[HN Gopher] Another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt
       Another free CA as an alternative to Let's Encrypt
       Author : c0r0n3r
       Score  : 381 points
       Date   : 2020-11-23 16:43 UTC (6 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (scotthelme.co.uk)
 (TXT) w3m dump (scotthelme.co.uk)
       | CyanLite2 wrote:
       | Wanted: free CA that offers longer than 90 day certs
         | francislavoie wrote:
         | Shorter lifetimes are better. There's really no valid reason to
         | make them longer. Upgrade your tooling to automate renewals,
         | and it's no longer a problem.
         | yreg wrote:
         | Apple already distrusts certs older than 398 days[0], no matter
         | what the issuer says. I can see this lifespan only decreasing.
         | [0] https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211025
         | gsich wrote:
         | Buypass
         | https://www.buypass.com/ssl/products/acme
       | mholt wrote:
       | Here is a maintained list of all known, public ACME endpoints:
       | https://docs.https.dev/list-of-acme-servers
       | In Caddy 2.3, Caddy [1] will default to both Let's Encrypt and
       | ZeroSSL [2]. If it can't get a cert from one, it will try the
       | other. You can configure more too, including self-signed certs,
       | as a last fallback for example. Caddy will be the first web
       | server and ACME client to support multi-issuer fallback. (Pre-
       | releases coming soon, or you can build from source and try it
       | today.)
       | ZeroSSL's website is being updated to clarify that certs are free
       | and unlimited through ACME. You can even view them in your
       | ZeroSSL dashboard.
       | [1]: https://caddyserver.com
       | [2]: https://github.com/caddyserver/caddy/pull/3862
         | linsomniac wrote:
         | I've been using Caddy on some personal and community sites for
         | around a year and it's worked out just great! The built in
         | certificate management has been so nice compared to having to
         | manage external letsencrypt tooling.
         | More recently I set up a VM at work to be a domain redirector
         | for a bunch of typo domains to our main domains, since the old
         | outsourced redirectors didn't have TLS, and it was dead simple!
           | ljm wrote:
           | Compared to nginx and apache, Caddy is a blast!
           | I would appreciate better and consistent documentation to do
           | more non-trivial things with Caddy, but for your basic use-
           | cases it takes a lot of the pain away. Unfortunately, nginx
           | and Apache still win on the (probably unfair) basis that
           | they've got well over 10 years of history, and all of the
           | cultural knowledge that comes with that.
             | schoen wrote:
             | In Apache's case, 25 years of history already! (Wow.)
             | mholt wrote:
             | Yeah, I feel that. I want to work on docs and knowledge-
             | transfer a lot more in 2021. 2019 and 2020 were definitely
             | full of sprinting to bring Caddy 2 up to par. I think in
             | terms of major functionality it's settling down now, so
             | docs and guides will be more feasible.
             | In the meantime, I always encourage anyone to contribute to
             | our wiki: https://caddy.community/c/wiki/13 -- there's
             | already lots of great topics there and room for plenty
             | more, especially examples.
             | Hint: there's a LOT of market space for paid content to
             | master the Caddy web server, if anyone reading this is
             | looking to profit from their expertise...
           | mholt wrote:
           | Awesome, glad to hear it! Let me know if you have any
           | suggestions for improvements.
         | bxk1 wrote:
         | For anyone else wondering why they use ZeroSSL as a fallback:
         |  _" Caddy has been acquired by the company behind ZeroSSL"_
           | mholt wrote:
           | True, that's one reason, but I've been planning this feature
           | for years and would have implemented it either way. As
           | explained in the linked pull request:
           | - Let's Encrypt is a busy non-profit organization. We can
           | help maximize their budget by not using it as the exclusive
           | default for every server.
           | - ZeroSSL does not have rate limits and is also publicly
           | trusted. And yes, it is free to use it with ACME.
           | - ZeroSSL offers a graphical dashboard where you can log in
           | and see and download your certificates.
