enter the market. Developer
           | should be able to reach for something else than WebKit
           | because nobody in their right mind is going to reach for
           | Gecko.
             | smnthermes wrote:
             | > That's why you see so many Electron apps. Seriously, we
             | don't need to wrap a whole browser
             | Actually, Electron wraps an entire browser, except for its
             | UI part.
           | an_opabinia wrote:
           | It's tough. People really do want Flash, it's just Google
           | Chrome now.
           | The bigger question is when will Mobile Safari retire its
           | WebKit fork? What role will Servo play in that inevitable end
           | point?
             | bsimpson wrote:
             | Apple founded WebKit, so I doubt it will retire its
             | repository.
             | Are you asking for iOS and macOS Safari to converge, or for
             | Apple to ship straight from the open-source HEAD?
               | satya71 wrote:
               | Apple forked WebKit from KDE KHTML.
               | bsimpson wrote:
               | They aren't mutually exclusive.
               | WebKit was originally based on KHTML, but Apple still
               | founded WebKit and controls its source code. Even if
               | WebKit was just Apple's name for their internal fork of
               | KHTML, I don't see any reason they'd retire it.
               | Blink was originally spun-out of WebKit too. Similarly,
               | Google controls Blink, and the two have diverged
               | significantly in the intervening years. I suspect patches
               | for any of them won't apply cleanly to the other two.
               | Regardless of their origins; KHTML, WebKit, and Blink are
               | now independent pieces of software.
               | It's still unclear to me why anyone should expect Apple
               | to retire WebKit for iOS.
           | nvrspyx wrote:
           | A third-option that I would like to see is extending the
           | latter to an Electron alternative (aka using Servo as a
           | cross-platform GUI). There's definitely positives to
           | Electron, but it would be nice to see a more performant, less
           | memory hungry, and more battery friendly alternative.
             | chubot wrote:
             | Has anyone tried Cobalt? It looks like something based on
             | it could be an alternative to Electron.
             | https://cobalt.foo/
             | It's meant for embedded but that probably just means it's
             | easy to build and uses low memory.
             |  _A high-performance, small-footprint platform that
             | implements a subset of HTML5 /CSS/JS to run applications,
             | including the YouTube TV app._
               | spankalee wrote:
               | Cobalt lags on modern web APIs pretty badly. I wouldn't
               | recommend it.
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | Cobalt is definitely not for someone like you.
               | spankalee wrote:
               | I have to make code work in Cobalt as part of my job.
               | You?
               | kortilla wrote:
               | Parent was tone deaf but the point is that if you want a
               | bunch of cutting edge APIs then Cobalt isn't really for
               | you. It's light weight.
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | I write compositors, like the one you work with. Wanna
               | compare some more?
               | dang wrote:
               | Hey, please don't be a jerk in HN comments. If you know
               | more than others, that's great, but the thing to do is to
               | share some of what you know so the rest of us can learn
               | something. If you don't want to do that, not posting
               | anything is always an option. But please don't post
               | unsubstantive comments and especially not nasty
               | unsubstantive comments.
               | https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | I welcome you to go read the rest of my posts in this
               | thread and get back to me on whether or not my posts are
               | substantive, thanks!
               | dang wrote:
               | I didn't mean that all of your posts were that way, only
               | some of them.
               | chubot wrote:
               | Can you elaborate on that?
               | To be clear I wasn't suggesting that Cobalt is a
               | replacement for Electron. Electronic has a lot of its own
               | APIs too.
               | Rather, I wonder if Cobalt could be better than Servo
               | along some dimensions as an engine for something like
               | Electron.
             | devwastaken wrote:
             | Servo last time I checked used the same if not more memory
             | (100MB) for basic pages. There doesn't appear to be major
             | differences for that application yet.
               | jhoechtl wrote:
               | Why should there be any great difference? Firefox is
               | already written in a language where compilers have been
               | optimized since decades.
               | Rust will not bring that magic.
               | alexusgracia wrote:
               | Yap, it's magic
           | sergiomattei wrote:
           | This is also my concern. Everyone's cheering on, but I'm just
           | thinking... What's the mission and end goal now?
           | Previously it was doing research, with the possibility of
           | landing in Firefox. Now that's highly unlikely.
             | jfk13 wrote:
             | Is it really so unlikely? Firefox integrates all kinds of
             | components from elsewhere; why shouldn't it continue
             | adopting parts of Servo where appropriate?
               | cogman10 wrote:
               | Seems just more unlikely.
               | It's one thing for a mozilla team member to say "Hey,
               | let's pull the servo css layout engine into firefox" It's
               | a whole different thing for someone to say "Hey, let's
               | pull the webkit css layout engine into firefox".
               | The servo stuff, while for experimentation, was
               | ultimately geared towards the notion of landing parts of
               | it into firefox. It was built for that. Under an
               | opensource foundation maintainer model, there's a strong
               | possibility that it moves from that as a goal.
               | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
               | I would still expect servo to at loosely remain "firefox
               | shaped", at least far more than the separately-developed
               | webkit lineage.
               | smnthermes wrote:
               | The true difference is that Servo is more modular than
               | WebKit.
               | eznzt wrote:
               | So the Servo developers will now work for free but
               | Mozilla will start to leech from it? That would be
               | uncool.
               | DominoTree wrote:
               | It's an open-source project - a lot of us have already
               | been working for free :)
             | danShumway wrote:
             | > Servo's high-level goals remain unchanged: to provide a
             | high-performance, safe rendering engine for embedding in
             | other applications.
             | This is exactly what I want their goals to be. Embedding
             | Chromium in applications is cumbersome, bloat applications,
             | etc...
             | In the long run, having more options of web renders to use
             | will help with everything, including browsers. Maybe it
             | won't all be pulled into Firefox, but (ignoring all the
             | other problems with DRM/regulation/anticompetive
             | behavior/etc) it'll at least make it a little easier for
             | other people to build browsers, and it opens the door for
             | us to have more lightweight alternatives to applications
             | like Electron.
               | kodablah wrote:
               | This is a big one for me. I have to use CEF because it's
               | the only easily embeddable engine for me.
