[HN Gopher] The Tech Stack of a One-Man SaaS
       The Tech Stack of a One-Man SaaS
       Author : amzans
       Score  : 329 points
       Date   : 2020-11-23 13:06 UTC (9 hours ago)
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       | rebataur wrote:
       | For early stage startups we just released fsKube: Your full-stack
       | kubernetes enabler
       | fsKube provides as Desktop Web UI to setup entire AWS EKS
       | Kubernetes cluster, with all the components and Django framework
       | template with a full DevSecOps enabled, along with monitoring and
       | operations.
       | The whole thing within 45 minutes. Support for Spot Instances,
       | Graviton Processor and AMD AMI coming soon, will reduce already
       | cheap EKS prices further.
       | Watch the full demo here https://youtu.be/Nt5yowdwm5Q
       | Product https://rebataur.com/tools/fskube
       | errantmind wrote:
       | My One-Man SaaS tech stack:
       | * AWS EC2
       | * .NET Core Backend (Business logic + Kestrel Web server + Let's
       | Encrypt + JSON Web API)
       | * NOSQL Database: The filesystem
       | * SPA InfernoJS front-end (similar to React)
       | --
       | The application is performance intensive and must deliver
       | responses sub 100ms at at all times. Each 'request' from the user
       | does a lot of work. I optimized to get all this to run
       | efficiently on a $20 / mo EC2 instance, with no other costs
       | ttymck wrote:
       | Would love to hear more about how you deploy, manage and utilize
       | Celery. I think there is a lack of quality case studies on
       | celery-in-production. Thanks for sharing!
       | avan1 wrote:
       | Glad to see that stack works for author, but honestly one man
       | show's shouldn't be multi lingual stacks at all IMO. for me php
       | (laravel for back and front with blade templates) or js (express
       | and vuejs for frontend) and docker-compose for deploying and
       | developing stuff is fast and enough stack.
       | vladletter wrote:
       | Thank you for the sharing!
       | About pricing:
       | - Do you have any tool for cloud pricing tuning/estimations ?
       | - Are you using specific tool to track all your expenses in
       | general ?
         | amzans wrote:
         | I have used https://calculator.aws/ in the past, but to be
         | honest it's difficult to account for the egress
         | costs/networking fees using their calculator. Simple things
         | like networking between Availability Zones/Regions can really
         | creep up in your monthly bills if you don't watch out.
         | I do track my expenses on a sheet manually, using a ballpark
         | figure. At the end of the month I compare it with my AWS bill.
         | If something seems off, I investigate it further. But I don't
         | try to predict exact figures, more like expected ranges.
         | I do miss the fixed-cost nature of DigitalOcean/Linode. I
         | didn't have to worry about sudden charges, you pay $20/mo per
         | node and that's it. Lots of bandwidth included.
         | But for the most part it's fine, as long no bot starts
         | bombarding your services with useless requests, egress costs
         | tend to scale with revenue in my case, as my product's pricing
         | is based on usage.
         | I also have Cloudflare in front of my AWS stack, it has blocked
         | a few small attacks already, but nothing serious yet.
       | ezekg wrote:
       | Fellow solo founder here. I feel like this is pretty overkill,
       | most notably k8s (and terraform.) The last company I worked at
       | used k8s and it felt overkill even for them. But if it works for
       | you, great, but I definitely think that'd require spending too
       | much of my time on devops. Maybe I should do a "counter" blog
       | post on using Rails, Heroku, Redis and Postgres. :)
       | paxys wrote:
       | Seeing a lot of criticism on this thread, but honestly as a
       | founder the best stack for your company is the one you know.
       | Whether you use Kubernetes/Terraform or manually rsync a bunch of
       | files to a server under your desk - do whatever works for you.
         | er4hn wrote:
         | Adding onto that - your priority is to be able to ship features
         | and have an ease of maintaining them. This setup works for you,
         | so it's great to see it be shared.
       | mvanga wrote:
       | Honestly, having gone down this path a year back, just use Heroku
       | for your backend. Maybe Netlify if you want to separate your
       | frontend and backend.
       | The amount of complexity and interdependencies these "here's my
       | stack" posts describe are always a huge cognitive overhead for
       | running a one-person SaaS.
       | Heroku costs more, but there's a reason for it. If you're even
       | remotely making money from your product, and are alone in running
       | the show, it's a no brainer to drop a couple hundred dollars a
       | month to eliminate 99% of your ops headaches: the documentation,
       | the add-on's, the fantastic UI, decent reliability, and ease of
       | operations are totally worth it. Literally the worst thing one
       | can say about Heroku is the cost, and possibly, the inability to
       | build certain complex architectures (which most single-person
       | SaaS services aren't).
         | golergka wrote:
         | I tried using AWS, Digital Ocean and other hosting platforms
         | for my hobby projects, but every time I keep running into
         | different problems and eventually give up and go back to Heroku
         | - and things just work.
         | I would never recommend Heroku for my employer or for any
         | company that has real production loads and a budget for
         | administrators that know how to set it all up: Heroku does seem
         | to get prohibitively expensive at larger scale. But for hobby
         | projects that get couple of hundred requests per day this is
         | more than enough, and if one of them gets too successfull, I'll
         | just pay someone for a day or two of work for migrating my code
         | to other hosted platform - and since I never use vendor-
         | specific tech, this shouldn't be too hard to do.
         | amzans wrote:
         | Heroku is a great product if you want development speed right
         | from the start. I have used them in the past, and it was a very
         | nice experience overall.
         | For many projects this is more than enough. However, in my case
         | I would be paying 2-3x more if I was using Heroku.
         | With Kubernetes, in case I wanted to deploy new projects or
         | even spin up a "testing" env, I can use the same stack/cluster,
         | and not have my costs increase.
         | I do realize that this is not for everyone. But for me it just
         | made sense, and enabled me to work on new features faster than
         | before.
           | jaggederest wrote:
           | I just wonder how much you're spending per month. Going from
           | $200 to $600 in exchange for not having so many moving parts
           | would be 1000% worth it to me. Usually the margin on SaaS
           | businesses is in the 60% range, most of which isn't
           | infrastructure, so it's a rounding error until you get to the
           | size where you have full time people working on infra.
           | [deleted]
         | jrochkind1 wrote:
         | I've been spending some time looking at moving to heroku, but
         | having trouble figuring out how to use it for a real production
         | for deploy for "only" a couple hundred dollars a month.
         | Is that what you're doing? "Standard" dynos and just a few of
         | them are working for you, I assume, for that budget? In my
         | tests, with a Rails app, "standard" dynos are looking
         | surprisingly slow, possibly unacceptably so. Very curious to
         | hear about other people's heroku formations if anyone wants to
         | share. What platform you're on (Rails or something else), and
         | what your response times look like, would also be interesting.
           | cldellow wrote:
           | With a standard dyno, you get something like 1/15th of a core
           | on the underlying EC2 instance. IMO, they're best for workers
           | where latency isn't an issue.
           | For user-facing work, I use performance dynos.
           | Heroku _is_ expensive, but in exchange, you don't have to
           | worry much at all about the ops side of things.
           | YMMV, it may not be suitable if you need to be profitable
           | each month and can't afford to spend the baseline cost of,
           | say, $1,000/month.
             | jrochkind1 wrote:
             | Thanks. I agree that heroku is an amazing service, a really
             | impressive product.
             | But once you are using a single performance dyno, you are
             | unlikely looking at a bill that's only "couple hundred
             | dollars a month".
             | Thanks for confirming you use performance dynos for user-
             | facing stuff -- I thought I was going insane discovering
             | that it didn't look like standard dynos were suitable for
             | that for me -- is "everyone else" using them though? The
             | heroku docs imply they are indeed... standard (that's the
             | name), and the performance dynos are for unusual
             | performance needs.
             | Which is not what it was looking like to me.
             | Based on my current investigations, I agree being prepared
             | to spend $1000/month is a better back of the napkin to-
             | start-with estimate.
             | Which, sure, is quite possibly still a value compared to
             | the number of hours you'd be spending setting up and
             | maintaning something else. Quite possibly! But it's not "a
             | couple hundred dollars a month".
           | dyeje wrote:
           | Checkout Hatchbox.io, just started using it myself. You
           | basically pay a flat monthly rate for their Heroku-esque
           | management service and then pay for the servers on your
           | provider of choice separately (e.g. DO, AWS, etc).
             | lambda_obrien wrote:
             | I've been looking for something between Heroku (too
             | expensive, too many features) and Dokkku (too much hassle,
             | I have to maintain my own security and patches) and this
             | looks like exactly the thing I wanted, except it looks like
             | it's only for Ruby? I use a combination of Python, Elixir,
             | and Haskell, so I'd love it if they did support other
             | langs.
               | cpursley wrote:
               | Take a look at digitaloceans new app platform or
               | render.com. Render allows you to run distributed Elixir,
               | which is nice. And with digitalocean, if you outgrow app
               | platform you could just move to their hosted k8s.
               | These both are k8s under the hood but with everything
               | extracted away to a heroku level, but much cheaper.
               | Additionally, they both provide static site hosting like
               | netlify.
             | jrochkind1 wrote:
             | Are you finding it mature enough to "just work"? The reason
             | someone pays for something like heroku is they put a high
             | value on "just work", I am really not looking to be
             | troubleshooting weird bugs or figuring out weird edge cases
             | in my ops, that's the whole point here!