           | - Having more than just 1 free ACME CA is a very, very good
           | thing for the PKI ecosystem.
           | This is the beauty of standardization; if you give a server a
           | URL, you can give it two and three and four, and not have to
           | worry about global reliance on a single source.
             | ryan29 wrote:
             | There's also a lot of opportunity for CAs to get better
             | IMO, so competition is useful. I'd hate to see a commercial
             | company displace LE, but there are so many value adds that
             | can be sold once you're the CA of choice that it seems
             | inevitable that a commercial CA with a LE style free tier
             | is going to have a lot of opportunity.
             | IMO the biggest, easiest feature no CA has implemented is
             | CTLog monitoring / reconciliation. The problem I have with
             | LE even on a small scale is that I'm grabbing certificates
             | for ~20 (sub)domains. I also have several of them set up
             | via Cloudflare. With CTLog monitoring notifications (via
             | Cloudflare and Facebook), I get too many notifications. I
             | don't know what's coming or going or which machines are
             | requesting certificates for which (sub)domains.
             | A service like ZeroSSL is already acting like a central
             | point of certificate management (for me), so it's the ideal
             | location to do CTLog monitoring since the bulk of
             | certificate issuances happen there. That means legitimate
             | CTLog entries can be reconciled and ignored silently
             | (they'll already show up in the dashboard).
             | I'm not sure how user accounts work in ACME, but the other
             | thing I'd like is to be able to track which user or machine
             | requested a certificate.
             | I'm sure something like that could also be built as a
             | proxy. I thought about trying once, but it's firmly in my
             | "things I'll never get to" idea box. Lol.
             | Another problem I've had with LE that could use a solution
             | is a 3rd party service that I signed up for requesting
             | certificates, but not installing them correctly and hitting
             | the LE limits for that domain. If the mindshare changes
             | from LE to ACME, maybe there'll be a day where 3rd parties
             | will let me specify an ACME provider and link it to my main
             | account somehow.
             | HeroSSL wrote:
             | Please have or be or create my babies. Dang be fucked, I
             | bypassed the commenting cocksuckery! Lucky for me.
       | geocrasher wrote:
       | Another player in this market is Sectigo. They are providing
       | cPanel branded free SSL certificates to cPanel servers. Some
       | hosts have switched to these because of API rate limiting done by
       | Let's Encrypt. Mind you, it's specific to cPanel (a web hosting
       | control panel) but that is a _giant_ market.
         | mholt wrote:
         | ZeroSSL is a Sectigo reseller.
         | swiley wrote:
         | The only time I've ever had a machine owned was through a
         | borken cPanel installation our professor forced on us.
         | I'm still not sure what it does that I couldn't do with a
         | normal ssh session.
           | geocrasher wrote:
           | It's not for people like you. It's for hosts doing mass
           | amounts of hosting for people who couldn't get a directory
           | listing at a bash prompt if their life depended on it.
             | swiley wrote:
             | OSX at least used have support for opening sftp (that is,
             | file transfer over ssh) URLs in finder. You don't need to
             | know bash to use ssh.
       | lambda_obrien wrote:
       | How do these services make money?
       | edit: thanks for the replies!
         | dewey wrote:
         | https://letsencrypt.org/sponsors/
         | toomuchtodo wrote:
         | Let's Encrypt is a non profit funded by donors, other vendors
         | sell value add services (the free SSL cert is marketing/a loss
         | leader).
         | More options are good, Let's Encrypt is mandatory to ensure
         | good (or non predatory or oligopoly) behavior by other cert
         | providers. It's a check on their power.
         | abcleb wrote:
         | Do they sell the private keys to the NSA? Maybe not. It is an
         | effort by many companies and groups to make the web more
         | secure.
           | hu3 wrote:
           | Let's imagine they do sell private keys to state actors
           | (which I highly doubt).
           | Would that allow transparent sniffing of traffic encrypted
           | with these certs?