           | throwaway894345 wrote:
           | With respect to the latter, I agree that it seems unlikely
           | that the project would attract users. Maybe it's my own
           | ignorance, but I don't know what kind of apps (besides web
           | browsers) would want just the web rendering engine and not
           | various other components in a web browser. What are the
           | responsibilities of a "web rendering engine" anyway? How
           | tightly coupled is it to the DOM? Does it "own" the DOM, or
           | is that owned by some other component in the browser? In the
           | latter case, how are the relevant aspects of the DOM
           | communicated to servo? And does the rest of the web engine
           | query servo for things (e.g., "what are the exact coordinates
           | of this <div>?")? If this engine ends up not being so web-
           | specific, then maybe it could be used as a replacement for
           | Skia, more or less.
             | akiselev wrote:
             | You send Servo raw display lists, which is a format
             | tailored specifically to represent the DOM but it acts like
             | a generic slicing compositor in practice. It's not coupled
             | in the classical sense - the display lists represent
             | shapes, colors, stacks, rounded borders, etc..
             | It's more like Skia and can be used to develop GUI
             | frameworks (which is exciting because Servo is Rust and
             | Rust's GUI story is still in its early stages).
               | tannhaeuser wrote:
               | Thanks for that explanation. From the website, it wasn't
               | quite clear to me (and still isn't tbh) whether servo is
               | merely a rendering or also a CSS layout (+ parsing etc)
               | engine.
               | mst wrote:
               | The Servo CSS engine is what powers Stylo to handle CSS
               | in Firefox Quantum.
               | szundi wrote:
               | Very true, just wanted to find out what it is and not
               | easy.
               | throwaway894345 wrote:
               | Thanks for clarifying. This is exciting indeed! Are you
               | aware of usage outside of browsers?
         | networkimprov wrote:
         | I looked for a list of projects currently embedding Servo, or
         | planning to, but didn't find one.
         | Is any software embedding it now?
           | kbumsik wrote:
           | Servo is not production ready yet. So no software would use
           | it for now.
             | networkimprov wrote:
             | Plenty of pre-production software is built with pre-
             | production dependencies.
             | Does it not work for a useful subset of HTML/CSS?
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | Kinda hard when they don't even tell you how.
       | roadbeats wrote:
       | While this is great news on one hand, on the other hand, how
       | could Mozilla manage to lose its browser engine project ? If a
       | web browser company can't even keep its browser engine project,
       | what is really Mozilla working on these days ?
         | randomdata wrote:
         | A VPN service, apparently.
         | https://vpn.mozilla.org
         | p0nce wrote:
         | It's really a classic situation, the greenfield project is
         | stopped and the historical "old" project keeps going on.
         | fabrice_d wrote:
         | Mozilla is still obviously working on Gecko, which is the
         | browser engine powering Firefox. You can check the activity
         | here for instance: https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev
       | webmaven wrote:
       | This is encouraging. An Electron competitor would be really nice.
       | I'd be _especially_ interested in an Electron-but-for-Python,
       | along the lines of PythonWebkit:
       | https://www.gnu.org/software/pythonwebkit/
         | olah_1 wrote:
         | The rust electron competitor is already here
         | https://tauri.studio/en/
           | webmaven wrote:
           | Nice!
           | Okay, so now I want Tauri-but-for-Python.
           | Nkuna wrote:
           | Interesting project as they seem to be tackling the same
           | problem as the Flutter team whom started with mobile and are
           | steadily working their way up the stack.
           | Though it should be said repurposing a desktop first
           | framework for a mobile paradigm is much harder than the
           | inverse.
           | Cheers for this. Definitely keeping tabs on the project.
       | MrAlex94 wrote:
       | This is great news! Really nice to see another browser engine out
       | there being developed. Hope to be able to use this in a project
       | one day in the future and all the best to the team - quite a feat
       | how far Servo has come in supporting web standards in such a
       | short span of time (comparatively).
       | david-cako wrote:
       | seems like a great step for Rust adoption in the Linux community!
       | emteycz wrote:
       | Awesome news! The world needs another prominent browser engine
       | that browser vendors would want to use, and detaching Servo from
       | Mozilla makes it better positioned for that task IMHO. I'm also
       | very happy that work on Webrender continues. I love what you're
       | doing guys!
         | SimonSapin wrote:
         | For what it's worth, these days WebRender is mostly being
         | worked on by the Firefox graphics team at Mozilla.
           | Ericson2314 wrote:
           | As long as it still works for both!
         | LockAndLol wrote:
         | Should we start calling it Servo by Linux now?
           | blitblitblit wrote:
           | Servo Rust Kernel(tm) ... coming soon to a hacked up Linux
           | kernel near you.
           | bartvk wrote:
           | What's the connection to Linux?
             | SimonSapin wrote:
             | The Linux Foundation is a legal and fiscal host for many
             | projects, not just the kernel:
             | https://www.linuxfoundation.org/projects/
             | JustFinishedBSG wrote:
             | The Linux Foundation ?
             | dathinab wrote:
             | It's now part of the Linux Foundation.
             | (through that's all there is to it, calling it "by Linux"
             | would still be misguided I think as the foundation is named
             | after Linux and not the other way around)
       | [deleted]
       | cute_boi wrote:
       | Very good news for Rust.
       | triptych wrote:
       | We are seeing the birth of a new browser ( age )
       | Communitivity wrote:
       | Overjoyed to see this, and best wishes to the team. Looking
       | forward to seeing the future of Servo, and possibly contributing.
       | I see Servo as a great Electron alternative. And I think
       | eventually it could become a browser, though I understand that at
       | least as of a few months ago that wasn't the plan.
       | eitland wrote:
       | > or donating to help cover the project's new CI and hosting
       | costs,
       | Planning to do exactly that tonight.
       | I'm one of those who stopped donating to Mozilla once I realized
       | none of the money donated could ever be used for developing the
       | browser.
       | If anybody else thought like me tonight might be a good time to
       | prove we were principled, not cheap.
       | Edit: one more thing. Hopefully at some time we can now recreate
       | Firefox with a new name, a new engine and a new, safe but also
       | complete extension API that allows us to recreate what we've lost
       | over the last few years.
       | Edit2: done.
         | LockAndLol wrote:
         | > I'm one of those who stopped donating to Mozilla once I
         | realized none of the money donated could ever be used for
         | developing the browser.
         | I never donated to Mozilla for this precise reason. Now I'm
         | seriously considering it.
         | Edit: Done
           | ygjb wrote:
           | The irony is that from both of these comments it implies you
           | have a concern about the future and the stability of Firefox
           | as both an open source project, and it's role in preventing a
           | browser monoculture.