             | I'll take a look, it definitely looks interesting, thanks!
         | paxys wrote:
         | Heroku is terrible value for money. You can very easily use one
         | of the dozens of free & open source deployment managers or CLIs
         | for EC2 and get the same ease of use at 1/10-1/20 of the cost.
         | It's good for hosting a hobby project for free or $5/mo and
         | forgetting about it, but it doesn't make any sense for a
         | startup.
           | bredren wrote:
           | Or side project. There is a learning curve to heroku of its
           | own, and you could be spending that time just learning how to
           | deploy docker containers.
         | bryanrasmussen wrote:
         | For the one man projects I'm thinking of starting there's a
         | good chance I will make at best 100 a month for the first
         | couple months, having probably only one customer for that time.
         | ab-dm wrote:
         | Heroku is a god send for getting off the ground, however the
         | biggest issue for us hasn't been cost (it's high, but worth
         | every cent) it's been server location.
         | We're an Aussie company, and a large percentage of our
         | customers are in Australia. Having servers only in the US and
         | Europe mean that Australian customers speeds are slower than
         | they should be, and private spaces are far too expensive to
         | warrant it.
           | aclatuts wrote:
           | I have started using google cloud run as a drop in
           | replacement for Heroku.
           | It has almost all the same features and runs at almost any
           | GCP location.
         | padseeker wrote:
         | I support this sentiment so much. I've been building something
         | in my spare time. You are one person, the value provided with
         | Heroku and the time saved is worth the cost versus AWS, at
         | least for a project of this size and scope. It would take a lot
         | more customers and capacity on the server to justify the ROI.
       | aadithpm wrote:
       | As a fairly new dev, this is really great information for me.
       | Thanks for posting this.
       | If you don't mind me asking, roughly how much do you spend (time)
       | on this every week? How much of that is split between
       | development, operations and product or business development?
         | amzans wrote:
         | Glad you found it useful!
         | Since I have a full-time job too, my time on this project is
         | pretty limited, usually no more than 2 hours per day.
         | That's why I tried to automate and save time as much as I could
         | using Kubernetes operators, well supported open source
         | projects, and most importantly, tools I already feel
         | comfortable with.
         | I don't have hard rules in terms of how I distribute my time,
         | but recently it may have looked like this:
         | - 60% of the time I'm trying to understand the problem I'm
         | solving (talking to customers, researching, evaluating
         | features).
         | - 20% working on features, and issues.
         | - 20% promoting: writing blog posts, documentation, reaching
         | out on Twitter, HN, Indie Hackers. Helping out customers
         | integrate their website / understand how something works.
         | Of course, there's tons of other smaller things here and there,
         | but those are the big "buckets" of my time.
         | Once I know what to work on next, I tend to prioritize as
         | follows:
         | 1) At the start of each week I pick 1-3 topics to work on next
         | (for example writing a new blog post, working on a new feature,
         | or even just writing documentation which I am going to next).
         | 2) Each day when I'm working on my project I pick the most
         | impactful thing I could work on, and start with that. I allow
         | myself to explore a topic in depth, sometimes without a clear
         | goal or deadline. After all it's supposed to be fun if I want
         | to stick to it for the long term.
         | 3) I try to respond to customer emails as soon as I can, and
         | understand why they're giving my product a try. That's my gauge
         | for what to work on the following week.
       | XCSme wrote:
       | This is a lot more complex than I expected.
       | I personally just use one ore more VPSs on DigitalOcean, which
       | scale pretty well at first and if you get enough traction to need
       | "infinite" horizontal scaling, it might be better to only focus
       | on that once you have the money to hire some sys
       | architect/admins.
       | k__ wrote:
       | This seems like an awful small share of managed services for a
       | one-man show.
       | I mean, K8s? Come on!
       | idlewords wrote:
       | A good rule of thumb for success is to have more paying customers
       | than there are layers in your tech stack.
       | Another rule of thumb is to have a setup so basic that articles
       | like this are no fun to read or write. The limiting factor in a
       | one-bro setup is complexity, and this guy maxed out about one
       | paragraph in to his description.
       | [deleted]
       | blitblitblit wrote:
       | Presuming you are using Github and were using Angular, I think
       | "Google Chrome" is missing from the "Other" stack - since I have
       | had problems even in Firefox try to get latest Google
       | WebComponent shinies to work.
       | thrower123 wrote:
       | I expected a much more boring stack, to be honest.
       | Ozzie_osman wrote:
       | At my startup we use a pretty similar tech stack, except we are
       | on Heroku for infrastructure which makes our life a lot easier,
       | and gives us things like review apps quite easily.
       | One piece we've struggled with is just mypy doesn't seem to play
       | too nicely with Django. It definitely feels like a world of
       | difference between the type support we get in our React app with
       | Typescript and mypy with Django. Would be curious what OP's
       | experience has been with that.
       | pirsquare wrote:
       | FWIW, Pieter Levels just started using Git last week.
       | https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1327451757975375874
       | This is one-man who made > $1million a year.
       | real_ben_michel wrote:
       | Super similar to what I use (http://www.casaspanish.co.uk).
       | Django has just so much stability, it was an obvious decision for
       | me to go with it. And that's speaking as someone who has mostly
       | worked with NodeJS/React for the past 5 years.
       | I love the pythonic principle of "There should be one obvious way
       | to do it". This helps me cut down on decision making which is
       | something quite annoying to deal with as sole-tech-founder. Now I
       | get to focus on the business, and technology is just a matter of
       | execution.
       | ericmcer wrote:
       | How did you land on another analytics SaaS product? I think like
       | every dev I have always dreamed of starting my own thing, but
       | never had the time/energy to compete with existing spaces, and
       | couldn't think of any new markets create. It just seems crazy to
       | me when someone is like: 'oh I am gonna make a tool for people to
       | manage their finances' when 1000 exist, but then they build it
       | and achieve some level of success.
       | davnicwil wrote:
       | If I were to attempt a one liner for the key takeaway from this,
       | it'd be "use frameworks as much as possible, use managed services
       | as much as possible".
       | It's a position I couldn't agree with more. It might be one of
       | those mistakes you can only _truly_ learn from by making it
       | yourself, but honestly, while DIY is awesome for learning its
       | only place in a business is at the core of what your business
       | value is.
       | One way I think about it is anything DIY is surface area for
       | either innovation, or mistakes. To mitigate the risk of making
       | mistakes doing things DIY you'd better do it only in areas where
       | innovation could actually benefit your core business value and
       | give you magnified upside. If you innovate outside these areas, I
       | guess it's nice, but you've taken the risk of mistakes for no
       | significant upside. Not to mention a whole load of work invested.
       | qrohlf wrote:
       | A lot of people here are recommending stacks that have worked for
       | them, or cautioning against over-engineered stacks that didn't.
       | All of that is useful, but I'd boil a lot of this down to one
       | simple axiom:
       | If you're a professional engineer and you're starting a tech side
       | project with the goal of shipping - use what you know.
       | I do a lot of work with node, cloudfront, s3, and React for my
       | day job. All of my side projects are built on node, cloudfront,
       | s3, and React. This works well for me because my goal with side
       | projects right now is to be productive, not to learn new tech.
       | An important clarification is that I use the tech that _I use_ in
       | my day-to-day, not what _my company_ uses. Just because I have
       | coworkers who know kubernetes back-to-front doesn 't mean I do!
       | Also, there's nothing wrong with doing side projects with totally
       | crazy/new tech stacks as a way to explore and learn new tech. I
       | just think it's good to be really intentional with whether the
       | goals of a project are educational/process-oriented or results-
       | oriented.
       | johnestar wrote:
       | wow, pretty amazing post
       | deforciant wrote:
       | I use similar stack too :)
       | - GKE kubernetes - Managed Postgres (CloudSQL) - GCS buckets for
       | file storage - Cloudflare for DNS - Countour for ingress - Keel
       | for automating deployment updates - Mailgun - Sentry (errors) -
       | Node-RED various little automations such as healthchecks
       | Planning to introduce Elasticsearch too, so far I have been
       | testing the operator and it seems to be pretty good quality.
       | From maintenance perspective GKE is great, as long as the bills
       | are paid, no need to login there pretty much ever. As a one man
       | company this means a lot, I try to never spend any time on ops.
       | fxtentacle wrote:
       | Here's my self-serving advice for every one-man SaaS:
       | Use Heroku.
       | It's super easy to get started. And when you reach $2000+ in
       | monthly bills, hire me to move things over onto dedicated or EC2
       | so that you'll get 10x that performance for the same price.
       | As for the actual language, I think PostgreSQL + Ruby Backend +
       | JS Frontend is still the easiest way to get started.
       | All those great architectural ideas don't matter much until you
       | have your first $5k monthly in reliable revenue. And by then,
       | you'll have a completely different perspective than what you
       | think you need now.
         | aerovistae wrote:
         | Okay, this thread is making me nervous about Heroku. I'm
         | building a web app that runs on it and I clearly have not given
         | the pricing scaling as much thought as I apparently need to.
         | My site is a firebase powered SPA, so the only thing Heroku has
         | to handle is the initial pageload....I would think that the
         | standard 1x dyno would be sufficient for that....which is not
         | very expensive...
