[HN Gopher] Should I use SwiftUI in production? A code-to-code c...
       Should I use SwiftUI in production? A code-to-code comparison to
       help you decide
       Author : danielwbean
       Score  : 45 points
       Date   : 2020-11-21 18:18 UTC (4 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (triplebyte.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (triplebyte.com)
       | yoz-y wrote:
       | I think the important thing to say is that there are already APIs
       | which are SwiftUI only. This trend will definitely continue and
       | in (near) future you won't have much choice.
       | While SwiftUI definitely lacks some finer customization of
       | default elements (like the mentioned hairlines in the List/Form
       | view), you can re-implement any UIKit view yourself in the end.
       | Lazy loading is perfectly doable, I think the author could have
       | shown an example on how to do the carousel properly with a full
       | example of the UIKit code.
       | [deleted]
       | lukeh wrote:
       | Agree with all the comments here. Once you get your head around
       | it, it's fast and capable - until you run into a corner case it
       | doesn't support (attributed text was the big one for me). Then
       | you end up needing to wrap UIKit, which is straightforward except
       | there is a new set of corner cases to deal with, eg. content
       | sizing, embedding in native scroll views, etc. It all does work
       | in the end but it takes a while to get there, and I know I'll be
       | replacing a lot of code as SwiftUI evolves. Having said that,
       | it's probably a better situation than releasing a half-baked but
       | more featured framework.
       | Also yes, the documentation is terrible.
       | A few things I found helpful - https://gist.github.com/lhoward
       | lupinglade wrote:
       | SwiftUI is pretty and a pleasure to work with when you want to do
       | something that is expected. The moment you need something more,
       | SwiftUI is not your friend anymore. Too much is hidden away in
       | internal implementation details and much of it is broken,
       | incomplete or completely missing. It may be adequate on iOS, but
       | on a Mac it is nowhere near usable at this stage.
         | bartvk wrote:
         | How did you find out about this?
           | lupinglade wrote:
           | First hand experience.
       | lunixbochs wrote:
       | I think UIActivityIndicatorView is just:
       | ProgressView()
       | .progressViewStyle(CircularProgressViewStyle())
       | rnikander wrote:
       | Most of what I like about SwiftUI is the syntax. I wonder if I'd
       | be better off using Swift function builder syntax to build
       | UI/NSView hierarchies and layout.
       | [deleted]
       | Jakobeha wrote:
       | > As of June 2020, Apple Reports that 92% of devices introduced
       | in the last 4 years use iOS 13, while 81% of all devices
       | (including the oldest) use iOS 13. Some businesses are not
       | willing to part with that remaining 8%-19% of users.
       | I'm surprised that so many people have the latest iOS. I was
       | reluctant to use SwiftUI because I thought that more people have
       | older iPhones which wouldn't support it.
         | wlesieutre wrote:
         | iOS 14 support goes back to the 6S and original SE, so the
         | newest unsupported phone is the iPhone 6 from September 2014.
         | Not a lot of those still around.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | iOS adoption rates are extremely high these days, especially
         | with the long support periods devices get and various ways to
         | reduce friction while updating.
           | jonplackett wrote:
           | Plus the constant, never-ending nagging!
         | pritambarhate wrote:
         | As per this Wikipedia article[1], more than 2 billion iOS
         | devices were sold by September 2018. 19% of 2B is 380M devices.
         | So by going iOS 13 only quite a few potential users are left
         | out.
         | [1]
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_iOS_and_iPadOS_devices
           | dilap wrote:
           | Though I wonder what fraction of those people are interested
           | in installing new software? I wouldn't be surprised if it was
           | pretty small.
             | moonchild wrote:
             | Maybe. On the other hand, maybe they're likely to engage
             | more with the few apps that still support their version of
             | ios.
           | auggierose wrote:
           | I doubt all of those sold devices are still functional.
