[HN Gopher] Apple Silicon M1: Black. Magic. Fuckery
       Apple Silicon M1: Black. Magic. Fuckery
       Author : singhkays
       Score  : 51 points
       Date   : 2020-11-24 19:36 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (www.singhkays.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (www.singhkays.com)
       | kradeelav wrote:
       | > looks at 2010 MBP that's working, but starting to have firefox
       | issues.
       | ... This may be the actual upgrade moment. I just hope time
       | machine is compatible. likewise old (CS5) versions of Photoshop
       | since I'm not into this subscription BS.
       | brundolf wrote:
       | > cries in 2020 MBP
       | We may need to start a support group
       | berkut wrote:
       | I don't quite understand how 'retain' and 'release' can be more
       | _memory_ efficient on Apple Silicon than x86.... I can understand
       | how they can be more efficient from a performance standpoint in
       | terms of more efficient reference counting, but I don 't
       | understand how that translates to less memory usage which is
       | apparently what's being argued... ?
       | Unless on x86 some of the 'free's when the ref counts hit 0 were
       | being batched up and deferred, and that doesn't need to happen
       | now?
         | Teknoman117 wrote:
         | I read that as 'retain' and 'release' aren't more memory
         | efficient on Apple Silicon, they're just faster due to hardware
         | choices of some kind. The argument of memory efficiency is
         | about reference counting versus garbage collection.
         | saagarjha wrote:
         | I believe it was being brought up as an example of "Apple has
         | designed their hardware around their software" and then that
         | translates to "Apple's software does well on machines with less
         | memory".
           | berkut wrote:
           | Compared to something like Android, sure, I get that, but
           | compared to ObjectiveC/Swift on x86 (which I think was being
           | argued - i.e. against the Intel Macs)?
           | I guess it makes reference counting in general more
           | efficient, I'm just saying I don't see why that would mean
           | Apple Silicon Macs running ObjectC/Swift code would have less
           | memory usage than the same code compiled and running on x86.
             | saagarjha wrote:
             | I'm not necessarily convinced by the posted argument. That
             | being said, I tend to think that people running a bunch of
             | VMs and Electron apps and Docker cause them to use a bunch
             | more RAM than I would consider to be "reasonable", and
             | they've lost sight of how much you can do in a lesser
             | amount of memory. (Typing this from a computer with 8 GB of
             | RAM, which I have repeatedly been told is "below adequate"
             | for development.)
         | ianhowson wrote:
         | I don't think retain/release perf has anything to do with
         | memory consumption, but I _have_ seen a bunch of reviews
         | claiming that 8GB is perfectly fine.
         | This is fascinating to me, because:
         | (a) every 8GB Mac I've used in the past has been unusably slow
         | (b) since upgrading my 32GB Hackintosh to Big Sur, my usual
         | 40GB working set is only about 20GB.
         | (c) My 2015 16GB MBPr with Big Sur is also using about half as
         | much physical memory on the same workload. Swappiness is up a
         | little, but I haven't noticed.
         | So my guess it that something in Big Sur has dramatically
         | reduced memory consumption and that fix is being commingled
         | with the M1 announce.
           | jdminhbg wrote:
           | iPhones and iPads also have relatively small amounts of RAM
           | compared to Android devices in the same class, so I wonder if
           | Apple is doing something smart with offloading memory to fast
           | SSD storage in a way that isn't noticeable to the user.
         | trevyn wrote:
         | They stuff the reference count in the unused bits of the 64-bit
         | pointers.
           | berkut wrote:
           | So just tagged pointers essentially? That's possible on x86
           | isn't it (unless it's an endian-thing)?
       | yardie wrote:
       | I'm typing this from a 2014 i7-4980HQ 15" MBP. This machine would
       | have been replaced in 2017 but I wasn't impressed with that years
       | model. I had planned to upgrade in 2020 but the announcement of
       | the M1 basically quashed that. I've been on this planet long
       | enough to know when Apple changes course like this the old
       | architect is already obsolete. 68k -> PPC -> x86_64 -> ASi. The
       | PPC G5 got exactly 1 OS upgrade (10.5) before it was EOL'd.
       | If the reports are to be believed on performance and Rosetta than
       | this upgrade may be one of the smoothest in Apple history. The
       | Intel CPU has had an incredibly long run, 15 years, at Apple. If
       | they are confident they can make the leap and not leave their
       | users in the lurch more power to them.