         | tensor wrote:
         | I'd actually suggest PostgreSQL + Hasura + React with Ant
         | Design or Material UI
           | fxtentacle wrote:
           | For many newcomers starting out, the Rails CRUD generators
           | are good enough to generate their entire admin area. And
           | Rails comes with sane security defaults.
           | I agree that GraphQL + React will be pretty and work well.
           | But for one-man start-ups, the focus is usually on "looks
           | good enough and kinda works".
           | So I believe I'd go with Bootstrap & Glyphicons, just to get
           | results faster.
             | cpursley wrote:
             | Hasura outperforms Rails by an order of magnitude in
             | addition to being faster to develop with. Supabase also
             | looks really nice.
           | armatav wrote:
           | This man knows the way.
           | I use this stack and I'm pretty sure I could pump out any
           | SaaS business in about two weeks with it. Host on Heroku, use
           | whatever analytics system you want.
         | taffer wrote:
         | > PostgreSQL + Ruby Backend + JS Frontend is still the easiest
         | way to get started.
         | With JS, do you mean React or jquery or literally JavaScripting
         | the DOM?
           | fxtentacle wrote:
           | I meant some sort of JavaScript framework. I'd say that part
           | mostly depends on personal preference. I'm quite happy with
           | Angular, but I've also had lots of smaller one-off pages
           | where I used jQuery.
         | xu3u32 wrote:
         | How hard is CORS set up with dedicated frontend/backend? I'm
         | running into this with Django REST and VueJS. Or do you just
         | host both using Heroku?
         | xyst wrote:
         | if you truly want to save some $$$, host it on your residential
         | line and proxy the requests through an external load balancer.
         | could also rope your friends/family into it if you want your
         | app to be "distributed", might require a lot of work though
         | especially if they are not very technology oriented.
       | FreekNortier wrote:
       | But does Python scale for back end applications?
         | underdeserver wrote:
         | Yes, it does, as long as performance-bottlenecked code is not
         | in Python (and it usually isn't). In the real world, you may
         | have to extract some hot regions to C++ or Rust or Java, but
         | 99% of your code will scale infinitely.
           | amzans wrote:
           | My team migrated a service handling >1.6k req/s at peak time,
           | from Scala (Finatra), to Python (Django). Same number of
           | servers (3x c5.large), just higher CPU utilization (from ~15%
           | to 70%).
           | Scala was great, but unfortunately it made it difficult to
           | onboard new team members into the project, so development
           | suffered. Also the rest of our stack is mostly Python, so we
           | couldn't use a lot of the common tooling, and libraries we
           | had built for other projects.
           | We migrated it within a month, and it's been running for
           | almost a year without issues.
           | At some point the service even recorded 3k+ req/s at ~200ms
           | 99p latency. Yeah, maybe not Google scale, but more than
           | enough for 99% of the businesses out there.
           | This service handles about 2.5 billion requests per month
           | from one AWS region. We're a small team, and that's only one
           | of the services we support. Which is great because we don't
           | need to spend all of our time optimizing it.
           | Ozzie_osman wrote:
           | Or, alternatively, if most of your heavy-lifting is already
           | done in the database layer there's less work for Python to
           | do.
         | derwiki wrote:
         | Ask any number of the very successful companies who use Python
         | hansvm wrote:
         | A single core running Python will easily handle more load than
         | most successful SaaS companies ever reach, especially in web
         | dev where most of the real work happens in a database of some
         | flavor.
         | There absolutely are performance pitfalls, and Python is less
         | power efficient than other alternatives running some kinds of
         | workloads at scale, but in a ton of environments the perf
         | difference doesn't matter.
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | I do ruby/Rails and not Python, so it may differ.
           | But while I too had in my head "for web dev most of the real
           | work happens in a database of some flavor", I recently
           | realized that was _not_ true for my app, probably hadn 't
           | been true for some time, and probably isn't true of most
           | Rails apps (possibly not the same for non-Rails web apps?).
           | If you've properly eliminated n+1 queries and other
           | inefficient querying, I find that my apps are spending only
           | 20 or 30ms waiting on DB results, and a couple hundred on CPU
           | tasks to render HTML.
           | I know people are going to reply with "That's because Rails
           | is slow," but I'm not sure that's true for what we're talking
           | about compared to similar Python platforms, I'd be interested
           | in seeing numbers for other real apps. In the Rails community
           | too, people still repeat the assumption "most of your
           | response time is spent waiting on the DB" -- but I dont'
           | think it's actually true anymore (it may have been once).
             | hansvm wrote:
             | The "most of your response time is spent waiting on the DB"
             | assumption might not hold for your app. Even if you
             | actively push work to the DB to reduce network bandwidth or
             | something, your workload might fundamentally be comprised
             | of small, easy-to-optimize units of work that the DB
             | handles without any issues.
             | That said, hundreds of milliseconds sounds slow by an order
             | of magnitude or more for html rendering, even if all the
             | work is done in a batteries-included framework for a
             | dynamic language, and it doesn't jive with my Python
             | experience at all. Do you mind me asking what kinds of
             | tasks are taking that much time?
               | jrochkind1 wrote:
               | In this app, mostly lots and lots of thumbnails. It may
               | be some unoptimized code.
               | But rather than get into the details of my app, and parts
               | that need optimization (whether in my local code or in
               | Rails or in ruby), I'm more curious about the overall
               | concept.
               | Are you _sure_ that most of your web app 's time is spent
               | waiting on the DB? My suspicion has become that this is
               | conventional wisdom that is not actually true of most
               | apps anymore. But I could be wrong. Or I could be right
               | only for Rails and not python because Rails is slower
               | than typical python, or something. I am curious to find
               | out.
               | hansvm wrote:
               | > Are you sure that most of your web app's time is spent
               | waiting on the DB?
               | Positive. It's my first tech job though, and we use C# at
               | work to the extent that matters.
               | The kind of Python I write off the clock probably isn't a
               | good example of waiting on the DB though. It's usually a
               | thin wrapper around C or assembly (or calling into such a
               | library via numpy, networkx, etc) to do something
               | horrendously expensive that I absolutely would not want
               | to run in vanilla cpython. That said, when I do
               | ordinaryish web-related stuff in Python I'm looking at
               | well under 20ms total elapsed time per call, which is why
               | your ~200ms html rendering time stuck out to me.
             | eggsnbacon1 wrote:
             | time "spent" in the database depends on the speed of DB
             | drivers too, which depends on the language. Our stuff is
             | Java and average query is ~2ms round trip.
             | Python, Ruby and friends are bad for page speed metrics.
             | REST response time of ~200ms vs ~10ms for our java backends
       | Axsuul wrote:
       | Thanks for sharing! How are you liking Loki so far? I'm looking
       | to migrate off Google Cloud's logging offering to Loki but was
       | worried about its maturity.
       | attollos wrote:
       | There is a typo on your landing page: "The short answer is: we
       | doesn't use tracking cookies"
       | ishjoh wrote:
       | My one man tech stack.
       | Scala (akka http, slick, Twirl) Postgres AWS EC2
       | Jquery/Javascript
       | https://www.formgadget.com/ for those curious.
       | eric_b wrote:
       | It's cool that this stack works for the author, but if anyone is
       | just starting out on their own one-person journey to build a
       | product, I don't think they should follow the stack in this
       | article.
       | There are too many dependencies and too much complexity here.
       | Kubernetes is overkill for 95% of applications, especially single
       | founder SaaS businesses. Clickhouse may make sense for an
       | analytics product but caring and feeding it is non-trivial (see:
       | ZooKeeper dependency and all the problems you get once you move
       | to a distributed database).
       | Most people would be better off with a single beefy machine
       | running Linux, Postgres and whatever web app framework they know.
       | The whole "cattle not pets" thing is fine once you obtain product
       | market fit and your product needs to scale up. At that point
       | you'll have time and money to do it - before then you're just
       | wasting cycles.
         | treis wrote:
         | >Most people would be better off with a single beefy machine
         | running Linux, Postgres and whatever web app framework they
         | know
         | The problem is back ups. You've got to figure them out
         | yourself. And there's a decent chance that you do it wrong
         | leading to potentially catastrophic data loss.
         | IMHO, managed DB + S3 equivalent and then doing your own server
         | is the sweet spot. You don't have to worry about data loss and
         | it's still pretty cheap and flexible.
           | benbristow wrote:
           | If you're using something like DigitalOcean, you can enable
           | full system backups for 20% of the cost of the 'droplet'
           | (VPS) a month in one-click. Probably quite a safe bet.
         | triangleman wrote:
         | Indeed OP uses this sort of stack in his full time job and has
         | learned about all the kinks over the years, while getting paid
         | to do it!
         | I'm working on a side project and it's literally a bunch of .py
         | files in a folder. Libraries include fastapi and sqlite3. I
         | cannot think of a reason to use container orchestration over a
         | "single beefy machine" in almost any use case.
           | sgarland wrote:
           | Not having to recreate your Python env, not having to worry
           | about dependencies (once they're pinned), the ability to run
           | the app on a hosted service like Fargate instead of managing
           | the server...
           | mixmastamyk wrote:
           | Side project vs. business with paying customers and bus
           | factor is a different equation.