           | Setting aside concerns about leadership, because IMO it's
           | time for most of the current leadership to retire and make
           | space for more innovative folks, Mozilla needs two things to
           | preserve Firefox and Gecko, money and relevance. The have had
           | numerous misfires on diversifying revenue, and they have been
           | challenged on how to do that for a long time, but MoCo
           | (Mozilla Corporation) has been profitable for quite some time
           | due to the business deals with Google. That funds Firefox and
           | many other related projects.
           | The other thing that Mozilla needs is relevance, and over and
           | above the presence of Firefox, MoFo (Mozilla Foundation) has
           | played an activist role across many different initiatives,
           | standards bodies, and lobbying. That requires money, and
           | because of the legal manoeuvring that Mozilla has done in
           | structuring MoFo and MoCo it requires that Mozilla Foundation
           | be largely self-funding.
           | Donations help with that, and pay for relevance in a way that
           | Firefox alone can't. Please rethink the hostility towards
           | donating to Mozilla Foundation.
             | LockAndLol wrote:
             | If Mozilla were serious about Firefox and privacy, they'd
             | move it to the Foundation, allow direct donations, remove
             | all the Googleware, Pocket and whatever else they
             | unnecessarily shoved into Firefox + all the problems you
             | stated.
             | I'm not going to consider affirming bad leadership by
             | giving them money. Mozilla Corp employees aren't locked
             | into anything (unless they signed really shitty contracts).
             | They can leave and rebuild.
             | Servo might finally provide the foundation for a browser
             | that really is about privacy and not just a cash-cow for a
             | bloated upper echelon.
               | jamienicol wrote:
               | what googleware is in Firefox, and what impact does
               | pocket have on your privacy?
               | LockAndLol wrote:
               | Google is the default search engine of a "privacy aware"
               | browser. It uses Google Safe browsing which, from what I
               | understand, is practically an embedded call home to
               | Google for each new domain you visit. For quite a while
               | they were using Google as the default location provider.
               | Pocket was an unnecessary acquisition that wasted money
               | for an opt-out solution to... I don't even know what
               | problem. The money spent on acquiring it could've gone
               | into more developers, technical writers, testers, etc.
               | Clickz (or however it's written) was also an unnecessary
               | fail investment.
             | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
             | I don't see any irony there; people care about firefox, and
             | there is literally no way to donate money to develop
             | firefox. _Maybe_ donating to the foundation sorta
             | indirectly helps firefox, but a reasonable person could
             | easily view them as mostly unrelated.
               | ygjb wrote:
               | Sure, you can donate money to develop Firefox, but it's
               | not a core part of Mozilla's business model to support
               | that. Instead you would need to track down an OSS
               | developer that is either an active contributor, or who is
               | willing to work on Firefox, and then sponsor their work
               | through a number of different contributor pathways. There
               | are Github sponsorships, direct funding, or any of the
               | options here - https://itsfoss.com/open-source-funding-
               | platforms/
               | It's not easy because supporting open source contributors
               | is hard, and Mozilla is trying to keep their staff
               | focused on corporate and foundation priorities.
               | Even if users could directly donate money to develop
               | Firefox, the implication is that any such donations
               | should only be used for Firefox development, when in
               | practice, shipping a modern browser in a way that is
               | competitive requires an enormous amount of non-"Firefox"
               | related work (safe browsing, sync, telemetry, marketing
               | ,release engineering work, advocacy, documentation, etc,
               | etc, etc). Earmarking donations for engineering work is
               | kind of silly in the context of an OSS project designed
               | to compete with some of the largest juggernauts in the
               | industry.
             | syshum wrote:
             | >> Please rethink the hostility towards donating to Mozilla
             | Foundation
             | Once Mozilla rethink;s its hostility to its user base maybe
             | the user base will rethink its hostility towards Mozilla
             | Mozilla left us, we did not leave Mozilla
             | zerocrates wrote:
             | I suppose it depends on your definition of self-funding (or
             | possibly of "largely"): the Foundation receives roughly
             | half its total income from the Corporation, in the form of
             | license fees for trademarks. Of course both figures are
             | drops in the bucket compared to the Corporation's revenue.
             | I don't know if that "half and half" nature is coincidence,
             | an internal directive, or necessary to maintain their tax-
             | exempt status, but it's pretty consistent.
             | For-profit entities can, of course, lobby and sit on
             | standards bodies just fine. We certainly see plenty of that
             | behavior from the other vendors.
             | I'm not saying the Foundation is worthless or that people
             | shouldn't donate to it, just that they should know what
             | they're paying for and what they're not.
             | xiphias2 wrote:
             | Donations to a corrupt organization helps to make it even
             | more corrupt. Just look at any destroyed country where
             | ,,outside help'' is coming. Stopping the money flow is the
             | only way to change corrupt management to people who care
             | even if there's less money involved.
         | dmitryminkovsky wrote:
         | I'm not in a position to donate right now, so thanks a lot for
         | donating to this project.
         | Though I do wonder how much influence Servo will have on
         | preventing browser monoculture given that as a stand-alone
         | thing it can't be or isn't involved in developing standards.
         | Mozilla will still have to play that role. I hope they step up
         | to the plate and stay focused on this most important thing.
           | eitland wrote:
           | > I'm not in a position to donate right now, so thanks a lot
           | for donating to this project.
           | I've been there myself for years.
           | I'm happy to now be in a position not even have to think to
           | donate tonight.
           | Hopefully you too will get there soon too!
           | Edit: and thanks for your contributions to netty and graphql-
           | java!
         | dannyobrien wrote:
         | Yep, I threw them $10 -- it was pretty easy (there was some
         | strange scrolling problem on the first page, but I just hit the
         | donate button and it went away)
         | https://crowdfunding.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/projects/servo
           | rfvrgvegbegn wrote:
           | Do we really have to created an account to donate ?
           | I donate to Blender from time to time and I like how they
           | just put an IBAN on their donation page (
           | https://www.blender.org/foundation/donation-payment/ )
           | I copy paste the IBAN in my e-banking app, send, done.
           | Why here do I have to read pages and pages of privacy policy,
           | create an account, give my email, etc.