       | shinycode wrote:
       | I spent a year building an app from scratch in pure SwiftUI. The
       | first few month were difficult because of the bugs and missing
       | doc. But then it got refined and enhanced. I could do almost
       | everything I wanted with it and this years release brought well
       | waited features.
       | Thanks to Big Mountain Studio's work on documentation and lots of
       | blogs with nice articles (swift with majid) it's possible to get
       | a good grasp on the subject.
       | It's definitely the future and a real joy to work with,
       | definitely so in new projects.
       | The app I built is bulletweek.
       | mushishi wrote:
       | My personal experience: after working on existing UIKit
       | application for over a month or so, I spent a couple of weeks
       | trying SwiftUI out in last summer, by first watching most of the
       | Stanford's great SwiftUI iOS lectures
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIYdYpPXil4&list=PLpGHT1n4-m...
       | With the little experience I got, I agree with mikenew's comment.
       | SwiftUI felt like an expressive way to define UI elements, but I
       | had some small weird details that took long time to solve,
       | perhaps because I defined something in a way that wasn't supposed
       | to. Ultimately, I mostly got the code to look in the way I
       | preferred, but for example regarding animation or gestures there
       | were some problematic details I didn't want to spend time to get
       | exactly right.
       | Overall I enjoyed it much more than UIKit but I would hesitate to
       | use it in the future in a professional setting without properly
       | investigating how mature it is at that point of time.
       | If anyone is interested, here's the Shogi app I developed,
       | intended for two local two players, and as a reminder I am quite
       | new to the iOS ecosystem:
       | https://github.com/EvidentSolutions/toodim
       | makecheck wrote:
       | _Where it works_ , SwiftUI is indisputably the most compact and
       | maintainable form of data bindings _and_ auto-layout that you
       | have. It _should_ be used immediately for those working cases.
       | It is therefore critical to also learn the bridges (e.g. how to
       | get a platform-specific view or controller out of SwiftUI)
       | because you will _also_ want those _somewhere_.
       | Note, I have seen Herculean attempts on blogs, etc. to shoehorn
       | ungodly amounts of hacks into SwiftUI objects to get certain
       | behaviors that don't exist yet; That Is Wrong. Do _not_ fight
       | this framework; either use a native element with full
       | functionality and a bridge, or a succinct SwiftUI description. It
       | is clear that "someday" everything will have a nice SwiftUI
       | version and it isn't worth faking it for now wherever it doesn't
       | work yet.
       | philipyoungg wrote:
       | I've been using SwiftUI for macOS and iOS fully to make
       | stayinsession.com
       | It's my first app while I'm learning Swift. Coming from React,
       | the transition is relatively easy. I did learn some UIKit and
       | AppKit and find it extremely verbose.
       | The thing is SwiftUI is not really ready for prime time. There's
       | a lot of bug and inconsistencies here and there. Things that work
       | on iOS doesn't work on MacOS. Vice versa.
       | Keyboard navigation and input focus sucks.
       | Minor update (like from iOS 13.1 to 13.2) could break some part
       | of the app.
       | Also performance is not optimized. I have a slideshow that took
       | at least 10% CPU on Mac all the time. That limitation makes me
       | decides to use animation sparingly across the app.
       | But again, the productivity is no brainer.
       | Basically my iOS and macOS app lives in monorepo because there's
       | ~95% code sharing.
       | auggierose wrote:
       | For a new app, it is a no brainer. I've been coding up an
       | interface in SwiftUI in the last week that would have taken me
       | ages with UIKit. And the resulting interface is so much better,
       | because tuning a small detail corresponds to a single line or two
       | instead of the agony of spinning up a new UIViewController ...
       | rnikander wrote:
       | I'm using it in production, but a few situations that I could
       | handle with autolayout constraints seem impossible in SwiftUI.
       | Examples here: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/664283
       | In these 1% cases, I can make things "good enough" by hacking it
       | with SwiftUI. But it bothers me. Sometimes I want to go past
       | "good enough" and reach for "perfect". I could do that with
       | UIKit/AppKit, but with SwiftUI they haven't documented (or
       | created) the layout system to allow it.