       | I'm still on the fence on buying an M1 laptop. Apple users know
       | you pay an Apple tax and a v1 tax. My MBP is getting so long in
       | the tooth I may have to ignore my own advice of not getting first
       | generation Apple hardware.
       | supernova87a wrote:
       | You know the thing I worry about next is: how are apps going to
       | inevitably bloat in inefficiency and take claw back the
       | improvements in CPU?
         | singhkays wrote:
         | I don't understand. Don't those two things seem antithetical?
         | Like why would you make your app inefficient at the same time
         | you optimize it for the CPU?
           | Jtsummers wrote:
           | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson's_law
           | Parkinson's Law: Work expands so as to fill the time
           | available for its completion.
           | Applied to computers, if you double the CPU speed, the
           | program can be half as efficient with no apparent loss to the
           | user. Similar with memory. If you can assume your typical
           | gamer has a 2TB (or now much larger) storage capacity, you
           | can ship a 250GB game. But then it gets complicated when
           | _everyone_ does the same thing. If every program is half as
           | efficient as it could be (in CPU usage or memory), then there
           | has been no gain with the new system.
           | sidpatil wrote:
           | I think they're saying that devs won't spend as much time
           | optimizing, since they know that the CPU is faster.
             | singhkays wrote:
             | That makes sense and is to be expected. A faster hardware
             | does take away some of the incentive. As the old adage goes
             | - "Necessity is the mother of invention"
           | supernova87a wrote:
           | Simple historical observation -- any time a performance jump
           | happens, the underlying uses of it expand to fill up the
           | improvement in processing.
         | jonny_eh wrote:
         | Are you suggesting that companies shouldn't make, and consumers
         | buy, faster hardware?
       | vmception wrote:
       | weren't the old exploits on the intel processors patched by
       | essentially making many operations slower? like they had to
       | disable some cpu instructions which were previously innovative
       | and this debilitated the irreparable processors.
       | so a new architecture with better versions of the same
       | instructions would feel very fast, since we went two steps back
       | first.
         | Areading314 wrote:
         | Yes, these were due to the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities
       | qz2 wrote:
       | Even as a miserable pessimist I just bought an M1 Mini today. It
       | cost two months of train season tickets which I don't have to pay
       | for any more!
       | brundolf wrote:
       | This is fascinating:
       | > Retain and release are tiny actions that almost all software,
       | on all Apple platforms, does all the time. ..... The Apple
       | Silicon system architecture is designed to make these operations
       | as fast as possible. It's not so much that Intel's x86
       | architecture is a bad fit for Apple's software frameworks, as
       | that Apple Silicon is designed to be a bespoke fit for it ....
       | retaining and releasing NSObjects is so common on MacOS (and
       | iOS), that making it 5 times faster on Apple Silicon than on
       | Intel has profound implications on everything from performance to
       | battery life.
       | > Broadly speaking, this is a significant reason why M1 Macs are
       | more efficient with less RAM than Intel Macs. This, in a
       | nutshell, helps explain why iPhones run rings around even
       | flagship Android phones, even though iPhones have significantly
       | less RAM. iOS software uses reference counting for memory
       | management, running on silicon optimized to make reference
       | counting as efficient as possible; Android software uses garbage
       | collection for memory management, a technique that requires more
       | RAM to achieve equivalent performance.
       | neilpanchal wrote:
       | I just got one. I'm blown away by the speed as well. Chrome runs
       | insanely fast! Alas, it's not developer ready yet. Brew is a
       | mess. Docker doesn't work. PyCharm is WIP although can use x86
       | version. I was skeptical of the hype but this little laptop has
       | made me realize how slow everything else is.
       | Unfortunately, while the hardware has accelerated far beyond
       | expectations, the software - specifically MacOS BigSur is a major
       | step backward. So many fucking animations. Everything feels fluid
       | like operating in molasses. The UI changes seem to be shoe horned
       | into a desktop that doesn't need giant white space for fat
       | fingers. Menu bars are twice as tall taking up precious space.
       | Top bar was already crammed with a lot of icons. Now, they've
       | made them sparsely spaced by adding padding between the icons.
       | Everything is baby-like with rounded corners and without borders.
       | Segmentation UI elements are no more. I want to ask Apple's UI
       | team: WHY!? What is currently wrong with macOS Catalina UI? Until
       | you can satisfactorily answer that, there shouldn't be any
       | change. Stop changing the UI like you're working at Hermes. It's
       | not fashion. If the reason is to unify everything, all screen
       | sizes, then you're sacrificing all three. Perhaps making it easy
       | to develop apps for all 3 platforms is a plus, but as a _user_ ,
       | this all feels like a regression. I've lost hope in modern UI
       | engineering. It's not engineering anymore.
