[HN Gopher] Why We're Building Observable
       Why We're Building Observable
       Author : petulla
       Score  : 196 points
       Date   : 2020-11-20 15:34 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (observablehq.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (observablehq.com)
       | silentsea90 wrote:
       | Extremely dumb question: how is this different from tableau
       | and/or jupyter notebooks? I don't use visualizations and don't
       | understand this space :)
         | tracyhenry wrote:
         | Tableau offers templated visualizations. You generally do not
         | need to program to create stuff. Observable is a notebook
         | environment where you can write JS (mostly) to create and tweak
         | _highly customized_ visualizations. It 's similar to Jupyter on
         | a very high level (they all have reactive cells for example),
         | but for JS and visualizations.
           | silentsea90 wrote:
           | That makes sense! Thank you!
           | Some more questions: 1) Assuming the bulk of folks use
           | jupyter notebooks for analysis, why not integrate with
           | jupyter or use d3.js in jupyter directly? I assume there
           | would be a learning curve for data manipulation on js where
           | analysts/scientists would prefer python 2) Assuming that this
           | isn't even meant for the jupyter audience, who is it meant
           | for within a company?
             | tracyhenry wrote:
             | I mean this is my question as well: how are they making
             | money? As of right now Observable seems like a mix of use
             | cases like Medium-like explanation articles, vis
             | debugging/authoring and interactive journalism that don't
             | seem to generate much money (ofc I can be wrong).
             | I totally agree with you that the DS community is much much
             | larger than the vis community. With the new funding round I
             | think they should start doing something with DS.
       | carls wrote:
       | I'm a big fan of Observable, having used it to prototype and
       | learn a number of different visualizations. Note that you don't
       | just have to use D3, but can use other visualization libraries as
       | well (i.e. Vega-Lite, Highcharts).
       | I also want to shout out Mike Bostock, one of the company
       | founders (and creator of D3). I emailed him randomly to ask for
       | some help with a d3 package and he replied the next morning.
       | Busy creators who nevertheless still make themselves available to
       | engaging with the community always impress me!
         | jeffbee wrote:
         | Bostock jumps into random Twitter threads to answer questions
         | from Observable users. He's really helpful and generous.
         | breck wrote:
         | He responded to me too, almost a decade ago when I was first
         | getting into the field and looking for mentors. He had some
         | great tips too (basically which was to __not __do what I was
         | doing privately emailing devs asking for mentorship and instead
         | get involved with the public open communities on via GitHub,
         | Stackoverflow, sharing demos, etc). Obvious advice in
         | hindsight, but took me a while to internalize that.
       | [deleted]
       | anentropic wrote:
       | Skimming the docs... the tutorials are really nicely done but
       | it's hard to find a clear description of what exactly is
       | possible.
       | Can you install libraries (from npm?)
       | Can you build and share custom components, not just notebooks?
       | Can you connect to a web server?
         | tracyhenry wrote:
         | You can install npm libraries. You can connect to DBMS servers
         | (not sure about arbitrary web servers). I believe they offer
         | iframes to facilitate embedding but not frontend components.
         | Interactive vis is not very well integrated with the frontend
         | ecosystem IMHO. Integrating a very interactive D3 vis with
         | React, for example, can be painful.
       | SamBam wrote:
       | I'm a little confused about what the announcement is. Are they
       | moving out of beta?
         | carls wrote:
         | It's a bit buried, but if you click through the link about how
         | today is a big day for Observable, you'll notice it links to an
         | article announcing that they raised their Series A today:
         | $10.5M from Sequoia and Acrew.
           | ParadiseEclipse wrote:
           | I wonder why it's buried... the comments on this thread don't
           | seem to be on a single topic, so it looks like most people
           | have struggled to find the point too
       | tlarkworthy wrote:
       | I am a huge fan of Observable and I think it has massive
       | potential beyond visualizations. To me it's the holy grail of a
       | development environment, there is no separation between
       | development and output. There is no toolchain separating source
       | and binary, infact, the binary is _partially_ recomputed on
       | changes.