             | AgentME wrote:
             | Most HTTPS connections today negotiate ephemeral keys at
             | the start of the connection, so even if an attacker has the
             | server's private key (which the CA never sees and couldn't
             | sell!), the attacker can't do passive listening attacks on
             | connections using it. The attacker would have to do an
             | active man-in-the-middle attack that rewrites the
             | connection and swaps out the ephemeral keys with keys known
             | to the attacker, which risks detection.
             | If an attacker has the CA's private key, then the attacker
             | can mint new HTTPS certificates. They wouldn't be able to
             | do passive listening attacks on connections, but they could
             | use an active man-in-the-middle attack to swap out the
             | server's certificate in the connection. However, this
             | attack could be detected through Certificate Transparency,
             | and the CA's leaked keys would become untrusted by
             | browsers.
           | blibble wrote:
           | they couldn't sell your private keys to the NSA as they don't
           | have them as they're generated locally on your machine and
           | never leave it
           | they could sell their keys, but impersonations would likely
           | be spotted thanks to certificate transparency
           | huhtenberg wrote:
           | They don't see the private keys.
           | cocoa19 wrote:
           | They can't sell the keys since they don't have them.
           | NSA could still mount an attack by asking the CA to register
           | NSA's certs as valid, and tamper the victim's network
           | connection. What makes certs secure is our trust in
           | certificate authorities.
         | brunoluiz wrote:
         | Let's encrypt is not run for profit, and is sponsored by many
         | companies.
         | https://letsencrypt.org/about/ https://www.abetterinternet.org/
           | Spivak wrote:
           | But a more direct answer to the parents question is that they
           | "make money" by providing a service that by virtue of its
           | existence saves the sponsoring companies money and headache.
           | I'm surprised this model isn't more common as an alternative
           | to licensing.
             | anonunivgrad wrote:
             | Collective action problem. You don't have to sponsor to
             | reap the benefits. You can pull it off for this or that
             | cause celebre, but it's not a workable model in general.
         | 0df8dkdf wrote:
         | well when you are service that has to rely on them to renew
         | your site every 90 days, the data alone from different site is
         | worth money.
         | " The world's most valuable resource is no longer oil, but
         | data." ~The Economist, May 6, 2017
           | dewey wrote:
           | Except that they (At least in LE's case) are funded by a lot
           | of companies and donors and are not in it for the money.
           | https://letsencrypt.org/privacy/#we-do-not-sell-your-data-
           | or...
           | hedora wrote:
           | What information can they (theoretically) gather beyond
           | certificate renewal times (which can be inferred by any web
           | scraper)?
             | wolco2 wrote:
             | Not all extensions can be scrapped.
               | duskwuff wrote:
               | Roughly all SSL certificates can be discovered through
               | Certificate Transparency logs. Being the CA doesn't
               | really provide you with any additional information,
               | beyond the source IP of the agent requesting the
               | certificate (which, in most cases, is the same as the IP
               | that the certificate's hostname resolves to).
             | 0df8dkdf wrote:
             | Well you don't have to scrap it. And a centralised CA
             | authority seems dangerous. I'm not saying LE is bad it one
             | of good thing that came along. However, whenever we trust
             | to one authority it alway gets dangerous. So yes I
             | personally welcome another CA. However, don't think your
             | data is or will not be used for something. Organization
             | change, and people who runs the organization change.
               | chokeartist wrote:
               | I have ran my own CA in various capacities (workplace,
               | private [hobby]). I will say that LE is wayyyy easier
               | than trying to splice in my root certificate to X number
               | of systems. Also some systems do NOT support custom self-
               | signed root certificates.
               | I acknowledge your points with the risk of intelligence
               | leaking. However most DNS is benign / not a state secret
               | in general.
               | TheDong wrote:
               | > Well you don't have to scrape it
               | Certificate logs from the certificate transparency
               | project [0] are already public knowledge and shared
               | freely.
               | The only thing lets encrypt gets in addition to what's in
               | those logs and publicly discoverable is what challenge
               | you chose (dns or tls), and what email you're using.