       | I want macOS that has a UI of Windows 95. That would be totally
       | insane on Apple Silicon.
         | DennisP wrote:
         | Ugh. Back in the 90s our supercomputers were way less powerful
         | than today's laptops. I want to feel that. Never mind
         | animations, just make everything happen instantly.
         | fassssst wrote:
         | Seems pretty obvious that some future Macs will have touch
         | screens or larger iPads will run MacOS.
         | I'd buy a Surface Studio style iMac in a heartbeat.
           | robaye wrote:
           | This was my thought too.
         | goatinaboat wrote:
         | _It's not fashion._
         | Unfortunately you are wrong. Everything we call tech is in fact
         | driven by fashion.
         | My older version Mac is badgering me to upgrade to Bug Sur. Top
         | feature: 100 new emojis. That is what Apple prioritised. Why
         | the hell are emojis even part of the OS let alone its top
         | feature!
         | Truth is GUIs are done, were a decade or more ago. All there is
         | left now is change for the sake of change. And Apple can't
         | think of anything more to do in the real OS either!
           | saagarjha wrote:
           | https://www.apple.com/macos/big-sur/ says it's the new
           | design.
       | jrm4 wrote:
       | At the risk of being that (Linux) guy --
       | What is gained here if we're just still applying faster cycles to
       | Apple-esque wasteful (and perhaps harmful, as we're apparently
       | learning re: their telemetry) software?
       | If people really dig their Apple stuff, great. But I think its
       | worth thinking about the likelihood that a "slower" computer
       | running Linux could probably serve the actual user better in
       | terms of "getting stuff done." Moreover, I think we're pretty
       | close to "beauty" parity here as well. Apple's advantage now is
       | probably _mostly_ the networked devices, i.e. unity between phone
       | and pc messages, etc.
         | joshstrange wrote:
         | > But I think its worth thinking about the likelihood that a
         | "slower" computer running Linux could probably serve the actual
         | user better in terms of "getting stuff done." Moreover, I think
         | we're pretty close to "beauty" parity here as well.
         | This is just not true. I'm sorry but I've used linux on the
         | desktop many times, using many different distros, and many
         | different desktop environments. It's shiny and pretty when you
         | first install and then very quickly you run into apps that
         | don't follow that design methodology and it takes you out of
         | it. Desktop linux is not ready for average users and honestly
         | it may never be. Also "getting stuff done." and desktop linux
         | do not belong in the same sentence. I've personally spent and
         | watched coworkers spend hours and hours tinkering with graphics
         | cards drivers or other random quirks. Linux is amazing, don't
         | get me wrong, it's a workhorse with immense power and the
         | ability to tinker to your heart's content BUT most users,
         | myself included, don't want to put in the upfront and ongoing
         | work to keep it in tip-top condition.
         | I will forever use linux on servers and enjoy every minute of
         | it but for the desktop linux is nowhere near ready for
         | primetime. I've watched too many people online and in-person
         | preach about linux on the desktop and then watched them having
         | to spend tons of time tinkering with it so they can "get stuff
         | done". Is it possible to be productive on the linux desktop?
         | Absolutely but I value my time way too highly to spend the
         | effort to make that a reality.
         | jozzy-james wrote:
         | depends on what you do, for most people - chromeOS would be
         | plenty fine for 'getting stuff done'
         | sjmulder wrote:
         | I found the macOS desktop much more responsive than GNOME which
         | feels like a beast. Now I use MATE which is nice and simple but
         | it's no where near as nice as macOS.
         | sigzero wrote:
         | I have never lacked for "getting stuff done" on a Mac.
         | Jtsummers wrote:
         | macOS has been my daily driver since 2006, fully since 2010
         | (when I got rid of my desktop which I dual booted between
         | Windows for gaming and Linux for development). It's perfectly
         | suitable for "getting stuff done". In the rare case where macOS
         | doesn't run something that I need that another *nix or Windows
         | supports I spin up a VM or VPS.
         | azangru wrote:
         | Another linux guy here, on the market for a new linux laptop.
         | After reading the article, which linux-compatible laptops,
         | would you say, come the closest to compete with the new
         | generation of Apple products? Long battery life, plenty of
         | power, good screen, good speakers? Is it the inevitable Dell
         | XPS 13 and Thinkpad X1 Carbon, or are there any other darlings
         | among the linux community?
       (page generated 2020-11-24 23:00 UTC)