       | On top, it is forkable for others to build upon. It support
       | comments, its reactive. When I explain it to people I say its
       | like a combination excel + vscode + google docs + github. There
       | is nothing like it!
       | I been trying to see how far I can push it for non- visualization
       | software. Turns out... pretty far....
       | Firebase + Stripe =>
       | https://observablehq.com/embed/@tomlarkworthy/saas-tutorial
       | On Demand Minecraft Servers =>
       | https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy/minecraft-servers
       | Zero deploy serverless cells =>
       | https://observablehq.com/@tomlarkworthy/serverside-cells
       | With serverless cells I can serve HTTP endpoints from a notebook!
       | E.g. custom HTML like:
       | https://serversidecells-ibyw6dtm4q-ey.a.run.app/notebooks/@t...
       | is generated from a notebook!
       | I am so productive in Observable because there is no context
       | switch between development, using the product and debugging, it's
       | all just one thing. Amazing, utterly amazing. I hope the
       | Observable team can accommodate my use cases, as its clearly not
       | what they had in mind.
       | xipho wrote:
       | Observable is fantastic, but as others have hinted at, IMO, I
       | think it's trying to lock you in. I want the raw JS, in one
       | click, so that I can build out a visualization locally, just
       | hacking on HTML/JS. Steps to doing this are highly obfuscated
       | when they could be a single button.
       | Overall you can see its evolution from prior sites- someone spent
       | a huge amount of time demonstrating cool visualizations, then
       | tried to make it all "proprietary". Nothing wrong with that, but
       | why not make people addicted to the service by giving them the
       | raw drug, rather than making them hate you for dancing through
       | hoops?
       | Again- huge fan of access to many cool visualizations that have
       | greatly improved what I can express visually for presentations
       | etc., but very unhappy that I can't do this so much easier for my
       | particular workflow. I'd love to be shown otherwise, but I've
       | also spent a lot of time looking for answers, reading forum
       | responses, etc., and they seem to all reflect wanting you to go
       | through them, not along for the ride with them.
         | mistidoi wrote:
         | I kind of thought that too, but somewhere around the start of
         | the pandemic, I was able to quickly develop an interactive
         | dataviz on Observable
         | (https://observablehq.com/@mistidoi/coronavirus-tests-
         | positiv...) and drop it into a blog post trivially
         | (https://relevant.healthcare/blog/2020-04-02-covid-state-
         | visu...). Beyond the work on the viz itself, it took something
         | like 15 minutes to get it into the blog post, and it's more or
         | less seamless.
         | Confession though, I might have been powered by Mike Bostock
         | fanboy juice. d3 is part of what made me fall in love with
         | programming.
           | carls wrote:
           | Can you share how you were able to embed the notebook into
           | your blog post?
         | protoduction wrote:
         | I agree that Observable is fantastic, but also wish it was more
         | open.
         | I'm building something similar called Starboard Notebook[0]
         | that has a different set of trade-offs. It ends up being
         | something in between Jupyter and Observable:
         | * One of the goals is to build Jupyter how it would have been
         | if it was designed for the web (only).
         | * It's open source [1], plays nice with git (the format is
         | plaintext), and supports local viewing & editing [2]
         | * Because of that you can host it yourself, put it on your blog
         | / github pages, anywhere.
         | * There is little magic, it actually is just Javascript at it's
         | base. This means you can use standard browser APIs and HTML,
         | and when you are ready to "graduate" the notebook
         | implementation that should be straightforward. In my eyes
         | notebooks are only for the first 20% of the work that does 80%
         | of the job for small applications/experimentation (which is
         | often where it ends anyway).
         | * You can "build the ship as you sail": you can load new cell
         | types dynamically at runtime. This is also how Python is
         | supported (through WebAssembly).