               | > So yes I personally welcome another CA
               | More CAs generally means more chance that one CA loses a
               | private key or has a vulnerability. Tragically, since
               | browsers trust all CAs for all websites, if the new CA
               | has an issue, people can forge TLS certs for my website
               | even though I have no intention of ever using that new
               | CA.
               | In a very real way, having an excess of CAs is bad for
               | the security of the entire internet. Letting anyone
               | become a trusted CA would be an unequivocal disaster, so
               | clearly more CAs isn't always good.
               | I do think there's a balance, where we should have
               | several viable CAs that we trust to be secure, but not
               | 100s of them, just 10s. We already trust a ton more roots
               | than that, so right now I see a new CA as being
               | detrimental to security overall.
               | That all being said, I'm pretty sure this CA is using an
               | existing trusted root and processes, so since it doesn't
               | require cross-signing in a new root, it's less big of a
               | deal.
               | [0]: http://www.certificate-transparency.org/how-ct-works
       | [deleted]
       | certera wrote:
       | > Why not just use Let's Encrypt? ZeroSSL comes with significant
       | advantages compared to Let's Encrypt, including access to a
       | fully-featured SSL management console, an REST API for SSL
       | management, SSL monitoring, and more.
       | This is where I shamelessly plug my project, Certera:
       | https://docs.certera.io
       | I love LE, like really really love it. I was surprised to hear
       | that certs were going from 2 to 1 year expiration and that made
       | me really pause for a second to think about the lack of proper
       | infrastructure around certificates, especially LE certs. I
       | envision these short lived certs from LE/ZeroSSL needing some of
       | the components that ZeroSSL mentioned above and much, much more.
       | Eventually, if/when we have 1 week/1 day cert expirations, we'll
       | need a certificate exchange system to better handle complex
       | scenarios where other parties are involved (i.e. when doing
       | client certs, SAML certs, etc.).
       | unixhero wrote:
       | Why is this needed? Genuinely curious.
         | the8472 wrote:
         | eggs, when the basket fell
       | jamescun wrote:
       | Probably just an oversight, but I find it odd their (ZeroSSL)
       | site does not use a certificate issued by their own CA, it is
       | instead one of CloudFlare's SNI certificates.
         | mholt wrote:
         | This is common for sites that are behind a TLS-terminating CDN.
         | (They could still be using one between their origin and
         | Cloudflare.)
         | In general it doesn't matter who issues the certificate as long
         | as they're trusted.
           | jamescun wrote:
           | You are correct, however CloudFlare does support supplying
           | your own certificate, and I'd consider it an element of
           | dogfooding to use their own CA on their own site.
           | snazz wrote:
           | It's also worth mentioning that you can give Cloudflare your
           | own certificate to use if you care what users see. I think
           | this option might require one of the paid Cloudflare plans.
       | cordite wrote:
       | This links to ZeroSSL.
       | They only offer 3 domains for free on their pricing page.
       | https://zerossl.com/pricing/
         | jakobmartz3 wrote:
         | only 3???
         | mholt wrote:
         | Their pricing page is being revised. You get free unlimited
         | certs through ACME, including wildcards.
         | > In an effort to ensure the widest possible SSL certificate
         | coverage around the world, our team has decided to keep all
         | ZeroSSL certificates created using the ACME protocol completely
         | free of charge.
         | https://zerossl.com/features/acme/
           | da_big_ghey wrote:
           | Good to know, and I'm glad there's an alternative to Let's
           | Encrypt, just in case. Is ZeroSSL trusted by old Android
           | devices? If so, that might be a work-around for Let's
           | Encrypt's cross-signing from IdenTrust expiring.
             | mholt wrote:
             | Yes as far as I know; their Sectigo/Comodo root is older.
             | But, you can still use Let's Encrypt with old Android
             | devices until the later part of 2021 using the alternate
             | chain: https://letsencrypt.org/2020/11/06/own-two-feet.html
             | (As a point of reference, Caddy supports configuring this
             | alternate chain.)