         | 0df8dkdf wrote:
         | > There are too many dependencies
         | Agree. Blindly recommend this to anyone is not a good idea! It
         | comes down to author's skill sets, and if the author is truly
         | interested in tech, or just some guy want to implement an idea.
         | Personally I am full stack and know how to make server scale
         | without using Kubernetes. Since I've being using commonJS since
         | it's inception, it is pretty easy to write web apps that scales
         | using a light weight server layer like v8.
         | kodah wrote:
         | Personally, I run a Kubernetes cluster that _all_ my projects
         | go on by default. DigitalOcean hosts mine and my bill is pretty
         | low. I set it up for this exact reason, so I could continue to
         | use my knowledge of containers and container scheduling systems
         | to get easy wins early on.
         | mixmastamyk wrote:
         | > once you obtain product market fit
         | This phrase assumes a unique product, while many have probably
         | been done before.
         | BobbyJo wrote:
         | Kubernetes honestly isn't that complicated. It's complexity
         | really only scales with the complexity of the system you're
         | running on it. If you're just bringing up a database and a
         | backend on top of it, it's honestly very simple to get running
         | on a single linux box using something like microk8s. And, as a
         | benefit, you can move everything over to EKS or GKE in like a
         | few hours max, if you ever need to scale.
           | ownagefool wrote:
           | I think (one of) the big win(s) with k8s is testing in
           | namespaces at a pace that doesn't really slow you down. If
           | you think you'd want to do end2end against an environment
           | entirely built by code, k8s is a really good building block.
           | If you think a one man band and his ruby app can probably go
           | pretty far with self-discipline, but if I'm choosing to do
           | any sort of IaC I'd probably recommend looking at k8s as a) a
           | faster solution, b) a more versatile solution and c) largely
           | vendor agnostic solution.
           | Point being, I'd probably recommend folks learn to use k8s
           | before they invest time learning lambda, EC2, or ECS, but if
           | you're a small team and you already have lambda, EC2, or ECS,
           | and it's working for you, then it's hard to argue for change.
         | hasithsen wrote:
         | I second this. If what you are familiar with is <stack-that-is-
         | not-cool-by-popular-opinion> but know it would work, go with
         | it. You don't have to struggle with a new tool if something
         | similar is already in your toolbox, and you already have a lot
         | of experience using it. Of course, do this unless you are
         | building to learn (and maybe ship), rather than to just ship.
         | And if the new tool proves to be a better one, you can upgrade
         | then.
         | amzans wrote:
         | I agree with you. I wouldn't blindly recommend my stack to
         | everyone, one could argue it's probably even overkill for my
         | SaaS project right now. At this scale I could get away with a
         | couple of $20/mo instances, and call it a day.
         | However, it just made sense for me due to the simplified
         | operations, and re-using most of the learnings from my full-
         | time job. It has enabled me to move faster in shipping
         | customer-facing features.
         | If I wanted to start a new project, I can leverage the same
         | stack and be up and running in minutes. Which means I can take
         | advantage of my cumulative efforts for any future project.
         | It's definitely not for everyone as you said, but it might be a
         | good solution for many :)
           | nullsense wrote:
           | I think the key thing is that you already know the stack and
           | didn't have to learn it. I wouldn't recommend it to someone
           | for whom the learning curve will be brutally steep, but if
           | you already know it I'm sure it's pretty game changing in
           | terms of scale you could handle just being a solo dev.
           | segmondy wrote:
           | Your stack is great. If anything, I think many one-man SaaS
           | will benefit from using k8s. That's the superpower of k8s,
           | one person can go from 1node to 1000nodes if they need that
           | scaling with minimal effort. Cobbling together shell scripts
           | and tools for one or two servers is just as much work as
           | using k8s, so long as you don't run your own and use a
           | managed service. Best of luck, I think your list is pretty
           | reasonable.
           | ignoramous wrote:
           | > _However, it just made sense for me due to the simplified
           | operations, and re-using most of the learnings from my full-
           | time job. It has enabled me to move faster in shipping
           | customer-facing features._
           | As someone who is mostly in the same boat as you, you have
           | got a strong point in terms of favouring tricks you know
           | best.
           | The amount of code I have had to throwaway made me not want
           | to invest in things that require lots of resources to run and
           | maintain (in other words, things I'd not be comfortable with
           | managing all by myself).
           | I almost always default to managed and serverless products:
           | This won't necessarily be a winning strategy for everyone to
           | say the least as it brings its own complexity to the table.
           | It is pragmatic; however (like you call out), to trade one
           | set of complexities (one that I am comfortable with) for
           | another.
             | amzans wrote:
             | Hey that's great! I think everyone should do what works for
             | them.
             | Using a tool "just because" it worked for others, seems to
             | be what often drives many decisions in this industry. For
             | example, would you go for the 2,200+ microservice
             | architecture from Uber[1] just because they say it solved
             | all their problems? They probably have their reasons, and
             | they are unlikely to be the same as everyone else.
             | I know my stack as a solo founder is unconventional, but
             | it's what has worked best for me. And I'm happy with my
             | choice.
             | If serverless does the trick for you, then focus on that,
             | and keep building the features that your customers actually
             | care about.
             | [1] https://eng.uber.com/microservice-architecture
           | bonestamp2 wrote:
           | It is more complex than what I'm looking at right now, but I
           | still appreciate the read as it helps me think about some
           | things I can do now to be better prepared for a more scalable
           | environment later. Thanks. Oh, and I had one (serious, but
           | off topic) question... what are you using to brew your fresh
           | cup of coffee?
         | redisman wrote:
         | I believe 100% that a one-man SaaS needs to leverage their
         | existing knowledge even more than a team. So for me it would be
         | a no-brainer nodejs, dynamo, etc. - the tech I use every day
         | and know in and out. You should have a very good reason to
         | stray from your core if you actually want a business and not
         | just a fun coding challenge.
         | CraftThatBlock wrote:
         | SaaS business single founder here, moved from a mix of GCP's
         | Cloud Run, Cloud SQL, and Compute Engine to DO's managed
         | Postgres and Kubernetes, and it has had the follow effects:
         | - Much cheaper, reducing bill from >100$/month to ~40$.
         | Important for early stage startups - More performance, easier
         | scaling. Found that my application was much better suited to
         | run in K8S, but this is definitely specific to my use-case -
         | Consolidation of resources. Except Postgres/Redis, everything
         | is in my cluster, simplifying management and maintenance
         | For my business, this was a great move, but as others have
         | said, I wouldn't recommend it to everyone. K8S is a great and
         | powerful tool, but also is very complex.
           | tebbers wrote:
           | Did you experience the downtime issues with DigitalOcean
           | managed Kubernetes that the author also experienced? I'm also
           | considering DOKS so would be great to know!
             | nrmitchi wrote:
             | Note: source for this information is from discussions with
             | DO via support and the kubernetes slack. I am not
             | affiliated with DO in any way.
             | The downtime issues with DOKS are directly related to the
             | resources allocated to the control plane, which is _not_
             | set up in a HA capacity. The resources assigned are
             | directly related to the size /number of nodes you use. API-
             | heavy applications can very easy knock out the control
             | plane, and in that situation is takes it a (relatively)
             | long time to recover on it's own (I would typically see
             | ~4hr before it became responsive again).
             | Their support team is able to modify the master resources
             | for a given cluster (to assist with recovery), but the
             | turn-around time on that shouldn't be considered
             | "production ready".
             | At this point my advice for DOKS would be:
             | - Are you using very basic, out-of-the-box Kubernetes to
             | host "apps"? You will probably be fine, but be sure to have
             | a back-up.
             | - Are you planning to use Operators, or anything that
             | heavily interacts with the kube-api? I would recommend not
             | using it, or over-provisioning your cluster (which would
             | very quickly offset the advantage of the "free" managed
             | masters).
             | I know that they are working on fixing some of these
             | reliability issues and I have hopes that it will be more
             | stable shortly.
             | At this time I have a "stable" cluster which (unless their
             | support lied to me) had master resources manually increased
             | by their support team after the 3rd incident of it dying. I
             | haven't had an issue since then.
               | tebbers wrote:
               | Thanks for the info. That doesn't sound good - one major
               | reason for considering moving to Kubernetes was for the
               | high availability.
               | nrmitchi wrote:
               | Availability of your applications, and availability of
               | the kubernetes control plane, are not typically
               | correlated. One of the nice things about how Kubernetes
               | orchestrates is that the master is _not_ in the path of
               | requests. Ie, in many situations the Kubernetes master
               | may be unavailable, but your applications will be
               | unaffected and can still serve traffic.
               | nickthemagicman wrote:
               | What do you mean API heavy? Do you mean hitting the
               | kubernetes API?
               | Does k8s auto scaling count?
               | amzans wrote:
               | I guess he means the Kubernetes API which is what most of
               | the controllers, and other components talk to.
               | That was my case too. It was mostly when I installed the
               | prometheus-operator that things would go south, even if
               | the nodes themselves were perfectly healthy and
               | underutilized.
             | CraftThatBlock wrote:
             | I had no issues so far, everything has been fairly smooth.
             | Setup was very easy too (was my first cluster setup), and
             | pricing is very good.
           | Pandabob wrote:
           | I'm running something similar and have to admit that the
           | ~70$/month for CloudSQL grinds my gears a little. The pricing
           | for Cloud Run on the other hand is pretty sweet.