         | * You can have interop with Python and Javascript which is
         | really powerful. Example: Create a drag an drop form using
         | HTML+JS, then process the dropped CSV file using Pandas and
         | visualize using matplotlib.
         | [0]: https://starboard.gg [1]:
         | https://github.com/gzuidhof/starboard-notebook [2]:
         | https://github.com/gzuidhof/starboard-cli
           | Jugurtha wrote:
           | Playing with this a bit. It appears I can't use `pip` with
           | `pyodide` and have to use `micropip` with:
           | micropip.install('torch')
           | Which fails with a message:                 Couldn't find a
           | pure Python 3 wheel for 'torch'
           | Would you agree that this is a substitute for "pencil and
           | paper" to express ideas around data?
         | RobinL wrote:
         | I don't think that's entirely fair.
         | For instance, I host content on my personal website [0] that is
         | written in using Observable, and in fact the site provides
         | guides to allow anyone to export content[1] and embed elsewhere
         | online.
         | My content can be entirely under my control if I save my
         | libraries out of the Observable API as a tarball[2].
         | I genuinely think the differences between Observable and 'pure'
         | javascript are driven by the vision for a more powerful way of
         | using javascript for rapid prototyping, rather than any attempt
         | to make it proprietary. I think these ideas are revolutionary
         | and Observable is one of my favourite working environments as a
         | data scientist.
         | I also think that Mike Bostock has shown good faith, and
         | dedication to the open source community through decades of
         | work, which he's always given away for free.
         | With all that said, if ObservableHQ and its API were to
         | disappear overnight, the lack of an editing environment would
         | make it difficult to update existing content and so I think
         | there is space for a offline version of the editor. As far as I
         | understand it, nothing's stopping a third party building this.
         | [0]https://www.robinlinacre.com/energy-usage/
         | [1]https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/downloading-and-
         | embed...
         | [2]https://github.com/RobinL/robinl.github.io/tree/dev/tgz
           | xipho wrote:
           | Thanks for the links, I completely concur with the goodness
           | of everything you've raised.
           | To clarify where I'm coming from, my use-case is (fully)
           | offline. I want to mock the visualization in the service then
           | get the raw, static JS offline to be used as a template. I'll
           | write a Ruby wrapper around the data I'm exploring and
           | gradually parameterize the template as I better understand
           | it, and what my data looks like in it. I don't want to dance
           | with details of the JS, I want to dance with details of the
           | data and parameters, so get me out of requiring online hooks
           | ASAP. I _know_ this is possible because prior versions of
           | Observable let you do exactly what I want, but now I get some
           | super friendly /not friendly interfaces that obfuscates what
           | I'm familiar with.
           | As a separate issue not fully related- Ultimately my goal is
           | a static visualization for scientific publications or
           | presentations (I can export SVG from Observable, so my prior
           | arguments doesn't hold here). Science has a very long shelf-
           | life, in my field we routinely reference papers and their
           | figures 200+ years old. While I absolutely love the idea of
           | "living publications" I also fear life that depends on
           | other's services. If the big people can't place nice
           | (coughing in your direction Google services gone dark, I can
           | think of various examples that have screwed over scientists),
           | then you can see my caution in adopting Observable's all-in-
           | dynamic approach.
       | golemiprague wrote:
       | I might be deficient in some way but I just feel a bit dumbstruck
       | with a lot of the visualisations and I can't make sense of them.
       | Would rather just read a table with simple numbers. Except from
       | very simple graphs everything else looks to me like a cognitive
       | overload which I can't decipher.
       | kowlo wrote:
       | You can't self-host with Observable. For many, that means it's
       | not a feasible replacement or improvement over an existing
       | literate programming environment.
       | It is a bit silly to downvote this for not being true, when it is
       | factual.
         | j-pb wrote:
         | Not true.
         | The Observable runtime is open source, and trivial to integrate
         | into your existing react/whatever webapp.