               | stephenr wrote:
               | If zerossl is reselling/a subsidiary of sectigo, that's
               | enough reason to never use this.
               | Sectigo is the new name for Comodo. The same bunch of
               | pricks who tried to trademark "Let's Encrypt".
               | Other players in the acme cert "business" is great.
               | Renaming a slime ball name and carrying on like nothing
               | happened is not ok.
               | pbronez wrote:
               | "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
           | yjftsjthsd-h wrote:
           | How on earth are they making money, then?
             | ryan29 wrote:
             | IMHO there's an opportunity for a lot of disruption in the
             | CA industry. Managing a lot of certificates gets out of
             | control pretty quickly and if they build a system with
             | decent hierarchical authentication you can start to see a
             | situation where large companies might opt to use them for
             | most (or all) certificates. Put another way, imagine being
             | able to log into your dashboard, create a sub-user and
             | assign permissions for that sub-user to issue certificates
             | for subdomain.example.com.
             | You can limit certificate issuance to a single issuer via
             | CAA in DNS, so you could set your domains to use ZeroSSL
             | exclusively and ZeroSSL could validate ownership of a
             | domain to allow you to create that hierarchy.
             | I can think of a lot of value added services that can be
             | sold alongside SSL certificates. One example would be CTLog
             | monitoring including for lookalike (FACEB00K) issuances.
             | The other thing with SSL is that a lot of people equate it
             | with domain security, so I think there's a certain level of
             | domain monitoring that could be sold alongside
             | certificates. Things like domain expiration monitoring,
             | registration of lookalike domains, NS changes, DMARC
             | reporting, etc. all start to feel like a single "domain
             | security" service.
         | richardwhiuk wrote:
         | Plus no wildcard support (which Let's Encrypt provides).
         | They say "No REST API access" - but presumably ACME does work?
           | edoceo wrote:
           | What! LE does wildcard now!?
           | /me searches...
           | https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/acme-v2-production-
           | envir...
             | zymhan wrote:
             | Oh yes, it's a lifesaver.
           | rohansingh wrote:
           | Yeah, looks like ACME is indeed free and includes wildcards:
           | https://zerossl.com/letsencrypt-alternative/
         | surround wrote:
         | It says "no credit card required." Can they stop people from
         | making multiple accounts and getting unlimited certificates?
           | gtirloni wrote:
           | Throttling
       | qurashee wrote:
       | This reminded me the beginning of Spot/Exceed
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qbAfyF6IIc and Contour/TBL, both
       | classic demos now.
       | analyte123 wrote:
       | It's good that there are alternatives, particularly those that
       | are outside the scope of US law, where at least some CAs believe
       | certificates can be revoked for copyright reasons [1]. Let's
       | Encrypt says they can revoke your cert if "our Certificate is
       | being used, or has been used, to enable any criminal
       | activity...[or] ISRG is legally required to revoke Your
       | Certificate pursuant to a valid court order issued by a court of
       | competent jurisdiction" [2]. But I'm sure Austria where ZeroSSL
       | is based is still party to a number of copyright conventions and
       | law enforcement data sharing agreements.
       | [1] https://torrentfreak.com/sci-hub-pirate-bay-for-science-
       | secu... [2] https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-
       | SA-v1.2-November-15-201...
         | gsich wrote:
         | Buypass is Norwegian.
         | DyslexicAtheist wrote:
         | > But I'm sure Austria where ZeroSSL is based is still party to
         | a number of copyright conventions and law enforcement data
         | sharing agreements.
         | it is!! in recent news:
         | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25091994
       | jeremiahlee wrote:
       | Now, one of them just needs to provide certs for .onion domains.
         | SalimoS wrote:
         | Isn't the hash ( before the . Onion) is the public key ?