             | CraftThatBlock wrote:
             | Agree. The databases we're my biggest costs on GCP, and DO
             | offers more for less.
             | Cloud Run, as you said, is pretty great. In my other start-
             | up, we're using Cloud Run and Cloud SQL, and again, Cloud
             | SQL is the biggest cost (~95-99% of the bill)
           | dobg24 wrote:
           | Is it okay to touch base with you directly? I would love to
           | hear your feedback and how we can help. Nothing to sell.
           | - PM for DO Kubernetes.
             | CraftThatBlock wrote:
             | Yes! You can find my email on my profile
             | wdb wrote:
             | I wish companies would have better visibility to allow them
             | to approve DO for cloud stuff. Struggled to get the
             | necessary compliance docs under NDA from DO
         | bdcravens wrote:
         | If Docker is advantageous, then ECS is great alternative to
         | Kubernetes. It gives you most of the benefits in a fully
         | managed offering.
           | nickthemagicman wrote:
           | Didn't they recently integrate with docker compose? It looked
           | really cool but I haven't tinkered with it yet.
             | bdcravens wrote:
             | Yes.
             | https://docs.docker.com/engine/context/ecs-integration/
               | nickthemagicman wrote:
               | Have you messed with the docker compose integration?
               | Did you like it?
         | bitwize wrote:
         | When people bring up "cattle, not pets" I tell the story of my
         | uncle, who runs a small dairy farm in Wisconsin. He has about
         | fifty head of cattle, gave each of them names, and takes care
         | of them when they're sick.
         | Point being that it takes very large scale for the principles
         | people refer to when they say "cattle, not pets" to kick in --
         | even when you're actually raising cattle. But by the same
         | token, automated reproducible configuration is a huge win
         | whether you have 1 server or 10,000.
         | jturpin wrote:
         | Setting up Kubernetes is a fixed cost in the beginning with
         | clear payoffs. Things like microk8s, Rancher or GKE/EKS make it
         | a lot easier to set up than it used to be. Deploying your app
         | is then just a simple Helm chart, or another way of getting
         | deployments out. If I was running any kind of business that was
         | making more than zero dollars I would absolutely go with
         | Kubernetes. I don't think it's as complicated as people think
         | at any rate, and it lets you use premade Helm charts which can
         | simplify the deployment of things like Clickhouse.
           | ramraj07 wrote:
           | No it's not, assuming your database sits outside k8s there's
           | absolutely nothing that needs to be fit inside k8s, a simple
           | machine running docker if needed is more than sufficient.
           | K8s is such a huge mental overhead that if it's not already
           | naturally in your head because you've had extensive
           | experience (or apparently born geniuses) no one with limited
           | tech budget should ever do this.
             | jturpin wrote:
             | All of these tools (Terraform, Kubernetes, Github
             | Actions/Other CI) seem like overkill until a node dies and
             | you need to recreate it, or configuration gets messed up
             | and you don't remember how you deployed it in the first
             | place. It sounds like the OP has had experience with these
             | problems. If these aren't problems you have interest in
             | solving, then Heroku or a similar platform would be the way
             | to go.
             | Running a business on a single node is not advisable. If
             | your scale is that small, or uptime doesn't matter, then
             | sure go with that. If you're running on multiple nodes,
             | you're going to need a way to schedule containers to your
             | cluster one way or another. Scheduling and orchestrating is
             | where complexity get introduced - Kubernetes wrangles this
             | complexity.
             | You can run a lot on a $5 server. I would probably run 3
             | $10 servers for a small business at least, which feels like
             | still within the realm of a cheap budget for business
             | infrastructure costs.
             | As far as Kubernetes complexity goes, I think this is a
             | self-perpetuating idea on internet tech communities. I
             | don't think it compares to the complexity of actually
             | programming the web apps themselves. There's like 6
             | resource types you have to be familiar with to work with
             | Kubernetes, and most of that will just be Deployments
             | (where containers actually get scheduled and run, health
             | checks, etc). The others are for configuration and routing.
               | deckard1 wrote:
               | > configuration gets messed up and you don't remember how
               | you deployed it in the first place
               | Configuration getting messed up sounds more like a k8s
               | problem than anything else. In any case, if you aren't
               | using git and don't know how to at least back things up
               | you really should be asking yourself if a tech company is
               | right for you, as a one man/woman operation. There are
               | countless other ways to make money online. Etsy,
               | Craigslist, Shopify, etc.
               | > until a node dies and you need to recreate it
               | The way to solve both of these problems on a single node
               | operation is to create a snapshot/clone of your machine.
               | At that point you would really just need to worry about
               | the IP address changing and/or updating DNS when
               | restoring the image. The best part is you can take this
               | "master" copy and deploy it as a staging server. Or even
               | horizontally scale by throwing a load balancer on top.
               | You can even get your VM exactly how you want it locally
               | and then deploy it to DO, Linode, Vultr or whatever.
               | jturpin wrote:
               | > Configuration getting messed up sounds more like a k8s
               | problem than anything else. In any case, if you aren't
               | using git and don't know how to at least back things up
               | you really should be asking yourself if a tech company is
               | right for you, as a one man/woman operation. There are
               | countless other ways to make money online. Etsy,
               | Craigslist, Shopify, etc.
               | I don't know if this was to intended to directed at me,
               | but all of the tools mentioned imply using them with git
               | or other version control, hence Github actions / CI.
               | Kubernetes does not spontaneously mess up your
               | configuration, well intentioned developers do.
               | Willingness to learn new-ish technology puts you in a
               | much better standing for running a tech business.
               | The snapshot/restore method is fine if you don't plan on
               | updating very often, but this isn't a good alternative to
               | infrastructure as code. I would make a base image that
               | bootstraps your node to a cluster in Packer and then hand
               | off all the deployment of nodes/DNS/Loadbalancer wiring
               | in Terraform. Then just snapshot your database volumes as
               | normal and deploy with your orchestration.
         | throwaway894345 wrote:
         | > The whole "cattle not pets" thing is fine once you obtain
         | product market fit and your product needs to scale up. At that
         | point you'll have time and money to do it - before then you're
         | just wasting cycles.
         | Is this true? At my last company we wasted a bunch of time
         | every week dealing with the accumulation of ad-hoc changes in
         | different environments creating different behavior. When we
         | pivoted to a continuous deployment model (we also moved from
         | EC2 to ECS/Fargate), all of this time went away as did all of
         | the guess-work and fear of deploying to production (because
         | production very rarely deviated from lower environments with
         | respect to behavior, because all environments were
         | reproducible). It also enabled us to stand up whole
         | environments with the press of a button, which made it a lot
         | easier for developers who were interating on infrastructure (we
         | had a lot of async ECS/Lambda workloads). I'm sure if we were
         | smarter or had the right kind of discipline we could have made
         | pet EC2 instances work, but we benefited a lot from moving to
         | cattle/containers.
         | NOTE: I also suspect that cattle/EC2 is a lot harder than
         | cattle/containers, but that may also just my inexperience with
         | the former. I would really like to know how to do reproducible
         | EC2 instances properly, but from the research I've done, it
         | seems like one has to reinvent a good chunk of Kubernetes.
           | akiselev wrote:
           | There may be a rare exception here or there where network
           | effects or some other unique market need require a startup to
           | treat their infrastructure as cattle, but otherwise it's
           | absolutely true. Running `git init --bare` on a server,
           | setting up some remote origins, slapping some bash scripts
           | into the git hooks folder, some .service files for systemd,
           | and then running `git push origin dbhost && git push origin
           | apihost && git push origin ...` is a hell of a lot simpler
           | than even getting a toy version of kubernetes up and running.
           | For the developer with average linux skills, it's probably
           | even easier than figuring out which cloud orchestration
           | monstrosity to choose. Throw in Github actions and baby,
           | you've got a stew going!
           | Maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole "pets vs cattle" thing
           | but you don't need to lose repeatability or give on process
           | altogether; it's a false dichotomy. Just don't dive headfirst
           | into the massive complexity that is "scalable" devops - you
           | can still use terraform or docker compose or whatever to
           | deploy your application and provide repeatable
           | development/staging/test infrastructure.
