[HN Gopher] Music Production on Guix System
       Music Production on Guix System
       Author : rekado
       Score  : 134 points
       Date   : 2020-11-26 15:17 UTC (7 hours ago)
 (HTM) web link (guix.gnu.org)
 (TXT) w3m dump (guix.gnu.org)
       | olivierestsage wrote:
       | Amazing timing to see this on the front page. I used to do hobby
       | electronic music production using proprietary tools, but as I
       | gradually grew more passionate about the free software movement
       | (and more fatigued with the constant, expensive DAW upgrades/new
       | versions), I stopped in favor of other hobbies. But recently I've
       | realized how far free software tooling has come in terms of
       | usability, especially for amateurs like me. Writing beats and
       | melodies in Sonic Pi [1] and mastering/mixing them in Ardour/LMMS
       | [2] has rekindled my love of music production.
       | [1] https://sonic-pi.net/
       | [2] https://lmms.io/
         | jcelerier wrote:
         | And there's a vibrant community ! We are having the linux audio
         | conference online right now : https://lac2020.sciencesconf.org/
         | with tons of cool talks and workshops
       | jtmoulia wrote:
       | I love that the soul of this post is about music production on
       | Guix using FOSS -- over the years I've used most of the tools the
       | author listed.
       | That being said, I have been super impressed with the non-free
       | DAW Bitwig [1]. It was built by some ex-Ableton folk and has a
       | similar polish and depth. I'm running it on Linux and have no
       | problems connecting to audio or midi devices. I'm even able to
       | load Windows VST plugins, e.g. Serum, via a wine emulator. It
       | contains some pretty novel features, too, like being able to
       | build complex audio FX as if from legos [2]
       | 1. https://www.bitwig.com/ 2.
       | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wHHbV8Zw4g&feature=emb_logo
         | stevefolta wrote:
         | Reaper [1] is another excellent proprietary DAW that has a
         | Linux version (albeit "experimental"). At this point, if only a
         | couple of plugin companies started releasing for Linux, I could
         | seriously consider switching. And as Apple becomes more locked-
         | down, I would like to be able to.
         | 1. https://www.reaper.fm
       | andrewzah wrote:
       | Lilypond is a marvel. I use it for transcription currently as it
       | can easily generate tabs as well as regular notation.
       | Seeing others use linux for music production is inspiring. I'm
       | currently in the stages of building a home music studio and I'm
       | strongly considering giving linux a go instead of going with a
       | mac mini. However it's really hard giving up Pro Tools...
         | zwp wrote:
         | Ha, that's funny, I abandonned lilypond precisely to create
         | combined stave/tab scores more easily. I found that flipping
         | back and forth between the lilypond "source" and the rendered
         | result was too slow. I read music notation much better than
         | lilypond's "musical LaTex" notation and I found it hard to
         | remember the nuances each time I came back to it. (Adding
         | lyrics to an existing piece was the last straw).
         | I switched to Musecore. Although I generally eschew GUI apps I
         | much prefer it to LP: I can see my editing changes directly
         | without the "compile, run" steps. My efforts are less DRY, to
         | continue the programming metaphor (eg copy/paste the chorus)
         | but that's acceptable. I don't plan on writing any massive
         | symphonies. As @rekado elsewhere on this page, I don't have to
         | act-as-programmer when I'm making music.
         | Musecore has had lots of criticism of its design but that area
         | has apparently improved a lot recently. It might be "Word for
         | music" but it's a mostly-complete-but-simple version (so...
         | Word 6? AbiWord?). Works for me.
       | rusk wrote:
       | I've seen Guix pop up a few times and I'm intrigued ...
       | ostensibly a package manager but this article says it can work as
       | an operating system in its own right. Can somebody explain this
       | to me? Is this HURD? Or does it have a kernel? Is it some sort of
       | hypervisor or application container? I always found HURD to be
       | exciting in a sci-fi kind of way but from what I've heard this
       | sounds like it's actually something that could be practically
       | useful. Where would I start? Does it make any sense running in
       | VirtualBox let's say?
         | cbaines wrote:
         | > I've seen Guix pop up a few times and I'm intrigued ...
         | ostensibly a package manager but this article says it can work
         | as an operating system in its own right. Can somebody explain
         | this to me?
         | Guix as a package manager knows how to build software, and how
         | to manage all the files. If you build the right software, plus
         | a few more things with some files, then you end up with
         | something that'll boot.