       | BeatLeJuce wrote:
       | Those are exciting news. Both for Rust and for the project -- I
       | think that's a really cool direction. The web becomes more and
       | more a commodity to execute code remotely, and I think this step
       | will help leverage Website-as-Interface as the default GUI for
       | our programs, and empower us to commoditize it even more. And the
       | Linux Foundation is a very lovely home -- they're dedicated to
       | open standards and great stewards. However, complete lack of talk
       | about funding and "every bit helps" makes it sound like this is
       | actually the death of commercial support for this project. And I
       | think it's super sad that Mozilla can't fund it anymore and
       | would've hoped someone else would have picked up the banner
       | monetarily. Does anyone know if the project has a good chance of
       | survival (Rust is a great dev community, but might alienate
       | broader adoption) -- can this survive purely within the open
       | source community?
       | leeoniya wrote:
       | the fact that you can now donate directly to Servo is fantastic.
       | before, a donation for Firefox or Servo was just a donation to
       | the Mozilla Foundation, which probably went to Mozilla's
       | unrelated monetization efforts rather than the thing you
       | intended.
       | https://crowdfunding.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/projects/servo
       | techwizrd wrote:
       | This is fantastic news. Servo has been doing exciting work, and
       | it was disappointing to hear that Mozilla had disbanded the Servo
       | team. I'm really excited to see where this will go. Will
       | improvements from Servo continue to make their way down into
       | Firefox?
         | paulrouget wrote:
         | > Will improvements from Servo continue to make their way down
         | into Firefox?
         | Unlikely.
           | Technically wrote:
           | It's difficult to characterize this as inherently bad,
           | though. We could end up with three competing engines and
           | major browsers, plus a long tail of webkit browsers. That's a
           | pretty decent scenario for the rest of us.
       | coldtea wrote:
       | I don't know about the Linux foundation, but the Apache
       | Foundation is where a lot of code goes to die...
       | sweetlucipher wrote:
       | Is WebGPU part of Servo? I know the guys at Mozilla were
       | developing WebGPU API in Rust. Looking to see where it's going (I
       | assume Firefox has to use it too. Chrome already has experimental
       | support)
       | Any idea?
         | lastontheboat wrote:
         | We had a summer of code student implementing support in Servo:
         | https://blog.servo.org/2020/08/30/gsoc-webgpu/
           | sweetlucipher wrote:
           | Excellent news. Thank you!!
         | Manishearth wrote:
         | The wgpu crate is being developed by Firefox engineers for
         | Firefox. As lastontheboat said we had a student integrate it
         | into Servo this year.
         | mrec wrote:
         | No, separate project, although both Servo and Gecko (the C++
         | Firefox codebase) are aiming to use it.
         | This diagram [1] kvark posted the other day might help. (I
         | _think_ dotted-outline boxes indicate external components, but
         | couldn 't swear to it.)
         | [1] https://gfx-rs.github.io/2020/11/16/big-picture.html
       | andrewmcwatters wrote:
       | Edit: It's clear to me Servo is vaporware right now. The
       | discussions in this thread and crawling servo.org make that
       | abundantly clear.
       | Original post: As an embedder, I just don't get the point. Servo
       | is a nonstarter. The idea of Servo minus Rust is great, because
       | most embedders don't use Rust. They use C, because C is easy to
       | embed with, and the availability of FFIs across languages that
       | interface with C is tremendous.
       | As someone who has used CEF, looked at Webkit ports, and has even
       | written a compositor compliant with a subset of CSS 2.1, you just
       | cannot sell Servo to me without a C interface.
       | My problem isn't, "I need an embeddable web browser written in
       | Rust." My problem is I need _any_ embeddable web software--at
       | least a CSS 2.1 compliant compositor--as an alternative to CEF
       | accessible through C, C++, or an FFI that talks to C, but almost
       | no one makes one.
       | I don't even necessarily need anything beyond a CSS 2.1
       | compositor, because so much of "web development" is either CSS
       | 2.1 or JavaScript, and I don't need the latter for my embedding
       | purposes.
         | Ygg2 wrote:
         | Rust has the ability to expose a C API. So, I don't see it as a
         | non-starter.
         | It's just that no one bothered to expose it.
         | EDIT: I'm wrong, but I do think the documentation isn't that
         | great.
         | https://github.com/servo/servo/tree/master/ports/libsimplese...
         | https://github.com/paulrouget/servo-embedding-example
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | > It's just that no one bothered to expose it.
           | Almost the entire quick start guide is about using Rust. So
           | you know, if I want to embed it, how do I do it?
           | If I need a view offscreen rendered to a framebuffer, how do
           | I get it? Can I blit? If so, how? How do I pass events to the
           | browser abstraction?
           | Servo talks about none of these things and leaves it up to
           | you, but 110% emphasizes everything possible about Rust.
           | I don't care about Rust, I care about embedding web
           | technologies. So how do I do it? They don't explain.
           | The front page prioritizes these things, in this order:
           | * How to use Rust         * How to contribute to Servo
           | * Servo's blog         * How Servo is governed         * How
           | to donate to Servo         * Contacting those involved with
           | Servo         * Downloading Servo
           | None of those things point me in the direction of how to
           | embed it.
           | Maybe they should spent more time catering to the people they
           | claim to be providing the software for and less to the Rust
           | crowd.
             | Ygg2 wrote:
             | Having looked at it more, it seems servo does expose C API.
             | The part I was working on doesn't.
             | Anyway servo comes with libservo and libservosimple.
             | Admittedly they don't seem to be well documented for people
             | coming from C world.
             | Perhaps you might want to comment on raise an issue for
             | Servo?
             | I haven't worked on it in quite a while.
               | andrewmcwatters wrote:
               | Why would I ask people working on embeddable web
               | technologies how to embed their software? They should
               | just tell me. I don't care that there's 19 people on
               | their "technical steering committee" if not a single one
               | of those 19 people is responsible for actual adoption.
               | If they don't have a getting started guide for people
               | like me to actually embed and use the software it's a
               | waste of my time and hypeware or vaporware depending on
               | how you want to look at it.
               | 18k stars and I know there aren't 18k embedders out
               | there.
         | lastontheboat wrote:
         | Servo already has a C embedding API in https://github.com/servo
         | /servo/tree/master/ports/libsimplese....