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | > is a hell of a lot simpler than even getting a toy
             | version of kubernetes up and running.
             | Getting it off the ground is one thing, keeping things
             | reproducible so you can stand it back up reliably if the
             | instance goes down is another thing. You need to know what
             | are the relevant changes that people have made to the
             | instance over its lifetime in order to reproduce them on
             | the new machine. Maybe this is not what people mean by
             | "pets vs cattle", but they seem pretty closely related if
             | nothing else. I guess the thing I care about is
             | "reproducibility" and for all of its complexity, Kubernetes
             | makes the happy path pretty clear in this regard whereas
             | with EC2 you need Ansible and a whole bunch of playbooks to
             | reproduce things like SSH, logging, monitoring, process
             | management, etc that Kubernetes or ECS or whatever give you
             | out of the box. And if you find that you need to scale
             | beyond one or two instances (not everything is a CRUD
             | webapp, after all) especially autoscaling, then it seems
             | like the EC2 story becomes even more complicated (you now
             | need something to automatically invoke Ansible with the
             | right playbooks for each node). I'm probably biased by my
             | experience (aren't we all?) but it seems like Kubernetes or
             | ECS/Fargate are simpler in these regards.
               | AlchemistCamp wrote:
               | > And if you find that you need to scale beyond one or
               | two instances (not everything is a CRUD webapp, after
               | all) especially autoscaling, then...
               | Have you _ever_ been working a solo project that needed
               | autoscaling? If so what was it doing that was so resource
               | intensive per $ earned that it was still a solo project?
               | throwaway894345 wrote:
               | Picture an analytics application--something that has to
               | crunch a bunch of data per request, and your users are
               | mostly visiting from 9-5. Depending on the size of the
               | user's data source, they could easily use a whole CPU and
               | a lot of memory for each request and requests can take up
               | to 60s or maybe even multiple minutes. You need to run
               | more than a handful of machines, so you can either
               | overprovision or autoscale, but in either case you need
               | some amount of reproducibility to wrangle all of those
               | machines and you'll probably want to plan for them to
               | come and go because you probably don't want to pay for a
               | bunch of high-end machines sitting idle every night.
               | Optimization is nontrivial so you'll get around to it
               | eventually and maybe even hire, but hiring your first
               | employee is a lot harder than hiring your 101st employee,
               | so you're not going to do it right now but you still need
               | a solution to your problem...
               | akiselev wrote:
               | _> Getting it off the ground is one thing, keeping things
               | reproducible so you can stand it back up reliably if the
               | instance goes down is another thing._
               | Are we talking about pet servers or kubernetes here?
               | Jokes aside, I think you're underselling how complex
               | Kubernetes is and overselling how complex logging,
               | monitoring, process management, et al are. You don't get
               | any of those things with kubernetes "out of the box"
               | unless you've got an ops team or someone's got a year
               | plus experience running one cloud provider's version. It
               | seems really easy cause we've got one click clusters and
               | a bunch of great UIs but all the time people spend
               | chasing down problems and wrangling the extra complexity
               | of k8s in production gets papered over because it's the
               | hot new thing.
               | The bash history for the setup above fits on a single
               | page and since the advent of Nix and now Terraform,
               | repeatability hasn't been a problem. The harder part is
               | discipline among coworkers but Linux user/group
               | permissions go a long way towards making it readonly for
               | debugging purposes while still giving fine grained
               | control over servers.
               | throwaway894345 wrote:
               | > Jokes aside, I think you're underselling how complex
               | Kubernetes is and overselling how complex logging,
               | monitoring, process management, et al are. You don't get
               | any of those things with kubernetes "out of the box"
               | unless you've got an ops team or someone's got a year
               | plus experience running one cloud provider's version.
               | I'm pretty sure cloud providers give you logging and
               | monitoring out of the box (as well as a bunch of other
               | stuff) and Kubernetes itself is a process manager with
               | its own "SSH" (kubectl exec) and so on. I'm not wed to
               | Kubernetes either--you could use ECS/Fargate or whatever.
               | But to do something comparable in an EC2 environment
               | requires a fair amount of experience just to get to get
               | the basic things that Kubernetes (or ECS) gives you out
               | of the box. Of course, if you're well-versed in VMs
               | already then I don't think you'll get much value out of a
               | container solution for simple workloads, but if you're
               | not familiar then I think container solutions are easier.
               | But again, I might be biased by my experience.
           | noodle wrote:
           | I think it entirely depends on the path you're taking. For
           | example, I'd disagree with the quoted section you made for a
           | different reason. I'd almost always suggest early stage
           | startups to use something like Heroku (if it works for them),
           | which gives them the ability to pay a small premium in order
           | to never have to spend too much time dealing w/ devops stuff.
           | Pre product-market-fit, that's wasted time/effort unless
           | specific devops needs are essential to getting there.
           | fweespeech wrote:
           | > Is this true? At my last company we wasted a bunch of time
           | every week dealing with the accumulation of ad-hoc changes in
           | different environments creating different behavior.
           | That is an issue a disciplined one-man operation won't have
           | since (generally) they have a Dev and a Prod environment, the
           | changes would be made in Dev first then duplicated in Prod.
           | If you have 2+ developers, you have environment drift like
           | you experienced because (generally) Dev is the local
           | environment on the laptop or otherwise a distinct environment
           | for each developer. So now you have 3+ environments you need
           | to sync and then discipline starts to fall apart as you have
           | to communicate every change.
             | throwaway894345 wrote:
             | What happens to the disciplined single dev when their EC2
             | instance falls over in either environment? How do you get
             | things back in sync without code to automatically stand
             | things up in the right state? And if you're going through
             | the work of writing/maintaining that code, are you saving
             | anything over using Kubernetes (consider out of the box,
             | Kubernetes gives you logging, ssh, process management,
             | service discovery, etc)?
               | fweespeech wrote:
               | Not everyone uses EC2 which is prone to fall over.
               | And the disciplined single dev documents their changes.
               | That is why it works in a 1 man shop but not at scale,
               | there is always someone who is unreliable once the group
               | gets large enough.
           | treis wrote:
           | You definitely want "one click" deployments from the git go.
           | Then it's just a small tiny step from that to your servers
           | being cattle.
           | dasil003 wrote:
           | When you say "we" it sort of implies this was not a one-man
           | operation.
           | xmodem wrote:
           | My take would be that once you need another environment than
           | staging+prod, that's the time to move to at the very least
           | move to containers, and probably think very hard about either
           | a hosted Kubernetes or something like Fargate.
         | Axsuul wrote:
         | That's not to say you shouldn't use Kubernetes as a solo
         | founder eventually. Kubernetes does a lot of the devops heavy
         | lifting for you making your job as a solo founder much easier.
       | mwcampbell wrote:
       | Since you're using Python on the back end, which WSGI or ASGI
       | server do you use?
       | joshmn wrote:
       | Serial one-man SaaS builder here with a pair of soft-landings and
       | one big hit:
       | I would agree with others who have opined that this is overkill.
       | You couldn't pay me to use Terraform or Kubernetes for my SaaS
       | unless it was a much larger team.
       | My stack usually consists of this: A framework I am comfortable
       | with that removes a lot of boilerplate (happens to be the one I
       | know best in the language I know best), the database I know best,
       | the memory store I know best, Turbolinks for load times, a theme
       | from ThemeForest (with the commercial license), self-hosted
       | analytics, Amplitude, and Heroku.
       | The author mentions "lessons learned" regarding Clickhouse and
       | Kubernetes. I'm not sure what their original goal was when
       | starting their SaaS. Usually mine is financially motivated more
       | than learning things.
       | What I'm really saying is that just go with what you know best.
       | Having to scale is a good problem to have. Pre-optimization is
       | the root of all evil -- asking "is x the right stack for y?" will
       | always be yes when you ask in the x subreddit.
       | Stop thinking and build.
         | csomar wrote:
         | I agree about Kubernetes but not about Terraform. Terraform is
         | easy to understand, and it's basically just declarative
         | configuration. You have some Cloudflare records for your
         | domain? You can put them in a file, wiki or declare them in
         | Terraform. So maybe just use Terraform and get the benefit of
         | free deployment?
         | amzans wrote:
         | Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
         | To clarify, this has already helped me to ship features to my
         | customers quickly. I actually spend little time working on the
         | stack. Last time I touched the infrastructure components was
         | probably a few weeks ago.
         | Panelbear was originally built and launched in a weekend ($5/mo
         | DO instance with SQLite), and I've been working on it for the
         | past 3 months. I have been releasing a new feature every week.
         | That is, in addition to my full-time job, so most of the time
         | we're talking about 2 hours per day tops.
         | I'd also like to clarify that I am not suggesting this stack
         | should be used by other solo founder SaaS. I actually advice
         | against it in my post :)
         | I just wanted to share my stack, as it has worked really well
         | in my case, and I thought it'd be interesting material for
         | discussion.
           | joshmn wrote:
           | That's really great, happy to hear.
           | I didn't mean to refute what you shared. In fact I was
           | reinforcing some of your points. Doing things the cheap way
           | is arguably the best way. Learning new tech while building is
           | good, but I wouldn't recommend new tech to build a SaaS.
           | My concern was copycats. Some starters reading your post may
           | have this feeling that "because Panelbear did it with
           | Clickhouse and Kubernetes and Django, that's the only way to
           | do it." What it really should read is "because Panelbear used
           | what he knew best, he was able to focus on getting customers;
           | that's the only way to do it."
             | amzans wrote:
             | > used what he knew best, he was able to focus on getting
             | customers
             | That's what I was going for :) Now I realize that I should
             | have highlighted that part more on the blog post.
         | ecf wrote:
         | Please, please, please listen to this person's advice about
         | Terraform and the like.
         | The last startup I was at hired a DevOps engineer to come in to
         | completely containerize our simple Rails monolith at a time
         | where they were just simply way too small to warrant it.
         | Development velocity plummeted. Deploys started to take half an
         | hour. Features weren't being released. The professionals our
         | app was servicing lost trust in the engineering team.
         | All in the name of checking off a box on the CTO's list of
         | "things that Google does".
           | slow_donkey wrote:
           | Not sure what 'containerize' means in this context, but
           | adding a Dockerfile, building the image and changing your box
           | to use docker should definitely not reduce velocity or
           | increase deploy time to half an hour...