         | One really neat thing about this is that this is set out in one
         | Git repository, making it pretty easy to reason about.
         | > Is this HURD? Or does it have a kernel? Is it some sort of
         | hypervisor or application container? I always found HURD to be
         | exciting in a sci-fi kind of way but from what I've heard this
         | sounds like it's actually something that could be practically
         | useful. Where would I start? Does it make any sense running in
         | VirtualBox let's say?
         | Guix by default uses Linux-libre, but you can run it with the
         | Hurd.
         | You can start by using Guix as a package manager, it'll fit
         | alongside your existing operating system (providing it's
         | something using Linux). There's also a VM image you can
         | download from the website if that's of interest.
         | clone1 wrote:
         | Guix system uses linux-libre currently
           | rusk wrote:
           | So that's just the kernel and it provides it's own user land?
           | Is that user land itself some a kind of app container host I
           | could run Linux apps in for instance - but at arms length
           | from each other? Am I getting this right?
             | mbakke wrote:
             | guix-the-package-manager can be installed on any GNU/Linux
             | distribution. It's a great way to access bleeding-edge
             | software on a "stable" distro such as Debian or CentOS.
             | It has some nice properties such as not needing root
             | privileges to install things, atomic upgrades and
             | rollbacks, reproducible builds, multiple or transient
             | (optionally containerized) "environments" (collections of
             | packages), etc.
             | Guix System is a full distro built around the package
             | manager. It gives you atomic upgrades and roll-backs for
             | the entire system (you can choose any previous "generation"
             | in the boot loader).
               | rusk wrote:
               | This sounds quite exciting. I could use this right away,
               | with all the software I'm used to, and get all the
               | benefits.
             | Avshalom wrote:
             | aside from the standard GNU utils right now it's mostly
             | just guix the package manager and
             | https://www.gnu.org/software/shepherd/
               | rekado wrote:
               | It's a whole GNU system distribution using Guix to build
               | the system reproducibly, providing roll-backs at the
               | system level, using Guile Scheme even as early as the
               | initrd, etc. I don't know what you mean by "GNU utils",
               | but "Guix System" is _quite_ a bit more than just
               | Shepherd and coreutils.
       | verytrivial wrote:
       | For anyone wondering specifically why Guix, the author is playing
       | a Chapman Stick[1] so clearly enjoys a challenge.
       | [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GS0nKIebCc
         | rekado wrote:
         | Hah, it would seem so. I'm no Bob Culbertson, but I should say
         | that I find the Stick to be rather easy to learn. Its inverted
         | fifths tuning for the bass side makes a whole lot of sense to
         | this recovering guitarist.
         | What's certainly not easy is to play patterns between hands
         | that are not merely interlocking or interlaced but truly
         | independent. I have given up on trying to do this without
         | breaking down the pattern and learning them chunk by chunk.
         | Perhaps true independence is a myth or a well-guarded secret.
       | Rochus wrote:
       | Never heard of Guix, but it's interesting to read what tools they
       | used to produce the song on Linux. Ardour looks pretty
       | impressive.
         | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
         | Ardour is riddled with bugs. The GUI is incredibly ugly. MIDI
         | workflow is terrible. The developers seem slow, old, and very
         | opposed to new ideas. You can't run Windows plugins in it, so
         | goodbye productive work. No professional anywhere uses it. You
         | have to use C++ (!!) to write support for control surfaces
         | instead of scripting in a real language. Setting up your
         | audio/MIDI hardware settings has its own window instead of
         | being part of Preferences like any real DAW. And of course, no
         | proper DAW workflow like Live or FL Studio. You can't make
         | beats with Ardour, you need actual musicians which is just
         | stupid.
         | I would definitely stick to Audacity.
           | [deleted]
           | Rochus wrote:
           | I will take a look at it anyway. Using C++ to implement a DAW
           | is a very good idea IMHO. Audacity is a mastering tool, not a
           | DAW. I'm actually a musician myself but don't use Linux yet
           | for music productions, but for everything else.
           | rhizome31 wrote:
           | To those who wouldn't realize, this message is from the
           | creator of Ardour. I suppose he's tired of hearing the same
           | complaints again and again so he decided to pack them all in
           | a single message.
           | I'm not going to talk about how much I like Ardour because I
           | feel guilty for not having donated yet.
       | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
       | The author is honest enough to admit their "superficial" reasons
       | for using the CALF plugin suite, but unfortunately then claims
       | that they also "sound really good".