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | That's not an embedding API. It's definitely Rust exposed to
           | C, but there's nothing meaningful there as an embedder to get
           | started.
           | Reading code isn't reading documentation. The fact that
           | someone on HN had to search for it and paste it here tells me
           | enough about where they emphasize their time.
       | [deleted]
       | dcgudeman wrote:
       | I wish servo would adopt a more permissive license, something
       | like MIT or BSD instead of MPL. I think that existing projects
       | like chromium have a competitive advantage because they have
       | permissive licenses. If the community around servo would like to
       | see more projects like electron built around servo they should
       | consider it.
         | dralley wrote:
         | MPL is a perfectly fine license. It has most of the benefits of
         | permissive licenses (non-virality, worry-free integration with
         | proprietary code) with most of the benefits of copyleft
         | licenses also (changes to the library itself must be public).
         | I fail to see what benefits a more permissive license would
         | bring.
       | baq wrote:
       | With the growing concern about browser monopoly and engine
       | monopoly going against everything the web was intended to be, are
       | you planning on acquiring funding from government grants? EU at
       | least used to give out money to interesting projects, is there
       | hope for servo to get some?
         | smarx007 wrote:
         | Quite possible. But you need an EU entity for that and it's
         | likely why Eclipse Foundation (Eclipse Foundation != Eclipse
         | IDE for those who are not aware but rather a competitor to
         | Apache and Linux foundations) has moved to Europe:
         | https://newsroom.eclipse.org/news/announcements/open-source-...
           | caniszczyk wrote:
           | Indeed, as an FYI the LF is truly "Foundation as a Service"
           | and has entities in the US, EU, Japan and China. The RISC-V
           | Foundation (hosted by the LF) is even based out of
           | Switzerland.
             | O_H_E wrote:
             | > Linux Foundation is truly "Foundation as a Service"
             | That made me chuckle. If you have a reading about that, I
             | think I would enjoy.
               | caniszczyk wrote:
               | heh, here's a couple links that should be useful:
               | https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/2020/05/building-a-
               | succ...
               | https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/2020/09/software-
               | define...
               | Along with an older presentation I gave on the topic: htt
               | ps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Q2jKVpeGkbDVdcUhrzxC
               | ...
       | CodesInChaos wrote:
       | How many paid developers will it have now, and how many did it
       | have at Mozilla?
         | geogra4 wrote:
         | Right - unfortunately I feel like this is the most important
         | question. I would have loved for someone with deep pockets like
         | MS to take over servo. (Or even like Alibaba or Tencent)
         | paulrouget wrote:
         | None at the moment. Help is welcome:
         | https://servo.org/#support-and-donations :)
           | CodesInChaos wrote:
           | I have a hard time believing that a project as ambitious as
           | servo can survive without several paid core developers.
             | fabrice_d wrote:
             | Look at the corporate sponsors (that include Samsung and
             | Huawei) - they may provide paid contributors.
               | The_rationalist wrote:
               | I strongly believe that you could get funded by Google if
               | you attempted to port stylo to chromium. Firefox still
               | has state of the art css performance I believe, thanks to
               | stylo.
               | Nkuna wrote:
               | The same Google that suffers from "Not Invented Here"
               | syndrome? We're talking about a company that literally
               | tried to supplant the defacto language of the web!!
               | Highly doubt it.
               | Besides, nothing's stopping them from porting it without
               | funding the project.
       | devit wrote:
       | How about making a browser in addition to a "rendering engine for
       | embedding in other applications", in the form of a standalone
       | program and/or a Firefox (desktop and mobile) fork that can use
       | Servo as well as Gecko?
       | You could also go for the more ambitious plan of creating a brand
       | that can take over Mozilla as a "trusted browser maker", which
       | seems feasible given the falling reputation of Mozilla and the
       | technical security advantages of Servo.
         | dathinab wrote:
         | You first need a regarding engine to write a browser just doing
         | a embedded html rendering engine is a _lot_ of work so it 's a
         | good idea to start with a more viable/reachable goal and then
         | if viable expand to a bigger goal.
       | wmf wrote:
       | Is anyone paying Servo developers now? This is the real issue.
         | Manishearth wrote:
         | Many of us are looking for (or have found) dayjobs, but it's
         | possible some folks may be open to contracting work on
         | servo/etc. But nobody is being paid to work on servo right now.
         | paulrouget wrote:
         | Not at the moment. Help is welcome: https://servo.org/#support-
         | and-donations :)
           | atarian wrote:
           | Does being part of the Linux Foundation mean financial
           | support?
             | caniszczyk wrote:
             | The project will be forming a funding membership charter,
             | similar to other foundations in the LF like say GraphQL
             | Foundation (https://foundation.graphql.org/members/) which
             | will pool financial resources and ensure a sustainable long
             | term home, if your company is interested in helping out,
             | shoot an email to info@servo.org
       | reader_mode wrote:
       | Any servo developers arround ? I remember reading that a lot of
       | CSS layout problems stem from having to support legacy stuff like
       | floats etc that complicates reflow etc.
       | Would it be possible to create a rendering path that just
       | supports flexbox/grid and stuff that's not performance limiting ?
       | This wouldn't be great for existing websites but it would be
       | amazing if you had a CSS "strict mode" for electron like apps and
       | new content.
       | Stoked this project isn't dead and isn't tied to Mozilla, I like
       | lsf much more.
         | The_rationalist wrote:
         | Not the same but css: contain is a quite revolutionary strict
         | mode, performance-wise
       | ddevault wrote:
       | Is Servo planning to get back to the whole "writing a web
       | rendering engine" part, and backburner the "let's play around
       | with VR and stuff" plans? Because until then, I don't think Servo
       | is especially interesting as a project. As far as I can tell, the
       | last few years of Servo have been characterized by an obsession
       | with chasing shiny things, and not with the kind of rigid and
       | dedicated engineering efforts necessary to write a new web
       | engine.
         | Manishearth wrote:
         | We spent a significant amount of effort in the last year and a
         | half working on a redesigned modular/parallel layout subsystem.
         | The VR focus was because it was a good way to get servo out to
         | end users early without needing to be fully web compat -- WebXR
         | doesn't require complex layout. We didn't drop our focus on
         | full web compat during this, but full web compat has always
         | been a more long term goal given how complex the web platform
         | is.
           | andrewmcwatters wrote:
           | Get back to focusing on embedders and stop all the other
           | nonsense that isn't directly related to embedding.
           | ddevault wrote:
           | WebXR is also completely inane. What users are you "shipping"
           | to? A tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a percent of
           | internet users?
           | You have a massive effort ahead of you, and you won't get
           | there by chasing distractions. You need to have a singular
           | focus if you're going to accomplish this goal.
             | andrewmcwatters wrote:
             | They're not interested in "[providing] an independent,
             | modular, embeddable web engine," they're interested in
             | writing software in Rust and having their name associated
             | with a Mozilla/Linux Foundation project. Go look at their
             | governance.[1]
             | Their webpage tells you what they really care about, and it
             | isn't embedding.