             | deckard1 wrote:
             | it's never that simple.
             | With docker you have to worry about how containers talk to
             | each other. Which at a bare minimum means exposing ports
             | and adding a network layer. Suddenly you find yourself in
             | the weeds with docker-compose and debating whether or not
             | it's actually suitable for a production environment, when
             | they recommend using swarm instead. Then you find out swarm
             | is on shaky ground and now you're hearing about nomad and
             | ten different other solutions just to avoid k8s.
             | Infrastructure-as-code is a wonderful idea. But the reality
             | is it's a full time job. There will always be orphaned
             | containers and things that need cleaned up and automated.
             | And if you don't, then your environment will run out of
             | space or RAM and all devs will be sitting there doing
             | nothing.
             | Building docker images also takes time, especially if you
             | don't optimize the image. The simplest deploy workflow I've
             | seen was a git hook (post-update, I think) that ran a few
             | commands when the repo is updated. It'd really be hard to
             | make up for the efficiency of that workflow after messing
             | about with docker for days.
               | dbmikus wrote:
               | If it's a monolith you don't have to worry about
               | composing multiple containers. I've put a monolith in
               | Docker so I could plop it on Google Cloud Run.
         | SmellTheGlove wrote:
         | OOC what framework do you use?
         | More broadly, can you help me with an opinion on my present
         | struggle? Here goes:
         | I have a lot of ideas, a couple of which solve problems for me
         | and I think are even _good_ ideas. However, none have shipped
         | because I'm spending an inordinate amount of time building out
         | what is essentially my own SaaS template. Is it worth investing
         | the time in doing that, or are some of the commercial SaaS
         | templates out there (sjabloon, bullettrain, etc)
         | I prefer Python/Flask, but I'm trying to learn Rails now, since
         | a lot of the small saas ecosystem seems to exist there.
           | joshmn wrote:
           | I'm a Rails guy. I've been working with it for the last 10
           | years and it (now) allows me to be hyper-productive. I've put
           | other languages and frameworks into production but nothing
           | allows me to focus like Rails does.
           | There is a meaningful amount of boilerplate that remains for
           | any stack if you're using it for a SaaS. It may not hurt to
           | invest in a commercially-available solution that takes care
           | of billing.
           | For some products (super-hyper-MVP), I've gotten away with
           | having a `companies` table with a `state` column which was
           | either `active`, `inactive`, or `past_due`. I would update
           | this manually from Stripe every day. When it became a chore
           | (aka "I am spending an hour on this every day and my time is
           | better spent elsewhere") I only then wrote code to handle it.
           | There are solutions like Recurly or Chargebee that take a way
           | a lot of pain on a platform basis. Those may be helpful in
           | managing some of the complexities, but they come at a cost:
           | financial, vendor-based, flexibility.
           | It's important to keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to
           | get customers validating your idea. While it's important that
           | you conduct a meaningful transaction in exchange for solving
           | their problem, that does not mean you need to handle every
           | single last billing case.
           | Accept their money, let your solution solve their problem,
           | and repeat.
           | If you want to talk more my email is in my profile.
             | SmellTheGlove wrote:
             | That's great insight and I really appreciate you taking the
             | time to reply. I have it in my head that I need to get to a
             | state where I have the boilerplate "done" - able to handle
             | accounts, users (for areas where the two need to be 1:M or
             | vv), admin, and basic subscription billing. I'm trying to
             | get to the point where I have this thing, and each MVP is
             | just an incremental build on top, but instead I have this
             | half-baked thing and a lot of undelivered ideas. I suppose
             | there are no shortcuts and I need to hammer at it, but as
             | you said, not go nuts with handling edge cases.
           | [deleted]
           | wernst wrote:
           | I'm working on a product to help developers quickly get
           | started and manage their SaaS projects. If you have a moment
           | I'd like to hear more about your experience. To quote the
           | other commenter: "If you want to talk more my email is in my
           | profile." :)
       | ThePhysicist wrote:
       | Seems it's another cookie-less, privacy-friendly Google Analytics
       | alternative. This time from Germany!
       | It's pretty cool that there's so much going on in this space, but
       | is it really wise going into the market with seemingly the exact
       | same features that Plausible, Simple Analytics, Fathom, etc.
       | offer? Even Cloudflare recently entered the privacy-friendly
       | analytics market with a free product, so it seems that market is
       | getting really crowded. Then again, every (commercial) website
       | probably needs such a solution, so maybe the market is big
       | enough.
       | I wonder though if these cookie-less solutions can give people
       | the insights they need? You can do only very simple overall
       | statistics and funnel analyses with this approach. Maybe that's
       | enough for most websites though?
         | amzans wrote:
         | Thanks for the feedback.
         | Yes, I understand I'm entering a crowded market, but Panelbear
         | is still in the early stages, and I'm trying to understand what
         | problems my customers have that I could solve / how much value
         | can I bring to them.
         | A crowded market also means more options for you as a customer.
         | Specially when it comes to privacy-friendly tools, not only
         | analytics, I'd argue that there's not enough options yet.
         | I initially built it for myself, as I was not fully satisfied
         | with the existing solutions. And I do intend to offer more
         | features than what you currently see, but unfortunately my time
         | is limited and it's going to take a while to bring Panelbear to
         | the feature-level I'd like it to be :)
       | [deleted]
       | lnsp wrote:
       | This seems like a pretty big stack for a single person to
       | administrate - how much time do you spend on doing operations vs
       | development?
         | romanovcode wrote:
         | Exactly, I was expecting something like React, Next.js,
         | Firebase, Mailchimp. This list looks huge to manage as a solo
         | developer.
         | amzans wrote:
         | Right now the operational effort is pretty minimal to be
         | honest. I spend most of my time developing new features and
         | talking my customers.
         | I know it seems like a lot of tools, but most of them are set
         | up once and forget. Except for the occasional round of
         | dependency updates. But even for that I have automated
         | dependency/container scanning to detect vulnerabilities, and
         | get notified if updating an image is recommended.
         | Most of the stack consists of "platform" tools, such as the
         | ingress-nginx, external-dns, or cert-manager. So it's stuff I
         | take with me for every project. It's like a personal Heroku
         | I've been building, but way cheaper and fully customizable.
         | I've been iterating on this stack over the years with various
         | other projects, and also learned a lot from running Kubernetes
         | in production at my full-time job, so it's not something I'd
         | advise for someone who just wants to deploy their MVP for the
         | first time.
           | vbsteven wrote:
           | Replace Python/Django with Java/Kotlin/SpringBoot and you
           | pretty much have my preferred project stack, which also
           | organically grew due to being exposed to these platform tools
           | in my day job.
           | Kubernetes/Terraform and friends are really useful as a solo-
           | dev if, and only if you have the required experience with
           | them.
           | jrochkind1 wrote:
           | What _would_ you advise for someone who doesn 't have the
           | pre-existing k8 expertise etc?
           | The ops environment still looks overwhelming to me, if
           | there's a way to do it sustainably without a really heavy-
           | weight ops infrastructure, I haven't figured it out. Like,
           | something that to me requires like a full-time job just to do
           | ops, although maybe not if you've spent some years learning
           | the ops tools, but then same same.
             | redisman wrote:
             | I don't think diving into kubernetes makes any sense for a
             | 1 person shop if you don't already know it. People love to
             | evangelize about k8s more than your average tech but it's
             | just one (IMHO overkill) way to do things. A better bet I
             | think is to leverage tools from cloud providers. They
             | specifically offer many different easy to use scaling
             | platforms for a premium for small/not experienced teams.
             | Heroku has been mentioned a bunch, something like Elastic
             | Beanstalk on AWS is super easy for the first year or two of
             | a company. Or just go for a single machine somewhere and
             | worry about the 5% chance you need more than that when that
             | happens.
               | amzans wrote:
               | Yes, this is what I would also recommend.
               | You can get really far with the managed services from
               | your cloud provider.
               | If you're already familiar with Docker containers, just
               | that already gives you plenty of options. I think every
               | platform now provides a way to just run containers behind
               | a load balancer with a few simple steps.
               | Yes, maybe it's a form of vendor lock-in, but if your
               | worry is acquiring customers, and growing a company,
               | Kubernetes is probably not helping you in this case.
           | Wheaties466 wrote:
           | any chance you could expand on this?
           | "I know it seems like a lot of tools, but most of them are
           | set up once and forget. Except for the occasional round of
           | dependency updates. But even for that I have automated
           | dependency/container scanning to detect vulnerabilities, and
           | get notified if updating an image is recommended."
       | dobg24 wrote:
       | PM for DO Kubernetes here. My views are biased.
       | This is an insightful article. A learning for me was how the
       | author managed to switch multiple cloud providers even while
       | being a one man SAAS.
       | Kubernetes is overwhelming because of 2 things: Overload of
       | terminology, and Distributed systems day 2 operations.
       | Author succeeds so well because he has a starter stack (install,
       | CI pipeline, secure, monitor, scale) maintained as code, and it
       | works every time.
       | For someone starting new, the learning curve is high.
       | Bootstrapping is easy, but day 2 on kubernetes is hard. Benefits
       | outweigh is learning curve imho.
       | Specific to DigitalOcean kubernetes API server issues, we have
       | rolled out some resource provisioning improvements for newly
       | created clusters very recently. Also making ongoing improvements
       | to backend monitoring.