       | People should be aware that we (the developers of Ardour)
       | _STRONGLY_ recommend against the use of the CALF plugin suite.
       | Not only do numerous of these plugins have basic DSP mistakes in
       | them, but they are also one of the most regular source of crashes
       | for Ardour users.
       | There are better alternatives for every single plugin the CALF
       | suite, and we encourage you to use try them, even if they don't
       | look quite so "pretty".
         | AndrewUnmuted wrote:
         | Ah, yes, I remember the days when I would try to use the CALF
         | Reverb plugin, only to have its use result in numerous "audio
         | explosions" while working on mixes. Luckily none of my gear
         | ever got damaged but it was possible given the wacky setup I
         | was using at the time.
         | I discovered the Dragonfly Reverb [0] at some point and I never
         | looked back.
         | PS, every time I encounter you on the internet I make sure to
         | say, THANK YOU for Ardour!
         | [0] https://github.com/michaelwillis/dragonfly-reverb
         | ubercow13 wrote:
         | Is there a list of suggestions or alternatives for Ardour?
           | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
           | We don't keep this list as up to date as I'd like:
           | https://manual.ardour.org/working-with-plugins/getting-
           | plugi...
         | andrewzah wrote:
         | There are better alternatives for every single plugin the CALF
         | suite"
         | Is there a list of these anywhere?
           | grawprog wrote:
           | Check out the LSP plugins. Don't think they can replace all
           | calf plugins but I've been starting to replace the calf
           | plugins I use with them. I like their equalizers better than
           | the calf ones. Been starting to check out their filters.
           | Their room builder looks pretty awesome but I haven't played
           | with it.
           | https://lsp-plug.in/
         | rekado wrote:
         | Honest author here -- I'm very happy that you noticed my humble
         | blog post! I'm a big fan of Ardour and have been using it in my
         | amateurish ways on and off since 200...7?
         | I wasn't aware of the Calf plugins being a source of crashes.
         | Recent versions of Ardour have _never_ crashed on me (different
         | story for earlier versions).  "Basic DSP mistakes" also sounds
         | alarming. I'll take note of that for future projects.
         | Perhaps the pretty UI could be adapted for suggested
         | alternatives. It would help all those superficial people like
         | me to migrate :)
         | On a more serious note I like how _intuitive_ the Calf UI is;
         | almost every plugin lays out its primary parameters in a way
         | that is very compatible with how I approach my work. I 'm a
         | command line person, so I certainly could make do with
         | automatically generated interfaces from the LV2 manifests, but
         | ... I try to shed my developer persona when having fun with
         | audio, so anything pretty that keeps me from thinking too much
         | helps to keep me in the zone.
           | afro88 wrote:
           | > "Basic DSP mistakes" also sounds alarming.
           | It does, but as a musician, I don't think anyone should care
           | so much about this. If you like how it sounds, and it's
           | working in your productions - great!
             | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
             | Zipper noise when adjusting parameters? This is about as
             | basic as it gets. If you can't hear it, you probably
             | shouldn't be mixing your own music, because lots of other
             | people will.
             | (of course, "DSP mistakes" can often be used creatively and
             | there's nothing wrong with that)
               | te_chris wrote:
               | Dude, chill. End result is what matters, if it's music,
               | it's music.
               | soperj wrote:
               | Lol. The guy wrote Ardour. Might know a thing or two.
       | grawprog wrote:
       | I'm curious about why the author's using Jack1 rather than Jack2.
       | Is Jack2 not available for guix? Jack1 has a bunch of limitations
       | compared to jack2 and hasn't been in active development for a
       | while apart from bugfixes.
       | In general though, it looks much the same as music production on
       | linux, which I absolutely love the workflow of.
       | Being able to arbitrarily patch the inputs and outputs to any
       | other input and output between jack aware software is honestly
       | one of the coolest things i've seen.
       | I started making music on the computer back on windows. After
       | switching to linux for regular usage, I started looking into
       | music production stuff, as soon as I figured out how it all
       | worked, i was amazed. I couldn't imagine going back to a system
       | where you're confined to a DAW.
       | Your entire computer becomes one big modular DAW that you can
       | combine nearly endlessly.
       | There may not be as wide a selection of proprietary plugins as on
       | windows or Mac, but what is there can be up there in quality and
       | there's so many available, you're bound to find something with a
       | sound you like.
       | The calf plugins mentioned in the article are phenomenal. Also a
       | fan of the LSP plugins, the togu audio line ones are always
       | pretty decent.
       | There's a ton available and new ones appearing all the time.