             | [1]: https://servo.org/governance/tsc/readme/
       | arendtio wrote:
       | I am confused. I thought it is the raison d'etre of Mozilla to
       | develop a browser. So how does it come that the brand new browser
       | engine they developed is being given away?
       | I mean, even if they need to cut costs, isn't Servo part of the
       | team they should keep until the end?
         | tyre wrote:
         | There is some cost/effort to building a better browser engine.
         | They might believe that the same cost/effort would better
         | benefit the business if put elsewhere.
         | You see this at companies when engineering teams get it into
         | their heads that they _need_ to rewrite in a new framework.
         | There 's a trade-off between that work and building new
         | features for customers. The benefits might be worth it in the
         | long term! They also might not be.
         | That seems to be the call Mozilla made. I don't know if it's
         | the right one, but it seems to be what they did.
           | coldtea wrote:
           | > _There is some cost /effort to building a better browser
           | engine. They might believe that the same cost/effort would
           | better benefit the business if put elsewhere._
           | Yes, because all those years the Mozilla executive team has
           | proved that they have a good grasp of where the cost/effort
           | optimum lies... /s
             | stuaxo wrote:
             | From the outside it seems like eating the seeds for next
             | years harvest.
         | phonon wrote:
         | Because they wanted to "put a crisper focus on new product
         | development and go to market activities."[1] I'm sure that
         | explains it well...
         | [1] https://blog.mozilla.org/wp-
         | content/uploads/2020/08/Message-...
           | stuaxo wrote:
           | I'm guessing that the "new products" are not the browser.
             | Pet_Ant wrote:
             | They just launched a VPN Service
         | Shared404 wrote:
         | My understanding is that Servo was more experimental research,
         | with an eye towards _possibly_ being integrated at some point.
           | brabel wrote:
           | Does Firefox have any Rust component at all if Servo is not
           | apparently used at all by it, currently?
           | People have been claiming Firefox components were written in
           | Rust for ages, usually meaning Servo, but it seems now that
           | those claims were just misleading.
             | jfk13 wrote:
             | > Does Firefox have any Rust component at all
             | Yes, lots (and increasing). E.g.:
             | https://searchfox.org/mozilla-
             | central/source/servo/component...
             | https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/gfx/wr
             | https://searchfox.org/mozilla-
             | central/source/third_party/rus...
             | jcranmer wrote:
             | The first Rust component in Firefox was the URL parser,
             | followed by the MP4 metadata arser for audio. Then the
             | charset conversion component was rewritten in Rust, and
             | then some other tiny components. And then Firefox imported
             | Stylo (the CSS parsing and rendering) from Servo as the
             | biggest Rust component yet. The Web Assembly portion of the
             | JS engine is shifting to cranelift (written in Rust) as its
             | backend, another massive component, but I don't believe it
             | has done so in a released browser version yet.
             | In general, a lot of text handling, and parsing in general,
             | is moving to Rust, although some code is moving far more
             | slowly than others. Additionally, APIs that had been
             | implemented in JS that are too slow (or memory-heavy) are
             | being moved to a Rust implementation instead, such as the
             | l10n implementation.
             | coldtea wrote:
             | They weren't misleading, and they didn't mean servo.
             | Several Firefox parts are written in Rust. Stylo is the
             | most famous, here's a list of various parts that have
             | already shipped, and others that were/are in progress...
             | https://wiki.mozilla.org/Oxidation
           | gilrain wrote:
           | Except multiple parts of it had already been integrated into
           | Firefox, providing its most recent performance gains
           | (Webrender, Stylo).
             | stuaxo wrote:
             | Yes, they were developed in Servo first, then brought over
             | when mature.
             | I wonder if this is the end of that model, or more an
             | effort to get external people to contribute more to Servo.
               | dralley wrote:
               | Based on their public communications, it's the former.
               | They want to focus on rustifying Firefox directly rather
               | than trying to integrate massive chunks of Rust code
               | written in an external project.
         | bytematic wrote:
         | That seems to be what everyone was wondering about when they
         | laid off a large portion of their web teams
         | konjin wrote:
         | >I am confused. I thought it is the raison d'etre of Mozilla to
         | develop a browser.
         | To put it bluntly: Mozilla is no longer a browser company. It
         | is a patsy for google to point to and say "See we're not a
         | monopoly.". Secondary goals are increasing the supply of devs
         | for big tech and lowering wages.
         | mlindner wrote:
         | A lot of people misunderstand what Servo was. It was for
         | developing components that could be integrated into a browser.
         | Firefox integrated most of those and continues to develop more
         | code in Rust. Servo lost it's use.
         | JohnBooty wrote:
         | I most definitely agree.
         | All I can think is that they took a look at Servo and decided
         | it was cool tech but was really nowhere near delivering things
         | they needed for Firefox aside from Stylo which it had already
         | delivered.
           | stuaxo wrote:
           | But the things being delivered by it were mostly being
           | developed by Mozilla devs.
           | gilrain wrote:
           | And Webrender.
       | tannhaeuser wrote:
       | Is there a chance the Servo code base could be used to develop a
       | new browser? You know, like phoenix rising from the ashes much
       | like FF rose from the Netscape code base (wasn't FF even called
       | phoenix at some point)? Because that's certainly something to get
       | HNers behind.
         | andrewmcwatters wrote:
         | Of course, but they won't be working on it.
       | gigel82 wrote:
       | Haven't heard of Servo before so was excited about the
       | possibility of a lean new engine, but was pretty deflated when
       | the preview build is 200Mb+ on disk (80Mb just for the main exe).
       | It's possible some of it comes from the unoptimized extras like
       | the JS engine, media libraries, etc.
         | SimonSapin wrote:
         | I don't recall that disk size was ever something we've
         | optimized or tracked. Why is it important?
           | gigel82 wrote:
           | Other resources' usage (memory, I/O) tends to scale up with
           | size on disk. And empirically, the more code you have, the
           | slower your program runs.
           | Lots of folks in this thread brought up Electron and Servo
           | being a potential replacement for it, but the preview build
           | is already larger than Electron today.
           | webmaven wrote:
           | _> I don't recall that disk size was ever something we've
           | optimized or tracked. Why is it important?_
           | If you're targeting application developers, minimizing the
           | system requirements (including size-on-disk) for an installed
           | app that embeds Servo is going to matter.