         | There is also a vscode plugin that allows for live editing and
         | rendering. It doesn't give you the ObservableHQ interface, but
         | tbh I like working with files more. It also allows me to git
         | everything.
         | https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GordonSm...
           | ParadiseEclipse wrote:
           | It sounds like you confirmed that it can't be self-hosted -
           | are you sure about it not being true?
             | j-pb wrote:
             | Hosting the notebook and hosting the development
             | environment are two different things.
             | It's like saying git (observable) can't be self hosted
             | because github (observablehq) is not open source.
               | kowlo wrote:
               | Just to jump in and say my comment that you said wasn't
               | true was "... improvement over an existing literate
               | programming environment.".
               | j-pb wrote:
               | I don't argue that you might find a different notebook
               | environment more suitable. That's totally up to taste,
               | preferences, and silly do argue about.
               | But observable (the reactive notebook technology) can do
               | everything a jupyter notebook can do, you just need to
               | write a bit of communication code to hook up a websocket.
               | (For me sandboxing the ui is a feature not a bug.)
               | And you can also self host it on a machine of your
               | choice, and edit it locally.
               | We do that internally for all our dashboards.
           | kowlo wrote:
           | It is true.
           | You can't self-host the same way you can self-host the
           | Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab environment.
           | Or has that changed? Can I work on something offline without
           | communicating with their servers?
             | j-pb wrote:
             | Check the link provided. It's just running inside of
             | vscode, with no communication to their servers whatsoever.
               | kowlo wrote:
               | I did, it's not the same literate programming environment
               | like I said. Are we misunderstanding each other?
               | j-pb wrote:
               | "You can't self-host with Observable."
               | You can self host observble, but you can't self host
               | observablehq.
               | Literate programming just means the combination of code
               | and documentation/visualisation.
               | Observablehq provides a nice inline code editor, but
               | that's incidental to what observable is.
               | Git can also be used with a GUI but that GUI is not
               | essential to what git is.
               | Simularly observable notebooks can just as well be
               | created without the GUI, in a quite convenient way.
               | kowlo wrote:
               | I can see the ambiguity in what you've quoted, but it's
               | clarified in the sentence that immediately follows it. It
               | was referring to the "literate programming environment".
       | mrkwse wrote:
       | I really like Observable a lot, and have made a couple of brief,
       | messy visualisations with it (messy in terms of code at least).
       | I hope at some point they can offer some sort of offline support.
       | The focus on ease of sharing is great, and the volume and breadth
       | of content has really helped me to get more proficient with d3.
       | The inability to open and edit notebooks offline/locally is a
       | real inconvenience, however.
       | I have a small personal site on Netlify (with Next.js) and going
       | forward I'm looking at hosting the sort of stuff I have on
       | Observable there, simply as it's easier to work to when offline.
       | The quality of the community and resources is a really valuable
       | thing, but the need to be online is a real drawback at times.
         | kowlo wrote:
         | Indeed having the environment offline would be great. But this
         | doesn't seem to fit their model for profit.
         | ontouchstart wrote:
         | You can host __production __notebooks offline /locally or on
         | your own SSG/CDN.
         | Here is a project that we built last year (by its nature, it
         | had a limited shelf life so it made no sense to have long term
         | cloud support.)
         | https://spike150.mocanyc.org/
         | If you inspect the source in the browser, you will see that the
         | notebooks are hosted on the same server.
         | P.S. If you want online interactive notebook on your own site,
         | I guess that is their business model either as a viral sharing
         | of free notebooks or paid private team sharing. (I was on a
         | team plan during the development of the project. But once the
         | project is done, there is no need for us to continue on team
         | plan and be interactive. I am glad that they offer support of
         | offline production notebook.)
         | P.P.S. If Observable Team is listening, here is a business idea
         | for them: observable playground as a service. It would be less
         | a technical challenge than a business development challenge.