         | So technically we don't need a cert for onion
           | surround wrote:
           | Some onion websites use the certificate as an anti-phishing
           | measure. Since onion domains are hard to remember, a
           | certificate can verify that you are, indeed, connected to
           | e.g. Facebook's servers and not a phishing website.
             | bawolff wrote:
             | Presumably worked a lot better when EV certs got the fancy
             | UI
             | lights0123 wrote:
             | That's EV though, and it looks like DigiCert is the only
             | one that does it for .onion:
             | https://crt.sh/?Identity=%25.onion
             | They do offer ACME though:
             | https://docs.digicert.com/certificate-tools/Certificate-
             | life...
           | milkey_mouse wrote:
           | You're correct, but I recall a Tor dev saying at one point
           | that HTTPS for .onion wasn't completely useless, I think in
           | that more secure settings (CSP, etc.) apply to pages loaded
           | with HTTPS.
             | jeremiahlee wrote:
             | The Tor Project discussed the advantage a little in this
             | blog post ("Part four: what do we think about an https cert
             | for a .onion address?"):
             | https://blog.torproject.org/facebook-hidden-services-and-
             | htt...
       | tashian wrote:
       | The ACME protocol (used by Let's Encrypt / ZeroSSL) can be used
       | with internal infrastructure, too. I know that some folks already
       | use Let's Encrypt to issue internal TLS certificates, but that's
       | not always ideal. Step CA[1] is an ACME v2-compliant, open source
       | CA that supports all of the challenge types as Let's Encrypt /
       | ZeroSSL.
       | [1]: https://github.com/smallstep/certificates/
         | freedomben wrote:
         | Nice, thanks for the tip! I've needed something like this a few
         | times the last few months and knew there _had_ to be something
         | out there I was missing. This looks awesome.
       | stephenr wrote:
       | It's been mentioned zerossl is a reseller for "sectigo", which is
       | the new name for Comodo.
       | Comodo are the bunch of cunts who tried to trademark "let's
       | encrypt". There's zero reason to give them any market share or
       | business.
         | 1MachineElf wrote:
         | Thanks, I wasn't aware of ZeroSSL's history there. Are there
         | any links you can share about that fiasco?
           | stephenr wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comodo_Cybersecurity#Let's_Enc.
           | ..
             | nickf wrote:
             | To be clear, Sectigo was split from Comodo by PE. They are
             | separate companies. The CEO at Comodo who did the LE
             | trademarking attempt hasn't been a part of Sectigo and the
             | CA for 3 years. Sectigo have also worked with LE and helped
             | to sponsor the CT log they operate.
             | It may not change your opinion, but it's important to be
             | aware of the details.
         | quesera wrote:
         | > Comodo are the bunch of cunts
         | Ugh, surely you're aware of how poorly that word, as an
         | epithet, lands for most of the English-speaking population.
         | Your message is worth hearing. It will be lost if you can't
         | communicate it well.
           | stephenr wrote:
           | Yes, it's an insult. I'm insulting them. That's why I wrote
           | it.
             | quesera wrote:
             | That word does not insult Comodo. It makes you easy to
             | disregard, while simlutaneously being offensive to a much
             | larger group of people. Surely this doesn't surprise you?
             | If you are, in fact, a member of UK/AU lad culture, then
             | even _if_ the term is culturally-appropriate, you still
             | need to be aware of your audience to not come off as a
             | tosser [EDIT i.e. the self-identified obnoxio contingent of
             | said subculture, sigh, but of course that is the joke.
             | "Tosser" is just a generic epithet because it is not
             | focused -- which is true of "cunt" _inside_ said
             | subculture, but very much not true _outside_ said
             | subculture, including most of the audience here... I really
             | feel like this doesn 't require so much explanation].
               | stephenr wrote:
               | _irony intensifies_
               | haroldp wrote:
               | "Tosser" insults masturbators, casting an even wider
               | insult-net.