           | I don't know how _much_ it matters, though.
       | mthoms wrote:
       | Can Servo be used as an Electron replacement?
         | Narann wrote:
         | Could be awesome! But it would need a JS engine.
         | asajeffrey wrote:
         | Not yet, there is an embedding API, but it's designed for
         | embedding into native apps. Servo uses Spidermonkey rather than
         | v8 as the JS engine, so integrating into the node ecosystem
         | would be tricky. But it would be nice to see a JS-first runtime
         | system built around Servo!
           | CodesInChaos wrote:
           | I'd guess many Electron users don't care about the node.js
           | parts at all, they simply choose electron because it's more
           | popular than the alternatives like CEF.
             | Technically wrote:
             | Node has done a lot of work in defining a runtime outside
             | of the browser. I'm guessing much of this work would need
             | to be done with spidermonkey in order to match common
             | functionality. It'd also help out an electron equivalent
             | for gecko, too.
               | CodesInChaos wrote:
               | Some electron users are certainly take advantage of the
               | features node.js provides. But others just want a html+js
               | based UI on top of a local webserver written in their
               | preferred language.
               | My ideal model would be having one piece of trusted
               | javascript which works similar to web extensions which
               | can control the window, trigger navigations, approve or
               | deny permission requests by origins and can interact with
               | the current web control. Any advanced integration with
               | the host operating system would happen though the local
               | webserver (which could be implemented in node.js if
               | that's your thing, or in C#, Rust...). This would not
               | require many changes to a browser runtime.
           | skyfaller wrote:
           | What about Deno, rather than Node? (I know almost nothing
           | about either, sorry if this is a stupid question.)
             | jayflux wrote:
             | Deno uses V8 just like Node does so the problem would be
             | the same
           | Ygg2 wrote:
           | Could Servo use v8 as the JS engine?
         | rezmason wrote:
         | That's the spirit!
       | hobofan wrote:
       | Pretty good news day for Rust between this, min_const_generics
       | stabilizing[0], and CXX 1.0 (including a nice "book")[1] being
       | released.
       | EDIT: Oh, and the Rust performance book[2].
       | [0]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/79135
       | [1]: https://cxx.rs
       | [2]: https://nnethercote.github.io/perf-book/
       | Touche wrote:
       | Servo is starting to remind me a little of Minix, where it is an
       | ambitious project attempting to fix underlying architectural
       | problems, but the scale of the project being so large that
       | ecosystem progress outpaces it's ability to adapt. I hope I'm
       | wrong.
         | wmf wrote:
         | That's a well-known problem unfortunately.
         | http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/utah2000/utah2000.html
         |  _To be a viable computer system, one must honor a huge list of
         | large, and often changing, standards ... A huge amount of work,
         | but if you don 't honor the standards, you're marginalized. ...
         | At another level, instruction architectures, buses, etc. have
         | the same influence. With so much externally imposed structure,
         | there's little slop left for novelty. Even worse, commercial
         | companies that "own" standards, such as Microsoft and Cisco,
         | deliberately make standards hard to comply with, to frustrate
         | competition._
       | newscracker wrote:
       | I haven't been following Servo closely for the last few years
       | (I'd looked at it during its early days). I recall that parts of
       | it were already integrated into Firefox, but could someone state
       | what percentage of the Firefox engine is based out of Servo and
       | what the roadmap is for bringing Servo to a stage where it could
       | almost replace Gecko? Does this new home for Servo (and
       | detachment from Mozilla) still mean that Firefox would continue
       | to aim to use it?
       | Tangentially, what's the headless browser space with Firefox at
       | the core looking like? When would it be able to provide something
       | like Electron (possibly without being such a RAM hungry piece of
       | software)?
         | asajeffrey wrote:
         | FF is using the CSS engine (Stylo) and rendering engine
         | (WebRender) from Servo. Webcompat is certainly on our radar!
       | the_other wrote:
       | On the face of it, this sounds great! I hope it leads to bold new
       | things.
       | It also produces an interesting coherence:
       | Google + MS -> Blink
       | Apple -> Webkit
       | Linux -> Servo
       | All the main OSs now have their own web rendering engine.
       | The 00s saw anti-trust against MS for this practice (ok, for the
       | rigid way MS forced their engine onto their users)... but today
       | the market has coalesced around the same core idea, cementing the
       | notion that general purpose OSs need a web rendering engine.
       | Might this pave the way for a better cross-platform UI
       | development? Rather than shipping Electron to every device for
       | every app, apps might leverage the web renderer tied to the OS?
       | I'm just wondering out loud. I was actually hoping we'd
       | collectively move back towards native apps with better cross-
       | platform tools, rather than integrating web apps deeper into OSs
       | (even tho' I'm a web developer by trade and stand to gain from
       | this).
         | rstat1 wrote:
         | So feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong.
         | I thought the biggest draw to Electron was that it was a single
         | stable platform that worked and looked the same everywhere.
         | I feel like (based on that) any attempts to move to OS bundled
         | web engines would completely miss the point of why Electron is
         | popular.
           | The_Colonel wrote:
           | I think the biggest advantage of Electron is that you can
           | write one code and it will run on all major desktop platforms
           | AND web. There isn't really any other good solution for this.
           | > I feel like (based on that) any attempts to move to OS
           | bundled web engines would completely miss the point of why
           | Electron is popular.
           | If the web platform is modern enough (chrome, firefox and
           | mayybe safari) then supporting these different platforms is
           | not that difficult.
             | rstat1 wrote:
             | Not difficult no.
             | But certainly not anywhere close to the 0 extra effort
             | required by an app developer to support other platforms
             | with Electron as it currently is.
         | Manishearth wrote:
         | The Linux Foundation is basically a catch-all foundation for
         | smaller open source projects, this is not "Linux owns a browser
         | engine".
         | The "Linux" there is more of an indicator of its origins than
         | its purpose.
           | the_other wrote:
           | Thanks for the clarification.
         | SimonSapin wrote:
         | Despite the name the Linux kernel is only one of many projects
         | hosted by the Linux Foundation these days. Browser engine to
         | operating system relationships haven't changed with this move.
       | danShumway wrote:
       | Thank God, I am so happy to hear that Servo isn't being
       | abandoned, and I'm very happy to see the Linux foundation getting
       | involved.
       | It's still going to be an uphill battle for Servo to really make
       | an impact on the overall browser/web industry/ecosystem, but at
       | least for now this is very positive news.