       | rgovostes wrote:
       | Coincidentally, I tinkered with my first Observable notebook last
       | night (https://observablehq.com/@rzg/prosthaphaeresis -- don't
       | judge too harshly).
       | One of the improvements on the computational notebook concept is
       | that it seems to compute a data flow graph so it knows what cells
       | to update when the data changes, without you needing to re-run
       | cells in a particular sequence. The cells can also be out of
       | order.
       | The editor interface is pretty slick, and I wish it were open
       | source so I could use it in other projects.
       | (Mike Bostock, one of the founders, is also the creator of D3.js
       | and the information visualization gallery bl.ocks.org. Here's my
       | favorite: https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/31bd072e50eaf550d79e)
         | breck wrote:
         | Wow, never heard of Prosthaphaeresis before. So cool! Really
         | enjoyed playing with your notebook. So concise and clear.
         | thanks!
         | mrkwse wrote:
         | The data flow is really well implemented with Observable. The
         | fact you don't need to go through and repeat the execution of a
         | number of downstream cells when you make a change is really
         | useful.
         | Another great advantage they have is the data map on the right-
         | hand margin. It's a good way of seeing how complex a notebook
         | is getting as well as being a really efficient way of
         | navigating through the data flow.
       | billconan wrote:
       | An issue of visualization on the web I don't know how to solve is
       | how to load large data.
         | RobinL wrote:
         | Very much depends on how large you're talking, but check out
         | Apache Arrow:
         | https://observablehq.com/@theneuralbit/introduction-to-apach...
         | https://observablehq.com/@uwdata/arquero-and-apache-arrow
         | catacombs wrote:
         | That depends on the job. Is the data constantly updating?
         | tracyhenry wrote:
         | We are building a data vis tool
         | (https://github.com/tracyhenry/kyrix) to solve this exact
         | problem many web vis tools have.
         | The idea is not surprising: using database indexes and a
         | backend to send the frontend necessary data to render _on
         | demand_. DB and the backend are containerized so the
         | installation, data loading and authoring are all one command.
         | For creators, we offer D3 and JSON-based declarative primitives
         | that enable creation of pan/zoom like visualizations very
         | easily (e.g. 10s of lines of JSON for a 15-zoom-level vis). You
         | can check out an interactive demo here, which visualizes 1.88
         | million wildfires: http://wildfire.kyrixdemo.live/
         | Since big data vis is very use case dependent, I'd like to
         | reference two other tools that might be useful:
         | Falcon: https://github.com/uwdata/falcon NanoCubes:
         | https://nanocubes.net/
         | Disclaimer: I'm still in academia so I'm apparently biased
         | towards academic works. But fortunately they are all open
         | source.
           | breck wrote:
           | I saw you mention Falcon and NanoCubes so had to check our
           | kyrix. I think this is a really important space. I used to
           | assume Palantir had solved this but now that they're public
           | it seems to be more of a smoke and mirrors startup.
           | 3 questions:
           | 1. Why isn't there a demo I can just click and visit?
           | 2. Why not TypeScript? (I think this would be a worthy short
           | term and long term investment --for this project and beyond--
           | to make the upgrade)
           | 3. Why Docker? (This one I'm probably wrong about and am just
           | a curmudgeonly old gray beard). Every time I see Docker I say
           | "nope". I get it's use for massive clusters, but for running
           | on one machine I dislike it (at that point I'd prefer just to
           | run an image on a cloud VM).
             | tracyhenry wrote:
             | Thanks for the feedback!
             | 1. In the original comment there is a link to a demo
             | created by Kyrix: http://wildfire.kyrixdemo.live/ Are you
             | looking for a different type of demo?
             | 2. Honest answer: we are very understaffed academics who
             | also need to write papers and theses. We want to convert to
             | TS, that is just one item on the wish list.
