[HN Gopher] Quiver: A modern commutative diagram editor
       Quiver: A modern commutative diagram editor
       Author : dustingetz
       Score  : 132 points
       Date   : 2020-11-25 19:27 UTC (3 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (github.com)
 (TXT) w3m dump (github.com)
       | alderz wrote:
       | There is also https://github.com/yishn/tikzcd-editor which I have
       | used a few times.
       | IshKebab wrote:
       | I recommend IPE for this sort of thing (unless you need _exactly_
       | this).
       | http://ipe.otfried.org/
       | It's by far the best diagramming tool for Latex.
         | alderz wrote:
         | Ipe is a lovely piece of software. I use it a lot and always
         | feel that it deserves to be more well-known.
         | I do not find it especially good for commutative diagrams,
         | though. I usually type tikz-cd code for those cases.
         | cartesiancat wrote:
         | Commutative diagrams, and pasting diagrams in particular, are a
         | precise mathematical notation that other tools just don't
         | handle well. I don't know many diagram editors that support
         | edges-between-edges.
       | toomim wrote:
       | What's a "commutative" diagram?
         | yots wrote:
         | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commutative_diagram
       | [deleted]
       | armanboyaci wrote:
       | I also recommend http://latexdraw.sourceforge.net/
         | chalst wrote:
         | I wish there was such a tool creating Metapost code. Metapost
         | output is much more readable than pstricks and far, far faster
         | than TikZ. And FWIW, it's what Knuth uses.
         | cartesiancat wrote:
         | This solves an entirely different problem.
       | 3327 wrote:
       | Interesting choice of name. i was looking for such a tool. Gui
       | are still limited in 2020
         | CalChris wrote:
         | Arrows. Lots of arrows.
         | JorgeGT wrote:
         | I remember the first time I tried to plot a vector field in
         | MATLAB. In Mathematica, the function it is of course
         | VectorPlot[]. I spent quite a bit of time fumbling around until
         | I found that some funny MathWorks developer had named the
         | equivalent function quiver() because, of course, it holds lots
         | of arrows!
         | flixic wrote:
         | I was wondering about the name too, but the first example (and
         | the logo) made it clear. It's just full of arrows.
           | svxml wrote:
           | It is a standard name in representation theory
           | (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiver_(mathematics)) which
           | use a lot these kind of diagrams.
         | chris_st wrote:
         | Unfortunate name collision with the macOS/iOS note taking app
         | Quiver [1] which doesn't do diagrams, but does do LaTeX.
         | [1] https://happenapps.com
           | yborg wrote:
           | Actually it does diagrams, sequence and flowchart. Sadly, the
           | app has gotten more or less no development for at least 4
           | years and the developer has stopped responding to bug reports
           | for at least a year. It's abandonware at this point.
             | c17r wrote:
             | I wish someone would make a cross-platform version of
             | Quiver with a new cell type that replicates the Sublime
             | PlainTasks plugin.
             | It's on my list of side projects that I never seem to put a
             | dent into.
           | marstall wrote:
           | quiver is great. Basically Mac's Notes but for programmers.
       | choeger wrote:
       | This looks like a really nice and well-made tool. Kudos and
       | thanks for open sourcing!
       | One nitpick: Why do you use a Makefile without using any of the
       | features of Make and then even requiring a special GNUMake
       | feature to make things work like a shell script? Why not simply
       | provide shell scripts in the first place?
         | gnulinux wrote:
         | I do this too, my reasons are:
         | * It's an old habit, I'm used to handwriting my own Makefiles
         | for every project, and every time I start a new project it's an
         | instinct to create a .gitignore and Makefile
         | * There is always a possibility of needing make features in the
         | future. Like nowadays my makefiles have `make build` recipe
         | which builds docker containers via docker-compose and a `make
         | run` that depends on `build` and then shells into that
         | container.
         | * make is easier to use than shell scripts since you can just
         | do `make <cmd>` to run your command
         | varkor wrote:
         | Thanks! I use a Makefile simply because someone else
         | contributed it early on in the development and it did the job,
         | so I didn't see a reason to replace it. If there's a better
         | way, I'd be happy to receive a pull request to change it!
       | selfishgene wrote:
       | Wonder how difficult it would be to integrate this directly into
       | a tool like TeXmacs which could use something like this?
       | varkor wrote:
       | I'm happy to see people are interested in the editor!
       | Let me also point out that I wrote a short blog post about the
       | motivation behind quiver, as well as some of its key features,
       | here: https://varkor.github.io/blog/2020/11/25/announcing-
       | quiver.h...
       | SatvikBeri wrote:
       | Oh wow, this would have been amazing for those Abstract Algebra
       | courses way back when.
       (page generated 2020-11-25 23:00 UTC)