       | https://www.kvraudio.com/plugins/the-newest-plugins/linux
         | AndrewUnmuted wrote:
         | > I'm curious about why the author's using Jack1 rather than
         | Jack2. Is Jack2 not available for guix? Jack1 has a bunch of
         | limitations compared to jack2 and hasn't been in active
         | development for a while apart from bugfixes.
         | I write in a rambling little post I made last year about my
         | Linux audio mastering workflow [0],
         | >> We will be using jack2 because using jack1 in 2019 is
         | stupid! The multi-threading, MIDI, and other various features
         | of jack2 are deal-breakers, not nice-to-haves.
         | In my experience, the need for jack2 is amplified even further
         | when you want to work with modern plugins like the ones you
         | mention at KVR.
         | > Being able to arbitrarily patch the inputs and outputs to any
         | other input and output between jack aware software is honestly
         | one of the coolest things i've seen.
         | Indeed! When I was a studying audio engineering at university
         | this was a huge revelation and few of the professors &
         | professionals I was surrounded by had any idea this
         | functionality was out there. The fact that it was FOSS blew
         | their minds.
         | If you want to go even further down the modularity rabbit hole,
         | check out non-daw [1].
         | [0] https://grathwohl.me/2019/05/05/linuxmasteringflow-1.html
         | [1] https://non.tuxfamily.org/
           | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
           | JACK2's benefits over JACK1 are:                  * dbus
           | integration        * multi-core parallelism        * click-
           | free port connect/disconnect
           | But: the first only matters on systems with PulseAudio
           | installed (or where you insist on being able to use dbus to
           | control JACK). The second only matters if you have actual
           | parallel signal flows, which many people do not. The third is
           | only possible if you run JACK2 in non-sync mode, which adds
           | an extra cycle of latency.
           | JACK1's continuing benefits over JACK2:                  *
           | integration of a2jmidid so no need to use separate tools to
           | make MIDI devices visible        * integration of zita-a2j
           | making it easy to use multiple audio devices from a single
           | JACK instance
           | I believe that Filipe, the current maintainer of both JACK
           | versions, plans to unify these features.
           | mxmilkb wrote:
           | > If you want to go even further down the modularity rabbit
           | hole, check out non-daw
           | falkTX (of KXStudio/Carla/JACK/etc) made a fork of non-mixer
           | that supports LV2 plugins;
           | https://github.com/falktx/non
           | Even deeper is JACK/LV2 CV;
           | https://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=20701
           | grawprog wrote:
           | I've used non, I like it and I like the idea, I wasn't really
           | a fan of the ui though. I used non-sequencer for a bit but
           | ended up switching to muse and rosegarden before Ardour got
           | midi. I find it almost a bit too modular. I do like the idea
           | of having ardour as an end point for various things.
           | I tend to sequence and record audio into ardour then do some
           | processing and mixing there.
           | Then I'll mixdown in ardour then patch that track through
           | jamin into a new ardour track for mastering.
           | I find that setup still gives me flexibility while having a
           | sort of centralized 'master console' or something.
             | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
             | jamin ... i hate to be a nag, but _please_ _please_
             | _please_ stop using this software. Conceptually it 's a
             | cool application, but the DSP artifacts it generates are
             | just awful.
             | There are plugins you can use within Ardour that will do a
             | much better job than jamin.
               | grawprog wrote:
               | Could you point me to some? I started using jamin when it
               | was pretty much the only mastering available, if there's
               | something better now I'd like to check them out.
               | PaulDavisThe1st wrote:
               | The Harrison XT plugins would be the obvious thing to
               | point to, though they are not FLOSS.
               | LSP multiband compressor. x42 limiter. Zam multiband
               | compressor.
         | rekado wrote:
         | Author here. I use JACK 1 because it serves me well enough. I
         | don't need the DBus features JACK 2 has, for example. Up until
         | recently the recommendation was to use whichever version you
         | want; now I just checked and the JACK authors recommend the use
         | of JACK 2.
         | JACK 2 is, of course, available in Guix and has been for a long
         | time.
           | grawprog wrote:
           | Fair enough. Makes sense. Thanks for responding and for your
           | article. I did enjoy the read. It's always good to see more
           | stuff on FOSS music production and see how other people work.
       | jfb wrote:
       | This is the nerdiest thing I've seen in a long, long, long time
       | (a _Chapman Stick_?!?) and I _love it_.
       (page generated 2020-11-26 23:00 UTC)