             | 3. We want everyone to be able to spin up a Kyrix app _on
             | their laptop_ using 3 CLI commands (you can try,
             | instructions are in the README). With a backend and a
             | database comes the cost of complex installation. Docker
             | helps make everyone 's dev environment consistent so it's
             | easier to troubleshoot.
               | breck wrote:
               | 1. Ah! Sorry I missed that and went to the GitHub. Might
               | be helpful to also add that link to the "website" field
               | of the GitHub?
               | 2. I get it. I never had the "pleasure" of being an
               | academic, but got the chance to be a software engineer
               | working alongside grad students for a couple of years and
               | it felt like I imagine what taking a tour of a sweatshop
               | factory floor would be like. (a huge exaggeration, but I
               | saw a lot of low pay and lots of time on pdfs and not
               | enough on code)
               | 3. Yeah, I get it, but maybe allowing everyone to run it
               | on their own VM would be better (and providing a one
               | click "click here to get your own droplet on digital
               | ocean running kyrix" sort of thing). I've found that
               | Docker suffers from the XKCD problem (10 different
               | environments to support--what if there was just 1....11
               | different environments to support!). I've almost never
               | had a pleasant experience using Docker (and anything that
               | requires downloading a 1GB+ image I don't consider
               | pleasant). But again, I'm probably just being a grump and
               | the other grads I worked with all seems to like it.
               | Another idea is could use do this with SQLite? Have a
               | more slimmed down version that didn't require Docker +
               | those dependencies
               | Thanks for the answers! Very cool stuff and it's a very
               | interesting problem.
               | tracyhenry wrote:
               | Again, thanks for the feedback. Your comments are great
               | food for thought!
             | count wrote:
             | Generally Docker lets you say 'here, this works', rather
             | than 'follow these 800 steps to get your environment in the
             | right shape'.
           | domoritz wrote:
           | Vega-Lite and Falcon author here. Many people ask for
           | scalable visualizations and I think declarative visualization
           | approaches are really promising since systems can
           | transparently optimize data movement and rendering. I have
           | done some more experiments to scale Vega such as
           | https://github.com/vega/scalable-vega but I think what we
           | need is a system that automatically offloads heavy
           | computations to a backend such as
           | https://github.com/omnisci/jupyterlab-omnisci.
         | chatmasta wrote:
         | Observable supports direct DB connections [0], but these only
         | work in private notebooks at the moment.
         | At Splitgraph [1] we're building a "data delivery network"
         | (DDN, like a CDN but for databases) that looks like a big
         | Postgres database. It works really well with the Observable
         | Postgres client in private notebooks -- you configure it like
         | you would for any Postgres connection. For public notebooks,
         | you can use our HTTP API for sending SQL queries directly to
         | the DDN. Here's an example [2] using that SQL-over-HTTP API to
         | plot some Covid data.
         | [0] https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/connecting-to-
         | databas...
         | [1] https://www.splitgraph.com
         | [2] https://observablehq.com/@mildbyte/splitgraph-ddn-
         | oxcovid19-...
           | breck wrote:
           | I've been watching splitgraph for a while. __Very
           | __interesting what you are doing!
             | chatmasta wrote:
             | Thanks! That means a lot :) Much more to come.
         | breck wrote:
         | I've found 10MB (gzipped) to be a good rule of them. Anything
         | bigger, query a backend. Storing bigger things in ephemeral tab
         | memory can be painful if you refresh browser a lot.
       | brandnamehq wrote:
       | Great domain. We like hq domains too :)
       | petulla wrote:
       | My gripe with Observable is I can't fit into a Python-based
       | workflow. I.e., a machine learning or gpu-training worfklow. It
       | is a nice place to create explainers, though. I almost think of
       | it as being like a Medium alternative.
         | catacombs wrote:
         | > My gripe with Observable is I can't fit into a Python-based
         | workflow.
         | Observable is for JavaScript ecosystem. I wouldn't count on
         | them implementing anything for Python.