       | black_puppydog wrote:
       | I'm happy to hear servo is going to continue to exist.
       | Please forgive the beginner's question: my understanding is that
       | servo is "just" an engine, which needs to be wrapped into a
       | browser to really become usable. I've just tried (not for the
       | first time, btw) your tech demo, which I think illustrates this
       | perfectly. The rendering was lightning fast, but it's not a full
       | browser.
       | You state that your goals are "to provide a high-performance,
       | safe rendering engine for embedding in other applications."
       | Given that browsers are notoriously big software projects, do you
       | think it will be an obstacle that servo is no longer tightly
       | integrated with any sizeable browser project?
       | Of course, I'm asking because I'm really afraid that the amazing
       | effort that is servo might dwindle into irrelevance simply
       | because there is no "killer app" for it, and embedding it into
       | several small/niche products simply doesn't generate the same
       | involvement as a web browser.
         | Finnucane wrote:
         | Presumably any app that wants this kind of rendering could make
         | use of it, not just browsers--consider all the apps that now
         | use Electron for this.
           | coddle-hark wrote:
           | Electron (WebKit) is much more than a rendering engine
           | though. Sure, you could use Servo in a desktop app, but you'd
           | have to also bundle all the other browser components (a JS
           | engine, for example) individually. You're basically building
           | a browser at that point.
             | danShumway wrote:
             | Well, to be honest though, a lot of the criticism of
             | Electron stems from the fact that it's more than just a
             | rendering engine.
             | There are a lot of applications where you'd want to take
             | advantage of a browser view or a renderer or a JS engine,
             | but not the rest of the stack. There are native apps where
             | you might want a well-sandboxed JS engine for extension
             | support, or where you're writing all of your core logic in
             | C/Rust but you want to use HTML/CSS for your interface.
             | Splitting up those components would be useful in a lot of
             | situations.
               | smnthermes wrote:
               | > or where you're writing all of your core logic in
               | C/Rust but you want to use HTML/CSS for your interface
               | DOM is highly intertwined with JavaScript, so that
               | wouldn't be possible.
               | RussianCow wrote:
               | This is clearly not true, since the DOM interface is
               | implemented in something like C++ (or Rust, in this case)
               | in browser engines, so you could write your logic in the
               | same language, or even write a binding for any language
               | you like.
             | lastontheboat wrote:
             | Servo currently incorporates a network stack, a JS engine,
             | the DOM, JS APIs, an HTML parser, a CSS styling engine,
             | graphical rendering, media parsing and playback, etc. It is
             | not a browser, since it doesn't impose requirements about
             | how to load specific pages, interact with tabs, expose
             | history or bookmarks, etc.
               | M2Ys4U wrote:
               | I thought Servo linked with SpiderMonkey rather than
               | including their own JS engine
         | Manishearth wrote:
         | Servo was never tightly integrated with a sizeable browser
         | project. It shared some components with Firefox, but the only
         | time Servo itself was inside an actual browser release was
         | Firefox Reality for AR. Which still exists, though I'm not sure
         | what the future of development for it will look like.
           | dralley wrote:
           | I was holding out some hope that maybe Valve or Microsoft
           | would consider it a worthwhile project to invest in.
       | edoceo wrote:
       | Awesome! I've been tire kicking their nightlys. I was thinking
       | about building a "browser" but really mean just wrapping an
       | engine. With the shakeup at M I was nervous that Servo would die,
       | it's got a lot of promise. This is great news. Now, thoughts on a
       | UI framework for Rust?
         | brian_herman__ wrote:
         | https://azul.rs/ Maybe?
           | edoceo wrote:
           | Neat! Thanks for this!
             | mrec wrote:
             | I'm not sure azul is being actively developed any more; the
             | repo looks a bit tumbleweedy.
             | The best place if you want to keep tabs on this area is
             | probably https://www.areweguiyet.com/
         | paulrouget wrote:
         | My personal opinion is that, for a servo based browser, it's
         | probably better to just use UWP/C++ on Windows, C/GTK on Linux,
         | and SwiftUI on Mac, and just embed Servo via its C-API layer.
         | Rust shine when it comes to building a safe and fast web
         | engine. For the OS "glue" code, I would stick to whatever is
         | best for each platform.
           | xiphias2 wrote:
           | You missed Android. Firefox for mobile is so far behind
           | Chrome, it's unusable for me, most plugins don't work.
           | I would vote for HTML/CSS based browser (React / React
           | Native?), though I know that a lot of operating system
           | specific code needs to be written.
             | moogly wrote:
             | Chrome on Android doesn't even have plugins and never will.
               | The_rationalist wrote:
               | You can with e.g kiwi browser
             | mkl wrote:
             | I find Firefox more usable than Chrome on Android. uBlock
             | Origin works perfectly, and that's part of the reason.
               | The_rationalist wrote:
               | I use kiwi which provide uBlock Origin for chromium
               | xiphias2 wrote:
               | I tried to install Google Translate extension and it was
               | not supported. So when I have to choose between Google
               | Translate or adblocking, it's already bad for me, as I
               | like to use both of them on the PC.
             | SimonSapin wrote:
             | The C API has JNI bindings, which is relevant to Android. h
             | ttps://github.com/servo/servo/tree/master/ports/libsimplese
             | ...
       | hawkaguilar wrote:
       | Amazing
       | lucideer wrote:
       | On the surface, this seems like great news.
       | Does anyone have any insight into what level of influence Linux
       | Foundation's Platinum Corporate Members have over it's priorities
       | and direction?
       | Beyond the obvious (Google), MS are invested in Blink and
       | Tencent/QQ in Webkit. I guess there's scope for branching out in
       | terms of engine use but... MS have already tried that quite a
       | lot.
       | I'm not saying that it's necessary for all Foundation Corporate
       | Members to be actively adopting Foundation projects, but more
       | that some may have commercial interest in those projects not
       | competing with their own.
         | SimonSapin wrote:
         | Setting priorities and direction is the responsibility of the
         | Technical Steering Committee: https://servo.org/governance/
         | The plan is to later have a Board responsible for financial
         | decisions. Paid sponsorship to Servo (not just to LF) can grant
         | a seat on the Board but not on the TSC.
       | formermozillian wrote:
       | Happy to hear that Servo lives on! Anyone knows if Firefox Lite
       | will be rescued too, now that the FF Lite team has been laid off
       | as well?
       (page generated 2020-11-17 23:00 UTC)