         | amzans wrote:
         | Thanks for the response! To clarify, I still a happy customer
         | of DO, and would still use it for some other projects.
         | I have also had a fair share of issues with AWS services in the
         | past (Athena, they took care of it a few months later), and GCP
         | too. And I understand that no product is ever perfect.
       | smu wrote:
       | Seems like there are a couple of tech stack posts on HN lately
       | and I certainly enjoy reading them.
       | But as a techie, the magic to me no longer lies in the product
       | building, but in the 'finding the first 10-100' customers part.
       | Have there been any posts on that lately?
         | Wirerack wrote:
         | I'd definitely appreciate seeing something like that too. After
         | a couple of "build it first" failures I've come to see the
         | wisdom in finding your customers and validating your idea
         | first.
         | I've read several of these SaaS walkthroughs and it invariably
         | seems to follow this pattern:
         | 1. Author has a blog with a large following on some topic.
         | 2. Finds niche in that topic.
         | 3. Makes a product and pushes it via their blog.
         | 4. "Incredibly" their product gets tons of customers.
           | amzans wrote:
           | Going from 0 paying customers to 1 is really difficult.
           | Specially if you're asking for a recurring subscription.
           | Getting noticed is one of the hardest parts. Just having a
           | great product is no longer enough.
           | For every Basecamp, there are probably tens, or even hundreds
           | of similar competitors.
           | Can I name a few? Maybe.
           | What about the top 10? Probably not, and that's exactly the
           | problem.
       | Retailer wrote:
       | To get an idea off the ground, I use Google App Engine (GAE) with
       | Python, Google's Datastore, Flask, Bootstrap. It works, doesn't
       | cost much and removes a lot of complexity.
       | GAE's offering of free (and auto-renewing) certificates also
       | makes things cheaper.
       | wenbin wrote:
       | Awesome list!
       | I haven't read comments yet, but I bet some people would
       | criticize the tech stack as "too complex" or "not perfect" or
       | "not even mention my favorite tech"...
       | 1. Typically tech stack starts very simple, then evolve into
       | something a bit more complex. It's normal.
       | 2. If this tech stack is the author's most familiar tech stack
       | and it gets jobs done, then it's a perfect tech stack for the
       | author & the business. There's not a tech stack that works well
       | for every developer, every company, every business...
       | 3. Treat this tech stack as a data point. Find other data points
       | on the internet. And you'll come up with your own "perfect tech
       | stack", just for you, for your specific business.
       | michaelbuckbee wrote:
       | Important thing to keep in mind with this article is that this is
       | for OPs data analytics SAAS where he's ingesting a mass amount of
       | data, has different uptime requirements, etc than many other SAAS
       | applications.
       | atlgator wrote:
       | I expected a lot less for "one man." Kudos to you OP.
       | naicuoctavian wrote:
       | That seems overkill. @levelsio ran his $1M business on "FTP"
       | https://twitter.com/levelsio/status/1327451757975375874
       | officialchicken wrote:
       | I kinda wish the dogfood part was mentioned earlier... but sure
       | glad I caught it at the end. An article on your analytics
       | bootstrapping would be neat - how (did) you do analytics early?
       | nojito wrote:
       | The secret behind this stack is not its simplicity, but rather
       | it's simply the stack they know the best.
       | anonfunction wrote:
       | Have you considered Amazon's SES for transactional email?
         | ticmasta wrote:
         | Just a single data point warning: I've had nothing but bad
         | experiences with blacklisted, shared IPs from SES. Everything
         | gets flagged as spam.
       | brudgers wrote:
       | How long did it take you to learn enough about all those
       | technologies? How much of it was on the job?
         | amzans wrote:
         | Most of my learning was on the job, and in building some open-
         | source projects that I have released over the years, for
         | example: - https://github.com/anthonynsimon/bild -
         | https://github.com/traduora/traduora
         | I still have a lot to learn, but IMO nothing beats struggling
         | with something for a long time, and pushing along until you're
         | no longer terrible at it.
         | I feel that most of what I know I learned by starting projects
         | on topics I initially new nothing about, and sticking to it.
         | Regarding on the job learning, I have been working with
         | Python/Scala for my full-time job over the past 3.5 years, and
         | that helped too. Specially in terms of running multi-regional
         | services, and the challenges that come with that.
         | We run several applications on Kubernetes using AWS (combined
         | >2k req/s at peak time), and that was a big challenge for me
         | from which I learned a lot. Specially when you're on-call, and
         | one faulty node brings down the entire cluster, that fails over
         | to another region and repeat :)
       | amzans wrote:
       | First of all, thank you all!
       | Just the discussion on this post alone, is a goldmine for anyone
       | trying to figure out what worked, and what not for others. This
       | is why I love HN.
       | To clarify a point about my article, I think everyone should do
       | what works for them. Just because my unconventional stack for a
       | solo founder works great for me, doesn't mean it will do the same
       | for you.
       | Your mileage may vary, and it all comes down to tradeoffs.
       | Also, I'm sorry if I haven't been able to reply to each question,
       | this post got way more attention than what I expected.
       | But I'm happy to answer specific questions, feel free to ping me
       | on Twitter: https://twitter.com/anthonynsimon
       | Cheers!
         | xyst wrote:
         | Hi Anthony - do you have any concerns with your current
         | employer (Stylights) trying to make an IP claim on your one man
         | saas company?
           | amzans wrote:
           | They have been very supportive, and signed legally binding
           | documents to allow me to work on this.
           | Oh, yeah. We're also hiring :)
       | robertlagrant wrote:
       | Very, very similar to the tech stack we have in my engineering
       | teams (other than we use Flask and SQLAlchemy instead of Django).
       | Really like it. I've not heard of ClickHouse before, but that
       | looks interesting. (If I had a requirement around time series, I
       | was thinking of checking out Timescale -
       | https://www.timescale.com.)
       | zomgwat wrote:
       | As a one-man team operating a 10+ year old SaaS product, I've
       | done two things that have helped keep things sustainable. The
       | frontend continues to be server generated. PJAX style partial
       | page updates is (mostly) dynamic enough. The maintenance burden
       | of operating a JavaScript frontend is too high to justify for a
       | 1-2 person team.
       | The second thing I've done is avoid containers. VMs work fine for
       | many types of applications. That's especially true if
       | provisioning and configuration is mostly automated. A product
       | like Google Cloud Run looks interesting for a few low-volume
       | backend services that I operate. Containers are a good fit there
       | because it simplifies operations rather than increases
       | complexity. The core infrastructure will remain VMs for the
       | foreseeable future.
       | I began doing Ruby and Ruby on Rails (RoR) development in 2006.
       | Ruby had been around for awhile but the growing popularity of RoR
       | was driving a lot of changes in the ecosystem in those years. It
       | was a fun time but I was working for a large company that allowed
       | me the time to keep up with everything. I see today's frontend
       | and container ecosystems in the light of that experience. I'm now
       | more content to wait it out and let the dust settle as much as I
       | enjoy learning new technology.
         | herodoturtle wrote:
         | I'm glad you shared this. I've been reading the comments here
         | with much interest but simultaneously also a sense of impostor
         | syndrome, for I've been running my one-man SaaS on generic LAMP
         | since 2005, and aside from adopting jQuery early on, I haven't
         | much touched any other piece of exciting tech that's come out
         | since.
         | My old and boring stack works just fine on the VMs that it runs
         | on, and and continues to support me and my family financially
         | with little to no downtime and decent work/life balance.
         | Of course I'm aware of the cons of programming in PHP versus
         | other languages, but after 20 years of coding in it, I like to
         | think that my code isn't all that bad.
         | Still, I'm reading some comments here and feel like I'm waaay
         | behind the tech curve with my use of such an old stack, and am
         | somewhat scared to admit it.
         | Your comment brought me relief :)
         | ticmasta wrote:
         | You didn't seem to get much of a reaction, probably because of
         | your recommendations to go with proven (read: old & boring)
         | tech, but I appreciate it. Front-end churn is real and, coupled
         | with rapidly evolving and ever-abstracting containerization
         | approaches, staying on top of it is a full-time job, best done
         | as an employee.
           | arcturus17 wrote:
           | FWIW, I disagree with GP. I'm more productive in React than
           | in SSR, and I'm much better at code design and architecture
           | with it. React is pretty much old and boring by now.
           | Just build in what you know.
             | zomgwat wrote:
             | > _Just build in what you know._
             | Yup, I agree.
             | The apparent difference in our situations is that you know
             | React and everything that comes with it. It seems like
             | that'd be a good choice for you.
             | I'm not proficient in any of the currently popular frontend
             | architectures. Gaining that proficiency and moving a 10+
             | year old product to a SPA type architecture would be a
             | massive investment. I enjoy learning new things and pushing
             | things forward but I can't justify that investment when it
             | comes to the frontend. Instead, I invest in other areas to
             | move forward in.
           | zomgwat wrote:
           | Thanks!
           | Best done as an employee is spot on.
       | revskill wrote:
       | To me, the biggest headache of one-man SaaS is that you have to
       | write API by code.
       | I always use API-generation code for my products. The real value
       | i bring to customers is my database, not API.
         | davidsawyer wrote:
         | What tools do you use for that?
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