           | hobofan wrote:
           | With the growth expectations that come with the funding
           | amount they just collected, I'd count on it. There is just so
           | much more demand for data visualization and notebook-style
           | projects in the Python community compared to the JS
           | community.
         | Jugurtha wrote:
         | Could you say more about your workflow? Our platform[0] may
         | suit you:
         | - Collaborative no-setup notebooks: different images with the
         | most popular libraries pre-installed. See each other's cursors,
         | very useful for troubleshooting, pair programming.
         | - Long-running notebooks: GPU ready. You can schedule notebooks
         | right from the notebook view so you don't context switch. You
         | can close your browser, disconnect from the internet, or shut
         | your laptop and still see the notebook's execution.
         | - Automatic params/metrics/model tracking: no boilerplate.
         | - One click deployment: clicking a button deploys a model and
         | gives you a nice "REST" API endpoint you can invoke.
         | If you're doing anything related to ML and use notebooks, you
         | probably had the above problems. We're building around Jupyter
         | notebooks because in our experience, our machine learning
         | projects were not held back for lack of slick stylesheets.
         | - [0]: https://iko.ai
         | pea wrote:
         | For Python, Datapane may solve your use-case (I am one of the
         | founders). It's an open source framework for creating HTML
         | reports from text, dataframes, plots
         | (altair/bokeh/plotly/folium), and files. We provide a free
         | public platform for sharing reports on the web, and you can
         | check out some of the things our users are building here:
         | https://datapane.com/gallery/
         | It's different to something like Observable in that you import
         | it into your existing Python environment (Colab, Jupyter,
         | Airflow, etc.), build the reports from your assets, and push
         | them up -- as opposed to having to do the analysis itself in
         | our interface.
         | domoritz wrote:
         | Take a look at https://www.streamlit.io/.
         | ilaksh wrote:
         | Can you run arbitrary libraries like Tensorflow.js?
           | TeMPOraL wrote:
           | You can run just about anything that can be run in the
           | browser (all code in an Observable notebook executes in your
           | browser). Though depending on the flavour of packaging/module
           | system a given package uses, you may need to figure out a
           | correct magic incantation to import it.
         | fractionalhare wrote:
         | This is also the main thing holding me back from using it. The
         | Observable experience feels more polished than Jupyter for me.
           | petulla wrote:
           | My hope is eventually to be able to run it locally and
           | integrate it into other language, like Tensorboard.
       | darksaints wrote:
       | I really like Observable and have used it quite a bit, but I
       | absolutely hate that it is the default documentation form for D3,
       | because D3 is a javascript library, and Observable is not
       | javascript. At the very least it would be nice if there was a way
       | to take an example and press a button to get the same thing in
       | javascript.
         | carls wrote:
         | A lot of the code you can write does look like JS, though. You
         | can use the libraries that may be common to a JS dev. It's not
         | perfect, but there's enough overlap and the differences are
         | understandable and documented[1].
         | Also having learned a lot of D3 by reading through Observable
         | tutorials, I'm curious what you've seen that doesn't seem to
         | work when you port it to JS?
         | One thing I'm aware of is that you have to move a lot of the
         | plotting code into the .then() method of promise when you're
         | loading data.
         | ------
         | [1] Observable's not JavaScript:
         | https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/observables-not-javas...
         | macNchz wrote:
         | Yeah I pulled out d3 for a project recently, having used it
         | before-quite a bit at one point-but not for several years. I
         | just wanted to browse some basic examples for the current
         | version, to refresh my memory and familiarize myself with the
         | current API, but the reliance on Observable drove me up the
         | wall. Even a lot of the old examples from bl.ocks.org just
         | redirect to Observable now.
         | The presentation is one more layer to understand between
         | "here's the code" and "here's what the code produces". I do
         | generally like the notebook format for exploratory data work,
         | but it's not at all ideal as part of a workflow for writing
         | code that will fit into a larger application, in my experience.
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