       | anupamchugh wrote:
       | I'd love to see a SwiftUI's API implementation for AVFoundation
       | in their next iteration. Building camera based SwiftUI apps would
       | get much easier.
       | svntid wrote:
       | 1 min glance and I came to the conclusion that I should not use
       | it - thanks cowboy
       | mikenew wrote:
       | I've been working full time on an app in SwiftUI for the past 8
       | months or so. I'll sum it up this way: I frequently oscillate
       | between thinking "This is amazing, it truly is a joy to work with
       | SwiftUI" and "Holy FUCK this is the most infuriating thing I've
       | ever experienced in my life".
       | I can't comment on the documentation, because there isn't any.
       | The closest thing you get is the WWDC videos from the past few
       | years where most things are outdated anyway. There's also lots of
       | third party tutorials and what not that open with "Apple doesn't
       | say anything about how this works, but I think I might have
       | figured it out". And a lot of those third party sources are
       | pretty good, but still. It's hardly ideal.
       | There are also a lot of inscrutable little edge cases where
       | something just doesn't work, and there's hardly any path to
       | figuring out why. Scrolling performance will tank, for example,
       | after some trivial change. The framework "works like magic",
       | until it doesn't. And you're stuck tweaking random things hoping
       | something makes a difference.
       | BUT, at the same time, it's awesome. Code reuse is like, a real
       | thing this time, not just something that works on paper but not
       | in practice. You can compose things very quickly and succinctly,
       | and you no longer have the unreadable, un-mergeable,
       | unsearchable, existential nightmare that was storyboards. When it
       | works, it really is fantastic. Don't count on the "live preview"
       | though. That thing never works for anything other than the most
       | trivial of examples.
       | If I could go back to 8 months ago, I probably would have chosen
       | differently. But it is clear that SwiftUI is the future, and
       | within a year or two it will be unequivocally better than UIKit.
       | So if you're starting now... maybe. Just be prepared for some
       | pain.
         | ollysb wrote:
         | Can't agree more with this. Coming from Elm/React to my first
         | project in Swift choosing SwiftUI seemed like the obvious
         | choice. It always felt like the type system wasn't quite
         | powerful enough to express the API. Once you add Combine into
         | the mix type erasure makes debugging issues unspeakably
         | painful, errors appearing on the wrong lines at best and often
         | in entirely different files. Then there's the tooling, Swift
         | Package Manager was endlessly running into mysterious issues
         | that would eventually disappear if I just rebuilt the project
         | enough times. As for SwiftUI preview I have no idea what was
         | going on there but it brought my brand new iMac to a halt,
         | simple code changes causing multiple minutes of the dreaded
         | spinner. I was using Swift for a side project and the issues
         | just destroyed all motivation to continue with it. I've since
         | switched to Flutter which while the language isn't as capable
         | (though reified generics are a huge improvement) does at least
         | feel like a solid tool to build apps with.
         | jrsj wrote:
         | I don't understand why Apple doesn't just document this. Is the
         | team responsible for it just pro-UIKit and doesn't actually
         | want people to use SwiftUI or something? Because the lack of
         | documentation for so long really does give me the impression
         | that they actually don't want people to use it. It's hard to
         | believe it could just be incompetence.
           | plorkyeran wrote:
           | The documentation for _everything_ lags years behind now. The
           | only reasonable explanation is just that they have far too
           | few people working on docs and don 't consider it an
           | important thing to hire more people for.
           | rnikander wrote:
           | Yup, I wonder same thing. Besides the docs, it's the lack of
           | comments and help on the "developer forums". They are content
           | to let developers flail and struggle with a topic for _years_
           | rather than take some time to help. It comes across to me as
           | gross arrogance, but it could be something else.
       (page generated 2020-11-21 23:00 UTC)