               | Only it doesn't really, because everyone knows that it's
               | idiomatic. If I said you were "cool", you would not take
               | that to mean your temperature was low. :)
       | surround wrote:
       | Unlike LetsEncrypt, it supports certificates for IP addresses,
       | which is nice for hobbyists who don't want to buy a domain.
         | scaladev wrote:
         | Why would you necessarily buy a domain? I use lots of free
         | domains in .tk and .cf, they work great.
         | https://freenom.com/
         | For frequently changing IPs there are also services like
         | http://duckdns.org
         | which provide you with a third-level domain like
         | xyz.duckdns.org
           | djsumdog wrote:
           | .ml domains tend to disappear when they get popular, and
           | sometimes you can't even buy them at that point. With those
           | free DNSes, you get what you pay for. Don't use them for
           | anything important.
             | a3_nm wrote:
             | Interesting, thanks! Do you have a link to know more about
             | people to whom this happened?
           | snazz wrote:
           | I know three people personally who used Freenom domains and
           | lost access at some point. I've never actually been
           | successful at getting it to give me a domain in the first
           | place, but the last time I tried was years ago. So definitely
           | be careful hosting anything vaguely important on one of those
           | domains.
             | stevewillows wrote:
             | I've got one domain with freenom. You have to manually
             | renew it every year, but otherwise it's fine for totally
             | useless projects.
             | For anything with even the smallest bit of value, a cheap
             | tld like .party can be had for a decade for around $20.
           | surround wrote:
           | Why get a domain, if you don't need one?
           | The free .tk domains are only free for 1 year. And even if
           | you are only going to use it for a year, some people would
           | rather not give out their credit card number for a free
           | trial.
             | scaladev wrote:
             | Please stop spreading misinformation. You don't need a
             | card, you don't have to provide any identification at all.
             | The domains are free for as long as you want (I've been
             | using one for the last 3 years), you just have to click a
             | button once a year, and freenom sends you emails two weeks
             | in advance.
               | spurgu wrote:
               | Correct. I just got one with a fake name and address, no
               | phone number needed, nor a credit card.
               | surround wrote:
               | Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I believe at one point in time,
               | years ago, they required a card for the free
               | registration. It certainly wasn't my intent to spread
               | misinformation.
               | Now I'm wondering, how does Freenom make money?
             | da_big_ghey wrote:
             | No, they can be renewed for another free year indefinitely,
             | as far as I know. I don't believe they require a credit
             | card number, either. I've had a few freenom domains I've
             | renewed for several years in a row and just got some new
             | ones a few months ago; it's a very useful service.
           | nix23 wrote:
           | Don't forget freedns.
           | 1vuio0pswjnm7 wrote:
           | "Why would you necessarily buy a domain?"
           | E-mail is one example. Technically domain names are not
           | necessary to successfully send own mail with own server,
           | i.e., without using a 3rd party email provider. E-mail
           | predates DNS; mail software has always supported IP
           | addresses. However, today, the dominant 3rd party e-mail
           | providers will reject mail coming from an IP address not
           | associated with a domain name.
             | hackerbee wrote:
             | The patchwork of anti-phishing and anti-spamming measures
             | like SPF and DKIM require DNS TXT records. Allowing mail
             | from an IP address would likely be used almost exclusively
             | for spamming.
           | da_big_ghey wrote:
           | Duckdns is good, though I really like Hurricane Electric's
           | DNS: dns.he.net/
           | It offers a lot for free; I started using it when I moved off
           | cloudflare and have quite liked it.
             | IgorPartola wrote:
             | I really like and use HE.net but it's API is definitely not
             | ideal, last I checked.
         | carbocation wrote:
         | I have one domain that is shared by all of my projects, which
         | sit on subdomains. It's a happy in-between for me.
         | dheera wrote:
         | It's usually harder to buy a static IP than a domain ...
           | gruez wrote:
           | According to the CAB baseline requirements it doesn't look
           | like you need to prove ownership of the IP address to get a
           | certificate for it.
           | https://cabforum.org/wp-content/uploads/CA-Browser-Forum-
           | BR-... (section
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